All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Countesse and ClowneEnter the Countess and the Clown AW III.ii.1
It hath happen'd all, as I would haue had it, It hath happened all as I would have had it, AW III.ii.1
saue that he comes not along with that he comes not along with her. AW III.ii.2
By my troth I take my young Lord to be a verieBy my troth, I take my young lord to be a verytroth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
AW III.ii.3
melancholly man.melancholy man. AW III.ii.4
By what obseruance I pray you.By what observance, I pray you?observance (n.)

old form: obseruance
powers of observation
AW III.ii.5
Why he will looke vppon his boote, and sing: mendWhy, he will look upon his boot and sing, mend AW III.ii.6
the Ruffe and sing, aske questions and sing, picke his teeth,the ruff and sing, ask questions and sing, pick his teethruff (n.)

old form: Ruffe
ruffle, flap of a top-boot
AW III.ii.7
and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of melancholyand sing. I knew a man that had this trick of melancholytrick (n.)

old form: tricke
habit, characteristic, typical behaviour
AW III.ii.8
hold a goodly Mannor for a song.hold a goodly manor for a song.manor (n.)

old form: Mannor
country house, mansion, estate
AW III.ii.9
hold (v.)
wager, offer as a bet
goodly (adj.)
splendid, excellent, fine
Let me see what he writes, and when heLet me see what he writes, and when he AW III.ii.10
meanes to come.means to come. AW III.ii.11
She opens the letter AW III.ii.12
I haue no minde to Isbell since I was at Court. OurI have no mind to Isbel since I was at court. Our AW III.ii.12
old Lings, and our Isbels a'th Country, are nothing likeold lings and our Isbels o'th' country are nothing likeling, old
[person resembling] salted cod
AW III.ii.13
your old Ling and your Isbels a'th Court: the brains ofyour old ling and your Isbels o'th' court. The brains of AW III.ii.14
my Cupid's knock'd out, and I beginne to loue, as an oldmy Cupid's knocked out, and I begin to love as an oldCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
AW III.ii.15
man loues money, with no loves money, with no stomach.stomach (n.)

old form: stomacke
appetite, desire [for food]
AW III.ii.16
What haue we heere?What have we here? AW III.ii.17
In that you haue there. E'en that you have there. AW III.ii.18
exitExit AW III.ii.18
A Letter. (reading the letter aloud) AW III.ii.19
I haue sent you a I have sent you a AW III.ii.19
daughter-in-Law, shee hath recouered the King, and vndone daughter-in-law; she hath recovered the King and undonerecover (v.)

old form: recouered
revive, restore to health
AW III.ii.20
undo (v.)

old form: vndone
ruin, destroy, wipe out
me: I haue wedded her, not bedded her, and sworne to make me. I have wedded her, not bedded her, and sworn to make AW III.ii.21
the not eternall. You shall heare I am runne away, know it the ‘ not ’ eternal. You shall hear I am run away; know it AW III.ii.22
before the report come. If there bee bredth enough in the before the report come. If there be breadth enough in the AW III.ii.23
world, I will hold a long distance. My duty to you. world I will hold a long distance. My duty to you. AW III.ii.24
Your vnfortunate sonne,Your unfortunate son, AW III.ii.25
Bertram.Bertram. AW III.ii.26
This is not well rash and vnbridled boy,This is not well, rash and unbridled boy, AW III.ii.27
To flye the fauours of so good a King,To fly the favours of so good a King, AW III.ii.28
To plucke his indignation on thy head,To pluck his indignation on thy head AW III.ii.29
By the misprising of a Maide too vertuousBy the misprising of a maid too virtuousmisprising (n.)

old form: misprising
despising, slighting, holding in contempt
AW III.ii.30
For the contempt of Empire.For the contempt of empire.empire (n.)
AW III.ii.31
Enter Clowne.Enter Clown AW III.ii.32.1
O Madam, yonder is heauie newes within betweeneO madam, yonder is heavy news within, betweenheavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
AW III.ii.32
two souldiers, and my yong Ladie.two soldiers and my young lady. AW III.ii.33
What is the matter.What is the matter? AW III.ii.34
Nay there is some comfort in the newes, someNay, there is some comfort in the news, some AW III.ii.35
comfort, your sonne will not be kild so soone as I thoghtcomfort: your son will not be killed so soon as I thought AW III.ii.36
he would.he would. AW III.ii.37
Why should he be kill'd?Why should he be killed? AW III.ii.38
So say I Madame, if he runne away, as I heare heSo say I, madam, if he run away, as I hear he AW III.ii.39
does, the danger is in standing too't, that's the losse ofdoes. The danger is in standing to't; that's the loss ofstand to it (v.)

old form: too
fight stoutly, get down to business
AW III.ii.40
men, though it be the getting of children. Heere theymen, though it be the getting of children. Here they AW III.ii.41
come will tell you more. For my part I onely heare yourcome will tell you more. For my part, I only hear your AW III.ii.42
sonne was run away.son was run away. AW III.ii.43
Exit AW III.ii.43
Enter Hellen and two Gentlemen.Enter Helena and the two French Lords AW III.ii.44
Saue you good Madam.Save you, good madam. AW III.ii.44
Madam, my Lord is gone, for euer gone.Madam, my lord is gone, for ever gone. AW III.ii.45
Do not say so.Do not say so. AW III.ii.46
Thinke vpon patience, pray you Gentlemen,Think upon patience. Pray you, gentlemen –  AW III.ii.47
I haue felt so many quirkes of ioy and greefe,I have felt so many quirks of joy and grief AW III.ii.48
That the first face of neither on the startThat the first face of neither on the startstart, on the
without warning, with sudden appearance
AW III.ii.49
Can woman me vntoo't. Where is my sonne I pray you?Can woman me unto't. Where is my son, I pray you?woman (v.)
make behave like a woman, weep
AW III.ii.50
Madam he's gone to serue the Duke of Florence,Madam, he's gone to serve the Duke of Florence. AW III.ii.51
We met him thitherward, for thence we came:We met him thitherward, for thence we came, AW III.ii.52
And after some dispatch in hand at Court,And, after some dispatch in hand at court,dispatch, despatch (n.)
settlement of business, sorting out of affairs
AW III.ii.53
Thither we bend againe.Thither we bend again.bend (v.)
turn, direct one's steps, proceed
AW III.ii.54
Looke on his Letter Madam, here's my Pasport.Look on his letter, madam: here's my passport.passport (n.)

old form: Pasport
licence given to an inmate of an institution to travel abroad as a beggar
AW III.ii.55
(She reads the letter aloud) AW III.ii.56
When thou canst get the Ring vpon my finger, which neuerWhen thou canst get the ring upon my finger, which never AW III.ii.56
shall come off, and shew mee a childe begotten of thy bodie,shall come off, and show me a child begotten of thy body AW III.ii.57
that I am father too, then call me husband: but in such athat I am father to, then call me husband; but in such a AW III.ii.58
(then) I write a Neuer.‘ then ’ I write a ‘ never.’ AW III.ii.59
This is a dreadfull sentence.This is a dreadful sentence. AW III.ii.60
Brought you this Letter Gentlemen?Brought you this letter, gentlemen? AW III.ii.61
I Madam, and for the Contents sake are Ay, madam, and for the contents' sake are AW III.ii.62
sorrie for our paines.sorry for our pains. AW III.ii.63
I prethee Ladie haue a better cheere,I prithee, lady, have a better cheer.cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
mood, disposition
AW III.ii.64
If thou engrossest, all the greefes are thine,If thou engrossest all the griefs are thineengross (v.)
collect up, appropriate, monopolize
AW III.ii.65
Thou robst me of a moity: He was my sonne,Thou robbest me of a moiety. He was my son,moiety (n.)

old form: moity
share, portion, part
AW III.ii.66
But I do wash his name out of my blood,But I do wash his name out of my blood AW III.ii.67
And thou art all my childe. Towards Florence is he?And thou art all my child. Towards Florence is he?all (adv.)
alone, only, solely
AW III.ii.68
I Madam.Ay, madam. AW III.ii.69.1
And to be a souldier.And to be a soldier? AW III.ii.69.2
Such is his noble purpose, and beleeu'tSuch is his noble purpose; and, believe't,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
AW III.ii.70
The Duke will lay vpon him all the honorThe Duke will lay upon him all the honour AW III.ii.71
That good conuenience claimes.That good convenience claims.convenience (n.)

old form: conuenience
fitness, appropriateness, propriety
AW III.ii.72.1
Returne you thither.Return you thither? AW III.ii.72.2
I Madam, with the swiftest wing of speed.Ay, madam, with the swiftest wing of speed. AW III.ii.73
(reading) AW III.ii.74
Till I haue no wife, I haue nothing in France,Till I have no wife I have nothing in France. AW III.ii.74
'Tis bitter.'Tis bitter. AW III.ii.75.1
Finde you that there?Find you that there? AW III.ii.75.2
I Madame.Ay, madam. AW III.ii.75.3
'Tis but the boldnesse of his hand haply,'Tis but the boldness of his hand, haply,haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
AW III.ii.76
which his heart was not consenting too.which his heart was not consenting to. AW III.ii.77
Nothing in France, vntill he haue no wife:Nothing in France until he have no wife! AW III.ii.78
There's nothing heere that is too good for himThere's nothing here that is too good for him AW III.ii.79
But onely she, and she deserues a LordBut only she, and she deserves a lord AW III.ii.80
That twenty such rude boyes might tend vpon,That twenty such rude boys might tend uponrude (adj.)
violent, harsh, unkind
AW III.ii.81
And call her hourely Mistris. Who was with him?And call her, hourly, mistress. Who was with him? AW III.ii.82
A seruant onely, and a Gentleman: which IA servant only, and a gentleman which I AW III.ii.83
haue sometime knowne.have sometime known. AW III.ii.84
Parolles was it not?Parolles, was it not? AW III.ii.85
I my good Ladie, hee.Ay, my good lady, he. AW III.ii.86
A verie tainted fellow, and full of wickednesse,A very tainted fellow, and full of wickedness.tainted (adj.)
corrupted, dishonourable, depraved
AW III.ii.87
My sonne corrupts a well deriued natureMy son corrupts a well-derived nature AW III.ii.88
With his inducement.With his inducement.inducement (n.)
temptation, bad influence, persuasiveness
AW III.ii.89.1
Indeed good LadieIndeed, good lady, AW III.ii.89.2
the fellow has a deale of that, too much,The fellow has a deal of that too much AW III.ii.90
which holds him much to haue.Which holds him much to have.hold (v.)
avail, profit, benefit
AW III.ii.91.1
Y'are welcome Gentlemen,Y'are welcome, gentlemen. AW III.ii.81.2
I will intreate you when you see my sonne,I will entreat you, when you see my son, AW III.ii.92
to tell him that his sword can neuer winneTo tell him that his sword can never win AW III.ii.93
the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate youThe honour that he loses. More I'll entreat you AW III.ii.94
written to beare along.Written to bear along. AW III.ii.95.1
We serue you MadamWe serve you, madam, AW III.ii.95.2
in that and all your worthiest affaires.In that and all your worthiest affairs. AW III.ii.96
Not so, but as we change our courtesies,Not so, but as we change our courtesies.change (v.)
exchange, trade
AW III.ii.97
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)
courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners
Will you draw neere? Will you draw near? AW III.ii.98
ExitExeunt the Countess and the Lords AW III.ii.98
Till I haue no wife I haue nothing in France.‘ Till I have no wife I have nothing in France.’ AW III.ii.99
Nothing in France vntill he has no wife:Nothing in France until he has no wife! AW III.ii.100
Thou shalt haue none Rossillion none in France,Thou shalt have none, Rossillion, none in France, AW III.ii.101
Then hast thou all againe: poore Lord, is't IThen hast thou all again. Poor lord, is't I AW III.ii.102
That chase thee from thy Countrie, and exposeThat chase thee from thy country, and expose AW III.ii.103
Those tender limbes of thine, to the euentThose tender limbs of thine to the eventevent (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
AW III.ii.104
Of the none-sparing warre? And is it I,Of the none-sparing war? And is it I AW III.ii.105
That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thouThat drive thee from the sportive court, where thousportive (adj.)

old form: sportiue
light-hearted, full of amusement
AW III.ii.106
Was't shot at with faire eyes, to be the markeWast shot at with fair eyes, to be the markmark (n.)

old form: marke
target, goal, aim
AW III.ii.107
Of smoakie Muskets? O you leaden messengers,Of smoky muskets? O you leaden messengers, AW III.ii.108
That ride vpon the violent speede of fire,That ride upon the violent speed of fire, AW III.ii.109
Fly with false ayme, moue the still-peering aireFly with false aim, move the still-piecing airstill-piecing (adj.)
always reconstituting itself
AW III.ii.110
false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
That sings with piercing, do not touch my Lord:That sings with piercing; do not touch my lord. AW III.ii.111
Who euer shoots at him, I set him there.Whoever shoots at him, I set him there. AW III.ii.112
Who euer charges on his forward brestWhoever charges on his forward breast,forward (adj.)
in the front line, in forward position
AW III.ii.113
I am the Caitiffe that do hold him too't,I am the caitiff that do hold him to't;caitiff (n.)

old form: Caitiffe
[sympathetic or contemptuous] miserable wretch, wretched creature
AW III.ii.114
And though I kill him not, I am the causeAnd though I kill him not, I am the cause AW III.ii.115
His death was so effected: Better 'twereHis death was so effected. Better 'twere AW III.ii.116
I met the rauine Lyon when he roar'dI met the ravin lion when he roaredravin (adj.)

old form: rauine
ravenous, starving, devouring
AW III.ii.117
With sharpe constraint of hunger: better 'twere,With sharp constraint of hunger; better 'twere AW III.ii.118
That all the miseries which nature owesThat all the miseries which nature owesowe (v.)
own, possess, have
AW III.ii.119
Were mine at once. No come thou home RossillionWere mine at once. No, come thou home, Rossillion, AW III.ii.120
Whence honor but of danger winnes a scarre,Whence honour but of danger wins a scar, AW III.ii.121
As oft it looses all. I will be gone:As oft it loses all. I will be gone;oft (adv.)
AW III.ii.122
My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,My being here it is that holds thee hence. AW III.ii.123
Shall I stay heere to doo't? No, no, althoughShall I stay here to do't? No, no, although AW III.ii.124
The ayre of Paradise did fan the house,The air of paradise did fan the house AW III.ii.125
And Angels offic'd all: I will be gone,And angels officed all. I will be gone,office (v.)

old form: offic'd
carry out the work for, act as servants to
AW III.ii.126
That pittifull rumour may report my flightThat pitiful rumour may report my flightpitiful (adj.)

old form: pittifull
compassionate, merciful, tender
AW III.ii.127
To consolate thine eare. Come night, end day,To consolate thine ear. Come, night; end, day!consolate (v.)
console, comfort, cheer
AW III.ii.128
For with the darke (poore theefe) Ile steale away. For with the dark, poor thief, I'll steal away. AW III.ii.129
Exit.Exit AW III.ii.129
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