Henry VI Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter two or three running ouer the Stage, fromEnter two Murderers running over the stage from 2H6 III.ii.1.1
the Murther of Duke Humfrey.the murder of the Duke of Gloucester 2H6 III.ii.1.2
Runne to my Lord of Suffolke: let him knowRun to my Lord of Suffolk; let him know 2H6 III.ii.1
We haue dispatcht the Duke, as he commanded.We have dispatched the Duke as he commanded.dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatcht
kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
2H6 III.ii.2
Oh, that it were to doe: what haue we done?O that it were to do! What have we done? 2H6 III.ii.3
Didst euer heare a man so penitent? Didst ever hear a man so penitent? 2H6 III.ii.4
Enter Suffolke. Enter Suffolk 2H6 III.ii.5
Here comes my Lord.Here comes my lord. 2H6 III.ii.5
Now Sirs, haue you dispatcht this thing?Now, sirs, have you dispatched this thing?dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatcht
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
2H6 III.ii.6
I, my good Lord, hee's dead.Ay, my good lord, he's dead. 2H6 III.ii.7
Why that's well said. Goe, get you to my House,Why, that's well said. Go, get you to my house;said, well
well done
2H6 III.ii.8
I will reward you for this venturous deed:I will reward you for this venturous deed.venturous (adj.)
adventurous, daring, bold
2H6 III.ii.9
The King and all the Peeres are here at hand.The King and all the peers are here at hand. 2H6 III.ii.10
Haue you layd faire the Bed? Is all things well,Have you laid fair the bed? Is all things well,fair (adv.)

old form: faire
tidily, neatly, becomingly
2H6 III.ii.11
According as I gaue directions?According as I gave directions? 2H6 III.ii.12
'Tis, my good Lord.'Tis, my good lord. 2H6 III.ii.13
Away, be gone. Away, be gone! 2H6 III.ii.14
Exeunt. Exeunt Murderers 2H6 III.ii.14
Sound Trumpets. Enter the King, the Queene, Cardinall, Sound trumpets. Enter the King, Queen, Cardinal, 2H6 III.ii.15.1
Suffolke, Somerset, with Attendants.and Somerset, with attendants 2H6 III.ii.15.2
King. KING 
Goe call our Vnckle to our presence straight:Go, call our uncle to our presence straight;straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
2H6 III.ii.15
Say, we intend to try his Grace to day,Say we intend to try his grace today. 2H6 III.ii.16
If he be guiltie, as 'tis published.If he be guilty, as 'tis published.publish (v.)
announce, make public, make generally known
2H6 III.ii.17
Ile call him presently, my Noble Lord. I'll call him presently, my noble lord.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
2H6 III.ii.18
Exit.Exit 2H6 III.ii.18
King. KING 
Lords take your places: and I pray you allLords, take your places; and, I pray you all, 2H6 III.ii.19
Proceed no straiter 'gainst our Vnckle Gloster,Proceed no straiter 'gainst our uncle Gloucesterstrait (adv.)
stringently, strictly, harshly
2H6 III.ii.20
Then from true euidence, of good esteeme,Than from true evidence of good esteem,evidence (n.)

old form: euidence
witness, testimony, avowal
2H6 III.ii.21
esteem (n.)

old form: esteeme
value, estimation, worth
He be approu'd in practise culpable.He be approved in practice culpable.practice (n.)

old form: practise
trickery, treachery
2H6 III.ii.22
approve (v.)

old form: approu'd
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
Queene. QUEEN 
God forbid any Malice should preuayle,God forbid any malice should prevail 2H6 III.ii.23
That faultlesse may condemne a Noble man:That faultless may condemn a noble man! 2H6 III.ii.24
Pray God he may acquit him of suspition.Pray God he may acquit him of suspicion! 2H6 III.ii.25
King. KING 
I thanke thee Nell, these wordes content mee much.I thank thee, Meg; these words content me much. 2H6 III.ii.26
Enter Suffolke.Enter Suffolk 2H6 III.ii.27
How now? why look'st thou pale? why tremblest thou?How now? Why lookest thou so pale? Why tremblest thou? 2H6 III.ii.27
Where is our Vnckle? what's the matter, Suffolke?Where is our uncle? What's the matter, Suffolk? 2H6 III.ii.28
Dead in his Bed, my Lord: Gloster is dead.Dead in his bed, my lord. Gloucester is dead. 2H6 III.ii.29
Queene. QUEEN 
Marry God forfend.Marry, God forfend!marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
2H6 III.ii.30
forfend (v.)
Gods secret Iudgement: I did dreame to Night,God's secret judgement; I did dream tonighttonight (adv.)

old form: to Night
last night, this past night
2H6 III.ii.31
The Duke was dumbe, and could not speake a word.The Duke was dumb and could not speak a word. 2H6 III.ii.32
King sounds. The King swoons 2H6 III.ii.33.1
How fares my Lord? Helpe Lords, the King is dead.How fares my lord? Help, lords! The King is dead.fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
2H6 III.ii.33
Rere vp his Body, wring him by the Nose.Rear up his body; wring him by the nose.rear (v.)

old form: Rere
raise, lift up
2H6 III.ii.34
Runne, goe, helpe, helpe: Oh Henry ope thine eyes.Run, go, help, help! O Henry, ope thine eyes!ope (v.)
2H6 III.ii.35
He doth reuiue againe, Madame be patient.He doth revive again. Madam, be patient. 2H6 III.ii.36
King. KING 
Oh Heauenly God.O heavenly God! 2H6 III.ii.37.1
How fares my gracious Lord?How fares my gracious lord? 2H6 III.ii.37.2
Comfort my Soueraigne, gracious Henry comfort. Comfort, my sovereign! Gracious Henry, comfort! 2H6 III.ii.38
King. KING 
What, doth my Lord of Suffolke comfort me?What, doth my lord of Suffolk comfort me? 2H6 III.ii.39
Came he right now to sing a Rauens Note,Came he right now to sing a raven's note,right (adv.)
just, precisely
2H6 III.ii.40
Whose dismall tune bereft my Vitall powres:Whose dismal tune bereft my vital powers;power (n.)

old form: powres
faculty, function, ability
2H6 III.ii.41
vital (adj.)

old form: Vitall
life-supporting, animating
bereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
And thinkes he, that the chirping of a Wren,And thinks he that the chirping of a wren, 2H6 III.ii.42
By crying comfort from a hollow breast,By crying comfort from a hollow breast,hollow (adj.)
empty, false, insincere
2H6 III.ii.43
Can chase away the first-conceiued sound?Can chase away the first-conceived sound?first-conceived (adj.)first perceived, previously heard2H6 III.ii.44
Hide not thy poyson with such sugred words,Hide not thy poison with such sugared words; 2H6 III.ii.45
Lay not thy hands on me: forbeare I say,Lay not thy hands on me; forbear, I say;forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
stop, cease, desist
2H6 III.ii.46
Their touch affrights me as a Serpents sting.Their touch affrights me as a serpent's sting. 2H6 III.ii.47
Thou balefull Messenger, out of my sight:Thou baleful messenger, out of my sight!baleful (adj.)

old form: balefull
deadly, mortal, malignant
2H6 III.ii.48
Vpon thy eye-balls, murderous TyrannieUpon thy eyeballs murderous tyranny 2H6 III.ii.49
Sits in grim Maiestie, to fright the World.Sits in grim majesty to fright the world.fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
2H6 III.ii.50
Looke not vpon me, for thine eyes are wounding;Look not upon me, for thine eyes are wounding; 2H6 III.ii.51
Yet doe not goe away: come Basiliske,Yet do not go away; come, basilisk,basilisk (n.)

old form: Basiliske
mythical serpent which killed with its look
2H6 III.ii.52
And kill the innocent gazer with thy sight:And kill the innocent gazer with thy sight; 2H6 III.ii.53
For in the shade of death, I shall finde ioy;For in the shade of death I shall find joy, 2H6 III.ii.54
In life, but double death, now Gloster's dead.In life but double death, now Gloucester's dead. 2H6 III.ii.55
Queene. QUEEN 
Why do you rate my Lord of Suffolke thus?Why do you rate my lord of Suffolk thus?rate (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold
2H6 III.ii.56
Although the Duke was enemie to him,Although the Duke was enemy to him, 2H6 III.ii.57
Yet he most Christian-like laments his death:Yet he, most Christian-like, laments his death; 2H6 III.ii.58
And for my selfe, Foe as he was to me,And for myself, foe as he was to me, 2H6 III.ii.59
Might liquid teares, or heart-offending groanes,Might liquid tears or heart-offending groansheart-offending (adj.)
2H6 III.ii.60
Or blood-consuming sighes recall his Life;Or blood-consuming sighs recall his life, 2H6 III.ii.61
I would be blinde with weeping, sicke with grones,I would be blind with weeping, sick with groans, 2H6 III.ii.62
Looke pale as Prim-rose with blood-drinking sighes,Look pale as primrose with blood-drinking sighs,blood-drinking (adj.)
draining the blood away [from the face]
2H6 III.ii.63
And all to haue the Noble Duke aliue.And all to have the noble Duke alive. 2H6 III.ii.64
What know I how the world may deeme of me?What know I how the world may deem of me?deem (v.)

old form: deeme
judge, estimate, appraise
2H6 III.ii.65
For it is knowne we were but hollow Friends:For it is known we were but hollow friends;hollow (adj.)
empty, false, insincere
2H6 III.ii.66
It may be iudg'd I made the Duke away,It may be judged I made the Duke away;judge (v.)

old form: iudg'd
suppose, consider, think
2H6 III.ii.67
So shall my name with Slanders tongue be wounded,So shall my name with slander's tongue be wounded, 2H6 III.ii.68
And Princes Courts be fill'd with my reproach:And princes' courts be filled with my reproach.reproach (n.)
blame, disgrace, shame
2H6 III.ii.69
This get I by his death: Aye me vnhappie,This get I by his death. Ay me, unhappy, 2H6 III.ii.70
To be a Queene, and Crown'd with infamie.To be a queen and crowned with infamy! 2H6 III.ii.71
King. KING 
Ah woe is me for Gloster, wretched man.Ah, woe is me for Gloucester, wretched man! 2H6 III.ii.72
Queen. QUEEN 
Be woe for me, more wretched then he is.Be woe for me, more wretched than he is.woe (adj.)
sorry, sorrowful, sad
2H6 III.ii.73
What, Dost thou turne away, and hide thy face?What, dost thou turn away and hide thy face? 2H6 III.ii.74
I am no loathsome Leaper, looke on me.I am no loathsome leper; look on me. 2H6 III.ii.75
What? Art thou like the Adder waxen deafe?What! Art thou like the adder waxen deaf?wax (v.)
grow, become, turn
2H6 III.ii.76
Be poysonous too, and kill thy forlorne Queene.Be poisonous too and kill thy forlorn Queen. 2H6 III.ii.77
Is all thy comfort shut in Glosters Tombe?Is all thy comfort shut in Gloucester's tomb? 2H6 III.ii.78
Why then Dame Elianor was neere thy ioy.Why, then, Dame Margaret was ne'er thy joy. 2H6 III.ii.79
Erect his Statue, and worship it,Erect his statue and worship it, 2H6 III.ii.80
And make my Image but an Ale-house signe.And make my image but an alehouse sign. 2H6 III.ii.81
Was I for this nye wrack'd vpon the Sea,Was I for this nigh wrecked upon the sea,nigh (adv.)

old form: nye
nearly, almost
2H6 III.ii.82
And twice by aukward winde from Englands bankeAnd twice by awkward wind from England's bankawkward (adj.)

old form: aukward
unfavourable, contrary, adverse
2H6 III.ii.83
bank (n.)

old form: banke
coast, shore
Droue backe againe vnto my Natiue Clime.Drove back again unto my native clime?clime (n.)
land, region, realm
2H6 III.ii.84
What boaded this? but well fore-warning windeWhat boded this, but well forewarning windwell-forwarning (adj.)giving an accurate early warning, truth-predicting2H6 III.ii.85
bode (v.)

old form: boaded
forebode, portend, predict, augur
Did seeme to say, seeke not a Scorpions Nest,Did seem to say ‘ Seek not a scorpion's nest, 2H6 III.ii.86
Nor set no footing on this vnkinde Shore.Nor set no footing on this unkind shore?’footing, set
set foot
2H6 III.ii.87
unkind (adj.)

old form: vnkinde
hostile, cruel, harsh
What did I then? But curst the gentle gusts,What did I then, but cursed the gentle gustsgentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
2H6 III.ii.88
And he that loos'd them forth their Brazen Caues,And he that loosed them forth their brazen caves;loose (v.)

old form: loos'd
release, let out, set free
2H6 III.ii.89
brazen (adj.)
made of brass, very strong, powerful
And bid them blow towards Englands blessed shore,And bid them blow towards England's blessed shore, 2H6 III.ii.90
Or turne our Sterne vpon a dreadfull Rocke:Or turn our stern upon a dreadful rock. 2H6 III.ii.91
Yet Aeolus would not be a murtherer,Yet Aeolus would not be a murderer, 2H6 III.ii.92
But left that hatefull office vnto thee.But left that dreadful office unto thee;office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
2H6 III.ii.93
The pretty vaulting Sea refus'd to drowne me,The pretty vaulting sea refused to drown me,vaulting (adj.)
rising and falling
2H6 III.ii.94
Knowing that thou wouldst haue me drown'd on shoreKnowing that thou wouldst have me drowned on shore 2H6 III.ii.95
With teares as salt as Sea, through thy vnkindnesse.With tears as salt as sea through thy unkindness. 2H6 III.ii.96
The splitting Rockes cowr'd in the sinking sands,The splitting rocks cowered in the sinking sands,splitting (adj.)
capable of causing ships to be split asunder
2H6 III.ii.97
And would not dash me with their ragged sides,And would not dash me with their ragged sides, 2H6 III.ii.98
Because thy flinty heart more hard then they,Because thy flinty heart, more hard than they, 2H6 III.ii.99
Might in thy Pallace, perish Elianor.Might in thy palace perish Margaret.perish (v.)
destroy, wither, become ruined
2H6 III.ii.100
As farre as I could ken thy Chalky Cliffes,As far as I could ken thy chalky cliffs,ken (v.)
see, make out, espy
2H6 III.ii.101
When from thy Shore, the Tempest beate vs backe,When from thy shore the tempest beat us back, 2H6 III.ii.102
I stood vpon the Hatches in the storme:I stood upon the hatches in the storm, 2H6 III.ii.103
And when the duskie sky, began to robAnd when the dusky sky began to rob 2H6 III.ii.104
My earnest-gaping-sight of thy Lands view,My earnest-gaping sight of thy land's view,earnest-gaping (adj.)
eagerly peering, gazing with special intensity
2H6 III.ii.105
I tooke a costly Iewell from my necke,I took a costly jewel from my neck –  2H6 III.ii.106
A Hart it was bound in with Diamonds,A heart it was, bound in with diamonds –  2H6 III.ii.107
And threw it towards thy Land: The Sea receiu'd it,And threw it towards thy land. The sea received it, 2H6 III.ii.108
And so I wish'd thy body might my Heart:And so I wished thy body might my heart; 2H6 III.ii.109
And euen with this, I lost faire Englands view,And even with this I lost fair England's view, 2H6 III.ii.110
And bid mine eyes be packing with my Heart,And bid mine eyes be packing with my heart,pack (v.)
take [oneself] off, be off, depart
2H6 III.ii.111
And call'd them blinde and duskie Spectacles,And called them blind and dusky spectaclesspectacles (n.)
instruments of vision, eyes
2H6 III.ii.112
For loosing ken of Albions wished Coast.For losing ken of Albion's wished coast.wished (adj.)
longed-for, desired
2H6 III.ii.113
ken (n.)
range of sight, view, visible distance
Albion (n.)
poetic name for England or Britain
How often haue I tempted Suffolkes tongueHow often have I tempted Suffolk's tongue – tempt (v.)
persuade, entice, invite
2H6 III.ii.114
(The agent of thy foule inconstancie)The agent of thy foul inconstancy –  2H6 III.ii.115
To sit and watch me as Ascanius did,To sit and witch me, as Ascanius didwitch (v.)
bewitch, charm, enchant
2H6 III.ii.116
Ascanius (n.)
[pron: as'kaynius] son of Aeneas and Creusa, and grandson of Priam
When he to madding Dido would vnfoldWhen he to madding Dido would unfoldmadding (adj.)
becoming mad, frenzied
2H6 III.ii.117
unfold (v.)

old form: vnfold
relate, recount, narrate
Dido (n.)
[pron: 'diydoh] Queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas when he was shipwrecked on her shores; commanded by Jupiter, Aeneas left without seeing Dido again, and she killed herself on a funeral pyre
His Fathers Acts, commenc'd in burning Troy.His father's acts, commenced in burning Troy!Troy (n.)
ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion
2H6 III.ii.118
Am I not witcht like her? Or thou not false like him?Am I not witched like her? Or thou not false like him?witch (v.)

old form: witcht
bewitch, charm, enchant
2H6 III.ii.119
Aye me, I can no more: Dye Elinor,Ay me! I can no more. Die, Margaret! 2H6 III.ii.120
For Henry weepes, that thou dost liue solong.For Henry weeps that thou dost live so long. 2H6 III.ii.121
Noyse within. Enter Warwicke, and manyNoise within. Enter Warwick, Salisbury, and many 2H6 III.ii.122.1
Commons.commonscommons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
2H6 III.ii.122.2
It is reported, mighty Soueraigne,It is reported, mighty sovereign, 2H6 III.ii.122
That good Duke Humfrey Traiterously is murdredThat good Duke Humphrey traitorously is murdered 2H6 III.ii.123
By Suffolke, and the Cardinall Beaufords meanes:By Suffolk and the Cardinal Beaufort's means. 2H6 III.ii.124
The Commons like an angry Hiue of BeesThe commons, like an angry hive of bees 2H6 III.ii.125
That want their Leader, scatter vp and downe,That want their leader, scatter up and downwant (v.)
lack, need, be without
2H6 III.ii.126
And care not who they sting in his reuenge.And care not who they sting in his revenge. 2H6 III.ii.127
My selfe haue calm'd their spleenfull mutinie,Myself have calmed their spleenful mutiny,mutiny (n.)

old form: mutinie
riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
2H6 III.ii.128
spleenful (adj.)

old form: spleenfull
passionate, furious, hot-headed
Vntill they heare the order of his death.Until they hear the order of his death.order (n.)
manner, process, method
2H6 III.ii.129
King. KING 
That he is dead good Warwick, 'tis too true,That he is dead, good Warwick, 'tis too true; 2H6 III.ii.130
But how he dyed, God knowes, not Henry:But how he died God knows, not Henry. 2H6 III.ii.131
Enter his Chamber, view his breathlesse Corpes,Enter his chamber, view his breathless corpse,breathless (adj.)

old form: breathlesse
lifeless, dead
2H6 III.ii.132
And comment then vpon his sodaine death.And comment then upon his sudden death.comment (v.)
speculate, conjecture, give an opinion
2H6 III.ii.133
That shall I do my Liege; Stay SalsburieThat shall I do, my liege. Stay, Salisbury, 2H6 III.ii.134
With the rude multitude, till I returne.With the rude multitude till I return.rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
2H6 III.ii.135
Exeunt Warwick, then Salisbury 2H6 III.ii.135.1
and the commons 2H6 III.ii.135.2
King. KING 
O thou that iudgest all things, stay my thoghts:O Thou that judgest all things, stay my thoughts,stay (v.)
retain, keep back, withhold
2H6 III.ii.136
stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
My thoughts, that labour to perswade my soule,My thoughts that labour to persuade my soul 2H6 III.ii.137
Some violent hands were laid on Humfries life:Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey's life. 2H6 III.ii.138
If my suspect be false, forgiue me God,If my suspect be false, forgive me, God,suspect (n.)
suspicion, mistrust, doubt
2H6 III.ii.139
false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
For iudgement onely doth belong to thee:For judgement only doth belong to Thee. 2H6 III.ii.140
Faine would I go to chafe his palie lips,Fain would I go to chafe his paly lipschafe (v.)
warm, inflame, rouse
2H6 III.ii.141
fain (adv.)

old form: Faine
gladly, willingly
paly (adj.)

old form: palie
pallid, bloodless, colourless
With twenty thousand kisses, and to draineWith twenty thousand kisses, and to drain 2H6 III.ii.142
Vpon his face an Ocean of salt teares,Upon his face an ocean of salt tears, 2H6 III.ii.143
To tell my loue vnto his dumbe deafe trunke,To tell my love unto his dumb deaf trunk, 2H6 III.ii.144
And with my fingers feele his hand, vnfeeling:And with my fingers feel his hand unfeeling;unfeeling (adj.)

old form: vnfeeling
incapable of feeling, insensible
2H6 III.ii.145
But all in vaine are these meane Obsequies,But all in vain are these mean obsequies,mean (adj.)

old form: meane
unworthy, insignificant, unimportant
2H6 III.ii.146
obsequy (n.)
funeral rite, burial ceremony
And to suruey his dead and earthy Image:And to survey his dead and earthy image,earthy (adj.)
of the earth, made of clay
2H6 III.ii.147
What were it but to make my sorrow greater?What were it but to make my sorrow greater? 2H6 III.ii.148
Bed put forth.Bed put forth with Gloucester's body in it. Enter 2H6 III.ii.149.1
Warwick 2H6 III.ii.149.2
Come hither gracious Soueraigne, view this body.Come hither, gracious sovereign, view this body. 2H6 III.ii.149
King. KING 
That is to see how deepe my graue is made,That is to see how deep my grave is made; 2H6 III.ii.150
For with his soule fled all my worldly solace:For with his soul fled all my worldly solace, 2H6 III.ii.151
For seeing him, I see my life in death.For, seeing him, I see my life in death. 2H6 III.ii.152
As surely as my soule intends to liueAs surely as my soul intends to live 2H6 III.ii.153
With that dread King that tooke our state vpon him,With that dread King that took our state upon Himstate (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
2H6 III.ii.154
dread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
To free vs from his Fathers wrathfull curse,To free us from His Father's wrathful curse, 2H6 III.ii.155
I do beleeue that violent hands were laidI do believe that violent hands were laid 2H6 III.ii.156
Vpon the life of this thrice-famed Duke.Upon the life of this thrice-famed Duke.thrice-famed (adj.)
most famous
2H6 III.ii.157
A dreadfull Oath, sworne with a solemn tongue:A dreadful oath, sworn with a solemn tongue! 2H6 III.ii.158
What instance giues Lord Warwicke for his vow.What instance gives Lord Warwick for his vow?instance (n.)
sign, evidence, proof
2H6 III.ii.159
See how the blood is setled in his face.See how the blood is settled in his face.settled (adj.)

old form: setled
not flowing, still, congealed
2H6 III.ii.160
Oft haue I seene a timely-parted Ghost,Oft have I seen a timely-parted ghostoft (adv.)
2H6 III.ii.161
ghost (n.)
corpse, dead body
timely-parted (adj.)
naturally departed, who has died a natural death
Of ashy semblance, meager, pale, and bloodlesse,Of ashy semblance, meagre, pale, and bloodless,meagre (adj.)

old form: meager
lean, gaunt, emaciated
2H6 III.ii.162
semblance (n.)
appearance, outward show
Being all descended to the labouring heart,Being all descended to the labouring heart; 2H6 III.ii.163
Who in the Conflict that it holds with death,Who, in the conflict that it holds with death, 2H6 III.ii.164
Attracts the same for aydance 'gainst the enemy,Attracts the same for aidance 'gainst the enemy;aidance (n.)

old form: aydance
aid, assistance, help
2H6 III.ii.165
Which with the heart there cooles, and ne're returneth,Which with the heart there cools, and ne'er returneth 2H6 III.ii.166
To blush and beautifie the Cheeke againe.To blush and beautify the cheek again. 2H6 III.ii.167
But see, his face is blacke, and full of blood:But see, his face is black and full of blood, 2H6 III.ii.168
His eye-balles further out, than when he liued,His eyeballs further out than when he lived, 2H6 III.ii.169
Staring full gastly, like a strangled man:Staring full ghastly like a strangled man; 2H6 III.ii.170
His hayre vprear'd, his nostrils stretcht with strugling:His hair upreared, his nostrils stretched with struggling;stretch (v.)

old form: stretcht
open wide, extend
2H6 III.ii.171
upreared (adj.)

old form: vprear'd
standing on end
His hands abroad display'd, as one that grasptHis hands abroad displayed, as one that graspeddisplayed (adj.)

old form: display'd
extended, stretched, spread
2H6 III.ii.172
abroad (adv.)
wide apart
And tugg'd for Life, and was by strength subdude.And tugged for life, and was by strength subdued.tug (v.)

old form: tugg'd
contend, vie, strive in opposition
2H6 III.ii.173
Looke on the sheets his haire (you see) is sticking,Look, on the sheets his hair, you see, is sticking; 2H6 III.ii.174
His well proportion'd Beard, made ruffe and rugged,His well-proportioned beard made rough and rugged,rugged (adj.)
hairy, shaggy, bristling
2H6 III.ii.175
Like to the Summers Corne by Tempest lodged:Like to the summer's corn by tempest lodged.lodge (v.)
beat down, flatten, make level
2H6 III.ii.176
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
It cannot be but he was murdred heere,It cannot be but he was murdered here; 2H6 III.ii.177
The least of all these signes were probable.The least of all these signs were probable.probable (adj.)
worthy of belief, sufficient proof
2H6 III.ii.178
Why Warwicke, who should do the D. to death?Why, Warwick, who should do the Duke to death? 2H6 III.ii.179
My selfe and Beauford had him in protection,Myself and Beaufort had him in protection; 2H6 III.ii.180
And we I hope sir, are no murtherers.And we, I hope, sir, are no murderers. 2H6 III.ii.181
But both of you were vowed D. Humfries foes,But both of you were vowed Duke Humphrey's foes, 2H6 III.ii.182
And you (forsooth) had the good Duke to keepe:And you, forsooth, had the good Duke to keep;keep (v.)

old form: keepe
guard, watch, tend
2H6 III.ii.183
forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
Tis like you would not feast him like a friend,'Tis like you would not feast him like a friend,like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
2H6 III.ii.184
And 'tis well seene, he found an enemy.And 'tis well seen he found an enemy.well (adv.)
easily, clearly, readily
2H6 III.ii.185
Queen. QUEEN 
Than you belike suspect these Noblemen,Then you belike suspect these noblemenbelike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
2H6 III.ii.186
As guilty of Duke Humfries timelesse death.As guilty of Duke Humphrey's timeless death.timeless (adj.)

old form: timelesse
untimely, premature, ill-timed
2H6 III.ii.187
Who finds the Heyfer dead, and bleeding fresh,Who finds the heifer dead and bleeding fresh, 2H6 III.ii.188
And sees fast-by, a Butcher with an Axe,And sees fast by a butcher with an axe,fast (adj.)
close, very near [to]
2H6 III.ii.189
But will suspect, 'twas he that made the slaughter?But will suspect 'twas he that made the slaughter? 2H6 III.ii.190
Who finds the Partridge in the Puttocks Nest,Who finds the partridge in the puttock's nest,puttock (n.)
kite; greedy scavenger
2H6 III.ii.191
But may imagine how the Bird was dead,But may imagine how the bird was dead,dead (adj.)
deprived of life, killed
2H6 III.ii.192
Although the Kyte soare with vnbloudied Beake?Although the kite soar with unbloodied beak? 2H6 III.ii.193
Euen so suspitious is this Tragedie.Even so suspicious is this tragedy. 2H6 III.ii.194
Are you the Butcher, Suffolk? where's your Knife?Are you the butcher, Suffolk? Where's your knife? 2H6 III.ii.195
Is Beauford tearm'd a Kyte? where are his Tallons?Is Beaufort termed a kite? Where are his talons? 2H6 III.ii.196
I weare no Knife, to slaughter sleeping men,I wear no knife to slaughter sleeping men; 2H6 III.ii.197
But here's a vengefull Sword, rusted with ease,But here's a vengeful sword, rusted with ease,ease (n.)
disuse, neglect, idleness
2H6 III.ii.198
That shall be scowred in his rancorous heart,That shall be scoured in his rancorous heartscour (n.)

old form: scowred
rub clean, restore to brightness
2H6 III.ii.199
That slanders me with Murthers Crimson Badge.That slanders me with murder's crimson badge. 2H6 III.ii.200
Say, if thou dar'st, prowd Lord of Warwickshire,Say, if thou darest, proud Lord of Warwickshire, 2H6 III.ii.201
That I am faultie in Duke Humfreyes death.That I am faulty in Duke Humphrey's death.faulty (adj.)

old form: faultie
guilty, blameworthy, culpable
2H6 III.ii.202
Exit Cardinal 2H6 III.ii.202
What dares not Warwick, if false Suffolke dare him?What dares not Warwick, if false Suffolk dare him?false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
2H6 III.ii.203
He dares not calme his contumelious Spirit,He dares not calm his contumelious spirit,contumelious (adj.)
contemptuous, arrogant, insolent
2H6 III.ii.204
Nor cease to be an arrogant Controller,Nor cease to be an arrogant controller,controller (n.)
detractor, censorious critic, slanderer
2H6 III.ii.205
Though Suffolke dare him twentie thousand times.Though Suffolk dare him twenty thousand times. 2H6 III.ii.206
Madame be still: with reuerence may I say,Madam, be still, with reverence may I say,still (adj.)
silent, quiet
2H6 III.ii.207
For euery word you speake in his behalfe,For every word you speak in his behalf 2H6 III.ii.208
Is slander to your Royall Dignitie.Is slander to your royal dignity. 2H6 III.ii.209
Blunt-witted Lord, ignoble in demeanor,Blunt-witted lord, ignoble in demeanour! 2H6 III.ii.210
If euer Lady wrong'd her Lord so much,If ever lady wronged her lord so much, 2H6 III.ii.211
Thy Mother tooke into her blamefull BedThy mother took into her blameful bedblameful (adj.)

old form: blamefull
guilty, blameworthy, shameful
2H6 III.ii.212
Some sterne vntutur'd Churle; and Noble StockSome stern untutored churl, and noble stockchurl (n.)

old form: Churle
peasant, serf, rustic
2H6 III.ii.213
stock (n.)
tree, family-tree, ancestry
stern (adj.)

old form: sterne
coarse, rough, rugged
untutored (adj.)

old form: vntutur'd
badly brought up, untaught, inexperienced
Was graft with Crab-tree slippe, whose Fruit thou art,Was graft with crab-tree slip, whose fruit thou art,slip (n.)

old form: slippe
seedling, sprig, shoot, cutting
2H6 III.ii.214
graft (v.)
insert, implant, make grow
And neuer of the Neuils Noble Race.And never of the Nevils' noble race. 2H6 III.ii.215
But that the guilt of Murther bucklers thee,But that the guilt of murder bucklers theebuckler (v.)
shield, protect, defend
2H6 III.ii.216
And I should rob the Deaths-man of his Fee,And I should rob the deathsman of his fee,deathsman (n.)

old form: Deaths-man
2H6 III.ii.217
Quitting thee thereby of ten thousand shames,Quitting thee thereby of ten thousand shames,quit (v.)
rid, free, relieve
2H6 III.ii.218
And that my Soueraignes presence makes me milde,And that my sovereign's presence makes me mild, 2H6 III.ii.219
I would, false murd'rous Coward, on thy KneeI would, false murderous coward, on thy kneefalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
2H6 III.ii.220
Make thee begge pardon for thy passed speech,Make thee beg pardon for thy passed speech,passed (adj.)
recently uttered, just expressed
2H6 III.ii.221
And say, it was thy Mother that thou meant'st,And say it was thy mother that thou meantest; 2H6 III.ii.222
That thou thy selfe wast borne in Bastardie;That thou thyself was born in bastardy; 2H6 III.ii.223
And after all this fearefull Homage done,And, after all this fearful homage done,homage (n.)
submission, servility, respectful acknowledgement
2H6 III.ii.224
fearful (adj.)

old form: fearefull
timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear
Giue thee thy hyre, and send thy Soule to Hell,Give thee thy hire and send thy soul to hell,hire (n.)

old form: hyre
wages, payment, earnings
2H6 III.ii.225
Pernicious blood-sucker of sleeping men.Pernicious blood-sucker of sleeping men!pernicious (adj.)
destructive, dangerous, ruinous
2H6 III.ii.226
Thou shalt be waking, while I shed thy blood,Thou shalt be waking while I shed thy blood,waking (adj.)
awake, wakeful
2H6 III.ii.227
If from this presence thou dar'st goe with me.If from this presence thou darest go with me.presence (n.)
royal reception chamber
2H6 III.ii.228
Away euen now, or I will drag thee hence:Away even now, or I will drag thee hence. 2H6 III.ii.229
Vnworthy though thou art, Ile cope with thee,Unworthy though thou art, I'll cope with thee,cope, cope with (v.)
encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with]
2H6 III.ii.230
And doe some seruice to Duke Humfreyes Ghost.And do some service to Duke Humphrey's ghost. 2H6 III.ii.231
Exeunt. Exeunt Suffolk and Warwick 2H6 III.ii.231
King. KING 
What stronger Brest-plate then a heart vntainted?What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted!untainted (adj.)

old form: vntainted
unblemished, unsullied, pure
2H6 III.ii.232
Thrice is he arm'd, that hath his Quarrell iust;Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just;quarrel (n.)

old form: Quarrell
cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim
2H6 III.ii.233
And he but naked, though lockt vp in Steele,And he but naked, though locked up in steel,naked (adj.)
defenceless, undefended, unarmed
2H6 III.ii.234
steel (n.)

old form: Steele
Whose Conscience with Iniustice is corrupted.Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted. 2H6 III.ii.235
A noyse within.A noise within 2H6 III.ii.236
Queene. QUEEN 
What noyse is this?What noise is this? 2H6 III.ii.236
Enter Suffolke and Warwicke, with their Weapons Enter Suffolk and Warwick, with their weapons 2H6 III.ii.237.1
drawne.drawn 2H6 III.ii.237.2
King. KING 
Why how now Lords? / Your wrathfull Weapons drawne,Why, how now, lords! Your wrathful weapons drawn 2H6 III.ii.237
Here in our presence? Dare you be so bold?Here in our presence? Dare you be so bold?presence (n.)
royal reception chamber
2H6 III.ii.238
Why what tumultuous clamor haue we here?Why, what tumultuous clamour have we here? 2H6 III.ii.239
The trayt'rous Warwick, with the men of Bury,The traitorous Warwick, with the men of Bury, 2H6 III.ii.240
Set all vpon me, mightie Soueraigne.Set all upon me, mighty sovereign. 2H6 III.ii.241
Enter Salisbury.Enter Salisbury 2H6 III.ii.242
(to the commons within) 2H6 III.ii.242
Sirs stand apart, the King shall know your minde.Sirs, stand apart; the King shall know your mind. 2H6 III.ii.242
Dread Lord, the Commons send you word by me,Dread lord, the commons send you word by me,dread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
2H6 III.ii.243
commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
Vnlesse Lord Suffolke straight be done to death,Unless Lord Suffolk straight be done to death,straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
2H6 III.ii.244
Or banished faire Englands Territories,Or banished fair England's territories, 2H6 III.ii.245
They will by violence teare him from your Pallace,They will by violence tear him from your palace 2H6 III.ii.246
And torture him with grieuous lingring death.And torture him with grievous lingering death. 2H6 III.ii.247
They say, by him the good Duke Humfrey dy'de:They say by him the good Duke Humphrey died; 2H6 III.ii.248
They say, in him they feare your Highnesse death;They say in him they fear your highness' death; 2H6 III.ii.249
And meere instinct of Loue and Loyaltie,And mere instinct of love and loyalty,instinct (n.)
impulse, prompting, urge
2H6 III.ii.250
mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
Free from a stubborne opposite intent,Free from a stubborn opposite intent,intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
2H6 III.ii.251
opposite (adj.)
opposed, hostile, adverse, antagonistic [to]
As being thought to contradict your liking,As being thought to contradict your liking,liking (n.)
desire, will, pleasure
2H6 III.ii.252
contradict (v.)
oppose, go against, thwart
Makes them thus forward in his Banishment.Makes them thus forward in his banishment.forward (adj.)
insistent, demanding, eager
2H6 III.ii.253
They say, in care of your most Royall Person,They say, in care of your most royal person, 2H6 III.ii.254
That if your Highnesse should intend to sleepe,That if your highness should intend to sleep, 2H6 III.ii.255
And charge, that no man should disturbe your rest,And charge that no man should disturb your restcharge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
2H6 III.ii.256
In paine of your dislike, or paine of death;In pain of your dislike, or pain of death,pain of, in (prep.)

old form: paine
on pain of, under the penalty of
2H6 III.ii.257
dislike (n.)
displeasure, disapproval, antipathy
Yet notwithstanding such a strait Edict,Yet, notwithstanding such a strait edict,strait (adj.)
stringent, strict, harsh
2H6 III.ii.258
Were there a Serpent seene, with forked Tongue,Were there a serpent seen, with forked tongue, 2H6 III.ii.259
That slyly glyded towards your Maiestie,That slily glided towards your majesty, 2H6 III.ii.260
It were but necessarie you were wak't:It were but necessary you were waked, 2H6 III.ii.261
Least being suffer'd in that harmefull slumber,Lest, being suffered in that harmful slumber,harmful (adj.)

old form: harmefull
perilous, dangerous, full of harm
2H6 III.ii.262
suffer (v.)

old form: suffer'd
put up with, tolerate, do nothing about
The mortall Worme might make the sleepe eternall.The mortal worm might make the sleep eternal;mortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
2H6 III.ii.263
worm (n.)

old form: Worme
serpent, snake
And therefore doe they cry, though you forbid,And therefore do they cry, though you forbid, 2H6 III.ii.264
That they will guard you, where you will, or no,That they will guard you, whe'er you will or no, 2H6 III.ii.265
From such fell Serpents as false Suffolke is;From such fell serpents as false Suffolk is;fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
2H6 III.ii.266
With whose inuenomed and fatall sting,With whose envenomed and fatal sting,envenomed (adj.)

old form: inuenomed
poisoned, infected with venom
2H6 III.ii.267
Your louing Vnckle, twentie times his worth,Your loving uncle, twenty times his worth, 2H6 III.ii.268
They say is shamefully bereft of life.They say is shamefully bereft of life.bereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
2H6 III.ii.269
Commons COMMONS  
within. (within) 2H6 III.ii.270
An answer from the King, my Lord of Salisbury.An answer from the King, my lord of Salisbury! 2H6 III.ii.270
'Tis like the Commons, rude vnpolisht Hindes,'Tis like the commons, rude unpolished hinds,rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
2H6 III.ii.271
like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
hind (n.)

old form: Hindes
boor, fellow, rustic, peasant
commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
Could send such Message to their Soueraigne:Could send such message to their sovereign. 2H6 III.ii.272
But you, my Lord, were glad to be imploy'd,But you, my lord, were glad to be employed, 2H6 III.ii.273
To shew how queint an Orator you are.To show how quaint an orator you are;quaint (adj.)

old form: queint
ingenious, clever, skilful
2H6 III.ii.274
But all the Honor Salisbury hath wonne,But all the honour Salisbury hath won 2H6 III.ii.275
Is, that he was the Lord Embassador,Is that he was the lord ambassadorembassador (n.)
variant form of ‘ambassador’
2H6 III.ii.276
Sent from a sort of Tinkers to the King.Sent from a sort of tinkers to the King.sort (n.)
pack, crowd, gang
2H6 III.ii.277
tinker (n.)
vagabond, beggar, rascal
Within. (within) 2H6 III.ii.278
An answer from the King, or wee will all breake in.An answer from the King, or we will all break in! 2H6 III.ii.278
King. KING 
Goe Salisbury, and tell them all from me,Go, Salisbury, and tell them all from me 2H6 III.ii.279
I thanke them for their tender louing care;I thank them for their tender loving care; 2H6 III.ii.280
And had I not beene cited so by them,And had I not been cited so by them,cite (v.)
urge, call on, arouse, summon
2H6 III.ii.281
Yet did I purpose as they doe entreat:Yet did I purpose as they do entreat; 2H6 III.ii.282
For sure, my thoughts doe hourely prophecie,For sure my thoughts do hourly prophesy 2H6 III.ii.283
Mischance vnto my State by Suffolkes meanes.Mischance unto my state by Suffolk's means.mischance (n.)
misfortune, calamity, mishap
2H6 III.ii.284
state (n.)
welfare, well-being, prosperity
And therefore by his Maiestie I sweare,And therefore by His majesty I swear 2H6 III.ii.285
Whose farre-vnworthie Deputie I am,Whose far unworthy deputy I am, 2H6 III.ii.286
He shall not breathe infection in this ayre,He shall not breathe infection in this airinfection (n.)
contamination, rottenness, bad influence
2H6 III.ii.287
But three dayes longer, on the paine of death.But three days longer, on the pain of death. 2H6 III.ii.288
Exit Salisbury  2H6 III.ii.288
Oh Henry, let me pleade for gentle Suffolke.O Henry, let me plead for gentle Suffolk!gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
2H6 III.ii.289
King. KING 
Vngentle Queene, to call him gentle Suffolke.Ungentle Queen, to call him gentle Suffolk!ungentle (adj.)

old form: Vngentle
unkind, callous, inconsiderate
2H6 III.ii.290
No more I say: if thou do'st pleade for him,No more, I say; if thou dost plead for him, 2H6 III.ii.291
Thou wilt but adde encrease vnto my Wrath.Thou wilt but add increase unto my wrath. 2H6 III.ii.292
Had I but sayd, I would haue kept my Word;Had I but said, I would have kept my word;say (v.)

old form: sayd
speak the words as an ordinary utterance
2H6 III.ii.293
But when I sweare, it is irreuocable:But when I swear, it is irrevocable. 2H6 III.ii.294
(to Suffolk) 2H6 III.ii.295
If after three dayes space thou here bee'st found,If after three days' space thou here beest found 2H6 III.ii.295
On any ground that I am Ruler of,On any ground that I am ruler of, 2H6 III.ii.296
The World shall not be Ransome for thy Life.The world shall not be ransom for thy life. 2H6 III.ii.297
Come Warwicke, come good Warwicke, goe with mee,Come, Warwick, come, good Warwick, go with me; 2H6 III.ii.298
I haue great matters to impart to thee. I have great matters to impart to thee.great (adj.)
important, weighty, serious
2H6 III.ii.299
Exit.Exeunt all but the Queen and Suffolk 2H6 III.ii.299
Mischance and Sorrow goe along with you,Mischance and sorrow go along with you!mischance (n.)
misfortune, calamity, mishap
2H6 III.ii.300
Hearts Discontent, and sowre Affliction,Heart's discontent and sour afflictionsour (adj.)

old form: sowre
bitter, harsh, painful
2H6 III.ii.301
Be play-fellowes to keepe you companie:Be playfellows to keep you company! 2H6 III.ii.302
There's two of you, the Deuill make a third,There's two of you, the devil make a third, 2H6 III.ii.303
And three-fold Vengeance tend vpon your steps.And threefold vengeance tend upon your steps!tend on / upon (v.)

old form: vpon
serve, follow, wait upon, escort
2H6 III.ii.304
Cease, gentle Queene, these Execrations,Cease, gentle Queen, these execrations,execration (n.)
curse, imprecation, denunciation
2H6 III.ii.305
gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
And let thy Suffolke take his heauie leaue.And let thy Suffolk take his heavy leave.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
2H6 III.ii.306
Queen. QUEEN 
Fye Coward woman, and soft harted wretch,Fie, coward woman and soft-hearted wretch! 2H6 III.ii.307
Hast thou not spirit to curse thine enemy.Hast thou not spirit to curse thine enemy? 2H6 III.ii.308
A plague vpon them: wherefore should I cursse them?A plague upon them! Wherefore should I curse them? 2H6 III.ii.309
Would curses kill, as doth the Mandrakes grone,Would curses kill, as doth the mandrake's groan,mandrake (n.)
variety of poisonous plant [thought to emit a lethal shriek when pulled from the ground]
2H6 III.ii.310
I would inuent as bitter searching termes,I would invent as bitter searching terms,searching (adj.)
piercing, wounding, sharp
2H6 III.ii.311
As curst, as harsh, and horrible to heare,As curst, as harsh, and horrible to hear,curst (adj.)
angry, furious, fierce
2H6 III.ii.312
Deliuer'd strongly through my fixed teeth,Delivered strongly through my fixed teeth,fixed (adj.)
gritted, grinding, grated
2H6 III.ii.313
With full as many signes of deadly hate,With full as many signs of deadly hate, 2H6 III.ii.314
As leane-fac'd enuy in her loathsome caue.As lean-faced Envy in her loathsome cave. 2H6 III.ii.315
My tongue should stumble in mine earnest words,My tongue should stumble in mine earnest words, 2H6 III.ii.316
Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten Flint,Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten flint, 2H6 III.ii.317
Mine haire be fixt an end, as one distract:Mine hair be fixed on end, as one distract;distract (adj.)
deranged, mad, mentally disturbed
2H6 III.ii.318
I, euery ioynt should seeme to curse and ban,Ay, every joint should seem to curse and ban;ban (v.)
excommunicate, pronounce anathema
2H6 III.ii.319
And euen now my burthen'd heart would breakeAnd even now my burdened heart would break, 2H6 III.ii.320
Should I not curse them. Poyson be their drinke.Should I not curse them. Poison be their drink! 2H6 III.ii.321
Gall, worse then Gall, the daintiest that they taste:Gall, worse than gall, the daintiest that they taste!gall (n.)
bile [reputed for its bitterness]
2H6 III.ii.322
dainty (n.)
delicious flavour, choice taste
Their sweetest shade, a groue of Cypresse Trees:Their sweetest shade, a grove of cypress trees! 2H6 III.ii.323
Their cheefest Prospect, murd'ring Basiliskes:Their chiefest prospect, murdering basilisks!prospect (n.)
field of view, vista, outlook
2H6 III.ii.324
basilisk (n.)

old form: Basiliskes
mythical serpent which killed with its look
Their softest Touch, as smart as Lyzards stings:Their softest touch as smart as lizards' stings!smart (adj.)
biting, stinging, painful
2H6 III.ii.325
Their Musicke, frightfull as the Serpents hisse,Their music frightful as the serpent's hiss,frightful (adj.)

old form: frightfull
frightening, terrifying, full of horror
2H6 III.ii.326
And boading Screech-Owles, make the Consort full.And boding screech-owls make the consort full!screech-owl (n.)

old form: Screech-Owles
barn-owl [thought to be a bird of ill omen]
2H6 III.ii.327
consort (n.)
company of musicians, ensemble
boding (adj.)

old form: boading
ominous, full of foreboding
All the foule terrors in darke seated hell---All the foul terrors in dark-seated hell –  2H6 III.ii.328
Enough sweet Suffolke, thou torment'st thy selfe,Enough, sweet Suffolk; thou tormentest thyself, 2H6 III.ii.329
And these dread curses like the Sunne 'gainst glasse,And these dread curses, like the sun 'gainst glass,dread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
2H6 III.ii.330
Or like an ouer-charged Gun, recoile,Or like an overcharged gun, recoilovercharged (adj.)

old form: ouer-charged
overloaded, filled too full of powder
2H6 III.ii.331
And turnes the force of them vpon thy selfe.And turns the force of them upon thyself. 2H6 III.ii.332
You bad me ban, and will you bid me leaue?You bade me ban, and will you bid me leave?leave (v.)

old form: leaue
cease, stop, give up
2H6 III.ii.333
ban (v.)
curse, damn, revile
Now by the ground that I am banish'd from,Now, by the ground that I am banished from, 2H6 III.ii.334
Well could I curse away a Winters night,Well could I curse away a winter's night, 2H6 III.ii.335
Though standing naked on a Mountaine top,Though standing naked on a mountain-top, 2H6 III.ii.336
Where byting cold would neuer let grasse grow,Where biting cold would never let grass grow, 2H6 III.ii.337
And thinke it but a minute spent in sport.And think it but a minute spent in sport.sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
2H6 III.ii.338
Oh, let me intreat thee cease, giue me thy hand,O, let me entreat thee cease. Give me thy hand 2H6 III.ii.339
That I may dew it with my mournfull teares:That I may dew it with my mournful tears; 2H6 III.ii.340
Nor let the raine of heauen wet this place,Nor let the rain of heaven wet this place 2H6 III.ii.341
To wash away my wofull Monuments.To wash away my woeful monuments.monument (n.)
memory, memorial, remembrance
2H6 III.ii.342
woeful (adj.)

old form: wofull
full of woe, sorrowful, mournful
Oh, could this kisse be printed in thy hand,O, could this kiss be printed in thy hand, 2H6 III.ii.343
That thou might'st thinke vpon these by the Seale,That thou mightst think upon these by the seal, 2H6 III.ii.344
Through whom a thousand sighes are breath'd for thee.Through whom a thousand sighs are breathed for thee. 2H6 III.ii.345
So get thee gone, that I may know my greefe,So get thee gone, that I may know my grief; 2H6 III.ii.346
'Tis but surmiz'd, whiles thou art standing by,'Tis but surmised whiles thou art standing by,surmise (v.)

old form: surmiz'd
imagine, suppose, conjecture
2H6 III.ii.347
As one that surfets, thinking on a want:As one that surfeits thinking on a want.want (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth
2H6 III.ii.348
surfeit (v.)

old form: surfets
feed to excess, over-indulge, glut
I will repeale thee, or be well assur'd,I will repeal thee, or, be well assured,repeal (v.)

old form: repeale
recall, call back [from exile]
2H6 III.ii.349
Aduenture to be banished my selfe:Adventure to be banished myself;adventure (v.)

old form: Aduenture
venture, dare, chance, risk
2H6 III.ii.350
And banished I am, if but from thee.And banished I am, if but from thee. 2H6 III.ii.351
Go, speake not to me; euen now be gone.Go, speak not to me; even now be gone. 2H6 III.ii.352
Oh go not yet. Euen thus, two Friends condemn'd,O, go not yet. Even thus two friends condemned 2H6 III.ii.353
Embrace, and kisse, and take ten thousand leaues,Embrace and kiss and take ten thousand leaves, 2H6 III.ii.354
Loather a hundred times to part then dye;Loather a hundred times to part than die. 2H6 III.ii.355
Yet now farewell, and farewell Life with thee.Yet now farewell, and farewell life with thee. 2H6 III.ii.356
Thus is poore Suffolke ten times banished,Thus is poor Suffolk ten times banished, 2H6 III.ii.357
Once by the King, and three times thrice by thee.Once by the King and three times thrice by thee. 2H6 III.ii.358
'Tis not the Land I care for, wer't thou thence,'Tis not the land I care for, wert thou thence; 2H6 III.ii.359
A Wildernesse is populous enough,A wilderness is populous enough, 2H6 III.ii.360
So Suffolke had thy heauenly company:So Suffolk had thy heavenly company; 2H6 III.ii.361
For where thou art, there is the World it selfe,For where thou art, there is the world itself, 2H6 III.ii.362
With euery seuerall pleasure in the World:With every several pleasure in the world;several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
2H6 III.ii.363
And where thou art not, Desolation.And where thou art not, desolation. 2H6 III.ii.364
I can no more: Liue thou to ioy thy life;I can no more. Live thou to joy thy life;joy (v.)

old form: ioy
add joy to, enjoy, gladden, brighten
2H6 III.ii.365
My selfe no ioy in nought, but that thou liu'st.Myself no joy in naught but that thou livest. 2H6 III.ii.366
Enter Vaux.Enter Vaux 2H6 III.ii.367
Queene. QUEEN 
Whether goes Vaux so fast? What newes I prethee?Whither goes Vaux so fast? What news, I prithee? 2H6 III.ii.367
Vaux. VAUX 
To signifie vnto his Maiesty,To signify unto his majestysignify (v.)

old form: signifie
report, make known, declare
2H6 III.ii.368
That Cardinall Beauford is at point of death:That Cardinal Beaufort is at point of death; 2H6 III.ii.369
For sodainly a greeuous sicknesse tooke him,For suddenly a grievous sickness took him, 2H6 III.ii.370
That makes him gaspe, and stare, and catch the aire,That makes him gasp, and stare, and catch the air,catch the air

old form: aire
struggle for breath
2H6 III.ii.371
Blaspheming God, and cursing men on earth.Blaspheming God, and cursing men on earth. 2H6 III.ii.372
Sometime he talkes, as if Duke Humfries GhostSometime he talks as if Duke Humphrey's ghost 2H6 III.ii.373
Were by his side: Sometime, he calles the King,Were by his side; sometime he calls the King,sometime (adv.)
sometimes, now and then
2H6 III.ii.374
And whispers to his pillow, as to him,And whispers to his pillow, as to him, 2H6 III.ii.375
The secrets of his ouer-charged soule,The secrets of his overcharged soul;overcharged (adj.)

old form: ouer-charged
overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought
2H6 III.ii.376
And I am sent to tell his Maiestie,And I am sent to tell his majesty 2H6 III.ii.377
That euen now he cries alowd for him.That even now he cries aloud for him. 2H6 III.ii.378
Go tell this heauy Message to the King. Go tell this heavy message to the King.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
2H6 III.ii.379
ExitExit Vaux 2H6 III.ii.379
Aye me! What is this World? What newes are these?Ay me! What is this world! What news are these! 2H6 III.ii.380
But wherefore greeue I at an houres poore losse,But wherefore grieve I at an hour's poor loss, 2H6 III.ii.381
Omitting Suffolkes exile, my soules Treasure?Omitting Suffolk's exile, my soul's treasure?omit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about
2H6 III.ii.382
Why onely Suffolke mourne I not for thee?Why only, Suffolk, mourn I not for thee, 2H6 III.ii.383
And with the Southerne clouds, contend in teares?And with the southern clouds contend in tears,contend (v.)
compete, vie, rival
2H6 III.ii.384
Theirs for the earths encrease, mine for my sorrowes.Theirs for the earth's increase, mine for my sorrows?increase (n.)

old form: encrease
produce, growth, yield, crop
2H6 III.ii.385
Now get thee hence, the King thou know'st is comming,Now get thee hence; the King, thou knowest, is coming; 2H6 III.ii.386
If thou be found by me, thou art but dead.If thou be found by me thou art but dead. 2H6 III.ii.387
If I depart from thee, I cannot liue,If I depart from thee I cannot live, 2H6 III.ii.388
And in thy sight to dye, what were it else,And in thy sight to die, what were it else 2H6 III.ii.389
But like a pleasant slumber in thy lap?But like a pleasant slumber in thy lap? 2H6 III.ii.390
Heere could I breath my soule into the ayre,Here could I breathe my soul into the air, 2H6 III.ii.391
As milde and gentle as the Cradle-babe,As mild and gentle as the cradle-babegentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
2H6 III.ii.392
Dying with mothers dugge betweene it's lips.Dying with mother's dug between its lips;dug (n.)

old form: dugge
nipple, teat, breast
2H6 III.ii.393
Where from thy sight, I should be raging mad,Where, from thy sight, I should be raging mad, 2H6 III.ii.394
And cry out for thee to close vp mine eyes:And cry out for thee to close up mine eyes, 2H6 III.ii.395
To haue thee with thy lippes to stop my mouth:To have thee with thy lips to stop my mouth; 2H6 III.ii.396
So should'st thou eyther turne my flying soule,So shouldst thou either turn my flying soul, 2H6 III.ii.397
Or I should breathe it so into thy body,Or I should breathe it so into thy body, 2H6 III.ii.398
And then it liu'd in sweete Elizium.And then it lived in sweet Elysium.Elysium
mythological location of heaven
2H6 III.ii.399
To dye by thee, were but to dye in iest,To die by thee were but to die in jest; 2H6 III.ii.400
From thee to dye, were torture more then death:From thee to die were torture more than death. 2H6 III.ii.401
Oh let me stay, befall what may befall.O, let me stay, befall what may befall!befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen, occur, take place, turn out
2H6 III.ii.402
Queen. QUEEN 
Away: Though parting be a fretfull corosiue,Away! Though parting be a fretful corrosive,fretful (adj.)

old form: fretfull
irritating, aggravating, gnawing
2H6 III.ii.403
corrosive (n.)

old form: corosiue
painful cure, sharp remedy
It is applyed to a deathfull wound.It is applied to a deathful wound.deathful (adj.)

old form: deathfull
mortal, deadly, fatal
2H6 III.ii.404
To France sweet Suffolke: Let me heare from thee:To France, sweet Suffolk! Let me hear from thee; 2H6 III.ii.405
For wheresoere thou art in this worlds Globe,For wheresoe'er thou art in this world's globe, 2H6 III.ii.406
Ile haue an Iris that shall finde theeout.I'll have an Iris that shall find thee out.Iris (n.)
Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera
2H6 III.ii.407
find out (v.)

old form: finde
discover, find, come upon
I go.I go. 2H6 III.ii.408.1
And take my heart with thee.And take my heart with thee. 2H6 III.ii.408.2
She kisseth him 2H6 III.ii.409.1
A Iewell lockt into the wofulst Caske,A jewel, locked into the woefullest caskcask (n.)

old form: Caske
casket, jewel-box
2H6 III.ii.409
That euer did containe a thing of worth,That ever did contain a thing of worth. 2H6 III.ii.410
Euen as a splitted Barke, so sunder we:Even as a splitted bark so sunder we;sunder (v.)
separate, split up, part
2H6 III.ii.411
splitted (adj.)
split in two, broken apart
bark, barque (n.)

old form: Barke
ship, vessel
This way fall I to death.This way fall I to death. 2H6 III.ii.412.1
This way for me. This way for me. 2H6 III.ii.412.2
ExeuntExeunt in opposite directions 2H6 III.ii.412
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