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Search results

Search phrase: attendant


 31 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW II.iii.45Exit an attendant
All's Well That Ends WellAW V.iii.204Exit an attendant
The Comedy of ErrorsCE I.i.128That his attendant, so his case was like,That his attendant, so his case was like,
The Comedy of ErrorsCE V.i.150And with his mad attendant and himself,And with his mad attendant and himselfe, 
CymbelineCym III.v.35Exit an Attendant
CymbelineCym III.v.41Enter AttendantEnter a Messenger.
CymbelineCym IV.iii.1Exit an Attendant
HamletHam I.ii.1.5attendantsLords Attendant.
HamletHam III.ii.102.4Guildenstern, and other lords attendant, withGuildensterne, and other Lords attendant with
HamletHam IV.vi.1Enter Horatio and a GentlemanEnter Horatio, with an Attendant.
HamletHam V.i.213.2Ophelia, with lords attendant and a Priestwith Lords attendant.
Henry IV Part 22H4 IV.iv.1.3attendant lords
Henry IV Part 22H4 IV.v.50.1Enter Warwick, Gloucester, Clarence, and attendantEnter Warwicke, Gloucester, Clarence.
Henry IV Part 22H4 IV.v.224.2attendant lords
Henry IV Part 22H4 V.ii.14.2and attendant lords
Henry VI Part 22H6 II.i.137Exit an attendantExit.
Henry VI Part 22H6 V.i.111Exit an attendant
Henry VI Part 22H6 V.i.116Exit an attendant
Love's Labour's LostLLL II.i.1.2Katharine, with Boyet and two more attendantwith three attending Ladies,
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.i.1.2Boyet and two more attendant Lords,her Lords.
Measure for MeasureMM I.i.15Exit an Attendant
Measure for MeasureMM V.i.269Exit an Attendant
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND II.i.21Because that she as her attendant hathBecause that she, as her attendant, hath
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND IV.i.107Exit an Attendant
OthelloOth IV.iii.8forthwith. Dismiss your attendant there. Look't be done.forthwith: dismisse your Attendant there: look't be done.
Richard IIR2 I.i.15Exit Attendant
Richard IIR2 IV.i.267Exit attendant
Richard IIR2 IV.i.275Enter attendant with a glassEnter one with a Glasse.
Richard IIIR3 II.i.103Lately attendant on the Duke of Norfolk.Lately attendant on the Duke of Norfolke.
Titus AndronicusTit IV.ii.17Exit with attendantExit
Twelfth NightTN V.i.140Exit an attendant


 0 result(s).


 26 result(s).
adjunctattendant [upon], inevitable result [of]
angeldemon, evil spirit, attendant spirit
chamberlainbedchamber attendant
chaplainminister, spiritual attendant
conductescort, attendant, guide
consortedattendant, accompanying, united together
dependantattendant, servant, retainer
esquirecandidate for knighthood, attendant on a knight
familiarattendant spirit, personal demon
fellowservant, attendant, hireling
followact as a follower, be an attendant [on]
followersecond, attendant
footboyboy attendant, page-boy, servant on foot [accompanying a rider]
geniusattendant spirit, guardian spirit
groomserving-man, servant, male attendant
maidhandmaid, servant, attendant
manservant, attendant, lackey
observantingratiating attendant, obsequious servant
sequentfollower, attendant
servantfollower, retainer, attendant
servingmanmale servant, male attendant
squiregentleman below a knight in rank, attendant on a knight or nobleman
squire[contemptuous] servant, follower, attendant
squire-likelike an attendant, submissively
varletmanservant, page, attendant
whifflerarmed processional attendant


 38 result(s).
armed processional attendantwhiffler
attendant [upon]adjunct
attendant on a knightesquire
attendant on a knightsquire
attendant spiritangel
attendant spiritfamiliar
attendant spiritgenius
attendant, armed processionalwhiffler
attendant, be anfollow
attendant, boyfootboy
attendant, ingratiatingobservant
attendant, like ansquire-like
attendant, malegroom
attendant, maleservingman
attendant, spiritualchaplain
bedchamber attendantchamberlain
boy attendantfootboy
ingratiating attendantobservant
knight, attendant on aesquire
knight, attendant on asquire
male attendantgroom
male attendant/servantservingman
nobleman, attendant on asquire
spirit, attendantangel
spirit, attendantfamiliar
spirit, attendantgenius
spiritual attendantchaplain

Themes and Topics

 3 result(s).
Address forms
Roman history...deity lictor cor ii ii 35 officer attendant on a magistrate who enforced the senten...
Abbreviations...given in parentheses adjunct (adj ) attendant [upon] inevitable result [of] kj iii ii...
... ‘adjunct to’ but modern usage requires attendant upon rather than...
...upon rather than attendant to and inevitable result of rather than ...

Words Families

 0 result(s).


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