Original textModern textKey line
Friends to this ground.Friends to this ground.Ham I.i.15.1
A peece of him.A piece of him.Ham I.i.19.2
Tush, tush, 'twill not appeare.Tush, tush, 'twill not appear.Ham I.i.30.1
Well, sit we downe,Well, sit we down,Ham I.i.33.2
And let vs heare Barnardo speake of this.And let us hear Barnardo speak of this.Ham I.i.34
Most like: It harrowes me with fear & wonderMost like. It harrows me with fear and wonder.Ham I.i.44
What art thou that vsurp'st this time of night,What art thou that usurpest this time of night,Ham I.i.46
Together with that Faire and Warlike formeTogether with that fair and warlike formHam I.i.47
In which the Maiesty of buried DenmarkeIn which the majesty of buried DenmarkHam I.i.48
Did sometimes march: By Heauen I charge thee speake.Did sometimes march? By heaven I charge thee, speak.Ham I.i.49
Stay: speake; speake: I Charge thee, speake.Stay. Speak, speak. I charge thee, speak.Ham I.i.51
Before my God, I might not this beleeueBefore my God, I might not this believeHam I.i.56
Without the sensible and true auouchWithout the sensible and true avouchHam I.i.57
Of mine owne eyes.Of mine own eyes.Ham I.i.58.1
As thou art to thy selfe,As thou art to thyself.Ham I.i.59
Such was the very Armour he had on,Such was the very armour he had onHam I.i.60
When th'Ambitious Norwey combatted:When he the ambitious Norway combated.Ham I.i.61
So frown'd he once, when in an angry parleSo frowned he once when, in an angry parle,Ham I.i.62
He smot the sledded Pollax on the Ice.He smote the sledded pole-axe on the ice.Ham I.i.63
'Tis strange.'Tis strange.Ham I.i.64
In what particular thought to work, I know not:In what particular thought to work I know not.Ham I.i.67
But in the grosse and scope of my Opinion,But, in the gross and scope of mine opinion,Ham I.i.68
This boades some strange erruption to our State.This bodes some strange eruption to our state.Ham I.i.69
That can I,That can I.Ham I.i.79.2
At least the whisper goes so: Our last King,At least the whisper goes so. Our last King,Ham I.i.80
Whose Image euen but now appear'd to vs,Whose image even but now appeared to us,Ham I.i.81
Was (as you know) by Fortinbras of Norway,Was, as you know, by Fortinbras of Norway,Ham I.i.82
(Thereto prick'd on by a most emulate Pride)Thereto pricked on by a most emulate pride,Ham I.i.83
Dar'd to the Combate. In which, our Valiant Hamlet,Dared to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet – Ham I.i.84
(For so this side of our knowne world esteem'd him)For so this side of our known world esteemed him – Ham I.i.85
Did slay this Fortinbras: who by a Seal'd Compact,Did slay this Fortinbras; who, by a sealed compactHam I.i.86
Well ratified by Law, and Heraldrie,Well ratified by law and heraldry,Ham I.i.87
Did forfeite (with his life) all those his LandsDid forfeit, with his life, all these his landsHam I.i.88
Which he stood seiz'd on, to the Conqueror:Which he stood seised of, to the conqueror;Ham I.i.89
Against the which, a Moity competentAgainst the which a moiety competentHam I.i.90
Was gaged by our King: which had return'dWas gaged by our King, which had returnedHam I.i.91
To the Inheritance of Fortinbras,To the inheritance of Fortinbras,Ham I.i.92
Had he bin Vanquisher, as by the same Cou'nantHad he been vanquisher, as, by the same covenantHam I.i.93
And carriage of the Article designe,And carriage of the article designed,Ham I.i.94
His fell to Hamlet. Now sir, young Fortinbras,His fell to Hamlet. Now, sir, young Fortinbras,Ham I.i.95
Of vnimproued Mettle, hot and full,Of unimproved mettle hot and full,Ham I.i.96
Hath in the skirts of Norway, heere and there,Hath in the skirts of Norway here and thereHam I.i.97
Shark'd vp a List of Landlesse Resolutes,Sharked up a list of lawless resolutesHam I.i.98
For Foode and Diet, to some EnterprizeFor food and diet to some enterpriseHam I.i.99
That hath a stomacke in't: which is no otherThat hath a stomach in't; which is no other,Ham I.i.100
(And it doth well appeare vnto our State)As it doth well appear unto our state,Ham I.i.101
But to recouer of vs by strong handBut to recover of us by strong handHam I.i.102
And termes Compulsatiue, those foresaid LandsAnd terms compulsatory those foresaid landsHam I.i.103
So by his Father lost: and this (I take it)So by his father lost. And this, I take it,Ham I.i.104
Is the maine Motiue of our Preparations,Is the main motive of our preparations,Ham I.i.105
The Sourse of this our Watch, and the cheefe headThe source of this our watch, and the chief headHam I.i.106
Of this post-hast, and Romage in the Land.Of this post-haste and romage in the land.Ham I.i.107
A mote it is to trouble the mind's eye.Ham I.i.112
In the most high and palmy state of Rome,Ham I.i.113
A little ere the mightiest Julius fell,Ham I.i.114
The graves stood tenantless and the sheeted deadHam I.i.115
Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets – Ham I.i.116
As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood,Ham I.i.117
Disasters in the sun; and the moist starHam I.i.118
Upon whose influence Neptune's empire standsHam I.i.119
Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse.Ham I.i.120
And even the like precurse of feared events,Ham I.i.121
As harbingers preceding still the fatesHam I.i.122
And prologue to the omen coming on,Ham I.i.123
Have heaven and earth together demonstratedHam I.i.124
Unto our climatures and countrymen.Ham I.i.125
But soft, behold: Loe, where it comes againe:But soft, behold, lo where it comes again!Ham I.i.126
Ile crosse it, though it blast me.I'll cross it, though it blast me.Ham I.i.127
Stay Illusion:Stay, illusion.Ham I.i.128
If thou hast any sound, or vse of Voyce,If thou hast any sound or use of voice,Ham I.i.129
Speake to me.Speak to me.Ham I.i.130
If there be any good thing to be done,If there be any good thing to be doneHam I.i.131
That may to thee do ease, and grace to me; That may to thee do ease and grace to me,Ham I.i.132
speak to me.Speak to me.Ham I.i.133
If thou art priuy to thy Countries FateIf thou art privy to thy country's fate,Ham I.i.134
(Which happily foreknowing may auoyd)Which happily foreknowing may avoid,Ham I.i.135
Oh speake.O, speak!Ham I.i.136
Or, if thou hast vp-hoorded in thy lifeOr if thou hast uphoarded in thy lifeHam I.i.137
Extorted Treasure in the wombe of Earth,Extorted treasure in the womb of earth,Ham I.i.138
(For which, they say, you Spirits oft walke in death)For which, they say, you spirits oft walk in death,Ham I.i.139
Speake of it.Speak of it.Ham I.i.140.1
Stay, and speake. Stop it Marcellus.Stay and speak. Stop it, Marcellus.Ham I.i.140.2
Do, if it will not stand.Do, if it will not stand.Ham I.i.142.1
'Tis heere.'Tis here.Ham I.i.142.3
And then it started, like a guilty thingAnd then it started, like a guilty thingHam I.i.149
Vpon a fearfull Summons. I haue heard,Upon a fearful summons. I have heardHam I.i.150
The Cocke that is the Trumpet to the day,The cock, that is the trumpet to the morn,Ham I.i.151
Doth with his lofty and shrill-sounding ThroateDoth with his lofty and shrill-sounding throatHam I.i.152
Awake the God of Day: and at his warning,Awake the god of day, and at his warning,Ham I.i.153
Whether in Sea, or Fire, in Earth, or Ayre,Whether in sea or fire, in earth or air,Ham I.i.154
Th'extrauagant, and erring Spirit, hyesTh' extravagant and erring spirit hiesHam I.i.155
To his Confine. And of the truth heerein,To his confine. And of the truth hereinHam I.i.156
This present Obiect made probation.This present object made probation.Ham I.i.157
So haue I heard, and do in part beleeue it.So have I heard and do in part believe it.Ham I.i.166
But looke, the Morne in Russet mantle clad,But look, the morn in russet mantle cladHam I.i.167
Walkes o're the dew of yon high Easterne Hill,Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill.Ham I.i.168
Breake we our Watch vp, and by my aduiceBreak we our watch up. And by my adviceHam I.i.169
Let vs impart what we haue seene to nightLet us impart what we have seen tonightHam I.i.170
Vnto yong Hamlet. For vpon my life,Unto young Hamlet. For, upon my life,Ham I.i.171
This Spirit dumbe to vs, will speake to him:This spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him.Ham I.i.172
Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it,Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it,Ham I.i.173
As needfull in our Loues, fitting our Duty?As needful in our loves, fitting our duty?Ham I.i.174
Haile to your Lordship.Hail to your lordship!Ham I.ii.160.1
The same my Lord, / And your poore Seruant euer.The same, my lord, and your poor servant ever.Ham I.ii.162
A truant disposition, good my Lord.A truant disposition, good my lord.Ham I.ii.169
My Lord, I came to see your Fathers Funerall.My lord, I came to see your father's funeral.Ham I.ii.176
Indeed my Lord, it followed hard vpon.Indeed, my lord, it followed hard upon.Ham I.ii.179
Oh where my Lord?Where, my lord?Ham I.ii.185.1
I saw him once; he was a goodly King.I saw him once. 'A was a goodly king.Ham I.ii.186
My Lord, I thinke I saw him yesternight.My lord, I think I saw him yesternight.Ham I.ii.189
My Lord, the King your Father.My lord, the King your father.Ham I.ii.191.1
Season your admiration for a whileSeason your admiration for a whileHam I.ii.192
With an attent eare; till I may deliuerWith an attent ear till I may deliverHam I.ii.193
Vpon the witnesse of these Gentlemen,Upon the witness of these gentlemenHam I.ii.194
This maruell to you.This marvel to you.Ham I.ii.195.1
Two nights together, had these GentlemenTwo nights together had these gentlemen,Ham I.ii.196
(Marcellus and Barnardo) on their WatchMarcellus and Barnardo, on their watchHam I.ii.197
In the dead wast and middle of the nightIn the dead waste and middle of the nightHam I.ii.198
Beene thus encountred. A figure like your Father,Been thus encountered: a figure like your father,Ham I.ii.199
Arm'd at all points exactly, Cap a Pe,Armed at point exactly, cap-a-pe,Ham I.ii.200
Appeares before them, and with sollemne marchAppears before them and with solemn marchHam I.ii.201
Goes slow and stately: By them thrice he walkt,Goes slow and stately by them. Thrice he walkedHam I.ii.202
By their opprest and feare-surprized eyes,By their oppressed and fear-surprised eyesHam I.ii.203
Within his Truncheons length; whilst they bestil'dWithin his truncheon's length, whilst they, distilledHam I.ii.204
Almost to Ielly with the Act of feare,Almost to jelly with the act of fear,Ham I.ii.205
Stand dumbe and speake not to him. This to meStand dumb and speak not to him. This to meHam I.ii.206
In dreadfull secrecie impart they did,In dreadful secrecy impart they did,Ham I.ii.207
And I with them the third Night kept the Watch,And I with them the third night kept the watch,Ham I.ii.208
Whereas they had deliuer'd both in time,Where, as they had delivered, both in time,Ham I.ii.209
Forme of the thing; each word made true and good,Form of the thing, each word made true and good,Ham I.ii.210
The Apparition comes. I knew your Father:The apparition comes. I knew your father.Ham I.ii.211
These hands are not more like.These hands are not more like.Ham I.ii.212.1
My Lord, I did;My lord, I did,Ham I.ii.214.2
But answere made it none: yet once me thoughtBut answer made it none. Yet once methoughtHam I.ii.215
It lifted vp it head, and did addresseIt lifted up it head and did addressHam I.ii.216
It selfe to motion, like as it would speake:Itself to motion like as it would speak.Ham I.ii.217
But euen then, the Morning Cocke crew lowd;But even then the morning cock crew loud,Ham I.ii.218
And at the sound it shrunke in hast away,And at the sound it shrunk in haste awayHam I.ii.219
And vanisht from our sight.And vanished from our sight.Ham I.ii.220.1
As I doe liue my honourd Lord 'tis true;As I do live, my honoured lord, 'tis true.Ham I.ii.221
And we did thinke it writ downe in our dutyAnd we did think it writ down in our dutyHam I.ii.222
To let you know of it.To let you know of it.Ham I.ii.223
Both. ALL
We doe my Lord.We do, my lord.Ham I.ii.225.2
Both. ALL
Arm'd, my Lord.Armed, my lord.Ham I.ii.227
Both. ALL
My Lord, from head to foote.My lord, from head to foot.Ham I.ii.228.2
O yes, my Lord, he wore his Beauer vp.O, yes, my lord. He wore his beaver up.Ham I.ii.230
A countenance more in sorrow then in anger.A countenance more in sorrow than in anger.Ham I.ii.232
Nay very pale.Nay, very pale.Ham I.ii.234.1
Most constantly.Most constantly.Ham I.ii.235.1
It would haue much amaz'd you.It would have much amazed you.Ham I.ii.236
While one with moderate hast might tell a hun-(dred. While one with moderate haste might tell a hundred.Ham I.ii.238
Not when I saw't.Not when I saw't.Ham I.ii.240.1
It was, as I haue seene it in his life,It was as I have seen it in his life,Ham I.ii.241
A Sable Siluer'd.A sable silvered.Ham I.ii.242.1
I warrant you it will.I warrant it will.Ham I.ii.243.2
All. ALL
Our duty to your Honour. Our duty to your honour.Ham I.ii.253.2
It is a nipping and an eager ayre.It is a nipping and an eager air.Ham I.iv.2
I thinke it lacks of twelue.I think it lacks of twelve.Ham I.iv.3.2
Indeed I heard it not: then it drawes neere the season,Indeed? I heard it not. It then draws near the seasonHam I.iv.5
Wherein the Spirit held his wont to walke.Wherein the spirit held his wont to walk.Ham I.iv.6
What does this meane my Lord?What does this mean, my lord?Ham I.iv.7
Is it a custome?Is it a custom?Ham I.iv.12.2
Looke my Lord, it comes.Look, my lord, it comes.Ham I.iv.38.2
It beckons you to goe away with it,It beckons you to go away with it,Ham I.iv.58
As if it some impartment did desireAs if it some impartment did desireHam I.iv.59
To you alone.To you alone.Ham I.iv.60.1
No, by no meanes.No, by no means.Ham I.iv.62.2
Doe not my Lord.Do not, my lord.Ham I.iv.64.1
What if it tempt you toward the Floud my Lord?What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord,Ham I.iv.69
Or to the dreadfull Sonnet of the Cliffe,Or to the dreadful summit of the cliffHam I.iv.70
That beetles o're his base into the Sea,That beetles o'er his base into the sea,Ham I.iv.71
And there assumes some other horrible forme,And there assume some other, horrible form,Ham I.iv.72
Which might depriue your Soueraignty of Reason,Which might deprive your sovereignty of reasonHam I.iv.73
And draw you into madnesse thinke of it?And draw you into madness? Think of it.Ham I.iv.74
The very place puts toys of desperation,Ham I.iv.75
Without more motive, into every brainHam I.iv.76
That looks so many fathoms to the seaHam I.iv.77
And hears it roar beneath.Ham I.iv.78.1
Be rul'd, you shall not goe.Be ruled. You shall not go.Ham I.iv.81.1
He waxes desperate with imagination.He waxes desperate with imagination.Ham I.iv.87
Haue after, to what issue will this come?Have after. To what issue will this come?Ham I.iv.89
Heauen will direct it.Heaven will direct it.Ham I.iv.91.1
My Lord, my Lord. Enter Horatio and Marcellus.My lord, my lord!Ham I.v.113.1
Heauen secure him.Heavens secure him!Ham I.v.113.3
Illo, ho, ho, my Lord.Illo, ho, ho, my lord!Ham I.v.115
hat newes, my Lord?What news, my lord?Ham I.v.117.2
Good my Lord tell it.Good my lord, tell it.Ham I.v.119.1
Not I, my Lord, by Heauen.Not I, my lord, by heaven.Ham I.v.120.1
I, by Heau'n, my Lord.Ay, by heaven, my lord.Ham I.v.122.2
There needs no Ghost my Lord, come from the / Graue,There needs no ghost, my lord, come from the graveHam I.v.125
to tell vs this.To tell us this.Ham I.v.126.1
These are but wild and hurling words, my Lord.These are but wild and whirling words, my lord.Ham I.v.133
There's no offence my Lord.There's no offence, my lord.Ham I.v.135.2
What is't my Lord? we will.What is't, my lord? We will.Ham I.v.143
My Lord, we will not.My lord, we will not.Ham I.v.145.1
InfaithIn faith,Ham I.v.145.3
my Lord, not I.My lord, not I.Ham I.v.146.1
Propose the Oath my Lord.Propose the oath, my lord.Ham I.v.152.2
Oh day and night: but this is wondrous strange.O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!Ham I.v.164
Heere sweet Lord, at your Seruice.Here, sweet lord, at your service.Ham III.ii.63
O my deere Lord.O my dear lord – Ham III.ii.66.1
Well my Lord.Well, my lord.Ham III.ii.97.2
If he steale ought the whil'st this Play is Playing,If 'a steal aught the whilst this play is playing,Ham III.ii.98
And scape detecting, I will pay the Theft.And 'scape detecting, I will pay the theft.Ham III.ii.99
Halfe a share.Half a share.Ham III.ii.288
You might haue Rim'd.You might have rhymed.Ham III.ii.294
Verie well my Lord.Very well, my lord.Ham III.ii.297
I did verie well note him.I did very well note him.Ham III.ii.299
'Twere good she were spoken with, / For she may strew'Twere good she were spoken with, for she may strewHam IV.v.14
dangerous coniectures / In ill breeding minds.Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds.Ham IV.v.15
What are they that would speake with me?What are they that would speak with me?Ham IV.vi.1
Let them come in,Let them come in.Ham IV.vi.4
I do not know from what part of the worldI do not know from what part of the worldHam IV.vi.5
I should be greeted, if not from Lord Hamlet.I should be greeted if not from Lord Hamlet.Ham IV.vi.6
Let him blesse thee too.Let him bless thee, too.Ham IV.vi.8
Reads the Letter. HOratio, When thou shalt haue (reads the letter) Horatio, when thou shalt haveHam IV.vi.13
ouerlook'd this, giue these Fellowes some meanes to the King: overlooked this, give these fellows some means to the King.Ham IV.vi.14
They haue Letters for him. Ere we were two dayes old at Sea, They have letters for him. Ere we were two days old at sea,Ham IV.vi.15
a Pyrate of very Warlicke appointment gaue vs Chace. Finding a pirate of very warlike appointment gave us chase. FindingHam IV.vi.16
our selues tooslow of Saile, we put on a compelled Valour. ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled valour,Ham IV.vi.17
In the Grapple, I boorded them: On the instant they got and in the grapple I boarded them. On the instant they gotHam IV.vi.18
cleare of our Shippe, so I alone became their Prisoner. They clear of our ship. So I alone became their prisoner. TheyHam IV.vi.19
haue dealt with mee, likeTheeues of Mercy, but they knew have dealt with me like thieves of mercy. But they knewHam IV.vi.20
what they did. I am to doea good turne for them. Let the what they did. I am to do a good turn for them. Let theHam IV.vi.21
King haue the Letters I hauesent, and repaire thou to meKing have the letters I have sent, and repair thou to meHam IV.vi.22
with as much hast as thou wouldestflye death. I haue words with as much speed as thou wouldst fly death. I have wordsHam IV.vi.23
to speake in your eare, will make thee dumbe, yet are theyto speak in thine ear will make thee dumb. Yet are theyHam IV.vi.24
much too light for the bore of the Matter. These good Fellowes much too light for the bore of the matter. These good fellowsHam IV.vi.25
will bring thee where I am. Rosincrance and Guildensterne, will bring thee where I am. Rosencrantz and GuildensternHam IV.vi.26
hold their course for England. Of them I haue much hold their course for England. Of them I have muchHam IV.vi.27
to tell thee, Farewell.to tell thee. Farewell.Ham IV.vi.28
He that thou knowest thine, He that thou knowest thine,Ham IV.vi.29
Hamlet.HamletHam IV.vi.30
Come, I will giue you way for these your Letters,Come, I will give you way for these your letters,Ham IV.vi.31
And do't the speedier, that you may direct meAnd do't the speedier that you may direct meHam IV.vi.32
To him from whom you brought them. To him from whom you brought them.Ham IV.vi.33
Custome hath made it in him a property ofCustom hath made it in him a property ofHam V.i.67
easinesse. easiness.Ham V.i.68
It might, my Lord.It might, my lord.Ham V.i.80
I, my Lord.Ay, my lord.Ham V.i.86
Not a iot more, my Lord.Not a jot more, my lord.Ham V.i.111
I my Lord, and of Calue-skinnes too.Ay, my lord, and of calves' skins too.Ham V.i.113
What's that my Lord?What's that, my lord?Ham V.i.193
E'ene so.E'en so.Ham V.i.196
E'ene so, my Lord.E'en so, my lord.Ham V.i.198
'Twere to consider: to curiously to consider so.'Twere to consider too curiously to consider so.Ham V.i.202
Good my Lord be quiet.Good my lord, be quiet.Ham V.i.261.2
Remember it my Lord?Remember it, my lord!Ham V.ii.3
That is most certaine.That is most certain.Ham V.ii.11.2
Ist possible?Is't possible?Ham V.ii.25.2
I beseech you.I beseech you.Ham V.ii.28
I, good my Lord.Ay, good my lord.Ham V.ii.37.2
How was this seal'd?How was this sealed?Ham V.ii.47.2
So Guildensterne and Rosincrance, go too't.So Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to't.Ham V.ii.56
Why, what a King is this?Why, what a king is this!Ham V.ii.62.2
It must be shortly knowne to him from EnglandIt must be shortly known to him from EnglandHam V.ii.71
What is the issue of the businesse there.What is the issue of the business there.Ham V.ii.72
Peace, who comes heere?Peace, who comes here?Ham V.ii.80.2
No my good Lord.No, my good lord.Ham V.ii.84
Is't not possible to understand in anotherHam V.ii.124
tongue? You will to't, sir, really.Ham V.ii.125
His purse is empty already.Ham V.ii.129
All's golden words are spent.Ham V.ii.130
I knew you must be edifiedHam V.ii.152
by the margent ere you had done.Ham V.ii.153
This Lapwing runs away with the shell on hisThis lapwing runs away with the shell on hisHam V.ii.182
head.head.Ham V.ii.183
You will lose this wager, my Lord.You will lose this wager, my lord.Ham V.ii.203
Nay, good my Lord.Nay, good my lord – Ham V.ii.208
If your minde dislike any thing, obey. I willIf your mind dislike anything, obey it. I willHam V.ii.211
forestall their repaire hither, and say you are not fit.forestall their repair hither and say you are not fit.Ham V.ii.212
They bleed on both sides. How is't my Lord?They bleed on both sides. How is it, my lord?Ham V.ii.298
Neuer beleeue it.Never believe it.Ham V.ii.334.2
I am more an Antike Roman then a Dane:I am more an antique Roman than a Dane.Ham V.ii.335
Heere's yet some Liquor left.Here's yet some liquor left.Ham V.ii.336.1
Now cracke a Noble heart: / Goodnight sweet Prince,Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet Prince,Ham V.ii.353
And flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest,And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!Ham V.ii.354
Why do's the Drumme come hither?Why does the drum come hither?Ham V.ii.355
What is it ye would see;What is it you would see?Ham V.ii.356.2
If ought of woe, or wonder, cease your search.If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search.Ham V.ii.357
Not from his mouth,Not from his mouth,Ham V.ii.366.2
Had it th'abilitie of life to thanke you:Had it th' ability of life to thank you.Ham V.ii.367
He neuer gaue command'ment for their death.He never gave commandment for their death.Ham V.ii.368
But since so iumpe vpon this bloodie question,But since, so jump upon this bloody question,Ham V.ii.369
You from the Polake warres, and you from EnglandYou from the Polack wars, and you from England,Ham V.ii.370
Are heere arriued. Giue order that these bodiesAre here arrived, give order that these bodiesHam V.ii.371
High on a stage be placed to the view,High on a stage be placed to the view.Ham V.ii.372
And let me speake to th'yet vnknowing world,And let me speak to th' yet unknowing worldHam V.ii.373
How these things came about. So shall you heareHow these things came about. So shall you hearHam V.ii.374
Of carnall, bloudie, and vnnaturall acts,Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts,Ham V.ii.375
Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughtersOf accidental judgements, casual slaughters,Ham V.ii.376
Of death's put on by cunning, and forc'd cause,Of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause,Ham V.ii.377
And in this vpshot, purposes mistooke,And, in this upshot, purposes mistookHam V.ii.378
Falne on the Inuentors heads. All this can IFallen on th' inventors' heads. All this can IHam V.ii.379
Truly deliuer.Truly deliver.Ham V.ii.380.1
Of that I shall haue alwayes cause to speake,Of that I shall have also cause to speak,Ham V.ii.385
And from his mouth / Whose voyce will draw on more:And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more.Ham V.ii.386
But let this same be presently perform'd,But let this same be presently performed,Ham V.ii.387
Euen whiles mens mindes are wilde, / Lest more mischanceEven while men's minds are wild, lest more mischanceHam V.ii.388
On plots, and errors happen.On plots and errors happen.Ham V.ii.389.1

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