First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Claudio, Prince, and three or | Enter Claudio, Don Pedro, Balthasar, and three or | | MA V.iii.1.1 | |
foure with Tapers. | four with tapers, all wearing mourning | taper (n.) candle | MA V.iii.1.2 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Is this the monument of Leonato? | Is this the monument of Leonato? | | MA V.iii.1 | |
Lord. | A LORD | | | |
It is my Lord. | It is, my lord. | | MA V.iii.2 | |
| CLAUDIO | | | |
Epitaph. | (reading from a scroll) | | MA V.iii.3 | |
Done to death by slanderous tongues, | Done to death by slanderous tongues | | MA V.iii.3 | |
Was the Hero that here lies: | Was the Hero that here lies: | | MA V.iii.4 | |
Death in guerdon of her wrongs, | Death, in guerdon of her wrongs | guerdon (n.) [pron: 'gerdn] reward, recompense | MA V.iii.5 | |
Giues her fame which neuer dies: | Gives her fame which never dies. | | MA V.iii.6 | |
So the life that dyed with shame, | So the life that died with shame | | MA V.iii.7 | |
Liues in death with glorious fame. | Lives in death with glorious fame. | | MA V.iii.8 | |
Hang thou there vpon the tombe, | Hang thou there upon the tomb | | MA V.iii.9 | |
Praising her when I am dombe. | Praising her when I am dumb. | | MA V.iii.10 | |
Now musick sound & sing your solemn hymne | Now, music, sound, and sing your solemn hymn. | | MA V.iii.11 | |
Song. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Pardon goddesse of the night, | Pardon, goddess of the night, | | MA V.iii.12 | |
Those that slew thy virgin knight, | Those that slew thy virgin knight; | knight (n.) devotee, servant, follower [male or female] | MA V.iii.13 | |
For the which with songs of woe, | For the which, with songs of woe, | | MA V.iii.14 | |
Round about her tombe they goe: | Round about her tomb they go. | | MA V.iii.15 | |
Midnight assist our mone, | Midnight, assist our moan; | | MA V.iii.16 | |
helpe vs to sigh and grone. | Help us to sigh and groan, | | MA V.iii.17 | |
Heauily, heauily. | Heavily, heavily. | | MA V.iii.18 | |
Graues yawne and yeelde your dead, | Graves yawn and yield your dead, | yawn (v.) open wide, gape | MA V.iii.19 | |
Till death be vttered, | Till death be uttered, | utter (v.) [unclear meaning] commemorate, express, voice | MA V.iii.20 | |
Heauenly, heauenly. | Heavily, heavily. | | MA V.iii.21 | |
Lo. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Now vnto thy bones good night, | Now, unto thy bones good night! | | MA V.iii.22 | |
yeerely will I do this right. | Yearly will I do this rite. | | MA V.iii.23 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Good morrow masters, put your Torches out, | Good morrow, masters; put your torches out; | morrow (n.) morning | MA V.iii.24 | |
The wolues haue preied, and looke, the gentle day | The wolves have preyed, and look, the gentle day, | gentle (adj.) peaceful, calm, free from violence | MA V.iii.25 | |
Before the wheeles of Phoebus, round about | Before the wheels of Phoebus, round about | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | MA V.iii.26 | |
Dapples the drowsie East with spots of grey: | Dapples the drowsy east with spots of grey. | | MA V.iii.27 | |
Thanks to you all, and leaue vs, fare you well. | Thanks to you all, and leave us: fare you well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MA V.iii.28 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Good morrow masters, each his seuerall way. | Good morrow, masters: each his several way. | several (adj.) various, sundry, respective, individual | MA V.iii.29 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Come let vs hence, and put on other weedes, | Come, let us hence, and put on other weeds; | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | MA V.iii.30 | |
And then to Leonatoes we will goe. | And then to Leonato's we will go. | | MA V.iii.31 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
And Hymen now with luckier issue speeds, | And Hymen now with luckier issue speed's | issue (n.) outcome, result, consequence(s) | MA V.iii.32 | |
| | lucky (adj.) fortunate, successful, prosperous | | |
| | speed (v.) meet with success, prosper, flourish | | |
| | Hymen (n.) [pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute | | |
Then this for whom we rendred vp this woe. | Than this for whom we rendered up this woe. | | MA V.iii.33 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | MA V.iii.33 | |