First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Sebastian. | Enter Sebastian | | TN IV.iii.1 | |
| SEBASTIAN | | | |
This is the ayre, that is the glorious Sunne, | This is the air; that is the glorious sun; | | TN IV.iii.1 | |
This pearle she gaue me, I do feel't, and see't, | This pearl she gave me, I do feel't and see't; | | TN IV.iii.2 | |
And though tis wonder that enwraps me thus, | And though 'tis wonder that enwraps me thus, | enwrap (v.) absorb, engross, enfold | TN IV.iii.3 | |
| | wonder (n.) feeling of wonder, astonishment, marvelling | | |
Yet 'tis not madnesse. Where's Anthonio then, | Yet 'tis not madness. Where's Antonio, then? | | TN IV.iii.4 | |
I could not finde him at the Elephant, | I could not find him at the Elephant. | | TN IV.iii.5 | |
Yet there he was, and there I found this credite, | Yet there he was; and there I found this credit | credit (n.) report, news, story | TN IV.iii.6 | |
That he did range the towne to seeke me out, | That he did range the town to seek me out. | range (v.) wander freely, roam, rove | TN IV.iii.7 | |
His councell now might do me golden seruice, | His counsel now might do me golden service. | | TN IV.iii.8 | |
For though my soule disputes well with my sence, | For though my soul disputes well with my sense | | TN IV.iii.9 | |
That this may be some error, but no madnesse, | That this may be some error, but no madness, | | TN IV.iii.10 | |
Yet doth this accident and flood of Fortune, | Yet doth this accident and flood of fortune | accident (n.) occurrence, event, happening | TN IV.iii.11 | |
So farre exceed all instance, all discourse, | So far exceed all instance, all discourse, | instance (n.) illustration, example, case | TN IV.iii.12 | |
| | discourse (n.) rationality, faculty of understanding | | |
That I am readie to distrust mine eyes, | That I am ready to distrust mine eyes, | | TN IV.iii.13 | |
And wrangle with my reason that perswades me | And wrangle with my reason that persuades me | | TN IV.iii.14 | |
To any other trust, but that I am mad, | To any other trust but that I am mad – | | TN IV.iii.15 | |
Or else the Ladies mad; yet if 'twere so, | Or else the lady's mad; yet if 'twere so, | | TN IV.iii.16 | |
She could not sway her house, command her followers, | She could not sway her house, command her followers, | sway (v.) control, rule, direct, govern | TN IV.iii.17 | |
Take, and giue backe affayres, and their dispatch, | Take and give back affairs and their dispatch, | dispatch, despatch (n.) management, direction, supervision | TN IV.iii.18 | |
With such a smooth, discreet, and stable bearing | With such a smooth, discreet, and stable bearing | stable (adj.) steady, poised, self-possessed | TN IV.iii.19 | |
As I perceiue she do's: there's something in't | As I perceive she does. There's something in't | | TN IV.iii.20 | |
That is deceiueable. But heere the Lady comes. | That is deceivable. But here the lady comes. | deceivable (adj.) deceptive, illusory | TN IV.iii.21 | |
Enter Oliuia, and Priest. | Enter Olivia and a Priest | | TN IV.iii.22 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Blame not this haste of mine: if you meane well | Blame not this haste of mine. If you mean well, | | TN IV.iii.22 | |
Now go with me, and with this holy man | Now go with me and with this holy man | | TN IV.iii.23 | |
Into the Chantry by: there before him, | Into the chantry by; there before him | chantry (n.) small private chapel | TN IV.iii.24 | |
| | by (adv.) near by, close at hand | | |
And vnderneath that consecrated roofe, | And underneath that consecrated roof | | TN IV.iii.25 | |
Plight me the full assurance of your faith, | Plight me the full assurance of your faith, | assurance (n.) confirmation, pledge, guarantee | TN IV.iii.26 | |
That my most iealious, and too doubtfull soule | That my most jealous and too doubtful soul | jealous (adj.) anxious, uneasy, worried [about] | TN IV.iii.27 | |
| | doubtful (adj.) fearful, worried, apprehensive | | |
May liue at peace. He shall conceale it, | May live at peace. He shall conceal it | | TN IV.iii.28 | |
Whiles you are willing it shall come to note, | Whiles you are willing it shall come to note; | | TN IV.iii.29 | |
What time we will our celebration keepe | What time we will our celebration keep | | TN IV.iii.30 | |
According to my birth, what do you say? | According to my birth. What do you say? | birth (n.) royal birth, noble ancestry | TN IV.iii.31 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
Ile follow this good man, and go with you, | I'll follow this good man, and go with you; | | TN IV.iii.32 | |
And hauing sworne truth, euer will be true. | And having sworn truth, ever will be true. | | TN IV.iii.33 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Then lead the way good father, & heauens so shine, | Then lead the way, good father, and heavens so shine | | TN IV.iii.34 | |
That they may fairely note this acte of mine. | That they may fairly note this act of mine! | note (v.) observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of] | TN IV.iii.35 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TN IV.iii.35 | |