First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Iustice Shallow, Slender, Sir Hugh Euans, Master Page, Falstoffe, Bardolph, Nym, Pistoll, Anne Page, Mistresse Ford, Mistresse Page, Simple. | Enter Justice Shallow, Slender, and Sir Hugh Evans | | MW I.i.1.1 | |
Shallow. | SHALLOW | | | |
SIr Hugh, perswade me not: I will make | Sir Hugh, persuade me not. I will make | persuade (v.) urge, entreat, beseech | MW I.i.1 | |
a Star-Chamber matter of it, if hee were twenty Sir | a Star-Chamber matter of it. If he were twenty Sir | Star-chamber (n.) supreme court of justice | MW I.i.2 | |
Iohn Falstoffs, he shall not abuse Robert Shallow | John Falstaffs, he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, | abuse (v.) misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong | MW I.i.3 | |
Esquire. | Esquire. | | MW I.i.4 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
In the County of Glocester, Iustice of Peace and | In the county of Gloucester, justice of peace and | | MW I.i.5 | |
Coram. | Coram. | Coram (n.) malapropism for ‘quorum’ [part of a legal formula for installing the number of justices needed to constitute a bench] | MW I.i.6 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
I (Cosen Slender) and Cust-alorum. | Ay, cousin Slender, and Custalorum. | | MW I.i.7 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I, and Rato lorum too; and a Gentleman borne | Ay, and Ratolorum too. And a gentleman born, | Ratolorum (n.) malapropism for 'rotulorum' [= of the rolls]; 'custalorum' is a shortened form of 'custos rotulorum [=keeper of the rolls] | MW I.i.8 | |
(Master Parson) who writes himselfe Armigero, in any | master parson, who writes himself Armigero – in any | write (v.) sign, designate, call | MW I.i.9 | |
| | armigero (n.) esquire [entitled to bear heraldic arms] | | |
Bill, Warrant, Quittance, or Obligation, Armigero. | bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation, Armigero. | obligation (n.) bond, agreement, legal document | MW I.i.10 | |
| | quittance (n.) document certifying a release from debt, receipt of discharge | | |
| | bill (n.) bill of exchange, money order | | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
I that I doe, and haue done any time these | Ay, that I do, and have done any time these | | MW I.i.11 | |
three hundred yeeres. | three hundred years. | | MW I.i.12 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
All his successors (gone before him) hath don't: | All his successors gone before him hath done't; | | MW I.i.13 | |
and all his Ancestors (that come after him) may: they may | and all his ancestors that come after him may. They may | | MW I.i.14 | |
giue the dozen white Luces in their Coate. | give the dozen white luces in their coat. | luce (n.) [heraldry] pike [type of fish] | MW I.i.15 | |
| | give (v.) display, show, bear arms of | | |
| | coat (n.) coat-of-arms | | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
It is an olde Coate. | It is an old coat. | | MW I.i.16 | |
Euans. | EVANS | | | |
The dozen white Lowses doe become an old Coat well: | The dozen white louses do become an old coat well. | become (v.) put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to | MW I.i.17 | |
it agrees well passant: It is a familiar beast to man, and | It agrees well, passant. It is a familiar beast to man, and | passant (adj.) [heraldry] walking, with three paws on the ground and one raised | MW I.i.18 | |
| | familiar (adj.) close to a family, domestic | | |
signifies Loue. | signifies love. | | MW I.i.19 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
The Luse is the fresh-fish, the salt-fish, is an | The luce is the fresh fish. The salt fish is an | salt (adj.) salt water, sea | MW I.i.20 | |
old Coate. | old coat. | | MW I.i.21 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I may quarter (Coz). | I may quarter, coz? | quarter (v.) add a coat-of-arms to a [quarter of] a shield | MW I.i.22 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
You may, by marrying. | You may, by marrying. | | MW I.i.23 | |
Euans. | EVANS | | | |
It is marring indeed, if he quarter it. | It is marring indeed, if he quarter it. | | MW I.i.24 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Not a whit. | Not a whit. | | MW I.i.25 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Yes per-lady: if he ha's a quarter of your coat, | Yes, py'r lady. If he has a quarter of your coat, | | MW I.i.26 | |
there is but three Skirts for your selfe, in my simple | there is but three skirts for yourself, in my simple | skirt (n.) one of four pieces of cloth forming the lower part of a long coat | MW I.i.27 | |
coniectures; but that is all one: if Sir Iohn Falstaffe | conjectures. But that is all one. If Sir John Falstaff | | MW I.i.28 | |
haue committed disparagements vnto you, I am of the | have committed disparagements unto you, I am of the | | MW I.i.29 | |
Church and will be glad to do my beneuolence, to make | Church, and will be glad to do my benevolence, to make | | MW I.i.30 | |
attonements and compremises betweene you. | atonements and compromises between you. | atonement (n.) reconciliation, appeasement, harmony | MW I.i.31 | |
| | compromise (n.) settlement, solution, amicable arrangement | | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
The Councell shall heare it, it is a Riot. | The Council shall hear it. It is a riot. | | MW I.i.32 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
It is not meet the Councell heare a Riot: there is no | It is not meet the Council hear a riot. There is no | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | MW I.i.33 | |
feare of Got in a Riot: The Councell (looke you) shall desire | fear of Got in a riot. The Council, look you, shall desire | Got (n.) Welsh pronunciation of 'God' | MW I.i.34 | |
to heare the feare of Got, and not to heare a Riot: take your | to hear the fear of Got, and not to hear a riot. Take your | | MW I.i.35 | |
viza-ments in that. | vizaments in that. | vizament (n.) malapropism for ‘advisement’ [consideration] | MW I.i.36 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Ha; o'my life, if I were yong againe, the | Ha! O'my life, if I were young again, the | | MW I.i.37 | |
sword should end it. | sword should end it. | | MW I.i.38 | |
Euans. | EVANS | | | |
It is petter that friends is the sword, and end it: | It is petter that friends is the swort, and end it. | swort (n.) pronunciation of ‘sword’ or ‘sort’ [= outcome] | MW I.i.39 | |
and there is also another deuice in my praine, which | And there is also another device in my prain, which | | MW I.i.40 | |
peraduenture prings goot discretions with it. There is | peradventure prings goot discretions with it. There is | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | MW I.i.41 | |
Anne Page, which is daughter to Master Thomas Page, | Anne Page, which is daughter to Master George Page, | | MW I.i.42 | |
which is pretty virginity. | which is pretty virginity. | | MW I.i.43 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Mistris Anne Page? she has browne haire, and | Mistress Anne Page? She has brown hair, and | | MW I.i.44 | |
speakes small like a woman. | speaks small like a woman? | small (adj.) high-pitched, fluting, thin | MW I.i.45 | |
Euans. | EVANS | | | |
It is that ferry person for all the orld, as iust as you | It is that fery person for all the 'orld, as just as you | just (adv.) exactly, precisely | MW I.i.46 | |
will desire, and seuen hundred pounds of Moneyes, and | will desire. And seven hundred pounds of moneys, and | | MW I.i.47 | |
Gold, and Siluer, is her Grand-sire vpon his deaths-bed, | gold, and silver, is her grandsire upon his death's-bed – | grandsire (n.) grandfather | MW I.i.48 | |
(Got deliuer to a ioyfull resurrections) giue, when she is | Got deliver to a joyful resurrections! – give, when she is | | MW I.i.49 | |
able to ouertake seuenteene yeeres old. It were a goot | able to overtake seventeen years old. It were a goot | | MW I.i.50 | |
motion, if we leaue our pribbles and prabbles, and desire | motion if we leave our pribbles and prabbles, and desire | pribbles and prabbles vain chatter and silly quarrelling | MW I.i.51 | |
a marriage betweene Master Abraham, and Mistris Anne | a marriage between Master Abraham and Mistress Anne | | MW I.i.52 | |
Page. | Page. | | MW I.i.53 | |
Slen. | SHALLOW | | | |
Did her Grand-sire leaue her seauen hundred | Did her grandsire leave her seven hundred | | MW I.i.54 | |
pound? | pound? | | MW I.i.55 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
I, and her father is make her a petter penny. | Ay, and her father is make her a petter penny. | make (v.) give, provide | MW I.i.56 | |
Slen. | SHALLOW | | | |
I know the young Gentlewoman, she has good | I know the young gentlewoman. She has good | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | MW I.i.57 | |
gifts. | gifts. | gift (n.) quality, accomplishment, talent | MW I.i.58 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Seuen hundred pounds, and possibilities, is goot | Seven hundred pounds, and possibilities, is goot | possibility (n.) (plural) financial prospects | MW I.i.59 | |
gifts. | gifts. | | MW I.i.60 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Wel, let vs see honest Mr Page: is | Well, let us see honest Master Page. Is | | MW I.i.61 | |
Falstaffe there? | Falstaff there? | | MW I.i.62 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Shall I tell you a lye? I doe despise a lyer, as I doe | Shall I tell you a lie? I do despise a liar as I do | | MW I.i.63 | |
despise one that is false, or as I despise one that is not | despise one that is false, or as I despise one that is not | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | MW I.i.64 | |
true: the Knight Sir Iohn is there, and I beseech you be | true. The knight Sir John is there. And I beseech you be | | MW I.i.65 | |
ruled by your well-willers: I will peat the doore for | ruled by your well-willers. I will peat the door for | well-willer (n.) well-wisher, one who offers good will | MW I.i.66 | |
Mr. Page. What hoa? Got-plesse your | Master Page. (He knocks) What, ho! Got pless your | | MW I.i.67 | |
house heere. | house here! | | MW I.i.68 | |
Mr. Page. | PAGE | | | |
| (within) | | MW I.i.69 | |
Who's there? | Who's there? | | MW I.i.69 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Here is go't's plessing and your friend, and | Here is Got's plessing, and your friend, and | | MW I.i.70 | |
Iustice Shallow, and heere yong Master Slender: that | Justice Shallow; and here young Master Slender, that | | MW I.i.71 | |
peraduentures shall tell you another tale, if matters grow | peradventures shall tell you another tale, if matters grow | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | MW I.i.72 | |
to your likings. | to your likings. | | MW I.i.73 | |
| Enter Page | | MW I.i.74 | |
Mr. Page. | PAGE | | | |
I am glad to see your Worships well: I thanke you | I am glad to see your worships well. I thank you | | MW I.i.74 | |
for my Venison Master Shallow. | for my venison, Master Shallow. | | MW I.i.75 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Master Page, I am glad to see you: much good | Master Page, I am glad to see you. Much good | | MW I.i.76 | |
doe it your good heart: I wish'd your Venison better, it | do it your good heart! I wished your venison better – it | | MW I.i.77 | |
was ill killd: how doth good Mistresse Page? and I | was ill killed. How doth good Mistress Page? – And I | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | MW I.i.78 | |
thank you alwaies with my heart, la: with my heart. | thank you always with my heart, la! With my heart. | la (int.) indeed | MW I.i.79 | |
M. Page. | PAGE | | | |
Sir, I thanke you. | Sir, I thank you. | | MW I.i.80 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Sir, I thanke you: by yea, and no I doe. | Sir, I thank you. By yea and no, I do. | yea and no, by by yes and no [emphatic assertion, replacing a real oath] | MW I.i.81 | |
M. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
I am glad to see you, good Master Slender. | I am glad to see you, good Master Slender. | | MW I.i.82 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
How do's your fallow Greyhound, Sir, I heard | How does your fallow greyhound, sir? I heard | fallow (adj.) fawn-coloured, pale brown | MW I.i.83 | |
say he was out-run on Cotsall. | say he was outrun on Cotsall. | Cotsall, Cotsole (n.) Cotswold Hills; hill range mainly in Gloucestershire | MW I.i.84 | |
M. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
It could not be iudg'd, Sir. | It could not be judged, sir. | judge (v.) establish, determine, decide on | MW I.i.85 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
You'll not confesse: you'll not confesse. | You'll not confess. You'll not confess. | | MW I.i.86 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
That he will not, 'tis your fault, 'tis your | That he will not. 'Tis your fault, 'tis your | fault (n.) mistake, error, blunder | MW I.i.87 | |
fault: 'tis a good dogge. | fault. 'Tis a good dog. | | MW I.i.88 | |
M. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
A Cur, Sir. | A cur, sir. | | MW I.i.89 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Sir: hee's a good dog, and a faire dog, can there | Sir, he's a good dog and a fair dog. Can there | | MW I.i.90 | |
be more said? he is good, and faire. Is Sir Iohn Falstaffe | be more said? He is good and fair. Is Sir John Falstaff | | MW I.i.91 | |
heere? | here? | | MW I.i.92 | |
M. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
Sir, hee is within: and I would I could doe a good | Sir, he is within; and I would I could do a good | | MW I.i.93 | |
office betweene you. | office between you. | office (n.) service, sympathy, kindness | MW I.i.94 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
It is spoke as a Christians ought to speake. | It is spoke as a Christians ought to speak. | | MW I.i.95 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
He hath wrong'd me (Master Page.) | He hath wronged me, Master Page. | | MW I.i.96 | |
M. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
Sir, he doth in some sort confesse it. | Sir, he doth in some sort confess it. | sort (n.) way, manner | MW I.i.97 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
If it be confessed, it is not redressed; is not that | If it be confessed, it is not redressed. Is not that | | MW I.i.98 | |
so (M. Page?) he hath wrong'd me, indeed he hath, | so, Master Page? He hath wronged me, indeed he hath, | | MW I.i.99 | |
at a word he hath: beleeue me, Robert Shallow | at a word, he hath. Believe me – Robert Shallow, | word, at a in a word, once and for all, in short | MW I.i.100 | |
Esquire, saith he is wronged. | Esquire, saith he is wronged. | | MW I.i.101 | |
Ma. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
Here comes Sir Iohn. | Here comes Sir John. | | MW I.i.102 | |
| Enter Sir John Falstaff, Bardolph, Nym, and Pistol | | MW I.i.103 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Now, Master Shallow, you'll complaine of me to | Now, Master Shallow, you'll complain of me | | MW I.i.103 | |
the King? | to the King? | | MW I.i.104 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Knight, you haue beaten my men, kill'd my | Knight, you have beaten my men, killed my | | MW I.i.105 | |
deere, and broke open my Lodge. | deer, and broke open my lodge. | | MW I.i.106 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
But not kiss'd your Keepers daughter? | But not kissed your keeper's daughter? | | MW I.i.107 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Tut, a pin: this shall be answer'd. | Tut, a pin! This shall be answered. | pin (n.) trifle, triviality, insignificant amount | MW I.i.108 | |
| | answer (v.) satisfy, discharge, requite | | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
I will answere it strait, I haue done all this: | I will answer it straight. I have done all this. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | MW I.i.109 | |
That is now answer'd. | That is now answered. | | MW I.i.110 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
The Councell shall know this. | The Council shall know this. | | MW I.i.111 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
'Twere better for you if it were known in | 'Twere better for you if it were known in | | MW I.i.112 | |
councell: you'll be laugh'd at. | counsel. You'll be laughed at. | counsel (n.) secrecy, confidence, privacy | MW I.i.113 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
Pauca verba; (Sir Iohn) good worts. | Pauca verba, Sir John, goot worts. | pauca... few words | MW I.i.114 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Good worts? good Cabidge; Slender, I | Good worts? Good cabbage! – Slender, I | wort (n.) [pun on Evans' pronunciation of ‘word’] cabbage | MW I.i.115 | |
broke your head: what matter haue you against me? | broke your head. What matter have you against me? | matter (n.) reason, cause, ground | MW I.i.116 | |
| | break (v.) crack, split, beat | | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Marry sir, I haue matter in my head against | Marry, sir, I have matter in my head against | matter (n.) pus, discharge, fluid [from a wound] | MW I.i.117 | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
you, and against your cony-catching Rascalls, Bardolf, | you, and against your cony-catching rascals, Bardolph, | cony-catching (adj.) cheating, swindling | MW I.i.118 | |
Nym, and Pistoll. | Nym, and Pistol. They carried me to the tavern, and | carry (v.) take, lead, conduct | MW I.i.119 | |
| made me drunk, and afterward picked my pocket. | afterward (adv.) afterwards | MW I.i.120 | |
Bar. | BARDOLPH | | | |
You Banbery Cheese. | You Banbury cheese! | Banbury (n.) Oxfordshire town, known for its rich milk cheese about an inch thick | MW I.i.121 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I, it is no matter. | Ay, it is no matter. | | MW I.i.122 | |
Pist. | PISTOL | | | |
How now, Mephostophilus? | How now, Mephostophilus? | Mephostophilus (n.) [mefi'stofolus] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil | MW I.i.123 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I, it is no matter. | Ay, it is no matter. | | MW I.i.124 | |
Nym. | NYM | | | |
Slice, I say; pauca, pauca: Slice, that's my humor. | Slice, I say. Pauca, pauca. Slice! That's my humour. | slice (v.) cut, shorten | MW I.i.125 | |
| | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
| | pauca (adj.) [pron: 'powka] few [words] | | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Where's Simple my man? can you tell, | Where's Simple, my man? Can you tell, | | MW I.i.126 | |
Cosen? | cousin? | | MW I.i.127 | |
Eua. | EVANS | | | |
Peace, I pray you: now let vs vnderstand: there is | Peace, I pray you. Now let us understand. There is | understand (v.) come to an understanding, arrive at agreement | MW I.i.128 | |
three Vmpires in this matter, as I vnderstand; that is, | three umpires in this matter, as I understand – that is, | umpire (n.) arbitrator, mediator, adjudicator | MW I.i.129 | |
Master Page (fidelicet Master Page,) & there is my selfe, | Master Page, fidelicet Master Page; and there is myself, | videlicet (adv.) [pron: vi'deliset] namely | MW I.i.130 | |
(fidelicet my selfe) and the three party is (lastly, and finally) | fidelicet myself; and the three party is, lastly and finally, | | MW I.i.131 | |
mine Host of the Gater. | mine host of the Garter. | | MW I.i.132 | |
Ma. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
We three to hear it, & end it between them. | We three to hear it, and end it between them. | | MW I.i.133 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Ferry goo't, I will make a priefe of it in my note-booke, | Fery goot. I will make a prief of it in my notebook, | brief (n.) summary, short account | MW I.i.134 | |
and we wil afterwards orke vpon the cause, with as great | and we will afterwards 'ork upon the cause with as great | | MW I.i.135 | |
discreetly as we can. | discreetly as we can. | | MW I.i.136 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Pistoll. | Pistol! | | MW I.i.137 | |
Pist. | PISTOL | | | |
He heares with eares. | He hears with ears. | | MW I.i.138 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
The Teuill and his Tam: what phrase is this? he | The tevil and his tam! What phrase is this, ‘He | | MW I.i.139 | |
heares with eare? why, it is affectations. | hears with ear'? Why, it is affectations. | | MW I.i.140 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Pistoll, did you picke M. Slenders purse? | Pistol, did you pick Master Slender's purse? | | MW I.i.141 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I, by these gloues did hee, or I would I | Ay, by these gloves, did he – or I would I | | MW I.i.142 | |
might neuer come in mine owne great chamber againe | might never come in mine own great chamber again | | MW I.i.143 | |
else, of seauen groates in mill-sixpences, and two Edward | else – of seven groats in mill-sixpences, and two Edward | mill-sixpence (n.) sixpence made in a coin-making mill | MW I.i.144 | |
| | groat (n.) fourpenny piece | | |
Shouelboords, that cost me two shilling and two pence | shovel-boards, that cost me two shillings and twopence | shovel-board (n.) wide coin used as a counter in the game of shovel-board | MW I.i.145 | |
| | shilling (n.) coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound | | |
a peece of Yead Miller: by these gloues. | apiece of Yed Miller, by these gloves. | | MW I.i.146 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Is this true, Pistoll? | Is this true, Pistol? | | MW I.i.147 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
No, it is false, if it is a picke-purse. | No, it is false, if it is a pick-purse. | pick-purse, pickpurse (n.) pickpocket, purse-stealer | MW I.i.148 | |
| | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | | |
Pist. | PISTOL | | | |
Ha, thou mountaine Forreyner: Sir Iohn, and Master mine, | Ha, thou mountain-foreigner! – Sir John and master mine, | | MW I.i.149 | |
I combat challenge of this Latine Bilboe: | I combat challenge of this latten bilbo. | latten (adj.) made of thin brass, tin-plate | MW I.i.150 | |
| | combat (n.) duel, trial by duel | | |
| | bilbo (n.) sword [from Bilbao, noted for its flexibility] | | |
word of deniall in thy labras here; | Word of denial in thy labras here! | labras (n.) Latin: lips | MW I.i.151 | |
word of denial; froth, and scum thou liest. | Word of denial! Froth and scum, thou liest! | | MW I.i.152 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
| (pointing to Nym) | | MW I.i.153 | |
By these gloues, then 'twas he. | By these gloves, then 'twas he. | | MW I.i.153 | |
Nym. | NYM | | | |
Be auis'd sir, and passe good humours: I will say | Be advised, sir, and pass good humours. I will say | pass (v.) experience, feel | MW I.i.154 | |
| | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
| | advise, avise (v.) warn, counsel, caution | | |
marry trap with you, if you runne the nut-hooks humor | ‘ Marry trap with you,’ if you run the nut-hook's humour | nut-hook, nuthook (n.) constable, beadle, officer | MW I.i.155 | |
| | run (v.) pass, spread, bring, cause to flow | | |
| | humour (n.) style, method, way, fashion | | |
| | marry trap with you [unclear meaning] insulting or contemptuous exclamation | | |
on me, that is the very note of it. | on me. That is the very note of it. | note (n.) characteristic, trait, distinctive feature | MW I.i.156 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
By this hat, then he in the red face had it: for | By this hat, then he in the red face had it. For | | MW I.i.157 | |
though I cannot remember what I did when you made | though I cannot remember what I did when you made | | MW I.i.158 | |
me drunke, yet I am not altogether an asse. | me drunk, yet I am not altogether an ass. | | MW I.i.159 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
What say you Scarlet, and Iohn? | What say you, Scarlet and John? | John (n.) Little John, companion of Robin Hood | MW I.i.160 | |
| | Scarlet (n.) Will Scarlet, companion of Robin Hood | | |
Bar. | BARDOLPH | | | |
Why sir, (for my part) I say the Gentleman | Why, sir, for my part, I say the gentleman | | MW I.i.161 | |
had drunke himselfe out of his fiue sentences. | had drunk himself out of his five sentences. | | MW I.i.162 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
It is his fiue sences: fie, what the ignorance is. | It is his ‘ five senses.’ Fie, what the ignorance is! | | MW I.i.163 | |
Bar. | BARDOLPH | | | |
And being fap, sir, was (as they say) casheerd: | And being fap, sir, was, as they say, cashiered. | fap (adj.) drunk | MW I.i.164 | |
| | cashier (v.) rob, fleece, relieve of money | | |
and so conclusions past the Car-eires. | And so conclusions passed the careers. | pass (v.) surpass, go beyond, outdo | MW I.i.165 | |
| | conclusion (n.) outcome, upshot, final result | | |
| | career (n.) racecourse, horse-racing track | | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I, you spake in Latten then to: but 'tis no | Ay, you spake in Latin then too. But 'tis no | | MW I.i.166 | |
matter; Ile nere be drunk whilst I liue againe, but in | matter. I'll ne'er be drunk whilst I live again, but in | | MW I.i.167 | |
honest, ciuill, godly company for this tricke: if I be | honest, civil, godly company, for this trick. If I be | | MW I.i.168 | |
drunke, Ile be drunke with those that haue the feare of | drunk, I'll be drunk with those that have the fear of | | MW I.i.169 | |
God, and not with drunken knaues. | God, and not with drunken knaves. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | MW I.i.170 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
So got-udge me, that is a vertuous minde. | So Got 'udge me, that is a virtuous mind. | mind (n.) intention, purpose, intent | MW I.i.171 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
You heare all these matters deni'd, Gentlemen; | You hear all these matters denied, gentlemen. | | MW I.i.172 | |
you heare it. | You hear it. | | MW I.i.173 | |
| Enter Anne Page, with wine, Mistress Ford, and | | MW I.i.174.1 | |
| Mistress Page | | MW I.i.174.2 | |
Mr. Page. | PAGE | | | |
Nay daughter, carry the wine in, wee'll drinke | Nay, daughter, carry the wine in – we'll drink | | MW I.i.174 | |
within. | within. | | MW I.i.175 | |
| Exit Anne Page | | MW I.i.175 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Oh heauen: This is Mistresse Anne Page. | O heaven! This is Mistress Anne Page. | | MW I.i.176 | |
Mr. Page. | PAGE | | | |
How now Mistris Ford? | How now, Mistress Ford? | | MW I.i.177 | |
Fal. | FALSTAFF | | | |
Mistris Ford, by my troth you are very wel | Mistress Ford, by my troth, you are very well | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | MW I.i.178 | |
met: by your leaue good Mistris. | met. By your leave, good mistress. | | MW I.i.179 | |
| He kisses her | | MW I.i.180 | |
Mr. Page. | PAGE | | | |
Wife, bid these gentlemen welcome: come, we | Wife, bid these gentlemen welcome. Come, we | | MW I.i.180 | |
haue a hot Venison pasty to dinner; Come gentlemen, I | have a hot venison pasty to dinner. Come, gentlemen, I | to (prep.) for | MW I.i.181 | |
hope we shall drinke downe all vnkindnesse. | hope we shall drink down all unkindness. | | MW I.i.182 | |
| Exeunt all except Slender | | MW I.i.182 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I had rather then forty shillings I had my booke | I had rather than forty shillings I had my Book | shilling (n.) coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound | MW I.i.183 | |
of Songs and Sonnets heere: | of Songs and Sonnets here. | | MW I.i.184 | |
| Enter Simple | | MW I.i.185 | |
How now Simple, where haue you beene? I must wait | How now, Simple, where have you been? I must wait | | MW I.i.185 | |
on my selfe, must I? you haue not the booke of Riddles | on myself, must I? You have not the Book of Riddles | | MW I.i.186 | |
about you, haue you? | about you, have you? | | MW I.i.187 | |
Sim. | SIMPLE | | | |
Booke of Riddles? why did you not lend it to | Book of Riddles? Why, did you not lend it to | | MW I.i.188 | |
Alice Short-cake vpon Alhallowmas last, a fortnight | Alice Shortcake upon Allhallowmas last, a fortnight | Allhallowmas (n.) in Christian tradition, All Saints' Day, 1 November | MW I.i.189 | |
afore Michaelmas. | afore Michaelmas? | Michaelmas (n.) in Christian tradition, St Michael's Day, 29 September | MW I.i.190 | |
| Enter Shallow and Evans | | MW I.i.191 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Come Coz, come Coz, we stay for you: a word | Come, coz; come, coz; we stay for you. A word | | MW I.i.191 | |
with you Coz: marry this, Coz: there is as 'twere a | with you, coz. Marry, this, coz – there is as 'twere a | | MW I.i.192 | |
tender, a kinde of tender, made a farre-off by Sir Hugh | tender, a kind of tender, made afar off by Sir Hugh | tender (n.) proposal of marriage, offer of betrothal | MW I.i.193 | |
| | afar off (adv.) indirectly, in a roundabout way | | |
here: doe you vnderstand me? | here. Do you understand me? | | MW I.i.194 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I Sir, you shall finde me reasonable; if it be | Ay, sir, you shall find me reasonable. If it be | reasonable (adj.) moderate, not excessive, fair-minded | MW I.i.195 | |
so, I shall doe that that is reason. | so, I shall do that that is reason. | reason (n.) reasonable treatment, justified course of action | MW I.i.196 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Nay, but vnderstand me. | Nay, but understand me. | | MW I.i.197 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
So I doe Sir. | So I do, sir. | | MW I.i.198 | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
Giue eare to his motions; (Mr. Slender) I will | Give ear to his motions. Master Slender, I will | motion (n.) proposal, proposition, suggestion, offer | MW I.i.199 | |
description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it. | description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it. | | MW I.i.200 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Nay, I will doe as my Cozen Shallow saies: I | Nay, I will do as my cousin Shallow says. I | | MW I.i.201 | |
pray you pardon me, he's a Iustice of Peace in his | pray you pardon me. He's a justice of peace in his | | MW I.i.202 | |
Countrie, simple though I stand here. | country, simple though I stand here. | simple though I stand here as sure as I stand here; or: though who am I to say so | MW I.i.203 | |
| | country (n.) district, region, quarter | | |
Euan. | EVANS | | | |
But that is not the question: the question is | But that is not the question. The question is | | MW I.i.204 | |
concerning your marriage. | concerning your marriage. | | MW I.i.205 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
I, there's the point Sir. | Ay, there's the point, sir. | | MW I.i.206 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
Marry is it: the very point of it, to Mi. An | Marry, is it, the very point of it – to Mistress Anne | | MW I.i.207 | |
Page. | Page. | | MW I.i.208 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
Why if it be so; I will marry her vpon any | Why, if it be so, I will marry her upon any | | MW I.i.209 | |
reasonable demands. | reasonable demands. | demand (n.) condition, request, claim | MW I.i.210 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
But can you affection the 'o-man, let vs command | But can you affection the 'oman? Let us command | affection (v.) have affection for, love | MW I.i.211 | |
to know that of your mouth, or of your lips: for diuers | to know that of your mouth, or of your lips – for divers | divers (adj.) different, various, several | MW I.i.212 | |
Philosophers hold, that the lips is parcell of the mouth: | philosophers hold that the lips is parcel of the mouth. | parcel (n.) part, piece, portion, bit | MW I.i.213 | |
therfore precisely, cã you carry your good wil to | Therefore, precisely, can you carry your good will to | will (n.) desire, wish, liking, inclination | MW I.i.214 | |
ye maid? | the maid? | | MW I.i.215 | |
Sh. | SHALLOW | | | |
Cosen Abraham Slender, can you loue her? | Cousin Abraham Slender, can you love her? | | MW I.i.216 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I hope sir, I will do as it shall become one that | I hope, sir, I will do as it shall become one that | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | MW I.i.217 | |
would doe reason. | would do reason. | reason (n.) reasonable treatment, justified course of action | MW I.i.218 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
Nay, got's Lords, and his Ladies, you must speake | Nay, Got's lords and his ladies! You must speak | | MW I.i.219 | |
possitable, if you can carry-her your desires towards | possitable, if you can carry her your desires towards | possitable (adv.) Welsh version of 'positively' | MW I.i.220 | |
| | carry (v.) take, lead, conduct | | |
her. | her. | | MW I.i.221 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
That you must: Will you, (vpon good dowry) | That you must. Will you, upon good dowry, | | MW I.i.222 | |
marry her? | marry her? | | MW I.i.223 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I will doe a greater thing then that, vpon your | I will do a greater thing than that, upon your | | MW I.i.224 | |
request (Cosen) in any reason. | request, cousin, in any reason. | | MW I.i.225 | |
Shal. | SHALLOW | | | |
Nay conceiue me, conceiue mee, (sweet Coz): | Nay, conceive me, conceive me, sweet coz – | conceive (v.) understand, comprehend, follow | MW I.i.226 | |
what I doe is to pleasure you (Coz:) can you loue the maid? | what I do is to pleasure you, coz. Can you love the maid? | pleasure (v.) please, gratify, give pleasure to | MW I.i.227 | |
Slen. | SLENDER | | | |
I will marry her (Sir) at your request; but if | I will marry her, sir, at your request. But if | | MW I.i.228 | |
there bee no great loue in the beginning, yet Heauen may | there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may | | MW I.i.229 | |
decrease it vpon better acquaintance, when wee are | decrease it upon better acquaintance when we are | decrease (v.) malapropism for ‘increase’ | MW I.i.230 | |
married, and haue more occasion to know one another: | married and have more occasion to know one another. | | MW I.i.231 | |
I hope vpon familiarity will grow more content: but if | I hope upon familiarity will grow more content. But if | content (n.) contentment, peace of mind | MW I.i.232 | |
you say mary-her, I will mary-her, that I am freely | you say ‘ Marry her,’ I will marry her – that I am freely | | MW I.i.233 | |
dissolued, and dissolutely. | dissolved, and dissolutely. | dissolved (adj.) malapropism for ‘resolved’ | MW I.i.234 | |
| | dissolutely (adv.) malapropism for ‘resolutely’ | | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
It is a fery discetion-answere; saue the fall is in the | It is a fery discretion answer, save the fall is in the | fall (n.) mistake, fault, lapse | MW I.i.235 | |
'ord, dissolutely: the ort is (according to our meaning) | 'ord ‘ dissolutely.’ The 'ort is, according to our meaning, | | MW I.i.236 | |
resolutely: his meaning is good. | ‘ resolutely.’ His meaning is good. | | MW I.i.237 | |
Sh. | SHALLOW | | | |
I: I thinke my Cosen meant well. | Ay, I think my cousin meant well. | | MW I.i.238 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
I, or else I would I might be hang'd (la.) | Ay, or else I would I might be hanged, la! | la (int.) indeed | MW I.i.239 | |
| Enter Anne Page | | MW I.i.240 | |
Sh. | SHALLOW | | | |
Here comes faire Mistris Anne; would I | Here comes fair Mistress Anne. Would I | | MW I.i.240 | |
were yong for your sake, Mistris Anne. | were young for your sake, Mistress Anne! | | MW I.i.241 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
The dinner is on the Table, my Father desires your | The dinner is on the table. My father desires your | | MW I.i.242 | |
worships company. | worships' company. | | MW I.i.243 | |
Sh. | SHALLOW | | | |
I will wait on him, (faire Mistris Anne.) | I will wait on him, fair Mistress Anne. | wait on / upon (v.) accompany, attend | MW I.i.244 | |
Eu. | EVANS | | | |
Od's plessed-wil: I wil not be absẽce at the | 'Od's plessed will! I will not be absence at the | 'Od [in emphatic expressions] shortened form of 'God' | MW I.i.245 | |
| | plessed (adj.) Welsh pronunciation of 'blessed' | | |
grace. | grace. | | MW I.i.246 | |
| Exeunt Shallow and Evans | | MW I.i.246 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
Wil't please your worship to come in, Sir? | Will't please your worship to come in, sir? | | MW I.i.247 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
No, I thank you forsooth, hartely; I am very | No, I thank you, forsooth, heartily. I am very | forsooth (adv.) in truth, certainly, truly, indeed | MW I.i.248 | |
well. | well. | | MW I.i.249 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
The dinner attends you, Sir. | The dinner attends you, sir. | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | MW I.i.250 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
I am not a-hungry, I thanke you, forsooth: | I am not a-hungry, I thank you, forsooth. | | MW I.i.251 | |
goe, Sirha, for all you are my man, goe wait | (To Simple) Go, sirrah, for all you are my man, go wait | wait on / upon (v.) accompany, attend | MW I.i.252 | |
| | for all (conj.) although | | |
| | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | | |
vpon my Cosen Shallow: | upon my cousin Shallow. | | MW I.i.253 | |
| Exit Simple | | MW I.i.253 | |
a Iustice of peace sometime may be beholding to his | A justice of peace sometime may be beholding to his | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | MW I.i.254 | |
| | beholding (adj.) beholden, obliged, indebted | | |
friend, for a Man; I keepe but three Men, and a Boy yet, | friend for a man. I keep but three men and a boy yet, | | MW I.i.255 | |
till my Mother be dead: but what though, yet I liue | till my mother be dead. But what though? Yet I live | what though what of it, never mind | MW I.i.256 | |
like a poore Gentleman borne. | like a poor gentleman born. | | MW I.i.257 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
I may not goe in without your worship: they will | I may not go in without your worship – they will | | MW I.i.258 | |
not sit till you come. | not sit till you come. | | MW I.i.259 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
I'faith, ile eate nothing: I thanke you as much as | I'faith, I'll eat nothing. I thank you as much as | | MW I.i.260 | |
though I did. | though I did. | | MW I.i.261 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
I pray you Sir walke in. | I pray you, sir, walk in. | walk in (v.) come in, enter | MW I.i.262 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
I had rather walke here (I thanke you) I bruiz'd my | I had rather walk here, I thank you. I bruised my | | MW I.i.263 | |
shin th'other day, with playing at Sword and Dagger with | shin th' other day with playing at sword and dagger with | | MW I.i.264 | |
a Master of Fence (three veneys for a dish of stew'd | a master of fence – three veneys for a dish of stewed | fence (n.) fencing ability, skill at swordplay | MW I.i.265 | |
| | veney (n.) [fencing] bout, turn | | |
Prunes) and by my troth, I cannot abide the smell of | prunes – and, by my troth, I cannot abide the smell of | | MW I.i.266 | |
hot meate since. Why doe your dogs barke so? be there | hot meat since. Why do your dogs bark so? Be there | | MW I.i.267 | |
Beares ith' Towne? | bears i'th' town? | | MW I.i.268 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
I thinke there are, Sir, I heard them talk'd of. | I think there are, sir. I heard them talked of. | | MW I.i.269 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
I loue the sport well, but I shall as soone quarrell | I love the sport well, but I shall as soon quarrel | quarrel at (v.) object to; or: start quarrelling at | MW I.i.270 | |
| | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | | |
at it, as any man in England: you are afraid if you see the | at it as any man in England. You are afraid if you see the | | MW I.i.271 | |
Beare loose, are you not? | bear loose, are you not? | | MW I.i.272 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
I indeede Sir. | Ay, indeed, sir. | | MW I.i.273 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
That's meate and drinke to me now: I haue seene | That's meat and drink to me, now. I have seen | | MW I.i.274 | |
Sackerson loose, twenty times, and haue taken him by | Sackerson loose twenty times, and have taken him by | Sackerson (n.) famous bear from the bear-baiting ring at Paris Garden, London | MW I.i.275 | |
the Chaine: but (I warrant you) the women haue so cride | the chain. But, I warrant you, the women have so cried | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | MW I.i.276 | |
and shrekt at it, that it past: But women indeede, | and shrieked at it, that it passed. But women, indeed, | pass (v.) surpass, go beyond, outdo | MW I.i.277 | |
cannot abide 'em, they are very ill-fauour'd rough | cannot abide 'em – they are very ill-favoured rough | ill-favoured (adj.) ugly, unattractive, unsightly | MW I.i.278 | |
things. | things. | | MW I.i.279 | |
| Enter Page | | MW I.i.280.1 | |
Ma. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
Come, gentle M. Slender, come; we stay for | Come, gentle Master Slender, come. We stay for | stay (v.) wait (for), await | MW I.i.280 | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
you. | you. | | MW I.i.281 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
Ile eate nothing, I thanke you Sir. | I'll eat nothing, I thank you, sir. | | MW I.i.282 | |
Ma. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
By cocke and pie, you shall not choose, Sir: come, | By cock and pie, you shall not choose, sir! Come, | cock and pie, by by God and the service book | MW I.i.283 | |
come. | come. | | MW I.i.284 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
Nay, pray you lead the way. | Nay, pray you lead the way. | | MW I.i.285 | |
Ma. Pa. | PAGE | | | |
Come on, Sir. | Come on, sir. | | MW I.i.286 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
Mistris Anne: your selfe shall goe first. | Mistress Anne, yourself shall go first. | | MW I.i.287 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
Not I Sir, pray you keepe on. | Not I, sir. Pray you, keep on. | keep on (v.) go ahead, go on, carry on | MW I.i.288 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
Truely I will not goe first: truely-la: I will not doe | Truly, I will not go first, truly, la! I will not do | la (int.) indeed | MW I.i.289 | |
you that wrong. | you that wrong. | | MW I.i.290 | |
An. | ANNE | | | |
I pray you Sir. | I pray you, sir. | | MW I.i.291 | |
Sl. | SLENDER | | | |
Ile rather be vnmannerly, then troublesome: | I'll rather be unmannerly than troublesome. | | MW I.i.292 | |
you doe your selfe wrong indeede-la. | You do yourself wrong, indeed, la! | | MW I.i.293 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | MW I.i.293 | |