All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Clowne, old Lady, and LafewEnter the Countess, Lafew, and the Clown AW IV.v.1.1
No, no, no, your sonne was misled with a snipt taffataNo, no, no, your son was misled with a snipped-taffetasnipped-taffeta, snipt-taffeta (adj.)

old form: snipt taffata
made of glossy silk fabric with irregular cuts, slashed-silk
AW IV.v.1
fellow there, whose villanous saffron wold hauefellow there, whose villainous saffron would havesaffron (n.)
saffron-coloured clothing
AW IV.v.2
made all the vnbak'd and dowy youth of a nation inmade all the unbaked and doughy youth of a nation in AW IV.v.3
his colour: your daughter-in-law had beene aliue at thishis colour. Your daughter-in-law had been alive at this AW IV.v.4
houre, and your sonne heere at home, more aduanc'd by thehour, and your son here at home, more advanced by the AW IV.v.5
King, then by that red-tail'd humble Bee I speak of.King than by that red-tailed humble-bee I speak of.humble-bee (n.)

old form: humble Bee
AW IV.v.6
I would I had not knowne him, it was theI would I had not known him; it was the AW IV.v.7
death of the most vertuous gentlewoman, that euerdeath of the most virtuous gentlewoman that ever AW IV.v.8
Nature had praise for creating. If she had pertaken of my nature had praise for creating. If she had partaken of my AW IV.v.9
flesh and cost mee the deerest groanes of a mother, Iflesh and cost me the dearest groans of a mother Idear (adj.)

old form: deerest
dire, grievous, hard
AW IV.v.10
could not haue owed her a more rooted loue.could not have owed her a more rooted love. AW IV.v.11
Twas a good Lady, 'twas a good Lady. Wee may picke'Twas a good lady, 'twas a good lady. We may pick AW IV.v.12
a thousand sallets ere wee light on such another hearbe.a thousand sallets ere we light on such another herb.sallet (n.)
AW IV.v.13
Indeed sir she was the sweete Margerom of theIndeed, sir, she was the sweet marjoram of the AW IV.v.14
sallet, or rather the hearbe of grace.sallet, or, rather, the herb of grace. AW IV.v.15
They are not hearbes you knaue, they areThey are not herbs, you knave, they areknave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
AW IV.v.16
nose-hearbes.nose-herbs.nose-herb (n.)

old form: nose-hearbes
scented plant, herb for smelling [as opposed to eating]
AW IV.v.17
Clowne. CLOWN 
I am no great Nabuchadnezar sir, I haue notI am no great Nabuchadnezzar, sir, I have notNabuchadnezzar (n.)
[pron: nabookad'nezer] Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 6th-c BC
AW IV.v.18
much skill in grace.much skill in grass. AW IV.v.19
Whether doest thou professe thy selfe, a knaue or aWhether dost thou profess thyself, a knave or a AW IV.v.20
foole?fool? AW IV.v.21
A foole sir at a womans seruice, and a knaue at aA fool, sir, at a woman's service, and a knave at a AW IV.v.22's. AW IV.v.23
Your distinction.Your distinction? AW IV.v.24
I would cousen the man of his wife, and do hisI would cozen the man of his wife and do hiscozen (v.)

old form: cousen
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
AW IV.v.25
seruice.service.service (n.)

old form: seruice
action, performance
AW IV.v.26
So you were a knaue at his seruice indeed.So you were a knave at his service indeed. AW IV.v.27
And I would giue his wife my bauble sir to doeAnd I would give his wife my bauble, sir, to dobauble (n.)
decorated rod of office, fool's staff
AW IV.v.28
her seruice.her service. AW IV.v.29
I will subscribe for thee, thou art both knaue andI will subscribe for thee, thou art both knave andsubscribe for (v.)
vouch for, answer on behalf of
AW IV.v.30
foole.fool. AW IV.v.31
At your seruice.At your service. AW IV.v.32
No, no, no.No, no, no. AW IV.v.33
Why sir, if I cannot serue you, I can serue as greatWhy, sir, if I cannot serve you I can serve as great AW IV.v.34
a prince as you are.a prince as you are. AW IV.v.35
Whose that, a Frenchman?Who's that? A Frenchman? AW IV.v.36
Faith sir a has an English maine, but his Faith, sir, 'a has an English name; but his AW IV.v.37
fisnomie is more hotter in France then there.fisnomy is more hotter in France than there.fisnomy (n.)

old form: fisnomie
physiognomy, face, countenance
AW IV.v.38
What prince is that?What prince is that? AW IV.v.39
The blacke prince sir, alias the prince of darkenesse,The Black Prince, sir, alias the prince of darkness, AW IV.v.40
alias the diuell.alias the devil. AW IV.v.41
Hold thee there's my purse, I giue thee not thisHold thee, there's my purse. I give thee not this AW IV.v.42
to suggest thee from thy master thou talk'st off, serueto suggest thee from thy master thou talkest of; servesuggest (v.)
tempt, prompt, incite
AW IV.v.43
him still.him still.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
AW IV.v.44
I am a woodland fellow sir, that alwaies loued aI am a woodland fellow, sir, that always loved a AW IV.v.45
great fire, and the master I speak of euer keeps a goodgreat fire, and the master I speak of ever keeps a good AW IV.v.46
fire, but sure he is the Prince of the world, let hisfire. But sure he is the prince of the world; let his AW IV.v.47
Nobilitie remaine in's Court. I am for the house with thenobility remain in's court. I am for the house with the AW IV.v.48
narrow gate, which I take to be too little for pompe tonarrow gate, which I take to be too little for pomp to AW IV.v.49
enter: some that humble themselues may, but the manieenter; some that humble themselves may, but the many AW IV.v.50
will be too chill and tender, and theyle bee for thewill be too chill and tender, and they'll be for thechill (adj.)
sensitive to cold, faint-hearted
AW IV.v.51
tender (adj.)
fond of comfort, attached to the easy life
flowrie way that leads to the broad gate, and the greatflowery way that leads to the broad gate and the great AW IV.v.52 AW IV.v.53
Go thy waies, I begin to bee a wearie of thee, and IGo thy ways. I begin to be aweary of thee, and Iways, go thy / your

old form: waies
get along, be off
AW IV.v.54
aweary, a-weary (adj.)

old form: a wearie
weary, tired
tell thee so before, because I would not fall out withtell thee so before, because I would not fall out with AW IV.v.55
thee. Go thy wayes, let my horses be wel look'd too,thee. Go thy ways. Let my horses be well looked to, AW IV.v.56
without any trickes.without any tricks. AW IV.v.57
If I put any trickes vpon em sir, they shall beeIf I put any tricks upon 'em, sir, they shall be AW IV.v.58
Iades trickes, which are their owne right by the law ofjades' tricks, which are their own right by the law ofjade (n.)

old form: Iades
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
AW IV.v.59
Nature. nature. AW IV.v.60
exitExit AW IV.v.61.1
A shrewd knaue and an vnhappie.A shrewd knave and an unhappy.shrewd (adj.)
wily, cunning, mischievous
AW IV.v.61
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
So a is. My Lord that's gone made himselfeSo 'a is. My lord that's gone made himself AW IV.v.62
much sport out of him, by his authoritie hee remainesmuch sport out of him; by his authority he remainssport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
AW IV.v.63
sport (n.)
subject of sport
heere, which he thinkes is a pattent for his sawcinesse, andhere, which he thinks is a patent for his sauciness; andpatent (n.)

old form: pattent
carte blanche, formal permission
AW IV.v.64
sauciness (n.)

old form: sawcinesse
insolence, rudeness, impertinence
indeede he has no pace, but runnes where he will.indeed he has no pace, but runs where he will.pace (n.)
obedient movement, trained walk
AW IV.v.65
I like him well, 'tis not amisse: and I was about toI like him well, 'tis not amiss. And I was about to AW IV.v.66
tell you, since I heard of the good Ladies death, and thattell you, since I heard of the good lady's death and that AW IV.v.67
my Lord your sonne was vpon his returne home. I mouedmy lord your son was upon his return home, I moved AW IV.v.68
the King my master to speake in the behalfe of mythe King my master to speak in the behalf of my AW IV.v.69
daughter, which in the minoritie of them both, hisdaughter; which, in the minority of them both, hisminority (n.)

old form: minoritie
under-age period, earlier youth, childhood
AW IV.v.70
Maiestie out of a selfe gracious remembrance did firstmajesty out of a self-gracious remembrance did firstself-gracious (adj.)

old form: selfe gracious
coming from one's own gracious self
AW IV.v.71
remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
propose, his Highnesse hath promis'd me to doe it, and to propose. His highness hath promised me to do it; and to AW IV.v.72
stoppe vp the displeasure he hath conceiued against your stop up the displeasure he hath conceived against your AW IV.v.73
sonne, there is no fitter matter. How do's your Ladyshipson there is no fitter matter. How does your ladyshipmatter (n.)
affair(s), business, real issue
AW IV.v.74
like it?like it? AW IV.v.75
With verie much content my Lord, and I wishWith very much content, my lord, and I wishcontent (n.)
pleasure, satisfaction, happiness
AW IV.v.76
it happily happily effected. AW IV.v.77
His Highnesse comes post from Marcellus, of asHis highness comes post from Marcellus, of aspost (adv.)
in haste, with speed
AW IV.v.78
Marcellus (n.)
Marseilles, S France
able bodie as when he number'd thirty, a will be heereable body as when he numbered thirty. 'A will be here'a (pron.)
contracted form of ‘he’
AW IV.v.79
able (adj.)
strong, vigorous, powerful
to morrow, or I am deceiu'd by him that in suchtomorrow, or I am deceived by him that in such AW IV.v.80
intelligence hath seldome fail'd.intelligence hath seldom failed.intelligence (n.)
information, news, communication
AW IV.v.81
Ir reioyces me, that I hope I shall see him ere IIt rejoices me that I hope I shall see him ere I AW IV.v.82
die. I haue letters that my sonne will be heere to night: I die. I have letters that my son will be here tonight. I AW IV.v.83
shall beseech your Lordship to remaine with mee, till theyshall beseech your lordship to remain with me till they AW IV.v.84
meete together. AW IV.v.85
Madam, I was thinking with what manners IMadam, I was thinking with what manners I AW IV.v.86
might safely be admitted.might safely be admitted. AW IV.v.87
You neede but pleade your honourable priuiledge. You need but plead your honourable privilege. AW IV.v.88
Ladie, of that I haue made a bold charter, but ILady, of that I have made a bold charter, but, Icharter (n.)
right, privilege, prerogative
AW IV.v.89
thanke my God, it holds yet.thank my God, it holds yet. AW IV.v.90
Enter Clowne.Enter Clown AW IV.v.91
O Madam, yonders my Lord your sonne with a patchO madam, yonder's my lord your son with a patch AW IV.v.91
of veluet on's face, whether there bee a scar vnder't or no,of velvet on's face; whether there be a scar under't or no, AW IV.v.92
the Veluet knowes, but 'tis a goodly patch of Veluet, histhe velvet knows, but 'tis a goodly patch of velvet. His AW IV.v.93
left cheeke is a cheeke of two pile and a halfe, but his rightleft cheek is a cheek of two pile and a half, but his right AW IV.v.94
cheeke is worne bare.cheek is worn bare.bare (adj.)
threadbare, shabby, ragged
AW IV.v.95
A scarre nobly got, / Or a noble scarre, is a good liu'rieA scar nobly got, or a noble scar, is a good liverylivery (n.)

old form: liu'rie
uniform, costume, special clothing
AW IV.v.96
of honor, / So belike is that.of honour; so belike is that.belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
AW IV.v.97
But it is your carbinado'd face.But it is your carbonadoed face.carbonadoed (adj.)

old form: carbinado'd
cut, slashed, hacked about
AW IV.v.98
Let vs go see your sonne I pray you, I long to talkeLet us go see your son, I pray you. I long to talk AW IV.v.99
With the yong noble souldier.with the young noble soldier. AW IV.v.100
Clowne. CLOWN 
'Faith there's a dozen of em, with delicate fineFaith, there's a dozen of 'em with delicate finedelicate (adj.)
cunning, ingenious, skilful
AW IV.v.101
hats, and most courteous feathers, which bow the head,hats, and most courteous feathers which bow the head AW IV.v.102
and nod at euerie man.and nod at every man. AW IV.v.103
ExeuntExeunt AW IV.v.103
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