Measure for Measure

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Elbow, Clowne, Officers.Enter Elbow, Pompey, and Officers MM III.ii.1
Nay, if there be no remedy for it, but that you willNay, if there be no remedy for it but that you will MM III.ii.1
needes buy and sell men and women like beasts, we shallneeds buy and sell men and women like beasts, we shall MM III.ii.2
haue all the world drinke browne & white bastard.have all the world drink brown and white bastard.bastard (n.)
variety of sweet Spanish wine
MM III.ii.3
Duk. DUKE 
Oh heauens, what stuffe is heere.O heavens, what stuff is here?stuff (n.)

old form: stuffe
people, rabble
MM III.ii.4
Twas neuer merry world since of two vsuries'Twas never merry world since, of two usuries,usury (n.)

old form: vsuries
way of dealing with money, financial practice
MM III.ii.5
the merriest was put downe, and the worser allow'd bythe merriest was put down, and the worser allowed by MM III.ii.6
order of Law; a fur'd gowne to keepe him warme; andorder of law a furred gown to keep him warm; and MM III.ii.7
furd with Foxe and Lamb-skins too, to signifie, that craftfurred with fox and lamb skins too, to signify that craft, MM III.ii.8
being richer then Innocency, stands for the facing.being richer than innocency, stands for the facing.innocency (n.)
MM III.ii.9
stand for (v.)
defend, uphold, protect, support
facing (n.)
trimming, adorning, decking out
Come your way sir: 'blesse you good Father Frier.Come your way, sir. Bless you, good father friar. MM III.ii.10
Duk. DUKE 
And you good Brother Father; what offence hathAnd you, good brother father. What offence hath MM III.ii.11
this man made you, Sir?this man made you, sir? MM III.ii.12
Marry Sir, he hath offended the Law; and Sir, weMarry, sir, he hath offended the law. And, sir, wemarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MM III.ii.13
take him to be a Theefe too Sir: for wee haue found vpontake him to be a thief too, sir, for we have found upon MM III.ii.14
him Sir, a strange Pick-lock, which we haue sent to thehim, sir, a strange picklock, which we have sent to thepicklock (n.)

old form: Pick-lock
instrument for picking locks
MM III.ii.15
Deputie.deputy. MM III.ii.16
Duke. DUKE 
Fie, sirrah, a Bawd, a wicked bawd,Fie, sirrah, a bawd, a wicked bawd!sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
MM III.ii.17
bawd (n.)
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
The euill that thou causest to be done,The evil that thou causest to be done, MM III.ii.18
That is thy meanes to liue. Do thou but thinkeThat is thy means to live. Do thou but think MM III.ii.19
What 'tis to cram a maw, or cloath a backeWhat 'tis to cram a maw or clothe a backmaw (n.)
belly, stomach; throat, gullet
MM III.ii.20
From such a filthie vice: say to thy selfe,From such a filthy vice. Say to thyself, MM III.ii.21
From their abhominable and beastly touchesFrom their abominable and beastly touches MM III.ii.22
I drinke, I eate away my selfe, and liue:I drink, I eat, array myself, and live.array (v.)
clothe, dress, attire
MM III.ii.23
Canst thou beleeue thy liuing is a life,Canst thou believe thy living is a life, MM III.ii.24
So stinkingly depending? Go mend, go mend.So stinkingly depending? Go mend, go mend.mend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
MM III.ii.25
Indeed, it do's stinke in some sort, Sir: / But yetIndeed, it does stink in some sort, sir, but yet,sort (n.)
way, manner
MM III.ii.26
Sir I would proue.sir, I would prove –  MM III.ii.27
Duke. DUKE 
Nay, if the diuell haue giuen thee proofs for sinNay, if the devil have given thee proofs for sin, MM III.ii.28
Thou wilt proue his. Take him to prison Officer:Thou wilt prove his. Take him to prison, officer. MM III.ii.29
Correction, and Instruction must both workeCorrection and instruction must both workwork (v.), past form wrought

old form: worke
happen, proceed, come about
MM III.ii.30
Ere this rude beast will profit. Ere this rude beast will profit.rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
MM III.ii.31
He must before the Deputy Sir, he ha's giuen himHe must before the deputy, sir. He has given him MM III.ii.32
warning: the Deputy cannot abide a Whore-master: if hewarning. The deputy cannot abide a whoremaster. If hewhoremaster (n.)

old form: Whore-master
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
MM III.ii.33
be a Whore-monger, and comes before him, he were asbe a whoremonger, and comes before him, he were aswhoremonger (n.)

old form: Whore-monger
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
MM III.ii.34
good go a mile on his errand.good go a mile on his errand. MM III.ii.35
Duke. DUKE 
That we were all, as some would seeme to beeThat we were all, as some would seem to be, MM III.ii.36
From our faults, as faults from seeming free.Free from our faults, as faults from seeming free.seeming (n.)
deceptive appearance, two-faced behaviour, pretence
MM III.ii.37
Enter Lucio.Enter Lucio MM III.ii.38.1
His necke will come to your wast, a Cord sir.His neck will come to your waist – a cord, sir.waist (n.)

old form: wast
belt, girdle
MM III.ii.38
I spy comfort, I cry baile: Here's a Gentleman, andI spy comfort, I cry bail. Here's a gentleman andcomfort (n.)
encouragement, support, hope
MM III.ii.39
a friend of mine.a friend of mine. MM III.ii.40
How now noble Pompey? What, at the wheels of How now, noble Pompey? What, at the wheels of MM III.ii.41
Casar? Art thou led in triumph? What is there noneCaesar? Art thou led in triumph? What, is there none MM III.ii.42
of Pigmalions Images newly made woman to bee hadof Pygmalion's images, newly made woman, to be hadimage (n.)
effigy, statue, sculpture
MM III.ii.43
now, for putting the hand in the pocket, and extractingnow, for putting the hand in the pocket and extracting MM III.ii.44
clutch'd? What reply? Ha? What saist thou to thisit clutched? What reply? Ha? What say'st thou to thisclutch (v.)

old form: clutch'd
clench, close
MM III.ii.45
Tune, Matter, and Method? Is't not drown'd i'th lasttune, matter, and method? Is't not drowned i'th' lasttune (n.)
fashionable speech, jargon
MM III.ii.46
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
raine? Ha? What saist thou Trot? Is the world as it wasrain, ha? What say'st thou, trot? Is the world as it was,trot (n.)
old woman, hag
MM III.ii.47
Man? Which is the way? Is it sad, and few words?man? Which is the way? Is it sad, and few words?sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
MM III.ii.48
Or how? The tricke of it?Or how? The trick of it?trick (n.)

old form: tricke
habit, characteristic, typical behaviour
MM III.ii.49
Duke. DUKE 
Still thus, and thus: still worse?Still thus, and thus, still worse? MM III.ii.50
How doth my deere Morsell, thy Mistris? Procures How doth my dear morsel, thy mistress? Procuresmorsel (n.)

old form: Morsell
dish, mouthful, piece of flesh
MM III.ii.51
she still? Ha?she still, ha? MM III.ii.52
Troth sir, shee hath eaten vp all her beefe, andTroth, sir, she hath eaten up all her beef, andtroth, good troth (n.)
exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed
MM III.ii.53
she is her selfe in the tub.she is herself in the tub.tub (n.)
sweating-tub [for curing venereal disease]
MM III.ii.54
Why 'tis good: It is the right of it: it must be so.Why, 'tis good. It is the right of it. It must be so. MM III.ii.55
Euer your fresh Whore, and your pouder'd Baud, anEver your fresh whore and your powdered bawd. Anpowdered (adj.)
seasoned, salted, well-spiced
MM III.ii.56
bawd (n.)
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
vnshun'd consequence, it must be so. Art going tounshunned consequence, it must be so. Art going tounshunned (adj.)

old form: vnshun'd
unshunnable, unavoidable
MM III.ii.57
prison Pompey?prison, Pompey? MM III.ii.58
Yes faith sir.Yes, faith, sir. MM III.ii.59
Why 'tis not amisse Pompey: farewell: goe say I Why, 'tis not amiss, Pompey. Farewell. Go, say I MM III.ii.60
sent thee thether: for debt Pompey? Or how?sent thee thither. For debt, Pompey? Or how? MM III.ii.61
For being a baud, for being a baud.For being a bawd, for being a bawd. MM III.ii.62
Well, then imprison him: If imprisonment be theWell, then, imprison him. If imprisonment be the MM III.ii.63
due of a baud, why 'tis his right. Baud is he doubtlesse,due of a bawd, why, 'tis his right. Bawd is he doubtless, MM III.ii.64
and of antiquity too: Baud borne. Farwell goodand of antiquity too; bawd-born. Farewell, good MM III.ii.65
Pompey: Commend me to the prison Pompey, you willPompey. Commend me to the prison, Pompey. You willcommend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
MM III.ii.66
turne good husband now Pompey, you will keepe theturn good husband now, Pompey. You will keep thehusband (n.)
housekeeper, steward, domestic manager
MM III.ii.67 MM III.ii.68
I hope Sir, your good Worship wil be my baile?I hope, sir, your good worship will be my bail. MM III.ii.69
No indeed wil I not Pompey, it is not the wear: INo, indeed will I not, Pompey; it is not the wear. Iwear (n.)
fashion, vogue, trend
MM III.ii.70
will pray (Pompey) to encrease your bondage if youwill pray, Pompey, to increase your bondage. If you MM III.ii.71
take it not patiently: Why, your mettle is the more:take it not patiently, why, your mettle is the more. MM III.ii.72
Adieu trustie Pompey. / Blesse you Friar.Adieu, trusty Pompey. Bless you, friar. MM III.ii.73
Duke. DUKE 
And you.And you. MM III.ii.74
Do's Bridget paint still, Pompey? Ha?Does Bridget paint still, Pompey, ha? MM III.ii.75
Come your waies sir, come.Come your ways, sir, come.ways, come thy / your

old form: waies
come along
MM III.ii.76
You will not baile me then Sir?You will not bail me then, sir? MM III.ii.77
Then Pompey, nor now: what newes abroad Then, Pompey, nor now. What news abroad, MM III.ii.78
Frier? What newes?friar, what news? MM III.ii.79
Come your waies sir, come.Come your ways, sir, come. MM III.ii.80
Goe to kennell (Pompey) goe:Go to kennel, Pompey, go. MM III.ii.81
Exeunt Elbow, Pompey, and Officers MM III.ii.81
What newes Frier of the Duke?What news, friar, of the Duke? MM III.ii.82
Duke. DUKE 
I know none: can you tell me of any?I know none. Can you tell me of any? MM III.ii.83
Some say he is with the Emperor of Russia: otherSome say he is with the Emperor of Russia; other MM III.ii.84
some, he is in Rome: but where is he thinke you?some, he is in Rome. But where is he, think you? MM III.ii.85
Duke. DUKE 
I know not where: but wheresoeuer, I wish himI know not where, but wheresoever, I wish him MM III.ii.86
well.well. MM III.ii.87
It was a mad fantasticall tricke of him to steale fromIt was a mad fantastical trick of him to steal fromfantastical (adj.)

old form: fantasticall
fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas
MM III.ii.88
the State, and vsurpe the beggerie hee was neuer borne to:the state, and usurp the beggary he was never born to. MM III.ii.89
Lord Angelo Dukes it well in his absence: he putsLord Angelo dukes it well in his absence. He putsput to it

old form: too
put to the proof, make trial of
MM III.ii.90
duke it (v.)
act the duke, play the part of a duke
transgression too't.transgression to't. MM III.ii.91
Duke. DUKE 
He do's well in't.He does well in't. MM III.ii.92
A little more lenitie to Lecherie would doe no harmeA little more lenity to lechery would do no harm MM III.ii.93
in him: Something too crabbed that way, him. Something too crabbed that way, friar.something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
MM III.ii.94
crabbed (adj.)
harsh, unpalatable, bitter
Duk. DUKE 
It is too general a vice, and seueritie must cure it.It is too general a vice, and severity must cure it. MM III.ii.95
Yes in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred;Yes, in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred.sooth (n.)
truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
MM III.ii.96
it is well allied, but it is impossible to extirpe it quite,It is well allied, but it is impossible to extirp it quite,extirp (v.)

old form: extirpe
root out, eradicate, eliminate
MM III.ii.97
allied (adj.)
related, connected
Frier, till eating and drinking be put downe. They say this friar, till eating and drinking be put down. They say this MM III.ii.98
Angelo was not made by Man and Woman, after thisAngelo was not made by man and woman after this MM III.ii.99
downe-right way of Creation: is it true, thinke you?downright way of creation. Is it true, think you?downright (adj.)

old form: downe-right
plain, ordinary, straightforward
MM III.ii.100
Duke. DUKE 
How should he be made then?How should he be made, then? MM III.ii.101
Some report, a Sea-maid spawn'd him. Some, thatSome report a sea-maid spawned him. Some thatsea-maid (n.)
mermaid, sea-nymph
MM III.ii.102
he was begot betweene two Stock-fishes. But it is certaine,he was begot between two stockfishes. But it is certainstockfish (n.)

old form: Stock-fishes
dried cod
MM III.ii.103
that when he makes water, his Vrine is congeal'd ice,that when he makes water his urine is congealed ice. MM III.ii.104
that I know to bee true: and he is a motion generatiue,That I know to be true. And he is a motion generative.motion (n.)
MM III.ii.105
generative (adj.)

old form: generatiue
male, capable of generation
ungenerative (adj.)
[variant reading] lacking the power of generation, impotent
that's infallible.That's infallible.infallible (adj.)
unquestionable, definite, certain
MM III.ii.106
Duke. DUKE 
You are pleasant sir, and speake apace.You are pleasant, sir, and speak apace.pleasant (adj.)
facetious, joking, droll
MM III.ii.107
apace (adv.)
quickly, speedily, at a great rate
Why, what a ruthlesse thing is this in him, for theWhy, what a ruthless thing is this in him, for the MM III.ii.108
rebellion of a Cod-peece, to take away the life of a man?rebellion of a codpiece to take away the life of a man!codpiece, cod-piece (n.)

old form: Cod-peece
MM III.ii.109
Would the Duke that is absent haue done this? Ere heWould the Duke that is absent have done this? Ere he MM III.ii.110
would haue hang'd a man for the getting a hundredwould have hanged a man for the getting a hundredgetting (n.)
begetting, procreation, breeding
MM III.ii.111
Bastards, he would haue paide for the Nursing a thousand.bastards, he would have paid for the nursing a thousand. MM III.ii.112
He had some feeling of the sport, hee knew the seruice,He had some feeling of the sport. He knew the service,sport (n.)
sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance
MM III.ii.113
and that instructed him to mercie.and that instructed him to mercy. MM III.ii.114
Duke. DUKE 
I neuer heard the absent Duke much detected forI never heard the absent Duke much detected fordetect (v.)
accuse, censure, condemn
MM III.ii.115
Women, he was not enclin'd that way.women. He was not inclined that way. MM III.ii.116
Oh Sir, you are deceiu'd.O, sir, you are deceived. MM III.ii.117
Duke. DUKE 
'Tis not possible.'Tis not possible. MM III.ii.118
Who, not the Duke? Yes, your beggar of fifty:Who? Not the Duke? Yes, your beggar of fifty, MM III.ii.119
and his vse was, to put a ducket in her Clack-dish; theand his use was to put a ducat in her clack-dish. Theducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
MM III.ii.120
use (n.)

old form: vse
usual practice, habit, custom
clack-dish (n.)
begging bowl with a lid that could be clacked to attract attention
Duke had Crochets in him. Hee would be drunke too,Duke had crotchets in him. He would be drunk, too;crotchet (n.)

old form: Crochets
strange notion, perverse idea, whimsical fancy
MM III.ii.121
that let me informe you.that let me inform you. MM III.ii.122
Duke. DUKE 
You do him wrong, surely.You do him wrong, surely. MM III.ii.123
Sir, I was an inward of his: a shie fellow was theSir, I was an inward of his. A shy fellow was theshy (adj.)

old form: shie
wary, cautious, reserved
MM III.ii.124
inward (n.)
intimate friend, close acquaintance
Duke, and I beleeue I know the cause of hisDuke, and I believe I know the cause of his MM III.ii.125
withdrawing.withdrawing. MM III.ii.126
Duke. DUKE 
What (I prethee) might be the cause?What, I prithee, might be the cause? MM III.ii.127
No, pardon: 'Tis a secret must bee lockt withinNo, pardon. 'Tis a secret must be locked within MM III.ii.128
the teeth and the lippes: but this I can let you vnderstand,the teeth and the lips. But this I can let you understand, MM III.ii.129
the greater file of the subiect held the Duke to be wise.the greater file of the subject held the Duke to be wise.subject (n.)

old form: subiect
subjects, people [of a state]
MM III.ii.130
file (n.)
body, number
Duke. DUKE 
Wise? Why no question but he was.Wise? Why, no question but he was. MM III.ii.131
A very superficiall, ignorant, vnweighing fellowA very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow.unweighing (adj.)

old form: vnweighing
thoughtless, injudicious, undiscriminating
MM III.ii.132
Duke. DUKE 
Either this is Enuie in you, Folly, or mistaking: TheEither this is the envy in you, folly, or mistaking. Theenvy (n.)

old form: Enuie
malice, ill-will, enmity
MM III.ii.133
very streame of his life, and the businesse he hath helmed,very stream of his life and the business he hath helmedhelm (v.)
guide, steer, direct
MM III.ii.134
must vppon a warranted neede, giue him a better proclamation.must, upon a warranted need, give him a better proclamation.warranted (adj.)
justified, legitimate, rightful
MM III.ii.135
proclamation (n.)
reputation, favourable account, public standing
Let him be but testimonied in his owne bringings forth,Let him be but testimonied in his own bringings-forth,testimony (v.)
justify in the light of evidence, vindicate
MM III.ii.136
bringing-forth (n.)

old form: bringings forth
achievement, accomplishment, public deed
and hee shall appeare to the enuious, a Scholler, aand he shall appear to the envious a scholar, a MM III.ii.137
Statesman, and a Soldier: therefore you speake vnskilfully:statesman, and a soldier. Therefore you speak unskilfully;unskilfully (adv.)

old form: vnskilfully
ignorantly, foolishly, in an uninformed way
MM III.ii.138
or, if your knowledge bee more, it is muchor, if your knowledge be more, it is much MM III.ii.139
darkned in your malice.darkened in your malice. MM III.ii.140
Sir, I know him, and I loue him.Sir, I know him, and I love him. MM III.ii.141
Duke. DUKE 
Loue talkes with better knowledge, & knowledgeLove talks with better knowledge, and knowledge MM III.ii.142
with deare loue.with dearer love. MM III.ii.143
Come Sir, I know what I know.Come, sir, I know what I know. MM III.ii.144
Duke. DUKE 
I can hardly beleeue that, since you know not whatI can hardly believe that, since you know not what MM III.ii.145
you speake. But if euer the Duke returne (as our praiersyou speak. But if ever the Duke return – as our prayers MM III.ii.146
are he may) let mee desire you to make your answerare he may – let me desire you to make your answer MM III.ii.147
before him: if it bee honest you haue spoke, you hauebefore him. If it be honest you have spoke, you havehonest (adj.)
genuine, real, true
MM III.ii.148
courage to maintaine it; I am bound to call vppon you, andcourage to maintain it. I am bound to call upon you, and, MM III.ii.149
I pray you your name?I pray you, your name? MM III.ii.150
Sir my name is Lucio, wel known to the Duke.Sir, my name is Lucio, well known to the Duke. MM III.ii.151
Duke. DUKE 
He shall know you better Sir, if I may liue to reportHe shall know you better, sir, if I may live to report MM III.ii.152 MM III.ii.153
I feare you not.I fear you not. MM III.ii.154
Duke. DUKE 
O, you hope the Duke will returne no more: or youO, you hope the Duke will return no more, or you MM III.ii.155
imagine me to vnhurtfull an opposite: but indeed I canimagine me too unhurtful an opposite. But indeed I canopposite (n.)
opponent, adversary, anatagonist
MM III.ii.156
unhurtful (adj.)

old form: vnhurtfull
harmless, innocuous, incapable of causing injury
doe you little harme: You'll for-sweare this againe?do you little harm; you'll forswear this again.forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: for-sweare
deny, repudiate, refuse to admit
MM III.ii.157
Ile be hang'd first: Thou art deceiu'd in mee Friar.I'll be hanged first. Thou art deceived in me, friar. MM III.ii.158
But no more of this: Canst thou tell if Claudio dieBut no more of this. Canst thou tell if Claudio die MM III.ii.159
to morrow, or no?tomorrow or no? MM III.ii.160
Duke. DUKE 
Why should he die Sir?Why should he die, sir? MM III.ii.161
Why? For filling a bottle with a Tunne-dish: / I wouldWhy? For filling a bottle with a tun-dish. I wouldtun-dish (n.)

old form: Tunne-dish
[brewing] type of funnel fitting into the bung-hole of a cask [tun]
MM III.ii.162
the Duke we talke of were return'd againe: thisthe Duke we talk of were returned again. This MM III.ii.163
vngenitur'd Agent will vn-people the Prouince withungenitured agent will unpeople the province withunpeople (v.)

old form: vn-people
empty of people, depopulate
MM III.ii.164
ungenitured (adj.)

old form: vngenitur'd
lacking genitals, sterile, impotent
Continencie. Sparrowes must not build in his house-eeues,continency. Sparrows must not build in his house-eavescontinency (n.)

old form: Continencie
continence, sexual abstinence, self-restraint
MM III.ii.165
because they are lecherous: The Duke yet would hauebecause they are lecherous. The Duke yet would have MM III.ii.166
darke deeds darkelie answered, hee would neuer bringdark deeds darkly answered. He would never bring MM III.ii.167
them to light: would hee were return'd. Marrie this them to light. Would he were returned. Marry, this MM III.ii.168
Claudio is condemned for vntrussing. Farwell goodClaudio is condemned for untrussing. Farewell, gooduntrussing (n.)

old form: vntrussing
undoing the points attaching hose to doublet, dropping one's breeches
MM III.ii.169
Friar, I prethee pray for me: The Duke (I say to theefriar. I prithee, pray for me. The Duke, I say to thee MM III.ii.170
againe) would eate Mutton on Fridaies. He's now past it,again, would eat mutton on Fridays. He's not past itmutton (n.)
prostitute, courtesan
MM III.ii.171
yet (and I say to thee) hee would mouth with a beggar,yet, and I say to thee, he would mouth with a beggar,mouth (v.)
join mouths, kiss erotically, snog
MM III.ii.172
though she smelt browne-bread and Garlicke: say that I though she smelt brown bread and garlic. Say that I MM III.ii.173
said so: Farewell.said so. Farewell. MM III.ii.174
Exit.Exit MM III.ii.174
Duke. DUKE 
No might, nor greatnesse in mortalityNo might nor greatness in mortalitymortality (n.)
mortal nature, human life
MM III.ii.175
Can censure scape: Back-wounding calumnieCan censure 'scape; back-wounding calumnyscape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
MM III.ii.176
censure (n.)
condemnation, blame, stricture
The whitest vertue strikes. What King so strong,The whitest virtue strikes. What king so strong MM III.ii.177
Can tie the gall vp in the slanderous tong?Can tie the gall up in the slanderous tongue?gall (n.)
bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness
MM III.ii.178
But who comes heere?But who comes here? MM III.ii.179
Enter Escalus, Prouost, and Bawd.Enter Escalus, Provost, and Officers with Mistress MM III.ii.180.1
Overdone MM III.ii.180.2
Go, away with her to prison.Go! Away with her to prison. MM III.ii.180
Good my Lord be good to mee,Good my lord, be good to me. MM III.ii.181
your Honor is accounted a mercifull man: good myYour honour is accounted a merciful man, good my MM III.ii.182
Lord.lord. MM III.ii.183
Double, and trebble admonition, and still forfeiteDouble and treble admonition, and still forfeitforfeit (v.)

old form: forfeite
sin, transgress, do wrong
MM III.ii.184
admonition (n.)
warning, cautioning, exhortation
in the same kinde? This would make mercy sweare andin the same kind? This would make mercy swear, andkind (n.)

old form: kinde
manner, way, state
MM III.ii.185
play the the tyrant. MM III.ii.186
A Bawd of eleuen yeares continuance, may itA bawd of eleven years' continuance, may itbawd (n.)
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
MM III.ii.187
please your Honor.please your honour. MM III.ii.188
My Lord, this is one Lucio's My lord, this is one Lucio's MM III.ii.189
information against me, Mistris Kate Keepe-downe information against me. Mistress Kate Keepdown MM III.ii.190
was with childe by him in the Dukes time, he promis'd herwas with child by him in the Duke's time. He promised her MM III.ii.191
marriage: his Childe is a yeere and a quarter olde come marriage. His child is a year and a quarter old, come MM III.ii.192
Philip and Iacob: I haue kept it my selfe; and see how heePhilip and Jacob. I have kept it myself, and see how hePhilip and Jacob
in Christian tradtion, the feast of St Philip and St James, 1 May
MM III.ii.193
goes about to abuse me.goes about to abuse me. MM III.ii.194
That fellow is a fellow of much License: Let himThat fellow is a fellow of much licence. Let himlicence (n.)

old form: License
licentiousness, immorality, promiscuity
MM III.ii.195
be call'd before vs, Away with her to prison: Goe too, nobe called before us. Away with her to prison. Go to, no MM III.ii.196
more words.more words. MM III.ii.197
Exeunt Officers with Mistress Overdone MM III.ii.197
Prouost, my Brother Angelo will not be alter'd, Claudio Provost, my brother Angelo will not be altered. Claudio MM III.ii.198
must die to morrow: Let him be furnish'd with Diuines,must die tomorrow. Let him be furnished with divines,furnish (v.)

old form: furnish'd
provide, supply, possess
MM III.ii.199
divine (n.)

old form: Diuines
clergyman, priest, parson
and haue all charitable preparation. If my brotherand have all charitable preparation. If my brother MM III.ii.200
wrought by my pitie, it should not be so with him.wrought by my pity, it should not be so with (v.), past form wrought
act, behave, conduct oneself
MM III.ii.201
So please you, this Friar hath beene with him,So please you, this friar hath been with him, MM III.ii.202
and aduis'd him for th' entertainment of death.and advised him for th' entertainment of death.entertainment (n.)
manner of reception, way to handle
MM III.ii.203
Good' euen, good Father.Good even, good father. MM III.ii.204
Duke. DUKE 
Blisse, and goodnesse on you.Bliss and goodness on you! MM III.ii.205
Of whence are you? Of whence are you? MM III.ii.206
Duke. DUKE 
Not of this Countrie, though my chance is nowNot of this country, though my chance is now MM III.ii.207
To vse it for my time: I am a brotherTo use it for my time. I am a brothertime (n.)
circumstance, particular occasion
MM III.ii.208
Of gracious Order, late come from the Sea,Of gracious order, late come from the See, MM III.ii.209
In speciall businesse from his Holinesse. In special business from his Holiness. MM III.ii.210
What newes abroad i'th World?What news abroad i'th' world? MM III.ii.211
Duke. DUKE 
None, but that there is so great a Feauor on goodnesse,None, but that there is so great a fever on goodness MM III.ii.212
that the dissolution of it must cure it. Noueltie is onelythat the dissolution of it must cure it. Novelty is onlydissolution (n.)
total destruction, disintegration
MM III.ii.213
in request, and as it is as dangerous to be aged in any kindein request, and it is as dangerous to be aged in any kind MM III.ii.214
of course, as it is vertuous to be constant in any vndertaking.of course as it is virtuous to be constant in any undertaking.course (n.)
habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
MM III.ii.215
There is scarse truth enough aliue to makeThere is scarce truth enough alive to make MM III.ii.216
Societies secure, but Securitie enough to make Fellowshipssocieties secure, but security enough to make fellowships MM III.ii.217
accurst: Much vpon this riddle runs the wisedomeaccursed. Much upon this riddle runs the wisdom MM III.ii.218
of the world: This newes is old enough, yet it is euerieof the world. This news is old enough, yet it is every MM III.ii.219
daies newes. I pray you Sir, of what disposition was theday's news. I pray you, sir, of what disposition was thedisposition (n.)
natural temperament, normal state of mind
MM III.ii.220
Duke?Duke? MM III.ii.221
One, that aboue all other strifes, / ContendedOne that, above all other strifes, contendedstrife (n.)
striving, endeavour, strong effort
MM III.ii.222
contend (v.)
fight, engage in combat, struggle
especially to know himselfe.especially to know himself. MM III.ii.223
Duke. DUKE 
What pleasure was he giuen to?What pleasure was he given to? MM III.ii.224
Rather reioycing to see another merry, thenRather rejoicing to see another merry than MM III.ii.225
merrie at anie thing which profest to make him reioice.merry at anything which professed to make him rejoice: MM III.ii.226
A Gentleman of all temperance. But leaue wee him to hisa gentleman of all temperance. But leave we him to histemperance (n.)
self-control, calm behaviour, moderation
MM III.ii.227
euents, with a praier they may proue prosperous, &events, with a prayer they may prove prosperous, andevent (n.)

old form: euents
outcome, issue, consequence
MM III.ii.228
let me desire to know, how you finde Claudio prepar'd?let me desire to know how you find Claudio prepared. MM III.ii.229
I am made to vnderstand, that you haue lent himI am made to understand that you have lent himlend (v.)
give, grant, bestow [on]
MM III.ii.230
visitation.visitation.visitation (n.)
MM III.ii.231
Duke. DUKE 
He professes to haue receiued no sinister measureHe professes to have received no sinister measuremeasure (n.)
punishment, treatment, retribution
MM III.ii.232
sinister (adj.)
unjust, unfair, underhand
from his Iudge, but most willingly humbles himselfefrom his judge, but most willingly humbles himself MM III.ii.233
to the determination of Iustice: yet had he framed toto the determination of justice. Yet had he framed toframe (v.)
fashion, make, form, create
MM III.ii.234
himselfe (by the instruction of his frailty) manie deceyuinghimself, by the instruction of his frailty, many deceivinginstruction (n.)
prompting, suggestion, insinuation
MM III.ii.235
promises of life, which I (by my good leisure) hauepromises of life, which I, by my good leisure, have MM III.ii.236
discredited to him, and now is he resolu'd to die.discredited to him, and now is he resolved to die.resolved (adj.)

old form: resolu'd
determined, settled, decided
MM III.ii.237
You haue paid the heauens your Function, andYou have paid the heavens your function, and MM III.ii.238
the prisoner the verie debt of your Calling. I hauethe prisoner the very debt of your calling. I have MM III.ii.239
labour'd for the poore Gentleman, to the extremest shorelaboured for the poor gentleman to the extremest shoreshore (n.)
limit, border, bound
MM III.ii.240
of my modestie, but my brother-Iustice haue I found soof my modesty, but my brother-justice have I found somodesty (n.)

old form: modestie
propriety, protocol, seemly behaviour
MM III.ii.241
seuere, that he hath forc'd me to tell him, hee is indeedesevere that he hath forced me to tell him he is indeed MM III.ii.242
Iustice.Justice. MM III.ii.243
Duke. DUKE 
If his owne life, / Answere the straitnesse of his proceeding,If his own life answer the straitness of his proceeding,straitness (n.)

old form: straitnesse
severity, strictness, rigour
MM III.ii.244
answer (v.)

old form: Answere
live up to, correspond to, be equal to
It shall become him well: wherein if he chance toit shall become him well; wherein if he chance tobecome (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
MM III.ii.245
faile he hath sentenc'd, he hath sentenced himself. MM III.ii.246
I am going to visit the prisoner, Fare you well. I am going to visit the prisoner. Fare you well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
MM III.ii.247
Duke. DUKE 
Peace be with you.Peace be with you! MM III.ii.248
Exeunt Escalus and Provost MM III.ii.248
He who the sword of Heauen will beare,He who the sword of heaven will bear MM III.ii.249
Should be as holy, as seueareShould be as holy as severe; MM III.ii.250
Patterne in himselfe to know,Pattern in himself to know, MM III.ii.251
Grace to stand, and Vertue go:Grace to stand, and virtue go;stand (v.)
continue, remain, wait, stay put
MM III.ii.252
More, nor lesse to others paying,More nor less to others paying MM III.ii.253
Then by selfe-offences weighing.Than by self-offences weighing. MM III.ii.254
Shame to him, whose cruell striking,Shame to him whose cruel striking MM III.ii.255
Kils for faults of his owne liking:Kills for faults of his own liking. MM III.ii.256
Twice trebble shame on Angelo,Twice treble shame on Angelo, MM III.ii.257
To weede my vice, and let his grow.To weed my vice and let his grow. MM III.ii.258
Oh, what may Man within him hide,O, what may man within him hide, MM III.ii.259
Though Angel on the outward side?Though angel on the outward side? MM III.ii.260
How may likenesse made in crimes,How may likeness made in crimes, MM III.ii.261
Making practise on the Times,Making practice on the times,practice (n.)

old form: practise
trickery, treachery
MM III.ii.262
To draw with ydle Spiders stringsTo draw with idle spiders' stringsdraw (v.)
bring together, draw in, gather
MM III.ii.263
Most ponderous and substantiall things?Most ponderous and substantial things! MM III.ii.264
Craft against vice, I must applie.Craft against vice I must apply. MM III.ii.265
With Angelo to night shall lyeWith Angelo tonight shall lie MM III.ii.266
His old betroathed (but despised:)His old betrothed, but despised: MM III.ii.267
So disguise shall by th' disguisedSo disguise shall by th' disguised MM III.ii.268
Pay with falshood, false exacting,Pay with falsehood, false exacting,false (adj.)
unfair, unjust, double-crossing
MM III.ii.269
And performe an olde contracting. And perform an old contracting.contracting (n.)
marriage contract, betrothal
MM III.ii.270
ExitExit MM III.ii.270
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