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Search results

Search phrase: merciful


 19 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW IV.iii.125You are a merciful general. Our GeneralYou are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall
Henry VH5 II.ii.47O, let us yet be merciful.O let vs yet be mercifull.
Henry VH5 III.ii.22Be merciful, great Duke, to men of mould!Be mercifull great Duke to men of Mould:
Henry VI Part 22H6 IV.ii.117The King is merciful, if you revolt.The King is mercifull, if you reuolt.
Henry VIIIH8 V.iii.61You are so merciful. I see your end:You are so mercifull. I see your end,
Henry VIIIH8 epilogue.10The merciful construction of good women,The mercifull construction of good women,
MacbethMac II.i.7And yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers,And yet I would not sleepe: Mercifull Powers,
MacbethMac IV.iii.207.2Merciful heaven!Mercifull Heauen:
Measure for MeasureMM II.ii.114Nothing but thunder. Merciful heaven,Nothing but thunder: Mercifull heauen,
Measure for MeasureMM III.ii.182Your honour is accounted a merciful man, good myyour Honor is accounted a mercifull man: good my
The Merchant of VeniceMV IV.i.179.2Then must the Jew be merciful.Then must the Iew be mercifull.
The Merchant of VeniceMV IV.i.230Nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful,Neerest the Merchants heart; be mercifull,
Much Ado About NothingMA III.iii.59You have been always called a merciful man,You haue bin alwaies cal'd a merciful
OthelloOth V.ii.88I, that am cruel, am yet merciful:I that am cruell, am yet mercifull,
Romeo and JulietRJ III.iii.12Ha, banishment? Be merciful, say ‘ death.’Ha, banishment? be mercifull, say death:
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.72O, I am slain! If thou be merciful,O I am slaine, if thon be mercifull,
The TempestTem V.i.178Though the seas threaten, they are merciful.Though the Seas threaten they are mercifull,
Titus AndronicusTit I.i.121Draw near them then in being merciful;Draw neere them then in being mercifull.
The Winter's TaleWT II.iii.184Had been more merciful. Come on, poor babe,Had beene more mercifull. Come on (poore Babe)


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Venus and AdonisVen.1155 It shall be merciful, and too severe, It shall be mercifull, and too seueare,


 3 result(s).
clementmerciful, lenient, compassionate
pitifulcompassionate, merciful, tender
pitybe merciful to, assist


 3 result(s).
merciful, bepity

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
French...miséricorde ayez pitié de moy > oh be merciful take pity on me h5 iv iv 17  est-il im...

Words Families

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