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Search results

Search phrase: sweetly


 29 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW I.iii.212But riddle-like lives sweetly where she dies.But riddle like, liues sweetely where she dies.
As You Like ItAYL IV.iii.138So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.So sweetly tastes, being the thing I am.
Henry VH5 V.ii.48The even mead, that erst brought sweetly forthThe euen Meade, that erst brought sweetly forth
Henry VI Part 11H6 V.iii.179Words sweetly placed and modestly directed.Words sweetly plac'd, and modestie directed,
Henry VI Part 33H6 II.v.50All which secure and sweetly he enjoys,All which secure, and sweetly he enioyes,
Henry VI Part 33H6 II.vi.50From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring:From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring,
Henry VIIIH8 II.i.35But he fell to himself again, and sweetlyBut he fell to himselfe againe, and sweetly,
Julius CaesarJC III.i.50To sound more sweetly in great Caesar's earTo sound more sweetly in great Casars eare,
Love's Labour's LostLLL III.i.162When tongues speak sweetly, then they name her name,When tongues speak sweetly, then they name her name,
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.i.147To see him kiss his hand, and how most sweetly 'a will swear!To see him kisse his hand, and how most sweetly a will sweare:
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.ii.9sweetly varied, like a scholar at the least; but, sir, Isweetly varied like a scholler at the least: but sir I
MacbethMac I.vi.2Nimbly and sweetly recommends itselfnimbly and sweetly recommends it selfe
Measure for MeasureMM IV.i.2That so sweetly were forsworn;that so sweetly were forsworne,
The Merchant of VeniceMV V.i.102The crow doth sing as sweetly as the larkThe Crow doth sing as sweetly as the Larke
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW II.ii.65sweetly – all musk – and so rushling, I warrant you, insweetly; all Muske, and so rushling, I warrant you, in
Much Ado About NothingMA I.i.291How sweetly you do minister to love,How sweetly doe you minister to loue,
Much Ado About NothingMA II.i.78So you walk softly, and look sweetly, and saySo you walke softly, and looke sweetly, and say
Much Ado About NothingMA IV.i.222Th' idea of her life shall sweetly creepTh'Idea of her life shal sweetly creepe
PericlesPer III.ii.59.1It smells most sweetly in my sense.it smels most sweetly in my sense.
Richard IIR2 III.ii.193Speak sweetly, man, although thy looks be sour.Speake sweetly man, although thy lookes be sowre.
Richard IIIR3 IV.iv.351Sweetly in force unto her fair life's end.Sweetly in force, vnto her faire liues end.
Romeo and JulietRJ I.v.109Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!Sin from my lips? O trespasse sweetly vrg'd:
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.171She sings as sweetly as a nightingale.She sings as sweetly as a Nightinghale:
The TempestTem II.i.49The air breathes upon us here most sweetly.The ayre breathes vpon vs here most sweetly.
Timon of AthensTim V.i.69.1And sweetly felt it.And sweetly felt it.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK II.ii.57Before the ladies see us, and do sweetly,before / The Ladies see us, and doe sweetly,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.v.21And sweetly, by a figure, trace and turn, boys.and sweetly, by a figure trace, and turne Boyes.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.v.22And sweetly we will do it, Master Gerrold.And sweetly we will doe it Master Gerrold.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.v.29And carry it sweetly and deliverly,And carry it sweetly, and deliverly


 6 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
A Lover's ComplaintLC.142 Sweetly supposed them mistress of his heart: Sweetly suppos'd them mistresse of his heart:
The Passionate PilgrimPP.14.7 Yet at my parting sweetly did she smile, Yet at my parting sweetly did she smile,
The Rape of LucreceLuc.172 Th' one sweetly flatters, th' other feareth harm; Th'one sweetely flatters, th'other feareth harme,
The Rape of LucreceLuc.398 And canopied in darkness sweetly lay And canopied in darkenesse sweetly lay,
SonnetsSonn.8.7 They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds
SonnetsSonn.39.12 Which time and thoughts so sweetly doth deceive, Which time and thoughts so sweetly dost deceiue.


 6 result(s).
flattering-sweetsweetly appealing, enticingly delightful
musk-catmusk-deer [from which musk is obtained]; sweetly scented creature
perfumersomeone employed to make rooms smell sweetly
sugaredsweetly tempting, outwardly attractive
sweetlydelightfully, charmingly, pleasingly
sweet-suggestingsweetly tempting, seductive, irresistable


 9 result(s).
appealing, sweetlyflattering-sweet
creature, sweetly scentedmusk-cat
rooms smell sweetly, someone who makesperfumer
smell sweetly, someone who makes roomsperfumer
sweetly appealingflattering-sweet
sweetly scented creaturemusk-cat
sweetly temptingsugared
tempting, sweetlysweet-suggesting
tempting, sweetlysugared

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Plants...sanguisorba poterium flower ‘brought sweetly forth’ in meadows carnation ...
...leguminosae trifolium plant ‘brought sweetly forth’ in meadows columbine ...
...laceae primula veris flower ‘brought sweetly forth’ in meadows crowflower ...

Words Families

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