First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter King of Pharies, solus. | Enter Oberon, King of Fairies | | MND III.ii.1 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
I wonder if Titania be awak't; | I wonder if Titania be awaked; | | MND III.ii.1 | |
Then what it was that next came in her eye, | Then what it was that next came in her eye, | | MND III.ii.2 | |
Which she must dote on, in extremitie. | Which she must dote on, in extremity. | | MND III.ii.3 | |
Here comes my messenger: | Here comes my messenger. | | MND III.ii.4.1 | |
Enter Pucke. | Enter Puck | | MND III.ii.4 | |
how now mad spirit, | How now, mad spirit? | | MND III.ii.4.2 | |
What night-rule now about this gaunted groue? | What night-rule now about this haunted grove? | night-rule (n.) night-time activity, nocturnal diversion | MND III.ii.5 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
My Mistris with a monster is in loue, | My mistress with a monster is in love. | | MND III.ii.6 | |
Neere to her close and consecrated bower, | Near to her close and consecrated bower, | close (adj.) private, secluded, sequestered | MND III.ii.7 | |
While she was in her dull and sleeping hower, | While she was in her dull and sleeping hour, | | MND III.ii.8 | |
A crew of patches, rude Mcehanicals, | A crew of patches, rude mechanicals | mechanical (n.) manual worker, craftsman, menial | MND III.ii.9 | |
| | rude (adj.) ignorant, unlearned, uneducated | | |
| | rude (adj.) uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined | | |
| | patch (n.) fool, clown; rogue, knave | | |
That worke for bread vpon Athenian stals, | That work for bread upon Athenian stalls, | | MND III.ii.10 | |
Were met together to rehearse a Play, | Were met together to rehearse a play | | MND III.ii.11 | |
Intended for great Theseus nuptiall day: | Intended for great Theseus' nuptial day. | | MND III.ii.12 | |
The shallowest thick-skin of that barren sort, | The shallowest thickskin of that barren sort, | sort (n.) pack, crowd, gang | MND III.ii.13 | |
| | thickskin, thick-skin (n.) brutishly built, dullard, blockhead | | |
| | barren (adj.) stupid, empty-headed, dull | | |
Who Piramus presented, in their sport, | Who Pyramus presented, in their sport | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | MND III.ii.14 | |
Forsooke his Scene, and entred in a brake, | Forsook his scene and entered in a brake, | scene (n.) stage, performing area | MND III.ii.15 | |
| | brake (n.) bush, thicket | | |
When I did him at this aduantage take, | When I did him at this advantage take. | | MND III.ii.16 | |
An Asses nole I fixed on his head. | An ass's nole I fixed on his head. | nole (n.) noddle, head | MND III.ii.17 | |
Anon his Thisbie must be answered, | Anon his Thisbe must be answered, | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | MND III.ii.18 | |
And forth my Mimmick comes: when they him spie, | And forth my mimic comes. When they him spy – | mimic (n.) burlesque actor, performer, thespian | MND III.ii.19 | |
As Wilde-geese, that the creeping Fowler eye, | As wild geese that the creeping fowler eye, | | MND III.ii.20 | |
Or russed-pated choughes, many in sort | Or russet-pated choughs, many in sort, | chough (n.) jackdaw | MND III.ii.21 | |
| | russet-pated (adj.) with reddish-brown head; or: grey-headed | | |
| | sort (n.) pack, crowd, gang | | |
(Rising and cawing at the guns report) | Rising and cawing at the gun's report, | | MND III.ii.22 | |
Seuer themselues, and madly sweepe the skye: | Sever themselves and madly sweep the sky – | | MND III.ii.23 | |
So at his sight, away his fellowes flye, | So at his sight away his fellows fly, | | MND III.ii.24 | |
And at our stampe, here ore and ore one fals; | And at our stamp here o'er and o'er one falls. | | MND III.ii.25 | |
He murther cries, and helpe from Athens cals. | He ‘ Murder!’ cries, and help from Athens calls. | | MND III.ii.26 | |
Their sense thus weake, lost with their feares thus strong, | Their sense thus weak, lost with their fears thus strong, | | MND III.ii.27 | |
Made senselesse things begin to do them wrong. | Made senseless things begin to do them wrong. | | MND III.ii.28 | |
For briars and thornes at their apparell snatch, | For briars and thorns at their apparel snatch, | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | MND III.ii.29 | |
Some sleeues, some hats, from yeelders all things catch, | Some sleeves, some hats. From yielders all things catch. | yielder (n.) one who gives up, conceder | MND III.ii.30 | |
| | catch (v.) seize, get hold of, capture | | |
I led them on in this distracted feare, | I led them on in this distracted fear, | | MND III.ii.31 | |
And left sweete Piramus translated there: | And left sweet Pyramus translated there; | translate (v.) change, transform, alter | MND III.ii.32 | |
When in that moment (so it came to passe) | When in that moment – so it came to pass – | | MND III.ii.33 | |
Tytania waked, and straightway lou'd an Asse. | Titania waked, and straightway loved an ass. | | MND III.ii.34 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
This fals out better then I could deuise: | This falls out better than I could devise! | | MND III.ii.35 | |
But hast thou yet lacht the Athenians eyes, | But hast thou yet latched the Athenian's eyes | latch (v.) fasten, secure; or: moisten [leach] | MND III.ii.36 | |
With the loue iuyce, as I bid thee doe? | With the love juice, as I did bid thee do? | | MND III.ii.37 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
I tooke him sleeping (that is finisht to) | I took him sleeping – that is finished too; | | MND III.ii.38 | |
And the Athenian woman by his side, | And the Athenian woman by his side, | | MND III.ii.39 | |
That when he wak't, of force she must be eyde. | That when he waked of force she must be eyed. | | MND III.ii.40 | |
Enter Demetrius and Hermia. | Enter Demetrius and Hermia | | MND III.ii.41 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
Stand close, this is the same Athenian. | Stand close. This is the same Athenian. | | MND III.ii.41 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
This is the woman, but not this the man. | This is the woman, but not this the man. | | MND III.ii.42 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
O why rebuke you him that loues you so? | O, why rebuke you him that loves you so? | rebuke (v.) repress, put down, check | MND III.ii.43 | |
Lay breath so bitter on your bitter foe. | Lay breath so bitter on your bitter foe. | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | MND III.ii.44 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Now I but chide, but I should vse thee worse. | Now I but chide; but I should use thee worse, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | MND III.ii.45 | |
For thou (I feare) hast giuen me cause to curse, | For thou, I fear, hast given me cause to curse. | | MND III.ii.46 | |
If thou hast slaine Lysander in his sleepe, | If thou hast slain Lysander in his sleep, | | MND III.ii.47 | |
Being oreshooes in bloud, plunge in the deepe, | Being o'ershoes in blood, plunge in the deep, | | MND III.ii.48 | |
and kill me too: | And kill me too. | | MND III.ii.49 | |
The Sunne was not so true vnto the day, | The sun was not so true unto the day | | MND III.ii.50 | |
As he to me. Would he haue stollen away, | As he to me. Would he have stolen away | | MND III.ii.51 | |
From sleeping Hermia? Ile beleeue as soone | From sleeping Hermia? I'll believe as soon | | MND III.ii.52 | |
This whole earth may be bord, and that the Moone | This whole earth may be bored, and that the moon | whole (adj.) unbroken, sound, intact | MND III.ii.53 | |
May through the Center creepe, and so displease | May through the centre creep, and so displease | centre (n.) centre of the earth, axis | MND III.ii.54 | |
Her brothers noonetide, with th' Antipodes. | Her brother's noontide with the Antipodes. | | MND III.ii.55 | |
It cannot be but thou hast murdred him, | It cannot be but thou hast murdered him. | | MND III.ii.56 | |
So should a mutrherer looke, so dead, so grim. | So should a murderer look; so dead, so grim. | dead (adj.) deadly, death-dealing, murderous | MND III.ii.57 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
So should the murderer looke, and so should I, | So should the murdered look, and so should I, | | MND III.ii.58 | |
Pierst through the heart with your stearne cruelty: | Pierced through the heart with your stern cruelty. | | MND III.ii.59 | |
Yet you the murderer looks as bright as cleare, | Yet you, the murderer, look as bright, as clear, | clear (adj.) serene, cheerful, unclouded | MND III.ii.60 | |
As yonder Venus in her glimmering spheare. | As yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere. | sphere (n.) celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit | MND III.ii.61 | |
| | Venus (n.) planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility | | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
What's this to my Lysander? where is he? | What's this to my Lysander? Where is he? | | MND III.ii.62 | |
Ah good Demetrius, wilt thou giue him me? | Ah, good Demetrius, wilt thou give him me? | | MND III.ii.63 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
I'de rather giue his carkasse to my hounds. | I had rather give his carcass to my hounds. | | MND III.ii.64 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Out dog, out cur, thou driu'st me past the bounds | Out, dog! Out, cur! Thou drivest me past the bounds | | MND III.ii.65 | |
Of maidens patience. Hast thou slaine him then? | Of maiden's patience. Hast thou slain him then? | | MND III.ii.66 | |
Henceforth be neuer numbred among men. | Henceforth be never numbered among men. | | MND III.ii.67 | |
Oh, once tell true, euen for my sake, | O, once tell true – tell true, even for my sake. | | MND III.ii.68 | |
Durst thou a lookt vpon him, being awake? | Durst thou have looked upon him being awake? | | MND III.ii.69 | |
And hast thou kill'd him sleeping? O braue tutch: | And hast thou killed him sleeping? O, brave touch! | touch (n.) act, action, deed | MND III.ii.70 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
Could not a worme, an Adder do so much? | Could not a worm, an adder do so much? | worm (n.) serpent, snake | MND III.ii.71 | |
An Adder did it: for with doubler tongue | An adder did it; for with doubler tongue | double (adj.) forked, divided | MND III.ii.72 | |
Then thine (thou serpent) neuer Adder stung. | Than thine, thou serpent, never adder stung. | | MND III.ii.73 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
You spend your passion on a mispris'd mood, | You spend your passion on a misprised mood. | mood (n.) anger, fury, frenzy, fit of temper | MND III.ii.74 | |
| | misprised (adj.) mistaken, misguided, erroneous | | |
| | passion (n.) fit of anger, feeling of rage | | |
| | spend (v.) expend, express, give vent to | | |
I am not guiltie of Lysanders blood: | I am not guilty of Lysander's blood. | | MND III.ii.75 | |
Nor is he dead for ought that I can tell. | Nor is he dead, for aught that I can tell. | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | MND III.ii.76 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
I pray thee tell me then that he is well. | I pray thee, tell me then that he is well. | | MND III.ii.77 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
And if I could, what should I get therefore? | An if I could, what should I get therefore? | an if (conj.) if | MND III.ii.78 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
A priuiledge, neuer to see me more; | A privilege never to see me more; | | MND III.ii.79 | |
And from thy hated presence part I: | And from thy hated presence part I so. | | MND III.ii.80 | |
see me no more / Whether he be dead or no. | See me no more, whether he be dead or no. | | MND III.ii.81 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MND III.ii.81 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
There is no following her in this fierce vaine, | There is no following her in this fierce vein. | | MND III.ii.82 | |
Here therefore for a while I will remaine. | Here therefore for a while I will remain. | | MND III.ii.83 | |
So sorrowes heauinesse doth heauier grow: | So sorrow's heaviness doth heavier grow | heavy (adj.) pressing, weighty, overpowering | MND III.ii.84 | |
For debt that bankrout slip doth sorrow owe, | For debt that bankrupt sleep doth sorrow owe, | | MND III.ii.85 | |
Which now in some slight measure it will pay, | Which now in some slight measure it will pay, | | MND III.ii.86 | |
If for his tender here I make some stay. | If for his tender here I make some stay. | tender (n.) offer, offering | MND III.ii.87 | |
Lie downe. | He lies down and sleeps | | MND III.ii.88 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
What hast thou done? Thou hast mistaken quite | What hast thou done? Thou hast mistaken quite, | | MND III.ii.88 | |
And laid the loue iuyce on some true loues sight: | And laid the love juice on some true love's sight. | | MND III.ii.89 | |
Of thy misprision, must perforce ensue | Of thy misprision must perforce ensue | misprision (n.) mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception | MND III.ii.90 | |
| | perforce (adv.) of necessity, with no choice in the matter | | |
Some true loue turn'd, and not a false turn'd true. | Some true love turned, and not a false turned true. | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | MND III.ii.91 | |
| | turn (v.) change, transform, alter | | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
Then fate ore-rules, that one man holding troth, | Then fate o'errules, that, one man holding truth, | | MND III.ii.92 | |
A million faile, confounding oath on oath. | A million fail, confounding oath on oath. | | MND III.ii.93 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
About the wood, goe swifter then the winde, | About the wood go swifter than the wind, | | MND III.ii.94 | |
And Helena of Athens looke thou finde. | And Helena of Athens look thou find. | | MND III.ii.95 | |
All fancy sicke she is, and pale of cheere, | All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer | cheer (n.) face, look, expression | MND III.ii.96 | |
| | fancy-sick (adj.) lovesick, infatuated, pining | | |
With sighes of loue, that costs the fresh bloud deare. | With sighs of love, that costs the fresh blood dear. | | MND III.ii.97 | |
By some illusion see thou bring her heere, | By some illusion see thou bring her here. | illusion (n.) deception, delusion, deceit | MND III.ii.98 | |
Ile charme his eyes against she doth appeare. | I'll charm his eyes against she do appear. | | MND III.ii.99 | |
Robin. | PUCK | | | |
I go, I go, looke how I goe, | I go, I go – look how I go – | | MND III.ii.100 | |
Swifter then arrow from the Tartars bowe. | Swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow. | Tartar (n.) someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion | MND III.ii.101 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MND III.ii.101 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
Flower of this purple die, | Flower of this purple dye, | | MND III.ii.102 | |
Hit with Cupids archery, | Hit with Cupid's archery, | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | MND III.ii.103 | |
Sinke in apple of his eye, | Sink in apple of his eye. | apple (n.) pupil, centre | MND III.ii.104 | |
| He squeezes the flower on Demetrius's eyes | | MND III.ii.105 | |
When his loue he doth espie, | When his love he doth espy, | | MND III.ii.105 | |
Let her shine as gloriously | Let her shine as gloriously | | MND III.ii.106 | |
As the Venus of the sky. | As the Venus of the sky. | Venus (n.) planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility | MND III.ii.107 | |
When thou wak'st if she be by, | When thou wakest, if she be by, | | MND III.ii.108 | |
Beg of her for remedy. | Beg of her for remedy. | | MND III.ii.109 | |
Enter Pucke. | Enter Puck | | MND III.ii.110 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
Captaine of our Fairy band, | Captain of our fairy band, | | MND III.ii.110 | |
Helena is heere at hand, | Helena is here at hand, | | MND III.ii.111 | |
And the youth, mistooke by me, | And the youth mistook by me, | | MND III.ii.112 | |
Pleading for a Louers fee. | Pleading for a lover's fee. | fee (n.) payment, reward, recompense | MND III.ii.113 | |
Shall we their fond Pageant see? | Shall we their fond pageant see? | pageant (n.) show, scene, spectacle, tableau | MND III.ii.114 | |
| | fond (adj.) foolish, trifling, frivolous | | |
Lord, what fooles these mortals be! | Lord, what fools these mortals be! | | MND III.ii.115 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
Stand aside: the noyse they make, | Stand aside. The noise they make | | MND III.ii.116 | |
Will cause Demetrius to awake. | Will cause Demetrius to awake. | | MND III.ii.117 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
Then will two at once wooe one, | Then will two at once woo one – | | MND III.ii.118 | |
That must needs be sport alone: | That must needs be sport alone; | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | MND III.ii.119 | |
And those things doe best please me, | And those things do best please me | | MND III.ii.120 | |
That befall preposterously. | That befall preposterously. | preposterously (adv.) out of the normal course of events, unnaturally, perversely | MND III.ii.121 | |
| | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen, occur, take place, turn out | | |
Enter Lysander and Helena. | Enter Lysander and Helena | | MND III.ii.122 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Why should you think yt I should wooe in scorn? | Why should you think that I should woo in scorn? | | MND III.ii.122 | |
Scorne and derision neuer comes in teares: | Scorn and derision never come in tears. | | MND III.ii.123 | |
Looke when I vow I weepe; and vowes so borne, | Look when I vow, I weep; and vows so born, | look when (conj.) whenever, as soon as | MND III.ii.124 | |
In their natiuity all truth appeares. | In their nativity all truth appears. | | MND III.ii.125 | |
How can these things in me, seeme scorne to you? | How can these things in me seem scorn to you, | | MND III.ii.126 | |
Bearing the badge of faith to proue them true. | Bearing the badge of faith to prove them true? | | MND III.ii.127 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
You doe aduance your cunning more & more, | You do advance your cunning more and more. | advance (v.) display, present, promote | MND III.ii.128 | |
When truth kils truth, O diuelish holy fray! | When truth kills truth, O devilish-holy fray! | | MND III.ii.129 | |
These vowes are Hermias. Will you giue her ore? | These vows are Hermia's. Will you give her o'er? | give over (v.) desert, leave, abandon | MND III.ii.130 | |
Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh. | Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh. | | MND III.ii.131 | |
Your vowes to her, and me, (put in two scales) | Your vows to her and me, put in two scales, | | MND III.ii.132 | |
Will euen weigh, and both as light as tales. | Will even weigh, and both as light as tales. | tale (n.) false rumour, story, tittle-tattle | MND III.ii.133 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
I had no iudgement, when to her I swore. | I had no judgement when to her I swore. | | MND III.ii.134 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Nor none in my minde, now you giue her ore. | Nor none in my mind now you give her o'er. | | MND III.ii.135 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Demetrius loues her, and he loues not you. | Demetrius loves her, and he loves not you. | | MND III.ii.136 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Awa. | (wakes) | | MND III.ii.137 | |
O Helen, goddesse, nimph, perfect, diuine, | O Helena, goddess, nymph, perfect, divine – | | MND III.ii.137 | |
To what my, loue, shall I compare thine eyne! | To what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne? | eyne (n.) [archaism] eyes | MND III.ii.138 | |
Christall is muddy, O how ripe in show, | Crystal is muddy! O, how ripe in show | ripe (adj.) red and full like ripe fruit | MND III.ii.139 | |
Thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow! | Thy lips – those kissing cherries – tempting grow! | | MND III.ii.140 | |
That pure congealed white, high Tauruss now, | That pure congealed white, high Taurus' snow, | Taurus (n.) [pron: 'tawrus] Turkish mountain range | MND III.ii.141 | |
Fan'd with the Easterne winde, turnes to a crow, | Fanned with the eastern wind, turns to a crow | | MND III.ii.142 | |
When thou holdst vp thy hand. O let me kisse | When thou holdest up thy hand. O, let me kiss | | MND III.ii.143 | |
This Princesse of pure white, this seale of blisse. | This princess of pure white, this seal of bliss! | princess (n.) paragon, sovereign form, ideal | MND III.ii.144 | |
| | seal (n.) pledge, promise, token, sign | | |
Hell. | HELENA | | | |
O spight! O hell! I see you are all bent | O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent | bent (adj.) determined, intent, resolved | MND III.ii.145 | |
To set against me, for your merriment: | To set against me for your merriment. | set against (v.) be hostile to, make an attack on | MND III.ii.146 | |
If you were ciuill, and knew curtesie, | If you were civil and knew courtesy | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners | MND III.ii.147 | |
You would not doe me thus much iniury. | You would not do me thus much injury. | injury (n.) insult, affront, slight | MND III.ii.148 | |
Can you not hate me, as I know you doe, | Can you not hate me – as I know you do – | | MND III.ii.149 | |
But you must ioyne in soules to mocke me to? | But you must join in souls to mock me too? | | MND III.ii.150 | |
If you are men, as men you are in show, | If you were men – as men you are in show – | | MND III.ii.151 | |
You would not vse a gentle Lady so; | You would not use a gentle lady so, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | MND III.ii.152 | |
To vow, and sweare, and superpraise my parts, | To vow, and swear, and superpraise my parts, | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | MND III.ii.153 | |
When I am sure you hate me with your hearts. | When, I am sure, you hate me with your hearts. | | MND III.ii.154 | |
You both are Riuals, and loue Hermia; | You both are rivals, and love Hermia; | | MND III.ii.155 | |
And now both Riuals to mocke Helena. | And now both rivals to mock Helena. | | MND III.ii.156 | |
A trim exploit, a manly enterprize, | A trim exploit, a manly enterprise – | trim (adj.) fine, excellent, smart | MND III.ii.157 | |
To coniure teares vp in a poore maids eyes, | To conjure tears up in a poor maid's eyes | conjure up (v.) bring about [as if by magic], cause to appear | MND III.ii.158 | |
With your derision; none of noble sort, | With your derision. None of noble sort | sort (n.) class, level, social rank | MND III.ii.159 | |
Would so offend a Virgin, and extort | Would so offend a virgin, and extort | extort (v.) torture, abuse, wring | MND III.ii.160 | |
A poore soules patience, all to make you sport. | A poor soul's patience, all to make you sport. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | MND III.ii.161 | |
Lysa. | LYSANDER | | | |
You are vnkind Demetrius; be not so, | You are unkind, Demetrius. Be not so, | | MND III.ii.162 | |
For you loue Hermia; this you know I know; | For you love Hermia – this you know I know. | | MND III.ii.163 | |
And here with all good will, with all my heart, | And here: with all good will, with all my heart, | | MND III.ii.164 | |
In Hermias loue I yeeld you vp my part; | In Hermia's love I yield you up my part. | | MND III.ii.165 | |
And yours of Helena, to me bequeath, | And yours of Helena to me bequeath, | | MND III.ii.166 | |
Whom I do loue, and will do to my death. | Whom I do love, and will do till my death. | | MND III.ii.167 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Neuer did mockers wast more idle breth. | Never did mockers waste more idle breath. | | MND III.ii.168 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Lysander, keep thy Hermia, I will none: | Lysander, keep thy Hermia. I will none. | | MND III.ii.169 | |
If ere I lou'd her, all that loue is gone. | If e'er I loved her all that love is gone. | | MND III.ii.170 | |
My heart to her, but as guest-wise soiourn'd, | My heart to her but as guestwise sojourned, | sojourn (v.) travel, journey, go to stay | MND III.ii.171 | |
| | guestwise (adv.) in the manner of a guest, as a visitor | | |
And now to Helen it is home return'd, | And now to Helen is it home returned, | | MND III.ii.172 | |
There to remaine. | There to remain. | | MND III.ii.173.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
It is not so. | Helen, it is not so. | | MND III.ii.173.2 | |
De. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Disparage not the faith thou dost not know, | Disparage not the faith thou dost not know, | | MND III.ii.174 | |
Lest to thy perill thou abide it deare. | Lest to thy peril thou aby it dear. | aby (v.) suffer for, pay for, atone for | MND III.ii.175 | |
Looke where thy Loue comes, yonder is thy deare. | Look where thy love comes: yonder is thy dear. | | MND III.ii.176 | |
Enter Hermia. | Enter Hermia | | MND III.ii.177 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Dark night, that from the eye his function takes, | Dark night that from the eye his function takes | | MND III.ii.177 | |
The eare more quicke of apprehension makes, | The ear more quick of apprehension makes. | apprehension (n.) perception, auditory reception | MND III.ii.178 | |
Wherein it doth impaire the seeing sense, | Wherein it doth impair the seeing sense | | MND III.ii.179 | |
It paies the hearing double recompence. | It pays the hearing double recompense. | | MND III.ii.180 | |
Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander found, | Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander, found; | | MND III.ii.181 | |
Mine eare (I thanke it) brought me to that sound. | Mine ear – I thank it – brought me to thy sound. | | MND III.ii.182 | |
But why vnkindly didst thou leaue me so? | But why unkindly didst thou leave me so? | | MND III.ii.183 | |
Lysan. | LYSANDER | | | |
Why should hee stay whom Loue doth presse (to go? | Why should he stay whom love doth press to go? | | MND III.ii.184 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
What loue could presse Lysander from my side? | What love could press Lysander from my side? | | MND III.ii.185 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Lysanders loue (that would not let him bide) | Lysander's love, that would not let him bide: | | MND III.ii.186 | |
Faire Helena; who more engilds the night, | Fair Helena, who more engilds the night | engild (v.) gild, brighten, illuminate | MND III.ii.187 | |
Then all yon fierie oes, and eies of light. | Than all you fiery oes and eyes of light, | O (n.) circle, orb, sphere | MND III.ii.188 | |
Why seek'st thou me? Could not this make thee know, | Why seekest thou me? Could not this make thee know | | MND III.ii.189 | |
The hate I bare thee, made me leaue thee so? | The hate I bear thee made me leave thee so? | | MND III.ii.190 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
You speake not as you thinke; it cannot be. | You speak not as you think. It cannot be. | | MND III.ii.191 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Loe, she is one of this confederacy, | Lo, she is one of this confederacy. | | MND III.ii.192 | |
Now I perceiue they haue conioyn'd all three, | Now I perceive they have conjoined all three | | MND III.ii.193 | |
To fashion this false sport in spight of me. | To fashion this false sport in spite of me. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | MND III.ii.194 | |
| | spite (n.) annoyance, vexation, irritation | | |
| | false (adj.) unfair, unjust, double-crossing | | |
| | fashion (v.) arrange, contrive, manage | | |
Iniurous Hermia, most vngratefull maid, | Injurious Hermia, most ungrateful maid, | | MND III.ii.195 | |
Haue you conspir'd, haue you with these contriu'd | Have you conspired, have you with these contrived | | MND III.ii.196 | |
To baite me, with this foule derision? | To bait me with this foul derision? | bait (v.) harass, persecute, torment | MND III.ii.197 | |
Is all the counsell that we two haue shar'd, | Is all the counsel that we two have shared – | | MND III.ii.198 | |
The sisters vowes, the houres that we haue spent, | The sisters' vows, the hours that we have spent | | MND III.ii.199 | |
When wee haue chid the hasty footed time, | When we have chid the hasty-footed time | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | MND III.ii.200 | |
For parting vs; O, is all forgot? | For parting us – O, is all forgot? | | MND III.ii.201 | |
All schooledaies friendship, child-hood innocence? | All schooldays' friendship, childhood innocence? | | MND III.ii.202 | |
We Hermia, like two Artificiall gods, | We, Hermia, like two artificial gods | artificial (adj.) showing creative artistry, artistically skilful | MND III.ii.203 | |
Haue with our needles, created both one flower, | Have with our needles created both one flower, | | MND III.ii.204 | |
Both on one sampler, sitting on one cushion, | Both on one sampler, sitting on one cushion, | | MND III.ii.205 | |
Both warbling of one song, both in one key; | Both warbling of one song, both in one key, | key (n.) accord, rapport, mind | MND III.ii.206 | |
As if our hands, our sides, voices, and mindes | As if our hands, our sides, voices, and minds | | MND III.ii.207 | |
Had beene incorporate. So we grew together, | Had been incorporate. So we grew together | incorporate (adj.) united in one body, combined in one entity | MND III.ii.208 | |
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted, | Like to a double cherry, seeming parted | | MND III.ii.209 | |
But yet a vnion in partition, | But yet an union in partition, | | MND III.ii.210 | |
Two louely berries molded on one stem, | Two lovely berries moulded on one stem, | | MND III.ii.211 | |
So with two seeming bodies, but one heart, | So with two seeming bodies but one heart, | | MND III.ii.212 | |
Two of the first life coats in Heraldry, | Two of the first, like coats in heraldry, | first (n.) [heraldry] first tincture in a blazon | MND III.ii.213 | |
| | coat (n.) coat-of-arms | | |
Due but to one and crowned with one crest. | Due but to one, and crowned with one crest. | crest (n.) heraldic device placed above the shield and helmet in a coat-of-arms | MND III.ii.214 | |
And will you rent our ancient loue asunder, | And will you rent our ancient love asunder, | rent (v.) rend, tear, pull to pieces | MND III.ii.215 | |
To ioyne with men in scorning your poore friend? | To join with men in scorning your poor friend? | | MND III.ii.216 | |
It is not friendly, 'tis not maidenly. | It is not friendly, 'tis not maidenly. | | MND III.ii.217 | |
Our sexe as well as I, may chide you for it, | Our sex as well as I may chide you for it, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | MND III.ii.218 | |
Though I alone doe feele the iniurie. | Though I alone do feel the injury. | | MND III.ii.219 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
I am amazed at your passionate words, | I am amazed at your passionate words. | | MND III.ii.220 | |
I scorne you not; It seemes that you scorne me. | I scorn you not; it seems that you scorn me. | | MND III.ii.221 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Haue you not set Lysander, as in scorne | Have you not set Lysander, as in scorn, | | MND III.ii.222 | |
To follow me, and praise my eies and face? | To follow me and praise my eyes and face? | | MND III.ii.223 | |
And made your other loue, Demetrius | And made your other love, Demetrius – | | MND III.ii.224 | |
(Who euen but now did spurne me with his foote) | Who even but now did spurn me with his foot – | spurn (v.) kick, strike, stamp [on], dash | MND III.ii.225 | |
To call me goddesse, nimph, diuine, and rare, | To call me goddess, nymph, divine and rare, | | MND III.ii.226 | |
Precious, celestiall? Wherefore speakes he this | Precious, celestial? Wherefore speaks he this | | MND III.ii.227 | |
To her he hates? and wherefore doth Lysander | To her he hates? And wherefore doth Lysander | | MND III.ii.228 | |
Denie your loue (so rich within his soule) | Deny your love, so rich within his soul, | | MND III.ii.229 | |
And tender me (forsooth) affection, | And tender me forsooth affection, | forsooth (adv.) in truth, certainly, truly, indeed | MND III.ii.230 | |
But by your setting on, by your consent? | But by your setting on, by your consent? | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MND III.ii.231 | |
What though I be not so in grace as you, | What though I be not so in grace as you, | | MND III.ii.232 | |
So hung vpon with loue, so fortunate? | So hung upon with love, so fortunate, | | MND III.ii.233 | |
(But miserable most, to loue vnlou'd) | But miserable most, to love unloved: | | MND III.ii.234 | |
This you should pittie, rather then despise. | This you should pity rather than despise. | | MND III.ii.235 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
I vnderstand not what you meane by this. | I understand not what you mean by this. | | MND III.ii.236 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
I, doe, perseuer, counterfeit sad lookes, | Ay, do! Persever, counterfeit sad looks, | persever (v.) persevere, persist, keep at it | MND III.ii.237 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | counterfeit (v.) pretend, feign, make believe | | |
Make mouthes vpon me when I turne my backe, | Make mouths upon me when I turn my back, | | MND III.ii.238 | |
Winke each at other, hold the sweete iest vp: | Wink each at other, hold the sweet jest up. | hold up (v.) continue, keep going, carry on | MND III.ii.239 | |
This sport well carried, shall be chronicled. | This sport well carried shall be chronicled. | chronicle (v.) enter into a chronicle, record in history | MND III.ii.240 | |
| | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | | |
| | carry (v.) carry out, manage, conduct | | |
If you haue any pittie, grace, or manners, | If you have any pity, grace, or manners, | | MND III.ii.241 | |
You would not make me such an argument: | You would not make me such an argument. | argument (n.) subject, point, theme, target | MND III.ii.242 | |
But fare ye well, 'tis partly mine owne fault, | But fare ye well. 'Tis partly my own fault, | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MND III.ii.243 | |
Which death or absence soone shall remedie. | Which death or absence soon shall remedy. | | MND III.ii.244 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Stay gentle Helena, heare my excuse, | Stay, gentle Helena, hear my excuse, | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | MND III.ii.245 | |
My loue, my life, my soule, faire Helena. | My love, my life, my soul, fair Helena! | | MND III.ii.246 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
O excellent! | O excellent! | | MND III.ii.247.1 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
| (to Lysander) | | MND III.ii.247 | |
Sweete, do not scorne her so. | Sweet, do not scorn her so. | | MND III.ii.247.2 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
If she cannot entreate, I can compell. | If she cannot entreat, I can compel. | | MND III.ii.248 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Thou canst compell, no more then she entreate. | Thou canst compel no more than she entreat. | | MND III.ii.249 | |
Thy threats haue no more strength then her weak praise. | Thy threats have no more strength than her weak prayers. | | MND III.ii.250 | |
Helen, I loue thee, by my life I doe; | Helen, I love thee. By my life, I do. | | MND III.ii.251 | |
I sweare by that which I will lose for thee, | I swear by that which I will lose for thee | | MND III.ii.252 | |
To proue him false, that saies I loue thee not. | To prove him false that says I love thee not. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | MND III.ii.253 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
I say, I loue thee more then he can do. | I say I love thee more than he can do. | | MND III.ii.254 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
If thou say so, with-draw and proue it too. | If thou say so, withdraw, and prove it too. | | MND III.ii.255 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Quick, come. | Quick, come. | | MND III.ii.256.1 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Lysander, whereto tends all this? | Lysander, whereto tends all this? | | MND III.ii.256.2 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Away, you Ethiope. | Away, you Ethiope! | Ethiop, Ethiope (adj./n.) Ethiopian, African, person with a dark countenance | MND III.ii.257.1 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
No, no, Sir, | No, no. He'll | | MND III.ii.257.2 | |
seeme to breake loose; / Take on as you would follow, | Seem to break loose, take on as he would follow, | take on (v.) behave, act; or: rage, rant | MND III.ii.258 | |
But yet come not: you are a tame man, go. | But yet come not. (To Lysander) You are a tame man, go. | | MND III.ii.259 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Hang off thou cat, thou bur; vile thing let loose, | Hang off, thou cat, thou burr! Vile thing, let loose, | hang off (v.) leave hold, stop clinging | MND III.ii.260 | |
| | bur, burr (n.) clinger, person difficult to shake off | | |
Or I will shake thee from me like a serpent. | Or I will shake thee from me like a serpent. | | MND III.ii.261 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Why are you growne so rude? / What change is this | Why are you grown so rude? What change is this, | | MND III.ii.262 | |
sweete Loue? | Sweet love? | | MND III.ii.263.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Thy loue? out tawny Tartar, out; | Thy love? – out, tawny Tartar, out; | Tartar (n.) someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion | MND III.ii.263.2 | |
Out loathed medicine; O hated poison hence. | Out, loathed medicine! O hated potion, hence! | potion (n.) poison, deadly drink | MND III.ii.264 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Do you not iest? | Do you not jest? | | MND III.ii.265.1 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Yes sooth, and so do you. | Yes, sooth, and so do you. | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | MND III.ii.265.2 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Demetrius: I will keepe my word with thee. | Demetrius, I will keep my word with thee. | | MND III.ii.266 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
I would I had your bond: for I perceiue | I would I had your bond; for I perceive | bond (n.) deed, contract, pledge | MND III.ii.267 | |
A weake bond holds you; Ile not trust your word. | A weak bond holds you. I'll not trust your word. | bond (n.) [physical] tie, restraint, constraint | MND III.ii.268 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
What, should I hurt her, strike her, kill her dead? | What? Should I hurt her, strike her, kill her dead? | | MND III.ii.269 | |
Although I hate her, Ile not harme her so. | Although I hate her, I'll not harm her so. | | MND III.ii.270 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
What, can you do me greater harme then hate? | What? Can you do me greater harm than hate? | | MND III.ii.271 | |
Hate me, wherefore? O me, what newes my Loue? | Hate me? Wherefore? O me, what news, my love? | | MND III.ii.272 | |
Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander? | Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander? | | MND III.ii.273 | |
I am as faire now, as I was ere while. | I am as fair now as I was erewhile. | erewhile (adv.) a short time ago, a while before | MND III.ii.274 | |
Since night you lou'd me; yet since night you left me. | Since night you loved me; yet since night you left me. | since (adv.) ago | MND III.ii.275 | |
Why then you left me (O the gods forbid | Why then, you left me – O, the gods forbid! – | | MND III.ii.276 | |
In earnest, shall I say? | In earnest, shall I say? | | MND III.ii.277.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
I, by my life; | Ay, by my life; | | MND III.ii.277.2 | |
And neuer did desire to see thee more. | And never did desire to see thee more. | | MND III.ii.278 | |
Therefore be out of hope, of question, of doubt; | Therefore be out of hope, of question, of doubt, | | MND III.ii.279 | |
Be certaine, nothing truer: 'tis no iest, | Be certain. Nothing truer – 'tis no jest | | MND III.ii.280 | |
That I doe hate thee, and loue Helena. | That I do hate thee and love Helena. | | MND III.ii.281 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
O me, you iugler, you canker blossome, | O me, you juggler, you canker-blossom, | juggler (n.) trickster, deceiver, fraud | MND III.ii.282 | |
| | canker-blossom (n.) grub that destroys the blossom [of love] | | |
You theefe of loue; What, haue you come by night, | You thief of love! What, have you come by night | | MND III.ii.283 | |
And stolne my loues heart from him? | And stolen my love's heart from him? | | MND III.ii.284.1 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Fine yfaith: | Fine, i'faith. | | MND III.ii.284.2 | |
Haue you no modesty, no maiden shame, | Have you no modesty, no maiden shame, | | MND III.ii.285 | |
No touch of bashfulnesse? What, will you teare | No touch of bashfulness? What, will you tear | | MND III.ii.286 | |
Impatient answers from my gentle tongue? | Impatient answers from my gentle tongue? | gentle (adj.) peaceful, calm, free from violence | MND III.ii.287 | |
Fie, fie, you counterfeit, you puppet, you. | Fie, fie, you counterfeit, you puppet, you! | counterfeit (n.) impostor, pretender, sham | MND III.ii.288 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Puppet? why so? I, that way goes the game. | Puppet? Why so? – Ay, that way goes the game. | | MND III.ii.289 | |
Now I perceiue that she hath made compare | Now I perceive that she hath made compare | compare (n.) comparison, simile, analogy | MND III.ii.290 | |
Betweene our statures, she hath vrg'd her height, | Between our statures. She hath urged her height, | | MND III.ii.291 | |
And with her personage, her tall personage, | And with her personage, her tall personage, | | MND III.ii.292 | |
Her height (forsooth) she hath preuail'd with him. | Her height, forsooth, she hath prevailed with him. | forsooth (adv.) in truth, certainly, truly, indeed | MND III.ii.293 | |
And are you growne so high in his esteeme, | And are you grown so high in his esteem | | MND III.ii.294 | |
Because I am so dwarfish, and so low? | Because I am so dwarfish and so low? | | MND III.ii.295 | |
How low am I, thou painted May-pole? Speake, | How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak! | | MND III.ii.296 | |
How low am I? I am not yet so low, | How low am I? – I am not yet so low | | MND III.ii.297 | |
But that my nailes can reach vnto thine eyes. | But that my nails can reach unto thine eyes. | | MND III.ii.298 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
I pray you though you mocke me, gentlemen, | I pray you, though you mock me, gentlemen, | | MND III.ii.299 | |
Let her not hurt me; I was neuer curst: | Let her not hurt me. I was never curst. | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | MND III.ii.300 | |
I haue no gift at all in shrewishnesse; | I have no gift at all in shrewishness. | | MND III.ii.301 | |
I am a right maide for my cowardize; | I am a right maid for my cowardice! | right (adj.) typical, true, classic | MND III.ii.302 | |
Let her not strike me: you perhaps may thinke, | Let her not strike me. You perhaps may think | | MND III.ii.303 | |
Because she is something lower then my selfe, | Because she is something lower than myself | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | MND III.ii.304 | |
That I can match her. | That I can match her.... | | MND III.ii.305.1 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Lower? harke againe. | Lower? Hark, again! | | MND III.ii.305.2 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
Good Hermia, do not be so bitter with me, | Good Hermia, do not be so bitter with me. | | MND III.ii.306 | |
I euermore did loue you Hermia, | I evermore did love you, Hermia; | | MND III.ii.307 | |
Did euer keepe your counsels, neuer wronged you, | Did ever keep your counsels, never wronged you, | | MND III.ii.308 | |
Saue that in loue vnto Demetrius, | Save that in love unto Demetrius | | MND III.ii.309 | |
I told him of your stealth vnto this wood. | I told him of your stealth unto this wood. | stealth (n.) stealing away, furtive journey, clandestine act | MND III.ii.310 | |
He followed you, for loue I followed him, | He followed you. For love I followed him. | | MND III.ii.311 | |
But he hath chid me hence, and threatned me | But he hath chid me hence, and threatened me | chide (v.), past form chid brusquely command, drive [away] with harsh words | MND III.ii.312 | |
To strike me, spurne me, nay to kill me too; | To strike me, spurn me – nay, to kill me too. | spurn (v.) kick, strike, stamp [on], dash | MND III.ii.313 | |
And now, so you will let me quiet go, | And now, so you will let me quiet go, | | MND III.ii.314 | |
To Athens will I beare my folly backe, | To Athens will I bear my folly back | | MND III.ii.315 | |
And follow you no further. Let me go. | And follow you no further. Let me go. | | MND III.ii.316 | |
You see how simple, and how fond I am. | You see how simple and how fond I am. | fond (adj.) foolish, trifling, frivolous | MND III.ii.317 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Why get you gone: who ist that hinders you? | Why, get you gone! Who is't that hinders you? | | MND III.ii.318 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
A foolish heart, that I leaue here behinde. | A foolish heart that I leave here behind. | | MND III.ii.319 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
What, with Lysander? | What, with Lysander? | | MND III.ii.320.1 | |
Her. | HELENA | | | |
With Demetrius. | With Demetrius. | | MND III.ii.320.2 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Be not afraid, she shall not harme thee Helena. | Be not afraid; she shall not harm thee, Helena. | | MND III.ii.321 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
No sir, she shall not, though you take her part. | No, sir, She shall not, though you take her part. | | MND III.ii.322 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
O when she's angry, she is keene and shrewd, | O, when she is angry she is keen and shrewd. | shrewd (adj.) shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult | MND III.ii.323 | |
| | keen (adj.) sharp, cutting, severe | | |
She was a vixen when she went to schoole, | She was a vixen when she went to school, | | MND III.ii.324 | |
And though she be but little, she is fierce. | And though she be but little, she is fierce. | | MND III.ii.325 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Little againe? Nothing but low and little? | Little again? Nothing but low and little? | | MND III.ii.326 | |
Why will you suffer her to flout me thus? | Why will you suffer her to flout me thus? | | MND III.ii.327 | |
Let me come to her. | Let me come to her. | | MND III.ii.328.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Get you gone you dwarfe, | Get you gone, you dwarf, | | MND III.ii.328.2 | |
You minimus, of hindring knot-grasse made, | You minimus of hindering knot-grass made, | minimus (n.) tiniest of creatures, insignificant being | MND III.ii.329 | |
| | knot-grass (n.) species of creeping weed | | |
You bead, you acorne. | You bead, you acorn. | bead (n.) tiny thing, smallest of objects | MND III.ii.330.1 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
You are too officious, | You are too officious | | MND III.ii.330.2 | |
In her behalfe that scornes your seruices. | In her behalf that scorns your services. | | MND III.ii.331 | |
Let her alone, speake not of Helena, | Let her alone. Speak not of Helena, | | MND III.ii.332 | |
Take not her part. For if thou dost intend | Take not her part; for if thou dost intend | | MND III.ii.333 | |
Neuer so little shew of loue to her, | Never so little show of love to her, | | MND III.ii.334 | |
Thou shalt abide it. | Thou shalt aby it. | aby (v.) suffer for, pay for, atone for | MND III.ii.335.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Now she holds me not, | Now she holds me not. | | MND III.ii.335.2 | |
Now follow if thou dar'st, to try whose right, | Now follow – if thou darest – to try whose right | | MND III.ii.336 | |
Of thine or mine is most in Helena. | Of thine or mine is most in Helena. | | MND III.ii.337 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Follow? Nay, Ile goe with thee cheeke by iowle. | Follow? Nay, I'll go with thee, cheek by jowl. | | MND III.ii.338 | |
Exit Lysander and Demetrius. | Exeunt Demetrius and Lysander | | MND III.ii.338 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
You Mistris, all this coyle is long of you. | You, mistress – all this coil is 'long of you. | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | MND III.ii.339 | |
Nay, goe not backe. | Nay – go not back. | | MND III.ii.340.1 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
I will not trust you I, | I will not trust you, I, | | MND III.ii.340.2 | |
Nor longer stay in your curst companie. | Nor longer stay in your curst company. | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | MND III.ii.341 | |
Your hands then mine, are quicker for a fray, | Your hands than mine are quicker for a fray. | | MND III.ii.342 | |
My legs are longer though to runne away. | My legs are longer, though, to run away! | | MND III.ii.343 | |
| Exit | | MND III.ii.343 | |
| HERMIA | | | |
| I am amazed, and know not what to say! | | MND III.ii.344 | |
| Exit | | MND III.ii.344 | |
Enter Oberon and Pucke. | Oberon and Puck come forward | | MND III.ii.345.1 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
This is thy negligence, still thou mistak'st, | This is thy negligence. Still thou mistakest, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MND III.ii.345 | |
Or else committ'st thy knaueries willingly. | Or else committest thy knaveries wilfully. | knavery (n.) roguish trick, rouguery, trickery | MND III.ii.346 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
Beleeue me, King of shadowes, I mistooke, | Believe me, King of shadows, I mistook. | shadow (n.) spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost | MND III.ii.347 | |
Did not you tell me, I should know the man, | Did not you tell me I should know the man | | MND III.ii.348 | |
By the Athenian garments he hath on? | By the Athenian garments he had on? | | MND III.ii.349 | |
And so farre blamelesse proues my enterprize, | And so far blameless proves my enterprise | | MND III.ii.350 | |
That I haue nointed an Athenians eies, | That I have 'nointed an Athenian's eyes. | | MND III.ii.351 | |
And so farre am I glad, it so did sort, | And so far am I glad it so did sort, | sort (v.) turn out, fall out, come about | MND III.ii.352 | |
As this their iangling I esteeme a sport. | As this their jangling I esteem a sport. | sport (n.) subject of sport | MND III.ii.353 | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
Thou seest these Louers seeke a place to fight, | Thou seest these lovers seek a place to fight. | | MND III.ii.354 | |
Hie therefore Robin, ouercast the night, | Hie therefore, Robin, overcast the night. | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | MND III.ii.355 | |
The starrie Welkin couer thou anon, | The starry welkin cover thou anon | welkin (n.) sky, firmament, heavens | MND III.ii.356 | |
| | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | | |
With drooping fogge as blacke as Acheron, | With drooping fog as black as Acheron, | Acheron (n.) [pron: 'akeron] Underworld abyss and river, which souls of the dead must cross | MND III.ii.357 | |
And lead these testie Riuals so astray, | And lead these testy rivals so astray | | MND III.ii.358 | |
As one come not within anothers way. | As one come not within another's way. | | MND III.ii.359 | |
Like to Lysander, sometime frame thy tongue, | Like to Lysander sometime frame thy tongue, | | MND III.ii.360 | |
Then stirre Demetrius vp with bitter wrong; | Then stir Demetrius up with bitter wrong, | wrong (n.) insult, offence, slight | MND III.ii.361 | |
And sometime raile thou like Demetrius; | And sometime rail thou like Demetrius; | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | MND III.ii.362 | |
| | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | | |
And from each other looke thou leade them thus, | And from each other look thou lead them thus | | MND III.ii.363 | |
Till ore their browes, death-counterfeiting, sleepe | Till o'er their brows death-counterfeiting sleep | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | MND III.ii.364 | |
With leaden legs, and Battie-wings doth creepe: | With leaden legs and batty wings doth creep. | batty (adj.) bat-like | MND III.ii.365 | |
Then crush this hearbe into Lysanders eie, | Then crush this herb into Lysander's eye – | | MND III.ii.366 | |
Whose liquor hath this vertuous propertie, | Whose liquor hath this virtuous property, | virtuous (adj.) potent, powerful, efficacious | MND III.ii.367 | |
To take from thence all error, with his might, | To take from thence all error with his might, | | MND III.ii.368 | |
And make his eie-bals role with wonted sight. | And make his eyeballs roll with wonted sight. | wonted (adj.) accustomed, usual, customary | MND III.ii.369 | |
When they next wake, all this derision | When they next wake, all this derision | | MND III.ii.370 | |
Shall seeme a dreame, and fruitlesse vision, | Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision, | | MND III.ii.371 | |
And backe to Athens shall the Louers wend | And back to Athens shall the lovers wend | | MND III.ii.372 | |
With league, whose date till death shall neuer end. | With league whose date till death shall never end. | date (n.) duration, period of existence | MND III.ii.373 | |
Whiles I in this affaire do thee imply, | Whiles I in this affair do thee employ | | MND III.ii.374 | |
Ile to my Queene, and beg her Indian Boy; | I'll to my Queen and beg her Indian boy, | | MND III.ii.375 | |
And then I will her charmed eie release | And then I will her charmed eye release | charmed (adj.) bewitched, enchanted, placed under a spell | MND III.ii.376 | |
From monsters view, and all things shall be peace. | From monster's view, and all things shall be peace. | | MND III.ii.377 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
My Fairie Lord, this must be done with haste, | My fairy lord, this must be done with haste, | | MND III.ii.378 | |
For night-swift Dragons cut the Clouds full fast, | For night's swift dragons cut the clouds full fast, | | MND III.ii.379 | |
And yonder shines Auroras harbinger; | And yonder shines Aurora's harbinger, | harbinger (n.) forerunner, herald, precursor | MND III.ii.380 | |
At whose approach Ghosts wandring here and there, | At whose approach ghosts wandering here and there | | MND III.ii.381 | |
Troope home to Church-yards; damned spirits all, | Troop home to churchyards. Damned spirits all | | MND III.ii.382 | |
That in crosse-waies and flouds haue buriall, | That in crossways and floods have burial | crossway (n.) cross-road | MND III.ii.383 | |
Alreadie to their wormie beds are gone; | Already to their wormy beds are gone. | | MND III.ii.384 | |
For feare least day should looke their shames vpon, | For fear lest day should look their shames upon | | MND III.ii.385 | |
They wilfully themselues dxile from light, | They wilfully themselves exile from light, | | MND III.ii.386 | |
And must for aye consort with blacke browd night. | And must for aye consort with black-browed night. | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | MND III.ii.387 | |
| | consort (v.) accompany, attend, go with | | |
Ob. | OBERON | | | |
But we are spirits of another sort: | But we are spirits of another sort. | sort (n.) class, level, social rank | MND III.ii.388 | |
I, with the mornings loue haue oft made sport, | I with the morning's love have oft made sport, | oft (adv.) often | MND III.ii.389 | |
| | sport (n.) sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance | | |
And like a Forrester, the groues may tread, | And like a forester the groves may tread | | MND III.ii.390 | |
Euen till the Easterne gate all fierie red, | Even till the eastern gate all fiery red | | MND III.ii.391 | |
Opening on Neptune, with faire blessed beames, | Opening on Neptune with fair blessed beams | Neptune Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather | MND III.ii.392 | |
Turnes into yellow gold, his salt greene streames. | Turns into yellow gold his salt green streams. | | MND III.ii.393 | |
But notwithstanding haste, make no delay: | But notwithstanding, haste, make no delay; | | MND III.ii.394 | |
We may effect this businesse, yet ere day. | We may effect this business yet ere day. | | MND III.ii.395 | |
| Exit | | MND III.ii.395 | |
Puck. | PUCK | | | |
Vp and downe, vp and downe, | Up and down, up and down, | | MND III.ii.396 | |
I will leade them vp and downe: | I will lead them up and down. | | MND III.ii.397 | |
I am fear'd in field and towne. | I am feared in field and town. | | MND III.ii.398 | |
Goblin, lead them vp and downe: | Goblin, lead them up and down. | | MND III.ii.399 | |
here comes one. | Here comes one. | | MND III.ii.400 | |
Enter Lysander. | Enter Lysander | | MND III.ii.401 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
Where art thou, proud Demetrius? Speake thou now. | Where art thou, proud Demetrius? Speak thou now. | | MND III.ii.401 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Demetrius's voice) | | MND III.ii.402.1 | |
Here villaine, drawne & readie. Where art thou? | Here, villain, drawn and ready! Where art thou? | drawn (adj.) with sword drawn | MND III.ii.402 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
I will be with thee straight. | I will be with thee straight. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | MND III.ii.403.1 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Demetrius's voice) | | MND III.ii.403 | |
Follow me then | Follow me then | | MND III.ii.403.2 | |
to plainer ground. | To plainer ground. | | MND III.ii.404.1 | |
| Exit Lysander | | MND III.ii.404 | |
Enter Demetrius. | Enter Demetrius | | MND III.ii.404 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Lysander, speake againe; | Lysander, speak again. | | MND III.ii.404.2 | |
Thou runaway, thou coward, art thou fled? | Thou runaway, thou coward – art thou fled? | | MND III.ii.405 | |
Speake in some bush: Where dost thou hide thy head? | Speak. In some bush? Where dost thou hide thy head? | | MND III.ii.406 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Lysander's voice) | | MND III.ii.407 | |
Thou coward, art thou bragging to the stars, | Thou coward, art thou bragging to the stars, | | MND III.ii.407 | |
Telling the bushes that thou look'st for wars, | Telling the bushes that thou lookest for wars, | | MND III.ii.408 | |
And wilt not come? Come recreant, come thou childe, | And wilt not come? Come, recreant. Come, thou child, | recreant (n.) coward, faint-hearted individual | MND III.ii.409 | |
Ile whip thee with a rod. He is defil'd | I'll whip thee with a rod. He is defiled | | MND III.ii.410 | |
That drawes a sword on thee. | That draws a sword on thee. | | MND III.ii.411.1 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Yea, art thou there? | Yea, art thou there? | | MND III.ii.411.2 | |
Ro. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Lysander's voice) | | MND III.ii.412 | |
Follow my voice, we'l try no manhood here. | Follow my voice. We'll try no manhood here. | | MND III.ii.412 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Puck and Demetrius | | MND III.ii.412 | |
| Enter Lysander | | MND III.ii.413.1 | |
Lys. | LYSANDER | | | |
He goes before me, and still dares me on, | He goes before me, and still dares me on; | dare (v.) challenge, confront, defy | MND III.ii.413 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
When I come where he cals, then he's gone. | When I come where he calls, then he is gone. | | MND III.ii.414 | |
The villaine is much lighter heel'd then I: | The villain is much lighter-heeled than I. | | MND III.ii.415 | |
I followed fast, but faster he did flye; shifting places. | I followed fast, but faster he did fly, | | MND III.ii.416 | |
That fallen am I in darke vneuen way, | That fallen am I in dark uneven way, | | MND III.ii.417 | |
And here wil rest me. Come thou gentle day: lye down. | And here will rest me. (He lies down) Come, thou gentle day, | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | MND III.ii.418 | |
For if but once thou shew me thy gray light, | For if but once thou show me thy grey light | | MND III.ii.419 | |
Ile finde Demetrius, and reuenge this spight. | I'll find Demetrius and revenge this spite. | spite (n.) annoyance, vexation, irritation | MND III.ii.420 | |
| He sleeps | | MND III.ii.421.1 | |
Enter Robin and Demetrius. | Enter Puck and Demetrius | | MND III.ii.421.2 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Lysander's voice) | | MND III.ii.421 | |
Ho, ho, ho; coward, why com'st thou not? | Ho, ho, ho, coward! Why comest thou not? | | MND III.ii.421 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Abide me, if thou dar'st. For well I wot, | Abide me if thou darest, for well I wot | wot (v.) learn, know, be told | MND III.ii.422 | |
| | abide (v.) endure, undergo, face | | |
Thou runst before me, shifting euery place, | Thou runnest before me, shifting every place, | | MND III.ii.423 | |
And dar'st not stand, nor looke me in the face. | And darest not stand nor look me in the face. | stand (v.) stand still, stop, cease moving | MND III.ii.424 | |
Where art thou? | Where art thou now? | | MND III.ii.425.1 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
| (in Lysander's voice) | | MND III.ii.425 | |
Come hither, I am here. | Come hither; I am here. | | MND III.ii.425.2 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Nay then thou mock'st me; thou shalt buy this deere, | Nay, then thou mockest me. Thou shalt buy this dear | buy (v.) pay for, suffer the consequences of | MND III.ii.426 | |
If euer I thy face by day-light see. | If ever I thy face by daylight see. | | MND III.ii.427 | |
Now goe thy way: faintnesse constraineth me, | Now, go thy way. Faintness constraineth me | | MND III.ii.428 | |
To measure out my length on this cold bed, | To measure out my length on this cold bed. | | MND III.ii.429 | |
By daies approach looke to be visited. | By day's approach look to be visited. | | MND III.ii.430 | |
| He lies down and sleeps | | MND III.ii.431.1 | |
Enter Helena. | Enter Helena | | MND III.ii.431.2 | |
Hel. | HELENA | | | |
O weary night, O long and tedious night, | O weary night! O long and tedious night, | | MND III.ii.431 | |
Abate thy houres, shine comforts from the East, | Abate thy hours, shine comforts from the East, | abate (v.) shorten, lessen, reduce | MND III.ii.432 | |
That I may backe to Athens by day-light, | That I may back to Athens by daylight | | MND III.ii.433 | |
From these that my poore companie detest; | From these that my poor company detest. | | MND III.ii.434 | |
And sleepe that sometime shuts vp sorrowes eie, | And sleep, that sometimes shuts up sorrow's eye, | | MND III.ii.435 | |
Steale me a while from mine owne companie. | Steal me awhile from mine own company. | | MND III.ii.436 | |
Sleepe. | She lies down and sleeps | | MND III.ii.437 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
Yet but three? Come one more, | Yet but three? Come one more, | | MND III.ii.437 | |
Two of both kindes makes vp foure. | Two of both kinds makes up four. | | MND III.ii.438 | |
Here she comes, curst and sad, | Here she comes, curst and sad. | sad (adj.) dismal, morose, sullen | MND III.ii.439 | |
| | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | | |
Cupid is a knauish lad, | Cupid is a knavish lad | | MND III.ii.440 | |
Thus to make poore females mad. | Thus to make poor females mad. | | MND III.ii.441 | |
Enter Hermia. | Enter Hermia | | MND III.ii.442 | |
Her. | HERMIA | | | |
Neuer so wearie, neuer so in woe, | Never so weary, never so in woe, | | MND III.ii.442 | |
Bedabbled with the dew, and torne with briars, | Bedabbled with the dew, and torn with briars – | | MND III.ii.443 | |
I can no further crawle, no further goe; | I can no further crawl, no further go. | | MND III.ii.444 | |
My legs can keepe no pace with my desires. | My legs can keep no pace with my desires. | | MND III.ii.445 | |
Here will I rest me till the breake of day, | Here will I rest me till the break of day. | | MND III.ii.446 | |
Heauens shield Lysander, if they meane a fray. | Heavens shield Lysander, if they mean a fray. | | MND III.ii.447 | |
| She lies down and sleeps | | MND III.ii.448 | |
Rob. | PUCK | | | |
On the ground | On the ground | | MND III.ii.448 | |
sleepe sound, | Sleep sound. | | MND III.ii.449 | |
Ile apply | I'll apply | | MND III.ii.450 | |
your eie | To your eye, | | MND III.ii.451 | |
gentle louer, remedy. | Gentle lover, remedy. | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | MND III.ii.452 | |
| He squeezes the juice on Lysander's eyes | | MND III.ii.453 | |
When thou wak'st, | When thou wakest, | | MND III.ii.453 | |
thou tak'st | Thou takest | | MND III.ii.454 | |
True delight | True delight | | MND III.ii.455 | |
in the sight | In the sight | | MND III.ii.456 | |
of thy former Ladies eye, | Of thy former lady's eye. | | MND III.ii.457 | |
And the Country Prouerb knowne, | And the country proverb known, | | MND III.ii.458 | |
That euery man should take his owne, | That every man should take his own, | | MND III.ii.459 | |
In your waking shall be showne. | In your waking shall be shown. | | MND III.ii.460 | |
Iacke shall haue Iill, | Jack shall have Jill; | | MND III.ii.461 | |
nought shall goe ill. | Naught shall go ill. | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | MND III.ii.462 | |
The man shall haue his Mare againe, and all shall bee well. | The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well. | | MND III.ii.463 | |
They sleepe all the Act. | Exit | act (n.) play interval, interlude | MND III.ii.464 | |