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Henry VI Part 2

First folio
Modern text


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Alarum. Fight at Sea. Ordnance goes off. Enter Alarum. Fight at sea. Ordnance goes off. Enter aordnance, ordinance (n.)
cannon, artillery
2H6 IV.i.1.1
Lieutenant, Suffolke, and others.Lieutenant, a Master, a Master's Mate, Walter 2H6 IV.i.1.2
Whitmore, Suffolk, disguised, two Gentlemen 2H6 IV.i.1.3
prisoners, and soldiers 2H6 IV.i.1.4
The gaudy blabbing and remorsefull day,The gaudy, blabbing, and remorseful dayremorseful (adj.)

old form: remorsefull
conscience-stricken, guilty, full of sorrow
2H6 IV.i.1
blabbing (adj.)
revealing secrets, tell-tale, indiscreet
Is crept into the bosome of the Sea:Is crept into the bosom of the sea; 2H6 IV.i.2
And now loud houling Wolues arouse the IadesAnd now loud howling wolves arouse the jadesjade (n.)

old form: Iades
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
2H6 IV.i.3
That dragge the Tragicke melancholy night:That drag the tragic melancholy night; 2H6 IV.i.4
Who with their drowsie, slow, and flagging wingsWho with their drowsy, slow, and flagging wingsflagging (adj.)
drooping, pendulous, sluggish
2H6 IV.i.5
Cleape dead-mens graues, and from their misty Iawes,Clip dead men's graves, and from their misty jawsclip (v.)

old form: Cleape
embrace, clasp, hug
2H6 IV.i.6
Breath foule contagious darknesse in the ayre:Breathe foul contagious darkness in the air.contagious (adj.)
pestilential, harmful, noxious
2H6 IV.i.7
Therefore bring forth the Souldiers of our prize,Therefore bring forth the soldiers of our prize,prize (n.)
captured ship
2H6 IV.i.8
For whilst our Pinnace Anchors in the Downes,For whilst our pinnace anchors in the Downspinnace (n.)
small speedy boat with a single mast
2H6 IV.i.9
Downs (n.)
The Downs; anchorage just off the Kent coast
Heere shall they make their ransome on the sand,Here shall they make their ransom on the sand,make (v.)
draw up, arrange, agree to
2H6 IV.i.10
Or with their blood staine this discoloured shore.Or with their blood stain this discoloured shore. 2H6 IV.i.11
Maister, this Prisoner freely giue I thee,Master, this prisoner freely give I thee; 2H6 IV.i.12
And thou that art his Mate, make boote of this:And thou that art his mate make boot of this;boot (n.)

old form: boote
good, advantage, profit
2H6 IV.i.13
The other Walter Whitmore is thy share.The other, Walter Whitmore, is thy share. 2H6 IV.i.14
What is my ransome Master, let me know.What is my ransom, master? Let me know. 2H6 IV.i.15
A thousand Crownes, or else lay down your headA thousand crowns, or else lay down your head.lay down (v.)
lose, relinquish, sacrifice
2H6 IV.i.16
crown (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
Mate. MATE 
And so much shall you giue, or off goes yours.And so much shall you give, or off goes yours. 2H6 IV.i.17
What thinke you much to pay 2000. Crownes,What, think you much to pay two thousand crowns, 2H6 IV.i.18
And beare the name and port of Gentlemen?And bear the name and port of gentleman?port (n.)
bearing, demeanour, carriage
2H6 IV.i.19
Cut both the Villaines throats, for dy you shall:Cut both the villains' throats; for die you shall. 2H6 IV.i.20
The liues of those which we haue lost in fight,The lives of those which we have lost in fight 2H6 IV.i.21
Be counter-poys'd with such a pettie summe.Be counterpoised with such a petty sum!counterpoise (v.)

old form: counter-poys'd
counterbalance, compensate, offset
2H6 IV.i.22
Ile giue it sir, and therefore spare my life.I'll give it, sir; and therefore spare my life. 2H6 IV.i.23
And so will I, and write home for it straight.And so will I, and write home for it straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
2H6 IV.i.24
I lost mine eye in laying the prize aboord,I lost mine eye in laying the prize aboard,prize (n.)
captured ship
2H6 IV.i.25
lay aboard (v.)

old form: aboord
attack at close quarters, lay alongside
And therefore to reuenge it, shalt thou dye,(to Suffolk) And therefore to revenge it shalt thou die; 2H6 IV.i.26
And so should these, if I might haue my will.And so should these, if I might have my will. 2H6 IV.i.27
Be not so rash, take ransome, let him liue.Be not so rash. Take ransom; let him live.rash (adj.)
hasty, impetuous, impulsive
2H6 IV.i.28
Looke on my George, I am a Gentleman,Look on my George; I am a gentleman.George (n.)
badge [of the Order of the Garter] displaying St George and the dragon
2H6 IV.i.29
Rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be payed.Rate me at what thou wilt, thou shalt be paid.rate (v.)
reckon, estimate, appraise
2H6 IV.i.30
And so am I: my name is Walter Whitmore.And so am I; my name is Walter Whitmore. 2H6 IV.i.31
How now? why starts thou? What doth death affright?How now! Why starts thou? What, doth death affright?start (v.)
jump, recoil, flinch
2H6 IV.i.32
affright (v.)
frighten, terrify, scare
Thy name affrights me, in whose sound is death:Thy name affrights me, in whose sound is death. 2H6 IV.i.33
A cunning man did calculate my birth,A cunning man did calculate my birth,cunning (adj.)
knowledgeable, skilful, clever
2H6 IV.i.34
birth (n.)
[astrology] horoscope, fortune, destiny
calculate one's birth
cast a horoscope, foretell an event
And told me that by Water I should dye:And told me that by water I should die. 2H6 IV.i.35
Yet let not this make thee be bloody-minded,Yet let not this make thee be bloody-minded;bloody-minded (adj.)
bloodthirsty, ready to shed someone's blood
2H6 IV.i.36
Thy name is Gualtier, being rightly sounded.Thy name is Gaultier, being rightly sounded.sound (v.)
pronounce, articulate, enunciate
2H6 IV.i.37
Gualtier or Walter, which it is I care not,Gaultier or Walter, which it is I care not. 2H6 IV.i.38
Neuer yet did base dishonour blurre our name,Never yet did base dishonour blur our namebase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
2H6 IV.i.39
But with our sword we wip'd away the blot.But with our sword we wiped away the blot. 2H6 IV.i.40
Therefore, when Merchant-like I sell reuenge,Therefore, when merchant-like I sell revenge, 2H6 IV.i.41
Broke be my sword, my Armes torne and defac'd,Broke be my sword, my arms torn and defaced,deface (v.)

old form: defac'd
[heraldry] efface, obliterate, blot out
2H6 IV.i.42
arms (n.)

old form: Armes
And I proclaim'd a Coward through the world.And I proclaimed a coward through the world. 2H6 IV.i.43
Stay Whitmore, for thy Prisoner is a Prince,Stay, Whitmore, for thy prisoner is a prince, 2H6 IV.i.44
The Duke of Suffolke, William de la Pole.The Duke of Suffolk, William de la Pole. 2H6 IV.i.45
The Duke of Suffolke, muffled vp in ragges?The Duke of Suffolk, muffled up in rags! 2H6 IV.i.46
I, but these ragges are no part of the Duke.Ay, but these rags are no part of the Duke; 2H6 IV.i.47
Jove sometime went disguised, and why not I?Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
2H6 IV.i.48
But Ioue was neuer slaine as thou shalt be,But Jove was never slain, as thou shalt be. 2H6 IV.i.49
Obscure and lowsie Swaine, King Henries blood.Obscure and lousy swain, King Henry's blood,swain (n.)

old form: Swaine
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow
2H6 IV.i.50
lousy (adj.)

old form: lowsie
contemptible, vile, despicable
The honourable blood of LancasterThe honourable blood of Lancaster, 2H6 IV.i.51
Must not be shed by such a iaded Groome:Must not be shed by such a jaded groom.jaded (adj.)

old form: iaded
low-bred, ignoble, contemptible
2H6 IV.i.52
Hast thou not kist thy hand, and held my stirrop?Hast thou not kissed thy hand and held my stirrup? 2H6 IV.i.53
Bare-headed plodded by my foot-cloth Mule,Bare-headed plodded by my foot-cloth mule,footcloth, foot-cloth (n.)

old form: foot-cloth
stately ornamental cloth worn over the back of a horse
2H6 IV.i.54
And thought thee happy when I shooke my head.And thought thee happy when I shook my head?shake (v.)

old form: shooke
[unclear meaning] nod, make a sign with [in approval]
2H6 IV.i.55
happy (adj.)
fortunate, lucky, favoured
How often hast thou waited at my cup,How often hast thou waited at my cup, 2H6 IV.i.56
Fed from my Trencher, kneel'd downe at the boord,Fed from my trencher, kneeled down at the board,board (n.)

old form: boord
2H6 IV.i.57
trencher (n.)
plate, platter, serving dish
When I haue feasted with Queene Margaret?When I have feasted with Queen Margaret? 2H6 IV.i.58
Remember it, and let it make thee Crest-falne,Remember it and let it make thee crest-fallen,crest-fallen (adj.)

old form: Crest-falne
humbled, abashed, shamed
2H6 IV.i.59
I, and alay this thy abortiue Pride:Ay, and allay this thy abortive pride,allay (v.)

old form: alay
subside, abate, diminish, quell
2H6 IV.i.60
abortive (adj.)

old form: abortiue
monstrously ill-timed, abhorrent and untimely
How in our voyding Lobby hast thou stood,How in our voiding lobby hast thou stoodvoiding lobby

old form: voyding
antechamber, waiting-room
2H6 IV.i.61
And duly wayted for my comming forth?And duly waited for my coming forth.wait (v.)

old form: wayted
be in attendance, do service
2H6 IV.i.62
This hand of mine hath writ in thy behalfe,This hand of mine hath writ in thy behalf, 2H6 IV.i.63
And therefore shall it charme thy riotous tongue.And therefore shall it charm thy riotous tongue.charm (v.)

old form: charme
work magic [on], bewitch, enchant
2H6 IV.i.64
riotous (adj.)
unrestrained, vociferous, uninhibited
Speak Captaine, shall I stab the forlorn Swain.Speak, captain, shall I stab the forlorn swain?swain (n.)
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow
2H6 IV.i.65
forlorn (adj.)
wretched, abandoned, destitute
First let my words stab him, as he hath me.First let my words stab him, as he hath me. 2H6 IV.i.66
Base slaue, thy words are blunt, and so art thou.Base slave, thy words are blunt and so art thou.base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
2H6 IV.i.67
blunt (adj.)
stupid, obtuse, dull-witted
Conuey him hence, and on our long boats side,Convey him hence, and on our longboat's side 2H6 IV.i.68
Strike off his head. Strike off his head. 2H6 IV.i.69.1
Thou dar'st not for thy owne.Thou darest not, for thy own. 2H6 IV.i.69.2
Yes, Poole. 2H6 IV.i.70.1
Poole? 2H6 IV.i.70.2
Poole, Sir Poole? Lord,Poole! Sir Poole! Lord! 2H6 IV.i.70.3
I kennell, puddle, sinke, whose filth and dirtAy, kennel, puddle, sink, whose filth and dirtsink (n.)

old form: sinke
cesspool, waste pit, sewer
2H6 IV.i.71
kennel (n.)

old form: kennell
street drain, gutter
Troubles the siluer Spring, where England drinkes:Troubles the silver spring where England drinks; 2H6 IV.i.72
Now will I dam vp this thy yawning mouth,Now will I dam up this thy yawning mouth 2H6 IV.i.73
For swallowing the Treasure of the Realme.For swallowing the treasure of the realm. 2H6 IV.i.74
Thy lips that kist the Queene, shall sweepe the ground:Thy lips that kissed the Queen shall sweep the ground; 2H6 IV.i.75
And thou that smil'dst at good Duke Humfries death,And thou that smiled'st at good Duke Humphrey's death 2H6 IV.i.76
Against the senselesse windes shall grin in vaine,Against the senseless winds shalt grin in vain,senseless (adj.)

old form: senselesse
lacking human sensation, incapable of feeling
2H6 IV.i.77
grin (v.)
bare the teeth, grimace, snarl
Who in contempt shall hisse at thee againe.Who in contempt shall hiss at thee again; 2H6 IV.i.78
And wedded be thou to the Hagges of hell,And wedded be thou to the hags of hell, 2H6 IV.i.79
For daring to affye a mighty LordFor daring to affy a mighty lordaffy (v.)

old form: affye
engage, betrothe, espouse
2H6 IV.i.80
Vnto the daughter of a worthlesse King,Unto the daughter of a worthless king, 2H6 IV.i.81
Hauing neyther Subiect, Wealth, nor Diadem:Having neither subject, wealth, nor diadem.diadem (n.)
crown, sovereign power
2H6 IV.i.82
By diuellish policy art thou growne great,By devilish policy art thou grown great,policy (n.)
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
2H6 IV.i.83
And like ambitious Sylla ouer-gorg'd,And, like ambitious Sylla, overgorgedovergorged (adj.)

old form: ouer-gorg'd
gorged to excess, overfed, glutted
2H6 IV.i.84
Sylla (n.)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Roman dictator, 2nd-c BC
With gobbets of thy Mother-bleeding heart.With gobbets of thy mother's bleeding heart.gobbet (n.)
piece of raw flesh
2H6 IV.i.85
By thee Aniou and Maine were soldto France.By thee Anjou and Maine were sold to France, 2H6 IV.i.86
The false reuolting Normans thorough thee,The false revolting Normans thorough theerevolting (adj.)
rebellious, mutinous, insurgent
2H6 IV.i.87
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
thorough (prep.)
Disdaine to call vs Lord, and PiccardieDisdain to call us lord, and Picardy 2H6 IV.i.88
Hath slaine their Gouernors, surpriz'd our Forts,Hath slain their governors, surprised our forts, 2H6 IV.i.89
And sent the ragged Souldiers wounded home.And sent the ragged soldiers wounded home. 2H6 IV.i.90
The Princely Warwicke, and the Neuils all,The princely Warwick, and the Nevils all, 2H6 IV.i.91
Whose dreadfull swords were neuer drawne in vaine,Whose dreadful swords were never drawn in vain, 2H6 IV.i.92
As hating thee, and rising vp in armes.As hating thee, are rising up in arms; 2H6 IV.i.93
And now the House of Yorke thrust from the Crowne,And now the house of York, thrust from the crown 2H6 IV.i.94
By shamefull murther of a guiltlesse King,By shameful murder of a guiltless king 2H6 IV.i.95
And lofty proud incroaching tyranny,And lofty, proud, encroaching tyranny, 2H6 IV.i.96
Burnes with reuenging fire, whose hopefull coloursBurns with revenging fire, whose hopeful colourscolours (n.)
emblems, badges
2H6 IV.i.97
Aduance our halfe-fac'd Sunne, striuing to shine;Advance our half-faced sun, striving to shine,half-faced (adj.)

old form: halfe-fac'd
with only half the face visible
2H6 IV.i.98
advance (v.)

old form: Aduance
raise, lift up, upraise
Vnder the which is writ, Inuitis nubibus.Under the which is writ ‘ Invitis nubibus.’invitis...

old form: Inuitis
in spite of clouds
2H6 IV.i.99
The Commons heere in Kent are vp in armes,The commons here in Kent are up in arms;commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
2H6 IV.i.100
And to conclude, Reproach and Beggerie,And to conclude, reproach and beggary 2H6 IV.i.101
Is crept into the Pallace of our King,Is crept into the palace of our King, 2H6 IV.i.102
And all by thee: away, conuey him hence.And all by thee. Away! Convey him hence. 2H6 IV.i.103
O that I were a God, to shoot forth ThunderO that I were a god, to shoot forth thunder 2H6 IV.i.104
Vpon these paltry, seruile, abiect Drudges:Upon these paltry, servile, abject drudges.drudge (n.)
slave, serf, lackey
2H6 IV.i.105
abject (adj.)

old form: abiect
mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible
Small things make base men proud. This Villaine heere,Small things make base men proud. This villain here,base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
2H6 IV.i.106
Being Captaine of a Pinnace, threatens moreBeing captain of a pinnace, threatens morepinnace (n.)
small speedy boat with a single mast
2H6 IV.i.107
Then Bargulus the strong Illyrian Pyrate.Than Bargulus, the strong Illyrian pirate.strong (adj.)
flagrant, barefaced; or: resolute, determined
2H6 IV.i.108
Illyria (n.)
E seaboard of the Adriatic and its hinterland (Dalmatia); in modern Croatia
Bargulus (n.)
Balkan pirate of Roman times
Drones sucke not Eagles blood, but rob Bee-hiues:Drones suck not eagles' blood, but rob beehives. 2H6 IV.i.109
It is impossible that I should dyeIt is impossible that I should die 2H6 IV.i.110
By such a lowly Vassall as thy selfe.By such a lowly vassal as thyself.vassal (n.)

old form: Vassall
servant, slave, subject
2H6 IV.i.111
Thy words moue Rage, and not remorse in me:Thy words move rage and not remorse in me.remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
2H6 IV.i.112
Ay, but my deeds shall stay thy fury soon.stay (v.)
stop, prevent, end
2H6 IV.i.113
I go of Message from the Queene to France:I go of message from the Queen to France;message, of
on the business of carrying a message, as messenger
2H6 IV.i.114
I charge thee waft me safely crosse the Channell.I charge thee, waft me safely 'cross the Channel.waft (v.)
carry, convey, transport [over the sea]
2H6 IV.i.115
charge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
Water: Walter! 2H6 IV.i.116
Come Suffolke, I must waft thee to thy death.Come, Suffolk, I must waft thee to thy death. 2H6 IV.i.117
Pine gelidus timor occupat artus, Pene gelidus timor occupat artus;pene...
almost completely cold fear seizes my limbs
2H6 IV.i.118
it is thee I feare.It is thee I fear. 2H6 IV.i.119
Thou shalt haue cause to feare before I leaue thee.Thou shalt have cause to fear before I leave thee. 2H6 IV.i.120
What, are ye danted now? Now will ye stoope.What, are ye daunted now? Now will ye stoop? 2H6 IV.i.121
My gracious Lord intreat him, speak him fair.My gracious lord, entreat him, speak him fair.fair (adv.)
kindly, encouragingly, courteously
2H6 IV.i.122
Suffolkes Imperiall tongue is sterne and rough:Suffolk's imperial tongue is stern and rough, 2H6 IV.i.123
Vs'd to command, vntaught to pleade for fauour.Used to command, untaught to plead for favour. 2H6 IV.i.124
Farre be it, we should honor such as theseFar be it we should honour such as these 2H6 IV.i.125
With humble suite: no, rather let my headWith humble suit. No, rather let my headsuit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
2H6 IV.i.126
Stoope to the blocke, then these knees bow to any,Stoop to the block than these knees bow to any 2H6 IV.i.127
Saue to the God of heauen, and to my King:Save to the God of heaven, and to my king; 2H6 IV.i.128
And sooner dance vpon a bloody pole,And sooner dance upon a bloody pole 2H6 IV.i.129
Then stand vncouer'd to the Vulgar Groome.Than stand uncovered to the vulgar groom.groom (n.)

old form: Groome
fellow, character, creature
2H6 IV.i.130
uncovered (adj.)

old form: vncouer'd
bare-headed, with hat in hand [in respect]
vulgar (adj.)
low-born, humble, menial
True Nobility, is exempt from feare:True nobility is exempt from fear; 2H6 IV.i.131
More can I beare, then you dare execute.More can I bear than you dare execute. 2H6 IV.i.132
Hale him away, and let him talke no more:Hale him away, and let him talk no more.hale (v.)
drag, pull, haul
2H6 IV.i.133
Come Souldiers, shew what cruelty ye can.Come, soldiers, show what cruelty ye can, 2H6 IV.i.134
That this my death may neuer be forgot.That this my death may never be forgot. 2H6 IV.i.135
Great men oft dye by vilde Bezonions.Great men oft die by vile Besonians:oft (adv.)
2H6 IV.i.136
besonian, bezonian (n.)

old form: Bezonions
scoundrel, rogue, low fellow
A Romane Sworder, and Bandetto slaueA Roman sworder and banditto slavesworder (n.)
sword-fighter, gladiator
2H6 IV.i.137
bandetto, banditto (adj.)
Murder'd sweet Tully. Brutus Bastard handMurdered sweet Tully; Brutus' bastard handBrutus, Marcus
Marcus Junius Brutus; 1st-c BC Roman politician, involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar
2H6 IV.i.138
Tully (n.)
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman, and philosopher, 1st-c BC
Stab'd Iulius Casar. Sauage IslandersStabbed Julius Caesar; savage islandersJulius Caesar
[pron: 'seezer] Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
2H6 IV.i.139
Pompey the Great, and Suffolke dyes by Pyrats.Pompey the Great; and Suffolk dies by pirates.Pompey the Great (n.)
Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
2H6 IV.i.140
Exit Water Exeunt Whitmore and soldiers 2H6 IV.i.140.1
with Suffolke.with Suffolk 2H6 IV.i.140.2
And as for these whose ransome we haue set,And as for these whose ransom we have set, 2H6 IV.i.141
It is our pleasure one of them depart:It is our pleasure one of them depart;pleasure (n.)
wish, desire, will
2H6 IV.i.142
Therefore come you with vs, and let him go. Therefore come you with us, and let him go. 2H6 IV.i.143
Exit Lieutenant, and the rest. Manet the first Gent.Exeunt all but the First Gentleman 2H6 IV.i.143
Enter Walter with the body.Enter Walter Whitmore with the body of Suffolk 2H6 IV.i.144
There let his head, and liuelesse bodie lye,There let his head and lifeless body lie, 2H6 IV.i.144
Vntill the Queene his Mistris bury it. Until the Queen his mistress bury it. 2H6 IV.i.145
Exit Walter.Exit 2H6 IV.i.145
O barbarous and bloudy spectacle,O, barbarous and bloody spectacle! 2H6 IV.i.146
His body will I beare vnto the King:His body will I bear unto the King; 2H6 IV.i.147
If he reuenge it not, yet will his Friends,If he revenge it not, yet will his friends; 2H6 IV.i.148
So will the Queene, that liuing, held him deere.So will the Queen, that living held him dear. 2H6 IV.i.149
Exit with the body 2H6 IV.i.149
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