First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter King Iohn and Pandolph, attendants. | Enter King John, Cardinal Pandulph, and attendants | | KJ V.i.1 | |
K.Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
| (giving the crown to Cardinal Pandulph) | | KJ V.i.1 | |
Thus haue I yeelded vp into your hand | Thus have I yielded up into your hand | | KJ V.i.1 | |
The Circle of my glory. | The circle of my glory. | circle (n.)crown, coronet, diadem | KJ V.i.2.1 | |
| (returning the crown) | | KJ V.i.2 | |
Take againe | Take again | | KJ V.i.2.2 | |
From this my hand, as holding of the Pope | From this my hand, as holding of the Pope | holding (n.)leasehold, tenure, grant of occupation | KJ V.i.3 | |
Your Soueraigne greatnesse and authoritie. | Your sovereign greatness and authority. | | KJ V.i.4 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Now keep your holy word,go meet the French, | Now keep your holy word. Go meet the French, | | KJ V.i.5 | |
And from his holinesse vse all your power | And from his holiness use all your power | | KJ V.i.6 | |
To stop their marches 'fore we are enflam'd: | To stop their marches 'fore we are inflamed. | inflamed (adj.)engulfed with fire | KJ V.i.7 | |
Our discontented Counties doe reuolt: | Our discontented counties do revolt; | | KJ V.i.8 | |
Our people quarrell with obedience, | Our people quarrel with obedience, | quarrel with (v.)object to, take exception to, refuse to practise | KJ V.i.9 | |
Swearing Allegiance, and the loue of soule | Swearing allegiance and the love of soul | soul (n.)conscience, heart, inner being | KJ V.i.10 | |
To stranger-bloud, to forren Royalty; | To stranger blood, to foreign royalty. | stranger (adj.)foreign, alien | KJ V.i.11 | |
| | blood (n.)blood relationship, kinship | | |
This inundation of mistempred humor, | This inundation of mistempered humour | inundation (n.)outpouring, overflowing, flood | KJ V.i.12 | |
| | mistempered (adj.)disordered, diseased, deranged | | |
| | humour (n.)mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
Rests by you onely to be qualified. | Rests by you only to be qualified. | qualify (v.)appease, pacify, calm down | KJ V.i.13 | |
Then pause not: for the present time's so sicke, | Then pause not, for the present time's so sick, | | KJ V.i.14 | |
That present medcine must be ministred, | That present medicine must be ministered, | | KJ V.i.15 | |
Or ouerthrow incureable ensues. | Or overthrow incurable ensues. | | KJ V.i.16 | |
It was my breath that blew this Tempest vp, | It was my breath that blew this tempest up, | | KJ V.i.17 | |
Vpon your stubborne vsage of the Pope: | Upon your stubborn usage of the Pope; | | KJ V.i.18 | |
But since you are a gentle conuertite, | But since you are a gentle convertite, | gentle (adj.)soft, tender, kind | KJ V.i.19 | |
| | convertite (n.)convert, penitent | | |
My tongue shall hush againe this storme of warre, | My tongue shall hush again this storm of war | | KJ V.i.20 | |
And make faire weather in your blustring land: | And make fair weather in your blustering land. | blustering (adj.)turbulent, buffeted, tempestuous | KJ V.i.21 | |
On this Ascention day, remember well, | On this Ascension Day, remember well, | | KJ V.i.22 | |
Vpon your oath of seruice to the Pope, | Upon your oath of service to the Pope, | | KJ V.i.23 | |
Goe I to make the French lay downe their Armes. | Go I to make the French lay down their arms. | | KJ V.i.24 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KJ V.i.24 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Is this Ascension day? did not the Prophet | Is this Ascension Day? Did not the prophet | | KJ V.i.25 | |
Say, that before Ascension day at noone, | Say that before Ascension Day at noon | | KJ V.i.26 | |
My Crowne I should giue off? euen so I haue: | My crown I should give off? Even so I have! | give off (v.)give up, yield, relinquish | KJ V.i.27 | |
I did suppose it should be on constraint, | I did suppose it should be on constraint, | | KJ V.i.28 | |
But (heau'n be thank'd) it is but voluntary. | But, heaven be thanked, it is but voluntary. | | KJ V.i.29 | |
Enter Bastard. | Enter the Bastard | | KJ V.i.30 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
All Kent hath yeelded: nothing there holds out | All Kent hath yielded – nothing there holds out | | KJ V.i.30 | |
But Douer Castle: London hath receiu'd | But Dover Castle; London hath received, | | KJ V.i.31 | |
Like a kinde Host, the Dolphin and his powers. | Like a kind host, the Dauphin and his powers; | dauphin, dolphin (n.)title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] | KJ V.i.32 | |
| | power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army | | |
Your Nobles will not heare you, but are gone | Your nobles will not hear you, but are gone | | KJ V.i.33 | |
To offer seruice to your enemy: | To offer service to your enemy; | | KJ V.i.34 | |
And wilde amazement hurries vp and downe | And wild amazement hurries up and down | amazement (n.)bewilderment, perplexity, distraction | KJ V.i.35 | |
The little number of your doubtfull friends. | The little number of your doubtful friends. | doubtful (adj.)fearful, worried, apprehensive | KJ V.i.36 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Would not my Lords returne to me againe | Would not my lords return to me again | | KJ V.i.37 | |
After they heard yong Arthur was aliue? | After they heard young Arthur was alive? | | KJ V.i.38 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
They found him dead, and cast into the streets, | They found him dead and cast into the streets, | | KJ V.i.39 | |
An empty Casket, where the Iewell of life | An empty casket, where the jewel of life | | KJ V.i.40 | |
By some damn'd hand was rob'd, and tane away. | By some damned hand was robbed and ta'en away. | | KJ V.i.41 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
That villaine Hubert told me he did liue. | That villain Hubert told me he did live. | | KJ V.i.42 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
So on my soule he did, for ought he knew: | So, on my soul, he did, for aught he knew. | aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing | KJ V.i.43 | |
But wherefore doe you droope? why looke you sad? | But wherefore do you droop? Why look you sad? | sad (adj.)downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | KJ V.i.44 | |
Be great in act, as you haue beene in thought: | Be great in act, as you have been in thought; | | KJ V.i.45 | |
Let not the world see feare and sad distrust | Let not the world see fear and sad distrust | sad (adj.)serious, grave, solemn | KJ V.i.46 | |
| | distrust (n.)lack of confidence, doubt | | |
Gouerne the motion of a kinglye eye: | Govern the motion of a kingly eye. | | KJ V.i.47 | |
Be stirring as the time, be fire with fire, | Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire; | | KJ V.i.48 | |
Threaten the threatner, and out-face the brow | Threaten the threatener, and outface the brow | outface (v.)defy, intimidate, overcome by confronting | KJ V.i.49 | |
| | brow (n.)bold front, confidence, effrontery | | |
Of bragging horror: So shall inferior eyes | Of bragging horror. So shall inferior eyes, | bragging (adj.)threatening, menacing, challenging | KJ V.i.50 | |
That borrow their behauiours from the great, | That borrow their behaviours from the great, | | KJ V.i.51 | |
Grow great by your example, and put on | Grow great by your example and put on | | KJ V.i.52 | |
The dauntlesse spirit of resolution. | The dauntless spirit of resolution. | | KJ V.i.53 | |
Away, and glister like the god of warre | Away, and glister like the god of war | glister (v.)glitter, sparkle, gleam | KJ V.i.54 | |
When he intendeth to become the field: | When he intendeth to become the field. | field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ V.i.55 | |
| | become (v.)grace, honour, dignify | | |
Shew boldnesse and aspiring confidence: | Show boldness and aspiring confidence! | | KJ V.i.56 | |
What, shall they seeke the Lion in his denne, | What, shall they seek the lion in his den, | | KJ V.i.57 | |
And fright him there? and make him tremble there? | And fright him there? And make him tremble there? | fright (v.), past form frightedfrighten, scare, terrify | KJ V.i.58 | |
Oh let it not be said: forrage, and runne | O, let it not be said! Forage, and run | forage (v.)range abroad, go out and about | KJ V.i.59 | |
To meet displeasure farther from the dores, | To meet displeasure farther from the doors, | | KJ V.i.60 | |
And grapple with him ere he come so nye. | And grapple with him ere he come so nigh. | | KJ V.i.61 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
The Legat of the Pope hath beene with mee, | The legate of the Pope hath been with me, | | KJ V.i.62 | |
And I haue made a happy peace with him, | And I have made a happy peace with him; | happy (adj.)opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable | KJ V.i.63 | |
And he hath promis'd to dismisse the Powers | And he hath promised to dismiss the powers | power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army | KJ V.i.64 | |
Led by the Dolphin. | Led by the Dauphin. | | KJ V.i.65.1 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Oh inglorious league: | O inglorious league! | inglorious (adj.)shameful, humiliating, ignominious | KJ V.i.65.2 | |
| | league (n.)compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship | | |
Shall we vpon the footing of our land, | Shall we, upon the footing of our land, | footing (n.)support, surface, foundation, foothold | KJ V.i.66 | |
Send fayre-play-orders, and make comprimise, | Send fair-play orders and make compromise, | order (n.)arrangement, disposition, direction | KJ V.i.67 | |
| | fair-play (adj.)chivalrous, courtly, full of honour | | |
| | comprimise (v.)variant form of ‘compromise’ | | |
Insinuation, parley, and base truce | Insinuation, parley, and base truce | parle, parley (n.)negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] | KJ V.i.68 | |
| | base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
To Armes Inuasiue? Shall a beardlesse boy, | To arms invasive? Shall a beardless boy, | | KJ V.i.69 | |
A cockred-silken wanton braue our fields, | A cockered silken wanton, brave our fields | field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat | KJ V.i.70 | |
| | wanton (n.)spoilt child, pampered baby, weakling | | |
| | brave (v.)challenge, defy, confront, provoke | | |
| | cockered (adj.)spoiled, indulged, pampered | | |
And flesh his spirit in a warre-like soyle, | And flesh his spirit in a warlike soil, | flesh (v.)initiate, introduce [to bloodshed] | KJ V.i.71 | |
Mocking the ayre with colours idlely spred, | Mocking the air with colours idly spread, | idly (adv.)foolishly, crazily, frivolously | KJ V.i.72 | |
| | colours (n.)battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | | |
And finde no checke? Let vs my Liege to Armes: | And find no check? Let us, my liege, to arms! | check (n.)repulse, reverse, resistance | KJ V.i.73 | |
| | liege (n.)lord, sovereign | | |
Perchance the Cardinall cannot make your peace; | Perchance the Cardinal cannot make your peace; | perchance (adv.)perhaps, maybe | KJ V.i.74 | |
Or if he doe, let it at least be said | Or, if he do, let it at least be said | | KJ V.i.75 | |
They saw we had a purpose of defence. | They saw we had a purpose of defence. | purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan | KJ V.i.76 | |
Iohn. | KING JOHN | | | |
Haue thou the ordering of this present time. | Have thou the ordering of this present time. | ordering (n.)management, direction, regulation | KJ V.i.77 | |
Bast. | BASTARD | | | |
Away then with good courage: yet I know | Away, then, with good courage! Yet, I know, | | KJ V.i.78 | |
Our Partie may well meet a prowder foe. | Our party may well meet a prouder foe. | proud (adj.)courageous, valiant, brave | KJ V.i.79 | |
| | party (n.)side, faction, camp | | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | KJ V.i.79 | |