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Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


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Enter the Master Gunner of Orleance, and his Boy.Enter the Master Gunner of Orleans and his Boy 1H6 I.iv.1
Sirrha, thou know'st how Orleance is besieg'd,Sirrah, thou knowest how Orleans is besieged 1H6 I.iv.1
And how the English haue the Suburbs wonne.And how the English have the suburbs won. 1H6 I.iv.2
Boy. BOY 
Father I know, and oft haue shot at them,Father, I know; and oft have shot at them,oft (adv.)
1H6 I.iv.3
How e're vnfortunate, I miss'd my ayme.Howe'er unfortunate I missed my aim. 1H6 I.iv.4
But now thou shalt not. Be thou rul'd by me:But now thou shalt not. Be thou ruled by me. 1H6 I.iv.5
Chiefe Master Gunner am I of this Towne,Chief master gunner am I of this town; 1H6 I.iv.6
Something I must doe to procure me grace:Something I must do to procure me grace.grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
1H6 I.iv.7
The Princes espyals haue informed me,The Prince's espials have informed meespial (n.)

old form: espyals
spy, watcher, observer
1H6 I.iv.8
How the English, in the Suburbs close entrencht,How the English, in the suburbs close intrenched,entrench, intrench (v.)

old form: entrencht
put within a trench
1H6 I.iv.9
close (adv.)
tightly, in a close-fitting way
Went through a secret Grate of Iron Barres,Wont through a secret grate of iron barswont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
1H6 I.iv.10
grate (n.)
grating, grill, lattice
In yonder Tower, to ouer-peere the Citie,In yonder tower to overpeer the city,overpeer, over-peer (v.)

old form: ouer-peere
look down on, look out over, overlook
1H6 I.iv.11
And thence discouer, how with most aduantageAnd thence discover how with most advantagediscover (v.)
spy, spot, make out
1H6 I.iv.12
They may vex vs with Shot or with Assault.They may vex us with shot or with assault.shot (n.)
cannon-fire, firing, salvoes
1H6 I.iv.13
vex (v.)
afflict, trouble, torment
To intercept this inconuenience,To intercept this inconvenience,inconvenience (n.)

old form: inconuenience
harm, troublesome disadvantage
1H6 I.iv.14
intercept (v.)
prevent, stop, get rid of
A Peece of Ordnance 'gainst it I haue plac'd,A piece of ordnance 'gainst it I have placed;ordnance, ordinance (n.)
cannon, artillery
1H6 I.iv.15
against, 'gainst (prep.)
opposite, directed against
And euen these three dayes haue I watcht,And even these three days have I watchedwatch (v.)
keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout
1H6 I.iv.16
If I could see them. Now doe thou watch,If I could see them. Now do thou watch, 1H6 I.iv.17
For I can stay no longer.For I can stay no longer. 1H6 I.iv.18
If thou spy'st any, runne and bring me word,If thou spyest any, run and bring me word, 1H6 I.iv.19
And thou shalt finde me at the Gouernors. And thou shalt find me at the Governor's. 1H6 I.iv.20
Exit.Exit 1H6 I.iv.20
Boy. BOY 
Father, I warrant you, take you no care,Father, I warrant you; take you no care;warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
1H6 I.iv.21
care, take you/thou no
don't worry
Ile neuer trouble you, if I may spye them. I'll never trouble you if I may spy them. 1H6 I.iv.22
Exit.Exit 1H6 I.iv.22
Enter Salisbury and Talbot on the Enter the Earl of Salisbury and Lord Talbot on the 1H6 I.iv.23.1
Turrets, with others.turrets with Sir William Glansdale, Sir Thomas 1H6 I.iv.23.2
Gargrave, and other soldiers 1H6 I.iv.23.3
Talbot, my life, my ioy, againe return'd?Talbot, my life, my joy, again returned? 1H6 I.iv.23
How wert thou handled, being Prisoner?How wert thou handled being prisoner? 1H6 I.iv.24
Or by what meanes got's thou to be releas'd?Or by what means got'st thou to be released? 1H6 I.iv.25
Discourse I prethee on this Turrets top.Discourse, I prithee, on this turret's top.discourse (v.)
relate, talk about, recount
1H6 I.iv.26
Talbot. TALBOT 
The Earle of Bedford had a Prisoner,The Duke of Bedford had a prisoner 1H6 I.iv.27
Call'd the braue Lord Ponton de Santrayle,Called the brave Lord Ponton de Santrailles;brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
1H6 I.iv.28
For him was I exchang'd, and ransom'd.For him was I exchanged and ransomed. 1H6 I.iv.29
But with a baser man of Armes by farre,But with a baser man-of-arms by farman of arms, man-of-arms (n.)

old form: man of Armes
soldier, fighting man
1H6 I.iv.30
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
Once in contempt they would haue barter'd me:Once, in contempt, they would have bartered me; 1H6 I.iv.31
Which I disdaining, scorn'd, and craued death,Which I, disdaining, scorned, and craved death 1H6 I.iv.32
Rather then I would be so pil'd esteem'd:Rather than I would be so pilled esteemed.pilled (adv.)

old form: pil'd
poorly, miserably, beggarly
1H6 I.iv.33
In fine, redeem'd I was as I desir'd.In fine, redeemed I was as I desired.redeem (v.)

old form: redeem'd
1H6 I.iv.34
fine, in
in the end, finally, in conclusion
But O, the trecherous Falstaffe wounds my heart,But, O, the treacherous Falstaff wounds my heart; 1H6 I.iv.35
Whom with my bare fists I would execute,Whom with my bare fists I would execute, 1H6 I.iv.36
If I now had him brought into my power.If I now had him brought into my power. 1H6 I.iv.37
Yet tell'st thou not, how thou wert entertain'd. Yet tellest thou not how thou wert entertained.entertain (v.)

old form: entertain'd
treat, deal with, handle
1H6 I.iv.38
With scoffes and scornes, and contumelious taunts,With scoffs and scorns and contumelious taunts;contumelious (adj.)
contemptuous, arrogant, insolent
1H6 I.iv.39
In open Market-place produc't they me,In open market-place produced they me 1H6 I.iv.40
To be a publique spectacle to all:To be a public spectacle to all. 1H6 I.iv.41
Here, sayd they, is the Terror of the French,‘ Here,’ said they, ‘ is the terror of the French, 1H6 I.iv.42
The Scar-Crow that affrights our Children so.The scarecrow that affrights our children so.’ 1H6 I.iv.43
Then broke I from the Officers that led me,Then broke I from the officers that led me, 1H6 I.iv.44
And with my nayles digg'd stones out of the ground,And with my nails digged stones out of the ground 1H6 I.iv.45
To hurle at the beholders of my shame.To hurl at the beholders of my shame. 1H6 I.iv.46
My grisly countenance made others flye,My grisly countenance made others fly;grisly (adj.)
grim, ghastly, menacing
1H6 I.iv.47
None durst come neere, for feare of suddaine death.None durst come near for fear of sudden death. 1H6 I.iv.48
In Iron Walls they deem'd me not secure:In iron walls they deemed me not secure; 1H6 I.iv.49
So great feare of my Name 'mongst them were spread,So great fear of my name 'mongst them were spread 1H6 I.iv.50
That they suppos'd I could rend Barres of Steele,That they supposed I could rend bars of steel 1H6 I.iv.51
And spurne in pieces Posts of Adamant.And spurn in pieces posts of adamant;spurn (v.)

old form: spurne
kick, strike, stamp [on], dash
1H6 I.iv.52
adamant (n.)
legendary substance of great hardness and magnetism
Wherefore a guard of chosen Shot I had,Wherefore a guard of chosen shot I hadchosen (adj.)
elite, carefully selected
1H6 I.iv.53
shot (n.)
armed soldier, gunner, marksman
That walkt about me euery Minute while:That walked about me every minute while;while (n.)
space of time, interval
1H6 I.iv.54
And if I did but stirre out of my Bed,And if I did but stir out of my bed, 1H6 I.iv.55
Ready they were to shoot me to the heart.Ready they were to shoot me to the heart. 1H6 I.iv.56
Enter the Boy with a Linstock.Enter the Boy with a linstock and exitlinstock (n.)
stick holding a lit match for firing a cannon
1H6 I.iv.57
I grieue to heare what torments you endur'd,I grieve to hear what torments you endured; 1H6 I.iv.57
But we will be reueng'd sufficiently.But we will be revenged sufficiently. 1H6 I.iv.58
Now it is Supper time in Orleance:Now it is supper-time in Orleans; 1H6 I.iv.59
Here, through this Grate, I count each one,Here, through this grate, I count each onegrate (n.)
grating, grill, lattice
1H6 I.iv.60
And view the Frenchmen how they fortifie:And view the Frenchmen how they fortify. 1H6 I.iv.61
Let vs looke in, the sight will much delight thee:Let us look in; the sight will much delight thee. 1H6 I.iv.62
Sir Thomas Gargraue, and Sir William Glansdale,Sir Thomas Gargrave and Sir William Glansdale, 1H6 I.iv.63
Let me haue your expresse opinions,Let me have your express opinionsexpress (adj.)

old form: expresse
considered, firm, precise
1H6 I.iv.64
Where is best place to make our Batt'ry next?Where is best place to make our battery next.battery (n.)

old form: Batt'ry
assault, bombardment, blitz
1H6 I.iv.65
Gargraue. GARGRAVE 
I thinke at the North Gate, for there stands Lords.I think at the north gate; for there stands lords. 1H6 I.iv.66
Glansdale. GLANSDALE 
And I heere, at the Bulwarke of the Bridge.And I here, at the bulwark of the bridge.bulwark (n.)

old form: Bulwarke
rampart, fortification
1H6 I.iv.67
For ought I see, this Citie must be famisht,For aught I see, this city must be famishedaught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
1H6 I.iv.68
Or with light Skirmishes enfeebled. Or with light skirmishes enfeebled. 1H6 I.iv.69
Here they shot, and Salisbury falls Here they shoot, and Salisbury and Gargrave fall 1H6 I.iv.70.1
downe.down 1H6 I.iv.70.2
O Lord haue mercy on vs, wretched sinners.O Lord, have mercy on us, wretched sinners! 1H6 I.iv.70
Gargraue. GARGRAVE 
O Lord haue mercy on me, wofull man.O Lord, have mercy on me, woeful man! 1H6 I.iv.71
What chance is this, that suddenly hath crost vs?What chance is this that suddenly hath crossed us?cross (v.)

old form: crost
afflict, plague, go against
1H6 I.iv.72
chance (n.)
event, occurrence, situation [especially, bad]
Speake Salisbury; at least, if thou canst, speake:Speak, Salisbury; at least, if thou canst, speak. 1H6 I.iv.73
How far'st thou, Mirror of all Martiall men?How farest thou, mirror of all martial men?mirror (n.)
supreme example, paragon, model of excellence
1H6 I.iv.74
martial (adj.)

old form: Martiall
warlike, valiant, brave
One of thy Eyes, and thy Cheekes side struck off?One of thy eyes and thy cheek's side struck off? 1H6 I.iv.75
Accursed Tower, accursed fatall Hand,Accursed tower! Accursed fatal handfatal (adj.)
decreed by fate, of destiny
1H6 I.iv.76
That hath contriu'd this wofull Tragedie.That hath contrived this woeful tragedy!contrive (v.)

old form: contriu'd
scheme, plot, conspire
1H6 I.iv.77
In thirteene Battailes, Salisbury o'recame:In thirteen battles Salisbury o'ercame; 1H6 I.iv.78
Henry the Fift he first trayn'd to the Warres.Henry the Fifth he first trained to the wars. 1H6 I.iv.79
Whil'st any Trumpe did sound, or Drum struck vp,Whilst any trump did sound or drum struck up,trump (n.)

old form: Trumpe
1H6 I.iv.80
His Sword did ne're leaue striking in the field.His sword did ne'er leave striking in the field.leave (v.)

old form: leaue
cease, stop, give up
1H6 I.iv.81
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Yet liu'st thou Salisbury? though thy speech doth fayle,Yet livest thou, Salisbury? Though thy speech doth fail, 1H6 I.iv.82
One Eye thou hast to looke to Heauen for grace.One eye thou hast to look to heaven for grace; 1H6 I.iv.83
The Sunne with one Eye vieweth all the World.The sun with one eye vieweth all the world. 1H6 I.iv.84
Heauen be thou gracious to none aliue,Heaven, be thou gracious to none alive 1H6 I.iv.85
If Salisbury wants mercy at thy hands.If Salisbury wants mercy at thy hands!want (v.)
lack, need, be without
1H6 I.iv.86
Sir Thomas Gargraue, hast thou any life?Sir Thomas Gargrave, hast thou any life? 1H6 I.iv.87
Speake vnto Talbot, nay, looke vp to him.Speak unto Talbot. Nay, look up to him. 1H6 I.iv.88
Beare hence his Body, I will helpe to bury it.Bear hence his body; I will help to bury it. 1H6 I.iv.89
Exeunt attendants with Gargrave's body 1H6 I.iv.89
Salisbury cheare thy Spirit with this comfort,Salisbury, cheer thy spirit with this comfort, 1H6 I.iv.90
Thou shalt not dye whiles----Thou shalt not die whiles –  1H6 I.iv.91
He beckens with his hand, and smiles on me:He beckons with his hand and smiles on me, 1H6 I.iv.92
As who should say, When I am dead and gone,As who should say ‘ When I am dead and gone, 1H6 I.iv.93
Remember to auenge me on the French.Remember to avenge me on the French.’ 1H6 I.iv.94
Plantaginet I will, and like thee,Plantagenet, I will; and like thee, Nero,Nero (n.)
[pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty
1H6 I.iv.95
Play on the Lute, beholding the Townes burne:Play on the lute, beholding the towns burn. 1H6 I.iv.96
Wretched shall France be onely in my Name.Wretched shall France be only in my name.only (adv.)

old form: onely
especially, particularly
1H6 I.iv.97
Here an Alarum, and it Thunders and Lightens.Here an alarum, and it thunders and lightenslighten (v.)
flash lightning
1H6 I.iv.98.1
What stirre is this? what tumult's in the Heauens?What stir is this? What tumult's in the heavens? 1H6 I.iv.98
Whence commeth this Alarum, and the noyse?Whence cometh this alarum and the noise?alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
1H6 I.iv.99
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger 1H6 I.iv.100.1
My Lord, my Lord, the French haue gather'd head.My lord, my lord, the French have gathered head.head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
1H6 I.iv.100
The Dolphin, with one Ioane de Puzel ioyn'd,The Dauphin, with one Joan la Pucelle joined, 1H6 I.iv.101
A holy Prophetesse, new risen vp,A holy prophetess new risen up, 1H6 I.iv.102
Is come with a great Power, to rayse the Siege.Is come with a great power to raise the siege.power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
1H6 I.iv.103
raise (v.)

old form: rayse
put an end to, finish
Here Salisbury lifteth himselfe vp,and groanes.Here Salisbury lifteth himself up and groans 1H6 I.iv.104
Heare, heare, how dying Salisbury doth groane,Hear, hear how dying Salisbury doth groan. 1H6 I.iv.104
It irkes his heart he cannot be reueng'd.It irks his heart he cannot be revenged. 1H6 I.iv.105
Frenchmen, Ile be a Salisbury to you.Frenchmen, I'll be a Salisbury to you. 1H6 I.iv.106
Puzel or Pussel, Dolphin or Dog-fish,Pucelle or pussel, Dolphin or dogfish,pucelle (n.)

old form: Puzel, Pussel
maid, virgin, girl; also: drab, trollop, slut
1H6 I.iv.107
Your hearts Ile stampe out with my Horses heeles,Your hearts I'll stamp out with my horse's heels 1H6 I.iv.108
And make a Quagmire of your mingled braines.And make a quagmire of your mingled brains. 1H6 I.iv.109
Conuey me Salisbury into his Tent,Convey me Salisbury into his tent, 1H6 I.iv.110
And then wee'le try what these dastard Frenchmen dare.And then we'll try what these dastard Frenchmen dare.try (v.)
prove, ascertain, find out
1H6 I.iv.111
dastard (adj.)
dastardly, cowardly, despicable
Alarum. Exeunt.Alarum. Exeunt with Salisbury's body 1H6 I.iv.111
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