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Search results

Search phrase: tearing


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC IV.xiv.31Then in the midst a tearing groan did breakThen in the midd'st a tearing grone did breake
CoriolanusCor V.iii.102The son, the husband, and the father tearingThe Sonne, the Husband, and the Father tearing
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.140them. You a captain? You slave! For what? For tearingthem. You a Captaine? you slaue, for what? for tearing
King LearKL V.iii.155No tearing, lady! I perceive you know it.No tearing Lady, I perceiue you know it.
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND V.i.49Tearing the Thracian singer in their rage.Tearing the Thracian singer, in their rage?


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
A Lover's ComplaintLC.6 Tearing of papers, breaking rings a twain, Tearing of papers breaking rings a twaine,


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