The Taming of the Shrew

First folio
Modern text


Key line

INDUCTIONinduction (n.)
opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation
TS Induction.1.0.0
Enter Begger and Hostes, Christophero Sly.Enter Christopher Sly and the Hostess TS induction.1.0
ILe pheeze you infaith.I'll pheeze you, in faith.pheeze, feeze (v.)
do for, settle the hash of, fix
TS induction.1.1
A paire of stockes you rogue.A pair of stocks, you rogue! TS induction.1.2
Beg. SLY 
Y'are a baggage, the Slies are no Rogues. Looke in theY'are a baggage, the Slys are no rogues. Look in thebaggage (n.)
good-for-nothing woman, harlot
TS induction.1.3
Chronicles, we came in with Richard Conqueror: therefore Chronicles, we came in with Richard Conqueror. Therefore TS induction.1.4
Paucas pallabris, let the world slide: Sessa.paucas pallabris, let the world slide. Sessa!paucas pallabris (phrase)
few words, be brief [an approximation to Spanish pocas palabras]
TS induction.1.5
sessa, sesey, sese (int.)
[cry of encouragement used in hunting, fencing] be off, off you go
You will not pay for the glasses you haue burst?You will not pay for the glasses you have burst?burst (v.)
break, smash
TS induction.1.6
Beg. SLY 
No, not a deniere: go by S. Ieronimie, goe to thyNo, not a denier. Go by, Saint Jeronimy, go to thyJeronimy, Saint
[in TS Induction.i.7] a variant of Jerome, confused with Hieronimo from Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy
TS induction.1.7
denier (n.)

old form: deniere
tenth of a penny [trivial sum, paltry amount]
cold bed, and warme thee.cold bed and warm thee. TS induction.1.8
He lies on the ground TS induction.1.9
I know my remedie, I must go fetch theI know my remedy, I must go fetch the TS induction.1.9
parish officer, town constable
TS induction.1.10
Exit TS induction.1.10
Beg. SLY 
Third, or fourth, or fift Borough, Ile answere him byThird, or fourth, or fifth borough, I'll answer him by TS induction.1.11
Law. Ile not budge an inch boy: Let him come, andlaw. I'll not budge an inch, boy. Let him come, andlaw, by
in court, with legal proceedings
TS induction.1.12
boy (n.)
servant, slave, menial
kindly. kindly.kindly, and
by all means, in any case
TS induction.1.13
Falles asleepe.He falls asleep TS induction.1.14.1
Winde hornes. Enter a Lord from hunting, with his traine.Wind horns. Enter a Lord from hunting, with his trainwind (v.)

old form: Winde
sound, blow
TS induction.1.14.2
train (n.)

old form: traine
retinue, following, entourage
Huntsman I charge thee, tender wel my hounds,Huntsman, I charge thee, tender well my hounds.tender (v.)
look after, take care of
TS induction.1.14
Brach Meriman, the poore Curre is imbost,Breathe Merriman, the poor cur is embossed,embossed (adj.)

old form: imbost
driven to such extremes, made mad with exhaustion
TS induction.1.15
breathe (v.)
allow to breathe, rest
And couple Clowder with the deepe-mouth'd brach,And couple Clowder with the deep-mouthed brach.brach (n.)
hound [which hunts by scent], bitch
TS induction.1.16
couple (v.)
leash together
Saw'st thou not boy how Siluer made it goodSaw'st thou not, boy, how Silver made it goodmake good
perform well, succeed in carrying out
TS induction.1.17
At the hedge corner, in the couldest fault,At the hedge corner, in the coldest fault?fault (n.)
[hunting] break in a line of scent, loss of scent
TS induction.1.18
I would not loose the dogge for twentie pound.I would not lose the dog for twenty pound. TS induction.1.19
Why Belman is as good as he my Lord,Why, Belman is as good as he, my lord. TS induction.1.20
He cried vpon it at the meerest losse,He cried upon it at the merest loss,cry (v.)
give tongue, cry out
TS induction.1.21
And twice to day pick'd out the dullest sent,And twice today picked out the dullest scent.dull (adj.)
dim, not sharp, lacking keenness
TS induction.1.22
Trust me, I take him for the better dogge.Trust me, I take him for the better dog. TS induction.1.23
Lord. LORD 
Thou art a Foole, if Eccho were as fleete,Thou art a fool. If Echo were as fleet,fleet (adj.)

old form: fleete
swift, nimble, active
TS induction.1.24
I would esteeme him worth a dozen such:I would esteem him worth a dozen such. TS induction.1.25
But sup them well, and looke vnto them all,But sup them well, and look unto them all.sup (v.)
give the last daily feed to
TS induction.1.26
look unto (v.)

old form: looke vnto
attend to, take care of
To morrow I intend to hunt againe.Tomorrow I intend to hunt again. TS induction.1.27
I will my Lord.I will, my lord. TS induction.1.28
Lord. LORD 
What's heere? One dead, or drunke? See doth he breath?What's here? One dead, or drunk? See, doth he breathe? TS induction.1.29
He breath's my Lord. Were he not warm'd with Ale,He breathes, my lord. Were he not warmed with ale, TS induction.1.30
this were a bed but cold to sleep so soundly.This were a bed but cold to sleep so soundly. TS induction.1.31
Lord. LORD 
Oh monstrous beast, how like a swine he lyes.O monstrous beast, how like a swine he lies! TS induction.1.32
Grim death, how foule and loathsome is thine image:Grim death, how foul and loathsome is thine image!image (n.)
embodiment, instance, form
TS induction.1.33
Sirs, I will practise on this drunken man.Sirs, I will practise on this drunken man.practise on / upon (v.)
work upon, act craftily with, make to operate
TS induction.1.34
What thinke you, if he were conuey'd to bed,What think you, if he were conveyed to bed, TS induction.1.35
Wrap'd in sweet cloathes: Rings put vpon his fingers:Wrapped in sweet clothes, rings put upon his fingers, TS induction.1.36
A most delicious banquet by his bed,A most delicious banquet by his bed,banquet, banket (n.)
refreshments, light meal, dessert
TS induction.1.37
And braue attendants neere him when he wakes,And brave attendants near him when he wakes,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
TS induction.1.38
Would not the begger then forget himselfe?Would not the beggar then forget himself?forget (v.)
lose one's sense of identity
TS induction.1.39
Beleeue me Lord, I thinke he cannot choose.Believe me, lord, I think he cannot choose.choose, cannot
have no alternative, cannot do otherwise
TS induction.1.40
It would seem strange vnto him when he wak'dIt would seem strange unto him when he waked.strange (adj.)
remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural
TS induction.1.41
Lord. LORD 
Euen as a flatt'ring dreame, or worthles fancie.Even as a flattering dream or worthless fancy.fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought
TS induction.1.42
Then take him vp, and manage well the iest:Then take him up, and manage well the jest. TS induction.1.43
Carrie him gently to my fairest Chamber,Carry him gently to my fairest chamber, TS induction.1.44
And hang it round with all my wanton pictures:And hang it round with all my wanton pictures.wanton (adj.)
gay, lively, cheerful
TS induction.1.45
Balme his foule head in warme distilled waters,Balm his foul head in warm distilled waters,distilled (adj.)
fragrant, scented, aromatic
TS induction.1.46
balm (v.)

old form: Balme
soothe, relieve, heal
And burne sweet Wood to make the Lodging sweete:And burn sweet wood to make the lodging sweet.sweet (adj.)
perfumed, scented, fragrant
TS induction.1.47
Procure me Musicke readie when he wakes,Procure me music ready when he wakes, TS induction.1.48
To make a dulcet and a heauenly sound:To make a dulcet and a heavenly sound.dulcet (adj.)
sweet, mild, pleasant, agreeable
TS induction.1.49
And if he chance to speake, be readie straightAnd if he chance to speak, be ready straightstraight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
TS induction.1.50
(And with a lowe submissiue reuerence)And with a low submissive reverencereverence (n.)

old form: reuerence
bow, obeisance, salutation
TS induction.1.51
Say, what is it your Honor wil command:Say ‘What is it your honour will command?' TS induction.1.52
Let one attend him with a siluer BasonLet one attend him with a silver basinattend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
TS induction.1.53
Full of Rose-water, and bestrew'd with Flowers,Full of rose-water and bestrewed with flowers,bestrew (v.)

old form: bestrew'd
strew, scatter, sprinkle
TS induction.1.54
Another beare the Ewer: the third a Diaper,Another bear the ewer, the third a diaper,ewer (n.)
pitcher containing water for washing hands
TS induction.1.55
diaper (n.)
towel, napkin, cloth
And say wilt please your Lordship coole your hands.And say ‘ Will't please your lordship cool your hands?’ TS induction.1.56
Some one be readie with a costly suite,Some one be ready with a costly suit, TS induction.1.57
And aske him what apparrel he will weare:And ask him what apparel he will wear.apparel (n.)

old form: apparrel
clothes, clothing, dress
TS induction.1.58
Another tell him of his Hounds and Horse,Another tell him of his hounds and horse, TS induction.1.59
And that his Ladie mournes at his disease,And that his lady mourns at his disease.disease (n.)
mental illness, disturbance of mind
TS induction.1.60
Perswade him that he hath bin Lunaticke,Persuade him that he hath been lunatic,lunatic (adj.)

old form: Lunaticke
hallucinating, suffering from delusions
TS induction.1.61
And when he sayes he is, say that he dreames,And when he says he is Sly, say that he dreams, TS induction.1.62
For he is nothing but a mightie Lord:For he is nothing but a mighty lord. TS induction.1.63
This do, and do it kindly, gentle sirs,This do, and do it kindly, gentle sirs.kindly (adv.)
naturally, spontaneously, convincingly
TS induction.1.64
gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
It wil be pastime passing excellent,It will be pastime passing excellent,passing (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
TS induction.1.65
If it be husbanded with modestie.If it be husbanded with modesty.modesty (n.)

old form: modestie
moderation, restraint, discipline
TS induction.1.66
husband (v.)
manage, handle, look after
My Lord I warrant you we wil play our partMy lord, I warrant you we will play our partwarrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
TS induction.1.67
As he shall thinke by our true diligenceAs he shall think by our true diligencetrue (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
TS induction.1.68
He is no lesse then what we say he is.He is no less than what we say he is. TS induction.1.69
Lord. LORD 
Take him vp gently, and to bed with him,Take him up gently and to bed with him, TS induction.1.70
And each one to his office when he wakes.And each one to his office when he (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
TS induction.1.71
Sly is carried away TS induction.1.71
Sound trumpets.A trumpet sounds TS induction.1.72
Sirrah, go see what Trumpet 'tis that sounds,Sirrah, go see what trumpet 'tis that sounds –  TS induction.1.72
Exit Servingman TS induction.1.72
Belike some Noble Gentleman that meanesBelike some noble gentleman that means,belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
TS induction.1.73
(Trauelling some iourney) to repose him heere.Travelling some journey, to repose him here. TS induction.1.74
Enter Seruingman.Enter Servingman TS induction.1.75
How now? who is it?How now? Who is it? TS induction.1.75.1
An't please your Honor, PlayersAn't please your honour, players TS induction.1.75.2
That offer seruice to your Lordship.That offer service to your lordship. TS induction.1.76
Lord. LORD 
Bid them come neere:Bid them come near. TS induction.1.77.1
Enter Players.Enter Players TS induction.1.77
Now fellowes, you are welcome.Now, fellows, you are welcome. TS induction.1.77.2
Players. PLAYERS 
We thanke your Honor.We thank your honour. TS induction.1.78
Lord. LORD 
Do you intend to stay with me to night?Do you intend to stay with me tonight? TS induction.1.79
So please your Lordshippe to accept our dutie.So please your lordship to accept our duty.duty (n.)

old form: dutie
reverence, due respect, proper attitude
TS induction.1.80
Lord. LORD 
With all my heart. This fellow I remember,With all my heart. This fellow I remember TS induction.1.81
Since once he plaide a Farmers eldest sonne,Since once he played a farmer's eldest son. TS induction.1.82
'Twas where you woo'd the Gentlewoman so well:'Twas where you wooed the gentlewoman so well. TS induction.1.83
I haue forgot your name: but sure that partI have forgot your name; but, sure, that part TS induction.1.84
Was aptly fitted, and naturally perform'd.Was aptly fitted and naturally performed. TS induction.1.85
I thinke 'twas Soto that your honor meanes.I think 'twas Soto that your honour means. TS induction.1.86
Lord. LORD 
'Tis verie true, thou didst it excellent:'Tis very true, thou didst it excellent. TS induction.1.87
Well you are come to me in happie time,Well, you are come to me in happy time,happy (adj.)

old form: happie
opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable
TS induction.1.88
The rather for I haue some sport in hand,The rather for I have some sport in handsport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
TS induction.1.89
Wherein your cunning can assist me much.Wherein your cunning can assist me much.cunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
TS induction.1.90
There is a Lord will heare you play to night;There is a lord will hear you play tonight; TS induction.1.91
But I am doubtfull of your modesties,But I am doubtful of your modesties,modesty (n.)
moderation, restraint, discipline
TS induction.1.92
doubtful (adj.)

old form: doubtfull
fearful, worried, apprehensive
Least (ouer-eying of his odde behauiour,Lest overeyeing of his odd behaviour – overeye, over-eye (v.)

old form: ouer-eying
watch, observe; or: look too much at
TS induction.1.93
For yet his honor neuer heard a play)For yet his honour never heard a play –  TS induction.1.94
You breake into some merrie passion,You break into some merry passionmerry (adj.)

old form: merrie
hilarious, uproarious, hysterical
TS induction.1.95
passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
And so offend him: for I tell you sirs,And so offend him, for I tell you, sirs, TS induction.1.96
If you should smile, he growes impatient.If you should smile, he grows impatient.impatient (adj.)
angry, irate, incensed
TS induction.1.97
Feare not my Lord, we can contain our selues,Fear not, my lord, we can contain ourselves,contain (v.)
restrain, keep under control
TS induction.1.98
Were he the veriest anticke in the world.Were he the veriest antic in the world.very (adj.)
[intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute
TS induction.1.99
antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
grotesque figure, grinning jester, buffoon
Lord. LORD 
Go sirra, take them to the Butterie,Go, sirrah, take them to the buttery,sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
TS induction.1.100
buttery (n.)

old form: Butterie
store-room [for provisions], liquor-store
And giue them friendly welcome euerie one,And give them friendly welcome every one. TS induction.1.101
Let them want nothing that my house affoords.Let them want nothing that my house affords.want (v.)
lack, need, be without
TS induction.1.102
afford (v.)

old form: affoords
have to offer, be capable of supplying
Exit one with the Players.Exit one with the Players TS induction.1.102
Sirra go you to Bartholmew my Page,Sirrah, go you to Barthol'mew my page, TS induction.1.103
And see him drest in all suites like a Ladie:And see him dressed in all suits like a lady.suits, in all

old form: suites
in all respects
TS induction.1.104
That done, conduct him to the drunkards chamber,That done, conduct him to the drunkard's chamber, TS induction.1.105
And call him Madam, do him obeisance:And call him ‘ madam,’ do him obeisance.obeisance (n.)
bow, curtsy, respectful salutation
TS induction.1.106
Tell him from me (as he will win my loue)Tell him from me – as he will win my love –as (conj.)
TS induction.1.107
He beare himselfe with honourable action,He bear himself with honourable action,action (n.)
movement, demeanour, gesture
TS induction.1.108
Such as he hath obseru'd in noble LadiesSuch as he hath observed in noble ladies TS induction.1.109
Vnto their Lords, by them accomplished,Unto their lords, by them accomplished.accomplish (v.)
perform, do, carry out
TS induction.1.110
Such dutie to the drunkard let him do:Such duty to the drunkard let him do,duty (n.)

old form: dutie
reverence, due respect, proper attitude
TS induction.1.111
With soft lowe tongue, and lowly curtesie,With soft low tongue and lowly courtesy,lowly (adj.)
humble, modest, submissive
TS induction.1.112
low (adj.)

old form: lowe
gentle, mild, not shrill
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)

old form: curtesie
curtsy, bow, gesture of respect
And say: What is't your Honor will command,And say ‘ What is't your honour will command, TS induction.1.113
Wherein your Ladie, and your humble wife,Wherein your lady and your humble wife TS induction.1.114
May shew her dutie, and make knowne her loue.May show her duty and make known her love?’ TS induction.1.115
And then with kinde embracements, tempting kisses,And then with kind embracements, tempting kisses,embracement (n.)
embrace, clasping, hug
TS induction.1.116
And with declining head into his bosomeAnd with declining head into his bosom,declining (adj.)
hanging, bowing, drooping
TS induction.1.117
Bid him shed teares, as being ouer-ioyedBid him shed tears, as being overjoyed TS induction.1.118
To see her noble Lord restor'd to health,To see her noble lord restored to health, TS induction.1.119
Who for this seuen yeares hath esteemed himWho for this seven years hath esteemed himesteem (v.)
regard, think, consider
TS induction.1.120
No better then a poore and loathsome begger:No better than a poor and loathsome beggar. TS induction.1.121
And if the boy haue not a womans guiftAnd if the boy have not a woman's gift TS induction.1.122
To raine a shower of commanded teares,To rain a shower of commanded tears,commanded (adj.)
forced, feigned, contrived
TS induction.1.123
An Onion wil do well for such a shift,An onion will do well for such a shift,shift (n.)
stratagem, contriving, trick
TS induction.1.124
Which in a Napkin (being close conuei'd)Which in a napkin being close conveyed,close (adv.)
safely, secretly, out of sight
TS induction.1.125
Shall in despight enforce a waterie eie:Shall in despite enforce a watery eye.despite, in

old form: despight
no matter what else happens
TS induction.1.126
See this dispatch'd with all the hast thou canst,See this dispatched with all the haste thou canst,dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatch'd
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
TS induction.1.127
Anon Ile giue thee more instructions.Anon I'll give thee more instructions.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
TS induction.1.128
Exit a seruingman.Exit a Servingman TS induction.1.128
I know the boy will wel vsurpe the grace,I know the boy will well usurp the grace,grace (n.)
gracefulness, charm, elegance
TS induction.1.129
usurp (v.)

old form: vsurpe
assume, take on, adopt
Voice, gate, and action of a Gentlewoman:Voice, gait, and action of a gentlewoman.gentlewoman (n.)
woman of good breeding, well-born lady
TS induction.1.130
gait (n.)

old form: gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement
action (n.)
movement, demeanour, gesture
I long to heare him call the drunkard husband,I long to hear him call the drunkard husband, TS induction.1.131
And how my men will stay themselues from laughter,And how my men will stay themselves from laughterstay (v.)
stop, prevent, end
TS induction.1.132
When they do homage to this simple peasant,When they do homage to this simple peasant.simple (adj.)
common, ordinary, average, humble
TS induction.1.133
Ile in to counsell them: haply my presenceI'll in to counsel them. Haply my presencehaply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
TS induction.1.134
May well abate the ouer-merrie spleene,May well abate the overmerry spleen,spleen (n.)

old form: spleene
temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions]
TS induction.1.135
abate (v.)
lessen, lower, diminish
Which otherwise would grow into extreames.Which otherwise would grow into extremes. TS induction.1.136
Exeunt TS induction.1.136
Enter aloft the drunkard with attendants, some with apparel,Enter aloft Sly, with attendants; some with apparel,apparel (n.)
clothes, clothing, dress
TS induction.2.1.1
Bason and Ewer, & other appurtenances, & Lord.basin and ewer, and other appurtenances; and Lord TS induction.2.1.2
Beg. SLY 
For Gods sake a pot of small Ale.For God's sake, a pot of small / ale, small
weak beer, beer of poor quality
TS induction.2.1
Wilt please your Lord drink a cup of sacke?Will't please your lordship drink a cup of sack?sack (n.)

old form: sacke
[type of] white wine
TS induction.2.2
Wilt please your Honor taste of these Conserues? Will't please your honour taste of these conserves?conserve (n.)

old form: Conserues
(plural) confections, sweetmeats, candied fruits
TS induction.2.3
What raiment wil your honor weare to day.What raiment will your honour wear today?raiment (n.)
clothing, clothes, dress
TS induction.2.4
Beg. SLY 
I am Christophero Sly, call not mee Honour nor Lordship:I am Christophero Sly, call not me ‘ honour ’ nor ‘ lordship.’ TS induction.2.5
I ne're drank sacke in my life: and if you giue meI ne'er drank sack in my life. And if you give me TS induction.2.6
any Conserues, giue me conserues of Beefe: nere ask meany conserves, give me conserves of beef. Ne'er ask meconserve (n.)

old form: Conserues
(plural) preserve, store
TS induction.2.7
what raiment Ile weare, for I haue no more doublets thenwhat raiment I'll wear, for I have no more doublets thandoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
TS induction.2.8
backes: no more stockings then legges: nor no more shooesbacks, no more stockings than legs, nor no more shoes TS induction.2.9
then feet, nay sometime more feete then shooes, or such than feet – nay, sometimes more feet than shoes, or such TS induction.2.10
shooes as my toes looke through the as my toes look through the overleather.overleather (n.)

old form: ouer-leather
leather in the upper part of a shoe
TS induction.2.11
Lord. LORD 
Heauen cease this idle humor in your Honor.Heaven cease this idle humour in your honour!idle (adj.)
mad, crazy, lunatic
TS induction.2.12
humour (n.)

old form: humor
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
Oh that a mightie man of such discent,O, that a mighty man of such descent, TS induction.2.13
Of such possessions, and so high esteemeOf such possessions, and so high esteem, TS induction.2.14
Should be infused with so foule a spirit.Should be infused with so foul a spirit!infuse (v.)
fill, imbue, pervade
TS induction.2.15
spirit (n.)
disposition, temperament, frame of mind
foul (adj.)
false, hypocritical, shameful
Beg. SLY 
What would you make me mad? Am not I Christopher What, would you make me mad? Am not I Christopher TS induction.2.16
Slie, old Sies sonne of Burton-heath, by byrth a Pedler,Sly, old Sly's son of Burton-heath, by birth a pedlar, TS induction.2.17
by education a Cardmaker, by transmutation aby education a cardmaker, by transmutation atransmutation (n.)
change of condition
TS induction.2.18
cardmaker (n.)
instrument for combing wool
Beare-heard, and now by present profession a Tinker. Aske bear-herd, and now by present profession a tinker? Askbearherd, bear-herd, bearard, bearward, berrord (n.)

old form: Beare-heard
bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting]
TS induction.2.19
Marrian Hacket the fat Alewife of Wincot, if shee knowMarian Hacket, the fat ale-wife of Wincot, if she knowale-wife (n.)

old form: Alewife
ale-house keeper, barmaid
TS induction.2.20
me not: if she say I am not xiiii.d. on the scoreme not. If she say I am not fourteen pence on the scorescore (n.)
reckoning, account, debt
TS induction.2.21
for sheere Ale, score me vp for the lyingst knaue infor sheer ale, score me up for the lyingest knave inscore (v.)
mark up, chalk up, add to the tally
TS induction.2.22
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
boy, lad, fellow
sheer (adj.)

old form: sheere
taken alone, unaccompanied by food
Christen dome.Christendom.  TS induction.2.23
A Servingman brings him a pot of ale TS induction.2.24.1
What I am not bestraught: here's---What! I am not bestraught. Here's – bestraught (adj.)
bereft of wits, mad, out of one's mind
TS induction.2.24
He drinks TS induction.2.25
Oh this it is that makes your Ladie mourne.O, this it is that makes your lady mourn. TS induction.2.25
Oh this is it that makes your seruants droop.O, this is it that makes your servants droop. TS induction.2.26
Lord. LORD 
Hence comes it, that your kindred shuns your houseHence comes it that your kindred shuns your house, TS induction.2.27
As beaten hence by your strange Lunacie.As beaten hence by your strange lunacy.beat (v.)
drive, force, impel
TS induction.2.28
Oh Noble Lord, bethinke thee of thy birth,O noble lord, bethink thee of thy birth,bethink (v.), past form bethought

old form: bethinke
call to mind, think about, consider, reflect
TS induction.2.29
Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment,Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment,ancient, aunchient (adj.)
former, earlier, past
TS induction.2.30
And banish hence these abiect lowlie dreames:And banish hence these abject lowly dreams. TS induction.2.31
Looke how thy seruants do attend on thee,Look how thy servants do attend on thee,attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
TS induction.2.32
Each in his office readie at thy becke.Each in his office ready at thy (n.)
role, position, place, function
TS induction.2.33
beck (n.)

old form: becke
beckoning, command, call
Wilt thou haue Musicke? Harke Apollo plaies, Wilt thou have music? Hark, Apollo plays, TS induction.2.34
MusickMusic TS induction.2.35
And twentie caged Nightingales do sing.And twenty caged nightingales do sing. TS induction.2.35
Or wilt thou sleepe? Wee'l haue thee to a Couch,Or wilt thou sleep? We'll have thee to a couch TS induction.2.36
Softer and sweeter then the lustfull bedSofter and sweeter than the lustful bedlustful (adj.)

old form: lustfull
TS induction.2.37
On purpose trim'd vp for Semiramis.On purpose trimmed up for Semiramis.trim up, trim (v.)

old form: trim'd vp
decorate, array, deck out
TS induction.2.38
Semiramis (n.)
[pron: se'miramis] semi-legendary Assyrian queen renowned for promiscuity, 9th-c BC
Say thou wilt walke: we wil bestrow the ground.Say thou wilt walk; we will bestrew the ground.bestrew (v.)

old form: bestrow
strew, scatter, sprinkle
TS induction.2.39
Or wilt thou ride? Thy horses shal be trap'd,Or wilt thou ride? Thy horses shall be trapped,trapped (adj.)

old form: trap'd
adorned with trappings, decked out
TS induction.2.40
Their harnesse studded all with Gold and Pearle.Their harness studded all with gold and pearl.stud (v.)
adorn with studs, emboss
TS induction.2.41
Dost thou loue hawking? Thou hast hawkes will soareDost thou love hawking? Thou hast hawks will soar TS induction.2.42
Aboue the morning Larke. Or wilt thou hunt,Above the morning lark. Or wilt thou hunt? TS induction.2.43
Thy hounds shall make the Welkin answer themThy hounds shall make the welkin answer themwelkin (n.)
sky, firmament, heavens
TS induction.2.44
And fetch shrill ecchoes from the hollow earth.And fetch shrill echoes from the hollow earth. TS induction.2.45
Say thou wilt course, thy gray-hounds are as swiftSay thou wilt course, thy greyhounds are as swiftcourse (v.)
hunt hares [or other game] with hounds by sight
TS induction.2.46
As breathed Stags: I fleeter then the Roe.As breathed stags, ay, fleeter than the roe.fleet (adj.)
swift, nimble, active
TS induction.2.47
breathed (adj.)
strong-winded, well-exercised
Dost thou loue pictures? we wil fetch thee straitDost thou love pictures? We will fetch thee straightstraight (adv.)

old form: strait
straightaway, immediately, at once
TS induction.2.48
Adonis painted by a running brooke,Adonis painted by a running brook,Adonis (n.)
[pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus
TS induction.2.49
And Citherea all in sedges hid,And Cytherea all in sedges hid,sedge (n.)
variety of grassy plant, rush
TS induction.2.50
Cytherea (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love
Which seeme to moue and wanton with her breath,Which seem to move and wanton with her breathwanton (v.)
play, sport, frolic
TS induction.2.51
Euen as the wauing sedges play with winde.Even as the waving sedges play wi'th' wind. TS induction.2.52
Lord. LORD 
Wee'l shew thee Io, as she was a Maid,We'll show thee Io as she was a maid,Io (n.)
[pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera
TS induction.2.53
And how she was beguiled and surpriz'd,And how she was beguiled and surprised,beguile (v.)
cheat, deceive, trick
TS induction.2.54
As liuelie painted, as the deede was done.As lively painted as the deed was done. TS induction.2.55
Or Daphne roming through a thornie wood,Or Daphne roaming through a thorny wood,Daphne (n.)
nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree
TS induction.2.56
Scratching her legs, that one shal sweare she bleeds,Scratching her legs that one shall swear she bleeds, TS induction.2.57
And at that sight shal sad Apollo weepe,And at that sight shall sad Apollo weep,sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
TS induction.2.58
So workmanlie the blood and teares are drawne.So workmanly the blood and tears are drawn.workmanly (adv.)

old form: workmanlie
skilfully, with great artistry
TS induction.2.59
Lord. LORD 
Thou art a Lord, and nothing but a Lord:Thou art a lord, and nothing but a lord. TS induction.2.60
Thou hast a Ladie farre more Beautifull,Thou hast a lady far more beautiful TS induction.2.61
Then any woman in this waining age.Than any woman in this waning age. TS induction.2.62
And til the teares that she hath shed for thee,And till the tears that she hath shed for thee TS induction.2.63
Like enuious flouds ore-run her louely face,Like envious floods o'errun her lovely face,envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
TS induction.2.64
overrun (v.)

old form: ore-run
flow over, stream down
She was the fairest creature in the world,She was the fairest creature in the world –  TS induction.2.65
And yet shee is inferiour to none.And yet she is inferior to none. TS induction.2.66
Beg. SLY 
Am I a Lord, and haue I such a Ladie?Am I a lord and have I such a lady? TS induction.2.67
Or do I dreame? Or haue I dream'd till now?Or do I dream? Or have I dreamed till now? TS induction.2.68
I do not sleepe: I see, I heare, I speake:I do not sleep. I see, I hear, I speak. TS induction.2.69
I smel sweet sauours, and I feele soft things:I smell sweet savours and I feel soft things.savour (n.)

old form: sauours
scent, fragrance, smell
TS induction.2.70
Vpon my life I am a Lord indeede,Upon my life, I am a lord indeed, TS induction.2.71
And not a Tinker, nor Christopher Slie.And not a tinker nor Christophero Sly. TS induction.2.72
Well, bring our Ladie hither to our sight,Well, bring our lady hither to our sight, TS induction.2.73
And once againe a pot o'th smallest Ale.And once again a pot o'th' smallest / ale, small
weak beer, beer of poor quality
TS induction.2.74
Wilt please your mightinesse to wash your hands:Will't please your mightiness to wash your hands? TS induction.2.75
Oh how we ioy to see your wit restor'd,O, how we joy to see your wit restored!wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TS induction.2.76
Oh that once more you knew but what you are:O, that once more you knew but what you are! TS induction.2.77
These fifteene yeeres you haue bin in a dreame,These fifteen years you have been in a dream, TS induction.2.78
Or when you wak'd, so wak'd as if you slept.Or when you waked, so waked as if you slept. TS induction.2.79
Beg. SLY 
These fifteene yeeres, by my fay, a goodly nap,These fifteen years! By my fay, a goodly nap.goodly (adj.)
splendid, excellent, fine
TS induction.2.80
fay (n.)
But did I neuer speake of all that time.But did I never speak of all that time? TS induction.2.81
Oh yes my Lord, but verie idle words,O, yes, my lord, but very idle words,idle (adj.)
mad, crazy, lunatic
TS induction.2.82
For though you lay heere in this goodlie chamber,For though you lay here in this goodly chamber,goodly (adj.)

old form: goodlie
splendid, excellent, fine
TS induction.2.83
Yet would you say, ye were beaten out of doore,Yet would you say ye were beaten out of door,beat (v.)
drive, force, impel
TS induction.2.84
And raile vpon the Hostesse of the house,And rail upon the hostess of the house,rail (v.)

old form: raile
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
TS induction.2.85
And say you would present her at the Leete,And say you would present her at the leet,present (v.)
put forward [for immediate action]
TS induction.2.86
leet (n.)

old form: Leete
local court of justice, manorial court
Because she brought stone-Iugs, and no seal'd quarts:Because she brought stone jugs and no sealed quarts.sealed (adj.)

old form: seal'd
certified, authenticated [through a wax seal]
TS induction.2.87
Sometimes you would call out for Cicely Hacket.Sometimes you would call out for Cicely Hacket. TS induction.2.88
Beg. SLY 
I, the womans maide of the house.Ay, the woman's maid of the (n.)
inn, tavern
TS induction.2.89 SERVINGMAN 
Why sir you know no house, nor no such maidWhy, sir, you know no house, nor no such maid, TS induction.2.90
Nor no such men as you haue reckon'd vp,Nor no such men as you have reckoned up,reckon up (v.)

old form: reckon'd vp
list, enumerate
TS induction.2.91
As Stephen Slie, and old Iohn Naps of Greece,As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece, TS induction.2.92
And Peter Turph, and Henry Pimpernell,And Peter Turph, and Henry Pimpernell, TS induction.2.93
And twentie more such names and men as these,And twenty more such names and men as these, TS induction.2.94
Which neuer were, nor no man euer saw.Which never were nor no man ever saw. TS induction.2.95
Beg. SLY 
Now Lord be thanked for my good amends.Now Lord be thanked for my good amends.amends (n.)
recovery, cure, improvement in health
TS induction.2.96
All. ALL 
Amen.Amen. TS induction.2.97
Enter Lady with Attendants.Enter Page as a lady, with attendants. One gives Sly TS induction.2.98.1
a pot of ale TS induction.2.98.2
Beg. SLY 
I thanke thee, thou shalt not loose by it.I thank thee, thou shalt not lose by it. TS induction.2.98
Lady. PAGE 
How fares my noble Lord?How fares my noble lord?fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
TS induction.2.99
Beg. SLY 
Marrie I fare well, for heere is cheere enough.Marry, I fare well, for here is cheer enough.cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
entertainment, fare, food and drink
TS induction.2.100
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
He drinks TS induction.2.101
Where is my wife?Where is my wife? TS induction.2.101
Heere noble Lord, what is thy will with her?Here, noble lord, what is thy will with her? TS induction.2.102
Beg. SLY 
Are you my wife, and will not cal me husband?Are you my wife, and will not call me husband? TS induction.2.103
My men should call me Lord, I am your good-man.My men should call me ‘ lord,’ I am your goodman.goodman (adj.)

old form: good-man
TS induction.2.104
My husband and my Lord, my Lord and husbandMy husband and my lord, my lord and husband, TS induction.2.105
I am your wife in all obedience.I am your wife in all obedience. TS induction.2.106
Beg. SLY 
I know it well, what must I call her?I know it well. What must I call her? TS induction.2.107
Lord. LORD 
Madam.Madam. TS induction.2.108
Beg. SLY 
Alce Madam, or Ione Madam?Al'ce madam, or Joan madam? TS induction.2.109
Lord. LORD 
Madam, and nothing else, so Lords cal LadiesMadam and nothing else, so lords call ladies. TS induction.2.110
Beg. SLY 
Madame wife, they say that I haue dream'd,Madam wife, they say that I have dreamed TS induction.2.111
And slept aboue some fifteene yeare or more.And slept above some fifteen year or more. TS induction.2.112
Lady. PAGE 
I, and the time seeme's thirty vnto me,Ay, and the time seems thirty unto me, TS induction.2.113
Being all this time abandon'd from your bed.Being all this time abandoned from your bed.abandon (v.)

old form: abandon'd
banish, exile, keep away
TS induction.2.114
Beg. SLY 
'Tis much, seruants leaue me and her alone:'Tis much. Servants, leave me and her alone. TS induction.2.115
Exeunt Lord and Servingmen TS induction.2.115
Madam vndresse you, and come now to bed.Madam, undress you and come now to bed. TS induction.2.116
Thrice noble Lord, let me intreat of youThrice-noble lord, let me entreat of you TS induction.2.117
To pardon me yet for a night or two:To pardon me yet for a night or two, TS induction.2.118
Or if not so, vntill the Sun be set.Or, if not so, until the sun be set. TS induction.2.119
For your Physitians haue expressely charg'd,For your physicians have expressly charged, TS induction.2.120
In perill to incurre your former malady,In peril to incur your former malady, TS induction.2.121
That I should yet absent me from your bed:That I should yet absent me from your bed. TS induction.2.122
I hope this reason stands for my excuse.I hope this reason stands for my excuse.excuse (n.)
pardon, dispensation, exoneration
TS induction.2.123
stand for (v.)
be acceptable as, be valid as
Beg. SLY 
I, it stands so that I may hardly tarry so long: / But IAy, it stands so that I may hardly tarry so long. But Itarry (v.)

old form: tarrie
stay, remain, linger
TS induction.2.124
would be loth to fall into my dreames againe: I wil thereforewould be loath to fall into my dreams again. I will therefore TS induction.2.125
tarrie in despight of the flesh & the bloodtarry in despite of the flesh and the blood. TS induction.2.126
Enter a Messenger.Enter the Lord as a Messenger TS induction.2.127.1
Your Honors Players hearing your amendment,Your honour's players, hearing your amendment,amendment (n.)
recovery, recuperation, improvement
TS induction.2.127
Are come to play a pleasant Comedie,Are come to play a pleasant comedy;pleasant (adj.)
merry, festive, jolly
TS induction.2.128
For so your doctors hold it very mcete,For so your doctors hold it very meet,meet (adj.)

old form: mcete
fit, suitable, right, proper
TS induction.2.129
Seeing too much sadnesse hath congeal'd your blood,Seeing too much sadness hath congealed your blood, TS induction.2.130
And melancholly is the Nurse of frenzie,And melancholy is the nurse of frenzy.nurse (n.)
nourisher, feeder
TS induction.2.131
frenzy (n.)

old form: frenzie
distraction, agitation, delirium
Therefore they thought it good you heare a play,Therefore they thought it good you hear a play TS induction.2.132
And frame your minde to mirth and merriment,And frame your mind to mirth and merriment, TS induction.2.133
Which barres a thousand harmes, and lengthens life.Which bars a thousand harms and lengthens (v.)

old form: barres
prevent, obstruct, block
TS induction.2.134
Beg. SLY 
Marrie I will let them play, it is not a Comontie, aMarry, I will. Let them play it. Is not a comonty acomonty, commonty (n.)

old form: Comontie
malapropism for ‘comedy’
TS induction.2.135
Christmas gambold, or a tumbling tricke?Christmas gambold or a tumbling-trick?gambold (n.)
frolic, entertainment, pastime
TS induction.2.136
tumbling-trick (n.)

old form: tumbling tricke
acrobatic feat
Christmas (n.)
in Christian tradition, the feast of the birth of Christ, 25 December
Lady. PAGE 
No my good Lord, it is more pleasing stuffe.No, my good lord, it is more pleasing stuff.stuff (n.)

old form: stuffe
substance, composition, quality, essence
TS induction.2.137
Beg. SLY 
What, houshold stuffe.What, household stuff? TS induction.2.138
Lady. PAGE 
It is a kinde of history.It is a kind of history.history (n.)
story, tale, narrative
TS induction.2.139
Beg. SLY 
Well, we'l see't: Come Madam wife sit by my side,Well, well see 't. Come, madam wife, sit by my side TS induction.2.140
And let the world slip, we shall nere be yonger.and let the world slip, we shall ne'er be younger. TS induction.2.141
They sit TS induction.2.141.1
Flourish. A flourish of trumpets to announce the play TS induction.2.141.2
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