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Henry VI Part 3

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and Mountague.Enter Richard, George, Somerset, and Montague 3H6 IV.i.1
Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke youNow tell me, brother Clarence, what think you 3H6 IV.i.1
Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray?Of this new marriage with the Lady Grey? 3H6 IV.i.2
Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice?Hath not our brother made a worthy choice? 3H6 IV.i.3
Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France,Alas, you know, 'tis far from hence to France; 3H6 IV.i.4
How could he stay till Warwicke made returne?How could he stay till Warwick made return?stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
3H6 IV.i.5
My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the King.My lords, forbear this talk; here comes the King.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
stop, cease, desist
3H6 IV.i.6
Flourish. Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Flourish. Enter Edward, attended; Lady Grey, asattend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
3H6 IV.i.7.1
Penbrooke, Stafford, Hastings: queen; Pembroke, Stafford, Hastings, and other 3H6 IV.i.7.2
foure stand on one side, and foure on the courtiers. Four stand on one side and four on the 3H6 IV.i.7.3
other.other 3H6 IV.i.7.4
And his well-chosen Bride.And his well-chosen bride. 3H6 IV.i.7
Clarence. GEORGE 
I minde to tell him plainly what I thinke.I mind to tell him plainly what I think.mind (v.)

old form: minde
intend, have a mind
3H6 IV.i.8
Now Brother of Clarence, / How like you our Choyce,Now, brother of Clarence, how like you our choice, 3H6 IV.i.9
That you stand pensiue, as halfe malecontent?That you stand pensive, as half-malcontent?malcontent (adj.)

old form: malecontent
discontented, disaffected, dissatisfied
3H6 IV.i.10
Clarence. GEORGE 
As well as Lewis of France, / Or the Earle of Warwicke,As well as Lewis of France, or the Earl of Warwick, 3H6 IV.i.11
Which are so weake of courage, and in iudgement,Which are so weak of courage and in judgement 3H6 IV.i.12
That they'le take no offence at our abuse.That they'll take no offence at our abuse.abuse (n.)
offence, wrong, insult, transgression
3H6 IV.i.13
Suppose they take offence without a cause:Suppose they take offence without a cause, 3H6 IV.i.14
They are but Lewis and Warwicke, I am Edward,They are but Lewis and Warwick; I am Edward, 3H6 IV.i.15
Your King and Warwickes, and must haue my will.Your King and Warwick's, and must have my will. 3H6 IV.i.16
And shall haue your will, because our King:And shall have your will, because our king; 3H6 IV.i.17
Yet hastie Marriage seldome proueth well.Yet hasty marriage seldom proveth well.hasty (adj.)

old form: hastie
rash, impetuous, impulsive
3H6 IV.i.18
Yea, Brother Richard, are you offended too?Yea, brother Richard, are you offended too? 3H6 IV.i.19
Not I:Not I; 3H6 IV.i.20
no: / God forbid, that I should wish them seuer'd,No, God forbid that I should wish them severed 3H6 IV.i.21
Whom God hath ioyn'd together: / I, and 'twere pittie,Whom God hath joined together; ay, and 'twere pity 3H6 IV.i.22
to sunder them, / That yoake so well together.To sunder them that yoke so well together.sunder (v.)
separate, split up, part
3H6 IV.i.23
yoke (v.)

old form: yoake
associate, link, join, couple
Setting your skornes, and your mislike aside,Setting your scorns and your mislike aside,mislike (n.)
dislike, distaste, displeasure
3H6 IV.i.24
Tell me some reason, why the Lady GreyTell me some reason why the Lady Grey 3H6 IV.i.25
Should not become my Wife, and Englands Queene?Should not become my wife and England's queen. 3H6 IV.i.26
And you too, Somerset, and Mountague,And you too, Somerset and Montague, 3H6 IV.i.27
Speake freely what you thinke.Speak freely what you think. 3H6 IV.i.28
Then this is mine opinion: / That King Lewis Then this is mine opinion: that King Lewis 3H6 IV.i.29
becomes your Enemie, / For mocking himBecomes your enemy, for mocking him 3H6 IV.i.30
about the Marriage / Of the Lady Bona.About the marriage of the Lady Bona. 3H6 IV.i.31
And Warwicke, doing what you gaue in charge,And Warwick, doing what you gave in charge,give in charge

old form: gaue
give orders, command, direct
3H6 IV.i.32
Is now dis-honored by this new Marriage.Is now dishonoured by this new marriage. 3H6 IV.i.33
What, if both Lewis and Warwick be appeas'd,What if both Lewis and Warwick be appeased 3H6 IV.i.34
By such inuention as I can deuise?By such invention as I can devise?invention (n.)

old form: inuention
plan, scheme, stratagem
3H6 IV.i.35
Yet, to haue ioyn'd with France in such alliance,Yet, to have joined with France in such alliance 3H6 IV.i.36
Would more haue strength'ned this our CommonwealthWould more have strengthened this our commonwealth 3H6 IV.i.37
'Gainst forraine stormes, then any home-bred Marriage.'Gainst foreign storms than any home-bred marriage. 3H6 IV.i.38
Why, knowes not Mountague, that of it selfe,Why, knows not Montague that of itself 3H6 IV.i.39
England is safe, if true within it selfe?England is safe, if true within itself? 3H6 IV.i.40
But the safer, when 'tis back'd with France.But the safer when 'tis backed with France.back (v.)

old form: back'd
support, help, back up
3H6 IV.i.41
'Tis better vsing France, then trusting France:'Tis better using France than trusting France; 3H6 IV.i.42
Let vs be back'd with God, and with the Seas,Let us be backed with God and with the seas 3H6 IV.i.43
Which he hath giu'n for fence impregnable,Which He hath given for fence impregnable,fence (n.)
defence, barrier, protection
3H6 IV.i.44
And with their helpes, onely defend our selues:And with their helps only defend ourselves;only (adj.)

old form: onely
sole, exclusive
3H6 IV.i.45
In them, and in our selues, our safetie lyes.In them and in ourselves our safety lies. 3H6 IV.i.46
For this one speech, Lord Hastings well deseruesFor this one speech Lord Hastings well deserves 3H6 IV.i.47
To haue the Heire of the Lord Hungerford.To have the heir of the Lord Hungerford. 3H6 IV.i.48
I, what of that? it was my will, and graunt,Ay, what of that? It was my will and grant; 3H6 IV.i.49
And for this once, my Will shall stand for Law.And for this once my will shall stand for law. 3H6 IV.i.50
And yet me thinks, your Grace hath not done well,And yet methinks your grace hath not done wellmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinks
it seems / seemed to me
3H6 IV.i.51
To giue the Heire and Daughter of Lord ScalesTo give the heir and daughter of Lord Scales 3H6 IV.i.52
Vnto the Brother of your louing Bride;Unto the brother of your loving bride. 3H6 IV.i.53
Shee better would haue fitted me, or Clarence:She better would have fitted me or Clarence; 3H6 IV.i.54
But in your Bride you burie Brotherhood.But in your bride you bury brotherhood.bury (v.)

old form: burie
abandon forever, consign to oblivion, eliminate
3H6 IV.i.55
Or else you would not haue bestow'd the HeireOr else you would not have bestowed the heir 3H6 IV.i.56
Of the Lord Bonuill on your new Wiues Sonne,Of the Lord Bonville on your new wife's son, 3H6 IV.i.57
And leaue your Brothers to goe speede elsewhere.And leave your brothers to go speed elsewhere.speed (v.)

old form: speede
meet with success, prosper, flourish
3H6 IV.i.58
Alas, poore Clarence: is it for a WifeAlas, poor Clarence! Is it for a wife 3H6 IV.i.59
That thou art malecontent? I will prouide thee.That thou art malcontent? I will provide thee.malcontent (adj.)

old form: malecontent
discontented, disaffected, dissatisfied
3H6 IV.i.60
Clarence. GEORGE 
In chusing for your selfe, / You shew'd your iudgement:In choosing for yourself, you showed your judgement; 3H6 IV.i.61
Which being shallow, you shall giue me leaueWhich being shallow, you shall give me leave 3H6 IV.i.62
To play the Broker in mine owne behalfe;To play the broker in mine own behalf;broker, broker-between (n.)
go-between, intermediary, agent
3H6 IV.i.63
And to that end, I shortly minde to leaue you.And to that end I shortly mind to leave you.mind (v.)

old form: minde
intend, have a mind
3H6 IV.i.64
Leaue me, or tarry, Edward will be King,Leave me, or tarry. Edward will be king, 3H6 IV.i.65
And not be ty'd vnto his Brothers will.And not be tied unto his brother's will. 3H6 IV.i.66
Lady Grey. LADY GREY 
My Lords, before it pleas'd his MaiestieMy lords, before it pleased his majesty 3H6 IV.i.67
To rayse my State to Title of a Queene,To raise my state to title of a queen,state (n.)
status, rank, position
3H6 IV.i.68
Doe me but right, and you must all confesse,Do me but right, and you must all confess 3H6 IV.i.69
That I was not ignoble of Descent,That I was not ignoble of descent; 3H6 IV.i.70
And meaner then my selfe haue had like fortune.And meaner than myself have had like fortune.mean (adj.)
of low rank, inferior in position, less important
3H6 IV.i.71
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
But as this Title honors me and mine,But as this title honours me and mine, 3H6 IV.i.72
So your dislikes, to whom I would be pleasing,So your dislikes, to whom I would be pleasing,dislike (n.)
displeasure, disapproval, antipathy
3H6 IV.i.73
Doth cloud my ioyes with danger, and with sorrow.Doth cloud my joys with danger and with sorrow. 3H6 IV.i.74
My Loue, forbeare to fawne vpon their frownes:My love, forbear to fawn upon their frowns;forbear (v.)
stop, cease, desist
3H6 IV.i.75
What danger, or what sorrow can befall thee,What danger or what sorrow can befall thee,befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
3H6 IV.i.76
So long as Edward is thy constant friend,So long as Edward is thy constant friend, 3H6 IV.i.77
And their true Soueraigne, whom they must obey?And their true sovereign, whom they must obey? 3H6 IV.i.78
Nay, whom they shall obey, and loue thee too,Nay, whom they shall obey, and love thee too, 3H6 IV.i.79
Vnlesse they seeke for hatred at my hands:Unless they seek for hatred at my hands; 3H6 IV.i.80
Which if they doe, yet will I keepe thee safe,Which if they do, yet will I keep thee safe, 3H6 IV.i.81
And they shall feele the vengeance of my wrath.And they shall feel the vengeance of my wrath. 3H6 IV.i.82
(aside) 3H6 IV.i.83
I heare, yet say not much, but thinke the more.I hear, yet say not much, but think the more. 3H6 IV.i.83
Enter a Poste.Enter a Post 3H6 IV.i.84
Now Messenger, what Letters, or what NewesNow, messenger, what letters or what news 3H6 IV.i.84
from France?From France? 3H6 IV.i.85
Post. POST 
My Soueraigne Liege, no Letters, & few words,My sovereign liege, no letters; and few words,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
3H6 IV.i.86
But such, as I (without your speciall pardon)But such as I, without your special pardon,pardon (n.)
permission, consent, approval
3H6 IV.i.87
Dare not relate.Dare not relate. 3H6 IV.i.88
Goe too, wee pardon thee: / Therefore, in briefe,Go to, we pardon thee; therefore, in brief,pardon (v.)
excuse, give permission to
3H6 IV.i.89
tell me their words, / As neere as thou canst guesse them.Tell me their words as near as thou canst guess them.guess (v.)

old form: guesse
recall, remember, bring to mind
3H6 IV.i.90
What answer makes King Lewis vnto our Letters?What answer makes King Lewis unto our letters? 3H6 IV.i.91
Post. POST 
At my depart, these were his very words:At my depart, these were his very words:depart (n.)
departure, departing, leave-taking
3H6 IV.i.92
Goe tell false Edward, the supposed King,‘ Go tell false Edward, thy supposed king, 3H6 IV.i.93
That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers,That Lewis of France is sending over masquers 3H6 IV.i.94
To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.To revel it with him and his new bride.’ 3H6 IV.i.95
Is Lewis so braue? belike he thinkes me Henry.Is Lewis so brave? Belike he thinks me Henry.brave (adj.)

old form: braue
audacious, daring, bold
3H6 IV.i.96
belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
But what said Lady Bona to my Marriage?But what said Lady Bona to my marriage? 3H6 IV.i.97
Post. POST 
These were her words, vtt'red with mild disdaine:These were her words, uttered with mild disdain: 3H6 IV.i.98
Tell him, in hope hee'le proue a Widower shortly,‘ Tell him, in hope he'll prove a widower shortly, 3H6 IV.i.99
Ile weare the Willow Garland for his sake.I'll wear the willow garland for his sake.’ 3H6 IV.i.100
I blame not her; she could say little lesse:I blame not her, she could say little less; 3H6 IV.i.101
She had the wrong. But what said Henries Queene?She had the wrong. But what said Henry's queen? 3H6 IV.i.102
For I haue heard, that she was there in place.For I have heard that she was there in, in
present, attending, at hand
3H6 IV.i.103
Post. POST 
Tell him (quoth she) / My mourning Weedes are done,‘ Tell him,’ quoth she, ‘ my mourning weeds are done,quoth (v.)
3H6 IV.i.104
done (adj.)
finished with, put off
And I am readie to put Armour on.And I am ready to put armour on.’ 3H6 IV.i.105
Belike she minds to play the Amazon.Belike she minds to play the Amazon.Amazon, Amazonian (n.)
one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war
3H6 IV.i.106
belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
But what said Warwicke to these iniuries?But what said Warwick to these injuries?injury (n.)

old form: iniuries
insult, affront, slight
3H6 IV.i.107
Post. POST 
He, more incens'd against your Maiestie,He, more incensed against your majesty 3H6 IV.i.108
Then all the rest, discharg'd me with these words:Than all the rest, discharged me with these words:discharge (v.)

old form: discharg'd
release from service, let go, dismiss
3H6 IV.i.109
Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong,‘ Tell him from me that he hath done me wrong, 3H6 IV.i.110
And therefore Ile vncrowne him, er't be long.And therefore I'll uncrown him ere't be long.’ 3H6 IV.i.111
Ha? durst the Traytor breath out so prowd words?Ha! Durst the traitor breathe out so proud words? 3H6 IV.i.112
Well, I will arme me, being thus fore-warn'd:Well, I will arm me, being thus forewarned; 3H6 IV.i.113
They shall haue Warres, and pay for their presumption.They shall have wars and pay for their presumption. 3H6 IV.i.114
But say, is Warwicke friends with Margaret?But say, is Warwick friends with Margaret? 3H6 IV.i.115
Post. POST 
I, gracious Soueraigne, / They are so link'd in friendship,Ay, gracious sovereign; they are so linked in friendship, 3H6 IV.i.116
That yong Prince Edward marryes Warwicks Daughter.That young Prince Edward marries Warwick's daughter. 3H6 IV.i.117
Clarence. GEORGE 
Belike, the elder; / Clarence will haue the younger.Belike the elder; Clarence will have the younger.belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
3H6 IV.i.118
Now Brother King farewell, and sit you fast,Now, brother King, farewell, and sit you fast,fast (adj.)
constant, firm, steadfast
3H6 IV.i.119
For I will hence to Warwickes other Daughter,For I will hence to Warwick's other daughter; 3H6 IV.i.120
That though I want a Kingdome, yet in MarriageThat, though I want a kingdom, yet in marriagewant (v.)
lack, need, be without
3H6 IV.i.121
I may not proue inferior to your selfe.I may not prove inferior to yourself. 3H6 IV.i.122
You that loue me, and Warwicke, follow me.You that love me and Warwick, follow me. 3H6 IV.i.123
Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes.Exit George, and Somerset follows 3H6 IV.i.123
(aside) 3H6 IV.i.124
Not I: / My thoughts ayme at a further matter:Not I; my thoughts aim at a further matter. 3H6 IV.i.124
I stay not for the loue of Edward, but the Crowne.I stay not for the love of Edward, but the crown. 3H6 IV.i.125
Clarence and Somerset both gone to Warwicke?Clarence and Somerset both gone to Warwick! 3H6 IV.i.126
Yet am I arm'd against the worst can happen:Yet am I armed against the worst can happen;armed (adj.)

old form: arm'd
provided, ready, prepared [for]
3H6 IV.i.127
And haste is needfull in this desp'rate case.And haste is needful in this desperate case. 3H6 IV.i.128
Pembrooke and Stafford, you in our behalfePembroke and Stafford, you in our behalf 3H6 IV.i.129
Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre;Go levy men, and make prepare for war;prepare (n.)
preparation, readiness
3H6 IV.i.130
They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed:They are already, or quickly will be, landed; 3H6 IV.i.131
My selfe in person will straight follow you.Myself in person will straight follow you.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
3H6 IV.i.132
Exeunt Pembrooke and Stafford.Exeunt Pembroke and Stafford 3H6 IV.i.132
But ere I goe, Hastings and MountagueBut, ere I go, Hastings and Montague, 3H6 IV.i.133
Resolue my doubt: you twaine, of all the rest,Resolve my doubt. You twain, of all the rest,resolve (v.)

old form: Resolue
remove, dispel, clear away
3H6 IV.i.134
Are neere to Warwicke, by bloud, and by allyance:Are near to Warwick by blood and by alliance; 3H6 IV.i.135
Tell me, if you loue Warwicke more then me;Tell me if you love Warwick more than me. 3H6 IV.i.136
If it be so, then both depart to him:If it be so, then both depart to him; 3H6 IV.i.137
I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends.I rather wish you foes than hollow friends.hollow (adj.)
empty, false, insincere
3H6 IV.i.138
But if you minde to hold your true obedience,But if you mind to hold your true obedience,mind (v.)

old form: minde
intend, have a mind
3H6 IV.i.139
true (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
Giue me assurance with some friendly Vow,Give me assurance with some friendly vow,assurance (n.)
confirmation, pledge, guarantee
3H6 IV.i.140
That I may neuer haue you in suspect.That I may never have you in suspect.suspect (n.)
suspicion, mistrust, doubt
3H6 IV.i.141
So God helpe Mountague, as hee proues true.So God help Montague as he proves true! 3H6 IV.i.142
And Hastings, as hee fauours Edwards cause.And Hastings as he favours Edward's cause! 3H6 IV.i.143
Now, Brother Richard, will you stand by vs?Now, brother Richard, will you stand by us? 3H6 IV.i.144
I, in despight of all that shall withstand you.Ay, in despite of all that shall withstand you. 3H6 IV.i.145
Why so: then am I sure of Victorie.Why, so. Then am I sure of victory. 3H6 IV.i.146
Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre,Now therefore let us hence, and lose no hour 3H6 IV.i.147
Till wee meet Warwicke, with his forreine powre.Till we meet Warwick with his foreign power.power (n.)

old form: powre
armed force, troops, host, army
3H6 IV.i.148
Exeunt.Exeunt 3H6 IV.i.148
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