bent | degree, capacity, extent [to which a bow can be bent] |
body | length and breadth, extent |
bottom | total extent, basis, foundation |
bound | (plural) extent, land, area [within boundaries] |
degree | measure, extent, amount |
extent | [of politeness] extending, showing, exercise of behaviour |
extent | appropriation, seizure of property authorized by writ |
extent | assault, attack, onslaught |
head | height and breadth, greatest extent |
hitherto | to this extent |
howsoever, howsoe'er | in any case; to whatever extent |
howsoever, howsoe'er | to whatever extent, in whatever degree |
indifferently | to some extent, fairly well |
limit | permitted extent, bounds [of allegiance] |
measure | extent, size, amount, quantity, mass |
measure | limit, moderation, extent not to be exceeded |
much | very largely, to a great extent |
overfar | too far, to too great an extent |
propagation | enlargement, increasing in extent |
proportion | measure, extent, degree, magnitude |
respite | extent of time, time-scale |
scope | range, reach, extent |
slenderly | poorly, inadequately, to a slight extent |
something | a little, to some extent |
vasture | vastness, immensity, extent |
volume, by the | to a great extent, a large number of times |