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Search results

Search phrase: attention


 7 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym V.v.117And lend my best attention. What's thy name?And lend my best attention. What's thy name?
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.125would amend the attention of your ears, and I care notwould amend the attention of your eares, & I care not
Henry VIIIH8 II.iv.168I will be bold with time and your attention.I will be bold with time and your attention:
Love's Labour's LostLLL I.i.212Will you hear this letter with attention?Will you heare this Letter with attention?
Richard IIR2 II.i.6Enforce attention like deep harmony.Inforce attention like deepe harmony;
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK IV.iii.77catch her attention, for this her mind beats upon; othercatch her attention, for / This her minde beates upon; other
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK V.iii.91I prithee lay attention to the cry;I pre' thee lay attention to the Cry.


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1404 That it beguiled attention, charmed the sight; That it beguild attention, charm'd the sight,
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1610 With sad attention long to hear her words. With sad attention long to heare her words.


 46 result(s).
alonepay no attention to [one], have nothing to do with [one]
anchorconcentrate, fix attention, home in
approachadvances, amorous attention
attendlisten [to], pay attention [to]
attendancediligent service, dutiful ministration, assiduous attention
attendanceattention, consideration, notice
audiencehearing, attention, reception
beguiledivert attention from, disguise
beholdingregard, attention, contemplation
catchcatch the attention of, attract the notice of
clack-dishbegging bowl with a lid that could be clacked to attract attention
curiosityscrupulousness, fastidiousness, painstaking attention to detail
dreamconcentrate, focus attention
dwellpreserve, maintain, pay attention to
earhearing, listening, paying attention
eyewatch carefully, pay attention to
forgetfulnessneglect, disregard, lack of proper attention
hearkenlisten [to], pay attention [to]
heedconsideration, care, attention
heedfullywith anxious attention, apprehensively
idlywithout paying attention, casually
intentivelypaying continuous attention, with unbroken interest
listlisten to, pay attention to
listenlisten to, pay attention to, hear
marknote, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
marknotable sight, object of serious attention
mindpay attention to, take notice of
narrowlycarefully, with close attention
noteattention, notice, regard
noteobserve, pay attention [to], take special note [of]
objectspectacle, sight, object of attention
observanceproper attention, attentiveness, heed
observancyproper attention, tender attentiveness
observationobservance, careful attention, heed
remembrancenotice, paying attention
respectpay attention to, heed
respectattention, heed, deliberation
sleep upondisregard, ignore, pay no attention to
slightlywithout much attention, neglectfully
superstitiouslypaying special attention; or: with irrational belief
tendattend, listen, pay attention
tendanceattention, care, solicitude
tendingattendance, attention, care
urgingpressing on the attention, bringing forward
waitfollow, obey, pay attention to
waitattend to, pay attention to, not ignore


 54 result(s).
amorous attentionapproach
anxious attentionheedfully
assiduous attentionattendance
attention to detail, painstakingcuriosity
attention, amorousapproach
attention, anxiousheedfully
attention, assiduousattendance
attention, carefulobservation
attention, catchcatch
attention, divertbeguile
attention, fixanchor
attention, focusdream
attention, lack of properforgetfulness
attention, object ofobject
attention, object of seriousmark
attention, payattend
attention, paydwell
attention, payeye
attention, payhearken
attention, paylist
attention, paylisten
attention, paymark
attention, paymind
attention, paynote
attention, payrespect
attention, paytend
attention, paywait
attention, pay nosleep upon
attention, payingear
attention, payingremembrance
attention, paying continuousintentively
attention, paying specialsuperstitiously
attention, pressing on theurging
attention, properobservance
attention, properobservancy
attention, with closenarrowly
attention, without muchslightly
attention, without payingidly
careful attentionobservation
detail, painstaking attention tocuriosity
divert attentionbeguile
focus attentiondream
object of attentionobject
painstaking attention to detailcuriosity
pressing on the attentionurging
proper attentionobservancy

Themes and Topics

 3 result(s).
Attention signals... catching someone’s attention is an important interaction strategy an...
...adv ) 2) and as a discourse marker pay attention audience cor iii iii 40 [a...
Exclamations...ome of these items have other functions attention signals discourse markers politeness ...
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)...ery (n ) 2--3 (v ) mark (v ) note pay attention to take notice of cor v iii 92 [coriol...

Words Families

 1 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords


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