First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Marshall, and Aumerle. | Enter the Lord Marshal and the Duke of Aumerle | | R2 I.iii.1 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
My L. Aumerle, is Harry Herford arm'd. | My Lord Aumerle, is Harry Hereford armed? | | R2 I.iii.1 | |
Aum. | AUMERLE | | | |
Yea, at all points, and longs to enter in. | Yea, at all points, and longs to enter in. | points, all / at all in every part, in all respects, completely | R2 I.iii.2 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
The Duke of Norfolke, sprightfully and bold, | The Duke of Norfolk, sprightfully and bold, | sprightfully, spritefully (adv.) spiritedly, in a lively manner | R2 I.iii.3 | |
Stayes but the summons of the Appealants Trumpet. | Stays but the summons of the appellant's trumpet. | appellant (n.) accuser [of treason], challenger, denouncer | R2 I.iii.4 | |
Au. | AUMERLE | | | |
Why then the Champions, are prepar'd, and stay | Why then, the champions are prepared, and stay | stay for (v.) wait for, await | R2 I.iii.5 | |
For nothing but his Maiesties approach. | For nothing but his majesty's approach. | | R2 I.iii.6 | |
Flourish. Enter King, | The trumpets sound and the King enters with his | | R2 I.iii.7.1 | |
Gaunt, Bushy, Bagot, Greene, & others: | nobles, including Gaunt, and Bushy, Bagot, and | | R2 I.iii.7.2 | |
Then Mowbray in Armor, | Green. When they are set, enter Mowbray, Duke of | set (adj.) formally seated, arranged in a position of state | R2 I.iii.7.3 | |
and Harrold. | Norfolk, in arms, defendant; and a Herald | | R2 I.iii.7.4 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Marshall, demand of yonder Champion | Marshal, demand of yonder champion | | R2 I.iii.7 | |
The cause of his arriuall heere in Armes, | The cause of his arrival here in arms. | | R2 I.iii.8 | |
Aske him his name, and orderly proceed | Ask him his name, and orderly proceed | orderly (adv.) according to the rules, properly, in the prescribed way | R2 I.iii.9 | |
To sweare him in the iustice of his cause. | To swear him in the justice of his cause. | | R2 I.iii.10 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
| (to Mowbray) | | R2 I.iii.11 | |
In Gods name, and the Kings, say who yu art, | In God's name and the King's, say who thou art | | R2 I.iii.11 | |
And why thou com'st thus knightly clad in Armes? | And why thou comest thus knightly-clad in arms, | | R2 I.iii.12 | |
Against what man thou com'st, and what's thy quarrell, | Against what man thou comest, and what thy quarrel. | quarrel (n.) cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim | R2 I.iii.13 | |
Speake truly on thy knighthood, and thine oath, | Speak truly on thy knighthood and thy oath, | | R2 I.iii.14 | |
As so defend thee heauen, and thy valour. | As so defend thee heaven and thy valour! | | R2 I.iii.15 | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
My name is Tho. Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, | My name is Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, | | R2 I.iii.16 | |
Who hither comes engaged by my oath | Who hither come engaged by my oath, – | | R2 I.iii.17 | |
(Which heauen defend a knight should violate) | Which God defend a knight should violate! – | defend (v.) forbid, prohibit | R2 I.iii.18 | |
Both to defend my loyalty and truth, | Both to defend my loyalty and truth | | R2 I.iii.19 | |
To God, my King, and his succeeding issue, | To God, my King, and my succeeding issue | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | R2 I.iii.20 | |
Against the Duke of Herford, that appeales me: | Against the Duke of Hereford that appeals me; | appeal (v.) accuse, denounce, impeach | R2 I.iii.21 | |
And by the grace of God, and this mine arme, | And by the grace of God and this mine arm | | R2 I.iii.22 | |
To proue him (in defending of my selfe) | To prove him, in defending of myself, | | R2 I.iii.23 | |
A Traitor to my God, my King, and me, | A traitor to my God, my King, and me. | | R2 I.iii.24 | |
And as I truly fight, defend me heauen. | And as I truly fight, defend me heaven! | | R2 I.iii.25 | |
Tucket. Enter Hereford, | The trumpets sound. Enter Bolingbroke, Duke of | | R2 I.iii.26.1 | |
and Harold. | Hereford, appellant, in armour; and a Herald | | R2 I.iii.26.2 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Marshall: Aske yonder Knight in Armes, | Marshal, ask yonder knight in arms | | R2 I.iii.26 | |
Both who he is, and why he commeth hither, | Both who he is, and why he cometh hither | | R2 I.iii.27 | |
Thus placed in habiliments of warre: | Thus plated in habiliments of war; | habiliment, abiliment (n.) (usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit | R2 I.iii.28 | |
| | plated (adj.) wearing plate armour, armour-protected | | |
And formerly according to our Law | And formally, according to our law, | | R2 I.iii.29 | |
Depose him in the iustice of his cause. | Depose him in the justice of his cause. | depose (v.) swear, take an oath [from] | R2 I.iii.30 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
| (to Bolingbroke) | | R2 I.iii.31 | |
What is thy name? and wherfore comst yu hither | What is thy name? And wherefore comest thou hither | | R2 I.iii.31 | |
Before King Richard in his Royall Lists? | Before King Richard in his royal lists? | list (n.) (usually plural) combat arena at a tournament | R2 I.iii.32 | |
Against whom com'st thou? and what's thy quarrell? | Against whom comest thou? And what's thy quarrel? | quarrel (n.) cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim | R2 I.iii.33 | |
Speake like a true Knight, so defend thee heauen. | Speak like a true knight, so defend thee heaven! | | R2 I.iii.34 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Harry of Herford, Lancaster, and Derbie, | Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby | | R2 I.iii.35 | |
Am I: who ready heere do stand in Armes, | Am I, who ready here do stand in arms | | R2 I.iii.36 | |
To proue by heauens grace, and my bodies valour, | To prove by God's grace and my body's valour | | R2 I.iii.37 | |
In Lists, on Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, | In lists on Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, | | R2 I.iii.38 | |
That he's a Traitor foule, and dangerous, | That he is a traitor foul and dangerous | | R2 I.iii.39 | |
To God of heauen, King Richard, and to me, | To God of heaven, King Richard, and to me; | | R2 I.iii.40 | |
And as I truly fight, defend me heauen. | And as I truly fight, defend me heaven! | | R2 I.iii.41 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
On paine of death, no person be so bold, | On pain of death, no person be so bold | | R2 I.iii.42 | |
Or daring hardie as to touch the Listes, | Or daring-hardy as to touch the lists | daring-hardy (adj.) foolhardy, rashly bold | R2 I.iii.43 | |
Except the Marshall, and such Officers | Except the Marshal and such officers | | R2 I.iii.44 | |
Appointed to direct these faire designes. | Appointed to direct these fair designs. | design (n.) undertaking, purpose, enterprise | R2 I.iii.45 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Lord Marshall, let me kisse my Soueraigns hand, | Lord Marshal, let me kiss my sovereign's hand | | R2 I.iii.46 | |
And bow my knee before his Maiestie: | And bow my knee before his majesty; | | R2 I.iii.47 | |
For Mowbray and my selfe are like two men, | For Mowbray and myself are like two men | | R2 I.iii.48 | |
That vow a long and weary pilgrimage, | That vow a long and weary pilgrimage. | | R2 I.iii.49 | |
Then let vs take a ceremonious leaue | Then let us take a ceremonious leave | | R2 I.iii.50 | |
And louing farwell of our seuerall friends. | And loving farewell of our several friends. | several (adj.) various, sundry, respective, individual | R2 I.iii.51 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
| (to King Richard) | | R2 I.iii.52 | |
The Appealant in all duty greets your Highnes, | The appellant in all duty greets your highness | | R2 I.iii.52 | |
And craues to kisse your hand, and take his leaue. | And craves to kiss your hand, and take his leave. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | R2 I.iii.53 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
We will descend, and fold him in our armes. | We will descend and fold him in our arms. | | R2 I.iii.54 | |
| He leaves his throne | | R2 I.iii.55 | |
Cosin of Herford, as thy cause is iust, | Cousin of Hereford, as thy cause is right, | | R2 I.iii.55 | |
So be thy fortune in this Royall fight: | So be thy fortune in this royal fight! | | R2 I.iii.56 | |
Farewell, my blood, which if to day thou shead, | Farewell, my blood – which if today thou shed, | | R2 I.iii.57 | |
Lament we may, but not reuenge thee dead. | Lament we may, but not revenge thee dead. | | R2 I.iii.58 | |
Bull. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Oh let no noble eye prophane a teare | O, let no noble eye profane a tear | | R2 I.iii.59 | |
For me, if I be gor'd with Mowbrayes speare: | For me, if I be gored with Mowbray's spear! | | R2 I.iii.60 | |
As confident, as is the Falcons flight | As confident as is the falcon's flight | | R2 I.iii.61 | |
Against a bird, do I with Mowbray fight. | Against a bird, do I with Mowbray fight. | | R2 I.iii.62 | |
| (To Lord Marshal) | | R2 I.iii.63 | |
My louing Lord, I take my leaue of you, | My loving lord, I take my leave of you; | | R2 I.iii.63 | |
| (To Aumerle) | | R2 I.iii.64 | |
Of you (my Noble Cosin) Lord Aumerle; | Of you, my noble cousin, Lord Aumerle; | | R2 I.iii.64 | |
Not sicke, although I haue to do with death, | Not sick, although I have to do with death, | | R2 I.iii.65 | |
But lustie, yong, and cheerely drawing breath. | But lusty, young, and cheerly drawing breath. | cheerly (adv.) cheerfully, brightly, animatedly | R2 I.iii.66 | |
| | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | | |
Loe, as at English Feasts, so I regreete | Lo, as at English feasts, so I regreet | regreet (v.) greet again, salute upon returning | R2 I.iii.67 | |
The daintiest last, to make the end most sweet. | The daintiest last, to make the end most sweet. | | R2 I.iii.68 | |
| (To John of Gaunt) | | R2 I.iii.69 | |
Oh thou the earthy author of my blood, | O thou, the earthly author of my blood, | | R2 I.iii.69 | |
Whose youthfull spirit in me regenerate, | Whose youthful spirit in me regenerate | regenerate (adj.) reborn, formed anew | R2 I.iii.70 | |
Doth with a two-fold rigor lift mee vp | Doth with a twofold vigour lift me up | | R2 I.iii.71 | |
To reach at victory aboue my head, | To reach at victory above my head, | reach at (v.) reach out for, strive to attain | R2 I.iii.72 | |
Adde proofe vnto mine Armour with thy prayres, | Add proof unto mine armour with thy prayers, | proof (n.) tested strength, proven power of resistance, impenetrability | R2 I.iii.73 | |
And with thy blessings steele my Lances point, | And with thy blessings steel my lance's point | | R2 I.iii.74 | |
That it may enter Mowbrayes waxen Coate, | That it may enter Mowbray's waxen coat | coat (n.) coat-of-mail, surcoat | R2 I.iii.75 | |
And furnish new the name of Iohn a Gaunt, | And furbish new the name of John o' Gaunt, | | R2 I.iii.76 | |
Euen in the lusty hauiour of his sonne. | Even in the lusty haviour of his son! | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | R2 I.iii.77 | |
| | haviour (n.) behaviour, manner, demeanour | | |
Gaunt. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Heauen in thy good cause make thee prosp'rous | God in thy good cause make thee prosperous! | | R2 I.iii.78 | |
Be swift like lightning in the execution, | Be swift like lightning in the execution, | | R2 I.iii.79 | |
And let thy blowes doubly redoubled, | And let thy blows, doubly redoubled, | | R2 I.iii.80 | |
Fall like amazing thunder on the Caske | Fall like amazing thunder on the casque | amazing (adj.) dreadful, terrifying, stupefying | R2 I.iii.81 | |
| | casque, caske (n.) helmet | | |
Of thy amaz'd pernicious enemy. | Of thy adverse pernicious enemy! | | R2 I.iii.82 | |
Rouze vp thy youthfull blood, be valiant, and liue. | Rouse up thy youthful blood, be valiant, and live. | | R2 I.iii.83 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Mine innocence, and S. George to thriue. | Mine innocence and Saint George to thrive! | thrive (v.) be successful, have good fortune | R2 I.iii.84 | |
| | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
How euer heauen or fortune cast my lot, | However God or fortune cast my lot | | R2 I.iii.85 | |
There liues, or dies, true to Kings Richards Throne, | There lives or dies true to King Richard's throne | | R2 I.iii.86 | |
A loyall, iust, and vpright Gentleman: | A loyal, just, and upright gentleman. | | R2 I.iii.87 | |
Neuer did Captiue with a freer heart, | Never did captive with a freer heart | free (adj.) freely given, willing, unconstrained | R2 I.iii.88 | |
Cast off his chaines of bondage, and embrace | Cast off his chains of bondage and embrace | embrace (v.) welcome, joyfully accept | R2 I.iii.89 | |
His golden vncontroul'd enfranchisement, | His golden uncontrolled enfranchisement | enfranchisement (n.) freedom, liberation, release | R2 I.iii.90 | |
More then my dancing soule doth celebrate | More than my dancing soul doth celebrate | | R2 I.iii.91 | |
This Feast of Battell, with mine Aduersarie | This feast of battle with mine adversary. | | R2 I.iii.92 | |
Most mighty Liege, and my companion Peeres, | Most mighty liege, and my companion peers, | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | R2 I.iii.93 | |
Take from my mouth, the wish of happy yeares, | Take from my mouth the wish of happy years. | | R2 I.iii.94 | |
As gentle, and as iocond, as to iest, | As gentle and as jocund as to jest | jest (v.) amuse oneself, go to an entertainment | R2 I.iii.95 | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
Go I to fight: Truth, hath a quiet brest. | Go I to fight. Truth hath a quiet breast. | | R2 I.iii.96 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Farewell, my Lord, securely I espy | Farewell, my lord. Securely I espy | securely (adv.) confidently, without misgiving, fearlessly | R2 I.iii.97 | |
Vertue with Valour, couched in thine eye: | Virtue with valour couched in thine eye. | couch (v.) conceal, hide, lie hidden | R2 I.iii.98 | |
Order the triall Marshall, and begin. | Order the trial, Marshal, and begin. | | R2 I.iii.99 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
Harrie of Herford, Lancaster, and Derby, | Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby, | | R2 I.iii.100 | |
Receiue thy Launce, and heauen defend thy right. | Receive thy lance; and God defend the right. | | R2 I.iii.101 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Strong as a towre in hope, I cry Amen. | Strong as a tower in hope, I cry ‘ Amen!’ | | R2 I.iii.102 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
| (to an officer) | | R2 I.iii.103 | |
Go beare this Lance to Thomas D. of Norfolke. | Go bear this lance to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. | | R2 I.iii.103 | |
1. Har. | FIRST HERALD | | | |
Harry of Herford, Lancaster, and Derbie, | Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby | | R2 I.iii.104 | |
Stands heere for God, his Soueraigne, and himselfe, | Stands here for God, his sovereign, and himself, | | R2 I.iii.105 | |
On paine to be found false, and recreant, | On pain to be found false and recreant, | recreant (adj.) cowardly, faint-hearted, craven | R2 I.iii.106 | |
| | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | | |
To proue the Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Mowbray, | To prove the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, | | R2 I.iii.107 | |
A Traitor to his God, his King, and him, | A traitor to his God, his king, and him, | | R2 I.iii.108 | |
And dares him to set forwards to the fight. | And dares him to set forward to the fight. | | R2 I.iii.109 | |
2. Har. | SECOND HERALD | | | |
Here standeth Tho: Mowbray Duke of Norfolk | Here standeth Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, | | R2 I.iii.110 | |
On paine to be found false and recreant, | On pain to be found false and recreant, | | R2 I.iii.111 | |
Both to defend himselfe, and to approue | Both to defend himself and to approve | | R2 I.iii.112 | |
Henry of Herford, Lancaster, and Derby, | Henry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby | | R2 I.iii.113 | |
To God, his Soueraigne, and to him disloyall: | To God, his sovereign, and to him disloyal, | | R2 I.iii.114 | |
Couragiously, and with a free desire | Courageously and with a free desire | | R2 I.iii.115 | |
Attending but the signall to begin. | Attending but the signal to begin. | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | R2 I.iii.116 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
Sound Trumpets, and set forward Combatants: | Sound, trumpets; and set forward, combatants! | | R2 I.iii.117 | |
| A charge sounded. King Richard throws his warder | warder (n.) staff, truncheon, baton | R2 I.iii.118.1 | |
| into the lists | | R2 I.iii.118.2 | |
Stay, the King hath throwne his Warder downe. | Stay! The King hath thrown his warder down. | | R2 I.iii.118 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Let them lay by their Helmets & their Speares, | Let them lay by their helmets and their spears | | R2 I.iii.119 | |
And both returne backe to their Chaires againe: | And both return back to their chairs again. | | R2 I.iii.120 | |
| (To his counsellors) | | R2 I.iii.121 | |
Withdraw with vs, and let the Trumpets sound, | Withdraw with us, and let the trumpets sound | | R2 I.iii.121 | |
While we returne these Dukes what we decree. | While we return these dukes what we decree. | return (v.) answer, report, say in reply [to] | R2 I.iii.122 | |
A long Flourish. | A long flourish. King Richard consults his nobles, then | | R2 I.iii.123.1 | |
| addresses the combatants | | R2 I.iii.123.2 | |
Draw neere | Draw near, | | R2 I.iii.123 | |
and list / What with our Councell we haue done. | And list what with our council we have done. | list (v.) listen to, pay attention to | R2 I.iii.124 | |
For that our kingdomes earth should not be soyld | For that our kingdom's earth should not be soiled | | R2 I.iii.125 | |
With that deere blood which it hath fostered, | With that dear blood which it hath fostered, | | R2 I.iii.126 | |
And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect | And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect | aspect (n.) [of objects] sight, appearance | R2 I.iii.127 | |
Of ciuill wounds plowgh'd vp with neighbors swords, | Of civil wounds ploughed up with neighbours' sword, | civil (adj.) of civil war | R2 I.iii.128 | |
| And for we think the eagle-winged pride | | R2 I.iii.129 | |
| Of sky-aspiring and ambitious thoughts | | R2 I.iii.130 | |
| With rival-hating envy set on you | | R2 I.iii.131 | |
| To wake our peace, which in our country's cradle | wake (v.) urge, arouse; or: trouble, disturb | R2 I.iii.132 | |
| Draws the sweet infant-breath of gentle sleep, | gentle (adj.) peaceful, calm, free from violence | R2 I.iii.133 | |
Which so rouz'd vp with boystrous vntun'd drummes, | Which so roused up with boisterous untuned drums, | untuned (adj.) out-of-tune, disordered, disturbed | R2 I.iii.134 | |
| | boisterous (adj.) violent, fierce, savage | | |
With harsh resounding Trumpets dreadfull bray, | With harsh-resounding trumpets' dreadful bray, | | R2 I.iii.135 | |
And grating shocke of wrathfull yron Armes, | And grating shock of wrathful iron arms, | | R2 I.iii.136 | |
Might from our quiet Confines fright faire peace, | Might from our quiet confines fright fair peace | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | R2 I.iii.137 | |
| | confine (n.) territory, region, domain | | |
And make vs wade euen in our kindreds blood: | And make us wade even in our kindred's blood: | | R2 I.iii.138 | |
Therefore, we banish you our Territories. | Therefore we banish you our territories. | | R2 I.iii.139 | |
You Cosin Herford, vpon paine of death, | You, cousin Hereford, upon pain of life | | R2 I.iii.140 | |
Till twice fiue Summers haue enrich'd our fields, | Till twice five summers have enriched our fields | | R2 I.iii.141 | |
Shall not regreet our faire dominions, | Shall not regreet our fair dominions, | regreet (v.) greet again, salute upon returning | R2 I.iii.142 | |
But treade the stranger pathes of banishment. | But tread the stranger paths of banishment. | stranger (adj.) foreign, alien | R2 I.iii.143 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Your will be done: This must my comfort be, | Your will be done. This must my comfort be: | | R2 I.iii.144 | |
That Sun that warmes you heere, shall shine on me: | That sun that warms you here shall shine on me, | | R2 I.iii.145 | |
And those his golden beames to you heere lent, | And those his golden beams to you here lent | lend (v.) give, grant, bestow [on] | R2 I.iii.146 | |
Shall point on me, and gild my banishment. | Shall point on me, and gild my banishment. | | R2 I.iii.147 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Norfolke: for thee remaines a heauier dombe, | Norfolk, for thee remains a heavier doom, | heavy (adj.) grave, serious, weighty | R2 I.iii.148 | |
| | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | | |
Which I with some vnwillingnesse pronounce, | Which I with some unwillingness pronounce. | | R2 I.iii.149 | |
The slye slow houres shall not determinate | The sly slow hours shall not determinate | sly (adj.) stealthy, furtive, quietly moving | R2 I.iii.150 | |
| | determinate (v.) bring to an end, terminate, limit | | |
The datelesse limit of thy deere exile: | The dateless limit of thy dear exile. | limit (n.) prescribed time, fixed period | R2 I.iii.151 | |
| | dear (adj.) dire, grievous, hard | | |
| | dateless (adj.) everlasting, eternal, endless | | |
The hopelesse word, of Neuer to returne, | The hopeless word of ‘ never to return ’ | | R2 I.iii.152 | |
Breath I against thee, vpon paine of life. | Breathe I against thee upon pain of life. | | R2 I.iii.153 | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
A heauy sentence, my most Soueraigne Liege, | A heavy sentence, my most sovereign liege, | | R2 I.iii.154 | |
And all vnlook'd for from your Highnesse mouth: | And all unlooked-for from your highness' mouth. | | R2 I.iii.155 | |
A deerer merit, not so deepe a maime, | A dearer merit, not so deep a maim | merit (n.) reward, just desert | R2 I.iii.156 | |
As to be cast forth in the common ayre | As to be cast forth in the common air | | R2 I.iii.157 | |
Haue I deserued at your Highnesse hands. | Have I deserved at your highness' hands. | | R2 I.iii.158 | |
The Language I haue learn'd these forty yeares | The language I have learnt these forty years, | | R2 I.iii.159 | |
(My natiue English) now I must forgo, | My native English, now I must forgo, | | R2 I.iii.160 | |
And now my tongues vse is to me no more, | And now my tongue's use is to me no more | | R2 I.iii.161 | |
Then an vnstringed Vyall, or a Harpe, | Than an unstringed viol or a harp, | viol (n.) type of stringed instrument played with a bow | R2 I.iii.162 | |
Or like a cunning Instrument cas'd vp, | Or like a cunning instrument cased up – | cunning (adj.) skilfully made, ingenious | R2 I.iii.163 | |
Or being open, put into his hands | Or being open, put into his hands | | R2 I.iii.164 | |
That knowes no touch to tune the harmony. | That knows no touch to tune the harmony. | touch (n.) fingering, handling, skill in playing | R2 I.iii.165 | |
Within my mouth you haue engaol'd my tongue, | Within my mouth you have engaoled my tongue, | engaol (v.) put in gaol, lock up | R2 I.iii.166 | |
Doubly percullist with my teeth and lippes, | Doubly portcullised with my teeth and lips, | portcullis (v.) furnish with a portcullis, fortify | R2 I.iii.167 | |
And dull, vnfeeling, barren ignorance, | And dull unfeeling barren ignorance | | R2 I.iii.168 | |
Is made my Gaoler to attend on me: | Is made my gaoler to attend on me. | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | R2 I.iii.169 | |
I am too old to fawne vpon a Nurse, | I am too old to fawn upon a nurse, | | R2 I.iii.170 | |
Too farre in yeeres to be a pupill now: | Too far in years to be a pupil now. | years (n.) age | R2 I.iii.171 | |
What is thy sentence then, but speechlesse death, | What is thy sentence then but speechless death, | | R2 I.iii.172 | |
Which robs my tongue from breathing natiue breath? | Which robs my tongue from breathing native breath? | | R2 I.iii.173 | |
Rich, | KING RICHARD | | | |
It boots thee not to be compassionate, | It boots thee not to be compassionate. | boot (v.) help, serve, benefit, be useful [to] | R2 I.iii.174 | |
| | compassionate (adj.) full of lamentation, piteously appealing | | |
After our sentence, plaining comes too late. | After our sentence plaining comes too late. | plaining (n.) complaining, moaning, lamenting | R2 I.iii.175 | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
Then thus I turne me from my countries light | Then thus I turn me from my country's light, | | R2 I.iii.176 | |
To dwell in solemne shades of endlesse night. | To dwell in solemn shades of endless night. | | R2 I.iii.177 | |
Ric. | KING RICHARD | | | |
| (to Bolingbroke and Mowbray) | | R2 I.iii.178 | |
Returne againe, and take an oath with thee, | Return again, and take an oath with thee. | | R2 I.iii.178 | |
Lay on our Royall sword, your banisht hands; | Lay on our royal sword your banished hands. | | R2 I.iii.179 | |
Sweare by the duty that you owe to heauen | Swear by the duty that you owe to God – | | R2 I.iii.180 | |
(Our part therein we banish with your selues) | Our part therein we banish with yourselves – | | R2 I.iii.181 | |
To keepe the Oath that we administer: | To keep the oath that we administer: | | R2 I.iii.182 | |
You ueuer shall (so helpe you Truth, and Heauen) | You never shall, so help you truth and God, | | R2 I.iii.183 | |
Embrace each others loue in banishment, | Embrace each other's love in banishment, | | R2 I.iii.184 | |
Nor euer looke vpon each others face, | Nor never look upon each other's face, | | R2 I.iii.185 | |
Nor euer write, regreete, or reconcile | Nor never write, regreet, nor reconcile | regreet (v.) greet again, salute upon returning | R2 I.iii.186 | |
This lowring tempest of your home-bred hate, | This lowering tempest of your home-bred hate, | | R2 I.iii.187 | |
Nor euer by aduised purpose meete, | Nor never by advised purpose meet | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | R2 I.iii.188 | |
| | advised, avised (adj.) calculated, premeditated, intentional | | |
To plot, contriue, or complot any ill, | To plot, contrive, or complot any ill | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | R2 I.iii.189 | |
| | contrive (v.) scheme, plot, conspire | | |
| | complot (v.) plot together, collude | | |
'Gainst Vs, our State, our Subiects, or our Land. | 'Gainst us, our state, our subjects, or our land. | | R2 I.iii.190 | |
Bull. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
I sweare. | I swear. | | R2 I.iii.191 | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
And I, to keepe all this. | And I, to keep all this. | | R2 I.iii.192 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Norfolke, so fare, as to mine enemie, | Norfolk, so far as to mine enemy: | | R2 I.iii.193 | |
By this time (had the King permitted vs) | By this time, had the King permitted us, | | R2 I.iii.194 | |
One of our soules had wandred in the ayre, | One of our souls had wandered in the air, | | R2 I.iii.195 | |
Banish'd this fraile sepulchre of our flesh, | Banished this frail sepulchre of our flesh, | | R2 I.iii.196 | |
As now our flesh is banish'd from this Land. | As now our flesh is banished from this land. | | R2 I.iii.197 | |
Confesse thy Treasons, ere thou flye this Realme, | Confess thy treasons ere thou fly the realm. | | R2 I.iii.198 | |
Since thou hast farre to go, beare not along | Since thou hast far to go, bear not along | | R2 I.iii.199 | |
The clogging burthen of a guilty soule. | The clogging burden of a guilty soul. | clogging (adj.) oppressive, encumbering, hampering | R2 I.iii.200 | |
Mow. | MOWBRAY | | | |
No Bullingbroke: If euer I were Traitor, | No, Bolingbroke, if ever I were traitor | | R2 I.iii.201 | |
My name be blotted from the booke of Life, | My name be blotted from the book of life, | | R2 I.iii.202 | |
And I from heauen banish'd, as from hence: | And I from heaven banished as from hence! | | R2 I.iii.203 | |
But what thou art, heauen, thou, and I do know, | But what thou art, God, thou, and I do know, | | R2 I.iii.204 | |
And all too soone (I feare) the King shall rue. | And all too soon, I fear, the King shall rue. | | R2 I.iii.205 | |
Farewell (my Liege) now no way can I stray, | Farewell, my liege. Now no way can I stray; | | R2 I.iii.206 | |
Saue backe to England, all the worlds my way. | Save back to England, all the world's my way. | | R2 I.iii.207 | |
Exit. | Exit | | R2 I.iii.207 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
| (to John of Gaunt) | | R2 I.iii.208.1 | |
Vncle, euen in the glasses of thine eyes | Uncle, even in the glasses of thine eyes | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | R2 I.iii.208 | |
| | glass (n.) eyeball | | |
I see thy greeued heart: thy sad aspect, | I see thy grieved heart. Thy sad aspect | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | R2 I.iii.209 | |
| | aspect (n.) [of a human face] look, appearance, expression | | |
Hath from the number of his banish'd yeares | Hath from the number of his banished years | | R2 I.iii.210 | |
Pluck'd foure away: Six frozen Winters spent, | Plucked four away. (To Bolingbroke) Six frozen winters spent, | | R2 I.iii.211 | |
Returne with welcome home, from banishment. | Return with welcome home from banishment. | | R2 I.iii.212 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
How long a time lyes in one little word: | How long a time lies in one little word! | | R2 I.iii.213 | |
Foure lagging Winters, and foure wanton springs | Four lagging winters and four wanton springs | wanton (adj.) luxuriant, flourishing, lush, profuse in growth | R2 I.iii.214 | |
| | lagging (adj.) lingering, dragging, drawn-out | | |
End in a word, such is the breath of Kings. | End in a word – such is the breath of kings. | | R2 I.iii.215 | |
Gaunt. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
I thanke my Liege, that in regard of me | I thank my liege that in regard of me | | R2 I.iii.216 | |
He shortens foure yeares of my sonnes exile: | He shortens four years of my son's exile. | | R2 I.iii.217 | |
But little vantage shall I reape thereby. | But little vantage shall I reap thereby; | vantage (n.) advantage, benefit, advancement, profit | R2 I.iii.218 | |
For ere the sixe yeares that he hath to spend | For ere the six years that he hath to spend | | R2 I.iii.219 | |
Can change their Moones, and bring their times about, | Can change their moons, and bring their times about, | time (n.) seasonal cycle | R2 I.iii.220 | |
| | bring about (v.) complete, bring the end to [a period of time] | | |
My oyle-dride Lampe, and time-bewasted light | My oil-dried lamp and time-bewasted light | bewasted (adj.) wasted away | R2 I.iii.221 | |
Shall be extinct with age, and endlesse night: | Shall be extinct with age and endless night. | extinct (adj.) extinguished, put out, quenched | R2 I.iii.222 | |
My inch of Taper, will be burnt, and done, | My inch of taper will be burnt and done, | | R2 I.iii.223 | |
And blindfold death, not let me see my sonne. | And blindfold death not let me see my son. | | R2 I.iii.224 | |
Rich. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Why Vncle, thou hast many yeeres to Iiue. | Why, uncle, thou hast many years to live. | | R2 I.iii.225 | |
Gaunt. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
But not a minute (King) that thou canst giue; | But not a minute, King, that thou canst give. | | R2 I.iii.226 | |
Shorten my dayes thou canst with sudden sorow, | Shorten my days thou canst with sullen sorrow, | sullen (adj.) gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful | R2 I.iii.227 | |
And plucke nights from me, but not lend a morrow: | And pluck nights from me, but not lend a morrow. | morrow (n.) morning | R2 I.iii.228 | |
Thou canst helpe time to furrow me with age, | Thou canst help time to furrow me with age, | | R2 I.iii.229 | |
But stop no wrinkle in his pilgrimage: | But stop no wrinkle in his pilgrimage. | pilgrimage (n.) journey, passage, voyage | R2 I.iii.230 | |
Thy word is currant with him, for my death, | Thy word is current with him for my death, | current (adj.) [as of a coin] authentic, genuine, valid | R2 I.iii.231 | |
But dead, thy kingdome cannot buy my breath. | But dead, thy kingdom cannot buy my breath. | | R2 I.iii.232 | |
Ric. | KING RICHARD | | | |
Thy sonne is banish'd vpon good aduice, | Thy son is banished upon good advice | | R2 I.iii.233 | |
Whereto thy tongue a party-verdict gaue, | Whereto thy tongue a party-verdict gave. | party-verdict (n.) share in a joint decision | R2 I.iii.234 | |
Why at our Iustice seem'st thou then to lowre? | Why at our justice seemest thou then to lour? | lour, lower (v.) frown, scowl, look dark and threatening | R2 I.iii.235 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Things sweet to tast, proue in digestion sowre: | Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour. | | R2 I.iii.236 | |
You vrg'd me as a Iudge, but I had rather | You urged me as a judge, but I had rather | | R2 I.iii.237 | |
You would haue bid me argue like a Father. | You would have bid me argue like a father. | | R2 I.iii.238 | |
| O, had it been a stranger, not my child, | | R2 I.iii.239 | |
| To smooth his fault I should have been more mild. | smooth (v.) gloss over, make less noticeable, camouflage | R2 I.iii.240 | |
| A partial slander sought I to avoid, | partial (adj.) of partiality, alleging bias | R2 I.iii.241 | |
| | slander (n.) dishonour, disgrace, disrepute | | |
| And in the sentence my own life destroyed. | | R2 I.iii.242 | |
Alas, I look'd when some of you should say, | Alas, I looked when some of you should say | look (v.) expect, anticipate, hope, await the time | R2 I.iii.243 | |
I was too strict to make mine owne away: | I was too strict, to make mine own away. | | R2 I.iii.244 | |
But you gaue leaue to my vnwilling tong, | But you gave leave to my unwilling tongue | | R2 I.iii.245 | |
Against my will, to do my selfe this wrong. | Against my will to do myself this wrong. | | R2 I.iii.246 | |
Rich, | KING RICHARD | | | |
Cosine farewell: and Vncle bid him so: | Cousin, farewell – and, uncle, bid him so. | | R2 I.iii.247 | |
Six yeares we banish him, and he shall go. | Six years we banish him, and he shall go. | | R2 I.iii.248 | |
Exit. Flourish. | Flourish. Exit King Richard with his train | | R2 I.iii.248 | |
Au. | AUMERLE | | | |
Cosine farewell: what presence must not know | Cousin, farewell! What presence must not know, | | R2 I.iii.249 | |
From where you do remaine, let paper show. | From where you do remain let paper show. | | R2 I.iii.250 | |
Mar. | LORD MARSHAL | | | |
My Lord, no leaue take I, for I will ride | My lord, no leave take I; for I will ride | | R2 I.iii.251 | |
As farre as land will let me, by your side. | As far as land will let me by your side. | | R2 I.iii.252 | |
Gaunt. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Oh to what purpose dost thou hord thy words, | O, to what purpose dost thou hoard thy words, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | R2 I.iii.253 | |
That thou teturnst no greeting to thy friends? | That thou returnest no greeting to thy friends? | | R2 I.iii.254 | |
Bnll. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
I haue too few to take my leaue of you, | I have too few to take my leave of you, | | R2 I.iii.255 | |
When the tongues office should be prodigall, | When the tongue's office should be prodigal | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | R2 I.iii.256 | |
| | prodigal (adj.) effusive, lavish, generous | | |
To breath th' abundant dolour of the heart. | To breathe the abundant dolour of the heart. | dolour (n.) sorrow, grief, lamentation | R2 I.iii.257 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Thy greefe is but thy absence for a time. | Thy grief is but thy absence for a time. | | R2 I.iii.258 | |
Bull. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Ioy absent, greefe is present for that time. | Joy absent, grief is present for that time. | | R2 I.iii.259 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
What is sixe Winters, they are quickely gone? | What is six winters? They are quickly gone. | | R2 I.iii.260 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
To men in ioy, but greefe makes one houre ten. | To men in joy; but grief makes one hour ten. | | R2 I.iii.261 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Call it a trauell that thou tak'st for pleasure. | Call it a travel that thou takest for pleasure. | travail, travel (n.) journeying, travel [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour'] | R2 I.iii.262 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
My heart will sigh, when I miscall it so, | My heart will sigh when I miscall it so, | miscall (v.) misname, call by a wrong name | R2 I.iii.263 | |
Which findes it an inforced Pilgrimage. | Which finds it an enforced pilgrimage. | pilgrimage (n.) journey, passage, voyage | R2 I.iii.264 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
The sullen passage of thy weary steppes | The sullen passage of thy weary steps | sullen (adj.) gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful | R2 I.iii.265 | |
Esteeme a soyle, wherein thou art to set | Esteem as foil wherein thou art to set | foil (n.) setting, background which sets something off to advantage [as dull metal sets off a gem] | R2 I.iii.266 | |
The precious Iewell of thy home returne. | The precious jewel of thy home return. | | R2 I.iii.267 | |
| Nay, rather every tedious stride I make | | R2 I.iii.268 | |
| Will but remember me what a deal of world | remember (v.) remind, bring to someone's mind | R2 I.iii.269 | |
| | deal (n.) amount, quantity | | |
| I wander from the jewels that I love. | | R2 I.iii.270 | |
| Must I not serve a long apprenticehood | apprenticehood (n.) apprenticeship | R2 I.iii.271 | |
| To foreign passages, and in the end, | passage (n.) journey, travelling, wandering | R2 I.iii.272 | |
| Having my freedom, boast of nothing else | | R2 I.iii.273 | |
| But that I was a journeyman to grief? | journeyman (n.) employed craftsman, contracted artisan | R2 I.iii.274 | |
| JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
| All places that the eye of heaven visits | | R2 I.iii.275 | |
| Are to a wise man ports and happy havens. | | R2 I.iii.276 | |
| Teach thy necessity to reason thus: | | R2 I.iii.277 | |
| There is no virtue like necessity. | | R2 I.iii.278 | |
| Think not the King did banish thee, | | R2 I.iii.279 | |
| But thou the King. Woe doth the heavier sit | | R2 I.iii.280 | |
| Where it perceives it is but faintly borne. | faintly (adv.) weakly, feebly, faintheartedly | R2 I.iii.281 | |
| Go, say I sent thee forth to purchase honour, | purchase (v.) acquire, obtain, win | R2 I.iii.282 | |
| And not the King exiled thee; or suppose | | R2 I.iii.283 | |
| Devouring pestilence hangs in our air | pestilence (n.) plague, epidemic, fatal disease | R2 I.iii.284 | |
| And thou art flying to a fresher clime. | | R2 I.iii.285 | |
| Look what thy soul holds dear, imagine it | | R2 I.iii.286 | |
| To lie that way thou goest, not whence thou comest. | | R2 I.iii.287 | |
| Suppose the singing birds musicians, | | R2 I.iii.288 | |
| The grass whereon thou treadest the presence strewed, | presence (n.) royal reception chamber | R2 I.iii.289 | |
| The flowers fair ladies, and thy steps no more | | R2 I.iii.290 | |
| Than a delightful measure or a dance; | measure (n.) slow stately dance, graceful movement | R2 I.iii.291 | |
| For gnarling sorrow hath less power to bite | gnarling (adj.) snarling, growling | R2 I.iii.292 | |
| The man that mocks at it and sets it light. | set (v.) value, rate, esteem | R2 I.iii.293 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Oh who can hold a fire in his hand | O, who can hold a fire in his hand | | R2 I.iii.294 | |
By thinking on the frostie Caucasus? | By thinking on the frosty Caucasus, | | R2 I.iii.295 | |
Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, | Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite | edge (n.) ardour, keen desire | R2 I.iii.296 | |
| | cloy (v.) satiate, gorge, satisfy | | |
by bare imagination of a Feast? | By bare imagination of a feast, | | R2 I.iii.297 | |
Or Wallow naked in December snow | Or wallow naked in December snow | | R2 I.iii.298 | |
by thinking on fantasticke summers heate? | By thinking on fantastic summer's heat? | fantastic (adj.) imagined, existing only in the mind | R2 I.iii.299 | |
Oh no, the apprehension of the good | O no, the apprehension of the good | apprehension (n.) conception, grasping by the mind, awareness | R2 I.iii.300 | |
Giues but the greater feeling to the worse: | Gives but the greater feeling to the worse. | | R2 I.iii.301 | |
Fell sorrowes tooth, doth euer ranckle more | Fell sorrow's tooth doth never rankle more | rankle (v.) cause a festering wound | R2 I.iii.302 | |
| | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | | |
Then when it bites, but lanceth not the sore. | Than when he bites, but lanceth not the sore. | | R2 I.iii.303 | |
Gau. | JOHN OF GAUNT | | | |
Come, come (my son) Ile bring thee on thy way | Come, come, my son, I'll bring thee on thy way. | bring (v.) accompany, conduct, escort | R2 I.iii.304 | |
Had I thy youth, and cause, I would not stay. | Had I thy youth and cause I would not stay. | | R2 I.iii.305 | |
Bul. | BOLINGBROKE | | | |
Then Englands ground farewell: sweet soil adieu, | Then, England's ground, farewell! Sweet soil, adieu, | | R2 I.iii.306 | |
My Mother, and my Nurse, which beares me yet: | My mother and my nurse that bears me yet! | | R2 I.iii.307 | |
Where ere I wander, boast of this I can, | Where'er I wander, boast of this I can: | | R2 I.iii.308 | |
hough banish'd, yet a true-borne Englishman. | Though banished, yet a trueborn Englishman! | | R2 I.iii.309 | |
| Exeunt | | R2 I.iii.309 | |