Love's Labour's Lost

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the Princesse of France, Enter the Princess of France, Rosaline, Maria, and LLL II.i.1.1
with three attending Ladies, Katharine, with Boyet and two more attendant LLL II.i.1.2
and three Lords.Lords LLL II.i.1.3
Boyet. BOYET 
Now Madam summon vp your dearest spirits,Now, madam, summon up your dearest spirits.spirit (n.)
intuition, perception, discernment
LLL II.i.1
dear (adj.)
heartfelt, earnest, zealous
Consider who the King your father sends:Consider who the King your father sends, LLL II.i.2
To whom he sends, and what's his Embassie.To whom he sends, and what's his embassy:embassy (n.)

old form: Embassie
message [especially via an ambassador]
LLL II.i.3
Your selfe, held precious in the worlds esteeme,Yourself, held precious in the world's esteem, LLL II.i.4
To parlee with the sole inheritourTo parley with the sole inheritorinheritor (n.)

old form: inheritour
owner, possessor, acquirer
LLL II.i.5
parle, parley (v.)

old form: parlee
talk, discuss, enter into conversation
Of all perfections that a man may owe,Of all perfections that a man may owe,owe (v.)
own, possess, have
LLL II.i.6
Matchlesse Nauarre, the plea of no lesse weightMatchless Navarre; the plea of no less weightplea (n.)
claim, argument, issue
LLL II.i.7
Then Aquitaine, a Dowrie for a Queene.Than Aquitaine, a dowry for a queen.Aquitaine (n.)
[pron: akwi'ten] region of SW France; acquired by England in 1152
LLL II.i.8
Be now as prodigall of all deare grace,Be now as prodigal of all dear graceprodigal (adj.)

old form: prodigall
effusive, lavish, generous
LLL II.i.9
dear (adj.)

old form: deare
of great worth, valuable, precious
As Nature was in making Graces deare,As Nature was in making graces deardear (adj.)

old form: deare
expensive, costly
LLL II.i.10
When she did starue the generall world beside,When she did starve the general world beside,starve (v.)

old form: starue
withhold [from], diet, be sparing with
LLL II.i.11
general (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
beside (adv.)
otherwise, else
And prodigally gaue them all to you.And prodigally gave them all to you. LLL II.i.12
Good L. Boyet, my beauty though but mean,Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,mean (adj.)
average, moderate, middling
LLL II.i.13
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:Needs not the painted flourish of your praise.flourish (n.)
[of language] eloquence, fine words, rhetorical embellishment
LLL II.i.14
Beauty is bought by iudgement of the eye,Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye, LLL II.i.15
Not vttred by base sale of chapmens tongues:Not uttered by base sale of chapmen's tongues.chapman (n.)
trader, merchant, dealer
LLL II.i.16
utter (v.)

old form: vttred
offer for sale, dispense, make available
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
I am lesse proud to heare you tell my worth,I am less proud to hear you tell my worthtell (v.)
spell out, narrate, recount
LLL II.i.17
Then you much wiling to be counted wise,Than you much willing to be counted wisecount (v.)
account, consider, regard
LLL II.i.18
In spending your wit in the praise of mine.In spending your wit in the praise of mine.wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
LLL II.i.19
But now to taske the tasker, good Boyet,But now to task the tasker. Good Boyet,task (v.)

old form: taske
take to task, censure, chastise
LLL II.i.20
You are not ignorant all-telling fameYou are not ignorant all-telling fame LLL II.i.21
Doth noyse abroad Nauar hath made a vow,Doth noise abroad Navarre hath made a vow, LLL II.i.22
Till painefull studie shall out-weare three yeares,Till painful study shall outwear three years,outwear (v.)

old form: out-weare
wear away, spend, pass
LLL II.i.23
painful (adj.)

old form: painefull
painstaking, diligent, laborious
No woman may approach his silent Court:No woman may approach his silent court. LLL II.i.24
Therefore to's seemeth it a needfull course,Therefore to's seemeth it a needful course,course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
LLL II.i.25
Before we enter his forbidden gates,Before we enter his forbidden gates, LLL II.i.26
To know his pleasure, and in that behalfeTo know his pleasure; and in that behalf,behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of)

old form: behalfe
respect, aspect, consideration
LLL II.i.27
Bold of your worthinesse, we single you,Bold of your worthiness, we single yousingle (v.)
[hunting] single out, pick out
LLL II.i.28
bold (adj.)
confident, certain, sure
As our best mouing faire soliciter:As our best-moving fair solicitor.solicitor (n.)

old form: soliciter
advocate, instigator, go-between
LLL II.i.29
fair (adj.)

old form: faire
plausible, flattering, seductive
best-moving (adj.)

old form: best mouing
most persuasive
Tell him, the daughter of the King of France,Tell him the daughter of the King of France, LLL II.i.30
On serious businesse crauing quicke dispatch,On serious business craving quick dispatch,dispatch, despatch (n.)
settlement of business, sorting out of affairs
LLL II.i.31
crave (v.)

old form: crauing
need, demand, require
Importunes personall conference with his grace.Importunes personal conference with his grace.importune (v.)
beg [for], ask persistently [for]
LLL II.i.32
Haste, signifie so much while we attend,Haste, signify so much, while we attend,signify (v.)

old form: signifie
report, make known, declare
LLL II.i.33
attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
Like humble visag'd suters his high will.Like humble-visaged suitors, his high will.humble-visaged (adj.)

old form: humble visag'd
with humble faces
LLL II.i.34
Proud of imployment, willingly I goe. Exit.Proud of employment, willingly I go. LLL II.i.35
All pride is willing pride, and yours is so:All pride is willing pride, and yours is so. LLL II.i.36
Exit Boyet LLL II.i.36
Who are the Votaries my louing Lords,Who are the votaries, my loving lords,votary (n.)
someone bound by a special vow
LLL II.i.37
that are vow-fellowes with this vertuous Duke?That are vow-fellows with this virtuous Duke?vow-fellow (n.)

old form: vow-fellowes
person bound by the same vow
LLL II.i.38
Longauill is one.Lord Longaville is one. LLL II.i.39.1
Know you the man?Know you the man? LLL II.i.39.2
1 Lady. MARIA 
I know him Madame at a marriage feast,I know him, madam. At a marriage feast LLL II.i.40
Betweene L. Perigort and the beautious heireBetween Lord Perigort and the beauteous heir LLL II.i.41
Of Iaques Fauconbridge solemnized.Of Jacques Falconbridge, solemnized LLL II.i.42
In Normandie saw I this Longauill,In Normandy, saw I this Longaville. LLL II.i.43
A man of soueraigne parts he is esteem'd:A man of sovereign parts he is esteemed;part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
LLL II.i.44
sovereign (adj.)

old form: soueraigne
excellent, excelling, superlative
Well fitted in Arts, glorious in Armes:Well fitted in arts, glorious in (n.)
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
LLL II.i.45
Nothing becomes him ill that he would well.Nothing becomes him ill that he would well.ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
LLL II.i.46
become (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
The onely soyle of his faire vertues glosse,The only soil of his fair virtue's gloss –soil (n.)

old form: soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish
LLL II.i.47
If vertues glosse will staine with any soile,If virtue's gloss will stain with any soil – LLL II.i.48
Is a sharp wit match'd with too blunt a Will:Is a sharp wit matched with too blunt a will,wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
LLL II.i.49
Whose edge hath power to cut whose will still wills,Whose edge hath power to cut, whose will still willsstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
LLL II.i.50
It should none spare that come within his power.It should none spare that come within his power. LLL II.i.51
Some merry mocking Lord belike, ist so?Some merry mocking lord, belike – is't so?belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
LLL II.i.52
Lad. 1. MARIA 
They say so most, that most his humors know.They say so most that most his humours know.humour (n.)

old form: humors
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
LLL II.i.53
Such short liu'd wits do wither as they grow.Such short-lived wits do wither as they grow.wits, also five wits
faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
LLL II.i.54
Who are the rest?Who are the rest? LLL II.i.55
The yong Dumaine, a well accomplisht youth,The young Dumaine, a well-accomplished youth, LLL II.i.56
Of all that Vertue loue, for Vertue loued.Of all that virtue love for virtue loved; LLL II.i.57
Most power to doe most harme, least knowing ill:Most power to do most harm, least knowing ill,ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
LLL II.i.58
For he hath wit to make an ill shape good,For he hath wit to make an ill shape good,ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
LLL II.i.59
wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
And shape to win grace though she had no wit.And shape to win grace though he had no wit. LLL II.i.60
I saw him at the Duke Alansoes once,I saw him at the Duke Alençon's once; LLL II.i.61
And much too little of that good I saw,And much too little of that good I saw LLL II.i.62
Is my report to his great worthinesse.Is my report to his great worthiness. LLL II.i.63
Another of these Students at that time,Another of these students at that time LLL II.i.64
Was there with him, as I haue heard a truth.Was there with him, if I have heard a truth. LLL II.i.65
Berowne they call him, but a merrier man,Berowne they call him – but a merrier man, LLL II.i.66
Within the limit of becomming mirth,Within the limit of becoming mirth, LLL II.i.67
I neuer spent an houres talke withall.I never spent an hour's talk withal. LLL II.i.68
His eye begets occasion for his wit,His eye begets occasion for his wit,occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
LLL II.i.69
wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
beget (v.), past form begot
produce, engender, give rise to
For euery obiect that the one doth catch,For every object that the one doth catch LLL II.i.70
The other turnes to a mirth-mouing iest.The other turns to a mirth-moving jest, LLL II.i.71
Which his faire tongue (conceits expositor)Which his fair tongue – conceit's expositorexpositor (n.)
expounder, explainer, interpreter
LLL II.i.72
conceit (n.)
imagination, fancy, wit
Deliuers in such apt and gracious words,Delivers in such apt and gracious words LLL II.i.73
That aged eares play treuant at his tales,That aged ears play truant at his tales LLL II.i.74
And yonger hearings are quite rauished.And younger hearings are quite ravished, LLL II.i.75
So sweet and voluble is his discourse.So sweet and voluble is his discourse.voluble (adj.)
fluent, eloquent, articulate
LLL II.i.76
God blesse my Ladies, are they all in loue?God bless my ladies! Are they all in love, LLL II.i.77
That euery one her owne hath garnished,That every one her own hath garnished LLL II.i.78
With such bedecking ornaments of praise.With such bedecking ornaments of praise? LLL II.i.79
Heere comes Boyet.Here comes Boyet. LLL II.i.80.1
Enter Boyet.Enter Boyet LLL II.i.80
Now, what admittance Lord?Now, what admittance, lord?admittance (n.)
permission to enter
LLL II.i.80.2
Boyet. BOYET 
Nauar had notice of your faire approach,Navarre had notice of your fair approach, LLL II.i.81
And he and his competitors in oath,And he and his competitors in oathcompetitor (n.)
partner, associate, colleague
LLL II.i.82
Were all addrest to meete you gentle LadyWere all addressed to meet you, gentle lady,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
LLL II.i.83
address (v.)

old form: addrest
prepare, make ready, poise to act
Before I came: Marrie thus much I haue learnt,Before I came. Marry, thus much I have learned:marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
LLL II.i.84
He rather meanes to lodge you in the field,He rather means to lodge you in the field,field (n.)
wasteland, wilderness
LLL II.i.85
Like one that comes heere to besiege his Court,Like one that comes here to besiege his court, LLL II.i.86
Then seeke a dispensation for his oath:Than seek a dispensation for his oath, LLL II.i.87
To let you enter his vnpeopled house.To let you enter his unpeopled house.unpeopled (adj.)

old form: vnpeopled
devoid of people, lacking retinue, without servants
LLL II.i.88
Heere comes Nauar.Here comes Navarre. LLL II.i.89
Enter Nauar, Longauill, Dumaine, and Berowne.Enter the King, Berowne, Longaville, and Dumaine LLL II.i.90
Nau. KING 
Faire Princesse, welcom to the Court of Nauar.Fair Princess, welcome to the court of Navarre. LLL II.i.90
Faire I giue you backe againe, and welcome I‘Fair' I give you back again, and ‘welcome' I LLL II.i.91
haue not yet: the roofe of this Court is too high to beehave not yet. The roof of this court is too high to be LLL II.i.92
yours, and welcome to the wide fields, too base to beyours, and welcome to the wide fields too base to befield (n.)
wasteland, wilderness
LLL II.i.93
base (adj.)
low-lying, lowland
mine.mine. LLL II.i.94
Nau. KING 
You shall be welcome Madam to my Court.You shall be welcome, madam, to my court. LLL II.i.95
I wil be welcome then, Conduct me thither.I will be welcome, then. Conduct me thither. LLL II.i.96
Nau. KING 
Heare me deare Lady, I haue sworne an oath.Hear me, dear lady. I have sworn an oath – LLL II.i.97
Our Lady helpe my Lord, he'll be forsworne.Our Lady help my lord! He'll be forsworn.forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
LLL II.i.98
Nau. KING 
Not for the world faire Madam, by my will.Not for the world, fair madam, by my will. LLL II.i.99
Why, will shall breake it will, and nothing els.Why, will shall break it; will, and nothing else.will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
LLL II.i.100
Nau. KING 
Your Ladiship is ignorant what it is.Your ladyship is ignorant what it is. LLL II.i.101
Were my Lord so, his ignorance were wise,Were my lord so, his ignorance were wise, LLL II.i.102
Where now his knowledge must proue ignorance.Where now his knowledge must prove ignorance. LLL II.i.103
I heare your grace hath sworne out Houseekeeping:I hear your grace hath sworn out housekeeping.swear out (v.)

old form: sworne
renounce, abjure, abandon
LLL II.i.104
housekeeping (n.)

old form: Houseekeeping
hospitality, maintaining a welcoming household
'Tis deadly sinne to keepe that oath my Lord,'Tis deadly sin to keep that oath, my lord, LLL II.i.105
And sinne to breake it:And sin to break it. LLL II.i.106
But pardon me, I am too sodaine bold,But pardon me, I am too sudden-bold;sudden-bold (adj.)

old form: sodaine bold
hastily presumptuous
LLL II.i.107
To teach a Teacher ill beseemeth me.To teach a teacher ill beseemeth me.ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
LLL II.i.108
beseem (v.)
befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for]
Vouchsafe to read the purpose of my comming,Vouchsafe to read the purpose of my coming,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
LLL II.i.109
And sodainly resolue me in my suite.And suddenly resolve me in my suit.suddenly (adv.)

old form: sodainly
immediately, at once, without delay
LLL II.i.110
suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
resolve (v.)

old form: resolue
answer, respond to
She offers the King a paper LLL II.i.111
Nau. KING 
Madam, I will, if sodainly I may.Madam, I will, if suddenly I may. LLL II.i.111
You will the sooner that I were away,You will the sooner that I were away, LLL II.i.112
For you'll proue periur'd if you make me stay.For you'll prove perjured if you make me stay. LLL II.i.113
The King reads LLL II.i.114.1
Berowne and Rosaline converse apart LLL II.i.114.2
Lady, I will commend you to my owneLady, I will commend you to my mine owncommend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
LLL II.i.114
heart.heart. LLL II.i.115
Pray you doe my commendations, / I would bePray you, do my commendations; I would be LLL II.i.116
glad to see it.glad to see it. LLL II.i.117
I would you heard it grone.I would you heard it groan. LLL II.i.118
Is the soule sicke?Is the fool sick?fool (n.)
[term of endearment or pity] dear, darling, innocent creature
LLL II.i.119
Sicke at the heart.Sick at the heart. LLL II.i.120
Alacke, let it bloud.Alack, let it blood.blood (v.)

old form: bloud
bleed, yield blood
LLL II.i.121
Would that doe it good?Would that do it good? LLL II.i.122
My Phisicke saies I.My physic says ay.physic (n.)

old form: Phisicke
knowledge of the human body, medical science
LLL II.i.123
Will you prick't with your eye.Will you prick't with your eye? LLL II.i.124
No poynt, with my knife.Non point, with my knife. LLL II.i.125
Now God saue thy life.Now God save thy life. LLL II.i.126
And yours from long liuing.And yours from long living LLL II.i.127
I cannot stay thanks-giuing. I cannot stay thanksgiving.stay (v.)
wait (for), await
LLL II.i.128
Exit.He leaves her LLL II.i.129.1
Kin. KING 
Madame, your father heere doth intimate,Madam, your father here doth intimateintimate (v.)
refer to, communicate, inform of
LLL II.i.129
The paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,The payment of a hundred thousand crowns,crown (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
LLL II.i.130
Being but th'one halfe, of an intire summe,Being but the one half of an entire sum LLL II.i.131
Disbursed by my father in his warres.Disbursed by my father in his wars. LLL II.i.132
But say that he, or we, as neither haueBut say that he, or we – as neither have – LLL II.i.133
Receiu'd that summe; yet there remaines vnpaidReceived that sum, yet there remains unpaid LLL II.i.134
A hundred thousand more: in surety of the which,A hundred thousand more, in surety of the whichsurety (n.)
guarantee, ratification, warrant
LLL II.i.135
One part of Aquitaine is bound to vs,One part of Aquitaine is bound to us, LLL II.i.136
Although not valued to the moneys worth.Although not valued to the money's worth.value (v.)
consider equal in value [to]
LLL II.i.137
If then the King your father will restoreIf then the King your father will restore LLL II.i.138
But that one halfe which is vnsatisfied,But that one half which is unsatisfied, LLL II.i.139
We will giue vp our right in Aquitaine,We will give up our right in Aquitaine LLL II.i.140
And hold faire friendship with his Maiestie:And hold fair friendship with his majesty. LLL II.i.141
But that it seemes he little purposeth,But that, it seems, he little purposeth,purpose (v.)
intend, plan
LLL II.i.142
For here he doth demand to haue repaie,For here he doth demand to have repaid LLL II.i.143
An hundred thousand Crownes, and not demandsA hundred thousand crowns, and not demands, LLL II.i.144
One paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,On payment of a hundred thousand crowns, LLL II.i.145
To haue his title liue in Aquitaine.To have his title live in Aquitaine –title (n.)
[legal] right, claim, entitlement
LLL II.i.146
Which we much rather had depart withall,Which we much rather had depart withal,depart withal (v.)

old form: withall
surrender, give up
LLL II.i.147
And haue the money by our father lent,And have the money by our father lent, LLL II.i.148
Then Aquitane, so guelded as it is.Than Aquitaine, so gelded as it is.geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt

old form: guelded
deprive, strip, dispossess
LLL II.i.149
Deare Princesse, were not his requests so farreDear Princess, were not his requests so far LLL II.i.150
From reasons yeelding, your faire selfe should makeFrom reason's yielding, your fair self should make LLL II.i.151
A yeelding 'gainst some reason in my brest,A yielding 'gainst some reason in my breast, LLL II.i.152
And goe well satisfied to France againe.And go well satisfied to France again. LLL II.i.153
You doe the King my Father too much wrong,You do the King my father too much wrong, LLL II.i.154
And wrong the reputation of your name,And wrong the reputation of your name, LLL II.i.155
In so vnseeming to confesse receytIn so unseeming to confess receiptunseeming (adj.)

old form: vnseeming
not seeming, not appearing
LLL II.i.156
Of that which hath so faithfully beene paid.Of that which hath so faithfully been paid. LLL II.i.157
Kin. KING 
I doe protest I neuer heard of it,I do protest I never heard of it; LLL II.i.158
And if you proue it, Ile repay it backe,And if you prove it, I'll repay it back LLL II.i.159
Or yeeld vp Aquitaine.Or yield up Aquitaine. LLL II.i.160.1
We arrest your word:We arrest your word.arrest (v.)
seize, take hold of, lay hold upon
LLL II.i.160.2
Boyet, you can produce acquittancesBoyet, you can produce acquittancesacquittance (n.)
written discharge, final receipt
LLL II.i.161
For such a summe, from speciall Officers,For such a sum from special officers LLL II.i.162
Of Charles his Father.Of Charles his father. LLL II.i.163.1
Kin. KING 
Satisfie me so.Satisfy me so. LLL II.i.163.2
Boyet. BOYET 
So please your Grace, the packet is not comeSo please your grace, the packet is not come LLL II.i.164
Where that and other specialties are bound,Where that and other specialties are bound.specialty (n.)
sealed contract, special agreement
LLL II.i.165
To morrow you shall haue a sight of them.Tomorrow you shall have a sight of them. LLL II.i.166
Kin. KING 
It shall suffice me; at which enterview,It shall suffice me; at which interviewsuffice (v.)
satisfy, content, be enough [for]
LLL II.i.167
All liberall reason would I yeeld vnto:All liberal reason I will yield unto.reason (n.)
reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion
LLL II.i.168
liberal (adj.)

old form: liberall
noble, tasteful, refined
Meane time, receiue such welcome at my hand,Meantime, receive such welcome at my hand LLL II.i.169
As honour, without breach of Honour mayAs honour, without breach of honour, may LLL II.i.170
Make tender of, to thy true worthinesse.Make tender of to thy true worthiness.tender (n.)
offer, offering
LLL II.i.171
You may not come faire Princesse in my gates,You may not come, fair Princess, in my gates; LLL II.i.172
But heere without you shall be so receiu'd,But here without you shall be so received LLL II.i.173
As you shall deeme your selfe lodg'd in my heart,As you shall deem yourself lodged in my heart, LLL II.i.174
Though so deni'd farther harbour in my house:Though so denied fair harbour in my house. LLL II.i.175
Your owne good thoughts excuse me, and farewell,Your own good thoughts excuse me, and farewell. LLL II.i.176
To morrow we shall visit you againe.Tomorrow shall we visit you again. LLL II.i.177
Sweet health & faire desires consort your grace.Sweet health and fair desires consort your grace.consort (v.)
accompany, attend, go with
LLL II.i.178
Kin. KING 
Thy own wish wish I thee, in euery place. Thy own wish wish I thee in every place. LLL II.i.179
Exit.Exeunt King, Berowne, Longaville, LLL II.i.179.1
and Dumaine LLL II.i.179.2
Enter Dumane.Enter Dumaine LLL II.i.179.2
Sir, I pray you a word: What Lady is that same?Sir, I pray you, a word. What lady is that same? LLL II.i.180
The heire of Alanson, Rosalin her name.The heir of Alençon, Katharine her name. LLL II.i.181
A gallant Lady, Mounsier fare you well.A gallant lady. Monsieur, fare you well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
LLL II.i.182
Exit LLL II.i.182
Enter Longaville LLL II.i.183
I beseech you a word: what is she in the white?I beseech you a word. What is she in the white? LLL II.i.183
A woman somtimes, if you saw her in the light.A woman sometimes, an you saw her in the light.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
LLL II.i.184
Perchance light in the light: I desire her name.Perchance light in the light. I desire her name.perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
LLL II.i.185
light (adj.)
promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton
Shee hath but one for her selfe, / To desire that were a shame.She hath but one for herself – to desire that were a shame. LLL II.i.186
Pray you sir, whose daughter?Pray you, sir: whose daughter? LLL II.i.187
Her Mothers, I haue heard.Her mother's, I have heard. LLL II.i.188
Gods blessing a your beard.God's blessing on your beard! LLL II.i.189
Good sir be not offended,Good sir, be not offended. LLL II.i.190
Shee is an heyre of Faulconbridge.She is an heir of Falconbridge. LLL II.i.191
Nay, my choller is ended:Nay, my choler is ended.choler (n.)

old form: choller
anger, rage, wrath
LLL II.i.192
Shee is a most sweet Lady. Exit. Long.She is a most sweet lady. LLL II.i.193
Not vnlike sir, that may be.Not unlike, sir; that may be. LLL II.i.194
Exit Longaville LLL II.i.194
Enter Beroune.Enter Berowne LLL II.i.195
What's her name in the cap.What's her name in the cap? LLL II.i.195
Katherine by good hap.Rosaline, by good hap.hap (n.)
luck, chance, accident
LLL II.i.196
Is she wedded, or no.Is she wedded or no? LLL II.i.197
To her will sir, or so.To her will, sir, or so. LLL II.i.198
You are welcome sir, adiew.You are welcome, sir! Adieu. LLL II.i.199
Fare well to me sir, and welcome to you. Farewell to me, sir, and welcome to you. LLL II.i.200
Exit.Exit Berowne LLL II.i.200
La. Ma. MARIA 
That last is Beroune, the mery mad-cap Lord.That last is Berowne, the merry madcap lord.madcap (adj.)

old form: mad-cap
reckless, impulsive, wildly behaved
LLL II.i.201
Not a word with him, but a iest.Not a word with him but a jest. LLL II.i.202.1
And euery iest but a word.And every jest but a word. LLL II.i.202.2
It was well done of you to take him at his word.It was well done of you to take him at his word. LLL II.i.203
I was as willing to grapple, as he was to boord.I was as willing to grapple as he was to board. LLL II.i.204
La. Ma. MARIA 
Two hot Sheepes marie:Two hot sheeps, marry!marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
LLL II.i.205.1
And wherefore not Ships?And wherefore not ‘ ships ’? LLL II.i.205.2
No Sheepe (sweet Lamb) vnlesse we feed on your lips.No sheep, sweet lamb, unless we feed on your lips. LLL II.i.206
You Sheepe & I pasture: shall that finish the iest?You sheep, and I pasture. Shall that finish the jest? LLL II.i.207
So you grant pasture for me.So you grant pasture for me. LLL II.i.208.1
He tries to kiss her LLL II.i.208
Not so gentle beast.Not so, gentle beast.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
LLL II.i.208.2
My lips are no Common, though seuerall they be.My lips are no common, though several they be.several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
[of land] private, enclosed, restricted
LLL II.i.209
common (n.)
public property, common land, open pasture
Belonging to whom?Belonging to whom? LLL II.i.210.1
To my fortunes and me.To my fortunes and me. LLL II.i.210.2
Good wits wil be iangling, but gentles agree.Good wits will be jangling; but, gentles, agree.jangle (v.)

old form: iangling
wrangle, squabble, argue
LLL II.i.211
gentle (n.)
(plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk
This ciuill warre of wits were much better vsedThis civil war of wits were much better usedwit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
LLL II.i.212
On Nauar and his bookemen, for heere 'tis abus'd.On Navarre and his book-men, for here 'tis (n.)

old form: bookemen
scholar, student
LLL II.i.213
abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
misapply, employ badly
If my obseruation (which very seldome liesIf my observation, which very seldom lies, LLL II.i.214
By the hearts still rhetoricke, disclosed with eyes)By the heart's still rhetoric disclosed with eyesstill (adj.)
silent, quiet
LLL II.i.215
rhetoric (n.)

old form: rhetoricke
oratory, flowery language
Deceiue me not now, Nauar is infected.Deceive me not now, Navarre is infected. LLL II.i.216
With what?With what? LLL II.i.217
With that which we Louers intitle affected.With that which we lovers entitle ‘ affected.’affected (adj.)
devoted, totally in love [with]
LLL II.i.218
Your reason.Your reason? LLL II.i.219
Why all his behauiours doe make their retire,Why, all his behaviours did make their retireretire (n.)
retreat, withdrawal
LLL II.i.220
To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire.To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire.thorough (prep.)
LLL II.i.221
His hart like an Agot with your print impressed,His heart, like an agate with your print impressed.impress (v.)
imprint, engrave, stamp [as by a seal]
LLL II.i.222
print (n.)
imprint, image, stamped impression
Proud with his forme, in his eie pride expressed.Proud with his form, in his eye pride expressed.form (n.)

old form: forme
imprinted shape, impressed image
LLL II.i.223
His tongue all impatient to speake and not see,His tongue, all impatient to speak and not see,impatient (adj.)
frustrated, restless, eagerly longing
LLL II.i.224
Did stumble with haste in his eie-sight to be,Did stumble with haste in his eyesight to be. LLL II.i.225
All sences to that sence did make their repaire,All senses to that sense did make their repair,repair (n.)

old form: repaire
coming, arrival, approach
LLL II.i.226
To feele onely looking on fairest of faire:To feel only looking on fairest of fair. LLL II.i.227
Me thought all his sences were lockt in his eye,Methought all his senses were locked in his eye,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thought
it seems / seemed to me
LLL II.i.228
As Iewels in Christall for some Prince to buy.As jewels in crystal for some prince to buy; LLL II.i.229
Who tendring their own worth from whence they were glast,Who, tendering their own worth from where they were glassed,glass (v.)

old form: glast
enclose in glass
LLL II.i.230
tender (v.)

old form: tendring
offer, give, present
Did point out to buy them along as you past.Did point you to buy them along as you passed.point (v.)
direct, suggest, indicate [to]
LLL II.i.231
His faces owne margent did coate such amazes,His face's own margin did quote such amazesmargent (n.)
margin, edge, border
LLL II.i.232
quote (v.)

old form: coate
display, indicate, show
amaze (n.)
amazement, extreme astonishment
That all eyes saw his eies inchanted with gazes.That all eyes saw his eyes enchanted with gazes. LLL II.i.233
Ile giue you Aquitaine, and all that is his,I'll give you Aquitaine, and all that is his, LLL II.i.234
And you giue him for my sake, but one louing Kisse.An you give him for my sake but one loving kiss.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
LLL II.i.235
Come to our Pauillion, Boyet is disposde.Come, to our pavilion. Boyet is disposed.disposed (adj.)

old form: disposde
inclined to be merry, feeling playful
LLL II.i.236
But to speak that in words, which his eie hath disclos'd.But to speak that in words which his eye hath disclosed. LLL II.i.237
I onelie haue made a mouth of his eie,I only have made a mouth of his eye LLL II.i.238
By adding a tongue, which I know will not lie.By adding a tongue which I know will not lie. LLL II.i.239
Lad. Ro. MARIA 
Thou art an old Loue-monger, and speakest skilfully.Thou art an old love-monger, and speakest skilfully.skilfully (adv.)
knowledgeably, shrewdly, cleverly
LLL II.i.240
He is Cupids Grandfather, and learnes news of him.He is Cupid's grandfather, and learns news of him.Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
LLL II.i.241
Then was Venus like her mother, for her father is but grim.Then was Venus like her mother, for her father is but grim.Venus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love
LLL II.i.242
Do you heare my mad wenches?Do you hear, my mad wenches?mad (adj.)
wild, uncontrollable, excitable, high-spirited
LLL II.i.243.1
La. 1. MARIA 
No.No. LLL II.i.243.2
What then, do you see?What then, do you see? LLL II.i.243.3
I, our way to be gone.Ay, our way to be gone. LLL II.i.244.1
You are too hard for me. You are too hard for me.hard (adj.)
strong, tough, powerful
LLL II.i.244.2
Exeunt omnes.Exeunt LLL II.i.244
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