Original textModern textKey line
And Leige-men to the Dane.And liegemen to the Dane.Ham I.i.15.2
O farwel honest Soldier,O, farewell, honest soldier.Ham I.i.16.2
who hath relieu'd you?Who hath relieved you?Ham I.i.17.1
Holla Barnardo.Holla, Barnardo!Ham I.i.18.2
What, ha's this thing appear'd againe to night.What, has this thing appeared again tonight?Ham I.i.21
Horatio saies, 'tis but our Fantasie,Horatio says 'tis but our fantasy,Ham I.i.23
And will not let beleefe take hold of himAnd will not let belief take hold of himHam I.i.24
Touching this dreaded sight, twice seene of vs,Touching this dreaded sight twice seen of us.Ham I.i.25
Therefore I haue intreated him alongTherefore I have entreated him alongHam I.i.26
With vs, to watch the minutes of this Night,With us to watch the minutes of this night,Ham I.i.27
That if againe this Apparition come,That, if again this apparition come,Ham I.i.28
He may approue our eyes, and speake to it.He may approve our eyes and speak to it.Ham I.i.29
Peace, breake thee of: Looke where it comes againe.Peace, break thee off. Look where it comes again.Ham I.i.40
Thou art a Scholler; speake to it Horatio.Thou art a scholar. Speak to it, Horatio.Ham I.i.42
Question it Horatio.Speak to it, Horatio.Ham I.i.45.2
It is offended.It is offended.Ham I.i.50.1
'Tis gone, and will not answer.'Tis gone and will not answer.Ham I.i.52
Is it not like the King?Is it not like the King?Ham I.i.58.2
Thus twice before, and iust at this dead houre,Thus twice before, and jump at this dead hour,Ham I.i.65
With Martiall stalke, hath he gone by our Watch.With martial stalk hath he gone by our watch.Ham I.i.66
Good now sit downe, & tell me he that knowesGood now, sit down, and tell me he that knowsHam I.i.70
Why this same strict and most obseruant Watch,Why this same strict and most observant watchHam I.i.71
So nightly toyles the subiect of the Land,So nightly toils the subject of the land,Ham I.i.72
And why such dayly Cast of Brazon CannonAnd why such daily cast of brazen cannonHam I.i.73
And Forraigne Mart for Implements of warre:And foreign mart for implements of war,Ham I.i.74
Why such impresse of Ship-wrights, whose sore TaskeWhy such impress of shipwrights, whose sore taskHam I.i.75
Do's not diuide the Sunday from the weeke,Does not divide the Sunday from the week.Ham I.i.76
What might be toward, that this sweaty hastWhat might be toward that this sweaty hasteHam I.i.77
Doth make the Night ioynt-Labourer with the day:Doth make the night joint-labourer with the day?Ham I.i.78
Who is't that can informe me?Who is't that can inform me?Ham I.i.79.1
Shall I strike at it with my Partizan?Shall I strike it with my partisan?Ham I.i.141
'Tis gone. 'Tis gone.Ham I.i.143
We do it wrong, being so MaiesticallWe do it wrong, being so majestical,Ham I.i.144
To offer it the shew of Violence,To offer it the show of violence,Ham I.i.145
For it is as the Ayre, invulnerable,For it is as the air invulnerable,Ham I.i.146
And our vaine blowes, malicious Mockery.And our vain blows malicious mockery.Ham I.i.147
It faded on the crowing of the Cocke.It faded on the crowing of the cock.Ham I.i.158
Some sayes, that euer 'gainst that Season comesSome say that ever 'gainst that season comesHam I.i.159
Wherein our Sauiours Birth is celebrated,Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated,Ham I.i.160
The Bird of Dawning singeth all night long:This bird of dawning singeth all night long.Ham I.i.161
And then (they say) no Spirit can walke abroad,And then, they say, no spirit dares stir abroad;Ham I.i.162
The nights are wholsome, then no Planets strike,The nights are wholesome; then no planets strike;Ham I.i.163
No Faiery talkes, nor Witch hath power to Charme:No fairy takes; nor witch hath power to charm.Ham I.i.164
So hallow'd, and so gracious is the time.So hallowed and so gracious is that time.Ham I.i.165
Let do't I pray, and I this morning knowLet's do't, I pray. And I this morning knowHam I.i.175
Where we shall finde him most conueniently. Where we shall find him most conveniently.Ham I.i.176
My good Lord.My good lord!Ham I.ii.166
My Lord, vpon the platforme where we watcht.My lord, upon the platform where we watch.Ham I.ii.213
Both. ALL
We doe my Lord.We do, my lord.Ham I.ii.225.2
Both. ALL
Arm'd, my Lord.Armed, my lord.Ham I.ii.227
Both. ALL
My Lord, from head to foote.My lord, from head to foot.Ham I.ii.228.2
Longer, longer.Longer, longer.Ham I.ii.239
All. ALL
Our duty to your Honour. Our duty to your honour.Ham I.ii.253.2
No, it is strooke.No, it is struck.Ham I.iv.4
Looke with what courteous actionLook with what courteous actionHam I.iv.60.2
It wafts you to a more remoued ground:It waves you to a more removed ground.Ham I.iv.61
But doe not goe with it.But do not go with it.Ham I.iv.62.1
You shall not goe my Lord.You shall not go, my lord.Ham I.iv.80.1
Let's follow; 'tis not fit thus to obey him.Let's follow. 'Tis not fit thus to obey him.Ham I.iv.88
Something is rotten in the State of Denmarke.Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.Ham I.iv.90
Nay, let's follow him. Nay, let's follow him.Ham I.iv.91.2
Lord Hamlet.Lord Hamlet!Ham I.v.113.2
How ist't my Noble Lord?How is't, my noble lord?Ham I.v.117.1
Nor I, my Lord.Nor I, my lord.Ham I.v.120.2
I, by Heau'n, my Lord.Ay, by heaven, my lord.Ham I.v.122.2
My Lord, we will not.My lord, we will not.Ham I.v.145.1
Nor I my Lord: in faith.Nor I, my lord – in faith.Ham I.v.146.2
We haue sworne my Lord already.We have sworn, my lord, already.Ham I.v.147.2

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