King John

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter France, Dolphin, Enter King Philip, Lewis the Dauphin, Cardinal KJ III.iv.1.1
Pandulpho, Attendants.Pandulph, and attendants KJ III.iv.1.2
So by a roaring Tempest on the flood,So, by a roaring tempest on the flood,flood (n.)
sea, deep, waves, rushing water
KJ III.iv.1
A whole Armado of conuicted saileA whole armado of convicted sailsail (n.)

old form: saile
ship, vessel
KJ III.iv.2
armado (n.)
armada, fleet, navy
convicted (adj.)

old form: conuicted
defeated, vanquished, conquered
Is scattered and dis-ioyn'd from fellowship.Is scattered and disjoined from fellowship.disjoin (v.)

old form: dis-ioyn'd
disengage, separate [oneself]
KJ III.iv.3
Courage and comfort, all shall yet goe well.Courage and comfort! All shall yet go well. KJ III.iv.4
What can goe well,when we haue runne so ill?What can go well, when we have run so ill?ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
KJ III.iv.5
run (v.)

old form: runne
follow a course, behave
Are we not beaten? Is not Angiers lost?Are we not beaten? Is not Angiers lost?Angiers
[pron: on'zheeay] Angers, NW France; capital of the former province of Anjou
KJ III.iv.6
Arthur tane prisoner? diuers deere friends slaine?Arthur ta'en prisoner? Divers dear friends slain?divers (adj.)

old form: diuers
different, various, several
KJ III.iv.7
And bloudy England into England gone,And bloody England into England gone, KJ III.iv.8
Ore-bearing interruption spight of France?O'erbearing interruption, spite of France?interruption
resistance, hindrance, obstruction
KJ III.iv.9
overbear (v.)

old form: Ore-bearing
overwhelm, overcome, overpower
spite of, in spite of (prep.)

old form: spight
in defiance of
What he hath won, that hath he fortified:What he hath won, that hath he fortified. KJ III.iv.10
So hot a speed, with such aduice dispos'd,So hot a speed, with such advice disposed,hot (adj.)
active, vigorous
KJ III.iv.11
dispose (v.)

old form: dispos'd
carry out, manage, handle
advice (n.)

old form: aduice
consideration, reflection, deliberation
Such temperate order in so fierce a cause,Such temperate order in so fierce a cause, KJ III.iv.12
Doth want example: who hath read, or heardDoth want example. Who hath read or heardexample (n.)
precedent, parallel case
KJ III.iv.13
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
Of any kindred-action like to this?Of any kindred action like to this? KJ III.iv.14
Well could I beare that England had this praise,Well could I bear that England had this praise, KJ III.iv.15
So we could finde some patterne of our shame:So we could find some pattern of our shame.pattern (n.)

old form: patterne
precedent, previous example
KJ III.iv.16
Enter Constance.Enter Constance KJ III.iv.17
Looke who comes heere? a graue vnto a soule,Look who comes here! A grave unto a soul, KJ III.iv.17
Holding th'eternall spirit against her will,Holding th' eternal spirit, against her will, KJ III.iv.18
In the vilde prison of afflicted breath:In the vile prison of afflicted breath. KJ III.iv.19
I prethee Lady goe away with me.I prithee, lady, go away with me. KJ III.iv.20
Lo; now: now see the issue of your peace.Lo! Now – now see the issue of your peace!issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
KJ III.iv.21
Patience good Lady, comfort gentle Constance.Patience, good lady. Comfort, gentle Constance.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
KJ III.iv.22
No, I defie all Counsell, all redresse,No, I defy all counsel, all redress,redress (n.)

old form: redresse
relief, assistance, help, comfort
KJ III.iv.23
But that which ends all counsell, true Redresse:But that which ends all counsel, true redress –  KJ III.iv.24
Death, death, O amiable, louely death,Death! Death, O amiable, lovely death! KJ III.iv.25
Thou odoriferous stench: sound rottennesse,Thou odoriferous stench! Sound rottenness!odoriferous (adj.)
odorous, sweet-smelling, fragrant
KJ III.iv.26
sound (adj.)
wholesome, beneficial
Arise forth from the couch of lasting night,Arise forth from the couch of lasting night, KJ III.iv.27
Thou hate and terror to prosperitie,Thou hate and terror to prosperity, KJ III.iv.28
And I will kisse thy detestable bones,And I will kiss thy detestable bones KJ III.iv.29
And put my eye-balls in thy vaultie browes,And put my eyeballs in thy vaulty brows,vaulty (adj.)

old form: vaultie
empty, cavernous, sepulchral
KJ III.iv.30
brow (n.)

old form: browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
And ring these fingers with thy houshold wormes,And ring these fingers with thy household worms, KJ III.iv.31
And stop this gap of breath with fulsome dust,And stop this gap of breath with fulsome dust,stop (v.)
stop up, close (up), shut
KJ III.iv.32
fulsome (adj.)
distasteful, nauseating, repulsive
And be a Carrion Monster like thy selfe;And be a carrion monster like thyself. KJ III.iv.33
Come,grin on me, and I will thinke thou smil'st,Come, grin on me, and I will think thou smilest KJ III.iv.34
And busse thee as thy wife: Miseries Loue,And buss thee as thy wife. Misery's love,buss (v.)

old form: busse
kiss wantonly, smack against
KJ III.iv.35
O come to me.O, come to me! KJ III.iv.36.1
O faire affliction, peace.O fair affliction, peace!affliction (n.)
afflicted one, someone in great distress
KJ III.iv.36.2
No, no, I will not, hauing breath to cry:No, no, I will not, having breath to cry! KJ III.iv.37
O that my tongue were in the thunders mouth,O that my tongue were in the thunder's mouth! KJ III.iv.38
Then with a passion would I shake the world,Then with a passion would I shake the world,passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
KJ III.iv.39
And rowze from sleepe that fell AnatomyAnd rouse from sleep that fell anatomyfell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
KJ III.iv.40
anatomy (n.)
body, skeleton, skin and bones
Which cannot heare a Ladies feeble voyce,Which cannot hear a lady's feeble voice, KJ III.iv.41
Which scornes a moderne Inuocation.Which scorns a modern invocation.modern (adj.)

old form: moderne
ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday
KJ III.iv.42
invocation (n.)

old form: Inuocation
entreaty, supplication
Lady, you vtter madnesse, and not sorrow.Lady, you utter madness, and not sorrow. KJ III.iv.43
Thou art holy to belye me so,Thou art not holy to belie me so!belie (v.)

old form: belye
slander, tell lies about
KJ III.iv.44
I am not mad: this haire I teare is mine,I am not mad. This hair I tear is mine. KJ III.iv.45
My name is Constance, I was Geffreyes wife,My name is Constance. I was Geoffrey's wife. KJ III.iv.46
Yong Arthur is my sonne, and he is lost:Young Arthur is my son, and he is lost! KJ III.iv.47
I am not mad, I would to heauen I were,I am not mad – I would to heaven I were, KJ III.iv.48
For then 'tis like I should forget my selfe:For then 'tis like I should forget myself!like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
KJ III.iv.49
O, if I could, what griefe should I forget?O, if I could, what grief should I forget! KJ III.iv.50
Preach some Philosophy to make me mad,Preach some philosophy to make me mad, KJ III.iv.51
And thou shalt be Canoniz'd (Cardinall.)And thou shalt be canonized, Cardinal. KJ III.iv.52
For, being not mad, but sensible of greefe,For, being not mad, but sensible of grief,sensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
KJ III.iv.53
My reasonable part produces reasonMy reasonable part produces reason KJ III.iv.54
How I may be deliuer'd of these woes,How I may be delivered of these woes,deliver (v.)

old form: deliuer'd
free, release, liberate
KJ III.iv.55
And teaches mee to kill or hang my selfe:And teaches me to kill or hang myself. KJ III.iv.56
If I were mad, I should forget my sonne,If I were mad, I should forget my son, KJ III.iv.57
Or madly thinke a babe of clowts were he;Or madly think a babe of clouts were he.clout (n.)

old form: clowts
piece of cloth, rag; handkerchief
KJ III.iv.58
I am not mad: too well, too well I feeleI am not mad – too well, too well I feel KJ III.iv.59
The different plague of each calamitie.The different plague of each calamity.plague (n.)
calamity, affliction, scourge
KJ III.iv.60
different (adj.)
distinct, individual, separate
Binde vp those tresses: O what loue I noteBind up those tresses! O, what love I note KJ III.iv.61
In the faire multitude of those her haires;In the fair multitude of those her hairs! KJ III.iv.62
Where but by chance a filuer drop hath falne,Where but by chance a silver drop hath fallen, KJ III.iv.63
Euen to that drop ten thousand wiery fiendsEven to that drop ten thousand wiry friends KJ III.iv.64
Doe glew themselues in sociable griefe,Do glue themselves in sociable grief, KJ III.iv.65
Like true, inseparable, faithfull loues,Like true, inseparable, faithful loves, KJ III.iv.66
Sticking together in calamitie.Sticking together in calamity. KJ III.iv.67
To England, if you will.To England, if you will. KJ III.iv.68.1
Binde vp your haires.Bind up your hairs. KJ III.iv.68.2
Yes that I will: and wherefore will I do it?Yes, that I will; and wherefore will I do it? KJ III.iv.69
I tore them from their bonds, and cride aloud,I tore them from their bonds, and cried aloud, KJ III.iv.70
O, that these hands could so redeeme my sonne,‘ O that these hands could so redeem my sonredeem (v.)

old form: redeeme
free, liberate, extricate
KJ III.iv.71
As they haue giuen these hayres their libertie:As they have given these hairs their liberty!’ KJ III.iv.72
But now I enuie at their libertie,But now I envy at their liberty,envy, envy at (v.)

old form: enuie
begrudge, resent, object to
KJ III.iv.73
And will againe commit them to their bonds,And will again commit them to their bonds, KJ III.iv.74
Because my poore childe is a prisoner.Because my poor child is a prisoner. KJ III.iv.75
And Father Cardinall, I haue heard you sayAnd, father Cardinal, I have heard you say KJ III.iv.76
That we shall see and know our friends in heauen:That we shall see and know our friends in heaven. KJ III.iv.77
If that be true, I shall see my boy againe;If that be true, I shall see my boy again; KJ III.iv.78
For since the birth of Caine, the first male-childeFor since the birth of Cain, the first male child,Cain (n.)
[pron: kayn] in the Bible, son of Adam and Eve, killer of his brother Abel
KJ III.iv.79
To him that did but yesterday suspire,To him that did but yesterday suspire,suspire (v.)
KJ III.iv.80
There was not such a gracious creature borne:There was not such a gracious creature born.gracious (adj.)
filled with divine grace, godly, devout
KJ III.iv.81
But now will Canker-sorrow eat my bud,But now will canker-sorrow eat my budcanker-sorrow (n.)
gnawing grief, all-consuming sorrow
KJ III.iv.82
And chase the natiue beauty from his cheeke,And chase the native beauty from his cheek,native (adj.)

old form: natiue
natural, habitual, normal
KJ III.iv.83
And he will looke as hollow as a Ghost,And he will look as hollow as a ghost, KJ III.iv.84
As dim and meager as an Agues fitte,As dim and meagre as an ague's fit,dim (adj.)
dull, pale-coloured, lacking lustre
KJ III.iv.85
ague (n.)
fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever]
And so hee'll dye: and rising so againe,And so he'll die; and, rising so again, KJ III.iv.86
When I shall meet him in the Court of heauenWhen I shall meet him in the court of heaven KJ III.iv.87
I shall not know him: therefore neuer, neuerI shall not know him. Therefore never, never KJ III.iv.88
Must I behold my pretty Arthur more.Must I behold my pretty Arthur more. KJ III.iv.89
You hold too heynous a respect of greefe.You hold too heinous a respect of grief.heinous (adj.)

old form: heynous
calamitous, terrible, severe
KJ III.iv.90
He talkes to me, that neuer had a sonne.He talks to me that never had a son. KJ III.iv.91
You are as fond of greefe, as of your childe.You are as fond of grief as of your child.fond (adj.)
obsessed [with]
KJ III.iv.92
Greefe fils the roome vp of my absent childe:Grief fills the room up of my absent child,room (n.)

old form: roome
place, space
KJ III.iv.93
Lies in his bed, walkes vp and downe with me,Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me, KJ III.iv.94
Puts on his pretty lookes, repeats his words,Puts on his pretty looks, repeats his words, KJ III.iv.95
Remembets me of all his gracious parts,Remembers me of all his gracious parts,remember (v.)

old form: Remembets
remind, bring to someone's mind
KJ III.iv.96
gracious (adj.)
filled with divine grace, godly, devout
Stuffes out his vacant garments with his forme;Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form; KJ III.iv.97
Then, haue I reason to be fond of griefe?Then, have I reason to be fond of grief? KJ III.iv.98
Fareyouwell: had you such a losse as I,Fare you well. Had you such a loss as I,fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
KJ III.iv.99
I could giue better comfort then you doe.I could give better comfort than you do. KJ III.iv.100
I will not keepe this forme vpon my head,I will not keep this form upon my head,form (n.)

old form: forme
orderly manner, good arrangement
KJ III.iv.101
When there is such disorder in my witte:When there is such disorder in my wit.wit (n.)

old form: witte
mind, brain, thoughts
KJ III.iv.102
O Lord, my boy, my Arthur, my faire sonne,O Lord! My boy, my Arthur, my fair son! KJ III.iv.103
My life, my ioy, my food, my all the world:My life, my joy, my food, my all the world! KJ III.iv.104
My widow-comfort, and my sorrowes cure. My widow-comfort, and my sorrows' cure! KJ III.iv.105
Exit.Exit KJ III.iv.105
I feare some out-rage, and Ile follow her.I fear some outrage, and I'll follow her. KJ III.iv.106
Exit.Exit KJ III.iv.106
There's nothing in this world can make me ioy,There's nothing in this world can make me (v.)

old form: ioy
feel joy, be happy, rejoice
KJ III.iv.107
Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale,Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale, KJ III.iv.108
Vexing the dull eare of a drowsie man;Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man,dull (adj.)
bored, uninterested, inattentive
KJ III.iv.109
And bitter shame hath spoyl'd the sweet words taste,And bitter shame hath spoiled the sweet world's taste, KJ III.iv.110
That it yeelds nought but shame and bitternesse.That it yields naught but shame and bitterness. KJ III.iv.111
Before the curing of a strong disease,Before the curing of a strong disease, KJ III.iv.112
Euen in the instant of repaire and health,Even in the instant of repair and health,repair (n.)

old form: repaire
restoration, renewal, recovery
KJ III.iv.113
The fit is strongest: Euils that take leaueThe fit is strongest. Evils that take leave,evil (n.)

old form: Euils
malady, illness, disease
KJ III.iv.114
fit (n.)
fever, attack, seizure
On their departure, most of all shew euill:On their departure most of all show evil. KJ III.iv.115
What haue you lost by losing of this day?What have you lost by losing of this day?day (n.)
day of battle, contest
KJ III.iv.116
All daies of glory, ioy, and happinesse.All days of glory, joy, and happiness. KJ III.iv.117
If you had won it, certainely you had.If you had won it, certainly you had. KJ III.iv.118
No, no: when Fortune meanes to men most good,No, no. When Fortune means to men most good KJ III.iv.119
Shee lookes vpon them with a threatning eye:She looks upon them with a threatening eye. KJ III.iv.120
'Tis strange to thinke how much King Iohn hath lost'Tis strange to think how much King John hath lost KJ III.iv.121
In this which he accounts so cleareIy wonne:In this which he accounts so clearly won.account, accompt (v.)
reckon, judge, consider
KJ III.iv.122
Are not you grieu'd that Arthur is his prisoner?Are not you grieved that Arthur is his prisoner? KJ III.iv.123
As heartily as he is glad he hath him.As heartily as he is glad he hath him. KJ III.iv.124
Your minde is all as youthfull as your blood.Your mind is all as youthful as your blood. KJ III.iv.125
Now heare me speake with a propheticke spirit:Now hear me speak with a prophetic spirit; KJ III.iv.126
For euen the breath of what I meane to speake,For even the breath of what I mean to speak KJ III.iv.127
Shall blow each dust, each straw, each little rubShall blow each dust, each straw, each little rub,straw (n.)
trivial matter, trifle
KJ III.iv.128
rub (n.)
[bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance
dust (n.)
speck of dust, particle, iota
Out of the path which shall directly leadOut of the path which shall directly lead KJ III.iv.129
Thy foote to Englands Throne. And therefore marke:Thy foot to England's throne. And therefore mark:mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
KJ III.iv.130
Iohn hath seiz'd Arthur, and it cannot be,John hath seized Arthur, and it cannot be KJ III.iv.131
That whiles warme life playes in that infants veines,That whiles warm life plays in that infant's veins KJ III.iv.132
The mis-plac'd-Iohn should entertaine an houre,The misplaced John should entertain an hour, KJ III.iv.133
One minute, nay one quiet breath of rest.One minute, nay, one quiet breath, of rest.breath (n.)
breathing-space, respite
KJ III.iv.134
A Scepter snatch'd with an vnruly hand,A sceptre snatched with an unruly handunruly (adj.)

old form: vnruly
disorderly, violent, unscrupulous
KJ III.iv.135
Must be as boysterously maintain'd as gain'd.Must be as boisterously maintained as gained;boisterously (adv.)

old form: boysterously
forcefully, violently, roughly
KJ III.iv.136
And he that stands vpon a slipp'ry place,And he that stands upon a slippery place KJ III.iv.137
Makes nice of no vilde hold to stay him vp:Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up.nice (adj.)
fastidious, particular, fussy, overscrupulous
KJ III.iv.138
stay (v.)
hold, support, prop [up]
vile, vild (adj.)

old form: vilde
despicable, disgusting, abhorrent
That Iohn may stand, then Arthur needs must fall,That John may stand, then Arthur needs must fall. KJ III.iv.139
So be it, for it cannot be but so.So be it – for it cannot be but so. KJ III.iv.140
But what shall I gaine by yong Arthurs fall?But what shall I gain by young Arthur's fall? KJ III.iv.141
You, in the right of Lady Blanch your wife,You, in the right of Lady Blanche your wife, KJ III.iv.142
May then make all the claime that Arthur did.May then make all the claim that Arthur did. KJ III.iv.143
And loose it, life and all, as Arthur did.And lose it, life and all, as Arthur did. KJ III.iv.144
How green you are, and fresh in this old world?How green you are and fresh in this old world!green (adj.)
youthful, inexperienced, immature
KJ III.iv.145
Iohn layes you plots: the times conspire with you,John lays you plots; the times conspire with you – plot (n.)
plan, scheme, stratagem
KJ III.iv.146
lay (v.)

old form: layes
set up, arrange, devise
For he that steepes his safetie in true blood,For he that steeps his safety in true bloodtrue (adj.)
legitimate, rightful, honourable
KJ III.iv.147
Shall finde but bloodie safety, and vntrue.Shall find but bloody safety and untrue.untrue (adj.)

old form: vntrue
false, deceptive, deceiving
KJ III.iv.148
This Act so euilly borne shall coole the heartsThis act, so evilly borne, shall cool the heartsbear (v.), past forms bore, borne
carry on, manage, conduct [an affair]
KJ III.iv.149
Of all his people, and freeze vp their zeale,Of all his people, and freeze up their zeal, KJ III.iv.150
That none so small aduantage shall step forthThat none so small advantage shall step forthadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity
KJ III.iv.151
To checke his reigne, but they will cherish it.To check his reign, but they will cherish it.check (v.)

old form: checke
take the reins of, control, manage
KJ III.iv.152
No naturall exhalation in the skie,No natural exhalation in the sky,exhalation (n.)
meteor, shooting star
KJ III.iv.153
No scope of Nature, no distemper'd day,No scope of nature, no distempered day,scope (n.)
circumstance, course
KJ III.iv.154
distempered (adj.)

old form: distemper'd
troubled, disturbed, inclement
No common winde, no customed euent,No common wind, no customed event,customed (adj.)
customary, ordinary, usual
KJ III.iv.155
But they will plucke away his naturall cause,But they will pluck away his natural causepluck away (v.)

old form: plucke
disregard, reject, throw out
KJ III.iv.156
cause (n.)
And call them Meteors, prodigies, and signes,And call them meteors, prodigies and signs,meteor (n.)
aurora, luminous emanation, atmospheric effect
KJ III.iv.157
prodigy (n.)
omen, portent, sign
Abbortiues, presages, and tongues of heauen,Abortives, presages, and tongues of heaven,presage (n.)
sign, indication, portent
KJ III.iv.158
abortive (n.)

old form: Abbortiues
abortion of nature, abnormality
Plainly denouncing vengeance vpon Iohn.Plainly denouncing vengeance upon John.denounce (v.)
declare, proclaim, announce
KJ III.iv.159
May be he will not touch yong Arthurs life,Maybe he will not touch young Arthur's life, KJ III.iv.160
But hold himselfe safe in his prisonment.But hold himself safe in his prisonment.prisonment (n.)
imprisonment, detention, captivity
KJ III.iv.161
O Sir, when he shall heare of your approach,O sir, when he shall hear of your approach, KJ III.iv.162
If that yong Arthur be not gone alreadie,If that young Arthur be not gone already, KJ III.iv.163
Euen at that newes he dies: and then the heartsEven at that news he dies; and then the hearts KJ III.iv.164
Of all his people shall reuolt from him,Of all his people shall revolt from him, KJ III.iv.165
And kisse the lippes of vnacquainted change,And kiss the lips of unacquainted change,unacquainted (adj.)

old form: vnacquainted
unfamiliar, strange, unusual
KJ III.iv.166
And picke strong matter of reuolt, and wrathAnd pick strong matter of revolt and wrathmatter (n.)
pus, discharge, fluid [from a wound]
KJ III.iv.167
Out of the bloody fingers ends of Iohn.Out of the bloody fingers' ends of John. KJ III.iv.168
Me thinkes I see this hurley all on foot;Methinks I see this hurly all on foot;hurly (n.)

old form: hurley
commotion, uproar, turmoil
KJ III.iv.169
foot, on
in employment, taking place, under way
And O, what better matter breeds for you,And, O, what better matter breeds for youmatter (n.)
reason, cause, ground
KJ III.iv.170
Then I haue nam'd. The Bastard FalconbridgeThan I have named! The bastard Faulconbridge KJ III.iv.171
Is now in England ransacking the Church,Is now in England ransacking the church, KJ III.iv.172
Offending Charity: If but a dozen FrenchOffending charity. If but a dozen French KJ III.iv.173
Were there in Armes, they would be as a CallWere there in arms, they would be as a callcall (n.)
decoy, lure, enticement
KJ III.iv.174
To traine ten thousand English to their side;To train ten thousand English to their side,train (v.)
lure, entice, decoy
KJ III.iv.175
Or, as a little snow, tumbled about,Or as a little snow, tumbled about, KJ III.iv.176
Anon becomes a Mountaine. O noble Dolphine,Anon becomes a mountain. O noble Dauphin,anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
KJ III.iv.177
Go with me to the King, 'tis wonderfull,Go with me to the King. 'Tis wonderful KJ III.iv.178
What may be wrought out of their discontent,What may be wrought out of their discontent, KJ III.iv.179
Now that their soules are topfull of offence,Now that their souls are topfull of offence.topfull, topful (adj.)

old form: topfull
brimful, overfull
KJ III.iv.180
For England go; I will whet on the King.For England, go! I will whet on the King.whet on (v.)
encourage, incite, egg on
KJ III.iv.181
Strong reasons makes strange actions: let vs go,Strong reasons makes strong actions! Let us go: KJ III.iv.182
If you say I, the King will not say no. If you say ay, the King will not say no. KJ III.iv.183
Exeunt.Exeunt KJ III.iv.183
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