The Tempest

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Prospero and Miranda.Enter Prospero and Miranda Tem I.ii.1.1
If by your Art (my deerest father) you haueIf by your art, my dearest father, you haveart (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Tem I.ii.1
Put the wild waters in this Rore; alay them:Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.allay (v.)

old form: alay
subside, abate, diminish, quell
Tem I.ii.2
The skye it seemes would powre down stinking pitch,The sky it seems would pour down stinking pitch,pitch (n.)
black tar-like substance [used to waterproof planks, etc; often, a symbol of defilement]
Tem I.ii.3
But that the Sea, mounting to th' welkins cheeke,But that the sea, mounting to th' welkin's cheek,welkin (n.)
sky, firmament, heavens
Tem I.ii.4
Dashes the fire out. Oh! I haue sufferedDashes the fire out. O, I have sufferedfire (n.)
lightning, thunderbolt
Tem I.ii.5
With those that I saw suffer: A braue vessellWith those that I saw suffer! A brave vessel,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Tem I.ii.6
(Who had no doubt some noble creature in her)Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her, Tem I.ii.7
Dash'd all to peeces: O the cry did knockeDashed all to pieces. O, the cry did knock Tem I.ii.8
Against my very heart: poore soules, they perish'd.Against my very heart! Poor souls, they perished. Tem I.ii.9
Had I byn any God of power, I wouldHad I been any god of power, I would Tem I.ii.10
Haue suncke the Sea within the Earth, or ereHave sunk the sea within the earth, or ere Tem I.ii.11
It should the good Ship so haue swallow'd, andIt should the good ship so have swallowed and Tem I.ii.12
The fraughting Soules within her.The fraughting souls within her.fraughting (adj.)
forming the cargo, making up the freight
Tem I.ii.13.1
Be collected,Be collected:collected (adj.)
composed, self-possessed, cool
Tem I.ii.13.2
No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heartNo more amazement. Tell your piteous heartpiteous (adj.)

old form: pitteous
full of pity, compassionate, tender
Tem I.ii.14
amazement (n.)
alarm, apprehension, fear
there's no harme done.There's no harm done. Tem I.ii.15.1
O woe, the day.O, woe the day! Tem I.ii.15.2
No harme:No harm. Tem I.ii.15.3
I haue done nothing, but in care of theeI have done nothing but in care of thee, Tem I.ii.16
(Of thee my deere one; thee my daughter) whoOf thee, my dear one, thee my daughter, who Tem I.ii.17
Art ignorant of what thou art. naught knowingArt ignorant of what thou art, naught knowingnaught, nought (n.)
Tem I.ii.18
Of whence I am: nor that I am more betterOf whence I am, nor that I am more betterbetter (adj.)
higher-born, of greater social rank
Tem I.ii.19
Then Prospero, Master of a full poore cell,Than Prospero, master of a full poor cell,full (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
Tem I.ii.20
cell (n.)
small humble dwelling
And thy no greater Father.And thy no greater father. Tem I.ii.21.1
More to knowMore to know Tem I.ii.21.2
Did neuer medle with my thoughts.Did never meddle with my thoughts.meddle with (v.)

old form: medle
enter into, mingle with
Tem I.ii.22.1
'Tis time'Tis time Tem I.ii.22.2
I should informe thee farther: Lend thy handI should inform thee farther. Lend thy hand, Tem I.ii.23
And plucke my Magick garment from me: So,And pluck my magic garment from me. – So, Tem I.ii.24
Lye there my Art: wipe thou thine eyes, haue comfort,Lie there, my art. – Wipe thou thine eyes. Have (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Tem I.ii.25
The direfull spectacle of the wracke which touch'dThe direful spectacle of the wrack, which touchedwrack (n.)

old form: wracke
wreck, loss, shipwreck
Tem I.ii.26
direful (adj.)

old form: direfull
dreadful, terrible, frightful
The very vertue of compassion in thee:The very virtue of compassion in thee,virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
essence, heart, soul
Tem I.ii.27
I haue with such prouision in mine ArtI have with such provision in mine artprovision (n.)

old form: prouision
foresight, advance preparation, looking ahead
Tem I.ii.28
art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
So safely ordered, that there is no souleSo safely ordered, that there is no soul – order (v.)
arrange, plan, organize
Tem I.ii.29
No not so much perdition as an hayreNo, not so much perdition as an hairperdition (n.)
loss, diminution, decrease
Tem I.ii.30
Betid to any creature in the vessellBetid to any creature in the vesselbetide (v.)
happen (to), befall, come (to)
Tem I.ii.31
Which thou heardst cry, which thou saw'st sinke: Sit downe,Which thou heard'st cry, which thou sawst sink. Sit down. Tem I.ii.32
For thou must now know farther.For thou must now know farther. Tem I.ii.33.1
You haue oftenYou have often Tem I.ii.33.2
Begun to tell me what I am, but stoptBegun to tell me what I am, but stopped, Tem I.ii.34
And left me to a bootelesse Inquisition,And left me to a bootless inquisition,inquisition (n.)
inquiry, search, questioning
Tem I.ii.35
bootless (adj.)

old form: bootelesse
useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing
Concluding, stay: not yet.Concluding, ‘ Stay: not yet.’stay (v.)
wait (for), await
Tem I.ii.36.1
The howr's now comeThe hour's now come. Tem I.ii.36.2
The very minute byds thee ope thine eare,The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.ope (v.)
Tem I.ii.37
Obey, and be attentiue. Canst thou rememberObey, and be attentive. Canst thou remember Tem I.ii.38
A time before we came vnto this Cell?A time before we came unto this cell? Tem I.ii.39
I doe not thinke thou canst, for then thou was't notI do not think thou canst, for then thou wast not Tem I.ii.40
Out three yeeres old.Out three years old.out (adv.)
fully, completely, outright, totally
Tem I.ii.41.1
Certainely Sir, I can.Certainly, sir, I can. Tem I.ii.41.2
By what? by any other house, or person?By what? By any other house or person? Tem I.ii.42
Of any thing the Image, tell me, thatOf any thing the image tell me, that Tem I.ii.43
Hath kept with thy remembrance.Hath kept with thy remembrance.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem I.ii.44.1
'Tis farre off:'Tis far off, Tem I.ii.44.2
And rather like a dreame, then an assuranceAnd rather like a dream than an assuranceassurance (n.)
security, certainty, confidence
Tem I.ii.45
That my remembrance warrants: Had I notThat my remembrance warrants. Had I notremembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem I.ii.46
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
Fowre, or fiue women once, that tended me?Four or five women once that tended me?tend (v.)
attend, wait on, serve
Tem I.ii.47
Thou hadst; and more Miranda: But how is itThou hadst, and more, Miranda. But how is it Tem I.ii.48
That this liues in thy minde? What seest thou elsThat this lives in thy mind? What seest thou else Tem I.ii.49
In the dark-backward and Abisme of Time?In the dark backward and abysm of time?abysm (n.)

old form: Abisme
abyss, chasm, gulf
Tem I.ii.50
backward (n.)
past portion, earlier part, bygone period
Yf thou remembrest ought ere thou cam'st here,If thou rememb'rest aught ere thou cam'st here,aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Tem I.ii.51
How thou cam'st here thou maist.How thou cam'st here thou mayst. Tem I.ii.52.1
But that I doe not.But that I do not. Tem I.ii.52.2
Twelue yere since (Miranda) twelue yere since,Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,since (adv.)
Tem I.ii.53
Thy father was the Duke of Millaine andThy father was the Duke of Milan and Tem I.ii.54
A Prince of power:A prince of power.power (n.)
authority, government
Tem I.ii.55.1
Sir, are not you my Father?Sir, are not you my father? Tem I.ii.55.2
Thy Mother was a peece of vertue, andThy mother was a piece of virtue, andpiece (n.)
[of virtue] model, picture, paragon
Tem I.ii.56
She said thou wast my daughter; and thy fatherShe said thou wast my daughter; and thy father Tem I.ii.57
Was Duke of Millaine, and his onely heire,Was Duke of Milan; and his only heir Tem I.ii.58
And Princesse; no worse Issued.And princess, no worse issued.issue (v.)
descend, born
Tem I.ii.59.1
O the heauens,O the heavens! Tem I.ii.59.2
What fowle play had we, that we came from thence?What foul play had we, that we came from thence? Tem I.ii.60
Or blessed was't we did?Or blessed was't we did?blessed, blest (adj.)
lucky, fortunate, happy
Tem I.ii.61.1
Both, both my Girle.Both, both, my girl. Tem I.ii.61.2
By fowle-play (as thou saist) were we heau'd thence,By foul play, as thou sayst, were we heaved thence, Tem I.ii.62
But blessedly holpe hither.But blessedly holp hither.blessedly (adv.)
luckily, fortunately, happily
Tem I.ii.63.1
O my heart bleedesO, my heart bleeds Tem I.ii.63.2
To thinke oth' teene that I haue turn'd you to,To think o'th' teen that I have turned you to,teen (n.)

old form: teene
trouble, grief, suffering
Tem I.ii.64
Which is from my remembrance, please you, farther;Which is from my remembrance! Please you, farther.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem I.ii.65
My brother and thy vncle, call'd Anthonio:My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio –  Tem I.ii.66
I pray thee marke me, that a brother shouldI pray thee mark me, that a brother shouldmark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Tem I.ii.67
Be so perfidious: he, whom next thy selfeBe so perfidious! – he, whom next thyselfperfidious (adj.)
treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal
Tem I.ii.68
Of all the world I lou'd, and to him putOf all the world I loved, and to him put Tem I.ii.69
The mannage of my state, as at that timeThe manage of my state, as at that timemanage (n.)

old form: mannage
management, direction, administration
Tem I.ii.70
state (n.)
government, ruling body, administration
Through all the signories it was the first,Through all the signories it was the first,signory (n.)
[Italian] state, province, territory
Tem I.ii.71
And Prospero, the prime Duke, being so reputedAnd Prospero the prime duke, being so reputedprime (adj.)
principal, chief, foremost
Tem I.ii.72
In dignity; and for the liberall Artes,In dignity, and for the liberal artsliberal arts

old form: liberall Artes
the trivium [grammar, logic, rhetoric] and quadrivium [arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy]
Tem I.ii.73
Without a paralell; those being all my studie,Without a parallel; those being all my study, Tem I.ii.74
The Gouernment I cast vpon my brother,The government I cast upon my brother, Tem I.ii.75
And to my State grew stranger, being transportedAnd to my state grew stranger, being transportedtransport (v.)
carry away, captivate, enrapture
Tem I.ii.76
state (n.)
government, ruling body, administration
And rapt in secret studies, thy false vncleAnd rapt in secret studies. Thy false uncle – rapt (adj.)
absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied
Tem I.ii.77
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
secret (adj.)
magical, mystical, occult
(Do'st thou attend me?)Dost thou attend me?attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Tem I.ii.78.1
Sir, most heedefully.Sir, most heedfully.heedfully (adv.)
attentively, carefully, conscientiously
Tem I.ii.78.2
Being once perfected how to graunt suites,Being once perfected how to grant suits,perfect (v.)
inform fully, instruct completely
Tem I.ii.79
suit (n.)

old form: suites
formal request, entreaty, petition
how to deny them: who t' aduance, and whoHow to deny them, who t' advance, and who Tem I.ii.80
To trash for ouer-topping; new createdTo trash for overtopping, new createdovertopping, over-topping (n.)

old form: ouer-topping
getting above oneself, becoming too ambitious
Tem I.ii.81
trash (v.)
[hunting] rein in, keep in check, hold back
The creatures that were mine, I say, or chang'd 'em,The creatures that were mine, I say, or changed 'em,change (v.)

old form: chang'd
substitute, replace, supplant
Tem I.ii.82
Or els new form'd 'em; hauing both the key,Or else new formed 'em; having both the key Tem I.ii.83
Of Officer, and office, set all hearts i'th stateOf officer and office, set all hearts i'th' stateoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
Tem I.ii.84
To what tune pleas'd his eare, that now he wasTo what tune pleased his ear, that now he was Tem I.ii.85
The Iuy which had hid my princely Trunck,The ivy which had hid my princely trunk,trunk (n.)

old form: Trunck
body, form, frame
Tem I.ii.86
And suckt my verdure out on't: Thou attend'st not?And sucked my verdure out on't. Thou attend'st not!verdure, verdour (n.)
sap, vitality, vigour, freshness
Tem I.ii.87
attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
O good Sir, I doe.O, good sir, I do. Tem I.ii.88.1
I pray thee marke me:I pray thee, mark me. Tem I.ii.88.2
I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicatedI, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicatedend (n.)
purpose, aim, design
Tem I.ii.89
To closenes, and the bettering of my mindTo closeness and the bettering of my mindcloseness (n.)

old form: closenes
solitude, seclusion, retirement
Tem I.ii.90
with that, which but by being so retir'dWith that which, but by being so retired,retired (adj.)

old form: retir'd
withdrawn, secluded, cloistered
Tem I.ii.91
Ore-priz'd all popular rate: in my false brotherO'erprized all popular rate, in my false brotheroverprize, over-prize (v.)

old form: Ore-priz'd
overvalue, overrate, overestimate
Tem I.ii.92
rate (n.)
opinion, estimation, view
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Awak'd an euill nature, and my trustAwaked an evil nature; and my trust, Tem I.ii.93
Like a good parent, did beget of himLike a good parent, did beget of himbeget (v.), past form begot
produce, engender, give rise to
Tem I.ii.94
A falsehood in it's contrarie, as greatA falsehood in its contrary, as greatfalsehood (n.)
disloyalty, treachery, faithlessness
Tem I.ii.95
As my trust was, which had indeede no limit,As my trust was, which had indeed no limit, Tem I.ii.96
A confidence sans bound. He being thus Lorded,A confidence sans bound. He being thus lorded,sans (prep.)
Tem I.ii.97
lord (v.)
make a lord, ennoble, elevate
bound (n.)
limit, boundary, confine, barrier
Not onely with what my reuenew yeelded,Not only with what my revenue yielded,revenue (n.)

old form: reuenew
income, yield, profit
Tem I.ii.98
But what my power might els exact. Like oneBut what my power might else exact, like one Tem I.ii.99
Who hauing into truth, by telling of it,Who having into truth, by telling of it,into (prep.)
Tem I.ii.100
Made such a synner of his memorieMade such a sinner of his memory Tem I.ii.101
To credite his owne lie, he did beleeueTo credit his own lie, he did believe Tem I.ii.102
He was indeed the Duke, out o'th' SubstitutionHe was indeed the Duke, out o'th' substitution Tem I.ii.103
And executing th' outward face of RoialtieAnd executing th' outward face of royalty,execute (v.)
carry out, fulfil, perform
Tem I.ii.104
With all prerogatiue: hence his Ambition growing:With all prerogative. Hence his ambition growing – prerogative (n.)

old form: prerogatiue
rights of office, due privilege, pre-eminence
Tem I.ii.105
Do'st thou heare ?Dost thou hear? Tem I.ii.106.1
Your tale, Sir, would cure deafenesse. 205:Your tale, sir, would cure deafness. Tem I.ii.106.2
To haue no Schreene between this part he plaid,To have no screen between this part he playedscreen (n.)

old form: Schreene
division, discrepancy, separation
Tem I.ii.107
And him he plaid it for, he needes will beAnd him he played it for, he needs will be Tem I.ii.108
Absolute Millaine, Me (poore man) my LibrarieAbsolute Milan. Me, poor man, my libraryabsolute (adj.)
unrestricted, unconditional, without restraint
Tem I.ii.109
Was Dukedome large enough: of temporall roaltiesWas dukedom large enough. Of temporal royaltiesroyalty (n.)

old form: roalties
right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative
Tem I.ii.110
temporal (adj.)

old form: temporall
secular, civil, worldly
He thinks me now incapable. ConfederatesHe thinks me now incapable, confederatesconfederate (v.)
ally, enter into a league, conspire
Tem I.ii.111
(so drie he was for Sway) with King of NaplesSo dry he was for sway – wi'th' King of Naplessway (n.)
power, dominion, rule
Tem I.ii.112
dry (adj.)

old form: drie
thirsty, parched, longing
To giue him Annuall tribute, doe him homageTo give him annual tribute, do him homage, Tem I.ii.113
Subiect his Coronet, to his Crowne and bendSubject his coronet to his crown, and bendcoronet (n.)
small crown [inferior to one worn by the sovereign]
Tem I.ii.114
The Dukedom yet vnbow'd (alas poore Millaine)The dukedom yet unbowed – alas, poor Milan –  Tem I.ii.115
To most ignoble stooping.To most ignoble stooping. Tem I.ii.116.1
Oh the heauens:O the heavens! Tem I.ii.116.2
Marke his condition, and th' euent, then tell meMark his condition and th' event; then tell meevent (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
Tem I.ii.117
mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
condition (n.)
settlement, terms, pact
If this might be a brother.If this might be a brother. Tem I.ii.118.1
I should sinneI should sin Tem I.ii.118.2
To thinke but Noblie of my Grand-mother,To think but nobly of my grandmother. Tem I.ii.119
Good wombes haue borne bad sonnes.Good wombs have borne bad sons. Tem I.ii.120.1
Now the Condition.Now the condition.condition (n.)
settlement, terms, pact
Tem I.ii.120.2
This King of Naples being an EnemyThe King of Naples, being an enemy Tem I.ii.121
To me inueterate, hearkens my Brothers suit,To me inveterate, hearkens my brother's suit,inveterate (adj.)

old form: inueterate
long-standing, deep-rooted
Tem I.ii.122
suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition
hearken (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Which was, That he in lieu o'th' premises,Which was, that he, in lieu o'th' premisespremise (n.)
condition, stipulation, pledge
Tem I.ii.123
Of homage, and I know not how much Tribute,Of homage and I know not how much tribute, Tem I.ii.124
Should presently extirpate me and mineShould presently extirpate me and mineextirpate (v.)
remove, eliminate, drive away
Tem I.ii.125
presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Out of the Dukedome, and confer faire MillaineOut of the dukedom, and confer fair Milan, Tem I.ii.126
With all the Honors, on my brother: WhereonWith all the honours, on my brother. Whereon, Tem I.ii.127
A treacherous Armie leuied, one mid-nightA treacherous army levied, one midnightlevy (v.)

old form: leuied
enlist, conscript, muster
Tem I.ii.128
Fated to th' purpose, did Anthonio openFated to th' purpose, did Antonio openpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Tem I.ii.129
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
The gates of Millaine, and ith' dead of darkenesseThe gates of Milan; and, i'th' dead of darkness, Tem I.ii.130
The ministers for th' purpose hurried thenceThe ministers for th' purpose hurried thenceminister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
Tem I.ii.131
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Me, and thy crying selfe.Me and thy crying self. Tem I.ii.132.1
Alack, for pitty:Alack, for pity. Tem I.ii.132.2
I not remembring how I cride out thenI, not remembering how I cried out then, Tem I.ii.133
Will cry it ore againe: it is a hintWill cry it o'er again. It is a hinthint (n.)
occasion, circumstance, experience
Tem I.ii.134
That wrings mine eyes too't.That wrings mine eyes to't.wring (v.)
cause to weep, force tears from
Tem I.ii.135.1
Heare a little further,Hear a little further, Tem I.ii.135.2
And then I'le bring thee to the present businesseAnd then I'll bring thee to the present business Tem I.ii.136
Which now's vpon's: without the which, this StoryWhich now's upon's; without the which, this story Tem I.ii.137
Were most impertinent.Were most impertinent.impertinent (adj.)
irrelevant, beside the point
Tem I.ii.138.1
Wherefore did they notWherefore did they not Tem I.ii.138.2
That howre destroy vs?That hour destroy us? Tem I.ii.139.1
Well demanded, wench:Well demanded, wench.demand (v.)
request to tell, question, ask [about]
Tem I.ii.139.2
wench (n.)
girl, lass
My Tale prouokes that question: Deare, they durst not,My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durst not,provoke (v.)

old form: prouokes
call forth, invite, invoke
Tem I.ii.140
So deare the loue my people bore me: nor setSo dear the love my people bore me; nor set Tem I.ii.141
A marke so bloudy on the businesse; butA mark so bloody on the business, but Tem I.ii.142
With colours fairer, painted their foule ends.With colours fairer painted their foul ends. Tem I.ii.143
In few, they hurried vs a-boord a Barke,In few, they hurried us aboard a bark,few, in (a)
in few words, in short, in brief
Tem I.ii.144
bark, barque (n.)

old form: Barke
ship, vessel
Bore vs some Leagues to Sea, where they preparedBore us some leagues to sea, where they preparedleague (n.)
[measure of distance] c.3 miles [c.5 km]
Tem I.ii.145
A rotten carkasse of a Butt, not rigg'd,A rotten carcass of a butt, not rigged,butt (n.)
ramshackle boat, tub, hulk
Tem I.ii.146
Nor tackle, sayle, nor mast, the very ratsNor tackle, sail, nor mast. The very rats Tem I.ii.147
Instinctiuely haue quit it: There they hoyst vsInstinctively have quit it. There they hoist us,hoist (v.)

old form: hoyst
launch; or: make go aloft
Tem I.ii.148
To cry to th' Sea, that roard to vs; to sighTo cry to th' sea that roared to us, to sigh Tem I.ii.149
To th' windes, whose pitty sighing backe againeTo th' winds, whose pity sighing back again Tem I.ii.150
Did vs but louing wrong.Did us but loving wrong. Tem I.ii.151.1
Alack, what troubleAlack, what trouble Tem I.ii.151.2
Was I then to you?Was I then to you! Tem I.ii.152.1
O, a CherubinO, a cherubincherubin (n.)
celestial being, heavenly beauty
Tem I.ii.152.2
Thou was't that did preserue me; Thou didst smile,Thou wast that did preserve me. Thou didst smile, Tem I.ii.153
Infused with a fortitude from heauen,Infused with a fortitude from heaven, Tem I.ii.154
When I haue deck'd the sea with drops full salt,When I have decked the sea with drops full salt,deck (v.)

old form: deck'd
cover, adorn, decorate
Tem I.ii.155
Vnder my burthen groan'd, which rais'd in meUnder my burden groaned, which raised in me Tem I.ii.156
An vndergoing stomacke, to beare vpAn undergoing stomach, to bear upstomach (n.)

old form: stomacke
spirit, courage, valour, will
Tem I.ii.157
undergoing (adj.)

old form: vndergoing
sustaining, resolute, of endurance
Against what should ensue.Against what should ensue. Tem I.ii.158.1
How came we a shore?How came we ashore? Tem I.ii.158.2
By prouidence diuine,By Providence divine. Tem I.ii.159
Some food, we had, and some fresh water, thatSome food we had, and some fresh water, that Tem I.ii.160
A noble Neopolitan GonzaloA noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, Tem I.ii.161
Out of his Charity, (who being then appointedOut of his charity, who being then appointed Tem I.ii.162
Master of this designe) did giue vs, withMaster of this design, did give us, withdesign (n.)

old form: designe
scheme, plan, plot
Tem I.ii.163
Rich garments, linnens, stuffs, and necessariesRich garments, linens, stuffs, and necessariesstuff (n.)
equipment, stores, supplies
Tem I.ii.164
Which since haue steeded much, so of his gentlenesseWhich since have steaded much. So, of his gentleness,stead (v.)

old form: steeded
help, assist, benefit
Tem I.ii.165
Knowing I lou'd my bookes, he furnishd meKnowing I loved my books, he furnished me Tem I.ii.166
From mine owne Library, with volumes, thatFrom mine own library with volumes that Tem I.ii.167
I prize aboue my Dukedome.I prize above my dukedom. Tem I.ii.168.1
Would I mightWould I might Tem I.ii.168.2
But euer see that man.But ever see that man! Tem I.ii.169.1
Now I arise,Now I arise. Tem I.ii.169.2
Sit still, and heare the last of our sea-sorrow:Sit still, and hear the last of our sea-sorrow.last (n.)
last part, end
Tem I.ii.170
Heere in this Iland we arriu'd, and heereHere in this island we arrived, and here Tem I.ii.171
Haue I, thy Schoolemaster, made thee more profitHave I, thy schoolmaster, made thee more profitprofit (n.)
progress, proficiency, improvement
Tem I.ii.172
Then other Princesse can, that haue more timeThan other princess can, that have more time Tem I.ii.173
For vainer howres; and Tutors, not so carefull.For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful.vain (adj.)
foolish, silly, stupid
Tem I.ii.174
Heuens thank you for't. And now I pray you Sir,Heavens thank you for't! And now, I pray you, sir, Tem I.ii.175
For still 'tis beating in my minde; your reasonFor still 'tis beating in my mind, your reasonbeat (v.)
hammer away, ponder furiously
Tem I.ii.176
For raysing this Sea-storme?For raising this sea-storm? Tem I.ii.177.1
Know thus far forth,Know thus far forth. Tem I.ii.177.2
By accident most strange, bountifull FortuneBy accident most strange, bountiful Fortune,Fortune (n.)
Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Tem I.ii.178
(Now my deere Lady) hath mine enemiesNow my dear lady, hath mine enemies Tem I.ii.179
Brought to this shore: And by my prescienceBrought to this shore; and by my prescienceprescience (n.)
foreknowledge, visionary power
Tem I.ii.180
I finde my Zenith doth depend vponI find my zenith doth depend uponzenith (n.)
highest point (in fortunes), summit, peak
Tem I.ii.181
A most auspitious starre, whose influenceA most auspicious star, whose influence Tem I.ii.182
If now I court not, but omit; my fortunesIf now I court not, but omit, my fortunesomit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about
Tem I.ii.183
Will euer after droope: Heare cease more questions,Will ever after droop. Here cease more questions. Tem I.ii.184
Thou art inclinde to sleepe: 'tis a good dulnesse,Thou art inclined to sleep. 'Tis a good dullness,dullness, dulness (n.)

old form: dulnesse
sleepiness, drowsiness, tiredness
Tem I.ii.185
And giue it way: I know thou canst not chuse:And give it way. I know thou canst not choose.choose, cannot

old form: chuse
have no alternative, cannot do otherwise
Tem I.ii.186
give way (v.)

old form: giue
yield to, succumb to, submit to
Miranda sleeps Tem I.ii.187
Come away, Seruant, come; I am ready now,Come away, servant, come! I am ready now. Tem I.ii.187
Approach my Ariel. Come.Approach, my Ariel! Come! Tem I.ii.188
Enter Ariel.Enter Ariel Tem I.ii.189.1
All haile, great Master, graue Sir, haile: I comeAll hail, great master! Grave sir, hail! I comegrave (adj.)
respected, revered, wise
Tem I.ii.189
To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly,To answer thy best pleasure, be't to fly,answer (v.)
satisfy, discharge, requite
Tem I.ii.190
To swim, to diue into the fire: to rideTo swim, to dive into the fire, to ride Tem I.ii.191
On the curld clowds: to thy strong bidding, taskeOn the curled clouds. To thy strong bidding tasktask (v.)

old form: taske
set a task [for], employ
Tem I.ii.192
Ariel, and all his Qualitie.Ariel and all his quality.quality (n.)

old form: Qualitie
companions, associates, fraternity
Tem I.ii.193.1
Hast thou, Spirit,Hast thou, spirit, Tem I.ii.193.2
Performd to point, the Tempest that I bad thee.Performed to point the tempest that I bade thee?point, to
exactly, completely, to the letter
Tem I.ii.194
bid (v.), past form bade

old form: bad
command, order, enjoin, tell
To euery Article.To every article.article (n.)
item, particular, point of substance
Tem I.ii.195
I boorded the Kings ship: now on the Beake,I boarded the King's ship. Now on the beak,beak (n.)

old form: Beake
bow, prow, front
Tem I.ii.196
Now in the Waste, the Decke, in euery Cabyn,Now in the waist, the deck, in every cabinwaist (n.)

old form: Waste
middle [of the upper deck], centre
Tem I.ii.197
I flam'd amazement, sometime I'ld diuideI flamed amazement. Sometime I'd divide,flame (v.)

old form: flam'd
inflame, excite; or: convey by flaming
Tem I.ii.198
amazement (n.)
overwhelming wonder
amazement (n.)
alarm, apprehension, fear
And burne in many places; on the Top-mast,And burn in many places. On the topmast, Tem I.ii.199
The Yards and Bore-spritt, would I flame distinctly,The yards, and boresprit would I flame distinctly,flame (v.)
blaze, shine, flash
Tem I.ii.200
boresprit (n.)

old form: Bore-spritt
bowsprit; boom extending from the bow to which the lower edge of the front sail is fastened
yard (n.)
crossbar on a mast which supports a sail
distinctly (adv.)
individually, separately, personally
Then meete, and ioyne. Ioues Lightning, the precursersThen meet and join. Jove's lightnings, the precursorsJove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Tem I.ii.201
O'th dreadfull Thunder-claps more momentarieO'th' dreadful thunderclaps, more momentary Tem I.ii.202
And sight out-running were not; the fire, and cracksAnd sight-outrunning were not. The fire and cracks Tem I.ii.203
Of sulphurous roaring, the most mighty NeptuneOf sulphurous roaring the most mighty NeptuneNeptune
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
Tem I.ii.204
Seeme to besiege, and make his bold waues tremble,Seem to besiege, and make his bold waves tremble, Tem I.ii.205
Yea, his dread Trident shake.Yea, his dread trident shake.dread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
Tem I.ii.206.1
My braue Spirit,My brave spirit!brave (adj.)
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem I.ii.206.2
Who was so firme, so constant, that this coyleWho was so firm, so constant, that this coilcoil (n.)

old form: coyle
turmoil, disturbance, fuss
Tem I.ii.207
Would not infect his reason?Would not infect his reason? Tem I.ii.208.1
Not a souleNot a soul Tem I.ii.208.2
But felt a Feauer of the madde, and plaidBut felt a fever of the mad, and playedplay (v.)

old form: plaid
display, show, demonstrate
Tem I.ii.209
Some tricks of desperation; all but MarinersSome tricks of desperation. All but marinerstrick (n.)
habit, characteristic, typical behaviour
Tem I.ii.210
desperation (n.)
reckless despair, desperate thoughts [of self-destruction]
Plung'd in the foaming bryne, and quit the vessell;Plunged in the foaming brine, and quit the vessel,brine (n.)

old form: bryne
sea water, sea
Tem I.ii.211
Then all a fire with me the Kings sonne FerdinandThen all afire with me. The King's son Ferdinand,afire (adj.)

old form: a fire
on fire, burning
Tem I.ii.212
With haire vp-staring (then like reeds, not haire)With hair upstaring – then like reeds, not hair – up-staring

old form: vp-staring
standing on end
Tem I.ii.213
Was the first man that leapt; cride hell is empty,Was the first man that leaped; cried, ‘ Hell is empty, Tem I.ii.214
And all the Diuels are heere.And all the devils are here!’ Tem I.ii.215.1
Why that's my spirit:Why, that's my spirit! Tem I.ii.215.2
But was not this nye shore?But was not this nigh shore?nigh (prep.)

old form: nye
Tem I.ii.216.1
Close by, my Master.Close by, my master. Tem I.ii.216.2
But are they (Ariell) safe?But are they, Ariel, safe? Tem I.ii.217.1
Not a haire perishd:Not a hair perished. Tem I.ii.217.2
On their sustaining garments not a blemish,On their sustaining garments not a blemish,sustaining (adj.)
life-supporting, nourishing
Tem I.ii.218
But fresher then before: and as thou badst me,But fresher than before; and as thou bad'st me,bid (v.), past form bade

old form: badst
command, order, enjoin, tell
Tem I.ii.219
In troops I haue dispersd them 'bout the Isle:In troops I have dispersed them 'bout the isle. Tem I.ii.220
The Kings sonne haue I landed by himselfe,The King's son have I landed by himself, Tem I.ii.221
Whom I left cooling of the Ayre with sighes,Whom I left cooling of the air with sighs Tem I.ii.222
In an odde Angle of the Isle, and sittingIn an odd angle of the isle, and sitting,odd (adj.)

old form: odde
isolated, out of the way
Tem I.ii.223
angle (n.)
corner, nook, spot
His armes in this sad knot.His arms in this sad knot.sad (adj.)
dismal, morose, sullen
Tem I.ii.224.1
Of the Kings ship,Of the King's ship, Tem I.ii.224.2
The Marriners, say how thou hast disposd,The mariners, say how thou hast disposed,dispose (v.)

old form: disposd
carry out, manage, handle
Tem I.ii.225
And all the rest o'th' Fleete?And all the rest o'th' fleet? Tem I.ii.226.1
Safely in harbourSafely in harbour Tem I.ii.226.2
Is the Kings shippe, in the deepe Nooke, where onceIs the King's ship, in the deep nook where once Tem I.ii.227
Thou calldst me vp at midnight to fetch deweThou called'st me up at midnight to fetch dew Tem I.ii.228
From the still-vext Bermoothes, there she's hid;From the still-vexed Bermoothes, there she's hid;still-vexed

old form: still-vext
always beset, perpetually plagued
Tem I.ii.229
Bermoothes (n.)
[pron: ber'moothuhz] Bermuda Islands
The Marriners all vnder hatches stowed,The mariners all under hatches stowed,hatch (n.)
(plural) movable deck planks
Tem I.ii.230
Who, with a Charme ioynd to their suffred labourWho, with a charm joined to their suffered labour,suffered (adj.)

old form: suffred
undergone, sustained, endured
Tem I.ii.231
I haue left asleep: and for the rest o'th' FleetI have left asleep. And for the rest o'th' fleet, Tem I.ii.232
(Which I dispers'd) they all haue met againe,Which I dispersed, they all have met again, Tem I.ii.233
And are vpon the Mediterranian FloteAnd are upon the Mediterranean floteflote (n.)
sea, waves
Tem I.ii.234
Bound sadly home for Naples,Bound sadly home for Naples, Tem I.ii.235
Supposing that they saw the Kings ship wrackt,Supposing that they saw the King's ship wracked,wrack (v.)

old form: wrackt
wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
Tem I.ii.236
And his great person perish.And his great person perish. Tem I.ii.237.1
Ariel, thy chargeAriel, thy chargecharge (n.)
task, responsibility, duty
Tem I.ii.237.2
Exactly is perform'd; but there's more worke:Exactly is performed, but there's more work. Tem I.ii.238
What is the time o'th' day?What is the time o'th' day? Tem I.ii.239.1
Past the mid season.Past the mid-season.mid-season (n.)
noon, middle of the day
Tem I.ii.239.2
At least two Glasses: the time 'twixt six & nowAt least two glasses. The time 'twixt six and nowglass (n.)
[sand of the] hourglass
Tem I.ii.240
Must by vs both be spent most preciously.Must by us both be spent most preciously.preciously (adv.)
profitably, valuably, usefully
Tem I.ii.241
Is there more toyle? Since yu dost giue me pains,Is there more toil? Since thou dost give me pains,pain (n.)
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
Tem I.ii.242
Let me remember thee what thou hast promis'd,Let me remember thee what thou hast promised,remember (v.)
remind, bring to someone's mind
Tem I.ii.243
Which is not yet perform'd me.Which is not yet performed me. Tem I.ii.244.1
How now? moodie?How now? Moody?moody (adj.)
angry, wrathful, rancorous, sullen
Tem I.ii.244.2
What is't thou canst demand?What is't thou canst demand? Tem I.ii.245.1
My Libertie.My liberty. Tem I.ii.245.2
Before the time be out? no more:Before the time be out? No more. Tem I.ii.246.1
I prethee,I prithee, Tem I.ii.246.2
Remember I haue done thee worthy seruice,Remember I have done thee worthy service, Tem I.ii.247
Told thee no lyes, made thee no mistakings, serv'dTold thee no lies, made thee no mistakings, served Tem I.ii.248
Without or grudge, or grumblings; thou did promiseWithout or grudge or grumblings. Thou did promisegrudge (n.)
murmuring, complaining, reluctance
Tem I.ii.249
To bate me a full yeere.To bate me a full year.bate (v.)
[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct
Tem I.ii.250.1
Do'st thou forgetDost thou forget Tem I.ii.250.2
From what a torment I did free thee?From what a torment I did free thee? Tem I.ii.251.1
No.No. Tem I.ii.251.2
Thou do'st: & thinkst it much to tread ye OozeThou dost; and think'st it much to tread the ooze Tem I.ii.252
Of the salt deepe;Of the salt deep, Tem I.ii.253
To run vpon the sharpe winde of the North,To run upon the sharp wind of the north, Tem I.ii.254
To doe me businesse in the veines o'th' earthTo do me business in the veins o'th' earthbusiness (n.)

old form: businesse
deed, action, affair, task
Tem I.ii.255
When it is bak'd with frost.When it is baked with frost.bake (v.)

old form: bak'd
harden, make solid
Tem I.ii.256.1
I doe not Sir.I do not, sir. Tem I.ii.256.2
Thou liest, malignant Thing: hast thou forgotThou liest, malignant thing! Hast thou forgot Tem I.ii.257
The fowle Witch Sycorax, who with Age and EnuyThe foul witch Sycorax, who with age and envyenvy (n.)

old form: Enuy
malice, ill-will, enmity
Tem I.ii.258
Sycorax (n.)
[pron: 'sikoraks] witch, the mother of Caliban in 'The Tempest'
Was growne into a hoope? hast thou forgot her?Was grown into a hoop? Hast thou forgot her?hoop (n.)

old form: hoope
circular shape, bent posture
Tem I.ii.259
No Sir.No, sir. Tem I.ii.260.1
Thou hast: where was she born? speak: tell me:Thou hast. Where was she born? Speak! Tell me! Tem I.ii.260.2
Sir, in Argier.Sir, in Argier.Argier (n.)
[pron: ah'jeer] Algiers; seaport capital of Algeria, N Africa
Tem I.ii.261.1
Oh, was she so: I mustO, was she so! I must Tem I.ii.261.2
Once in a moneth recount what thou hast bin,Once in a month recount what thou hast been, Tem I.ii.262
Which thou forgetst. This damn'd Witch SycoraxWhich thou forget'st. This damned witch Sycorax, Tem I.ii.263
For mischiefes manifold, and sorceries terribleFor mischiefs manifold, and sorceries terrible Tem I.ii.264
To enter humane hearing, from ArgierTo enter human hearing, from Argier, Tem I.ii.265
Thou know'st was banish'd: for one thing she didThou know'st, was banished. For one thing she did Tem I.ii.266
They wold not take her life: Is not this true?They would not take her life. Is not this true? Tem I.ii.267
I, Sir.Ay, sir. Tem I.ii.268
This blew ey'd hag, was hither brought with child,This blue-eyed hag was hither brought with child, Tem I.ii.269
And here was left by th' Saylors; thou my slaue,And here was left by th' sailors. Thou, my slave,slave (n.)

old form: slaue
hireling, lackey, menial, servant
Tem I.ii.270
As thou reportst thy selfe, was then her seruant,As thou report'st thyself, wast then her servant. Tem I.ii.271
And for thou wast a Spirit too delicateAnd for thou wast a spirit too delicatedelicate (adj.)
fine in quality, of exquisite nature, dainty
Tem I.ii.272
To act her earthy, and abhord commands,To act her earthy and abhorred commands,earthy (adj.)
coarse, unrefined, gross
Tem I.ii.273
abhorred (adj.)

old form: abhord
horrifying, disgusting, abominable
act (v.)
act out, perform, enact
Refusing her grand hests, she did confine theeRefusing her grand hests, she did confine thee,hest (n.)
command, behest, order
Tem I.ii.274
By helpe of her more potent Ministers,By help of her more potent ministers,minister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
Tem I.ii.275
potent (adj.)
powerful, influential
And in her most vnmittigable rage,And in her most unmitigable rage,unmitigable (adj.)

old form: vnmittigable
implacable, unappeasable, uncompromising
Tem I.ii.276
Into a clouen Pyne, within which riftInto a cloven pine; within which riftcloven (adj.)

old form: clouen
split, cleft apart
Tem I.ii.277
Imprison'd, thou didst painefully remaineImprisoned, thou didst painfully remain Tem I.ii.278
A dozen yeeres: within which space she di'd,A dozen years, within which space she died, Tem I.ii.279
And left thee there: where thou didst vent thy groanesAnd left thee there, where thou didst vent thy groansvent (v.)
utter, express, air, proclaim
Tem I.ii.280
As fast as Mill-wheeles strike: Then was this IslandAs fast as millwheels strike. Then was this island –  Tem I.ii.281
(Saue for the Son, that he did littour heere,Save for the son that she did litter here,litter (v.)

old form: littour
[comparing humans to animals] bring forth, be born
Tem I.ii.282
A frekelld whelpe, hag-borne) not honour'd withA freckled whelp, hag-born – not honoured withhag-born (adj.)

old form: hag-borne
born of a witch
Tem I.ii.283
whelp (n.)

old form: whelpe
[term of abuse] pup, son of a bitch
A humane shape.A human shape. Tem I.ii.284.1
Yes: Caliban her sonne.Yes, Caliban her son. Tem I.ii.284.2
Dull thing, I say so: he, that CalibanDull thing, I say so! He, that Calibandull (adj.)
gloomy, melancholic, sullen
Tem I.ii.285
Whom now I keepe in seruice, thou best know'stWhom now I keep in service. Thou best know'st Tem I.ii.286
What torment I did finde thee in; thy gronesWhat torment I did find thee in. Thy groans Tem I.ii.287
Did make wolues howle, and penetrate the breastsDid make wolves howl, and penetrate the breasts Tem I.ii.288
Of euer-angry Beares; it was a tormentOf ever-angry bears. It was a torment Tem I.ii.289
To lay vpon the damn'd, which SycoraxTo lay upon the damned, which Sycorax Tem I.ii.290
Could not againe vndoe: it was mine Art,Could not again undo. It was mine art,art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Tem I.ii.291
When I arriu'd, and heard thee, that made gapeWhen I arrived and heard thee, that made gape Tem I.ii.292
The Pyne, and let thee out.The pine, and let thee out. Tem I.ii.293.1
I thanke thee Master.I thank thee, master. Tem I.ii.293.2
If thou more murmur'st, I will rend an OakeIf thou more murmur'st, I will rend an oak, Tem I.ii.294
And peg-thee in his knotty entrailes, tillAnd peg thee in his knotty entrails, till Tem I.ii.295
Thou hast howl'd away twelue winters.Thou hast howled away twelve winters. Tem I.ii.296.1
Pardon, Master,Pardon, master. Tem I.ii.296.2
I will be correspondent to commandI will be correspondent to command,correspondent (adj.)
responsive, receptive, compliant
Tem I.ii.297
And doe my spryting, gently.And do my spriting gently.sprighting, spriting (n.)

old form: spryting
activities as a spirit
Tem I.ii.298.1
gently (adv.)
quietly, tamely, without a fight
Doe so: and after two daiesDo so, and after two days Tem I.ii.298.2
I will discharge thee.I will discharge thee. Tem I.ii.299.1
That's my noble Master:That's my noble master! Tem I.ii.299.2
What shall I doe? say what? what shall I doe?What shall I do? Say what! What shall I do? Tem I.ii.300
Goe make thy selfe like a Nymph o'th' Sea,Go make thyself like a nymph o'th' sea. Tem I.ii.301
Be subiect to no sight but thine, and mine: inuisibleBe subject to no sight but thine and mine, invisible Tem I.ii.302
To euery eye-ball else: goe take this shapeTo every eyeball else. Go take this shape, Tem I.ii.303
And hither come in't: goe: hence / With diligence. Exit.And hither come in't. Go! Hence with diligence!diligence (n.)
attentiveness, assiduity, careful service
Tem I.ii.304
Pro.Exit Ariel Tem I.ii.304
Awake, deere hart awake, thou hast slept well,Awake, dear heart, awake! Thou hast slept well. Tem I.ii.305
Awake.Awake! Tem I.ii.306.1
The strangenes of your story, putThe strangeness of your story put Tem I.ii.306.2
Heauinesse in me.Heaviness in me.heaviness (n.)

old form: Heauinesse
sleepiness, drowsiness
Tem I.ii.307.1
Shake it off: Come on,Shake it off. Come on; Tem I.ii.307.2
Wee'll visit Caliban, my slaue, who neuerWe'll visit Caliban, my slave, who never Tem I.ii.308
Yeelds vs kinde answere.Yields us kind answer.kind (adj.)

old form: kinde
friendly, agreeable, pleasant
Tem I.ii.309.1
yield (v.)

old form: Yeelds
give, grant, return
'Tis a villaine Sir,'Tis a villain, sir,villain (n.)
serf, servant, bondsman
Tem I.ii.309.2
I doe not loue to looke on.I do not love to look on. Tem I.ii.310.1
But as 'tisBut, as 'tis, Tem I.ii.310.2
We cannot misse him: he do's make our fire,We cannot miss him. He does make our fire,miss (v.)

old form: misse
forgo, do without, go without
Tem I.ii.311
Fetch in our wood, and serues in OfficesFetch in our wood, and serves in officesoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
Tem I.ii.312
That profit vs: What hoa: slaue: Caliban:That profit us. What, ho! Slave! Caliban!slave (n.)

old form: slaue
hireling, lackey, menial, servant
Tem I.ii.313
profit (v.)
benefit, be of use to, do good to
Thou Earth, thou: speake.Thou earth, thou, speak!earth (n.)
piece of dirt, beast of the earth
Tem I.ii.314.1
within. (within) Tem I.ii.314
There's wood enough within.There's wood enough within. Tem I.ii.314.2
Come forth I say, there's other busines for thee:Come forth, I say! There's other business for (n.)

old form: busines
deed, action, affair, task
Tem I.ii.315
Come thou Tortoys, when?Come, thou tortoise! When? Tem I.ii.316
Enter Ariel like a water-Nymph.Enter Ariel like a water-nymph Tem I.ii.317.1
Fine apparision: my queint Ariel,Fine apparition! My quaint Ariel,quaint (adj.)
ingenious, clever, skilful
Tem I.ii.317
fine (adj.)
graceful, exquisitely formed
Hearke in thine eare.Hark in thine ear. Tem I.ii.318.1
My Lord, it shall be done.My lord, it shall be done. Tem I.ii.318.2
Exit.Exit Tem I.ii.318
Thou poysonous slaue, got by ye diuell himselfeThou poisonous slave, got by the devil himselfslave (n.)

old form: slaue
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain
Tem I.ii.319
get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
Vpon thy wicked Dam; come forth.Upon thy wicked dam, come forth!dam (n.)
Tem I.ii.320
Enter Caliban.Enter Caliban Tem I.ii.321
As wicked dewe, as ere my mother brush'dAs wicked dew as e'er my mother brushed Tem I.ii.321
With Rauens feather from vnwholesome FenWith raven's feather from unwholesome fenfen (n.)
marshland, swamp
Tem I.ii.322
unwholesome (adj.)

old form: vnwholesome
harmful, damaging, noxious
Drop on you both: A Southwest blow on yee,Drop on you both! A south-west blow on ye Tem I.ii.323
And blister you all ore.And blister you all o'er! Tem I.ii.324
For this be sure, to night thou shalt haue cramps,For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps, Tem I.ii.325
Side-stitches, that shall pen thy breath vp, VrchinsSide-stitches that shall pen thy breath up. Urchinsurchin (n.)

old form: Vrchins
spirit in hedgehog form, goblin
Tem I.ii.326
Shall for that vast of night, that they may workeShall for that vast of night that they may workvast (n.)
long deserted period, empty space of time
Tem I.ii.327
All exercise on thee: thou shalt be pinch'dAll exercise on thee. Thou shalt be pinchedexercise (v.)
work, practise, perform [a function]
Tem I.ii.328
As thicke as hony-combe, each pinch more stingingAs thick as honey-comb, each pinch more stinging Tem I.ii.329
Then Bees that made 'em.Than bees that made 'em. Tem I.ii.330.1
I must eat my dinner:I must eat my dinner. Tem I.ii.330.2
This Island's mine by Sycorax my mother,This island's mine, by Sycorax my mother, Tem I.ii.331
Which thou tak'st from me: when thou cam'st firstWhich thou tak'st from me. When thou cam'st first, Tem I.ii.332
Thou stroakst me, & made much of me: wouldst giue meThou strok'st me, and made much of me, wouldst give me Tem I.ii.333
Water with berries in't: and teach me howWater with berries in't, and teach me how Tem I.ii.334
To name the bigger Light, and how the lesseTo name the bigger light, and how the less, Tem I.ii.335
That burne by day, and night: and then I lou'd theeThat burn by day and night. And then I loved thee, Tem I.ii.336
And shew'd thee all the qualities o'th' Isle,And showed thee all the qualities o'th' isle,quality (n.)
characteristic, feature, property
Tem I.ii.337
The fresh Springs, Brine-pits; barren place and fertill,The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place and fertile.brine-pit (n.)
Tem I.ii.338
Curs'd be I that did so: All the CharmesCursed be I that did so! All the charmscharm (n.)

old form: Charmes
magic spell, enchantment
Tem I.ii.339
Of Sycorax: Toades, Beetles, Batts light on you:Of Sycorax – toads, beetles, bats light on you! Tem I.ii.340
For I am all the Subiects that you haue,For I am all the subjects that you have, Tem I.ii.341
Which first was min owne King: and here you sty-meWhich first was mine own king; and here you sty mesty (v.)
confine as in a sty, coop up
Tem I.ii.342
In this hard Rocke, whiles you doe keepe from meIn this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me Tem I.ii.343
The rest o'th' Island.The rest o'th' island. Tem I.ii.344.1
Thou most lying slaue,Thou most lying slave,slave (n.)
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain
Tem I.ii.344.2
Whom stripes may moue, not kindnes: I haue vs'd theeWhom stripes may move, not kindness! I have used thee,stripe (n.)
stroke of a whip, lash, weal
Tem I.ii.345
(Filth as thou art) with humane care, and lodg'd theeFilth as thou art, with human care, and lodged thee Tem I.ii.346
In mine owne Cell, till thou didst seeke to violateIn mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violatecell (n.)
small humble dwelling
Tem I.ii.347
The honor of my childe.The honour of my child. Tem I.ii.348
Oh ho, oh ho, would't had bene done:O ho, O ho! Would't had been done! Tem I.ii.349
Thou didst preuent me, I had peopel'd elseThou didst prevent me. I had peopled else Tem I.ii.350
This Isle with Calibans.This isle with Calibans. Tem I.ii.351.1
Abhorred Slaue,Abhorred slave,abhorred (adj.)
horrifying, disgusting, abominable
Tem I.ii.351.2
Which any print of goodnesse wilt not take,Which any print of goodness wilt not take,print (n.)
imprint, image, stamped impression
Tem I.ii.352
Being capable of all ill: I pittied thee,Being capable of all ill! I pitied thee,ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
Tem I.ii.353
capable of
open to, subject to, susceptible to
Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each houreTook pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hour Tem I.ii.354
One thing or other: when thou didst not (Sauage)One thing or other. When thou didst not, savage, Tem I.ii.355
Know thine owne meaning; but wouldst gabble, likeKnow thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like Tem I.ii.356
A thing most brutish, I endow'd thy purposesA thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposespurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Tem I.ii.357
With words that made them knowne: But thy vild raceWith words that made them known. But thy vile race,race (n.)
inherited nature, natural disposition
Tem I.ii.358
(Tho thou didst learn) had that in't, which good naturesThough thou didst learn, had that in't which good natures Tem I.ii.359
Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thouCould not abide to be with. Therefore wast thou Tem I.ii.360
Deseruedly confin'd into this Rocke, who hadstDeservedly confined into this rock, who hadst Tem I.ii.361
Deseru'd more then a prison.Deserved more than a prison. Tem I.ii.362
You taught me Language, and my profit on'tYou taught me language, and my profit on't Tem I.ii.363
Is, I know how to curse: the red-plague rid youIs, I know how to curse. The red plague rid yourid (v.)
get rid of, destroy, kill
Tem I.ii.364
For learning me your language.For learning me your language!learn (v.)
teach, instruct [not a regional dialect usage as in modern English]
Tem I.ii.365.1
Hag-seed, hence:Hag-seed, hence!hag-seed (n.)
Tem I.ii.365.2
Fetch vs in Fewell, and be quicke thou'rt bestFetch us in fuel – and be quick, thou'rt best,best, thou wert / you were
you are best advised
Tem I.ii.366
To answer other businesse: shrug'st thou (Malice)To answer other business. Shrug'st thou, malice?answer (v.)
fulfil, meet, satisfy
Tem I.ii.367
business (n.)

old form: businesse
deed, action, affair, task
If thou neglectst, or dost vnwillinglyIf thou neglect'st, or dost unwillingly Tem I.ii.368
What I command, Ile racke thee with old Crampes,What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps,old (adj.)
plenty of, abundant, more than enough
Tem I.ii.369
Fill all thy bones with Aches, make thee rore,Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar, Tem I.ii.370
That beasts shall tremble at thy dyn.That beasts shall tremble at thy din. Tem I.ii.371.1
No, 'pray thee.No, pray thee! Tem I.ii.371.2
I must obey, his Art is of such pow'r,(aside) I must obey. His art is of such power,art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Tem I.ii.372
It would controll my Dams god Setebos,It would control my dam's god Setebos,control (v.)

old form: controll
overwhelm, overpower
Tem I.ii.373
dam (n.)
And make a vassaile of him.And make a vassal of him.vassal (n.)
servant, slave, subject
Tem I.ii.374.1
So slaue, hence.So, slave. Hence!slave (n.)
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain
Tem I.ii.374.2
Exit Cal.Exit Caliban Tem I.ii.374
Enter Ferdinand & Ariel, inuisible playing & Enter Ferdinand; and Ariel, invisible, playing and Tem I.i.375.1
singing.singing Tem I.i.375.2
Ariel Song.ARIEL Song  
Song Tem I.ii.375
Come vnto these yellow sands, Come unto these yellow sands, Tem I.ii.375
and then take hands: And then take hands. Tem I.ii.376
Curtsied when you haue, and kist Curtsied when you have and kissed Tem I.ii.377
the wilde waues whist: The wild waves whist,whist (adj.)
silent, quiet, still
Tem I.ii.378
Foote it featly heere, and there, Foot it featly here and there;foot it

old form: Foote
dance away, tread lively
Tem I.ii.379
featly (adv.)
gracefully, skilfully, nimbly
and sweete Sprights beare the burthen.And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.sprite, spright (n.)
spirit, ghost, supernatural being
Tem I.ii.380
burden, burthen (n.)
refrain, chorus
Harke, harke,Hark, hark! Tem I.ii.381
Burthen dispersedly. bowgh wawgh: (Burden, dispersedly) Bow-wow!dispersedly (adv.)
from various positions, here and there
Tem I.ii.382
the watch-Dogges barke, The watch-dogs bark! Tem I.ii.383
bowgh-wawgh. (Burden, dispersedly) Bow-wow! Tem I.ii.384
Hark, hark, I heare,Hark, hark! I hear Tem I.ii.385
the straine of strutting Chanticlere The strain of strutting chanticleerChanticleer (n.)

old form: Chanticlere
cock, rooster [in the medieval story of Reynard the Fox, retold in Chaucer's ‘The Nun's Priest's Tale’]
Tem I.ii.386
cry cockadidle-dowe. Cry cock-a-diddle-dow! Tem I.ii.387
Where shold this Musick be? I'th aire, or th' earth?Where should this music be? I'th' air or th' earth? Tem I.ii.388
It sounds no more: and sure it waytes vponIt sounds no more; and sure it waits upon wait on / upon (v.)

old form: waytes vpon
accompany, attend
Tem I.ii.389
Some God o'th' Iland, sitting on a banke,Some god o'th' island. Sitting on a bank,bank (n.)

old form: banke
coast, shore
Tem I.ii.390
Weeping againe the King my Fathers wracke.Weeping again the King my father's wrack,wrack (n.)

old form: wracke
wreck, loss, shipwreck
Tem I.ii.391
This Musicke crept by me vpon the waters,This music crept by me upon the waters, Tem I.ii.392
Allaying both their fury, and my passionAllaying both their fury and my passionpassion (n.)
suffering, torment, deep grief
Tem I.ii.393
allay (v.)
subside, abate, diminish, quell
With it's sweet ayre: thence I haue follow'd itWith its sweet air. Thence I have followed it,air (n.)

old form: ayre
melody, tune, strain
Tem I.ii.394
(Or it hath drawne me rather) but 'tis gone.Or it hath drawn me, rather. But 'tis gone. Tem I.ii.395
No, it begins againe.No, it begins again. Tem I.ii.396
Ariell Song.ARIEL Song  
Song Tem I.ii.397
Full fadom fiue thy Father lies, Full fathom five thy father lies, Tem I.ii.397
Of his bones are Corrall made: Of his bones are coral made; Tem I.ii.398
Those are pearles that were his eies, Those are pearls that were his eyes; Tem I.ii.399
Nothing of him that doth fade, Nothing of him that doth fade,fade (v.)
decay, decompose, become corrupt
Tem I.ii.400
But doth suffer a Sea-change But doth suffer a sea-changesuffer (v.)
undergo, sustain, endure
Tem I.ii.401
Into something rich, & strange: Into something rich and strange. Tem I.ii.402
Sea-Nimphs hourly ring his knell. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell: Tem I.ii.403
Burthen: ding dong.(Burden) Ding-dong. Tem I.ii.404
Harke now I heare them, ding-dong bell. Hark! Now I hear them – Ding-dong bell. Tem I.ii.405
The Ditty do's remember my drown'd father,The ditty does remember my drowned father.remember (v.)
recollect, recall, call to mind
Tem I.ii.406
ditty (n.)
This is no mortall busines, nor no soundThis is no mortal business, nor no soundmortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
Tem I.ii.407
business (n.)

old form: busines
event, happening, occurrence
That the earth owes: I heare it now aboue me.That the earth owes. I hear it now above me.owe (v.)
own, possess, have
Tem I.ii.408
The fringed Curtaines of thine eye aduance,The fringed curtains of thine eye advance,advance (v.)

old form: aduance
raise, lift up, upraise
Tem I.ii.409
And say what thou see'st yond.And say what thou seest yond.yond (adv.)
over there
Tem I.ii.410.1
What is't a Spirit?What is't? A spirit? Tem I.ii.410.2
Lord, how it lookes about: Beleeue me sir,Lord, how it looks about! Believe me, sir, Tem I.ii.411
It carries a braue forme. But 'tis a spirit.It carries a brave form. But 'tis a spirit.form (n.)

old form: forme
physical appearance, outward appearance
Tem I.ii.412
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
No wench, it eats, and sleeps, & hath such sensesNo, wench. It eats and sleeps and hath such senses Tem I.ii.413
As we haue: such. This Gallant which thou seestAs we have, such. This gallant which thou seestgallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion
Tem I.ii.414
Was in the wracke: and but hee's something stain'dWas in the wrack; and, but he's something stainedwrack (n.)

old form: wracke
wreck, loss, shipwreck
Tem I.ii.415
something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
With greefe (that's beauties canker) yu might'st call himWith grief, that's beauty's canker, thou mightst call himcanker (n./adj.)
cancer, ulcer, blight, corruption
Tem I.ii.416
A goodly person: he hath lost his fellowes,A goodly person. He hath lost his fellows,goodly (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
Tem I.ii.417
And strayes about to finde 'em.And strays about to find 'em. Tem I.ii.418.1
I might call himI might call him Tem I.ii.418.2
A thing diuine, for nothing naturallA thing divine, for nothing natural Tem I.ii.419
I euer saw so Noble.I ever saw so noble. Tem I.ii.420.1
(aside) Tem I.ii.420
It goes on I seeIt goes on, I see, Tem I.ii.420.2
As my soule prompts it: Spirit, fine spirit, Ile free theeAs my soul prompts it. – Spirit, fine spirit, I'll free theefine (adj.)
graceful, exquisitely formed
Tem I.ii.421
Within two dayes for this.Within two days for this! Tem I.ii.422.1
Most sure the GoddesseMost sure, the goddess Tem I.ii.422.2
On whom these ayres attend: Vouchsafe my pray'rOn whom these airs attend! Vouchsafe my prayervouchsafe (v.)
allow, permit, grant
Tem I.ii.423
attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
air (n.)

old form: ayres
melody, tune, strain
attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
May know if you remaine vpon this Island,May know if you remain upon this island,remain (v.)

old form: remaine
dwell, live, reside
Tem I.ii.424
And that you will some good instruction giueAnd that you will some good instruction give Tem I.ii.425
How I may beare me heere: my prime requestHow I may bear me here. My prime request,prime (adj.)
principal, chief, foremost
Tem I.ii.426
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
sustain, carry through, keep going
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
behave, look, conduct [oneself]
(Which I do last pronounce) is (O you wonder)Which I do last pronounce, is – O you wonder!wonder (n.)
miracle, prodigy, marvel
Tem I.ii.427
If you be Mayd, or no?If you be maid or no?maid (n.)

old form: Mayd
human, mortal [woman]
Tem I.ii.428.1
No wonder Sir,No wonder, sir, Tem I.ii.428.2
But certainly a Mayd.But certainly a maid.maid (n.)

old form: Mayd
human, mortal [woman]
Tem I.ii.429.1
My Language? Heauens:My language? Heavens! Tem I.ii.429.2
I am the best of them that speake this speech,I am the best of them that speak this speech,best (n.)
highest ranking person, most eminent person
Tem I.ii.430
Were I but where 'tis spoken.Were I but where 'tis spoken. Tem I.ii.431.1
How? the best?How? The best? Tem I.ii.431.2
What wer't thou if the King of Naples heard thee?What wert thou if the King of Naples heard thee? Tem I.ii.432
A single thing, as I am now, that wondersA single thing, as I am now, that wonderssingle (adj.)
solitary, lone, unaccompanied
Tem I.ii.433
To heare thee speake of Naples: he do's heare me,To hear thee speak of Naples. He does hear me, Tem I.ii.434
And that he do's, I weepe: my selfe am Naples,And that he does, I weep. Myself am Naples, Tem I.ii.435
Who, with mine eyes (neuer since at ebbe) beheldWho with mine eyes, never since at ebb, beheld Tem I.ii.436
The King my Father wrack't.The King my father wracked.wrack (v.)

old form: wrack't
wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
Tem I.ii.437.1
Alacke, for mercy.Alack, for mercy! Tem I.ii.437.2
Yes faith, & all his Lords, the Duke of MillaineYes, faith, and all his lords, the Duke of Milan Tem I.ii.438
And his braue sonne, being twaine.And his brave son being twain.brave (adj.)
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem I.ii.439.1
(aside) Tem I.ii.439
The Duke of MillaineThe Duke of Milan Tem I.ii.439.2
And his more brauer daughter, could controll theeAnd his more braver daughter could control thee,brave (adj.)

old form: brauer
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem I.ii.440
control (v.)

old form: controll
challenge, take to task
If now 'twere fit to do't: At the first sightIf now 'twere fit to do't. At the first sight Tem I.ii.441
They haue chang'd eyes: Delicate Ariel,They have changed eyes. Delicate Ariel,change (v.)

old form: chang'd
exchange, trade
Tem I.ii.442
eye (n.)
look, glance, gaze
delicate (adj.)
fine in quality, of exquisite nature, dainty
Ile set thee free for this. A word good Sir,I'll set thee free for this. – A word, good sir. Tem I.ii.443
I feare you haue done your selfe some wrong: A word.I fear you have done yourself some wrong. A word!wrong (n.)
dishonour, discredit, harm
Tem I.ii.444
Why speakes my father so vngently? ThisWhy speaks my father so ungently? Thisungently (adv.)

old form: vngently
unkindly, roughly, rudely
Tem I.ii.445
Is the third man that ere I saw: the firstIs the third man that e'er I saw; the first Tem I.ii.446
That ere I sigh'd for: pitty moue my fatherThat e'er I sighed for. Pity move my father Tem I.ii.447
To be enclin'd my way.To be inclined my way. Tem I.ii.448.1
O, if a Virgin,O, if a virgin, Tem I.ii.448.2
And your affection not gone forth, Ile make youAnd your affection not gone forth, I'll make youaffection (n.)
love, devotion
Tem I.ii.449
The Queene of Naples.The Queen of Naples. Tem I.ii.450.1
Soft sir, one word more.Soft, sir! One word more.soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Tem I.ii.450.2
They are both in eythers pow'rs: But this swift busines(aside) They are both in either's powers. But this swift businessbusiness (n.)
event, happening, occurrence
Tem I.ii.451
I must vneasie make, least too light winningI must uneasy make, lest too light winninglight (adj.)
easy, ready, effortless
Tem I.ii.452
uneasy (adj.)

old form: vneasie
not easy, hard, difficult
Make the prize light. One word more: I charge theeMake the prize light. – One word more! I charge theecharge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
Tem I.ii.453
light (adj.)
[of counterfeit coins] of less weight, worthless, cheap
That thou attend me: Thou do'st heere vsurpeThat thou attend me. Thou dost here usurpusurp (v.)

old form: vsurpe
take wrongful possession of, misappropriate
Tem I.ii.454
attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
The name thou ow'st not, and hast put thy selfeThe name thou ow'st not, and hast put thyselfowe (v.)

old form: ow'st
own, possess, have
Tem I.ii.455
Vpon this Island, as a spy, to win itUpon this island as a spy, to win it Tem I.ii.456
From me, the Lord on't.From me, the lord on't. Tem I.ii.457.1
No, as I am a man.No, as I am a man! Tem I.ii.457.2
Ther's nothing ill, can dwell in such a Temple,There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple.ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral
Tem I.ii.458
If the ill-spirit haue so fayre a house,If the ill spirit have so fair a house,ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral
Tem I.ii.459
Good things will striue to dwell with't.Good things will strive to dwell with't. Tem I.ii.460.1
Follow me.Follow me. Tem I.ii.460.2
Pros. Speake not you for him: hee's a Traitor: come,(to Miranda) Speak not you for him. He's a traitor. – Come! Tem I.ii.461
Ile manacle thy necke and feete together:I'll manacle thy neck and feet together. Tem I.ii.462
Sea water shalt thou drinke: thy food shall beSea-water shalt thou drink; thy food shall be Tem I.ii.463
The fresh-brooke Mussels, wither'd roots, and huskesThe fresh-brook mussels, withered roots, and husks Tem I.ii.464
Wherein the Acorne cradled. Follow.Wherein the acorn cradled. Follow! Tem I.ii.465.1
No,No! Tem I.ii.465.2
I will resist such entertainment, tillI will resist such entertainment tillentertainment (n.)
treatment, hospitality, reception
Tem I.ii.466
Mine enemy ha's more pow'r.Mine enemy has more power. Tem I.ii.467.1
He drawes, and is charmed from mouing.He draws, and is charmed from movingcharm (v.)
overcome, subdue, take over [as if by a charm]
Tem I.ii.467
O deere Father,O dear father, Tem I.ii.467.2
Make not too rash a triall of him, forMake not too rash a trial of him, forrash (adj.)
hasty, impetuous, impulsive
Tem I.ii.468
Hee's gentle, and not fearfull.He's gentle, and not fearful.gentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
Tem I.ii.469.1
fearful (adj.)

old form: fearfull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
What I say,What, I say, Tem I.ii.469.2
My foote my Tutor? Put thy sword vp Traitor,My foot my tutor? – Put thy sword up, traitor,put up (v.)

old form: vp
sheathe, put away
Tem I.ii.470
Who mak'st a shew, but dar'st not strike: thy conscienceWho mak'st a show, but dar'st not strike, thy conscience Tem I.ii.471
Is so possest with guilt: Come, from thy ward,Is so possessed with guilt. Come from thy ward!ward (n.)
[fencing] defensive posture, parrying movement
Tem I.ii.472
For I can heere disarme thee with this sticke,For I can here disarm thee with this stick, Tem I.ii.473
And make thy weapon drop.And make thy weapon drop. Tem I.ii.474.1
Beseech you Father.Beseech you, father! Tem I.ii.474.2
Hence: hang not on my garments.Hence! Hang not on my garments. Tem I.ii.475.1
Sir haue pity,Sir, have pity. Tem I.ii.475.2
Ile be his surety.I'll be his surety.surety (n.)
person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor
Tem I.ii.476.1
Silence: One word moreSilence! One word more Tem I.ii.476.2
Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee: What,Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee. What,chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
Tem I.ii.477
An aduocate for an Impostor? Hush:An advocate for an impostor? Hush! Tem I.ii.478
Thou think'st there is no more such shapes as he,Thou think'st there is no more such shapes as he, Tem I.ii.479
(Hauing seene but him and Caliban:) Foolish wench,Having seen but him and Caliban. Foolish wench!wench (n.)
girl, lass
Tem I.ii.480
To th' most of men, this is a Caliban,To th' most of men this is a Caliban, Tem I.ii.481
And they to him are Angels.And they to him are angels. Tem I.ii.482.1
My affectionsMy affectionsaffection (n.)
emotion, feeling
Tem I.ii.482.2
Are then most humble: I haue no ambitionAre then most humble. I have no ambition Tem I.ii.483
To see a goodlier man.To see a goodlier man.goodly (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
Tem I.ii.484.1
Come on, obey:Come on, obey! Tem I.ii.484.2
Thy Nerues are in their infancy againe.Thy nerves are in their infancy again,nerve (n.)

old form: Nerues
sinew, ligament, muscle
Tem I.ii.485
And haue no vigour in them.And have no vigour in them.vigour (n.)
power, efficacy, effect
Tem I.ii.486.1
So they are:So they are. Tem I.ii.486.2
My spirits, as in a dreame, are all bound vp:My spirits, as in a dream, are all bound up. Tem I.ii.487
My Fathers losse, the weaknesse which I feele,My father's loss, the weakness which I feel, Tem I.ii.488
The wracke of all my friends, nor this mans threats,The wrack of all my friends, nor this man's threatswrack (n.)

old form: wracke
wreck, loss, shipwreck
Tem I.ii.489
To whom I am subdude, are but light to me,To whom I am subdued, are but light to me,subdued (adj.)

old form: subdude
overcome, overwhelmed, subjugated
Tem I.ii.490
light (adj.)
minor, slight, of little value
Might I but through my prison once a dayMight I but through my prison once a day Tem I.ii.491
Behold this Mayd: all corners else o'th' EarthBehold this maid. All corners else o'th' earth Tem I.ii.492
Let liberty make vse of: space enoughLet liberty make use of. Space enough Tem I.ii.493
Haue I in such a prison.Have I in such a prison. Tem I.ii.494.1
(aside) Tem I.ii.494
It workes: Come on.It works. (to Ferdinand) Come on. –  Tem I.ii.494.2
Thou hast done well, fine Ariell: follow me,Thou hast done well, fine Ariel! (to Ferdinand) Follow me.fine (adj.)
graceful, exquisitely formed
Tem I.ii.495
(to Ariel) Tem I.ii.496
Harke what thou else shalt do mee.Hark what thou else shalt do me. Tem I.ii.496.1
Be of comfort,Be of comfort.comfort (n.)
happiness, joy, cheerfulness
Tem I.ii.496.2
My Fathers of a better nature (Sir)My father's of a better nature, sir, Tem I.ii.497
Then he appeares by speech: this is vnwontedThan he appears by speech. This is unwontedunwonted (adj.)

old form: vnwonted
unusual, unaccustomed, abnormal
Tem I.ii.498
Which now came from him.Which now came from him. Tem I.ii.499.1
(to Ariel) Tem I.ii.499
Thou shalt be as freeThou shalt be as free Tem I.ii.499.2
As mountaine windes; but then exactly doAs mountain winds; but then exactly do Tem I.ii.500
All points of my command.All points of my command. Tem I.ii.501.1
To th' syllable.To th' syllable. Tem I.ii.501.2
Come follow: speake not for him.Come, follow! (to Miranda) Speak not for him. Tem I.ii.502
Exeunt.Exeunt Tem I.ii.502
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