Original text | Modern text | Key line |
I haue my Liege. | I have, my liege. | R2 I.i.7 |
| | |
As neere as I could sift him on that argument, | As near as I could sift him on that argument, | R2 I.i.12 |
On some apparant danger seene in him, | On some apparent danger seen in him | R2 I.i.13 |
Aym'd at your Highnesse, no inueterate malice. | Aimed at your highness; no inveterate malice. | R2 I.i.14 |
| | |
To be a make-peace shall become my age, | To be a make-peace shall become my age. | R2 I.i.160 |
Throw downe (my sonne) the Duke of Norfolkes gage. | Throw down, my son, the Duke of Norfolk's gage. | R2 I.i.161 |
| | |
When Harrie when? | When, Harry, when? | R2 I.i.162.2 |
Obedience bids, / Obedience bids I should not bid agen. | Obedience bids I should not bid again. | R2 I.i.163 |
| | |
Alas, the part I had in Glousters blood, | Alas, the part I had in Woodstock's blood | R2 I.ii.1 |
Doth more solicite me then your exclaimes, | Doth more solicit me than your exclaims | R2 I.ii.2 |
To stirre against the Butchers of his life. | To stir against the butchers of his life. | R2 I.ii.3 |
But since correction lyeth in those hands | But since correction lieth in those hands | R2 I.ii.4 |
Which made the fault that we cannot correct, | Which made the fault that we cannot correct, | R2 I.ii.5 |
Put we our quarrell to the will of heauen, | Put we our quarrel to the will of heaven | R2 I.ii.6 |
Who when they see the houres ripe on earth, | Who, when they see the hours ripe on earth, | R2 I.ii.7 |
Will raigne hot vengeance on offenders heads. | Will rain hot vengeance on offenders' heads. | R2 I.ii.8 |
| | |
Heauens is the quarrell: for heauens substitute | God's is the quarrel; for God's substitute, | R2 I.ii.37 |
His Deputy annointed in his sight, | His deputy anointed in His sight, | R2 I.ii.38 |
Hath caus'd his death, the which if wrongfully | Hath caused his death; the which if wrongfully, | R2 I.ii.39 |
Let heauen reuenge: for I may neuer lift | Let heaven revenge, for I may never lift | R2 I.ii.40 |
An angry arme against his Minister. | An angry arm against His minister. | R2 I.ii.41 |
| | |
To heauen, the widdowes Champion to defence | To God, the widow's champion and defence. | R2 I.ii.43 |
| | |
Sister farewell: I must to Couentree, | Sister, farewell! I must to Coventry. | R2 I.ii.56 |
As much good stay with thee, as go with mee. | As much good stay with thee as go with me! | R2 I.ii.57 |
| | |
Heauen in thy good cause make thee prosp'rous | God in thy good cause make thee prosperous! | R2 I.iii.78 |
Be swift like lightning in the execution, | Be swift like lightning in the execution, | R2 I.iii.79 |
And let thy blowes doubly redoubled, | And let thy blows, doubly redoubled, | R2 I.iii.80 |
Fall like amazing thunder on the Caske | Fall like amazing thunder on the casque | R2 I.iii.81 |
Of thy amaz'd pernicious enemy. | Of thy adverse pernicious enemy! | R2 I.iii.82 |
Rouze vp thy youthfull blood, be valiant, and liue. | Rouse up thy youthful blood, be valiant, and live. | R2 I.iii.83 |
| | |
I thanke my Liege, that in regard of me | I thank my liege that in regard of me | R2 I.iii.216 |
He shortens foure yeares of my sonnes exile: | He shortens four years of my son's exile. | R2 I.iii.217 |
But little vantage shall I reape thereby. | But little vantage shall I reap thereby; | R2 I.iii.218 |
For ere the sixe yeares that he hath to spend | For ere the six years that he hath to spend | R2 I.iii.219 |
Can change their Moones, and bring their times about, | Can change their moons, and bring their times about, | R2 I.iii.220 |
My oyle-dride Lampe, and time-bewasted light | My oil-dried lamp and time-bewasted light | R2 I.iii.221 |
Shall be extinct with age, and endlesse night: | Shall be extinct with age and endless night. | R2 I.iii.222 |
My inch of Taper, will be burnt, and done, | My inch of taper will be burnt and done, | R2 I.iii.223 |
And blindfold death, not let me see my sonne. | And blindfold death not let me see my son. | R2 I.iii.224 |
| | |
But not a minute (King) that thou canst giue; | But not a minute, King, that thou canst give. | R2 I.iii.226 |
Shorten my dayes thou canst with sudden sorow, | Shorten my days thou canst with sullen sorrow, | R2 I.iii.227 |
And plucke nights from me, but not lend a morrow: | And pluck nights from me, but not lend a morrow. | R2 I.iii.228 |
Thou canst helpe time to furrow me with age, | Thou canst help time to furrow me with age, | R2 I.iii.229 |
But stop no wrinkle in his pilgrimage: | But stop no wrinkle in his pilgrimage. | R2 I.iii.230 |
Thy word is currant with him, for my death, | Thy word is current with him for my death, | R2 I.iii.231 |
But dead, thy kingdome cannot buy my breath. | But dead, thy kingdom cannot buy my breath. | R2 I.iii.232 |
| | |
Things sweet to tast, proue in digestion sowre: | Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour. | R2 I.iii.236 |
You vrg'd me as a Iudge, but I had rather | You urged me as a judge, but I had rather | R2 I.iii.237 |
You would haue bid me argue like a Father. | You would have bid me argue like a father. | R2 I.iii.238 |
| O, had it been a stranger, not my child, | R2 I.iii.239 |
| To smooth his fault I should have been more mild. | R2 I.iii.240 |
| A partial slander sought I to avoid, | R2 I.iii.241 |
| And in the sentence my own life destroyed. | R2 I.iii.242 |
Alas, I look'd when some of you should say, | Alas, I looked when some of you should say | R2 I.iii.243 |
I was too strict to make mine owne away: | I was too strict, to make mine own away. | R2 I.iii.244 |
But you gaue leaue to my vnwilling tong, | But you gave leave to my unwilling tongue | R2 I.iii.245 |
Against my will, to do my selfe this wrong. | Against my will to do myself this wrong. | R2 I.iii.246 |
| | |
Oh to what purpose dost thou hord thy words, | O, to what purpose dost thou hoard thy words, | R2 I.iii.253 |
That thou teturnst no greeting to thy friends? | That thou returnest no greeting to thy friends? | R2 I.iii.254 |
| | |
Thy greefe is but thy absence for a time. | Thy grief is but thy absence for a time. | R2 I.iii.258 |
| | |
What is sixe Winters, they are quickely gone? | What is six winters? They are quickly gone. | R2 I.iii.260 |
| | |
Call it a trauell that thou tak'st for pleasure. | Call it a travel that thou takest for pleasure. | R2 I.iii.262 |
| | |
The sullen passage of thy weary steppes | The sullen passage of thy weary steps | R2 I.iii.265 |
Esteeme a soyle, wherein thou art to set | Esteem as foil wherein thou art to set | R2 I.iii.266 |
The precious Iewell of thy home returne. | The precious jewel of thy home return. | R2 I.iii.267 |
| | |
| All places that the eye of heaven visits | R2 I.iii.275 |
| Are to a wise man ports and happy havens. | R2 I.iii.276 |
| Teach thy necessity to reason thus: | R2 I.iii.277 |
| There is no virtue like necessity. | R2 I.iii.278 |
| Think not the King did banish thee, | R2 I.iii.279 |
| But thou the King. Woe doth the heavier sit | R2 I.iii.280 |
| Where it perceives it is but faintly borne. | R2 I.iii.281 |
| Go, say I sent thee forth to purchase honour, | R2 I.iii.282 |
| And not the King exiled thee; or suppose | R2 I.iii.283 |
| Devouring pestilence hangs in our air | R2 I.iii.284 |
| And thou art flying to a fresher clime. | R2 I.iii.285 |
| Look what thy soul holds dear, imagine it | R2 I.iii.286 |
| To lie that way thou goest, not whence thou comest. | R2 I.iii.287 |
| Suppose the singing birds musicians, | R2 I.iii.288 |
| The grass whereon thou treadest the presence strewed, | R2 I.iii.289 |
| The flowers fair ladies, and thy steps no more | R2 I.iii.290 |
| Than a delightful measure or a dance; | R2 I.iii.291 |
| For gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite | R2 I.iii.292 |
| The man that mocks at it and sets it light. | R2 I.iii.293 |
| | |
Come, come (my son) Ile bring thee on thy way | Come, come, my son, I'll bring thee on thy way. | R2 I.iii.304 |
Had I thy youth, and cause, I would not stay. | Had I thy youth and cause I would not stay. | R2 I.iii.305 |
| | |
Will the King come, that I may breath my last | Will the King come, that I may breathe my last | R2 II.i.1 |
In wholsome counsell to his vnstaid youth? | In wholesome counsel to his unstaid youth? | R2 II.i.2 |
| | |
Oh but (they say) the tongues of dying men | O, but they say the tongues of dying men | R2 II.i.5 |
Inforce attention like deepe harmony; | Enforce attention like deep harmony. | R2 II.i.6 |
Where words are scarse, they are seldome spent in vaine, | Where words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain, | R2 II.i.7 |
For they breath truth, that breath their words in paine. | For they breathe truth that breathe their words in pain. | R2 II.i.8 |
He that no more must say, is listen'd more, | He that no more must say is listened more | R2 II.i.9 |
Then they whom youth and ease haue taught to glose, | Than they whom youth and ease have taught to glose. | R2 II.i.10 |
More are mens ends markt, then their liues before, | More are men's ends marked than their lives before. | R2 II.i.11 |
The setting Sun, and Musicke in the close | The setting sun, and music at the close, | R2 II.i.12 |
As the last taste of sweetes, is sweetest last, | As the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last, | R2 II.i.13 |
Writ in remembrance, more then things long past; | Writ in remembrance more than things long past. | R2 II.i.14 |
Though Richard my liues counsell would not heare, | Though Richard my life's counsel would not hear, | R2 II.i.15 |
My deaths sad tale, may yet vndeafe his eare. | My death's sad tale may yet undeaf his ear. | R2 II.i.16 |
| | |
Me thinkes I am a Prophet new inspir'd, | Methinks I am a prophet new-inspired, | R2 II.i.31 |
And thus expiring, do foretell of him, | And thus, expiring, do foretell of him: | R2 II.i.32 |
His rash fierce blaze of Ryot cannot last, | His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last; | R2 II.i.33 |
For violent fires soone burne out themselues, | For violent fires soon burn out themselves. | R2 II.i.34 |
Small showres last long, but sodaine stormes are short, | Small showers last long, but sudden storms are short. | R2 II.i.35 |
He tyres betimes, that spurs too fast betimes; | He tires betimes that spurs too fast betimes. | R2 II.i.36 |
With eager feeding, food doth choake the feeder: | With eager feeding food doth choke the feeder. | R2 II.i.37 |
Light vanity, insatiate cormorant, | Light vanity, insatiate cormorant, | R2 II.i.38 |
Consuming meanes soone preyes vpon it selfe. | Consuming means, soon preys upon itself. | R2 II.i.39 |
This royall Throne of Kings, this sceptred Isle, | This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, | R2 II.i.40 |
This earth of Maiesty, this seate of Mars, | This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, | R2 II.i.41 |
This other Eden, demy paradise, | This other Eden – demi-paradise – | R2 II.i.42 |
This Fortresse built by Nature for her selfe, | This fortress built by nature for herself | R2 II.i.43 |
Against infection, and the hand of warre: | Against infection and the hand of war, | R2 II.i.44 |
This happy breed of men, this little world, | This happy breed of men, this little world, | R2 II.i.45 |
This precious stone, set in the siluer sea, | This precious stone set in the silver sea, | R2 II.i.46 |
Which serues it in the office of a wall, | Which serves it in the office of a wall, | R2 II.i.47 |
Or as a Moate defensiue to a house, | Or as a moat defensive to a house | R2 II.i.48 |
Against the enuy of lesse happier Lands, | Against the envy of less happier lands; | R2 II.i.49 |
This blessed plot, this earth, this Realme, this England, | This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England, | R2 II.i.50 |
This Nurse, this teeming wombe of Royall Kings, | This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings, | R2 II.i.51 |
Fear'd by their breed, and famous for their birth, | Feared by their breed, and famous by their birth, | R2 II.i.52 |
Renowned for their deeds, as farre from home, | Renowned for their deeds as far from home | R2 II.i.53 |
For Christian seruice, and true Chiualrie, | For Christian service and true chivalry | R2 II.i.54 |
As is the sepulcher in stubborne Iury | As is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry | R2 II.i.55 |
Of the Worlds ransome, blessed Maries Sonne. | Of the world's ransom, blessed Mary's son; | R2 II.i.56 |
This Land of such deere soules, this deere-deere Land, | This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, | R2 II.i.57 |
Deere for her reputation through the world, | Dear for her reputation through the world, | R2 II.i.58 |
Is now Leas'd out (I dye pronouncing it) | Is now leased out – I die pronouncing it – | R2 II.i.59 |
Like to a Tenement or pelting Farme. | Like to a tenement or pelting farm. | R2 II.i.60 |
England bound in with the triumphant sea, | England, bound in with the triumphant sea, | R2 II.i.61 |
Whose rocky shore beates backe the enuious siedge | Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege | R2 II.i.62 |
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame, | Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame, | R2 II.i.63 |
With Inky blottes, and rotten Parchment bonds. | With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds. | R2 II.i.64 |
That England, that was wont to conquer others, | That England that was wont to conquer others | R2 II.i.65 |
Hath made a shamefull conquest of it selfe. | Hath made a shameful conquest of itself. | R2 II.i.66 |
Ah! would the scandall vanish with my life, | Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life, | R2 II.i.67 |
How happy then were my ensuing death? | How happy then were my ensuing death! | R2 II.i.68 |
| | |
Oh how that name befits my composition: | O, how that name befits my composition! | R2 II.i.73 |
Old Gaunt indeed, and gaunt in being old: | Old Gaunt indeed, and gaunt in being old. | R2 II.i.74 |
Within me greefe hath kept a tedious fast, | Within me grief hath kept a tedious fast; | R2 II.i.75 |
And who abstaynes from meate, that is not gaunt? | And who abstains from meat that is not gaunt? | R2 II.i.76 |
For sleeping England long time haue I watcht, | For sleeping England long time have I watched. | R2 II.i.77 |
Watching breeds leannesse, leannesse is all gaunt. | Watching breeds leanness; leanness is all gaunt. | R2 II.i.78 |
The pleasure that some Fathers feede vpon, | The pleasure that some fathers feed upon | R2 II.i.79 |
Is my strict fast, I meane my Childrens lookes, | Is my strict fast – I mean my children's looks; | R2 II.i.80 |
And therein fasting, hast thou made me gaunt: | And therein fasting hast thou made me gaunt. | R2 II.i.81 |
Gaunt am I for the graue, gaunt as a graue, | Gaunt am I for the grave, gaunt as a grave, | R2 II.i.82 |
Whose hollow wombe inherits naught but bones. | Whose hollow womb inherits naught but bones. | R2 II.i.83 |
| | |
No, misery makes sport to mocke it selfe: | No, misery makes sport to mock itself. | R2 II.i.85 |
Since thou dost seeke to kill my name in mec, | Since thou dost seek to kill my name in me, | R2 II.i.86 |
I mocke my name (great King) to flatter thee. | I mock my name, great King, to flatter thee. | R2 II.i.87 |
| | |
No, no, men liuing flatter those that dye. | No, no. Men living flatter those that die. | R2 II.i.89 |
| | |
Oh no, thou dyest, though I the sicker be. | O, no. Thou diest, though I the sicker be. | R2 II.i.91 |
| | |
Now he that made me, knowes I see thee ill: | Now he that made me knows I see thee ill; | R2 II.i.93 |
Ill in my selfe to see, and in thee, seeing ill, | Ill in myself to see, and in thee seeing ill. | R2 II.i.94 |
Thy death-bed is no lesser then the Land, | Thy deathbed is no lesser than thy land, | R2 II.i.95 |
Wherein thou lyest in reputation sicke, | Wherein thou liest in reputation sick; | R2 II.i.96 |
And thou too care-lesse patient as thou art, | And thou, too careless patient as thou art, | R2 II.i.97 |
Commit'st thy'anointed body to the cure | Committest thy anointed body to the cure | R2 II.i.98 |
Of those Physitians, that first wounded thee. | Of those ‘ physicians ’ that first wounded thee. | R2 II.i.99 |
A thousand flatterers sit within thy Crowne, | A thousand flatterers sit within thy crown, | R2 II.i.100 |
Whose compasse is no bigger then thy head, | Whose compass is no bigger than thy head, | R2 II.i.101 |
And yet incaged in so small a Verge, | And yet, encaged in so small a verge, | R2 II.i.102 |
The waste is no whit lesser then thy Land: | The waste is no whit lesser than thy land. | R2 II.i.103 |
Oh had thy Grandsire with a Prophets eye, | O, had thy grandsire with a prophet's eye | R2 II.i.104 |
Seene how his sonnes sonne, should destroy his sonnes, | Seen how his son's son should destroy his sons, | R2 II.i.105 |
From forth thy reach he would haue laid thy shame, | From forth thy reach he would have laid thy shame, | R2 II.i.106 |
Deposing thee before thou wert possest, | Deposing thee before thou wert possessed, | R2 II.i.107 |
Which art possest now to depose thy selfe. | Which art possessed now to depose thyself. | R2 II.i.108 |
Why (Cosine) were thou Regent of the world, | Why, cousin, wert thou regent of the world | R2 II.i.109 |
It were a shame to let his Land by lease: | It were a shame to let this land by lease. | R2 II.i.110 |
But for thy world enioying but this Land, | But for thy world enjoying but this land, | R2 II.i.111 |
Is it not more then shame, to shame it so? | Is it not more than shame to shame it so? | R2 II.i.112 |
Landlord of England art thou, and not King: | Landlord of England art thou now, not king. | R2 II.i.113 |
Thy state of Law, is bondslaue to the law, | Thy state of law is bondslave to the law, | R2 II.i.114 |
And--- | And thou – | R2 II.i.115.1 |
| | |
Oh spare me not, my brothers Edwards sonne, | O, spare me not, my brother Edward's son, | R2 II.i.124 |
For that I was his Father Edwards sonne: | For that I was his father Edward's son. | R2 II.i.125 |
That blood aIready (like the Pellican) | That blood already, like the pelican, | R2 II.i.126 |
Thou hast tapt out, and drunkenly carows'd. | Hast thou tapped out and drunkenly caroused. | R2 II.i.127 |
My brother Gloucester, plaine well meaning soule | My brother Gloucester, plain well-meaning soul – | R2 II.i.128 |
(Whom faire befall in heauen 'mongst happy soules) | Whom fair befall in heaven 'mongst happy souls – | R2 II.i.129 |
May be a president, and witnesse good, | May be a precedent and witness good | R2 II.i.130 |
That thou respect'st not spilling Edwards blood: | That thou respectest not spilling Edward's blood. | R2 II.i.131 |
Ioyne with the present sicknesse that I haue, | Join with the present sickness that I have, | R2 II.i.132 |
And thy vnkindnesse be like crooked age, | And thy unkindness be like crooked age, | R2 II.i.133 |
To crop at once a too-long wither'd flowre. | To crop at once a too-long withered flower. | R2 II.i.134 |
Liue in thy shame, but dye not shame with thee, | Live in thy shame, but die not shame with thee! | R2 II.i.135 |
These words heereafter, thy tormentors bee. | These words hereafter thy tormentors be! | R2 II.i.136 |
Conuey me to my bed, then to my graue, | Convey me to my bed, then to my grave. | R2 II.i.137 |
Loue they to liue, that loue and honor haue. | Love they to live that love and honour have. | R2 II.i.138 |