The Tempest

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Gonzalo, Adrian,Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Tem II.i.1.1
Francisco, and othersFrancisco, and others Tem II.i.1.2
Beseech you Sir, be merry; you haue cause,Beseech you, sir, be merry. You have cause –  Tem II.i.1
(So haue we all) of ioy; for our escapeSo have we all – of joy; for our escape Tem II.i.2
Is much beyond our losse; our hint of woeIs much beyond our loss. Our hint of woehint (n.)
occasion, circumstance, experience
Tem II.i.3
Is common, euery day, some Saylors wife,Is common. Every day, some sailor's wife, Tem II.i.4
The Masters of some Merchant, and the MerchantThe masters of some merchant, and the merchant,merchant (n.)
merchant ship
Tem II.i.5
Haue iust our Theame of woe: But for the miracle,Have just our theme of woe. But for the miracle,theme (n.)

old form: Theame
subject, subject-matter, topic of discourse
Tem II.i.6
(I meane our preseruation) few in millionsI mean our preservation, few in millions Tem II.i.7
Can speake like vs: then wisely (good Sir) weighCan speak like us. Then wisely, good sir, weigh Tem II.i.8
Our sorrow, with our comfort.Our sorrow with our comfort. Tem II.i.9.1
Prethee peace.Prithee, peace. Tem II.i.9.2
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.10
He receiues comfort likeHe receives comfort like Tem II.i.10
cold porredge.cold porridge. Tem II.i.11
(aside to Sebastian) Tem II.i.12.1
The Visitor will not giueThe visitor will not givegive over (v.)
desert, leave, abandon
Tem II.i.12
visitor (n.)
parish visitor [of the sick], charity worker
him ore so.him o'er so. Tem II.i.13
Seb.SEBASTIAN (aside to Antonio) 
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.14
Looke, hee's winding vp theLook, he's winding up the Tem II.i.14
watch of his wit, / By and by it will of his wit. By and by it will strike.wit (n.)
reasoning, thinking, deliberation
Tem II.i.15
by and by (adv.)
immediately, straightaway, directly
Sir.Sir –  Tem II.i.16
One: Tell.One: tell.tell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
Tem II.i.17
When euery greefe is entertaind, / That's offer'dWhen every grief is entertained that's offered,entertain (v.)

old form: entertaind
receive, admit, let in
Tem II.i.18
comes to th' entertainer.Comes to th' entertainerentertainer (n.)
receiver, harbourer, person who considers
Tem II.i.19
A dollor.A dollar.dollar (n.)
German silver coin
Tem II.i.20
Dolour comes to him indeed, you haue spokenDolour comes to him indeed. You have spokendolour (n.)
sorrow, grief, lamentation
Tem II.i.21
truer then you purpos'd.truer than you purposed.purpose (v.)

old form: purpos'd
intend, plan
Tem II.i.22
You haue taken it wiselier then I meant youYou have taken it wiselier than I meant you Tem II.i.23
should.should. Tem II.i.24
(to Alonso) Tem II.i.25
Therefore my Lord.Therefore, my lord –  Tem II.i.25
Fie, what a spend-thrift is he of his tongue.Fie, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue! Tem II.i.26
I pre-thee spare.I prithee, spare.spare (v.)
stop, desist
Tem II.i.27
Well, I haue done: But yetWell, I have done. But yet –  Tem II.i.28
He will be talking.He will be talking. Tem II.i.29
Which, of he, or Adrian, for a good wager,Which, of he or Adrian, for a good wager, Tem II.i.30
First begins to crow?first begins to crow? Tem II.i.31
The old Cocke.The old cock. Tem II.i.32
The Cockrell.The cockerel.cockerel (n.)

old form: Cockrell
young cock
Tem II.i.33
Done: The wager?Done. The wager? Tem II.i.34
A Laughter.A laughter. Tem II.i.35
A match.A match.match (n.)
bargain, contract, agreement
Tem II.i.36
Though this Island seeme to be desert.Though this island seem to be desertdesert (adj.)
desolate, lonely, isolated
Tem II.i.37
Ha, ha, ha.Ha, ha, ha! Tem II.i.38
So: you'r paid.So, you're paid. Tem II.i.39
Vninhabitable, and almost inaccessible.Uninhabitable, and almost inaccessible –  Tem II.i.40
YetYet –  Tem II.i.41
YetYet –  Tem II.i.42
He could not misse't.He could not miss't. Tem II.i.43
It must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicateIt must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicatesubtle, subtile (adj.)
refined, rarefied, very fine
Tem II.i.44
tender (adj.)
mild, soft, gentle
delicate (adj.)
pleasant, delightful, congenial
temperance.temperance.temperance (n.)
temperateness, climate, mildness
Tem II.i.45
Temperance was a delicate wench.Temperance was a delicate wench.wench (n.)
girl, lass
Tem II.i.46
delicate (adj.)
pleasure-seeking, voluptuous, self-indulgent
I, and a subtle, as he most learnedlyAy, and a subtle, as he most learnedlysubtle, subtile (adj.)
crafty, cunning, wily
Tem II.i.47
deliuer'd.delivered.deliver (v.)

old form: deliuer'd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
Tem II.i.48
The ayre breathes vpon vs here most sweetly.The air breathes upon us here most sweetly. Tem II.i.49
As if it had Lungs, and rotten ones.As if it had lungs, and rotten ones. Tem II.i.50
Or, as 'twere perfum'd by a Fen.Or, as 'twere perfumed by a fen.fen (n.)
marshland, swamp
Tem II.i.51
Heere is euery thing aduantageous to life.Here is everything advantageous to life. Tem II.i.52
True, saue meanes to liue.True, save means to live. Tem II.i.53
Of that there's none, or little.Of that there's none, or little. Tem II.i.54
How lush and lusty the grasse lookes? HowHow lush and lusty the grass looks! Howlusty (adj.)
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
Tem II.i.55
greene?green! Tem II.i.56
The ground indeed is tawny.The ground, indeed, is tawny.tawny (adj.)
yellowish brown
Tem II.i.57
With an eye of greene in't.With an eye of green in't.eye (n.)
hint, tinge, slight shade
Tem II.i.58
He misses not much.He misses not much. Tem II.i.59
No: he doth but mistake the truth totally.No. He doth but mistake the truth totally. Tem II.i.60
But the rariety of it is, which is indeed almostBut the rarity of it is – which is indeed almostrarity (n.)

old form: rariety
exceptional nature, striking quality
Tem II.i.61
beyond credit.beyond creditcredit (n.)
credibility, believing, belief
Tem II.i.62
As many voucht rarieties are.As many vouched rarities are.vouched (adj.)

old form: voucht
guaranteed, attested, certified
Tem II.i.63
That our Garments being (as they were)That our garments, being, as they were, Tem II.i.64
drencht in the Sea, hold notwithstanding theirdrenched in the sea, hold, notwithstanding, theirhold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
Tem II.i.65
freshnesse and glosses, being rather new dy'de thenfreshness and glosses, being rather new-dyed thangloss (n.)
brightness, freshness, shine, lustre
Tem II.i.66
stain'd with salte water.stained with salt water. Tem II.i.67
If but one of his pockets could speake, would itIf but one of his pockets could speak, would it Tem II.i.68
not say he lyes?not say he lies? Tem II.i.69
I, or very falsely pocket vp his report.Ay, or very falsely pocket up his report. Tem II.i.70
Me thinkes our garments are now as fresh asMethinks our garments are now as fresh asmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Tem II.i.71
when we put them on first in Affricke, at the marriage ofwhen we put them on first in Afric, at the marriage ofAfric (n.)
Africa, often thought of as a desert place
Tem II.i.72
the kings faire daughter Claribel to the king of Tunis.the King's fair daughter Claribel to the King of Tunis.Tunis (n.)
former N African state [in modern Tunisia]
Tem II.i.73
'Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well'Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well Tem II.i.74
in our our return. Tem II.i.75
Tunis was neuer grac'd before with such aTunis was never graced before with such a Tem II.i.76
Paragon to their Queene.paragon to their queen. Tem II.i.77
Not since widdow Dido's time.Not since widow Dido's time.Dido (n.)
[pron: 'diydoh] Queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas when he was shipwrecked on her shores; commanded by Jupiter, Aeneas left without seeing Dido again, and she killed herself on a funeral pyre
Tem II.i.78
Widow? A pox o'that: how came that WiddowWidow? A pox o' that! How came that widowpox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
Tem II.i.79
in? Widdow Dido!in? Widow Dido! Tem II.i.80
What if he had said Widdower Aeneas too?What if he had said ‘ widower Aeneas ’ too?Aeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
Tem II.i.81
Good Lord, how you take it? Good Lord, how you take it!take (v.)
make use of, seize on
Tem II.i.82
Widdow Dido said you? You make me study of‘ Widow Dido,’ said you? You make me study ofstudy (v.)
deliberate, meditate, reflect [on]
Tem II.i.83
that: She was of Carthage, not of Tunis.that. She was of Carthage, not of Tunis. Tem II.i.84
This Tunis Sir was Carthage.This Tunis, sir, was Carthage.Carthage (n.)
capital of the Carthaginian state, 1st millennium BC; close to the later site of Tunis
Tem II.i.85
Carthage?Carthage? Tem II.i.86
I assure you Carthage.I assure you, Carthage. Tem II.i.87
His word is more then the miraculous Harpe.His word is more than the miraculous harp. Tem II.i.88
He hath rais'd the wall, and houses too.He hath raised the wall, and houses too. Tem II.i.89
What impossible matter wil he make easyWhat impossible matter will he make easymatter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
Tem II.i.90
next?next? Tem II.i.91
I thinke hee will carry this Island home in hisI think he will carry this island home in his Tem II.i.92
pocket, and giue it his sonne for an Apple.pocket and give it his son for an apple. Tem II.i.93
And sowing the kernels of it in the Sea, bringAnd sowing the kernels of it in the sea, bringkernel (n.)
seed, pip
Tem II.i.94
forth more Islands.forth more islands. Tem II.i.95
I.Ay. Tem II.i.96
Why in good time.Why, in good time. Tem II.i.97
(to Alonso) Tem II.i.98
Sir, we were talking, that our garmentsSir, we were talking, that our garments Tem II.i.98
seeme now as fresh as when we were at Tunis atseem now as fresh as when we were at Tunis at Tem II.i.99
the marriage of your daughter, who is now Queene.the marriage of your daughter, who is now Queen. Tem II.i.100
And the rarest that ere came there.And the rarest that e'er came there.rare (adj.)
marvellous, splendid, excellent
Tem II.i.101
Bate (I beseech you) widdow Dido.Bate, I beseech you, widow Dido.bate (v.)
except, omit, leave out of consideration
Tem II.i.102
O Widdow Dido? I, Widdow Dido.O, widow Dido? Ay, widow Dido. Tem II.i.103
Is not Sir my doublet as fresh as the first dayIs not, sir, my doublet as fresh as the first daydoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
Tem II.i.104
I wore it? I meane in a sort.I wore it? I mean, in a sort.sort (n.)
way, manner
Tem II.i.105
That sort was well fish'd for.That ‘ sort ’ was well fished for.sort (n.)
kind, variety, type
Tem II.i.106
When I wore it at your daughters marriage.When I wore it at your daughter's marriage. Tem II.i.107
You cram these words into mine eares, againstYou cram these words into mine ears against Tem II.i.108
the stomacke of my sense: would I had neuerThe stomach of my sense. Would I had neverstomach (n.)

old form: stomacke
appetite, desire [for food]
Tem II.i.109
Married my daughter there: For comming thenceMarried my daughter there! For, coming thence, Tem II.i.110
My sonne is lost, and (in my rate) she too,My son is lost, and, in my rate, she too,rate (n.)
opinion, estimation, view
Tem II.i.111
Who is so farre from Italy remoued,Who is so far from Italy removed Tem II.i.112
I ne're againe shall see her: O thou mine heireI ne'er again shall see her. O thou mine heir Tem II.i.113
Of Naples and of Millaine, what strange fishOf Naples and of Milan, what strange fish Tem II.i.114
Hath made his meale on thee?Hath made his meal on thee? Tem II.i.115.1
Sir he may liue,Sir, he may live. Tem II.i.115.2
I saw him beate the surges vnder him,I saw him beat the surges under him, Tem II.i.116
And ride vpon their backes; he trod the waterAnd ride upon their backs. He trod the water, Tem II.i.117
Whose enmity he flung aside: and brestedWhose enmity he flung aside, and breasted Tem II.i.118
The surge most swolne that met him: his bold headThe surge most swoll'n that met him. His bold head Tem II.i.119
'Boue the contentious waues he kept, and oared'Bove the contentious waves he kept, and oaredoar (v.)

old form: ore
move as with an oar
Tem II.i.120
Himselfe with his good armes in lusty strokeHimself with his good arms in lusty strokelusty (adj.)
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
Tem II.i.121
To th' shore; that ore his waue-worne basis bowedTo th' shore, that o'er his wave-worn basis bowed,basis (n.)
base, foot, foundation
Tem II.i.122
As stooping to releeue him: I not doubtAs stooping to relieve him. I not doubt Tem II.i.123
He came aliue to Land.He came alive to land. Tem II.i.124.1
No, no, hee's gone.No, no, he's gone. Tem II.i.124.2
Sir you may thank your selfe for this great losse,Sir, you may thank yourself for this great loss, Tem II.i.125
That would not blesse our Europe with your daughter,That would not bless our Europe with your daughter, Tem II.i.126
But rather loose her to an Affrican,But rather loose her to an African, Tem II.i.127
Where she at least, is banish'd from your eye,Where she, at least, is banished from your eye,eye (n.)
sight, view, presence
Tem II.i.128
Who hath cause to wet the greefe on't.Who hath cause to wet the grief on't.wet (v.)
weep for, lament with tears
Tem II.i.129.1
Pre-thee peace.Prithee, peace. Tem II.i.129.2
You were kneel'd too, & importun'd otherwiseYou were kneeled to and importuned otherwiseimportune (v.)

old form: importun'd
urge, press
Tem II.i.130
By all of vs: and the faire soule her selfeBy all of us; and the fair soul herself Tem II.i.131
Waigh'd betweene loathnesse, and obedience, atWeighed between loathness and obedience atloathness (n.)

old form: loathnesse
loathing, repulsion, dislike
Tem II.i.132
Which end o'th' beame should bow: we haue lost your son,Which end o'th' beam should bow. We have lost your son, Tem II.i.133
I feare for euer: Millaine and Naples haueI fear, for ever. Milan and Naples have Tem II.i.134
Mo widdowes in them of this businesse making,More widows in them of this business' making Tem II.i.135
Then we bring men to comfort them:Than we bring men to comfort them. Tem II.i.136
The faults your owne.The fault's your own. Tem II.i.137.1
So is the deer'st oth' losse.So is the dear'st o'th' loss.dear (adj.)
dire, grievous, hard
Tem II.i.137.2
My Lord Sebastian,My lord Sebastian, Tem II.i.138
The truth you speake doth lacke some gentlenesse,The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness, Tem II.i.139
And time to speake it in: you rub the sore,And time to speak it in. You rub the sore,time (n.)
right moment, favourable opportunity
Tem II.i.140
rub (v.)
irritate, annoy, aggravate
When you should bring the plaister.When you should bring the plaster. Tem II.i.141.1
Very well.Very well. Tem II.i.141.2
And most Chirurgeonly.And most chirugeonly.chirurgeonly (adv.)
like a surgeon
Tem II.i.142
(to Alonso) Tem II.i.143
It is foule weather in vs all, good Sir,It is foul weather in us all, good sir, Tem II.i.143
When you are cloudy.When you are cloudy. Tem II.i.144.1
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.144.1
Fowle weather?Foul weather? Tem II.i.144.2
(aside to Sebastian) Tem II.i.144.2
Very foule.Very foul. Tem II.i.144.3
Had I plantation of this Isle my Lord.Had I plantation of this isle, my lord – plantation (n.)
colonization, colonial settlement
Tem II.i.145
(aside to Sebastian) Tem II.i.146.1
Hee'd sow't with Nettle-seed.He'd sow't with nettle-seed. Tem II.i.146.1
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.146.3
Or dockes, or Mallowes.Or docks, or mallows.dock (n.)
variety of weedy herb
Tem II.i.146.2
mallow (n.)
variety of wild plant
And were the King on't, what would I do?And were the king on't, what would I do? Tem II.i.147
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.148.1
Scape being drunke, for'Scape being drunk, forscape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
Tem II.i.148
want of Wine.want of wine.want (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth
Tem II.i.149
I'th' Commonwealth I would (by contraries)I'th' commonwealth I would by contrariescontrary (n.)
opposite condition, opposing state
Tem II.i.150
commonweal, commonwealth (n.)
state, nation, community, body politic
Execute all things: For no kinde of TraffickeExecute all things. For no kind of traffictraffic (n.)

old form: Trafficke
trade, commerce, business, merchandise
Tem II.i.151
Would I admit: No name of Magistrate:Would I admit, no name of magistrate.admit (v.)
permit, allow, grant
Tem II.i.152
Letters should not be knowne: Riches, pouerty,Letters should not be known. Riches, poverty,letter (n.)
(plural) sophisticated learning, great scholarship
Tem II.i.153
And vse of seruice, none: Contract, Succession,And use of service, none. Contract, succession,service (n.)

old form: seruice
employment, situation as a servant
Tem II.i.154
succession (n.)
inheritance, birthright
Borne, bound of Land, Tilth, Vineyard none:Bourn, bound of land, tilth, vineyard, none.bourn (n.)

old form: Borne
limit of property, land boundary
Tem II.i.155
tilth (n.)
agriculture, tilled land
bound (n.)
limit, boundary, confine, barrier
No vse of Mettall, Corne, or Wine, or Oyle:No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oil. Tem II.i.156
No occupation, all men idle, all:No occupation: all men idle, all,occupation (n.)
handicraft, trade, employment
Tem II.i.157
And Women too, but innocent and pure:And women too, but innocent and pure. Tem II.i.158
No Soueraignty.No sovereignty –  Tem II.i.159.1
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.159
Yet he would be King on't.Yet he would be king on't. Tem II.i.159.2
(aside to Sebastian) Tem II.i.160
The latter end of hisThe latter end of his Tem II.i.160
Common-wealth forgets the beginning.commonwealth forgets the beginning. Tem II.i.161
All things in common Nature should produceAll things in common nature should produce Tem II.i.162
Without sweat or endeuour: Treason, fellony,Without sweat or endeavour. Treason, felony, Tem II.i.163
Sword, Pike, Knife, Gun, or neede of any EngineSword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engineengine (n.)
weapon, instrument of warfare
Tem II.i.164
pike, pick (n.)
weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead
Would I not haue: but Nature should bring forthWould I not have; but nature should bring forth Tem II.i.165
Of it owne kinde, all foyzon, all abundanceOf it own kind all foison, all abundance,kind (n.)

old form: kinde
nature, reality, character, disposition
Tem II.i.166
foison, foizon (n.)

old form: foyzon
[pron: 'foyzn] abundance, plenty, profusion
To feed my innocent people.To feed my innocent people. Tem II.i.167
(aside to Antonio) Tem II.i.168
No marrying 'mong hisNo marrying 'mong his Tem II.i.168
subiects?subjects? Tem II.i.169
(aside to Sebastian) Tem II.i.170.1
None (man) all idle; WhoresNone, man, all idle – whoresidle (adj.)
frivolous, capricious, wanton
Tem II.i.170
and knaues,and knaves.knave (n.)

old form: knaues
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Tem II.i.171
I would with such perfection gouerne Sir:I would with such perfection govern, sir, Tem II.i.172
T'Excell the Golden Age.T' excel the Golden Age. Tem II.i.173.1
'Saue his Maiesty.' Save his majesty! Tem II.i.173.2
Long liue Gonzalo.Long live Gonzalo! Tem II.i.174.1
And do you marke me, Sir?And – do you mark me, sir?mark (v.)
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Tem II.i.174.2
Pre-thee no more: thou dost talke nothing to me.Prithee, no more. Thou dost talk nothing to me.nothing (n.)
nonsense, emptiness, rubbish
Tem II.i.175
I do well beleeue your Highnesse, and did it toI do well believe your highness, and did it to Tem II.i.176
minister occasion to these Gentlemen, who are of suchminister occasion to these gentlemen, who are of suchminister (v.)
provide, supply, give
Tem II.i.177
occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
sensible and nimble Lungs, that they alwayes vse to laughsensible and nimble lungs that they always use to laughsensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
Tem II.i.178
use (v.)

old form: vse
be accustomed, make a habit [of]
at nothing. Tem II.i.179
'Twas you we laugh'd at.'Twas you we laughed at. Tem II.i.180
Who, in this kind of merry fooling am nothingWho, in this kind of merry fooling, am nothing Tem II.i.181
to you: so you may continue, and laugh at nothing you; so you may continue, and laugh at nothing still.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
Tem II.i.182
What a blow was there giuen?What a blow was there given! Tem II.i.183
And it had not falne flat-long.An it had not fall'n flat-long.flat-long (adj.)
with the flat side of a sword; ineffectively
Tem II.i.184
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
You are Gentlemen of braue mettal: you wouldYou are gentlemen of brave mettle. You wouldbrave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem II.i.185
lift the Moone out of her spheare, if she would continue inlift the moon out of her sphere, if she would continue insphere (n.)
place in the heavens
Tem II.i.186
it fiue weekes without five weeks without changing. Tem II.i.187
Enter Ariell playing solemne Musicke.Enter Ariel, playing solemn music Tem II.i.188.1
We would so, and then go a Bat-fowling.We would so, and then go a-bat-fowling.bat-fowling (n.)
catching birds roosting at night, by hitting them with a club
Tem II.i.188
Nay good my Lord, be not angry.Nay, good my lord, be not angry. Tem II.i.189
No I warrant you, I will not aduenture myNo, I warrant you, I will not adventure mywarrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
Tem II.i.190
adventure (v.)

old form: aduenture
venture, dare, chance, risk
discretion so weakly: Will you laugh me asleepe, for Idiscretion so weakly. Will you laugh me asleep, for Idiscretion (n.)
prudence, sound judgement, good sense
Tem II.i.191
am very very heavy?heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
weary, exhausted, worn out
Tem II.i.192
Go sleepe, and heare vs.Go sleep, and hear us. Tem II.i.193
All sleep except Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio Tem II.i.194
What, all so soone asleepe? I wish mine eyesWhat, all so soon asleep? I wish mine eyes Tem II.i.194
Would (with themselues) shut vp my thoughts, I findeWould, with themselves, shut up my thoughts. I find Tem II.i.195
they are inclin'd to do so.They are inclined to do so. Tem II.i.196.1
Please you Sir,Please you, sir, Tem II.i.196.2
Do not omit the heauy offer of it:Do not omit the heavy offer of it.omit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about
Tem II.i.197
offer (n.)
offering, proposal, invitation, inducement
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
pressing, weighty, overpowering
It sildome visits sorrow, when it doth,It seldom visits sorrow; when it doth, Tem II.i.198
it is a Comforter.It is a comforter. Tem II.i.199.1
We two my Lord,We two, my lord, Tem II.i.199.2
will guard your person, / While you take your rest,Will guard your person while you take your rest, Tem II.i.200
and watch your safety.And watch your safety. Tem II.i.201.1
Thanke you: Wondrous heauy.Thank you. Wondrous heavy. Tem II.i.201.2
Alonso sleeps. Exit Ariel Tem II.i.201
What a strange drowsines possesses them?What a strange drowsiness possesses them! Tem II.i.202
It is the quality o'th' Clymate.It is the quality o'th' climate. Tem II.i.203.1
WhyWhy Tem II.i.203.2
Doth it not then our eye-lids sinke? I findeDoth it not then our eyelids sink? I find Tem II.i.204
Not my selfe dispos'd to sleep.Not myself disposed to sleep. Tem II.i.205
Nor I, my spirits are nimble:Nor I. My spirits are nimble. Tem II.i.206
They fell together all, as by consentThey fell together all, as by consent.consent (n.)
agreement, accord, unanimity, compact
Tem II.i.207
They dropt, as by a Thunder-stroke: what mightThey dropped, as by a thunderstroke. What might, Tem II.i.208
Worthy Sebastian? O, what might? no more:Worthy Sebastian? – O, what might? – No more! Tem II.i.209
And yet, me thinkes I see it in thy face,And yet methinks I see it in thy face,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Tem II.i.210
What thou should'st be: th' occasion speaks thee, andWhat thou shouldst be. Th' occasion speaks thee, andoccasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
Tem II.i.211
speak (v.)

old form: speake
address, talk to, call upon
My strong imagination see's a CrowneMy strong imagination sees a crownstrong (adj.)
powerful, vivid, intense
Tem II.i.212
Dropping vpon thy head.Dropping upon thy head. Tem II.i.213.1
What? art thou waking?What, art thou waking?waking (adj.)
awake, wakeful
Tem II.i.213.2
Do you not heare me speake?Do you not hear me speak? Tem II.i.214.1
I do, and surelyI do, and surely Tem II.i.214.2
It is a sleepy Language; and thou speak'stIt is a sleepy language, and thou speak'stsleepy (adj.)
dreamlike, soporific, incoherent
Tem II.i.215
Out of thy sleepe: What is it thou didst say?Out of thy sleep. What is it thou didst say? Tem II.i.216
This is a strange repose, to be asleepeThis is a strange repose, to be asleep Tem II.i.217
With eyes wide open: standing, speaking, mouing:With eyes wide open; standing, speaking, moving, Tem II.i.218
And yet so fast asleepe.And yet so fast asleep. Tem II.i.219.1
Noble Sebastian,Noble Sebastian, Tem II.i.219.2
Thou let'st thy fortune sleepe: die rather: wink'stThou let'st thy fortune sleep – die, rather; wink'stwink (v.)

old form: wink'st
sleep, doze, nod off
Tem II.i.220
Whiles thou art waking.Whiles thou art waking. Tem II.i.221.1
Thou do'st snore distinctly,Thou dost snore distinctly. Tem II.i.221.2
There's meaning in thy snores.There's meaning in thy snores. Tem II.i.222
I am more serious then my custome: youI am more serious than my custom. You Tem II.i.223
Must be so too, if heed me: which to do,Must be so too, if heed me; which to do Tem II.i.224
Trebbles thee o're.Trebles thee o'er.treble over (v.)

old form: Trebbles o're
make three times greater, increase threefold
Tem II.i.225.1
Well: I am standing water.Well, I am standing water.standing (adj.)
stagnant, not flowing
Tem II.i.225.2
Ile teach you how to flow.I'll teach you how to flow.flow (v.)
[of water] rise to a great height
Tem II.i.226.1
Do so: to ebbeDo so. To ebb Tem II.i.226.2
Hereditary Sloth instructs me.Hereditary sloth instructs me. Tem II.i.227.1
O!O, Tem II.i.227.2
If you but knew how you the purpose cherishIf you but knew how you the purpose cherishpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Tem II.i.228
Whiles thus you mocke it: how in stripping itWhiles thus you mock it! How, in stripping it, Tem II.i.229
You more inuest it: ebbing men, indeedYou more invest it! Ebbing men, indeed,invest (v.)

old form: inuest
clothe, dress, adorn
Tem II.i.230
(Most often) do so neere the bottome runMost often do so near the bottom run Tem II.i.231
By their owne feare, or sloth.By their own fear, or sloth. Tem II.i.232.1
'Pre-thee say on,Prithee, say on. Tem II.i.232.2
The setting of thine eye, and cheeke proclaimeThe setting of thine eye and cheek proclaimsetting (n.)
fixed look, settled expression
Tem II.i.233
A matter from thee; and a birth, indeed,A matter from thee; and a birth, indeed,matter (n.)
significance, import, meaning
Tem II.i.234
Which throwes thee much to yeeld.Which throes thee much to yield.throe (v.)

old form: throwes
agonize, torture, cost in pain [as in childbirth]
Tem II.i.235.1
yield (v.)

old form: yeeld
communicate, deliver, represent
yield (v.)

old form: yeeld
bring forth, produce
Thus Sir:Thus, sir: Tem II.i.235.2
Although this Lord of weake remembrance; thisAlthough this lord of weak remembrance, this,remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem II.i.236
Who shall be of as little memoryWho shall be of as little memory Tem II.i.237
When he is earth'd, hath here almost perswadedWhen he is earthed, hath here almost persuaded – earth (v.)

old form: earth'd
put in the earth, bury, inter
Tem II.i.238
(For hee's a Spirit of perswasion, onelyFor he's a spirit of persuasion, only Tem II.i.239
Professes to perswade) the King his sonne's aliue,Professes to persuade – the King his son's alive,profess (v.)
make profession of, do as an occupation
Tem II.i.240
'Tis as impossible that hee's vndrown'd,'Tis as impossible that he's undrowned Tem II.i.241
As he that sleepes heere, swims.And he that sleeps here swims. Tem II.i.242.1
I haue no hopeI have no hope Tem II.i.242.2
That hee's vndrown'd.That he's undrowned. Tem II.i.243.1
O, out of that no hope,O, out of that no hope Tem II.i.243.2
What great hope haue you? No hope that way, IsWhat great hope have you! No hope that way is Tem II.i.244
Another way so high a hope, that euenAnother way so high a hope that even Tem II.i.245
Ambition cannot pierce a winke beyondAmbition cannot pierce a wink beyond,wink (n.)

old form: winke
least bit, smallest amount
Tem II.i.246
pierce (v.)
see, reach, penetrate
But doubt discouery there. Will you grant with meBut doubt discovery there. Will you grant with medoubt (v.)
fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
Tem II.i.247
discovery (n.)

old form: discouery
exploration, travel
That Ferdinand is drown'd.That Ferdinand is drowned? Tem II.i.248.1
He's gone.He's gone. Tem II.i.248.2
Then tell me,Then, tell me, Tem II.i.248.3
who's the next heire of Naples?Who's the next heir of Naples? Tem II.i.249.1
Claribell.Claribel. Tem II.i.249.2
She that is Queene of Tunis: she that dwelsShe that is Queen of Tunis; she that dwells Tem II.i.250
Ten leagues beyond mans life: she that from NaplesTen leagues beyond man's life; she that from Naples Tem II.i.251
Can haue no note, vnlesse the Sun were post:Can have no note, unless the sun were postnote (n.)
knowledge, information, intimation
Tem II.i.252
post (n.)
express messenger, courier
The Man i'th Moone's too slow, till new-borne chinnesThe Man i'th' Moon's too slow – till new-born chins Tem II.i.253
Be rough, and Razor-able: She that from whomBe rough and razorable; she that from whomrazorable (adj.)

old form: Razor-able
ready for shaving
Tem II.i.254
We all were sea-swallow'd, though some cast againe,We all were sea-swallowed, though some cast again,cast (v.)
cast up, throw up, regurgitate
Tem II.i.255
(And by that destiny) to performe an actAnd, by that destiny, to perform an act Tem II.i.256
Whereof, what's past is Prologue; what to comeWhereof what's past is prologue, what to come, Tem II.i.257
In yours, and my discharge.In yours and my discharge.discharge (n.)
performance, fulfilment, execution
Tem II.i.258.1
What stuffe is this?What stuff is this?stuff (n.)
rubbish, nonsense
Tem II.i.258.2
How say you?How say you? Tem II.i.259
'Tis true my brothers daughter's Queene of Tunis,'Tis true my brother's daughter's Queen of Tunis, Tem II.i.260
So is she heyre of Naples, 'twixt which RegionsSo is she heir of Naples, 'twixt which regions Tem II.i.261
There is some space.There is some space. Tem II.i.262.1
A space, whose eu'ry cubitA space whose ev'ry cubitcubit (n.)
measure of length or distance [from the length of the forearm: about 20 inches / c.51 cm]
Tem II.i.262.2
Seemes to cry out, how shall that ClaribellSeems to cry out, ‘ How shall that Claribel Tem II.i.263
Measure vs backe to Naples? keepe in Tunis,Measure us back to Naples? Keep in Tunis,measure back (v.)

old form: backe
retrace, travel back, cover the distance
Tem II.i.264
keep (v.)

old form: keepe
continue, carry on, remain
And let Sebastian wake. Say, this were deathAnd let Sebastian wake.’ Say this were death Tem II.i.265
That now hath seiz'd them, why they were no worseThat now hath seized them, why, they were no worse Tem II.i.266
Then now they are: There be that can rule NaplesThan now they are. There be that can rule Naples Tem II.i.267
As well as he that sleepes: Lords, that can prateAs well as he that sleeps; lords that can prateprate (v.)
prattle, chatter, blather
Tem II.i.268
As amply, and vnnecessarilyAs amply and unnecessarily Tem II.i.269
As this Gonzallo: I my selfe could makeAs this Gonzalo. I myself could make Tem II.i.270
A Chough of as deepe chat: O, that you boreA chough of as deep chat. O, that you borechough (n.)
Tem II.i.271
chat (n.)
chatter, prattle, idle talk
deep (adj.)

old form: deepe
learned, profound, erudite
The minde that I do; what a sleepe were thisThe mind that I do! What a sleep were this Tem II.i.272
For your aduancement? Do you vnderstand me?For your advancement! Do you understand me? Tem II.i.273
Me thinkes I do.Methinks I do.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Tem II.i.274.1
And how do's your contentAnd how does your contentcontent (n.)
pleasure, satisfaction, happiness
Tem II.i.274.2
Tender your owne good fortune?Tender your own good fortune?tender (v.)
rate, esteem, regard
Tem II.i.275.1
I rememberI remember Tem II.i.275.2
You did supplant your Brother Prospero.You did supplant your brother Prospero. Tem II.i.276.1
True:True. Tem II.i.276.27
And looke how well my Garments sit vpon me,And look how well my garments sit upon me, Tem II.i.277
Much feater then before: My Brothers seruantsMuch feater than before. My brother's servantsfeat (adj.)
becoming, neat, well-fitting
Tem II.i.278
Were then my fellowes, now they are my men.Were then my fellows. Now they are my men.fellow (n.)

old form: fellowes
companion, associate
Tem II.i.279
But for your conscience.But, for your conscience? Tem II.i.280
I Sir: where lies that? If 'twere a kybeAy, sir, where lies that? If 'twere a kibe,kibe (n.)

old form: kybe
chilblain, inflamed heel
Tem II.i.281
'Twould put me to my slipper: But I feele not'Twould put me to my slipper; but I feel notput (v.)
force, make, compel
Tem II.i.282
This Deity in my bosome: 'Twentie consciencesThis deity in my bosom. Twenty consciences Tem II.i.283
That stand 'twixt me, and Millaine, candied be they,That stand 'twixt me and Milan, candied be they,candied (adj.)
made of ice, crystallized, glistening
Tem II.i.284
And melt ere they mollest: Heere lies your Brother,And melt ere they molest. Here lies your brother,molest (v.)

old form: mollest
vex, annoy, bother
Tem II.i.285
No better then the earth he lies vpon,No better than the earth he lies upon, Tem II.i.286
If he were that which now hee's like (that's dead)If he were that which now he's like – that's dead –  Tem II.i.287
Whom I with this obedient steele (three inches of it)Whom I with this obedient steel, three inches of it, Tem II.i.288
Can lay to bed for euer: whiles you doing thus,Can lay to bed for ever; whiles you, doing thus, Tem II.i.289
To the perpetuall winke for aye might putTo the perpetual wink for aye might putwink (n.)

old form: winke
closing of the eyes, shutting, sleep
Tem II.i.290
aye (adv.)
always, ever, for eternity
This ancient morsell: this Sir Prudence, whoThis ancient morsel, this Sir Prudence, whomorsel (n.)

old form: morsell
dish, mouthful, piece of flesh
Tem II.i.291
Should not vpbraid our course: for all the restShould not upbraid our course. For all the rest,course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Tem II.i.292
They'l take suggestion, as a Cat laps milke,They'll take suggestion as a cat laps milk. Tem II.i.293
They'l tell the clocke, to any businesse thatThey'll tell the clock to any business thattell (v.)
tell the time on
Tem II.i.294
We say befits the houre.We say befits the hour. Tem II.i.295.1
Thy case, deere FriendThy case, dear friend, Tem II.i.295.2
Shall be my president: As thou got'st Millaine,Shall be my precedent. As thou got'st Milan, Tem II.i.296
I'le come by Naples: Draw thy sword, one strokeI'll come by Naples. Draw thy sword. One stroke Tem II.i.297
Shall free thee from the tribute which thou paiest,Shall free thee from the tribute which thou payest, Tem II.i.298
And I the King shall loue thee.And I the King shall love thee. Tem II.i.299.1
Draw together:Draw together. Tem II.i.299.2
And when I reare my hand, do you the likeAnd when I rear my hand, do you the like,rear (v.)

old form: reare
raise, lift up
Tem II.i.300
like, the
the same
To fall it on Gonzalo.To fall it on Gonzalo. Tem II.i.301.1
O, but one word.O, but one word. Tem II.i.301.2
Enter Ariell with Musicke and Song.Enter Ariel with music and song Tem II.i.302
My Master through his Art foresees the dangerMy master through his art foresees the danger Tem II.i.302
That you (his friend) are in, and sends me forthThat you, his friend, are in, and sends me forth –  Tem II.i.303
(For else his proiect dies) to keepe them liuing.For else his project dies – to keep them living. Tem II.i.304
Sings in Gonzaloes eare.Sings in Gonzalo's ear Tem II.i.305
While you here do snoaring lie, While you here do snoring lie, Tem II.i.305
Open-ey'd Conspiracie Open-eyed conspiracy Tem II.i.306
His time doth take: His time doth take.time (n.)
right moment, favourable opportunity
Tem II.i.307
If of Life you keepe a care, If of life you keep a care, Tem II.i.308
Shake off slumber and beware. Shake off slumber, and beware. Tem II.i.309
Awake, awake. Awake, awake! Tem II.i.310
Then let vs both be sodaine.Then let us both be sudden. Tem II.i.311.1
(awakes) Tem II.i.311
Now, good AngelsNow, good angels Tem II.i.311.2
preserue the King.Preserve the King! Tem II.i.312
The others awake Tem II.i.313.1
Why how now hoa; awake? why are you drawn?Why, how now? – Ho, awake! – Why are you drawn?drawn (adj.)
with sword drawn
Tem II.i.313
Wherefore this ghastly looking?Wherefore this ghastly looking?ghastly (adj.)
full of fear, frightened
Tem II.i.314.1
What's the matter?What's the matter? Tem II.i.314.2
Whiles we stood here securing your repose,Whiles we stood here securing your repose,secure (v.)
keep safe, protect, guard
Tem II.i.315
(Euen now) we heard a hollow burst of bellowingEven now, we heard a hollow burst of bellowing Tem II.i.316
Like Buls, or rather Lyons, did't not wake you?Like bulls, or rather lions. Did't not wake you? Tem II.i.317
It strooke mine eare most terribly.It struck mine ear most terribly. Tem II.i.318.1
I heard nothing.I heard nothing. Tem II.i.318.2
O, 'twas a din to fright a Monsters eare;O, 'twas a din to fright a monster's ear,fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
Tem II.i.319
To make an earthquake: sure it was the roareTo make an earthquake! Sure it was the roarsure (adv.)
surely, assuredly, certainly
Tem II.i.320
Of a whole heard of Lyons.Of a whole herd of lions. Tem II.i.321.1
Heard you this Gonzalo?Heard you this, Gonzalo? Tem II.i.321.2
Vpon mine honour, Sir, I heard a humming,Upon mine honour, sir, I heard a humming, Tem II.i.322
(And that a strange one too) which did awake me:And that a strange one too, which did awake me. Tem II.i.323
I shak'd you Sir, and cride: as mine eyes opend,I shaked you, sir, and cried. As mine eyes opened, Tem II.i.324
I saw their weapons drawne: there was a noyse,I saw their weapons drawn. There was a noise, Tem II.i.325
That's verily: 'tis best we stand vpon our guard;That's verily. 'Tis best we stand upon our guard,verily (adj.)
true, certain, right
Tem II.i.326
Or that we quit this place: let's draw our weapons.Or that we quit this place. Let's draw our weapons. Tem II.i.327
Lead off this ground & let's make further searchLead off this ground and let's make further search Tem II.i.328
For my poore sonne.For my poor son. Tem II.i.329.1
Heauens keepe him from these Beasts:Heavens keep him from these beasts! Tem II.i.329.2
For he is sure i'th Island.For he is sure i'th' island. Tem II.i.330.1
Lead away.Lead away. Tem II.i.330.2
Prospero my Lord, shall know what I haue done.Prospero my lord shall know what I have done. Tem II.i.331
So (King) goe safely on to seeke thy Son.So, King, go safely on to seek thy son. Tem II.i.332
Exeunt.Exeunt Tem II.i.332
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