First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Desdemona, Cassio, and Amilia. | Enter Desdemona, Cassio, and Emilia | | Oth III.iii.1 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Be thou assur'd (good Cassio) I will do | Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do | | Oth III.iii.1 | |
All my abilities in thy behalfe. | All my abilities in thy behalf. | ability (n.) action one is capable of | Oth III.iii.2 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
Good Madam do: I warrant it greeues my Husband, | Good madam, do: I warrant it grieves my husband | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | Oth III.iii.3 | |
As if the cause were his. | As if the case were his. | | Oth III.iii.4 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Oh that's an honest Fellow, Do not doubt Cassio | O, that's an honest fellow! Do not doubt, Cassio, | | Oth III.iii.5 | |
But I will haue my Lord, and you againe | But I will have my lord and you again | | Oth III.iii.6 | |
As friendly as you were. | As friendly as you were. | | Oth III.iii.7.1 | |
Cassio. | CASSIO | | | |
Bounteous Madam, | Bounteous madam, | | Oth III.iii.7.2 | |
What euer shall become of Michael Cassio, | Whatever shall become of Michael Cassio, | | Oth III.iii.8 | |
He's neuer any thing but your true Seruant. | He's never anything but your true servant. | | Oth III.iii.9 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
I know't: I thanke you: you do loue my Lord: | I know't: I thank you. You do love my lord; | | Oth III.iii.10 | |
You haue knowne him long, and be you well assur'd | You have known him long, and be you well assured | | Oth III.iii.11 | |
He shall in strangenesse stand no farther off, | He shall in strangeness stand no farther off | strangeness (n.) estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness | Oth III.iii.12 | |
Then in a politique distance. | Than in a politic distance. | politic (adj.) prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd | Oth III.iii.13.1 | |
Cassio. | CASSIO | | | |
I, but Lady, | Ay, but, lady, | | Oth III.iii.13.2 | |
That policie may either last so long, | That policy may either last so long, | policy (n.) statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy | Oth III.iii.14 | |
Or feede vpon such nice and waterish diet, | Or feed upon such nice and waterish diet, | nice (adj.) trivial, unimportant, slight | Oth III.iii.15 | |
| | diet (n.) food | | |
Or breede it selfe so out of Circumstances, | Or breed itself so out of circumstance, | circumstance (n.) condition, state, situation | Oth III.iii.16 | |
That I being absent, and my place supply'd, | That I being absent and my place supplied, | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | Oth III.iii.17 | |
| | supply (v.) fill up, take [the place of], occupy, substitute | | |
My Generall will forget my Loue, and Seruice. | My General will forget my love and service. | | Oth III.iii.18 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Do not doubt that: before Amilia here, | Do not doubt that. Before Emilia here, | doubt (v.) fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] | Oth III.iii.19 | |
I giue thee warrant of thy place. Assure thee, | I give thee warrant of thy place. Assure thee, | warrant (n.) assurance, pledge, guarantee | Oth III.iii.20 | |
If I do vow a friendship, Ile performe it | If I do vow a friendship, I'll perform it | | Oth III.iii.21 | |
To the last Article. My Lord shall neuer rest, | To the last article. My lord shall never rest. | article (n.) clause, term, provision | Oth III.iii.22 | |
Ile watch him tame, and talke him out of patience; | I'll watch him tame and talk him out of patience; | watch (v.) [falconry, in taming a hawk] prevent from sleeping, keep awake | Oth III.iii.23 | |
His Bed shall seeme a Schoole, his Boord a Shrift, | His bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift; | shrift (n.) confessional, place for hearing confession | Oth III.iii.24 | |
| | board (n.) table, mealtimes | | |
Ile intermingle euery thing he do's | I'll intermingle everything he does | | Oth III.iii.25 | |
With Cassio's suite: Therefore be merry Cassio, | With Cassio's suit. Therefore be merry, Cassio, | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Oth III.iii.26 | |
For thy Solicitor shall rather dye, | For thy solicitor shall rather die | solicitor (n.) advocate, instigator, go-between | Oth III.iii.27 | |
Then giue thy cause away. | Than give thy cause away. | give away (v.) sacrifice, renounce, abandon | Oth III.iii.28 | |
Enter Othello, and Iago. | Enter Othello and Iago | | Oth III.iii.29 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
Madam, heere comes my Lord. | Madam, here comes my lord. | | Oth III.iii.29 | |
Cassio. | CASSIO | | | |
Madam, Ile take my leaue. | Madam, I'll take my leave. | | Oth III.iii.30 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why stay, and heare me speake. | Why, stay, and hear me speak. | | Oth III.iii.31 | |
Cassio. | CASSIO | | | |
Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease, | Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease, | | Oth III.iii.32 | |
Vnfit for mine owne purposes. | Unfit for mine own purposes. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Oth III.iii.33 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Well, do your discretion. | Well, do your discretion. | discretion (n.) prudence, sound judgement, good sense | Oth III.iii.34 | |
Exit Cassio. | Exit Cassio | | Oth III.iii.34 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Hah? I like not that. | Ha! I like not that. | | Oth III.iii.35.1 | |
Othel. | OTHELLO | | | |
What dost thou say? | What dost thou say? | | Oth III.iii.35.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Nothing my Lord; or if---I know not what. | Nothing, my lord; or if – I know not what. | | Oth III.iii.36 | |
Othel. | OTHELLO | | | |
Was not that Cassio parted from my wife? | Was not that Cassio parted from my wife? | | Oth III.iii.37 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Cassio my Lord? No sure, I cannot thinke it | Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it | | Oth III.iii.38 | |
That he would steale away so guilty-like, | That he would sneak away so guilty-like, | | Oth III.iii.39 | |
Seeing your comming. | Seeing you coming. | | Oth III.iii.40.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I do beleeue 'twas he. | I do believe 'twas he. | | Oth III.iii.40.2 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
How now my Lord? | How now, my lord? | | Oth III.iii.41 | |
I haue bin talking with a Suitor heere, | I have been talking with a suitor here, | | Oth III.iii.42 | |
A man that languishes in your displeasure. | A man that languishes in your displeasure. | | Oth III.iii.43 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Who is't you meane? | Who is't you mean? | | Oth III.iii.44 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why your Lieutenant Cassio: Good my Lord, | Why, your Lieutenant, Cassio. Good my lord, | | Oth III.iii.45 | |
If I haue any grace, or power to moue you, | If I have any grace or power to move you, | | Oth III.iii.46 | |
His present reconciliation take. | His present reconciliation take. | | Oth III.iii.47 | |
For if he be not one, that truly loues'you, | For if he be not one that truly loves you, | | Oth III.iii.48 | |
That erres in Ignorance, and not in Cunning, | That errs in ignorance, and not in cunning, | cunning (n.) knowledge, awareness, discernment | Oth III.iii.49 | |
I haue no iudgement in an honest face. | I have no judgement in an honest face. | | Oth III.iii.50 | |
I prythee call him backe. | I prithee call him back. | | Oth III.iii.51.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Went he hence now? | Went he hence now? | | Oth III.iii.51.2 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
I sooth; so humbled, | Yes, faith; so humbled | | Oth III.iii.52 | |
That he hath left part of his greefe with mee | That he hath left part of his grief with me | | Oth III.iii.53 | |
To suffer with him. Good Loue, call him backe. | To suffer with him. Good love, call him back. | | Oth III.iii.54 | |
Othel. | OTHELLO | | | |
Not now (sweet Desdemon) some other time. | Not now, sweet Desdemon; some other time. | | Oth III.iii.55 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
But shall't be shortly? | But shall't be shortly? | | Oth III.iii.56.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
The sooner (Sweet) for you. | The sooner, sweet, for you. | | Oth III.iii.56.2 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Shall't be to night, at Supper? | Shall't be tonight, at supper? | | Oth III.iii.57.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
No, not to night. | No, not tonight. | | Oth III.iii.57.2 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
To morrow Dinner then? | Tomorrow dinner then? | | Oth III.iii.58.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I shall not dine at home: | I shall not dine at home. | | Oth III.iii.58.2 | |
I meete the Captaines at the Cittadell. | I meet the captains at the citadel. | | Oth III.iii.59 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why then to morrow night, on Tuesday morne, | Why, then, tomorrow night, or Tuesday morn, | morn (n.) morning, dawn | Oth III.iii.60 | |
On Tuesday noone, or night; on Wensday Morne. | On Tuesday noon, or night; on Wednesday morn. | | Oth III.iii.61 | |
I prythee name the time, but let it not | I prithee name the time, but let it not | | Oth III.iii.62 | |
Exceed three dayes. Infaith hee's penitent: | Exceed three days. In faith, he's penitent: | | Oth III.iii.63 | |
And yet his Trespasse, in our common reason | And yet his trespass in our common reason – | | Oth III.iii.64 | |
(Saue that they say the warres must make example) | Save that, they say, the wars must make example | | Oth III.iii.65 | |
Out of her best, is not almost a fault | Out of their best – is not almost a fault | | Oth III.iii.66 | |
T'encurre a priuate checke. When shall he come? | T' incur a private check. When shall he come? | check (n.) reprimand, reproof, rebuke | Oth III.iii.67 | |
Tell me Othello. I wonder in my Soule | Tell me, Othello. I wonder in my soul | | Oth III.iii.68 | |
What you would aske me, that I should deny, | What you would ask me that I should deny, | | Oth III.iii.69 | |
Or stand so mam'ring on? What? Michael Cassio, | Or stand so mammering on? What! Michael Cassio, | mammer (v.) stammer, hesitate, mutter | Oth III.iii.70 | |
That came a woing wirh you? and so many a time | That came a-wooing with you? And so many a time – | | Oth III.iii.71 | |
(When I haue spoke of you dispraisingly) | When I have spoke of you dispraisingly – | dispraisingly (adv.) disparagingly, critically, depreciatingly | Oth III.iii.72 | |
Hath tane your part, to haue so much to do | Hath ta'en your part, to have so much to do | | Oth III.iii.73 | |
To bring him in? Trust me, I could do much. | To bring him in? By'r Lady, I could do much. | bring in (v.) reinstate, appoint to a position | Oth III.iii.74 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Prythee no more: Let him come when he will: | Prithee, no more: let him come when he will; | | Oth III.iii.75 | |
I will deny thee nothing. | I will deny thee nothing. | | Oth III.iii.76.1 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why, this is not a Boone: | Why, this is not a boon: | | Oth III.iii.76.2 | |
'Tis as I should entreate you weare your Gloues, | 'Tis as I should entreat you wear your gloves | | Oth III.iii.77 | |
Or feede on nourishing dishes, or keepe you warme, | Or feed on nourishing dishes, or keep you warm, | | Oth III.iii.78 | |
Or sue to you, to do a peculiar profit | Or sue to you to do a peculiar profit | peculiar (adj.) particular, private, personal | Oth III.iii.79 | |
To your owne person. Nay, when I haue a suite | To your own person. Nay, when I have a suit | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Oth III.iii.80 | |
Wherein I meane to touch your Loue indeed, | Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed | touch (v.) test the quality [of], put to the test | Oth III.iii.81 | |
It shall be full of poize, and difficult waight, | It shall be full of poise and difficult weight, | poise (n.) weight, importance, gravity | Oth III.iii.82 | |
And fearefull to be granted. | And fearful to be granted. | | Oth III.iii.83.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I will deny thee nothing. | I will deny thee nothing. | | Oth III.iii.83.2 | |
Whereon, I do beseech thee, grant me this, | Whereon, I do beseech thee, grant me this: | | Oth III.iii.84 | |
To leaue me but a little to my selfe. | To leave me but a little to my self. | | Oth III.iii.85 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Shall I deny you? No: farewell my Lord. | Shall I deny you? No; farewell, my lord. | | Oth III.iii.86 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Farewell my Desdemona, Ile come to thee strait. | Farewell, my Desdemona, I'll come to thee straight. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Oth III.iii.87 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Amilia come; be as your Fancies teach you: | Emilia, come. Be as your fancies teach you, | | Oth III.iii.88 | |
What ere you be, I am obedient. | Whate'er you be, I am obedient. | | Oth III.iii.89 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Desdemona and Emilia | | Oth III.iii.89 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Excellent wretch: Perdition catch my Soule | Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul, | | Oth III.iii.90 | |
But I do loue thee: and when I loue thee not, | But I do love thee! And when I love thee not, | | Oth III.iii.91 | |
Chaos is come againe. | Chaos is come again. | | Oth III.iii.92.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
My Noble Lord. | My noble lord – | | Oth III.iii.92.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
What dost thou say, Iago? | What dost thou say, Iago? | | Oth III.iii.93.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Did Michael Cassio | Did Michael Cassio, | | Oth III.iii.93.2 | |
When he woo'd my Lady, know of your loue? | When you wooed my lady, know of your love? | | Oth III.iii.94 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
He did, from first to last: / Why dost thou aske? | He did, from first to last. Why dost thou ask? | | Oth III.iii.95 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
But for a satisfaction of my Thought, | But for a satisfaction of my thought – | | Oth III.iii.96 | |
No further harme. | No further harm. | | Oth III.iii.97.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Why of thy thought, Iago? | Why of thy thought, Iago? | | Oth III.iii.97.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I did not thinke he had bin acquainted with hir. | I did not think he had been acquainted with her. | | Oth III.iii.98 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
O yes, and went betweene vs very oft. | O yes, and went between us very oft. | oft (adv.) often | Oth III.iii.99 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Indeed? | Indeed! | | Oth III.iii.100 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Indeed? I indeed. Discern'st thou ought in that? | Indeed? Ay, indeed. Discern'st thou aught in that? | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | Oth III.iii.101 | |
Is he not honest? | Is he not honest? | | Oth III.iii.102.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Honest, my Lord? | Honest, my lord? | | Oth III.iii.102.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Honest? I, Honest. | Honest? Ay, honest. | | Oth III.iii.102.3 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
My Lord, for ought I know. | My lord, for aught I know. | | Oth III.iii.103.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
What do'st thou thinke? | What dost thou think? | | Oth III.iii.103.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Thinke, my Lord? | Think, my lord? | | Oth III.iii.104 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Thinke, my Lord? Alas, thou ecchos't me; | Think, my lord! By heaven, he echoes me, | | Oth III.iii.105 | |
As if there were some Monster in thy thought | As if there were some monster in his thought | | Oth III.iii.106 | |
Too hideous to be shewne. Thou dost mean somthing: | Too hideous to be shown. Thou dost mean something. | | Oth III.iii.107 | |
I heard thee say euen now, thou lik'st not that, | I heard thee say even now, thou lik'st not that, | | Oth III.iii.108 | |
When Cassio left my wife. What didd'st not like? | When Cassio left my wife. What didst not like? | | Oth III.iii.109 | |
And when I told thee, he was of my Counsaile, | And when I told thee he was of my counsel | | Oth III.iii.110 | |
Of my whole course of wooing; thou cried'st, Indeede? | In my whole course of wooing, thou cried'st ‘ Indeed!’ | | Oth III.iii.111 | |
And didd'st contract, and purse thy brow together, | And didst contract and purse thy brow together, | brow (n.) eyebrow | Oth III.iii.112 | |
As if thou then hadd'st shut vp in thy Braine | As if thou then hadst shut up in thy brain | | Oth III.iii.113 | |
Some horrible Conceite. If thou do'st loue me, | Some horrible conceit. If thou dost love me, | conceit (n.) design, ingenuity, conception | Oth III.iii.114 | |
Shew me thy thought. | Show me thy thought. | | Oth III.iii.115 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
My Lord, you know I loue you. | My lord, you know I love you. | | Oth III.iii.116.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I thinke thou do'st: | I think thou dost: | | Oth III.iii.116.2 | |
And for I know thou'rt full of Loue, and Honestie, | And for I know thou'rt full of love and honesty, | | Oth III.iii.117 | |
And weigh'st thy words before thou giu'st them breath, | And weigh'st thy words before thou giv'st them breath, | | Oth III.iii.118 | |
Therefore these stops of thine, fright me the more: | Therefore these stops of thine affright me more: | stop (n.) pause, hesitation, breaking off | Oth III.iii.119 | |
| | affright (v.) frighten, terrify, scare | | |
For such things in a false disloyall Knaue | For such things in a false disloyal knave | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | Oth III.iii.120 | |
| | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | | |
Are trickes of Custome: but in a man that's iust, | Are tricks of custom; but in a man that's just, | custom (n.) habit, usual practice, customary use | Oth III.iii.121 | |
They're close dilations, working from the heart, | They're close dilations, working from the heart, | dilation (n.) accusation, charge, allegation | Oth III.iii.122 | |
| | denotement (n.) [Q variant] indication, sign, clue | | |
| | close (adj.) secret, concealed, hidden | | |
That Passion cannot rule. | That passion cannot rule. | | Oth III.iii.123.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
For Michael Cassio, | For Michael Cassio, | | Oth III.iii.123.2 | |
I dare be sworne, I thinke that he is honest. | I dare be sworn I think that he is honest. | | Oth III.iii.124 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I thinke so too. | I think so too. | | Oth III.iii.125.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Men should be what they seeme, | Men should be what they seem; | | Oth III.iii.125.2 | |
Or those that be not, would they might seeme none. | Or those that be not, would they might seem none! | | Oth III.iii.126 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Certaine, men should be what they seeme. | Certain, men should be what they seem. | | Oth III.iii.127 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Why then I thinke Cassio's an honest man. | Why, then, I think Cassio's an honest man. | | Oth III.iii.128 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Nay, yet there's more in this? | Nay, yet there's more in this. | | Oth III.iii.129 | |
I prythee speake to me, as to thy thinkings, | I prithee speak to me as to thy thinkings, | | Oth III.iii.130 | |
As thou dost ruminate, and giue thy worst of thoughts | As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughts | | Oth III.iii.131 | |
The worst of words. | The worst of words. | | Oth III.iii.132.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Good my Lord pardon me, | Good my lord, pardon me; | | Oth III.iii.132.2 | |
Though I am bound to euery Acte of dutie, | Though I am bound to every act of duty, | | Oth III.iii.133 | |
I am not bound to that: All Slaues are free: | I am not bound to that all slaves are free to: | | Oth III.iii.134 | |
Vtter my Thoughts? Why say, they are vild, and falce? | Utter my thoughts. Why, say they are vile and false? | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | Oth III.iii.135 | |
As where's that Palace, whereinto foule things | As where's that palace whereinto foul things | | Oth III.iii.136 | |
Sometimes intrude not? Who ha's that breast so pure, | Sometimes intrude not? Who has a breast so pure, | | Oth III.iii.137 | |
Wherein vncleanly Apprehensions | But some uncleanly apprehensions | uncleanly (adj.) unclean, dirty, filthy | Oth III.iii.138 | |
| | apprehension (n.) opinion, notion, view | | |
Keepe Leetes, and Law-dayes, and in Sessions sit | Keep leets and law-days, and in session sit | leet (n.) local court of justice, manorial court | Oth III.iii.139 | |
With meditations lawfull? | With meditations lawful? | | Oth III.iii.140 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Thou do'st conspire against thy Friend (Iago) | Thou dost conspire against thy friend, Iago, | conspire (v.) practise, contrive, plot | Oth III.iii.141 | |
If thou but think'st him wrong'd, and mak'st his eare | If thou but think'st him wronged, and mak'st his ear | | Oth III.iii.142 | |
A stranger to thy Thoughts. | A stranger to thy thoughts. | | Oth III.iii.143.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I do beseech you, | I do beseech you, | | Oth III.iii.143.2 | |
Though I perchance am vicious in my guesse | Though I perchance am vicious in my guess – | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | Oth III.iii.144 | |
| | vicious (adj.) defective, faulty, bad | | |
(As I confesse it is my Natures plague | As I confess it is my nature's plague | | Oth III.iii.145 | |
To spy into Abuses, and of my iealousie | To spy into abuses, and of my jealousy | jealousy (n.) suspicious nature, apprehensive state of mind | Oth III.iii.146 | |
Shapes faults that are not) that your wisedome | Shapes faults that are not – that your wisdom then, | shape (v.) create, fashion, bring about | Oth III.iii.147 | |
From one, that so imperfectly conceits, | From one that so imperfectly conjects, | conceit (v.) conceive an idea [of], think, imagine | Oth III.iii.148 | |
| | conject (v.) conjecture, speculate, imagine | | |
Would take no notice, nor build your selfe a trouble | Would take no notice, nor build yourself a trouble | | Oth III.iii.149 | |
Out of his scattering, and vnsure obseruance: | Out of his scattering and unsure observance. | scattering (adj.) random, haphazard, erratic | Oth III.iii.150 | |
It were not for your quiet, nor your good, | It were not for your quiet nor your good, | | Oth III.iii.151 | |
Nor for my Manhood, Honesty, and Wisedome, | Nor for my manhood, honesty, and wisdom, | | Oth III.iii.152 | |
To let you know my thoughts. | To let you know my thoughts. | | Oth III.iii.153.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
What dost thou meane? | What dost thou mean? | | Oth III.iii.153.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Good name in Man, & woman (deere my Lord) | Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, | | Oth III.iii.154 | |
Is the immediate Iewell of their Soules; | Is the immediate jewel of their souls. | immediate (adj.) cherished, nearest the heart | Oth III.iii.155 | |
Who steales my purse, steales trash: / 'Tis something, nothing; | Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; | | Oth III.iii.156 | |
'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has bin slaue to thousands: | 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands: | | Oth III.iii.157 | |
But he that filches from me my good Name, | But he that filches from me my good name | | Oth III.iii.158 | |
Robs me of that, which not enriches him, | Robs me of that which not enriches him | | Oth III.iii.159 | |
And makes me poore indeed. | And makes me poor indeed. | | Oth III.iii.160.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Ile know thy Thoughts. | By heaven, I'll know thy thoughts. | | Oth III.iii.160.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
You cannot, if my heart were in your hand, | You cannot, if my heart were in your hand, | | Oth III.iii.161 | |
Nor shall not, whil'st 'tis in my custodie. | Nor shall not, whilst 'tis in my custody. | | Oth III.iii.162 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Ha? | Ha! | | Oth III.iii.163.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Oh, beware my Lord, of iealousie, | O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! | | Oth III.iii.163.2 | |
It is the greene-ey'd Monster, which doth mocke | It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock | | Oth III.iii.164 | |
The meate it feeds on. That Cuckold liues in blisse, | The meat it feeds on. That cuckold lives in bliss | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | Oth III.iii.165 | |
Who certaine ofhis Fate, loues not his wronger: | Who certain of his fate loves not his wronger, | | Oth III.iii.166 | |
But oh, what damned minutes tels he ore, | But O, what damned minutes tells he o'er, | | Oth III.iii.167 | |
Who dotes, yet doubts: Suspects, yet soundly loues? | Who dotes yet doubts, suspects yet fondly loves! | | Oth III.iii.168 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
O miserie. | O misery! | | Oth III.iii.169 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Poore, and Content, is rich, and rich enough, | Poor and content is rich, and rich enough; | content (adj.) contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed | Oth III.iii.170 | |
But Riches finelesse, is as poore as Winter, | But riches fineless is as poor as winter, | fineless (adj.) boundless, unlimited, infinite | Oth III.iii.171 | |
To him that euer feares he shall be poore: | To him that ever fears he shall be poor. | | Oth III.iii.172 | |
Good Heauen, the Soules of all my Tribe defend | Good God, the souls of all my tribe defend | | Oth III.iii.173 | |
From Iealousie. | From jealousy! | | Oth III.iii.174.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Why? why is this? | Why, why is this? | | Oth III.iii.174.2 | |
Think'st thou, I'ld make a Life of Iealousie; | Think'st thou I'd make a life of jealousy, | | Oth III.iii.175 | |
To follow still the changes of the Moone | To follow still the changes of the moon | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Oth III.iii.176 | |
With fresh suspitions? No: to be once in doubt, | With fresh suspicions? No, to be once in doubt | | Oth III.iii.177 | |
Is to be resolu'd: Exchange me for a Goat, | Is once to be resolved. Exchange me for a goat, | | Oth III.iii.178 | |
When I shall turne the businesse of my Soule | When I shall turn the business of my soul | | Oth III.iii.179 | |
To such exufflicate, and blow'd Surmises, | To such exsufflicate and blown surmises, | exsufflicate (adj.) inflated, swollen, puffed up | Oth III.iii.180 | |
| | blown (adj.) whispered, hinted, insinuated | | |
Matching thy inference. 'Tis not to make me Iealious, | Matching thy inference. 'Tis not to make me jealous | | Oth III.iii.181 | |
To say my wife is faire, feeds well, loues company, | To say my wife is fair, loves company, | | Oth III.iii.182 | |
Is free of Speech, Sings, Playes, and Dances: | Is free of speech, sings, plays, and dances well; | | Oth III.iii.183 | |
Where Vertue is, these are more vertuous. | Where virtue is, these are more virtuous. | | Oth III.iii.184 | |
Nor from mine owne weake merites, will I draw | Nor from mine own weak merits will I draw | | Oth III.iii.185 | |
The smallest feare, or doubt ofher reuolt, | The smallest fear or doubt of her revolt, | revolt (n.) betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness | Oth III.iii.186 | |
| | doubt (n.) suspicion, apprehension | | |
For she had eyes, and chose me. No Iago, | For she had eyes and chose me. No, Iago, | | Oth III.iii.187 | |
Ile see before I doubt; when I doubt, proue; | I'll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove; | | Oth III.iii.188 | |
And on the proofe, there is no more but this, | And on the proof, there is no more but this: | | Oth III.iii.189 | |
Away at once with Loue, or Iealousie. | Away at once with love or jealousy! | | Oth III.iii.190 | |
Ia. | IAGO | | | |
I am glad of this: For now I shall haue reason | I am glad of this: for now I shall have reason | | Oth III.iii.191 | |
To shew the Loue and Duty that I beare you | To show the love and duty that I bear you | | Oth III.iii.192 | |
With franker spirit. Therefore (as I am bound) | With franker spirit. Therefore, as I am bound, | | Oth III.iii.193 | |
Receiue it from me. I speake not yet of proofe: | Receive it from me. I speak not yet of proof. | | Oth III.iii.194 | |
Looke to your wife, obserue her well with Cassio, | Look to your wife; observe her well with Cassio. | | Oth III.iii.195 | |
Weare your eyes, thus: not Iealious, nor Secure: | Wear your eye thus: not jealous, nor secure. | secure (adj.) carefree, free from anxiety, unguarded | Oth III.iii.196 | |
I would not haue your free, and Noble Nature, | I would not have your free and noble nature, | | Oth III.iii.197 | |
Out of selfe-Bounty, be abus'd: Looke too't: | Out of self-bounty, be abused. Look to't. | self-bounty (n.) innate generosity, inner virtue | Oth III.iii.198 | |
I know our Country disposition well: | I know our country disposition well: | | Oth III.iii.199 | |
In Venice, they do let Heauen see the prankes | In Venice they do let God see the pranks | prank (n.) outrageous deed, excessive behaviour | Oth III.iii.200 | |
They dare not shew their Husbands. / Their best Conscience, | They dare not show their husbands; their best conscience | | Oth III.iii.201 | |
Is not to leaue't vndone, but kept vnknowne. | Is not to leave't undone, but keep't unknown. | | Oth III.iii.202 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Dost thou say so? | Dost thou say so? | | Oth III.iii.203 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
She did deceiue her Father, marrying you, | She did deceive her father, marrying you, | | Oth III.iii.204 | |
And when she seem'd to shake, and feare your lookes, | And when she seemed to shake, and fear your looks, | | Oth III.iii.205 | |
She lou'd them most. | She loved them most. | | Oth III.iii.206.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
And so she did. | And so she did. | | Oth III.iii.206.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Why go too then: | Why, go to, then! | | Oth III.iii.206.3 | |
Shee that so young could giue out such a Seeming | She that so young could give out such a seeming, | seeming (n.) demeanour, outward behaviour | Oth III.iii.207 | |
To seele her Fathers eyes vp, close as Oake, | To seel her father's eyes up close as oak – | seel (v.) [falconry: sewing up a bird's eyelids, as part of taming] sew up, close up, blind | Oth III.iii.208 | |
He thought 'twas Witchcraft. / But I am much too blame: | He thought 'twas witchcraft. – But I am much to blame, | | Oth III.iii.209 | |
I humbly do beseech you of your pardon | I humbly do beseech you of your pardon | | Oth III.iii.210 | |
For too much louing you. | For too much loving you. | | Oth III.iii.211.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I am bound to thee for euer. | I am bound to thee for ever. | | Oth III.iii.211.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I see this hath a little dash'd your Spirits: | I see this hath a little dashed your spirits. | dash (v.) cast down, daunt, dishearten | Oth III.iii.212 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Not a iot, not a iot. | Not a jot, not a jot. | | Oth III.iii.213.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Trust me, I feare it has: | In faith, I fear it has. | | Oth III.iii.213.2 | |
I hope you will consider what is spoke | I hope you will consider what is spoke | | Oth III.iii.214 | |
Comes from your Loue. / But I do see y'are moou'd: | Comes from my love. But I do see you're moved. | | Oth III.iii.215 | |
I am to pray you, not to straine my speech | I am to pray you, not to strain my speech | | Oth III.iii.216 | |
To grosser issues, nor to larger reach, | To grosser issues, nor to larger reach | issue (n.) outcome, result, consequence(s) | Oth III.iii.217 | |
| | gross (adj.) large, big, huge | | |
Then to Suspition. | Than to suspicion. | | Oth III.iii.218 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I will not. | I will not. | | Oth III.iii.219.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Should you do so (my Lord) | Should you do so, my lord, | | Oth III.iii.219.2 | |
My speech should fall into such vilde successe, | My speech should fall into such vile success | success (n.) result, outcome, issue | Oth III.iii.220 | |
Which my Thoughts aym'd not. / Cassio's my worthy Friend: | As my thoughts aimed not at. Cassio's my worthy friend. | | Oth III.iii.221 | |
My Lord, I see y'are mou'd. | My lord, I see you're moved. | | Oth III.iii.222.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
No, not much mou'd: | No, not much moved. | | Oth III.iii.222.2 | |
I do not thinke but Desdemona's honest. | I do not think but Desdemona's honest. | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | Oth III.iii.223 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Long liue she so; / And long liue you to thinke so. | Long live she so! And long live you to think so! | | Oth III.iii.224 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
And yet how Nature erring from it selfe. | And yet, how nature erring from itself – | | Oth III.iii.225 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I, there's the point: / As (to be bold with you) | Ay, there's the point: as, to be bold with you, | | Oth III.iii.226 | |
Not to affect many proposed Matches | Not to affect many proposed matches | affect (v.) incline to, like, favour, be drawn to | Oth III.iii.227 | |
Of her owne Clime, Complexion, and Degree, | Of her own clime, complexion, and degree, | degree (n.) rank, station, standing | Oth III.iii.228 | |
| | complexion (n.) appearance, look, colouring | | |
| | clime (n.) land, region, realm | | |
Whereto we see in all things, Nature tends: | Whereto we see in all things nature tends, | | Oth III.iii.229 | |
Foh, one may smel in such, a will most ranke, | Foh! One may smell in such a will most rank, | rank (adj.) lascivious, lustful, lewd | Oth III.iii.230 | |
| | will (n.) lust, sexual desire, passion | | |
Foule disproportions, Thoughts vnnaturall. | Foul disproportion, thoughts unnatural. | | Oth III.iii.231 | |
But (pardon me) I do not in position | But, pardon me, I do not in position | position (n.) deliberate exposition, statement as a proposition | Oth III.iii.232 | |
Distinctly speake of her, though I may feare | Distinctly speak of her, though I may fear | | Oth III.iii.233 | |
Her will, recoyling to her better iudgement, | Her will, recoiling to her better judgement, | recoil (v.) yield, defer, give in to | Oth III.iii.234 | |
| | will (n.) lust, sexual desire, passion | | |
May fal to match you with her Country formes, | May fall to match you with her country forms, | match (v.) compare, equate, make equal | Oth III.iii.235 | |
| | fall (v.) work out, happen, turn out | | |
| | form (n.) physical appearance, outward appearance | | |
And happily repent. | And happily repent. | happily (adv.) perhaps, by chance, maybe | Oth III.iii.236.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Farewell, farewell: | Farewell, farewell. | | Oth III.iii.236.2 | |
If more thou dost perceiue, let me know more: | If more thou dost perceive, let me know more. | | Oth III.iii.237 | |
Set on thy wife to obserue. / Leaue me Iago. | Set on thy wife to observe. Leave me, Iago. | | Oth III.iii.238 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
| (going) | | Oth III.iii.239 | |
My Lord, I take my leaue. | My lord, I take my leave. | | Oth III.iii.239 | |
Othel. | OTHELLO | | | |
Why did I marry? / This honest Creature (doubtlesse) | Why did I marry? This honest creature doubtless | | Oth III.iii.240 | |
Sees, and knowes more, much more then he vnfolds. | Sees and knows more, much more than he unfolds. | unfold (v.) display, reveal, show | Oth III.iii.241 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
| (returning) | | Oth III.iii.242 | |
My Lord, I would I might intreat your Honor | My lord, I would I might entreat your honour | | Oth III.iii.242 | |
To scan this thing no farther: Leaue it to time, | To scan this thing no farther. Leave it to time. | scan (v.) examine, carefully consider | Oth III.iii.243 | |
Although 'tis fit that Cassio haue his Place; | Although 'tis fit that Cassio have his place, | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | Oth III.iii.244 | |
For sure he filles it vp with great Ability; | For sure he fills it up with great ability, | | Oth III.iii.245 | |
Yet if you please, to him off a-while: | Yet, if you please to hold him off awhile, | | Oth III.iii.246 | |
You shall by that perceiue him, and his meanes: | You shall by that perceive him and his means; | mean (n.) means, way, method | Oth III.iii.247 | |
Note if your Lady straine his Encertainment | Note if your lady strain his entertainment | entertainment (n.) pleasant reception, favourable welcome | Oth III.iii.248 | |
| | strain (v.) urge, press, encourage | | |
With any strong, or vehement importunitie, | With any strong or vehement importunity – | importunity (n.) persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence | Oth III.iii.249 | |
Much will be seene in that: In the meane time, | Much will be seen in that. In the meantime, | | Oth III.iii.250 | |
Let me be thought too busie in my feares, | Let me be thought too busy in my fears, | busy (adj.) interfering, meddlesome, busy-bodying | Oth III.iii.251 | |
(As worthy cause I haue to feare I am) | As worthy cause I have to fear I am, | | Oth III.iii.252 | |
And hold her free, I do beseech your Honor. | And hold her free, I do beseech your honour. | free (adj.) innocent, guiltless | Oth III.iii.253 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Feare not my gouernment. | Fear not my government. | government (n.) self-control, self-discipline, moral conduct | Oth III.iii.254.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I once more take my leaue. | I once more take my leave. | | Oth III.iii.254.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Oth III.iii.254 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
This Fellow's of exceeding honesty, | This fellow's of exceeding honesty, | | Oth III.iii.255 | |
And knowes all Quantities with a learn'd Spirit | And knows all qualities with a learned spirit | | Oth III.iii.256 | |
Of humane dealings. If I do proue her Haggard, | Of human dealings. If I do prove her haggard, | haggard (adj.) wild, unmanageable, untrainable | Oth III.iii.257 | |
Though that her Iesses were my deere heart-strings, | Though that her jesses were my dear heart-strings, | jess (n.) [falconry] short strap fastened to a hawk's legs [to which the leash is attached] | Oth III.iii.258 | |
I'ld whistle her off, and let her downe the winde | I'd whistle her off, and let her down the wind | | Oth III.iii.259 | |
To prey at Fortune. Haply, for I am blacke, | To prey at fortune. Haply, for I am black | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Oth III.iii.260 | |
| | fortune (n.) chance, fate, [one's ] lot | | |
And haue not those soft parts of Conuersation | And have not those soft parts of conversation | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Oth III.iii.261 | |
| | soft (adj.) sociable, pleasing, pleasant | | |
| | conversation (n.) social interaction, society, dealings | | |
That Chamberers haue: Or for I am declin'd | That chamberers have; or for I am declined | chamberer (n.) frequenter of ladies' chambers, drawing-room man of fashion | Oth III.iii.262 | |
Into the vale of yeares (yet that's not much) | Into the vale of years – yet that's not much – | | Oth III.iii.263 | |
Shee's gone. I am abus'd, and my releefe | She's gone: I am abused, and my relief | abuse (v.) deceive, mislead, fool, cheat | Oth III.iii.264 | |
Must be to loath her. Oh Curse of Marriage! | Must be to loathe her. O, curse of marriage! | | Oth III.iii.265 | |
That we can call these delicate Creatures ours, | That we can call these delicate creatures ours | delicate (adj.) fine in quality, of exquisite nature, dainty | Oth III.iii.266 | |
And not their Appetites? I had rather be a Toad, | And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad | | Oth III.iii.267 | |
And liue vpon the vapour of a Dungeon, | And live upon the vapour of a dungeon | | Oth III.iii.268 | |
Then keepe a corner in the thing I loue | Than keep a corner in the thing I love | | Oth III.iii.269 | |
For others vses. Yet 'tis the plague to Great-ones, | For others' uses. Yet 'tis the plague of great ones; | | Oth III.iii.270 | |
Prerogatiu'd are they lesse then the Base, | Prerogatived are they less than the base. | prerogatived (adj.) privileged, advantaged, favoured | Oth III.iii.271 | |
'Tis destiny vnshunnable, like death: | 'Tis destiny unshunnable, like death: | | Oth III.iii.272 | |
Euen then, this forked plague is Fated to vs, | Even then this forked plague is fated to us | forked (adj.) two-horned | Oth III.iii.273 | |
When we do quicken. Looke where she comes: | When we do quicken. Desdemona comes: | quicken (v.) receive life, be conceived | Oth III.iii.274 | |
Enter Desdemona and Amilia. | Enter Desdemona and Emilia | | Oth III.iii.275.1 | |
If she be false, Heauen mock'd it selfe: | If she be false, O, then heaven mocks itself! | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Oth III.iii.275 | |
Ile not beleeue't. | I'll not believe't. | | Oth III.iii.276.1 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
How now, my deere Othello? | How now, my dear Othello! | | Oth III.iii.276.2 | |
Your dinner, and the generous Islanders | Your dinner, and the generous islanders | generous (adj.) well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded | Oth III.iii.277 | |
By you inuited, do attend your presence. | By you invited, do attend your presence. | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | Oth III.iii.278 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I am too blame. | I am to blame. | | Oth III.iii.279.1 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why do you speake so faintly? | Why do you speak so faintly? | | Oth III.iii.279.2 | |
Are you not well? | Are you not well? | | Oth III.iii.280 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I haue a paine vpon my Forehead, heere. | I have a pain upon my forehead here. | | Oth III.iii.281 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
Why that's with watching, 'twill away againe. | Faith, that's with watching: 'twill away again. | watching (n.) wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigilance | Oth III.iii.282 | |
Let me but binde it hard, within this houre | Let me but bind it hard, within this hour | | Oth III.iii.283 | |
It will be well. | It will be well. | | Oth III.iii.284.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Your Napkin is too little: | Your napkin is too little. | napkin (n.) handkerchief | Oth III.iii.284.2 | |
| He puts the handkerchief from him, and she drops it | | Oth III.iii.285 | |
Let it alone: Come, Ile go in with you. | Let it alone. Come, I'll go in with you. | | Oth III.iii.285 | |
Des. | DESDEMONA | | | |
I am very sorry that you are not well. | I am very sorry that you are not well. | | Oth III.iii.286 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Othello and Desdemona | | Oth III.iii.286 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
I am glad I haue found this Napkin: | I am glad I have found this napkin: | | Oth III.iii.287 | |
This was her first remembrance from the Moore, | This was her first remembrance from the Moor. | remembrance (n.) love-token, keepsake, memento | Oth III.iii.288 | |
My wayward Husband hath a hundred times | My wayward husband hath a hundred times | | Oth III.iii.289 | |
Woo'd me to steale it. But she so loues the Token, | Wooed me to steal it; but she so loves the token – | | Oth III.iii.290 | |
(For he coniur'd her, she should euer keepe it) | For he conjured her she should ever keep it – | | Oth III.iii.291 | |
That she reserues it euermore about her, | That she reserves it evermore about her | reserve (v.) preserve, retain, keep | Oth III.iii.292 | |
To kisse, and talke too. Ile haue the worke tane out, | To kiss and talk to. I'll have the work ta'en out, | take out (v.) copy, imitate, replicate | Oth III.iii.293 | |
And giu't Iago: | And give't Iago. | | Oth III.iii.294 | |
what he will do with it / Heauen knowes, not I: | What he will do with it, heaven knows, not I; | | Oth III.iii.295 | |
I nothing, but to please his Fantasie. | I nothing, but to please his fantasy. | fantasy (n.) whim, caprice, fancy | Oth III.iii.296 | |
Enter Iago. | Enter Iago | | Oth III.iii.297 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
How now? What do you heere alone? | How now? What do you here alone? | | Oth III.iii.297 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
Do not you chide: I haue a thing for you. | Do not you chide; I have a thing for you. | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | Oth III.iii.298 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
You haue a thing for me? / It is a common thing--- | A thing for me? It is a common thing. | | Oth III.iii.299 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
Hah? | Ha! | | Oth III.iii.300 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
To haue a foolish wife. | To have a foolish wife. | | Oth III.iii.301 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
Oh, is that all? What will you giue me now | O, is that all? What will you give me now | | Oth III.iii.302 | |
For that same Handkerchiefe. | For that same handkerchief? | | Oth III.iii.303.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
What Handkerchiefe? | What handkerchief? | | Oth III.iii.303.2 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
What Handkerchiefe? | What handkerchief! | | Oth III.iii.304 | |
Why that the Moore first gaue to Desdemona, | Why that the Moor first gave to Desdemona; | | Oth III.iii.305 | |
That which so often you did bid me steale. | That which so often you did bid me steal. | | Oth III.iii.306 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Hast stolne it from her? | Hast stol'n it from her? | | Oth III.iii.307 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
No: but she let it drop by negligence, | No, faith, she let it drop by negligence, | | Oth III.iii.308 | |
And to th'aduantage, I being heere, took't vp: | And to th' advantage, I, being here, took't up. | advantage (n.) right moment, favourable opportunity | Oth III.iii.309 | |
Looke, heere 'tis. | Look, here it is. | | Oth III.iii.310.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
A good wench, giue it me. | A good wench! Give it me. | wench (n.) girl, lass | Oth III.iii.310.2 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
What will you do with't, that you haue bene so earnest | What will you do with't, that you have been so earnest | | Oth III.iii.311 | |
to haue me filch it? | To have me filch it? | | Oth III.iii.312.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
| (snatching it) | | Oth III.iii.312 | |
Why, what is that to you? | Why, what is that to you? | | Oth III.iii.312.2 | |
Amil. | EMILIA | | | |
If it be not for some purpose of import, | If it be not for some purpose of import, | import (n.) importance, significance, consequence | Oth III.iii.313 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
Giu't me againe. Poore Lady, shee'l run mad | Give't me again. Poor lady, she'll run mad | | Oth III.iii.314 | |
When she shall lacke it. | When she shall lack it. | | Oth III.iii.315 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Be not acknowne on't: / I haue vse for it. | Be not acknown on't: I have use for it. | acknow on (v.) admit to, confess, acknowledge | Oth III.iii.316 | |
Go, leaue me. | Go, leave me. | | Oth III.iii.317 | |
Exit Amil. | Exit Emilia | | Oth III.iii.317 | |
I will in Cassio's Lodging loose this Napkin, | I will in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin, | napkin (n.) handkerchief | Oth III.iii.318 | |
And let him finde it. Trifles light as ayre, | And let him find it. Trifles light as air | | Oth III.iii.319 | |
Are to the iealious, confirmations strong, | Are to the jealous confirmations strong | | Oth III.iii.320 | |
As proofes of holy Writ. This may do something. | As proofs of holy writ. This may do something. | writ (n.) [archaism] gospel, holy scripture | Oth III.iii.321 | |
The Moore already changes with my poyson: | The Moor already changes with my poison. | | Oth III.iii.322 | |
Dangerous conceites, are in their Natures poysons, | Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons, | conceit (n.) imagining, brooding, fanciful thought | Oth III.iii.323 | |
Which at the first are scarse found to distaste: | Which at the first are scarce found to distaste, | distaste (v.) be distasteful, offend the taste, disgust | Oth III.iii.324 | |
But with a little acte vpon the blood, | But, with a little act upon the blood, | act (n.) action (upon a person), effect | Oth III.iii.325 | |
Burne like the Mines of Sulphure | Burn like the mines of sulphur. | | Oth III.iii.326.1 | |
Enter Othello. | Enter Othello | | Oth III.iii.326 | |
I did say so. | I did say so. | | Oth III.iii.326.2 | |
Looke where he comes: Not Poppy, nor Mandragora, | Look where he comes! Not poppy, nor mandragora, | mandragora (n.) mandrake plant [seen as a narcotic] | Oth III.iii.327 | |
| | poppy (n.) poppy-seed [used as a drug], opium | | |
Nor all the drowsie Syrrups of the world | Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, | drowsy (adj.) causing sleepiness, sleep-inducing, soporific | Oth III.iii.328 | |
Shall euer medicine thee to that sweete sleepe | Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep | | Oth III.iii.329 | |
Which thou owd'st yesterday. | Which thou owed'st yesterday. | owe (v.) own, possess, have | Oth III.iii.330.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Ha, ha, false to mee? | Ha, ha, false to me! | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Oth III.iii.330.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Why how now Generall? No more of that. | Why, how now, General! No more of that. | | Oth III.iii.331 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Auant, be gone: Thou hast set me on the Racke: | Avaunt! Be gone! Thou hast set me on the rack. | avaunt (int.) be gone, go away, be off | Oth III.iii.332 | |
I sweare 'tis better to be much abus'd, | I swear 'tis better to be much abused, | abuse (v.) deceive, mislead, fool, cheat | Oth III.iii.333 | |
Then but to know't a little. | Than but to know't a little. | | Oth III.iii.334.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
How now, my Lord? | How now, my lord! | | Oth III.iii.334.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
What sense had I, in her stolne houres of Lust? | What sense had I of her stolen hours of lust? | sense (n.) perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation | Oth III.iii.335 | |
| | stolen (adj.) secret, stealthy, clandestine | | |
I saw't not, thought it not: it harm'd not me: | I saw't not, thought it not, it harmed not me. | | Oth III.iii.336 | |
I slept the next night well, fed well, was free, and merrie. | I slept the next night well, was free and merry; | free (adj.) free of worry, untroubled, carefree | Oth III.iii.337 | |
I found not Cassio's kisses on her Lippes: | I found not Cassio's kisses on her lips. | | Oth III.iii.338 | |
He that is robb'd, not wanting what is stolne, | He that is robbed, not wanting what is stolen, | want (v.) miss, feel the loss of | Oth III.iii.339 | |
Let him not know't, and he's not robb'd at all. | Let him not know't, and he's not robbed at all. | | Oth III.iii.340 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I am sorry to heare this? | I am sorry to hear this. | | Oth III.iii.341 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I had beene happy, if the generall Campe, | I had been happy if the general camp, | | Oth III.iii.342 | |
Pyoners and all, had tasted her sweet Body, | Pioners and all, had tasted her sweet body, | pioneer, pioner (n.) sapper, labouring foot-soldier | Oth III.iii.343 | |
So I had nothing knowne. Oh now, for euer | So I had nothing known. O, now, for ever | | Oth III.iii.344 | |
Farewell the Tranquill minde; farewell Content; | Farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! | content (n.) contentment, peace of mind | Oth III.iii.345 | |
Farewell the plumed Troopes, and the bigge Warres, | Farewell the plumed troops and the big wars | | Oth III.iii.346 | |
That makes Ambition, Vertue! Oh farewell; | That make ambition virtue – O, farewell! | | Oth III.iii.347 | |
Farewell the neighing Steed, and the shrill Trumpe, | Farewell the neighing steed, and the shrill trump, | trump (n.) trumpet | Oth III.iii.348 | |
The Spirit-stirring Drum, th'Eare-piercing Fife, | The spirit-stirring drum, th' ear-piercing fife, | | Oth III.iii.349 | |
The Royall Banner, and all Qualitie, | The royal banner and all quality, | quality (n.) rank, standing, position | Oth III.iii.350 | |
Pride, Pompe, and Circumstance of glorious Warre: | Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war! | circumstance (n.) pageantry, ceremony, spectacle | Oth III.iii.351 | |
And O you mortall Engines, whose rude throates | And, O you mortal engines, whose rude throats | engine (n.) weapon, instrument of warfare | Oth III.iii.352 | |
| | mortal (adj.) fatal, deadly, lethal | | |
| | rude (adj.) cacophonous, raucous, barbarous | | |
Th'immortall Ioues dread Clamours, counterfet, | Th' immortal Jove's dread clamours counterfeit, | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | Oth III.iii.353 | |
| | counterfeit (v.) copy, imitate, simulate | | |
Farewell: Othello's Occupation's gone. | Farewell! Othello's occupation's gone. | | Oth III.iii.354 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Is't possible my Lord? | Is't possible, my lord? | | Oth III.iii.355 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Villaine, be sure thou proue my Loue a Whore; | Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore; | | Oth III.iii.356 | |
Be sure of it: Giue me the Occular proofe, | Be sure of it: give me the ocular proof, | | Oth III.iii.357 | |
Or by the worth of mine eternall Soule, | Or by the worth of mine eternal soul, | | Oth III.iii.358 | |
Thou had'st bin better haue bin borne a Dog | Thou hadst been better have been born a dog | | Oth III.iii.359 | |
Then answer my wak'd wrath. | Than answer my waked wrath! | waked (adj.) awakened, aroused, roused | Oth III.iii.360.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Is't come to this? | Is't come to this? | | Oth III.iii.360.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Make me to see't: or (at the least) so proue it, | Make me to see't: or, at the least, so prove it | | Oth III.iii.361 | |
That the probation beare no Hindge, nor Loope, | That the probation bear no hinge nor loop | probation (n.) proof, demonstration | Oth III.iii.362 | |
| | loop (n.) metal ring, pivot, prop | | |
To hang a doubt on: Or woe vpon thy life. | To hang a doubt on – or woe upon thy life! | | Oth III.iii.363 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
My Noble Lord. | My noble lord – | | Oth III.iii.364 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
If thou dost slander her, and torture me, | If thou dost slander her and torture me, | | Oth III.iii.365 | |
Neuer pray more: Abandon all remorse | Never pray more; abandon all remorse; | | Oth III.iii.366 | |
On Horrors head, Horrors accumulate: | On horror's head horrors accumulate; | | Oth III.iii.367 | |
Do deeds to make Heauen weepe, all Earth amaz'd; | Do deeds to make heaven weep, all earth amazed: | | Oth III.iii.368 | |
For nothing canst thou to damnation adde, | For nothing canst thou to damnation add | | Oth III.iii.369 | |
Greater then that. | Greater than that. | | Oth III.iii.370.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
O Grace! O Heauen forgiue me! | O grace! O heaven defend me! | | Oth III.iii.370.2 | |
Are you a Man? Haue you a Soule? or Sense? | Are you a man? Have you a soul? Or sense? | | Oth III.iii.371 | |
God buy you: take mine Office. Oh wretched Foole, | God bu'y you: take mine office. O wretched fool, | office (n.) role, position, place, function | Oth III.iii.372 | |
That lou'st to make thine Honesty, a Vice! | That lov'st to make thine honesty a vice! | | Oth III.iii.373 | |
Oh monstrous world! Take note, take note (O World) | O monstrous world! Take note, take note, O world! | | Oth III.iii.374 | |
To be direct and honest, is not safe. | To be direct and honest is not safe. | | Oth III.iii.375 | |
I thanke you for this profit, and from hence | I thank you for this profit, and from hence | | Oth III.iii.376 | |
Ile loue no Friend, sith Loue breeds such offence. | I'll love no friend, sith love breeds such offence. | | Oth III.iii.377 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Nay stay: thou should'st be honest. | Nay, stay: thou shouldst be honest. | | Oth III.iii.378 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I should be wise; for Honestie's a Foole, | I should be wise; for honesty's a fool | | Oth III.iii.379 | |
And looses that it workes for. | And loses that it works for. | | Oth III.iii.380.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
By the World, | By the world, | | Oth III.iii.380.2 | |
I thinke my Wife be honest, and thinke she is not: | I think my wife be honest, and think she is not; | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | Oth III.iii.381 | |
I thinke that thou art iust, and thinke thou art not: | I think that thou art just, and think thou art not. | | Oth III.iii.382 | |
Ile haue some proofe. My name that was as fresh | I'll have some proof. Her name that was as fresh | | Oth III.iii.383 | |
As Dians Visage, is now begrim'd and blacke | As Dian's visage is now begrimed and black | visage (n.) face, countenance | Oth III.iii.384 | |
| | Diana, Dian (n.) Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting | | |
As mine owne face. If there be Cords, or Kniues, | As mine own face. If there be cords or knives, | | Oth III.iii.385 | |
Poyson, or Fire, or suffocating streames, | Poison or fire or suffocating streams, | | Oth III.iii.386 | |
Ile not indure it. Would I were satisfied. | I'll not endure it. Would I were satisfied! | | Oth III.iii.387 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I see you are eaten vp with Passion: | I see, sir, you are eaten up with passion. | | Oth III.iii.388 | |
I do repent me, that I put it to you. | I do repent me that I put it to you. | | Oth III.iii.389 | |
You would be satisfied? | You would be satisfied? | | Oth III.iii.390.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Would? Nay, and I will. | Would! Nay, I will. | | Oth III.iii.390.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
And may: but how? How satisfied, my Lord? | And may. But how? How satisfied, my lord? | | Oth III.iii.391 | |
Would you the super-vision grossely gape on? | Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape on? | supervisor (n.) onlooker, spectator, observer | Oth III.iii.392 | |
| | grossly (adv.) openly, blatantly, brazenly | | |
Behold her top'd? | Behold her topped? | top (v.) copulate with, screw | Oth III.iii.393.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Death, and damnation. Oh! | Death and damnation! O! | | Oth III.iii.393.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
It were a tedious difficulty, I thinke, | It were a tedious difficulty, I think, | | Oth III.iii.394 | |
To bring them to that Prospect: Damne them then, | To bring them to that prospect. Damn them then | | Oth III.iii.395 | |
If euer mortall eyes do see them boulster | If ever mortal eyes do see them bolster | bolster (v.) lie on the same bolster, share a pillow | Oth III.iii.396 | |
More then their owne. What then? How then? | More than their own! What then? How then? | | Oth III.iii.397 | |
What shall I say? Where's Satisfaction? | What shall I say? Where's satisfaction? | | Oth III.iii.398 | |
It is impossible you should see this, | It is impossible you should see this, | | Oth III.iii.399 | |
Were they as prime as Goates, as hot as Monkeyes, | Were they as prime as goats, as hot as monkeys, | prime (adj.) lecherous, randy, lustful | Oth III.iii.400 | |
| | hot (adj.) lecherous, lustful, hot-blooded | | |
As salt as Wolues in pride, and Fooles as grosse | As salt as wolves in pride, and fools as gross | pride (n.) sexual desire, lustful excess | Oth III.iii.401 | |
| | salt (adj.) lecherous, lascivious, lustful | | |
| | gross (adj.) plain, striking, evident, obvious | | |
As Ignorance, made drunke. But yet, I say, | As ignorance made drunk. But yet, I say, | | Oth III.iii.402 | |
If imputation, and strong circumstances, | If imputation and strong circumstance, | circumstance (n.) detail(s), particular(s), specifics | Oth III.iii.403 | |
Which leade directly to the doore of Truth, | Which lead directly to the door of truth, | | Oth III.iii.404 | |
Will giue you satisfaction, you might haue't. | Will give you satisfaction, you might have't. | | Oth III.iii.405 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Giue me a liuing reason she's disloyall. | Give me a living reason she's disloyal. | | Oth III.iii.406 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I do not like the Office. | I do not like the office. | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | Oth III.iii.407 | |
But sith I am entred in this cause so farre | But sith I am entered in this cause so far – | | Oth III.iii.408 | |
(Prick'd too't by foolish Honesty, and Loue) | Pricked to't by foolish honesty and love – | prick (v.) urge, incite, motivate | Oth III.iii.409 | |
I will go on. I lay with Cassio lately, | I will go on. I lay with Cassio lately, | | Oth III.iii.410 | |
And being troubled with a raging tooth, | And being troubled with a raging tooth | | Oth III.iii.411 | |
I could not sleepe. | I could not sleep. | | Oth III.iii.412 | |
There are a kinde of men, / So loose of Soule, | There are a kind of men so loose of soul | | Oth III.iii.413 | |
that in their sleepes will mutter / Their Affayres: | That in their sleeps will mutter their affairs: | | Oth III.iii.414 | |
one of this kinde is Cassio: | One of this kind is Cassio. | | Oth III.iii.415 | |
In sleepe I heard him say, sweet Desdemona, | In sleep I heard him say ‘ Sweet Desdemona, | | Oth III.iii.416 | |
Let vs be wary, let vs hide our Loues, | Let us be wary, let us hide our loves;’ | | Oth III.iii.417 | |
And then (Sir) would he gripe, and wring my hand: | And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand, | | Oth III.iii.418 | |
Cry, oh sweet Creature: then kisse me hard, | Cry ‘ O sweet creature!’ and then kiss me hard, | | Oth III.iii.419 | |
As if he pluckt vp kisses by the rootes, | As if he plucked up kisses by the roots, | | Oth III.iii.420 | |
That grew vpon my lippes, laid his Leg ore my Thigh, | That grew upon my lips; then laid his leg | | Oth III.iii.421 | |
And sigh, and kisse, and then cry cursed Fate, | Over my thigh, and sighed and kissed, and then | | Oth III.iii.422 | |
That gaue thee to the Moore. | Cried ‘ Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!’ | | Oth III.iii.423 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
O monstrous! monstrous! | O monstrous! Monstrous! | | Oth III.iii.424.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Nay, this was but his Dreame. | Nay, this was but his dream. | | Oth III.iii.424.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
But this denoted a fore-gone conclusion, | But this denoted a foregone conclusion. | foregone (adj.) previous, prior, earlier | Oth III.iii.425 | |
| | conclusion (n.) consummation, resolution, outcome | | |
Iago, | IAGO | | | |
'Tis a shrew'd doubt, though it be but a Dreame. | 'Tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream: | shrewd (adj.) ominous, telling; or: bitter, vexatious | Oth III.iii.426 | |
| | doubt (n.) suspicion, apprehension | | |
And this may helpe to thicken other proofes, | And this may help to thicken other proofs | | Oth III.iii.427 | |
That do demonstrate thinly. | That do demonstrate thinly. | | Oth III.iii.428.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Ile teare her all to peeces. | I'll tear her all to pieces! | | Oth III.iii.428.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Nay yet be wise; yet we see nothing done, | Nay, but be wise: yet we see nothing done, | | Oth III.iii.429 | |
She may be honest yet: Tell me but this, | She may be honest yet. Tell me but this: | | Oth III.iii.430 | |
Haue you not sometimes seene a Handkerchiefe | Have you not sometimes seen a handkerchief, | | Oth III.iii.431 | |
Spotted with Strawberries, in your wiues hand? | Spotted with strawberries, in your wife's hand? | spotted (adj.) embroidered, patterned | Oth III.iii.432 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I gaue her such a one: 'twas my first gift. | I gave her such a one: 'twas my first gift. | | Oth III.iii.433 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I know not that: but such a Handkerchiefe | I know not that: but such a handkerchief – | | Oth III.iii.434 | |
(I am sure it was your wiues) did I to day | I am sure it was your wife's – did I today | | Oth III.iii.435 | |
See Cassio wipe his Beard with. | See Cassio wipe his beard with. | | Oth III.iii.436.1 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
If it be that. | If it be that – | | Oth III.iii.436.2 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
If it be that, or any, it was hers. | If it be that, or any that was hers, | | Oth III.iii.437 | |
It speakes against her with the other proofes. | It speaks against her with the other proofs. | | Oth III.iii.438 | |
Othel. | OTHELLO | | | |
O that the Slaue had forty thousand liues: | O, that the slave had forty thousand lives! | | Oth III.iii.439 | |
One is too poore, too weake for my reuenge. | One is too poor, too weak for my revenge. | weak (adj.) of little worth, wanting, deficient | Oth III.iii.440 | |
Now do I see 'tis true. Looke heere Iago, | Now do I see 'tis true. Look here, Iago – | | Oth III.iii.441 | |
All my fond loue thus do I blow to Heauen. | All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven: | fond (adj.) tender, loving, affectionate | Oth III.iii.442 | |
'Tis gone, | 'Tis gone. | | Oth III.iii.443 | |
Arise blacke vengeance, from the hollow hell, | Arise, black vengeance, from thy hollow cell! | | Oth III.iii.444 | |
Yeeld vp (O Loue) thy Crowne, and hearted Throne | Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne | hearted (adj.) seated in the heart, heart-centred | Oth III.iii.445 | |
To tyrannous Hate. Swell bosome with thy fraught, | To tyrannous hate! Swell, bosom, with thy fraught, | fraught (n.) burden, load | Oth III.iii.446 | |
For 'tis of Aspickes tongues. | For 'tis of aspics' tongues! | aspic (n.) type of venomous snake, asp | Oth III.iii.447.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Yet be content. | Yet be content. | content (adj.) satisfied, calm, easy in mind | Oth III.iii.447.2 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Oh blood, blood, blood. | O, blood, blood, blood! | | Oth III.iii.448 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Patience I say: your minde may change. | Patience, I say: your mind perhaps may change. | | Oth III.iii.449 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Neuer Iago. Like to the Ponticke Sea, | Never, Iago. Like to the Pontic sea, | Pontic Sea Black Sea | Oth III.iii.450 | |
Whose Icie Current, and compulsiue course, | Whose icy current and compulsive course | compulsive (adj.) driving onward, forcing forward | Oth III.iii.451 | |
Neu'r keepes retyring ebbe, but keepes due on | Ne'er feels retiring ebb, but keeps due on | | Oth III.iii.452 | |
To the Proponticke, and the Hellespont: | To the Propontic and the Hellespont, | Hellespont (n.) ['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara | Oth III.iii.453 | |
| | Propontic Sea Sea of Marmora, Turkey | | |
Euen so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace | Even so my bloody thoughts with violent pace | | Oth III.iii.454 | |
Shall neu'r looke backe, neu'r ebbe to humble Loue, | Shall ne'er look back, ne'er ebb to humble love, | | Oth III.iii.455 | |
Till that a capeable, and wide Reuenge | Till that a capable and wide revenge | capable (adj.) comprehensive, exhaustive, capacious | Oth III.iii.456 | |
Swallow them vp. Now by yond Marble Heauen, | Swallow them up. Now, by yond marble heaven, | | Oth III.iii.457 | |
In the due reuerence of a Sacred vow, | In the due reverence of a sacred vow | | Oth III.iii.458 | |
I heere engage my words. | I here engage my words. | | Oth III.iii.459.1 | |
| He kneels | | Oth III.iii.459 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
Do not rise yet: | Do not rise yet. | | Oth III.iii.459.2 | |
| He kneels | | Oth III.iii.460 | |
Witnesse you euer-burning Lights aboue, | Witness you ever-burning lights above, | | Oth III.iii.460 | |
You Elements, that clip vs round about, | You elements, that clip us round about, | element (n.) (plural) forces of nature, atmospheric powers | Oth III.iii.461 | |
| | clip (v.) encompass, enclose, surround | | |
Witnesse that heere Iago doth giue vp | Witness that here Iago doth give up | | Oth III.iii.462 | |
The execution of his wit, hands, heart, | The execution of his wit, hands, heart, | execution (n.) action, performance, doing | Oth III.iii.463 | |
| | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | | |
To wrong'd Othello's Seruice. Let him command, | To wronged Othello's service. Let him command, | | Oth III.iii.464 | |
And to obey shall be in me remorse, | And to obey shall be in me remorse, | remorse (n.) pity, compassion, tenderness | Oth III.iii.465 | |
What bloody businesse euer. | What bloody business ever. | | Oth III.iii.466.1 | |
| They rise | | Oth III.iii.466 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
I greet thy loue, | I greet thy love, | | Oth III.iii.466.2 | |
Not with vaine thanks, but with acceptance bounteous, | Not with vain thanks, but with acceptance bounteous; | bounteous (adj.) open-hearted, full of warm feeling | Oth III.iii.467 | |
And will vpon the instant put thee too't. | And will upon the instant put thee to't. | put to it put to the proof, make trial of | Oth III.iii.468 | |
Within these three dayes let me heare thee say, | Within these three days let me hear thee say | | Oth III.iii.469 | |
That Cassio's not aliue. | That Cassio's not alive. | | Oth III.iii.470.1 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
My Friend is dead: | My friend is dead; | | Oth III.iii.470.2 | |
'Tis done at your Request. / But let her liue. | 'Tis done at your request. But let her live. | | Oth III.iii.471 | |
Oth. | OTHELLO | | | |
Damne her lewde Minx: / O damne her, damne her. | Damn her, lewd minx! O, damn her, damn her! | | Oth III.iii.472 | |
Come go with me a-part, I will withdraw | Come go with me apart. I will withdraw | | Oth III.iii.473 | |
To furnish me with some swift meanes of death | To furnish me with some swift means of death | | Oth III.iii.474 | |
For the faire Diuell. / Now art thou my Lieutenant. | For the fair devil. Now art thou my Lieutenant. | | Oth III.iii.475 | |
Iago. | IAGO | | | |
I am your owne for euer. | I am your own for ever. | | Oth III.iii.476 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Oth III.iii.476 | |