King John

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter (in Armes) Dolphin, Salisbury, Meloone, Pembroke, Enter, in arms, Lewis the Dauphin, Melun, Pembroke, KJ V.ii.1.1
Bigot, Souldiers.Salisbury, Bigot, and soldiers KJ V.ii.1.2
My Lord Melloone, let this be coppied out,My Lord Melun, let this be copied out, KJ V.ii.1
And keepe it safe for our remembrance:And keep it safe for our remembrance.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
KJ V.ii.2
Returne the president to these Lords againe,Return the precedent to these lords again,precedent (n.)

old form: president
original text from which a copy is made
KJ V.ii.3
That hauing our faire order written downe,That, having our fair order written down,order (n.)
agreement, arrangement, entente
KJ V.ii.4
fair (adj.)

old form: faire
legitimate, lawful, proper
Both they and we, perusing ore these notesBoth they and we, perusing o'er these notes, KJ V.ii.5
May know wherefore we tooke the Sacrament,May know wherefore we took the sacrament, KJ V.ii.6
And keepe our faithes firme and inuiolable.And keep our faiths firm and inviolable. KJ V.ii.7
Vpon our sides it neuer shall be broken.Upon our sides it never shall be broken. KJ V.ii.8
And Noble Dolphin, albeit we sweareAnd, noble Dauphin, albeit we swear KJ V.ii.9
A voluntary zeale, and an vn-urg'd FaithA voluntary zeal and an unurged faith KJ V.ii.10
To your proceedings: yet beleeue me Prince,To your proceedings, yet believe me, prince, KJ V.ii.11
I am not glad that such a sore of TimeI am not glad that such a sore of time KJ V.ii.12
Should seeke a plaster by contemn'd reuolt,Should seek a plaster by contemned revolt,contemned (adj.)

old form: contemn'd
despised, contemptible, despicable
KJ V.ii.13
And heale the inueterate Canker of one wound,And heal the inveterate canker of one woundinveterate (adj.)

old form: inueterate
long-standing, deep-rooted
KJ V.ii.14
canker (n./adj.)
cancer, ulcer, blight, corruption
By making many: Oh it grieues my soule,By making many. O, it grieves my soul KJ V.ii.15
That I must draw this mettle from my sideThat I must draw this metal from my side KJ V.ii.16
To be a widdow-maker: oh, and thereTo be a widow-maker! O, and there KJ V.ii.17
Where honourable rescue, and defenceWhere honourable rescue and defence KJ V.ii.18
Cries out vpon the name of Salisbury.Cries out upon the name of Salisbury! KJ V.ii.19
But such is the infection of the time,But such is the infection of the time KJ V.ii.20
That for the health and Physicke of our right,That, for the health and physic of our right,physic (n.)

old form: Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment
KJ V.ii.21
We cannot deale but with the very handWe cannot deal but with the very handdeal (v.)

old form: deale
proceed, behave, conduct oneself
KJ V.ii.22
Of sterne Iniustice, and confused wrong:Of stern injustice and confused wrong. KJ V.ii.23
And is't not pitty, (oh my grieued friends)And is't not pity, O my grieved friends, KJ V.ii.24
That we, the sonnes and children of this Isle,That we, the sons and children of this isle, KJ V.ii.25
Was borne to see so sad an houre as this,Were born to see so sad an hour as this;sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
KJ V.ii.26
Wherein we step after a stranger, marchWherein we step after a stranger, marchstranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider
KJ V.ii.27
Vpon her gentle bosom, and fill vpUpon her gentle bosom, and fill upgentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
KJ V.ii.28
Her Enemies rankes? I must withdraw, and weepeHer enemies' ranks – I must withdraw and weep KJ V.ii.29
Vpon the spot of this inforced cause,Upon the spot of this enforced cause – spot (n.)
stain, blemish, blot
KJ V.ii.30
To grace the Gentry of a Land remote,To grace the gentry of a land remote,grace (v.)
favour, add merit to, do honour to
KJ V.ii.31
And follow vnacquainted colours heere:And follow unacquainted colours here?unacquainted (adj.)

old form: vnacquainted
unfamiliar, strange, unusual
KJ V.ii.32
colours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
What heere? O Nation that thou couldst remoue,What, here? O nation, that thou couldst remove!remove (v.)

old form: remoue
go, move off, depart
KJ V.ii.33
That Neptunes Armes who clippeth thee about,That Neptune's arms, who clippeth thee about,Neptune
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
KJ V.ii.34
clip about (v.)
embrace, clasp, hug
Would beare thee from the knowledge of thy selfe,Would bear thee from the knowledge of thyself KJ V.ii.35
And cripple thee vnto a Pagan shore,And grapple thee unto a pagan shore,grapple (v.)
join, fasten, bind
KJ V.ii.36
Where these two Christian Armies might combineWhere these two Christian armies might combine KJ V.ii.37
The bloud of malice, in a vaine of league,The blood of malice in a vein of league,league (n.)
compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship
KJ V.ii.38
And not to spend it so vn-neighbourly.And not to spend it so unneighbourly! KJ V.ii.39
A noble temper dost thou shew in this,A noble temper dost thou show in this,temper (n.)
frame of mind, temperament, disposition
KJ V.ii.40
And great affections wrastlingin thy bosomeAnd great affections wrestling in thy bosomwrastle (v.)
variant form of ‘wrestle’
KJ V.ii.41
bosom (n.)

old form: bosome
heart, inner person
affection (n.)
emotion, feeling
Doth make an earth-quake of Nobility:Doth make an earthquake of nobility. KJ V.ii.42
Oh, what a noble combat hast foughtO, what a noble combat hast thou fought KJ V.ii.43
Between compulsion, and a braue respect:Between compulsion and a brave respect!brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
KJ V.ii.44
Let me wipe off this honourable dewe,Let me wipe off this honourable dew KJ V.ii.45
That siluerly doth progresse on thy cheekes:That silverly doth progress on thy cheeks.silverly (adv.)

old form: siluerly
with a silvery appearance
KJ V.ii.46
My heart hath melted at a Ladies teares,My heart hath melted at a lady's tears, KJ V.ii.47
Being an ordinary Inundation:Being an ordinary inundation,inundation (n.)
outpouring, overflowing, flood
KJ V.ii.48
ordinary (adj.)
everyday, commonplace, regularly experienced
But this effusion of such manly drops,But this effusion of such manly drops,effusion (n.)
spilling, shedding
KJ V.ii.49
This showre, blowne vp by tempest of the soule,This shower, blown up by tempest of the soul, KJ V.ii.50
Startles mine eyes, and makes me more amaz'dStartles mine eyes, and makes me more amazedamazed (adj.)

old form: amaz'd
dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed
KJ V.ii.51
Then had I seene the vaultie top of heauenThan had I seen the vaulty top of heavenvaulty (adj.)

old form: vaultie
resembling a vault, arched, domed
KJ V.ii.52
Figur'd quite ore with burning Meteors.Figured quite o'er with burning meteors.meteor (n.)
aurora, luminous emanation, atmospheric effect
KJ V.ii.53
figure over (v.)

old form: Figur'd ore
cover with a pattern, embellish, ornament
Lift vp thy brow (renowned Salisburie)Lift up thy brow, renowned Salisbury,brow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
KJ V.ii.54
And with a great heart heaue away this storme:And with a great heart heave away this storm. KJ V.ii.55
Commend these waters to those baby-eyesCommend these waters to those baby eyescommend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
KJ V.ii.56
That neuer saw the giant-world enrag'd,That never saw the giant world enraged, KJ V.ii.57
Nor met with Fortune, other then at feasts,Nor met with fortune other than at feasts, KJ V.ii.58
Full warm of blood, of mirth, of gossipping:Full warm of blood, of mirth, of gossiping.of (prep.)
KJ V.ii.59
gossiping (n.)

old form: gossipping
merry-making, joyful meeting
full (adv.)
fully, completely, properly
blood (n.)
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
Come,come; for thou shalt thrust thy hand as deepeCome, come; for thou shalt thrust thy hand as deep KJ V.ii.60
Into the purse of rich prosperityInto the purse of rich prosperity KJ V.ii.61
As Lewis himselfe: so (Nobles) shall you all,As Lewis himself. So, nobles, shall you all, KJ V.ii.62
That knit your sinewes to the strength of mine.That knit your sinews to the strength of mine.sinew (n.)

old form: sinewes
strength, force, power
KJ V.ii.63
A trumpet sounds KJ V.ii.64.1
And euen there, methinkes an Angell spake,And even there, methinks, an angel spake.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: methinkes
it seems / seemed to me
KJ V.ii.64
Enter Pandulpho.Enter Cardinal Pandulph KJ V.ii.65.1
Looke where the holy Legate comes apace,Look where the holy legate comes apace,apace (adv.)
quickly, speedily, at a great rate
KJ V.ii.65
To giue vs warrant from the hand of heauen,To give us warrant from the hand of heaven, KJ V.ii.66
And on our actions set the name of rightAnd on our actions set the name of right KJ V.ii.67
With holy breath.With holy breath. KJ V.ii.68.1
Haile noble Prince of France:Hail, noble prince of France! KJ V.ii.68.2
The next is this: King Iohn hath reconcil'dThe next is this: King John hath reconciled KJ V.ii.69
Himselfe to Rome, his spirit is come in,Himself to Rome; his spirit is come income in (v.)
submit, reconcile, yield
KJ V.ii.70
That so stood out against the holy Church,That so stood out against the holy church, KJ V.ii.71
The great Metropolis and Sea of Rome:The great metropolis and see of Rome. KJ V.ii.72
Therefore thy threatning Colours now winde vp,Therefore thy threatening colours now wind up,colours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
KJ V.ii.73
And tame the sauage spirit of wilde warre,And tame the savage spirit of wild war, KJ V.ii.74
That like a Lion fostered vp at hand,That, like a lion fostered up at hand,foster up (v.)

old form: vp
bring up, nurse, nourish
KJ V.ii.75
It may lie gently at the foot of peace,It may lie gently at the foot of peace KJ V.ii.76
And be no further harmefull then in shewe.And be no further harmful than in show. KJ V.ii.77
Your Grace shall pardon me, I will not backe:Your grace shall pardon me, I will not back. KJ V.ii.78
I am too high-borne to be proportiedI am too high-born to be propertied,property (v.)

old form: proportied
make a property of, treat as an object, exploit
KJ V.ii.79
To be a secondary at controll,To be a secondary at control,secondary (n.)
deputy, agent, second-in-command
KJ V.ii.80
Or vsefull seruing-man, and InstrumentOr useful servingman and instrument KJ V.ii.81
To any Soueraigne State throughout the world.To any sovereign state throughout the world. KJ V.ii.82
Your breath first kindled the dead coale of warres,Your breath first kindled the dead coal of warscoal (n.)

old form: coale
ember, smouldering fuel
KJ V.ii.83
Betweene this chastiz'd kingdome and my selfe,Between this chastised kingdom and myself, KJ V.ii.84
And brought in matter that should feed this fire;And brought in matter that should feed this fire;matter (n.)
reason, cause, ground
KJ V.ii.85
And now 'tis farre too huge to be blowne outAnd now 'tis far too huge to be blown out KJ V.ii.86
With that same weake winde, which enkindled it:With that same weak wind which enkindled it. KJ V.ii.87
You taught me how to know the face of right,You taught me how to know the face of right,face (n.)
appearance, outward show, look
KJ V.ii.88
Acquainted me with interest to this Land,Acquainted me with interest to this land,interest (n.)
valid claim [on], rights of possession [to]
KJ V.ii.89
Yea, thrust this enterprize into my heart,Yea, thrust this enterprise into my heart; KJ V.ii.90
And come ye now to tell me Iohn hath madeAnd come ye now to tell me John hath made KJ V.ii.91
His peace with Rome? what is that peace to me?His peace with Rome? What is that peace to me? KJ V.ii.92
I (by the honour of my marriage bed)I, by the honour of my marriage-bed, KJ V.ii.93
After yong Arthur, claime this Land for mine,After young Arthur, claim this land for mine; KJ V.ii.94
And now it is halfe conquer'd, must I backe,And, now it is half conquered must I back KJ V.ii.95
Because that Iohn hath made his peace with Rome?Because that John hath made his peace with Rome? KJ V.ii.96
Am I Romes slaue? What penny hath Rome borne?Am I Rome's slave? What penny hath Rome borne, KJ V.ii.97
What men prouided? What munition sentWhat men provided, what munition sent, KJ V.ii.98
To vnder-prop this Action? Is't not ITo underprop this action? Is't not Iunderprop (v.)

old form: vnder-prop
prop up, support, uphold
KJ V.ii.99
That vnder-goe this charge? Who else but I,That undergo this charge? Who else but I,charge (n.)
expense, cost, outlay
KJ V.ii.100
And such as to my claime are liable,And such as to my claim are liable,liable (adj.)
subject, legally bound
KJ V.ii.101
claim (n.)

old form: claime
demand for service
Sweat in this businesse, and maintaine this warre?Sweat in this business and maintain this war? KJ V.ii.102
Haue I not heard these Islanders shout outHave I not heard these islanders shout out KJ V.ii.103
Viue le Roy, as I haue bank'd their Townes?‘Vive le roi!' as I have banked their towns?bank (v.)

old form: bank'd
[unclear meaning] put in a bank, win; pass by [as in a boat]
KJ V.ii.104
Haue I not heere the best Cards for the gameHave I not here the best cards for the game KJ V.ii.105
To winne this easie match, plaid for a Crowne?To win this easy match played for a crown? KJ V.ii.106
And shall I now giue ore the yeelded Set?And shall I now give o'er the yielded set?set (n.)
[cards, tennis] series of games
KJ V.ii.107
yielded (adj.)

old form: yeelded
surrendered, conceded
No, no, on my soule it neuer shall be said.No! No, on my soul, it never shall be said! KJ V.ii.108
You looke but on the out-side of this worke.You look but on the outside of this work. KJ V.ii.109
Out-side or in-side, I will not returneOutside or inside, I will not return KJ V.ii.110
Till my attempt so much be glorified,Till my attempt so much be glorifiedattempt (n.)
exploit, undertaking, enterprise
KJ V.ii.111
As to my ample hope was promised,As to my ample hope was promisedample (adj.)
full, complete, absolute
KJ V.ii.112
Before I drew this gallant head of warre,Before I drew this gallant head of war,head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
KJ V.ii.113
draw (v.)
bring together, draw in, gather
And cull'd these fiery spirits from the worldAnd culled these fiery spirits from the worldcull (v.)

old form: cull'd
select, pick out, choose
KJ V.ii.114
To out-looke Conquest, and to winne renowneTo outlook conquest and to win renownoutlook (v.)

old form: out-looke
outstare, overcome by facing up to
KJ V.ii.115
Euen in the iawes of danger, and of death:Even in the jaws of danger and of death. KJ V.ii.116
A trumpet sounds KJ V.ii.117.1
What lusty Trumpet thus doth summon vs?What lusty trumpet thus doth summon us?lusty (adj.)
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
KJ V.ii.117
Enter Bastard.Enter the Bastard KJ V.ii.118.1
According to the faire-play of the world,According to the fair play of the world,fair-play (n.)

old form: faire-play
chivalrous action, honourable conduct
KJ V.ii.118
Let me haue audience: I am sent to speake:Let me have audience; I am sent to speak. KJ V.ii.119
My holy Lord of Millane, from the KingMy holy lord of Milan, from the King KJ V.ii.120
I come to learne how you haue dealt for him:I come, to learn how you have dealt for him; KJ V.ii.121
And, as you answer, I doe know the scopeAnd, as you answer, I do know the scopescope (n.)
range, reach, extent
KJ V.ii.122
And warrant limited vnto my tongue.And warrant limited unto my tongue.warrant (n.)
licence, sanction, authorization
KJ V.ii.123
limited (adj.)
appointed, designated, nominated
The Dolphin is too wilfull oppositeThe Dauphin is too wilful-opposite,wilful-opposite (adj.)stubbornly hostile, at fault for being too antagonisticKJ V.ii.124
And will not temporize with my intreaties:And will not temporize with my entreaties.temporize (v.)
negotiate, come to terms, effect a compromise
KJ V.ii.125
He flatly saies, heell not lay downe his Armes.He flatly says he'll not lay down his arms. KJ V.ii.126
By all the bloud that euer fury breath'd,By all the blood that ever fury breathed, KJ V.ii.127
The youth saies well. Now heare our English King,The youth says well! Now hear our English King, KJ V.ii.128
For thus his Royaltie doth speake in me:For thus his royalty doth speak in me:royalty (n.)

old form: Royaltie
majesty, royal highness
KJ V.ii.129
He is prepar'd, and reason to he should,He is prepared, and reason too he should.reason (n.)
reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion
KJ V.ii.130
This apish and vnmannerly approach,This apish and unmannerly approach,approach (n.)
advance, attack, offensive
KJ V.ii.131
This harness'd Maske, and vnaduised Reuell,This harnessed masque and unadvised revel,masque (n.)

old form: Maske
masquerade, pageant, show
KJ V.ii.132
revel (n.)

old form: Reuell
revelry, festivity, courtly entertainment
harnessed (adj.)

old form: harness'd
armoured, armed
unadvised (adj.)

old form: vnaduised
rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered
This vn-heard sawcinesse and boyish Troopes,This unhaired sauciness and boyish troops,sauciness (n.)

old form: sawcinesse
insolence, rudeness, impertinence
KJ V.ii.133
unhaired (adj.)

old form: vn-heard
beardless, youthful
The King doth smile at, and is well prepar'dThe King doth smile at; and is well prepared KJ V.ii.134
To whip this dwarfish warre, this Pigmy ArmesTo whip this dwarfish war, this pygmy arms, KJ V.ii.135
From out the circle of his Territories.From out the circle of his (n.)
compass, confines, bounds
KJ V.ii.136
That hand which had the strength, euen at your dore,That hand which had the strength, even at your door, KJ V.ii.137
To cudgell you, and make you take the hatch,To cudgel you and make you take the hatch,hatch (n.)
lower part of a door, half-door, gate
KJ V.ii.138
To diue like Buckets in concealed Welles,To dive like buckets in concealed wells,concealed (adj.)
hidden, secret, offering a hiding-place
KJ V.ii.139
To crowch in litter of your stable plankes,To crouch in litter of your stable planks,plank (n.)

old form: plankes
planking, floor
KJ V.ii.140
litter (n.)
animal straw, rushes, bedding
crouch (v.)

old form: crowch
duck down, lie hidden
To lye like pawnes, lock'd vp in chests and truncks,To lie like pawns locked up in chests and trunks,pawn (n.)

old form: pawnes
pledge, surety, forfeit
KJ V.ii.141
To hug with swine, to seeke sweet safety outTo hug with swine, to seek sweet safety outhug (v.)
bed down, curl up, lie close
KJ V.ii.142
In vaults and prisons, and to thrill and shake,In vaults and prisons, and to thrill and shakethrill (v.)
shiver, tremble, feel a pang of emotion
KJ V.ii.143
Euen at the crying of your Nations crow,Even at the crying of your nation's crow,crow (n.)
KJ V.ii.144
Thinking this voyce an armed Englishman.Thinking his voice an armed Englishman –  KJ V.ii.145
Shall that victorious hand be feebled heere,Shall that victorious hand be feebled here KJ V.ii.146
That in your Chambers gaue you chasticement?That in your chambers gave you chastisement? KJ V.ii.147
No: know the gallant Monarch is in Armes,No! Know the gallant monarch is in arms KJ V.ii.148
And like an Eagle, o're his ayerie towres,And like an eagle o'er his eyrie towerstower (v.)

old form: towres
[falconry] mount up to a great height, circle, soar
KJ V.ii.149
aery (n.)

old form: ayerie
brood [of a bird of prey], nestful
To sowsse annoyance that comes neere his Nest;To souse annoyance that comes near his nest.souse (v.)

old form: sowsse
swoop down on, beat away
KJ V.ii.150
annoyance (n.)
injury, harmfulness, danger
And you degenerate, you ingrate Reuolts,And you degenerate, you ingrate revolts,ingrate (adj.)
ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative
KJ V.ii.151
revolt (n.)

old form: Reuolts
rebel, revolutionary, malcontent
you bloudy Nero's, ripping vp the wombeYou bloody Neroes, ripping up the wombNero (n.)
[pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty
KJ V.ii.152
Of your deere Mother-England: blush for shame:Of your dear mother England, blush for shame! KJ V.ii.153
For your owne Ladies, and pale-visag'd Maides,For your own ladies and pale-visaged maids,pale-visaged (adj.)

old form: pale-visag'd
KJ V.ii.154
Like Amazons, come tripping after drummes:Like Amazons, come tripping after drums,Amazon, Amazonian (n.)
one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war
KJ V.ii.155
Their thimbles into armed Gantlets change,Their thimbles into armed gauntlets change,gauntlet (n.)
armoured glove protecting the hand and wrist
KJ V.ii.156
armed (adj.)
armoured, mail-clad, furnished with defences
Their Needl's to Lances, and their gentle heartsTheir needles to lances, and their gentle heartsgentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
KJ V.ii.157
To fierce and bloody inclination.To fierce and bloody inclination. KJ V.ii.158
There end thy braue, and turn thy face in peace,There end thy brave, and turn thy face in peace.brave (n.)

old form: braue
boast, bravado, blustering threat
KJ V.ii.159
We grant thou canst out-scold vs: Far thee well,We grant thou canst outscold us. Fare thee well!fare ... well (int.)

old form: Far
goodbye [to an individual]
KJ V.ii.160
We hold our time too precious to be spentWe hold our time too precious to be spent KJ V.ii.161
with such a brabler.With such a brabbler.brabbler (n.)

old form: brabler
braggart, brawler, quarreller
KJ V.ii.162.1
Giue me leaue to speake.Give me leave to speak. KJ V.ii.162.2
No, I will speake.No, I will speak. KJ V.ii.163.1
We will attend to neyther:We will attend to neither.attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
KJ V.ii.163.2
Strike vp the drummes, and let the tongue of warreStrike up the drums, and let the tongue of war KJ V.ii.164
Pleade for our interest, and our being heere.Plead for our interest and our being here. KJ V.ii.165
Indeede your drums being beaten, wil cry out;Indeed, your drums, being beaten, will cry out –  KJ V.ii.166
And so shall you, being beaten: Do but startAnd so shall you, being beaten. Do but start KJ V.ii.167
An eccho with the clamor of thy drumme,An echo with the clamour of thy drum, KJ V.ii.168
And euen at hand, a drumme is readie brac'd,And even at hand a drum is ready bracedbraced (adj.)

old form: brac'd
with tightened skin, stretched
KJ V.ii.169
That shall reuerberate all, as lowd as thine.That shall reverberate all as loud as thine. KJ V.ii.170
Sound but another, and another shallSound but another, and another shall, KJ V.ii.171
(As lowd as thine) rattle the Welkins eare,As loud as thine, rattle the welkin's earwelkin (n.)
sky, firmament, heavens
KJ V.ii.172
And mocke the deepe mouth'd Thunder: for at handAnd mock the deep-mouthed thunder. For at hand –  KJ V.ii.173
(Not trusting to this halting Legate heere,Not trusting to this halting legate here,halting (adj.)
wavering, dilatory, shifting
KJ V.ii.174
Whom he hath vs'd rather for sport, then neede)Whom he hath used rather for sport than need – sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
KJ V.ii.175
Is warlike Iohn: and in his fore-head sitsIs warlike John; and in his forehead sits KJ V.ii.176
A bare-rib'd death, whose office is this dayA bare-ribbed death, whose office is this dayoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
KJ V.ii.177
death (n.)
skull, memento mori
To feast vpon whole thousands of the French.To feast upon whole thousands of the French. KJ V.ii.178
Strike vp our drummes, to finde this danger out.Strike up our drums to find this danger out. KJ V.ii.179
And thou shalt finde it (Dolphin) do not doubtAnd thou shalt find it, Dauphin, do not doubt. KJ V.ii.180
Exeunt.Exeunt KJ V.ii.180
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