Henry V

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the Constable of France, the Lord Ramburs,Enter the Constable of France, the Lord Rambures, H5 III.vii.1.1
Orleance, Dolphin, with others.Orleans, Dauphin, with others H5 III.vii.1.2
Tut, I haue the best Armour of the World:Tut! I have the best armour of the world. H5 III.vii.1
would it were day.Would it were day! H5 III.vii.2
You haue an excellent Armour: but let my HorseYou have an excellent armour; but let my horse H5 III.vii.3
haue his due.have his due H5 III.vii.4
It is the best Horse of Europe.It is the best horse of Europe. H5 III.vii.5
Will it neuer be Morning?Will it never be morning? H5 III.vii.6
My Lord of Orleance, and my Lord HighMy Lord of Orleans, and my Lord High H5 III.vii.7
Constable, you talke of Horse and Armour?Constable, you talk of horse and armour? H5 III.vii.8
You are as well prouided of both, as any PrinceYou are as well provided of both as any prince H5 III.vii.9
in the World.in the world. H5 III.vii.10
What a long Night is this? I will not change myWhat a long night is this! I will not change my H5 III.vii.11
Horse with any that treades but on foure postures: ch'ha:horse with any that treads but on four pasterns. Ca, ha!pastern (n.)

old form: postures
hoof, leg
H5 III.vii.12
he bounds from the Earth, as if his entrayles were hayres:He bounds from the earth, as if his entrails were hairshair (n.)

old form: hayres
[product stuffed with hair] tennis-ball
H5 III.vii.13
le Cheual volante, the Pegasus, ches les narines de feu.le cheval volant, the Pegasus, chez les narines de feu!cheval (n.)
horse [Click on this word for a link to a translation of the French in this scene.]
H5 III.vii.14
When I bestryde him, I soare, I am a Hawke: he trots theWhen I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk. He trots the H5 III.vii.15
ayre: the Earth sings, when he touches it: the basest horneair; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest hornbase (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
H5 III.vii.16
of his hoofe, is more Musicall then the Pipe of Hermesof his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.Hermes (n.)
[pron: 'hermeez] messenger of the Greek gods, often shown wearing winged shoes; inventor of lyre and flute
H5 III.vii.17
Hee's of the colour of the Nutmeg.He's of the colour of the nutmeg. H5 III.vii.18
And of the heat of the Ginger. It is a Beast forAnd of the heat of the ginger. It is a beast for H5 III.vii.19
Perseus: hee is pure Ayre and Fire; and the dull ElementsPerseus: he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements ofPerseus (n)
son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death
H5 III.vii.20
of Earth and Water neuer appeare in him, but only inearth and water never appear in him, but only in H5 III.vii.21
patient stillnesse while his Rider mounts him: hee ispatient stillness while his rider mounts him. He is H5 III.vii.22
indeede a Horse, and all other Iades you may call Beasts.indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts.jade (n.)

old form: Iades
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
H5 III.vii.23
beast (n.)
mere animal
Indeed my Lord, it is a most absolute andIndeed, my lord, it is a most absolute andabsolute (adj.)
perfect, complete, incomparable
H5 III.vii.24
excellent Horse.excellent horse. H5 III.vii.25
It is the Prince of Palfrayes, his Neigh is like theIt is the prince of palfreys; his neigh is like thepalfrey (n.)

old form: Palfrayes
horse for everyday riding
H5 III.vii.26
bidding of a Monarch, and his countenance enforcesbidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces H5 III.vii.27
Homage.homage. H5 III.vii.28
No more Cousin.No more, cousin. H5 III.vii.29
Nay, the man hath no wit, that cannot from theNay, the man hath no wit that cannot, from thewit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
H5 III.vii.30
rising of the Larke to the lodging of the Lambe, varierising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb, varyvary (v.)
express in fresh words, verbalize anew
H5 III.vii.31
deserued prayse on my Palfray: it is a Theame as fluent asdeserved praise on my palfrey. It is a theme as fluent as H5 III.vii.32
the Sea: Turne the Sands into eloquent tongues, and mythe sea: turn the sands into eloquent tongues, and my H5 III.vii.33
Horse is argument for them all: 'tis a subiect for ahorse is argument for them all. 'Tis a subject for aargument (n.)
subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic
H5 III.vii.34
Soueraigne to reason on, and for a Soueraignes Soueraignesovereign to reason on, and for a sovereign's sovereignreason (v.)
talk, speak, converse
H5 III.vii.35
to ride on: And for the World, familiar to vs, andto ride on; and for the world, familiar to us and H5 III.vii.36
vnknowne, to lay apart their particular Functions, andunknown, to lay apart their particular functions and H5 III.vii.37
wonder at him, I once writ a Sonnet in his prayse, andwonder at him. I once writ a sonnet in his praise, and H5 III.vii.38
began thus, Wonder of Nature.began thus: ‘ Wonder of nature – ’. H5 III.vii.39
I haue heard a Sonnet begin so to ones Mistresse.I have heard a sonnet begin so to one's mistress. H5 III.vii.40
Then did they imitate that which I compos'dThen did they imitate that which I composed H5 III.vii.41
to my Courser, for my Horse is my Mistresse.to my courser, for my horse is my mistress.courser (n.)
swift horse, sprinter, charger
H5 III.vii.42
Your Mistresse beares well.Your mistress bears well.bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beares
carry [a rider], support
H5 III.vii.43
Me well, which is the prescript prayse andMe well, which is the prescript praise andprescript (adj.)
prescribed, appropriate, laid down
H5 III.vii.44
perfection of a good and particular Mistresse.perfection of a good and particular mistress.particular (adj.)
personal, special, private
H5 III.vii.45
Nay, for me thought yesterday your MistresseNay, for methought yesterday your mistressmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)
it seems / seemed to me
H5 III.vii.46
shrewdly shooke your back.shrewdly shook your back.shrewdly (adv.)
sharply, severely
H5 III.vii.47
So perhaps did yours.So perhaps did yours. H5 III.vii.48
Mine was not bridled.Mine was not bridled. H5 III.vii.49
O then belike she was old and gentle, and youO, then belike she was old and gentle, and yougentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
H5 III.vii.50
belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
rode like a Kerne of Ireland, your French Hose off, and inrode like a kern of Ireland, your French hose off, and inkern (n.)

old form: Kerne
lightly armed Irish foot-soldier
H5 III.vii.51
hose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
your strait Strossers.your straight strossers.strait (adj.)
tight, close-fitting, narrow
H5 III.vii.52
strossers (n.)
You haue good iudgement in Horsemanship.You have good judgement in horsemanship. H5 III.vii.53
Be warn'd by me then: they that ride so, andBe warned by me, then: they that ride so, and H5 III.vii.54
ride not warily, fall into foule Boggs: I had rather haue myride not warily, fall into foul bogs. I had rather have my H5 III.vii.55
Horse to my Mistresse.horse to my mistress. H5 III.vii.56
I had as liue haue my Mistresse a Iade.I had as lief have my mistress a jade.jade (n.)

old form: Iade
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
H5 III.vii.57
lief, had as

old form: liue
should like just as much
I tell thee Constable, my Mistresse weares hisI tell thee, Constable, my mistress wears his H5 III.vii.58
owne hayre.own hair. H5 III.vii.59
I could make as true a boast as that, if I hadI could make as true a boast as that, if I had H5 III.vii.60
a Sow to my Mistresse.a sow to my mistress. H5 III.vii.61
Le chien est retourne a son propre vemissement Le chien est retourné à son propre vomissement, H5 III.vii.62
estla leuye lauee au bourbier: thou mak'st vse of any thing.et la truie lavée au bourbier:’ thou mak'st use of anything. H5 III.vii.63
Yet doe I not vse my Horse for my Mistresse, orYet do I not use my horse for my mistress, or H5 III.vii.64
any such Prouerbe, so little kin to the purpose.any such proverb so little kin to the purpose.purpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
H5 III.vii.65
My Lord Constable, the Armour that I sawMy Lord Constable, the armour that I saw H5 III.vii.66
in your Tent to night, are those Starres or Sunnes vpon it?in your tent tonight – are those stars or suns upon it? H5 III.vii.67
Starres my Lord.Stars, my lord. H5 III.vii.68
Some of them will fall to morrow, I hope.Some of them will fall tomorrow, I hope. H5 III.vii.69
And yet my Sky shall not want.And yet my sky shall not want.want (v.)
lack, need, be without
H5 III.vii.70
That may be, for you beare a many superfluously,That may be, for you bear a many superfluously, H5 III.vii.71
and 'twere more honor some were away.and 'twere more honour some were away. H5 III.vii.72
Eu'n as your Horse beares your prayses,E'en as your horse bears your praises, H5 III.vii.73
who would trot as well, were some of your braggeswho would trot as well were some of your brags H5 III.vii.74
dismounted.dismounted. H5 III.vii.75
Would I were able to loade him with his desert.Would I were able to load him with his desert! H5 III.vii.76
Will it neuer be day? I will trot to morrow a mile, andWill it never be day? I will trot tomorrow a mile, and H5 III.vii.77
my way shall be paued with English Faces.my way shall be paved with English faces. H5 III.vii.78
I will not say so, for feare I should be fac'tI will not say so, for fear I should be facedface (v.)
bully, intimidate, turn
H5 III.vii.79
out of my way: but I would it were morning, for Iout of my way; but I would it were morning, for I H5 III.vii.80
would faine be about the eares of the English.would fain be about the ears of the English.fain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
H5 III.vii.81
Who will goe to Hazard with me for twentieWho will go to hazard with me for twentyhazard, come / go to

old form: goe
play dice, gamble
H5 III.vii.82
Prisoners?prisoners? H5 III.vii.83
You must first goe your selfe to hazard, ere youYou must first go yourself to hazard ere youhazard (n.)
risk, peril, danger
H5 III.vii.84
haue them.have them. H5 III.vii.85
'Tis Mid-night, Ile goe arme my selfe.'Tis midnight: I'll go arm myself. H5 III.vii.86
Exit.Exit H5 III.vii.86
The Dolphin longs for morning.The Dauphin longs for morning. H5 III.vii.87
He longs to eate the English.He longs to eat the English. H5 III.vii.88
I thinke he will eate all he kills.I think he will eat all he kills. H5 III.vii.89
By the white Hand of my Lady, hee's a gallantBy the white hand of my lady, he's a gallant H5 III.vii.90
Prince.prince. H5 III.vii.91
Sweare by her Foot, that she may tread outSwear by her foot, that she may tread outtread out
treat with contempt, crush, spurn
H5 III.vii.92
the Oath.the oath. H5 III.vii.93
He is simply the most actiue Gentleman ofHe is simply the most active gentleman of H5 III.vii.94
France.France. H5 III.vii.95
Doing is actiuitie, and he will still be doing.Doing is activity, and he will still be doing.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
H5 III.vii.96
He neuer did harme, that I heard of.He never did harm, that I heard of. H5 III.vii.97
Nor will doe none to morrow: hee will keepe thatNor will do none tomorrow: he will keep that H5 III.vii.98
good name still.good name still. H5 III.vii.99
I know him to be valiant.I know him to be valiant. H5 III.vii.100
I was told that, by one that knowes him betterI was told that, by one that knows him better H5 III.vii.101
then you.than you. H5 III.vii.102
What's hee?What's he? H5 III.vii.103
Marry hee told me so himselfe, and hee sayd heeMarry, he told me so himself, and he said hemarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
H5 III.vii.104
car'd not who knew it.cared not who knew it. H5 III.vii.105
Hee needes not, it is no hidden vertue in him.He needs not; it is no hidden virtue in him. H5 III.vii.106
By my faith Sir, but it is: neuer any bodyBy my faith, sir, but it is; never anybody H5 III.vii.107
saw it, but his Lacquey: 'tis a hooded valour, and when itsaw it but his lackey. 'Tis a hooded valour, and when ithooded (adj.)
[falconry] concealed, masked
H5 III.vii.108
lackey (n.)

old form: Lacquey
footman, minion, flunky
appeares, it will bate.appears it will bate.bate (v.)
[falconry] beat the wings, flutter
H5 III.vii.109
Ill will neuer sayd well.Ill will never said well. H5 III.vii.110
I will cap that Prouerbe with, There is flatterieI will cap that proverb with ‘ There is flattery H5 III.vii.111
in friendship.in friendship.’ H5 III.vii.112
And I will take vp that with, Giue the Deuill hisAnd I will take up that with ‘ Give the devil his H5 III.vii.113
due.due!’ H5 III.vii.114
Well plac't: there stands your friend for theWell placed. There stands your friend for theplace (v.)

old form: plac't
arrange, dispose, express
H5 III.vii.115
Deuill: haue at the very eye of that Prouerbe with, A Poxdevil. Have at the very eye of that proverb with ‘ A poxpox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
H5 III.vii.116
of the Deuill.of the devil.’ H5 III.vii.117
You are the better at Prouerbs, by how much aYou are the better at proverbs by how much ‘ A H5 III.vii.118
Fooles Bolt is soone shot.fool's bolt is soon shot.’bolt (n.)
[short and thick, crossbow] arrow
H5 III.vii.119
You haue shot ouer.You have shot over. H5 III.vii.120
'Tis not the first time you were ouer-shot.'Tis not the first time you were overshot.overshoot (v.)

old form: ouer-shot
[miss a target by shooting too high] go astray in aim, wide of the mark
H5 III.vii.121
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger H5 III.vii.122
My Lord high Constable, the English lyeMy Lord High Constable, the English lie H5 III.vii.122
within fifteene hundred paces of your Tents.within fifteen hundred paces of your tents. H5 III.vii.123
Who hath measur'd the ground?Who hath measured the ground? H5 III.vii.124
The Lord Grandpree.The Lord Grandpré. H5 III.vii.125
A valiant and most expert Gentleman. WouldA valiant and most expert gentleman. Would H5 III.vii.126
it were day? Alas poore Harry of England: hee longs notit were day! Alas, poor Harry of England! He longs not H5 III.vii.127
for the Dawning, as wee doe.for the dawning as we do. H5 III.vii.128
What a wretched and peeuish fellow is this KingWhat a wretched and peevish fellow is this Kingpeevish (adj.)

old form: peeuish
silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive
H5 III.vii.129
of England, to mope with his fat-brain'd followers so farreof England, to mope with his fat-brained followers so farmope (v.)
act aimlessly, be in a daze, wander about
H5 III.vii.130
out of his knowledge.out of his knowledge.knowledge (n.)
familiar territory, world of acquaintance
H5 III.vii.131
If the English had any apprehension, theyIf the English had any apprehension, theyapprehension (n.)
powers of comprehension, understanding
H5 III.vii.132
would runne away.would run away. H5 III.vii.133
That they lack: for if their heads had anyThat they lack; for if their heads had any H5 III.vii.134
intellectuall Armour, they could neuer weare such heauieintellectual armour, they could never wear such heavy H5 III.vii.135
Head-pieces.headpieces. H5 III.vii.136
That Iland of England breedes very valiantThat island of England breeds very valiant H5 III.vii.137
Creatures; their Mastiffes are of vnmatchable courage.creatures: their mastiffs are of unmatchable courage. H5 III.vii.138
Foolish Curres, that runne winking into the mouthFoolish curs, that run winking into the mouthwink (v.)
shut one's eyes
H5 III.vii.139
of a Russian Beare, and haue their heads crusht likeof a Russian bear, and have their heads crushed like H5 III.vii.140
rotten Apples: you may as well say, that's a valiant Flea,rotten apples! You may as well say that's a valiant flea H5 III.vii.141
that dare eate his breakefast on the Lippe of a Lyon.that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion. H5 III.vii.142
Iust, iust: and the men doe sympathize withJust, just: and the men do sympathize withsympathize with (v.)
resemble, be like, have an affinity with
H5 III.vii.143
the Mastiffes, in robustious and rough comming on,the mastiffs in robustious and rough coming on,robustious (adj.)
boisterous, noisy, unruly
H5 III.vii.144
leauing their Wits with their Wiues: and then giue themleaving their wits with their wives; and then, give themwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
H5 III.vii.145
great Meales of Beefe, and Iron and Steele; they will eategreat meals of beef, and iron and steel; they will eat H5 III.vii.146
like Wolues, and fight like Deuils.like wolves, and fight like devils. H5 III.vii.147
I, but these English are shrowdly out of Beefe.Ay, but these English are shrewdly out of beef.shrewdly (adv.)

old form: shrowdly
seriously, mightily, very much
H5 III.vii.148
Then shall we finde to morrow, they haue onlyThen shall we find tomorrow they have only H5 III.vii.149
stomackes to eate, and none to fight. Now is it time tostomachs to eat, and none to fight. Now is it time to H5 III.vii.150
arme: come, shall we about it?arm. Come, shall we about it? H5 III.vii.151
It is now two a Clock: but let me see, by tenIt is now two o'clock: but, let me see – by ten H5 III.vii.152
Wee shall haue each a hundred English men.We shall have each a hundred Englishmen. H5 III.vii.153
Exeunt.Exeunt H5 III.vii.153
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