Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Yorke, Warwicke, Shepheard, Enter Richard Duke of York, Warwick, a Shepherd, 1H6 V.iv.1.1
Pucell.and Joan la Pucelle, guarded 1H6 V.iv.1.2
Bring forth that Sorceresse condemn'd to burne.Bring forth that sorceress condemned to burn. 1H6 V.iv.1
Ah Ione, this kils thy Fathers heart out-right,Ah, Joan, this kills thy father's heart outright.kill (v.)

old form: kils
break, distress, grieve
1H6 V.iv.2
Haue I sought euery Country farre and neere,Have I sought every country far and near,country (n.)
district, region, quarter
1H6 V.iv.3
And now it is my chance to finde thee out,And, now it is my chance to find thee out,chance (n.)
falling out of events, fortuitous circumstance
1H6 V.iv.4
find out (v.)

old form: finde
discover, find, come upon
Must I behold thy timelesse cruell death:Must I behold thy timeless cruel death?timeless (adj.)

old form: timelesse
untimely, premature, ill-timed
1H6 V.iv.5
Ah Ione, sweet daughter Ione, Ile die with thee.Ah, Joan, sweet daughter Joan, I'll die with thee! 1H6 V.iv.6
Decrepit Miser, base ignoble Wretch,Decrepit miser! Base ignoble wretch!miser (n.)
wretch, miserable being
1H6 V.iv.7
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
I am descended of a gentler blood.I am descended of a gentler blood;gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
1H6 V.iv.8
Thou art no Father, nor no Friend of mine.Thou art no father nor no friend of mine.friend (n.)
relative, relation, kinsman
1H6 V.iv.9
Out, out: My Lords, and please you, 'tis not soOut, out! My lords, an please you, 'tis not so.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
1H6 V.iv.10
I did beget her, all the Parish knowes:I did beget her, all the parish knows. 1H6 V.iv.11
Her Mother liueth yet, can testifieHer mother liveth yet, can testify 1H6 V.iv.12
She was the first fruite of my Bach'ler-ship.She was the first fruit of my bachelorship. 1H6 V.iv.13
Gracelesse, wilt thou deny thy Parentage?Graceless, wilt thou deny thy parentage?deny (v.)
disown, disavow, renounce
1H6 V.iv.14
This argues what her kinde of life hath beene,This argues what her kind of life hath been,argue (v.)
indicate, betoken, be evidence of
1H6 V.iv.15
Wicked and vile, and so her death concludes.Wicked and vile; and so her death concludes.vile, vild (adj.)
despicable, disgusting, abhorrent
1H6 V.iv.16
conclude (v.)
prove the truth, settle the matter
Fye Ione, that thou wilt be so obstacle:Fie, Joan, that thou wilt be so obstacle!obstacle (adj.)
[rustic error for] obstinate
1H6 V.iv.17
God knowes, thou art a collop of my flesh,God knows thou art a collop of my flesh,collop (n.)
[piece of flesh] offspring, flesh and blood
1H6 V.iv.18
And for thy sake haue I shed many a teare:And for thy sake have I shed many a tear. 1H6 V.iv.19
Deny me not, I prythee, gentle Ione.Deny me not, I prithee, gentle Joan.gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
1H6 V.iv.20
deny (v.)
disown, disavow, renounce
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Pezant auant. You haue suborn'd this manPeasant, avaunt! – You have suborned this mansuborn (v.)

old form: suborn'd
bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury
1H6 V.iv.21
avaunt (int.)

old form: auant
be gone, go away, be off
Of purpose, to obscure my Noble birth.Of purpose to obscure my noble birth.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
1H6 V.iv.22
'Tis true, I gaue a Noble to the Priest,'Tis true, I gave a noble to the priestnoble (n.)
English gold coin, worth one third of a pound
1H6 V.iv.23
The morne that I was wedded to her mother.The morn that I was wedded to her mother.morn (n.)

old form: morne
morning, dawn
1H6 V.iv.24
Kneele downe and take my blessing, good my Gyrle.Kneel down and take my blessing, good my girl. 1H6 V.iv.25
Wilt thou not stoope? Now cursed be the timeWilt thou not stoop? Now cursed be the time 1H6 V.iv.26
Of thy natiuitie: I would the MilkeOf thy nativity! I would the milknativity (n.)

old form: natiuitie
1H6 V.iv.27
Thy mother gaue thee when thou suck'st her brest,Thy mother gave thee when thou sucked'st her breast 1H6 V.iv.28
Had bin a little Rats-bane for thy sake.Had been a little ratsbane for thy sake.ratsbane (n.)

old form: Rats-bane
rat poison
1H6 V.iv.29
Or else,when thou didst keepe my Lambes a-field,Or else, when thou didst keep my lambs a-field,keep (v.)

old form: keepe
guard, watch, tend
1H6 V.iv.30
afield, a-field (adv.)
in the field
I wish some rauenous Wolfe had eaten thee.I wish some ravenous wolf had eaten thee. 1H6 V.iv.31
Doest thou deny thy Father, cursed Drab?Dost thou deny thy father, cursed drab?drab (n.)
harlot, slut, whore
1H6 V.iv.32
deny (v.)
disown, disavow, renounce
O burne her, burne her,hanging is too good. O, burn her, burn her! Hanging is too good. 1H6 V.iv.33
Exit.Exit 1H6 V.iv.33
Take her away, for she hath liu'd too long,Take her away; for she hath lived too long, 1H6 V.iv.34
To fill the world with vicious qualities.To fill the world with vicious qualities. 1H6 V.iv.35
First let me tell you whom you haue condemn'd;First let me tell you whom you have condemned: 1H6 V.iv.36
Not me, begotten of a Shepheard Swaine,Not me begotten of a shepherd swain,swain (n.)

old form: Swaine
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow
1H6 V.iv.37
But issued from the Progeny of Kings.But issued from the progeny of kings;issue (v.)
descend, born
1H6 V.iv.38
progeny (n.)
ancestry, descent, parentage
Vertuous and Holy, chosen from aboue,Virtuous and holy, chosen from above 1H6 V.iv.39
By inspiration of Celestiall Grace,By inspiration of celestial grace 1H6 V.iv.40
To worke exceeding myracles on earth.To work exceeding miracles on earth.exceeding (adj.)
very great, huge, exceptional
1H6 V.iv.41
I neuer had to do with wicked Spirits.I never had to do with wicked spirits. 1H6 V.iv.42
But you that are polluted with your lustes,But you, that are polluted with your lusts, 1H6 V.iv.43
Stain'd with the guiltlesse blood of Innocents,Stained with the guiltless blood of innocents, 1H6 V.iv.44
Corrupt and tainted with a thousand Vices:Corrupt and tainted with a thousand vices, 1H6 V.iv.45
Because you want the grace that others haue,Because you want the grace that others have,want (v.)
lack, need, be without
1H6 V.iv.46
You iudge it straight a thing impossibleYou judge it straight a thing impossiblestraight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
1H6 V.iv.47
To compasse Wonders, but by helpe of diuels.To compass wonders but by help of devils.compass (v.)

old form: compasse
accomplish, fulfil, achieve, bring about
1H6 V.iv.48
No misconceyued, Ione of Aire hath beeneNo, misconceived! Joan of Arc hath been 1H6 V.iv.49
A Virgin from her tender infancie,A virgin from her tender infancy, 1H6 V.iv.50
Chaste, and immaculate in very thought,Chaste and immaculate in very thought, 1H6 V.iv.51
Whose Maiden-blood thus rigorously effus'd,Whose maiden blood, thus rigorously effused,effuse (v.)

old form: effus'd
spill, shed
1H6 V.iv.52
rigorously (adv.)
cruelly, savagely, with severity
Will cry for Vengeance, at the Gates of Heauen.Will cry for vengeance at the gates of heaven.cry (v.)
beg, entreat, implore
1H6 V.iv.53
I, I: away with her to execution.Ay, ay. Away with her to execution! 1H6 V.iv.54
And hearke ye sirs: because she is a Maide,And hark ye, sirs; because she is a maid, 1H6 V.iv.55
Spare for no Faggots, let there be enow:Spare for no faggots; let there be enow.enow (adv.)
1H6 V.iv.56
Place barrelles of pitch vpon the fatall stake,Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake, 1H6 V.iv.57
That so her torture may be shortned.That so her torture may be shortened. 1H6 V.iv.58
Will nothing turne your vnrelenting hearts?Will nothing turn your unrelenting hearts?turn (v.)

old form: turne
change, transform, alter
1H6 V.iv.59
Then Ione discouer thine infirmity,Then, Joan, discover thine infirmity,discover (v.)

old form: discouer
reveal, show, make known
1H6 V.iv.60
That warranteth by Law, to be thy priuiledge.That warranteth by law to be thy privilege. 1H6 V.iv.61
I am with childe ye bloody Homicides:I am with child, ye bloody homicides. 1H6 V.iv.62
Murther not then the Fruite within my Wombe,Murder not then the fruit within my womb, 1H6 V.iv.63
Although ye hale me to a violent death.Although ye hale me to a violent death.hale (v.)
drag, pull, haul
1H6 V.iv.64
Now heauen forfend, the holy Maid with child?Now heaven forfend! The holy maid with child?forfend (v.)
1H6 V.iv.65
The greatest miracle that ere ye wrought.The greatest miracle that e'er ye wrought! 1H6 V.iv.66
Is all your strict precisenesse come to this?Is all your strict preciseness come to this?preciseness (n.)

old form: precisenesse
morality, propriety, rectitude
1H6 V.iv.67
She and the Dolphin haue bin iugling,She and the Dauphin have been juggling.juggle (v.)

old form: iugling
play conjuring tricks; have sex
1H6 V.iv.68
I did imagine what would be her refuge.I did imagine what would be her refuge.refuge (n.)
resource, last defence, final recourse
1H6 V.iv.69
Well go too, we'll haue no Bastards liue,Well, go to; we'll have no bastards live, 1H6 V.iv.70
Especially since Charles must Father it.Especially since Charles must father it. 1H6 V.iv.71
You are deceyu'd, my childe is none of his,You are deceived; my child is none of his: 1H6 V.iv.72
It was Alanson that inioy'd my loue.It was Alençon that enjoyed my love. 1H6 V.iv.73
Alanson that notorious Macheuile?Alençon, that notorious Machiavel?Machiavel (n.)
[pron: 'machiavel] master of intrigue, political schemer; Machiavelli was a 16th-c Italian political theorist
1H6 V.iv.74
It dyes, and if it had a thousand liues.It dies, an if it had a thousand lives.an if (conj.)
1H6 V.iv.75
Oh giue me leaue, I haue deluded you,O, give me leave, I have deluded you. 1H6 V.iv.76
'Twas neyther Charles, nor yet the Duke I nam'd,'Twas neither Charles nor yet the Duke I named, 1H6 V.iv.77
But Reignier King of Naples that preuayl'd.But Reignier, King of Naples, that prevailed.prevail (v.)

old form: preuayl'd
succeed in seduction, have one's way [in a sexual encounter]
1H6 V.iv.78
A married man, that's most intollerable.A married man! That's most intolerable. 1H6 V.iv.79
Why here's a Gyrle: I think she knowes not welWhy, here's a girl! I think she knows not well, 1H6 V.iv.80
(There were so many) whom she may accuse.There were so many, whom she may accuse. 1H6 V.iv.81
It's signe she hath beene liberall and free.It's sign she hath been liberal and free.liberal (adj.)

old form: liberall
coarse, licentious, promiscuous
1H6 V.iv.82
And yet forsooth she is a Virgin pure.And yet, forsooth, she is a virgin pure!forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
1H6 V.iv.83
Strumpet, thy words condemne thy Brat,and thee.Strumpet, thy words condemn thy brat and thee.strumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
1H6 V.iv.84
brat (n.)
child [not always with contemptuous connotation]
Vse no intreaty, for it is in vaine.Use no entreaty, for it is in vain. 1H6 V.iv.85
Then lead me hence: with whom I leaue my curse.Then lead me hence; with whom I leave my curse: 1H6 V.iv.86
May neuer glorious Sunne reflex his beamesMay never glorious sun reflex his beamsreflex (v.)
throw, cast, shed
1H6 V.iv.87
Vpon the Countrey where you make abode:Upon the country where you make abode; 1H6 V.iv.88
But darknesse, and the gloomy shade of deathBut darkness and the gloomy shade of death 1H6 V.iv.89
Inuiron you, till Mischeefe and Dispaire,Environ you, till mischief and despairenviron (v.)

old form: Inuiron
surround, envelop, encircle, engulf
1H6 V.iv.90
mischief (n.)

old form: Mischeefe
catastrophe, calamity, misfortune
Driue you to break your necks, or hang your selues. Drive you to break your necks or hang yourselves! 1H6 V.iv.91
ExitExit, guarded 1H6 V.iv.91
Breake thou in peeces, and consume to ashes,Break thou in pieces and consume to ashes, 1H6 V.iv.92
Thou fowle accursed minister of Hell.Thou foul accursed minister of hell!minister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
1H6 V.iv.93
Enter Cardinall.Enter Winchester with attendants 1H6 V.iv.94
Lord Regent, I do greete your ExcellenceLord Regent, I do greet your excellence 1H6 V.iv.94
With Letters of Commission from the King.With letters of commission from the King.commission (n.)
warrant, authority [to act]
1H6 V.iv.95
For know my Lords, the States of Christendome,For know, my lords, the states of Christendom, 1H6 V.iv.96
Mou'd with remorse of these out-ragious broyles,Moved with remorse of these outrageous broils,remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
1H6 V.iv.97
broil (n.)

old form: broyles
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
Haue earnestly implor'd a generall peace,Have earnestly implored a general peace 1H6 V.iv.98
Betwixt our Nation, and the aspyring French;Betwixt our nation and the aspiring French; 1H6 V.iv.99
And heere at hand, the Dolphin and his TraineAnd here at hand the Dauphin and his traintrain (n.)

old form: Traine
retinue, following, entourage
1H6 V.iv.100
Approacheth, to conferre about some matter.Approacheth, to confer about some matter. 1H6 V.iv.101
Is all our trauell turn'd to this effect,Is all our travail turned to this effect?effect (n.)
result, end, outcome, fulfilment
1H6 V.iv.102
travail, travel (n.)

old form: trauell
labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel']
After the slaughter of so many Peeres,After the slaughter of so many peers, 1H6 V.iv.103
So many Captaines, Gentlemen, and Soldiers,So many captains, gentlemen, and soldiers, 1H6 V.iv.104
That in this quarrell haue beene ouerthrowne,That in this quarrel have been overthrownoverthrow (v.)

old form: ouerthrowne
defeat, destroy, vanquish
1H6 V.iv.105
And sold their bodyes for their Countryes benefit,And sold their bodies for their country's benefit, 1H6 V.iv.106
Shall we at last conclude effeminate peace?Shall we at last conclude effeminate peace?effeminate (adj.)
feeble, soft, unmanly
1H6 V.iv.107
Haue we not lost most part of all the Townes,Have we not lost most part of all the towns, 1H6 V.iv.108
By Treason, Falshood, and by Treacherie,By treason, falsehood, and by treachery, 1H6 V.iv.109
Our great Progenitors had conquered:Our great progenitors had conquered? 1H6 V.iv.110
Oh Warwicke, Warwicke, I foresee with greefeO Warwick, Warwick! I foresee with grief 1H6 V.iv.111
The vtter losse of all the Realme of France.The utter loss of all the realm of France. 1H6 V.iv.112
Be patient Yorke, if we conclude a PeaceBe patient, York. If we conclude a peace, 1H6 V.iv.113
It shall be with such strict and seuere Couenants,It shall be with such strict and severe covenantscovenant (n.)

old form: Couenants
contract, legal agreement, compact
1H6 V.iv.114
As little shall the Frenchmen gaine thereby.As little shall the Frenchmen gain thereby. 1H6 V.iv.115
Enter Charles, Alanson, Bastard, Reignier.Enter Charles, Alençon, the Bastard, Reignier, and 1H6 V.iv.116.1
attendants 1H6 V.iv.116.2
Since Lords of England, it is thus agreed,Since, lords of England, it is thus agreed 1H6 V.iv.116
That peacefull truce shall be proclaim'd in France,That peaceful truce shall be proclaimed in France, 1H6 V.iv.117
We come to be informed by your selues,We come to be informed by yourselves 1H6 V.iv.118
What the conditions of that league must be.What the conditions of that league must be. 1H6 V.iv.119
Speake Winchester, for boyling choller chokesSpeak, Winchester; for boiling choler chokescholer (n.)

old form: choller
anger, rage, wrath
1H6 V.iv.120
The hollow passage of my poyson'd voyce,The hollow passage of my poisoned voice, 1H6 V.iv.121
By sight of these our balefull enemies.By sight of these our baleful enemies.baleful (adj.)

old form: balefull
deadly, mortal, malignant
1H6 V.iv.122
Charles, and the rest, it is enacted thus:Charles, and the rest, it is enacted thus:enact (v.)
decree, ordain, enter in the records
1H6 V.iv.123
That in regard King Henry giues consent,That, in regard King Henry gives consent,regard, in (conj.)
insofar as
1H6 V.iv.124
Of meere compassion, and of lenity,Of mere compassion and of lenity,mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
1H6 V.iv.125
lenity (n.)
mildness, gentleness, mercifulness
To ease your Countrie of distressefull Warre,To ease your country of distressful war 1H6 V.iv.126
And suffer you to breath in fruitfull peace,And suffer you to breathe in fruitful peace,suffer (v.)
allow, permit, let
1H6 V.iv.127
You shall become true Liegemen to his Crowne.You shall become true liegemen to his crown;true (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
1H6 V.iv.128
liegeman (n.)
vassal, subject, follower
And Charles, vpon condition thou wilt sweareAnd, Charles, upon condition thou wilt swear 1H6 V.iv.129
To pay him tribute, and submit thy selfe,To pay him tribute and submit thyself, 1H6 V.iv.130
Thou shalt be plac'd as Viceroy vnder him,Thou shalt be placed as viceroy under him, 1H6 V.iv.131
And still enioy thy Regall dignity.And still enjoy thy regal dignity.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
1H6 V.iv.132
Must he be then as shadow of himselfe?Must he be then as shadow of himself? 1H6 V.iv.133
Adorne his Temples with a Coronet,Adorn his temples with a coronet,coronet (n.)
small crown [inferior to one worn by the sovereign]
1H6 V.iv.134
And yet in substance and authority,And yet, in substance and authority,substance (n.)
real thing, genuine article
1H6 V.iv.135
Retaine but priuiledge of a priuate man?Retain but privilege of a private man? 1H6 V.iv.136
This proffer is absurd, and reasonlesse.This proffer is absurd and reasonless.proffer (n.)
offer, proposal, proposition
1H6 V.iv.137
'Tis knowne already that I am possest'Tis known already that I am possessed 1H6 V.iv.138
With more then halfe the Gallian Territories,With more than half the Gallian territories,Gallia (n.)
old name for France [Gaul]
1H6 V.iv.139
And therein reuerenc'd for their lawfull King.And therein reverenced for their lawful king.reverence (v.)

old form: reuerenc'd
pay homage, hold in respect
1H6 V.iv.140
Shall I for lucre of the rest vn-vanquisht,Shall I, for lucre of the rest unvanquished,lucre (n.)
gain, acquisition, procurement
1H6 V.iv.141
Detract so much from that prerogatiue,Detract so much from that prerogativedetract (v.)
take away, subtract, deduct
1H6 V.iv.142
As to be call'd but Viceroy of the whole?As to be called but viceroy of the whole? 1H6 V.iv.143
No Lord Ambassador, Ile rather keepeNo, Lord Ambassador; I'll rather keep 1H6 V.iv.144
That which I haue, than coueting for moreThat which I have than, coveting for more, 1H6 V.iv.145
Be cast from possibility of all.Be cast from possibility of all.cast (v.)
exclude, bar, proscribe
1H6 V.iv.146
Insulting Charles, hast thou by secret meanesInsulting Charles, hast thou by secret means 1H6 V.iv.147
Vs'd intercession to obtaine a league,Used intercession to obtain a league, 1H6 V.iv.148
And now the matter growes to compremize,And, now the matter grows to compromise,grow (v.)

old form: growes
approach, move, draw
1H6 V.iv.149
compromise (n.)

old form: compremize
settlement, solution, amicable arrangement
Stand'st thou aloofe vpon Comparison.Standest thou aloof upon comparison?comparison (n.)
act of comparing, quibbling, equivocation
1H6 V.iv.150
Either accept the Title thou vsurp'st,Either accept the title thou usurpest, 1H6 V.iv.151
Of benefit proceeding from our King,Of benefit proceeding from our kingbenefit (n.)
bounty, benefaction, bestowal of rights [from a feudal lord]
1H6 V.iv.152
And not of any challenge of Desert,And not of any challenge of desert,challenge (n.)
claim, demand, assertion
1H6 V.iv.153
desert, desart (n.)
deserving, due recompense, right
Or we will plague thee with incessant Warres.Or we will plague thee with incessant wars. 1H6 V.iv.154
(aside to Charles) 1H6 V.iv.155
My Lord, you do not well in obstinacy,My lord, you do not well in obstinacy 1H6 V.iv.155
To cauill in the course of this Contract:To cavil in the course of this contract.course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
1H6 V.iv.156
cavil (v.)

old form: cauill
dispute over details, raise pointless objections
If once it be neglected, ten to oneIf once it be neglected, ten to one 1H6 V.iv.157
We shall not finde like opportunity.We shall not find like opportunity.like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
1H6 V.iv.158
(aside to Charles) 1H6 V.iv.159.1
To say the truth, it is your policie,To say the truth, it is your policypolicy (n.)

old form: policie
statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy
1H6 V.iv.159
To saue your Subiects from such massacreTo save your subjects from such massacre 1H6 V.iv.160
And ruthlesse slaughters as are dayly seeneAnd ruthless slaughters as are daily seen 1H6 V.iv.161
By our proceeding in Hostility,By our proceeding in hostility;proceed (v.)
continue, go on, carry on
1H6 V.iv.162
And therefore take this compact of a Truce,And therefore take this compact of a truce, 1H6 V.iv.163
Although you breake it, when your pleasure serues.Although you break it when your pleasure serves.serve (v.)

old form: serues
suit, allow, afford
1H6 V.iv.164
How sayst thou Charles? / Shall our Condition stand?How sayst thou, Charles? Shall our condition stand? 1H6 V.iv.165
It shall; 1H6 V.iv.166
/ Onely reseru'd, you claime no interestOnly reserved you claim no interest 1H6 V.iv.167
In any of our Townes of Garrison.In any of our towns of garrison. 1H6 V.iv.168
Then sweare Allegeance to his Maiesty,Then swear allegiance to his majesty: 1H6 V.iv.169
As thou art Knight, neuer to disobey,As thou art knight, never to disobey 1H6 V.iv.170
Nor be Rebellious to the Crowne of England,Nor be rebellious to the crown of England –  1H6 V.iv.171
Thou nor thy Nobles, to the Crowne of England.Thou, nor thy nobles, to the crown of England. 1H6 V.iv.172
Charles and the French nobles kneel and acknowledge 1H6 V.iv.173.1
the sovereignty of Henry 1H6 V.iv.173.2
So, now dismisse your Army when ye please:So, now dismiss your army when ye please; 1H6 V.iv.174
Hang vp your Ensignes, let your Drummes be still,Hang up your ensigns, let your drums be still,still (adj.)
silent, quiet
1H6 V.iv.175
For heere we entertaine a solemne peace. For here we entertain a solemn peace.entertain (v.)

old form: entertaine
enter upon, engage in, accept
1H6 V.iv.176
ExeuntExeunt 1H6 V.iv.176
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