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Search results

Search phrase: downward


 4 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW III.vii.23That downward hath succeeded in his houseThat downward hath succeeded in his house
Julius CaesarJC V.i.85Fly o'er our heads and downward look on us,Fly ore our heads, and downward looke on vs
Much Ado About NothingMA III.ii.33waist downward, all slops, and a Spaniard from the hip
Richard IIR2 V.v.112Whilst my gross flesh sinks downward here to die.Whil'st my grosse flesh sinkes downward, heere to dye.


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
A Lover's ComplaintLC.284 With brinish current downward flowed a pace: With brynish currant downe-ward flowed a pace:
Venus and AdonisVen.1106 Whose downward eye still looketh for a grave, Whose downeward eye still looketh for a graue:


 2 result(s).
declensiondecline, deterioration, downward course
drooping[of the sun] moving downward


 4 result(s).
course, downwarddeclension
downward coursedeclension
downward moving [of the sun]drooping
moving downward [of the sun]drooping

Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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