
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Cymbeline, Lords, and Pisanio.Enter Cymbeline, Lords, Pisanio, and Attendants Cym IV.iii.1
Againe: and bring me word how 'tis with her,Again: and bring me word how 'tis with her. Cym IV.iii.1
Exit an Attendant Cym IV.iii.1
A Feauour with the absence of her Sonne;A fever with the absence of her son; Cym IV.iii.2
A madnesse, of which her life's in danger: Heauens,A madness, of which her life's in danger: heavens, Cym IV.iii.3
How deeply you at once do touch me. Imogen,How deeply you at once do touch me! Innogen,touch (v.)
wound, hurt, injure
Cym IV.iii.4
The great part of my comfort, gone: My QueeneThe great part of my comfort gone: my queen Cym IV.iii.5
Vpon a desperate bed, and in a timeUpon a desperate bed, and in a timedesperate (adj.)
despairing, hopeless, without hope
Cym IV.iii.6
When fearefull Warres point at me: Her Sonne gone,When fearful wars point at me: her son gone, Cym IV.iii.7
So needfull for this present? It strikes me, pastSo needful for this present. It strikes me, pastneedful (adj.)

old form: needfull
necessary, needed, indispensable
Cym IV.iii.8
present (n.)
present time, immediate moment, matter in hand
The hope of comfort. But for thee, Fellow,The hope of comfort. But for thee, fellow,comfort (n.)
recovery, relief, cure
Cym IV.iii.9
Who needs must know of her departure, andWho needs must know of her departure, and Cym IV.iii.10
Dost seeme so ignorant, wee'l enforce it from theeDost seem so ignorant, we'll enforce it from thee Cym IV.iii.11
By a sharpe Torture.By a sharp torture. Cym IV.iii.12.1
Sir, my life is yours,Sir, my life is yours, Cym IV.iii.12.2
I humbly set it at your will: But for my Mistris,I humbly set it at your will: but, for my mistress, Cym IV.iii.13
I nothing know where she remaines: why gone,I nothing know where she remains: why gone,nothing (adv.)
not at all, in any / no way
Cym IV.iii.14
remain (v.)

old form: remaines
dwell, live, reside
Nor when she purposes returne. Beseech your Highnes,Nor when she purposes return. Beseech your highness,purpose (v.)
intend, plan
Cym IV.iii.15
Hold me your loyall Seruant.Hold me your loyal servant.hold (v.)
consider, regard, esteem, value [as]
Cym IV.iii.16.1
Good my Liege,Good my liege,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
Cym IV.iii.16.2
The day that she was missing, he was heere;The day that she was missing, he was here: Cym IV.iii.17
I dare be bound hee's true, and shall performeI dare be bound he's true, and shall performtrue (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
Cym IV.iii.18
All parts of his subiection loyally. For Cloten,All parts of his subjection loyally. For Cloten,subjection (n.)

old form: subiection
duty as a subject, obedience
Cym IV.iii.19
There wants no diligence in seeking him,There wants no diligence in seeking him,want (v.)
fall short [of], be deficient [in]
Cym IV.iii.20
diligence (n.)
attentiveness, assiduity, careful service
And will no doubt be found.And will no doubt be found. Cym IV.iii.21.1
The time is troublesome:The time is troublesome:troublesome (adj.)
full of affliction, disturbed, crisis-torn
Cym IV.iii.21.2
Wee'l slip you for a season, but our iealousie(to Pisanio) We'll slip you for a season, but our jealousyseason (n.)
while, short period of time
Cym IV.iii.22
jealousy (n.)

old form: iealousie
suspicion, mistrust, apprehension
slip (v.)
let go of, allow to leave, unleash
Do's yet depend.Does yet depend.depend (v.)
persist, continue, remain hanging
Cym IV.iii.23.1
So please your Maiesty,So please your majesty, Cym IV.iii.23.2
The Romaine Legions, all from Gallia drawne,The Roman legions, all from Gallia drawn,Gallia (n.)
old name for France [Gaul]
Cym IV.iii.24
Are landed on your Coast, with a supplyAre landed on your coast, with a supply Cym IV.iii.25
Of Romaine Gentlemen, by the Senate sent.Of Roman gentlemen, by the Senate sent. Cym IV.iii.26
Now for the Counsaile of my Son and Queen,Now for the counsel of my son and queen, Cym IV.iii.27
I am amaz'd with matter.I am amazed with matter.matter (n.)
affair(s), business, real issue
Cym IV.iii.28.1
amazed (adj.)

old form: amaz'd
dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed
Good my Liege,Good my liege, Cym IV.iii.28.2
Your preparation can affront no lesseYour preparation can affront no lesspreparation (n.)
equipped military force, force ready for war
Cym IV.iii.29
affront (v.)
come face to face with, meet, confront
Then what you heare of. Come more, for more you're ready:Than what you hear of. Come more, for more you're ready: Cym IV.iii.30
The want is, but to put those Powres in motion,The want is but to put those powers in motionpower (n.)

old form: Powres
armed force, troops, host, army
Cym IV.iii.31
want (n.)
need, requirement, necessity
That long to moue.That long to move. Cym IV.iii.32.1
I thanke you: let's withdrawI thank you: let's withdraw Cym IV.iii.32.2
And meete the Time, as it seekes vs. We feare notAnd meet the time, as it seeks us. We fear not Cym IV.iii.33
What can from Italy annoy vs, butWhat can from Italy annoy us, butannoy (v.)
harm, molest, hurt, injure
Cym IV.iii.34
We greeue at chances heere. Away. We grieve at chances here. Away!chance (n.)
event, occurrence, situation [especially, bad]
Cym IV.iii.35
ExeuntExeunt Cymbeline, Lords and Attendants Cym IV.iii.35
I heard no Letter from my Master, sinceI heard no letter from my master since Cym IV.iii.36
I wrote him Imogen was slaine. 'Tis strange:I wrote him Innogen was slain. 'Tis strange: Cym IV.iii.37
Nor heare I from my Mistris, who did promiseNor hear I from my mistress, who did promise Cym IV.iii.38
To yeeld me often tydings. Neither know ITo yield me often tidings. Neither know I Cym IV.iii.39
What is betide to Cloten, but remaineWhat is betid to Cloten, but remainbetide (v.)
happen (to), befall, come (to)
Cym IV.iii.40
Perplext in all. The Heauens still must worke:Perplexed in all. The heavens still must work.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cym IV.iii.41
Wherein I am false, I am honest: not true, to be true.Wherein I am false, I am honest; not true, to be true.true (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
Cym IV.iii.42
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
These present warres shall finde I loue my Country,These present wars shall find I love my country, Cym IV.iii.43
Euen to the note o'th'King, or Ile fall in them:Even to the note o'th' king, or I'll fall in them:note (n.)
attention, notice, regard
Cym IV.iii.44
All other doubts, by time let them be cleer'd,All other doubts, by time let them be cleared, Cym IV.iii.45
Fortune brings in some Boats, that are not steer'd. Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered. Cym IV.iii.46
Exit.Exit Cym IV.iii.46
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