Titus Andronicus

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Lucius, Marcus, and the Gothes.Enter Lucius, Marcus, and the Goths with Aaron Tit V.iii.1.1
prisoner, and his child Tit V.iii.1.2
Vnckle Marcus, since 'tis my Fathers mindeUncle Marcus, since 'tis my father's mind Tit V.iii.1
That I repair to Rome, I am content.That I repair to Rome, I am content.repair (v.)

old form: repair
come, go, make one's way
Tit V.iii.2
content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
Goth. A GOTH 
And ours with thine befall, what Fortune will.And ours with thine, befall what fortune will.befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen, occur, take place, turn out
Tit V.iii.3
Good Vnckle take you in this barbarous Moore,Good uncle, take you in this barbarous Moor, Tit V.iii.4
This Rauenous Tiger, this accursed deuill,This ravenous tiger, this accursed devil; Tit V.iii.5
Let him receiue no sustenance, fetter him,Let him receive no sust'nance, fetter himfetter (v.)
restrain, overcome, suppress
Tit V.iii.6
Till he be brought vnto the Emperous face,Till he be brought unto the Empress' face Tit V.iii.7
For testimony of her foule proceedings.For testimony of her foul proceedings. Tit V.iii.8
And see the Ambush of our Friends be strong,And see the ambush of our friends be strong: Tit V.iii.9
If ere the Emperour meanes no good to vs.I fear the Emperor means no good to us. Tit V.iii.10
Aron. AARON 
Some deuill whisper curses in my eare,Some devil whisper curses in my ear, Tit V.iii.11
And prompt me that my tongue may vtter forth,And prompt me that my tongue may utter forth Tit V.iii.12
The Venemous Mallice of my swelling heart.The venomous malice of my swelling heart.swelling (adj.)
inflated with anger, feeling strong emotion
Tit V.iii.13
venomous (adj.)

old form: Venemous
embittered, rancorous, malignant
Away Inhumaine Dogge, Vnhallowed Slaue,Away, inhuman dog, unhallowed slave!unhallowed (adj.)

old form: Vnhallowed
unholy, wicked, sacrilegious
Tit V.iii.14
Sirs, helpe our Vnckle, to conuey him in,Sirs, help our uncle to convey him in. Tit V.iii.15
Flourish.Flourish Tit V.iii.16
The Trumpets shew the Emperour is at hand.The trumpets show the Emperor is at hand. Tit V.iii.16
Exeunt Goths with Aaron Tit V.iii.16
Sound Trumpets.. Enter Emperour and Empresse, withSound trumpets. Enter Emperor and Empress with Tit V.iii.17.1
Tribunes and others.Aemilius, tribunes and others Tit V.iii.17.2
(to Lucius) Tit V.iii.17
What, hath the Firemament more Suns then one?What, hath the firmament more suns than one? Tit V.iii.17
What bootes it thee to call thyselfe a Sunne?What boots it thee to call thyself a sun?boot (v.)

old form: bootes
help, serve, benefit, be useful [to]
Tit V.iii.18
Romes Emperour & Nephewe breake the parleRome's emperor and nephew, break the parle;parle, parley (n.)
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]
Tit V.iii.19
break (v.)

old form: breake
open, begin, get on with
These quarrels must be quietly debated,These quarrels must be quietly debated. Tit V.iii.20
The Feast is ready which the carefull Titus,The feast is ready which the careful Tituscareful (adj.)

old form: carefull
provident, caring, solicitous
Tit V.iii.21
Hath ordained to an Honourable end,Hath ordained to an honourable end, Tit V.iii.22
For Peace, for Loue, for League, and good to Rome:For peace, for love, for league and good to Rome;league (n.)
compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship
Tit V.iii.23
Please you therfore draw nie and take your places.Please you, therefore, draw nigh and take your places. Tit V.iii.24
Marcus we will.Marcus, we will. Tit V.iii.25
Hoboyes. A Table brought in. Enter Trumpets sounding. A table brought in. They sit. Enter Tit V.iii.26.1
Titus like a Cooke, placing the meat on the Table, and Lauinia with Titus like a cook, placing the dishes, and Lavinia with Tit V.iii.26.2
a vale ouer her face.a veil over her face, with young Lucius and others Tit V.iii.26.3
Titus. TITUS 
Welcome my gracious Lord, / Welcome Dread Queene,Welcome, my gracious lord; welcome, dread Queen;dread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
Tit V.iii.26
Welcome ye Warlike Gothes, welcome Lucius,Welcome, ye warlike Goths; welcome, Lucius; Tit V.iii.27
And welcome all: although the cheere be poore,And welcome, all. Although the cheer be poor,cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
entertainment, fare, food and drink
Tit V.iii.28
'Twill fill your stomacks, please you eat of it.'Twill fill your stomachs. Please you eat of it. Tit V.iii.29
Why art thou thus attir'd Andronicus?Why art thou thus attired, Andronicus? Tit V.iii.30
Because I would be sure to haue all well,Because I would be sure to have all well Tit V.iii.31
To entertaine your Highnesse, and your Empresse.To entertain your highness and your Empress. Tit V.iii.32
We are beholding to you good Andronicus?We are beholden to you, good Andronicus.beholden (adj.)
indebted, under an obligation
Tit V.iii.33
And if your Highnesse knew my heart, you were:And if your highness knew my heart, you were. Tit V.iii.34
My Lord the Emperour resolue me this,My lord the Emperor, resolve me this:resolve (v.)

old form: resolue
answer, respond to
Tit V.iii.35
Was it well done of rash Virginius,Was it well done of rash VirginiusVirginius (n.)
5th-c BC centurion who slew his daughter, either to avoid her being raped or because she was raped
Tit V.iii.36
To slay his daughter with his owne right hand,To slay his daughter with his own right hand Tit V.iii.37
Because she was enfor'st, stain'd, and deflowr'd?Because she was enforced, stained, and deflowered? Tit V.iii.38
It was Andronicus.It was, Andronicus. Tit V.iii.39.1
Your reason, Mighty Lord?Your reason, mighty lord? Tit V.iii.39.2
Because the Girle, should not suruine her shame,Because the girl should not survive her shame, Tit V.iii.40
And by her presence still renew his sorrowes.And by her presence still renew his sorrows.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Tit V.iii.41
A reason mighty, strong, and effectuall,A reason mighty, strong, and effectual;effectual (adj.)

old form: effectuall
conclusive, decisive, pertinent
Tit V.iii.42
A patterne, president, and liuely warrant,A pattern, precedent, and lively warrantprecedent (n.)

old form: president
example, instance, case
Tit V.iii.43
warrant (n.)
licence, sanction, authorization
pattern (n.)

old form: patterne
precedent, previous example
For me (most wretched) to performe the like:For me, most wretched, to perform the like.like, the
the same
Tit V.iii.44
Unveils Lavinia Tit V.iii.45
Die, die, Lauinia, and thy shame with thee,Die, die, Lavinia, and thy shame with thee, Tit V.iii.45
And with thy shame, thy Fathers sorrow die.And with thy shame thy father's sorrow die. Tit V.iii.46
He kils her.He kills her Tit V.iii.47.1
What hast done, vnnaturall and vnkinde?What hast thou done, unnatural and unkind?unkind (adj.)

old form: vnkinde
lacking in family affection, with no respect for kinship
Tit V.iii.47
Kil'd her for whom my teares haue made me blind.Killed her for whom my tears have made me blind. Tit V.iii.48
I am as wofull as Virginius was,I am as woeful as Virginius was, Tit V.iii.49
And haue a thousand times more cause then he.And have a thousand times more cause than he Tit V.iii.50
To do this outrage, and it now is done. Tit V.iii.51
What was she rauisht? tell who did the deed,What, was she ravished? Tell who did the deed. Tit V.iii.52
Wilt please you eat, / Wilt please your Hignesse feed?Will't please you eat? Will't please your highness feed? Tit V.iii.53
Why hast thou slaine thine onely Daughter?Why hast thou slain thine only daughter thus? Tit V.iii.54
Titus. TITUS 
Not I, 'twas Chiron and Demetrius,Not I, 'twas Chiron and Demetrius: Tit V.iii.55
They rauisht her, and cut away her tongue,They ravished her and cut away her tongue, Tit V.iii.56
And they, 'twas they, that did her all this wrong.And they, 'twas they, that did her all this wrong. Tit V.iii.57
Go fetch them hither to vs presently.Go, fetch them hither to us presently.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Tit V.iii.58
Why there they are both, baked in that Pie,Why, there they are, both baked in this pie, Tit V.iii.59
Whereof their Mother dantily hath fed,Whereof their mother daintily hath fed,daintily (adv.)
with satisfied palate, relishing the taste
Tit V.iii.60
Eating the flesh that she herselfe hath bred.Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred. Tit V.iii.61
'Tis true, 'tis true, witnesse my kniues sharpe point.'Tis true, 'tis true, witness my knife's sharp point. Tit V.iii.62
He stabs the Empresse.He stabs the Empress Tit V.iii.63.1
Die franticke wretch, for this accursed deed.Die, frantic wretch, for this accursed deed.frantic (adj.)

old form: franticke
mad, insane, frenzied, out of one's senses
Tit V.iii.63
He kills Titus Tit V.iii.64
Can the Sonnes eye, behold his Father bleed?Can the son's eye behold his father bleed? Tit V.iii.64
There's meede for meede, death for a deadly deed.There's meed for meed, death for a deadly deed.meed (n.)

old form: meede
gift, service, benefaction
Tit V.iii.65
He kills Saturninus. Uproar on stage. Enter Goths to Tit V.iii.66.1
protect the Andronici, who exit and go aloft Tit V.iii.66.2
(aloft) Tit V.iii.66.3
You sad fac'd men, people and Sonnes of Rome,You sad-faced men, people and sons of Rome,sad-eyed, sad-faced (adj.)

old form: sad fac'd
Tit V.iii.66
By vprores seuer'd like a flight of Fowle,By uproars severed, as a flight of fowl Tit V.iii.67
Scattred by windes and high tempestuous gusts:Scattered by winds and high tempestuous gusts, Tit V.iii.68
Oh let me teach you how, to knit againeO, let me teach you how to knit again Tit V.iii.69
This scattred Corne, into one mutuall sheafe,This scattered corn into one mutual sheaf,mutual (adj.)

old form: mutuall
with parts united, well-ordered
Tit V.iii.70
These broken limbs againe into one body.These broken limbs again into one body, Tit V.iii.71
Goth. Let Rome herselfe be bane vnto herselfe,Lest Rome herself be bane unto herself,bane (n.)
ruin, woe, destruction
Tit V.iii.72
And shee whom mightie kingdomes cursie too,And she whom mighty kingdoms curtsy to, Tit V.iii.73
Like a forlorne and desperate castaway,Like a forlorn and desperate castaway, Tit V.iii.74
Doe shamefull execution on herselfe.Do shameful execution on herself. Tit V.iii.75
But if my frostie signes and chaps of age,But if my frosty signs and chaps of age,chaps, chops (n.)
crack in the skin, fissure
Tit V.iii.76
Graue witnesses of true experience,Grave witnesses of true experience, Tit V.iii.77
Cannot induce you to attend my words,Cannot induce you to attend my words,attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Tit V.iii.78
Speake Romes deere friend, as 'erst our Auncestor,(To Lucius) Speak, Rome's dear friend, as erst our ancestorerst (adv.)
formerly, once, before
Tit V.iii.79
When with his solemne tongue he did discourseWhen with his solemn tongue he did discoursediscourse (v.)
relate, talk about, recount
Tit V.iii.80
To loue-sicke Didoes sad attending eare,To lovesick Dido's sad-attending earDido (n.)
[pron: 'diydoh] Queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas when he was shipwrecked on her shores; commanded by Jupiter, Aeneas left without seeing Dido again, and she killed herself on a funeral pyre
Tit V.iii.81
The story of that balefull burning night,The story of that baleful burning night Tit V.iii.82
When subtilGreekes surpriz'd King Priams Troy:When subtle Greeks surprised King Priam's Troy.Priam (n.)
[pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy
Tit V.iii.83
Tell vs what Sinon hath bewicht our eares,Tell us what Sinon hath bewitched our ears,Sinon (n.)
[pron: 'siynon] spy who alerted the Greeks inside the Trojan horse after it had been taken into the citadel of Troy
Tit V.iii.84
Or who hath brought the fatall engine in,Or who hath brought the fatal engine inengine (n.)
weapon, instrument of warfare
Tit V.iii.85
That giues our Troy, our Rome the ciuill wound.That gives our Troy, our Rome, the civil wound.Troy (n.)
ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion
Tit V.iii.86
civil (adj.)

old form: ciuill
of civil war
My heart is not compact of flint nor steele,My heart is not compact of flint nor steel,compact (adj.)
made up, composed
Tit V.iii.87
Nor can I vtter all our bitter griefe,Nor can I utter all our bitter grief, Tit V.iii.88
But floods of teares will drowne my Oratorie,But floods of tears will drown my oratory Tit V.iii.89
And breake my very vttrance, euen in the timeAnd break my utt'rance even in the time Tit V.iii.90
When it should moue you to attend me most,When it should move ye to attend me most,attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Tit V.iii.91
Lending your kind hand Commiseration.And force you to commiseration. Tit V.iii.92
Heere is a Captaine, let him tell the tale,Here's Rome's young captain: let him tell the tale, Tit V.iii.93
Your hearts will throb and weepe to heare him speake.While I stand by and weep to hear him speak. Tit V.iii.94
This Noble Auditory, be it knowne to you,Then, gracious auditory, be it known to youauditory (n.)
assembly of listeners, audience
Tit V.iii.95
That cursed Chiron and DemetriusThat Chiron and the damned Demetrius Tit V.iii.96
Were they that murdred our Emperours Brother,Were they that murdered our Emperor's brother, Tit V.iii.97
And they it were that rauished our Sister,And they it were that ravished our sister. Tit V.iii.98
For their fell faults our Brothers were beheaded,For their fell faults our brothers were beheaded,fell (adj.)
mighty, terrible
Tit V.iii.99
Our Fathers teares despis'd, and basely cousen'd,Our father's tears despised and basely cozenedcozen (v.)

old form: cousen'd
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
Tit V.iii.100
Of that true hand that fought Romes quarrell out,Of that true hand that fought Rome's quarrel out,true (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
Tit V.iii.101
fight out (v.)
fight to the very end
And sent her enemies vnto the graue.And sent her enemies unto the grave. Tit V.iii.102
Lastly, myselfe vnkindly banished,Lastly myself, unkindly banished,unkindly (adv.)

old form: vnkindly
cruelly, harshly; also: unnaturally
Tit V.iii.103
The gates shut on me, and turn'd weeping out,The gates shut on me and turned weeping out, Tit V.iii.104
To beg reliefe among Romes Enemies,To beg relief among Rome's enemies, Tit V.iii.105
Who drown'd their enmity in my true teares,Who drowned their enmity in my true tearstrue (adj.)
honourable, virtuous, sincere
Tit V.iii.106
And op'd their armes to imbrace me as a Friend:And oped their arms to embrace me as a friend.ope (v.)

old form: op'd
Tit V.iii.107
And I am turned forth, be it knowne to you,I am the turned-forth, be it known to you,turned-forth (n.)

old form: turned forth
castaway, reject, discard
Tit V.iii.108
That haue preseru'd her welfare in my blood,That have preserved her welfare in my blood, Tit V.iii.109
And from her bosome tooke the Enemies point,And from her bosom took the enemy's point, Tit V.iii.110
Sheathing the steele in my aduentrous body.Sheathing the steel in my advent'rous body.adventurous (adj.)

old form: aduentrous
risk-taking, imprudently bold, rashly daring
Tit V.iii.111
Alas you know, I am no Vaunter I,Alas, you know I am no vaunter, I;vaunter (n.)
boaster, braggart, show-off
Tit V.iii.112
My scars can witnesse, dumbe although they are,My scars can witness, dumb although they are, Tit V.iii.113
That my report is iust and full of truth:That my report is just and full of truth. Tit V.iii.114
But soft, me thinkes I do digresse too much,But soft, methinks I do digress too much,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Tit V.iii.115
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Cyting my worthlesse praise: Oh pardon me,Citing my worthless praise. O, pardon me, Tit V.iii.116
For when no Friends are by, men praise themselues,For when no friends are by, men praise themselves. Tit V.iii.117
Now is my turne to speake: Now is my turn to speak. (pointing to Aaron's child) Tit V.iii.118.1
Behold this Child,Behold the child: Tit V.iii.118.2
Of this was Tamora deliuered,Of this was Tamora delivered, Tit V.iii.119
The issue of an Irreligious Moore,The issue of an irreligious Moor,issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
Tit V.iii.120
Chiefe Architect and plotter of these woes,Chief architect and plotter of these woes. Tit V.iii.121
The Villaine is aliue in Titus house,The villain is alive in Titus' house, Tit V.iii.122
And as he is, to witnesse this is true.And as he is to witness this is true, Tit V.iii.123
Now iudge what course had Titus to reuengeNow judge what cause had Titus to revenge Tit V.iii.124
These wrongs, vnspeakeable past patience,These wrongs unspeakable, past patience, Tit V.iii.125
Or more then any liuing man could beare.Or more than any living man could bear. Tit V.iii.126
Now you haue heard the truth, what say you Romaines?Now have you heard the truth, what say you, Romans? Tit V.iii.127
Haue we done ought amisse? shew vs wherein,Have we done aught amiss, show us wherein,aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Tit V.iii.128
And from the place where you behold vs now,And from the place where you behold us pleading Tit V.iii.129
The poore remainder of Andronici,The poor remainder of Andronici Tit V.iii.130
Will hand in hand all headlong cast vs downe,Will hand in hand all headlong hurl ourselves, Tit V.iii.131
And on the ragged stones beat forth our braines,And on the ragged stones beat forth our souls,ragged (adj.)
broken, jagged, fragmented
Tit V.iii.132
And make a mutuall closure of our house:And make a mutual closure of our house.mutual (adj.)

old form: mutuall
common, general, omnipresent
Tit V.iii.133
closure (n.)
bringing to an end, conclusion, close
Speake Romaines speake, and if you say we shall,Speak, Romans, speak, and if you say we shall, Tit V.iii.134
Loe hand in hand, Lucius and I will fall.Lo, hand in hand, Lucius and I will fall. Tit V.iii.135
Come come, thou reuerent man of Rome,Come, come, thou reverend man of Rome, Tit V.iii.136
And bring our Emperour gently in thy hand,And bring our emperor gently in thy hand, Tit V.iii.137
Lucius our Emperour: for well I know,Lucius, our emperor – for well I know Tit V.iii.138
The common voyce do cry it shall be so.The common voice do cry it shall be so.voice (n.)

old form: voyce
shout of acclamation, cry of applause
Tit V.iii.139
Lucius, all hail, Rome's royal emperor! Tit V.iii.140
Lucius, all haile Romes Royall Emperour, (to attendants) Tit V.iii.141
Goe, goe into old Titus sorrowfull house,Go, go into old Titus' sorrowful house, Tit V.iii.141
And hither hale that misbelieuing Moore,And hither hale that misbelieving Moorhale (v.)
drag, pull, haul
Tit V.iii.142
To be adiudg'd some direfull slaughtering death,To be adjudged some direful slaught'ring deathdireful (adj.)

old form: direfull
dreadful, terrible, frightful
Tit V.iii.143
adjudge (v.)

old form: adiudg'd
award, grant, bestow
As punishment for his most wicked life.As punishment for his most wicked life. Tit V.iii.144
Exeunt Marcus, Lucius and attendants Tit V.iii.144
A long flourish. Enter Marcus and Lucius below Tit V.iii.145
Lucius all haile to Romes gracious Gouernour.Lucius, all hail, Rome's gracious governor! Tit V.iii.145
Thankes gentle Romanes, may I gouerne so,Thanks, gentle Romans. May I govern so,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Tit V.iii.146
To heale Romes harmes, and wipe away her woe.To heal Rome's harms, and wipe away her woe. Tit V.iii.147
But gentle people, giue me ayme a-while,But, gentle people, give me aim awhile,aim, give one

old form: ayme
[archery] guide one's efforts, help one's aim
Tit V.iii.148
For Nature puts me to a heauy taske:For nature puts me to a heavy task.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
Tit V.iii.149
Stand all aloofe, but Vnckle draw you neere,Stand all aloof, but uncle, draw you nearaloof (adv.)

old form: aloofe
a short distance away, to one side
Tit V.iii.150
To shed obsequious teares vpon this Trunke:To shed obsequious tears upon this trunk.obsequious (adj.)
dutiful [without suggesting servility]; appropriate after a death
Tit V.iii.151
Kisses Titus Tit V.iii.152
Oh take this warme kisse on thy pale cold lips,O, take this warm kiss on thy pale cold lips, Tit V.iii.152
These sorrowfull drops vpon thy bloud-slaine face,These sorrowful drops upon thy bloodstained face, Tit V.iii.153
The last true Duties of thy Noble Sonne.The last true duties of thy noble son. Tit V.iii.154
(kissing Titus) Tit V.iii.155
Teare for teare, and louing kisse for kisse,Tear for tear and loving kiss for kiss, Tit V.iii.155
Thy Brother Marcus tenders on thy Lips:Thy brother Marcus tenders on thy lips.tender (v.)
offer, give, present
Tit V.iii.156
O were the summe of these that I should payO, were the sum of these that I should pay Tit V.iii.157
Countlesse, and infinit, yet would I pay them.Countless and infinite, yet would I pay them. Tit V.iii.158
(to his son) Tit V.iii.159
Come hither Boy, come, come, and learne of vsCome hither, boy, come, come, and learn of us Tit V.iii.159
To melt in showres: thy Grandsire lou'd thee well:To melt in showers. Thy grandsire loved thee well:grandsire (n.)
Tit V.iii.160
Many a time he danc'd thee on his knee:Many a time he danced thee on his knee, Tit V.iii.161
Sung thee asleepe, his Louing Brest, thy Pillow:Sung thee asleep, his loving breast thy pillow; Tit V.iii.162
Many a matter hath he told to thee,Many a story hath he told to thee, Tit V.iii.163
Meete, and agreeing with thine Infancie:And bid thee bear his pretty tales in mind, Tit V.iii.164
In that respect then, like a louing Childe,And talk of them when he was dead and gone. Tit V.iii.165
Shed yet some small drops from thy tender Spring,How many thousand times hath these poor lips, Tit V.iii.166
Because kinde Nature doth require it so:When they were living, warmed themselves on thine! Tit V.iii.167
Friends, should associate Friends, in Greefe and Wo.O now, sweet boy, give them their latest kiss, Tit V.iii.168
Bid him farwell, commit him to the Graue,Bid him farewell, commit him to the grave, Tit V.iii.169
Do him that kindnesse, and take leaue of him.Do them that kindness, and take leave of them. Tit V.iii.170
O Grandsire, Grandsire: euen with all my heartO grandsire, grandsire, ev'n with all my heart Tit V.iii.171
Would I were Dead, so you did Liue againe.Would I were dead, so you did live again! Tit V.iii.172
O Lord, I cannot speake to him for weeping,O Lord, I cannot speak to him for weeping; Tit V.iii.173
My teares will choake me, if I ope my mouth.My tears will choke me if I ope my mouth.ope (v.)
Tit V.iii.174
Enter attendants with Aaron Tit V.iii.175.1
Romans. A ROMAN 
You sad Andronici, haue done with woes,You sad Andronici, have done with woes.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
Tit V.iii.175
Giue sentence on this execrable Wretch,Give sentence on this execrable wretch Tit V.iii.176
That hath beene breeder of these dire euents.That hath been breeder of these dire events. Tit V.iii.177
Set him brest deepe in earth, and famish him:Set him breast-deep in earth and famish him; Tit V.iii.178
There let him stand, and raue, and cry for foode:There let him stand and rave and cry for food. Tit V.iii.179
If any one releeues, or pitties him,If any one relieves or pities him, Tit V.iii.180
For the offence, he dyes. This is our doome:For the offence he dies. This is our doom.doom (n.)

old form: doome
judgement, sentence, decision
Tit V.iii.181
Some stay, to see him fast'ned in the earth.Some stay to see him fastened in the earth. Tit V.iii.182
Aron. AARON 
O why should wrath be mute, & Fury dumbe?Ah, why should wrath be mute and fury dumb? Tit V.iii.183
I am no Baby I, that with base PrayersI am no baby, I, that with base prayersbase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
Tit V.iii.184
I should repent the Euils I haue done.I should repent the evils I have done. Tit V.iii.185
Ten thousand worse, then euer yet I did,Ten thousand worse than ever yet I did Tit V.iii.186
Would I performe if I might haue my will:Would I perform if I might have my will. Tit V.iii.187
If one good Deed in all my life I did,If one good deed in all my life I did Tit V.iii.188
I do repent it from my very Soule.I do repent it from my very soul. Tit V.iii.189
Lucius. LUCIUS 
Some louing Friends conuey the Emp. hence,Some loving friends convey the Emperor hence, Tit V.iii.190
And giue him buriall in his Fathers graue.And give him burial in his father's grave; Tit V.iii.191
My Father, and Lauinia, shall forthwithMy father and Lavinia shall forthwith Tit V.iii.192
Be closed in our Housholds Monument:Be closed in our household's monument; Tit V.iii.193
As for that heynous Tyger Tamora,As for that ravenous tiger, Tamora,ravenous (adj.)
rapacious, predatory, insatiable
Tit V.iii.194
No Funerall Rite, nor man in mournfull Weeds:No funeral rite, nor man in mourning weed, Tit V.iii.195
No mournfull Bell shall ring her Buriall:No mournful bell shall ring her burial, Tit V.iii.196
But throw her foorth to Beasts and Birds of prey:But throw her forth to beasts and birds to prey. Tit V.iii.197
Her life was Beast-like, and deuoid of pitty,Her life was beastly and devoid of pity, Tit V.iii.198
And being so, shall haue like want of pitty. / See Iustice done on Aaron that damn'd Moore, / From whom, our heauy happes had their beginning: / Then afterwards, to Order well the State, / That like Euents, may ne're it Ruinate.And being dead, let birds on her take pity. Tit V.iii.199
Exeunt omnesExeunt Tit V.iii.199.1
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