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Search results

Search phrase: whereby


 13 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor I.i.138Whereby they live. And though that all at once ’ – Whereby they liue. And though that all at once
Henry IV Part 11H4 V.i.67Whereby we stand opposed by such meansWhereby we stand opposed by such meanes
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.i.94dish of prawns, whereby thou didst desire to eat some,dish of Prawnes: whereby yu didst desire to eat some:
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.i.95whereby I told thee they were ill for a green wound?whereby I told thee they were ill for a greene wound?
Henry IV Part 22H4 III.ii.77say, accommodated, or when a man is being whereby 'asay) accommodated: or, when a man is, being whereby he
Henry VI Part 33H6 I.i.250Whereby my son is disinherited.Whereby my Sonne is dis-inherited.
Henry VIIIH8 I.i.186Paid ere he promised, whereby his suit was grantedPaid ere he promis'd, whereby his Suit was granted
MacbethMac III.i.98Hath in him closed; whereby he does receiveHath in him clos'd: whereby he does receiue
The Merchant of VeniceMV IV.i.374When you do take the means whereby I live.When you doe take the meanes whereby I liue.
OthelloOth III.i.9Whereby hangs a tale, sir?Whereby hangs a tale, sir?
PericlesPer II.iii.45Whereby I see that Time's the king of men;Whereby I see that Time's the King of men,
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.266For by this light whereby I see thy beauty,For by this light, whereby I see thy beauty,
Timon of AthensTim I.ii.83lord, that you would once use our hearts, whereby weLord, that you would once vse our hearts, whereby we


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wherebyby which
wherewithalwhereby, with which


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Themes and Topics

 2 result(s).
Here, there, and where...hangs a tale by that through that whereby ts ii i 266 by this light...
... ts ii i 266 by this light whereby i see your beauty by which +for...
Withal and withal... mounting bolingbroke ascends my throne whereby with which wherewithal (n ) h8 i ...

Words Families

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