
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the people, Enter Menenius, with the two Tribunes of the People, Cor II.i.1.1
Sicinius & Brutus.Sicinius and Brutus Cor II.i.1.2
The Agurer tels me, wee shall haue NewesThe augurer tells me we shall have newsaugurer (n.)

old form: Agurer
Roman religious official who interpreted and foretold events
Cor II.i.1
to night.tonight. Cor II.i.2
Good or bad?Good or bad? Cor II.i.3
Not according to the prayer of the people, forNot according to the prayer of the people, for Cor II.i.4
they loue not Martius.they love not Martius. Cor II.i.5
Nature teaches Beasts to know their Friends.Nature teaches beasts to know their friends. Cor II.i.6
Pray you, who does the Wolfe loue?Pray you, who does the wolf love? Cor II.i.7
The Lambe.The lamb. Cor II.i.8
I, to deuour him, as the hungry PlebeiansAy, to devour him, as the hungry plebeians Cor II.i.9
would the Noble Martius.would the noble Martius. Cor II.i.10
He's a Lambe indeed, that baes like a Beare.He's a lamb indeed, that baas like a bear. Cor II.i.11
Hee's a Beare indeede, that liues like a Lambe. YouHe's a bear indeed, that lives like a lamb. You Cor II.i.12
two are old men, tell me one thing that I shall aske you.two are old men; tell me one thing that I shall ask you. Cor II.i.13
Both. BOTH 
Well sir.Well, sir? Cor II.i.14
In what enormity is Martius poore in, that youIn what enormity is Martius poor in that youenormity (n.)
vice, wickedness, transgression
Cor II.i.15
two haue not in abundance?two have not in abundance? Cor II.i.16
He's poore in no one fault, but stor'd withall.He's poor in no one fault, but stored with all.stored (adj.)

old form: stor'd
well supplied, rich, plentifully provided
Cor II.i.17
Especially in Pride.Especially in pride. Cor II.i.18
And topping all others in boasting.And topping all others in (v.)
surpass, exceed, outstrip
Cor II.i.19
This is strange now: Do you two know, howThis is strange now. Do you two know how Cor II.i.20
you are censured heere in the City, I mean of vs a'th'you are censured here in the city – I mean of us o'th' censure (v.)
judge, think of, give an opinion of [not involving blame]
Cor II.i.21
right hand File, do you?right-hand file? Do you?file (n.)
rank of soldiers, formation
Cor II.i.22
Both. BOTH 
Why? how are we censur'd?Why, how are we censured? Cor II.i.23
Because you talke of Pride now, will you notBecause you talk of pride now – will you not Cor II.i.24
be angry? Cor II.i.25
Both. BOTH 
Well, well sir, well.Well, well, sir, well? Cor II.i.26
Why 'tis no great matter: for a very littleWhy, 'tis no great matter, for a very little Cor II.i.27
theefe of Occasion, will rob you of a great deale of Patience:thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of patience.occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
Cor II.i.28
Giue your dispositions the reines, and bee angry at yourGive your dispositions the reins and be angry at yourdisposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
Cor II.i.29
pleasures (at the least) if you take it as a pleasure to you,pleasures – at the least, if you take it as a pleasure to you Cor II.i.30
in being so: you blame Martius for being being so. You blame Martius for being proud? Cor II.i.31
We do it not alone, sir.We do it not alone, sir. Cor II.i.32
I know you can doe very little alone, for yourI know you can do very little alone, for your Cor II.i.33
helpes are many, or else your actions would growe wondrous helps are many, or else your actions would grow wondrouswondrous (adv.)
wonderfully, extraordinarily, marvellously
Cor II.i.34
single: your abilities are to Infant-like, for dooingsingle. Your abilities are too infant-like for doingsingle (adj.)
poor, feeble, slight, trivial
Cor II.i.35
much alone. You talke of Pride: Oh, that you could turnmuch alone. You talk of pride. O that you could turn Cor II.i.36
your eyes toward the Napes of your neckes, and make butyour eyes toward the napes of your necks, and make but Cor II.i.37
an Interiour suruey of your good selues. Oh that you interior survey of your good selves! O that you could! Cor II.i.38
What then sir?What then, sir? Cor II.i.39
Why then you should discouer a brace of vnmeriting,Why, then you should discover a brace of unmeriting,discover (v.)

old form: discouer
recognize, distinguish, discern
Cor II.i.40
brace (n.)
group of two, couple, pair
proud, violent, testie Magistrates (alias Fooles)proud, violent, testy magistrates – alias fools –  Cor II.i.41
as any in any in Rome. Cor II.i.42
Menenius, you are knowne well enough too.Menenius, you are known well enough too. Cor II.i.43
I am knowne to be a humorous Patritian, andI am known to be a humorous patrician, andhumorous (adj.)
capricious, moody, temperamental
Cor II.i.44
one that loues a cup of hot Wine, with not a drop of alayingone that loves a cup of hot wine with not a drop of allayingallaying (adj.)
diluting, watering down
Cor II.i.45
Tiber in't: Said, to be something imperfect in fauouringTiber in't; said to be something imperfect in favouringimperfect (adj.)
faulty, lacking in character
Cor II.i.46
something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
Tiber (n.)
[pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome
the first complaint, hasty and Tinder-like vppon, tothe first complaint, hasty and tinder-like upon tootinder-like (adj.)
quick-tempered, inflammable, volatile
Cor II.i.47
triuiall motion: One, that conuerses more with the Buttocketrivial motion; one that converses more with the buttockmotion (n.)
cause, prompting, provocation
Cor II.i.48
converse (v.)

old form: conuerses
associate, keep company
of the night, then with the forhead of the morning.of the night than with the forehead of the morning. Cor II.i.49
What I think, I vtter, and spend my malice in my breath.What I think I utter, and spend my malice in my breath.spend (v.)
expend, express, give vent to
Cor II.i.50
Meeting two such Weales men as you are (I cannot callMeeting two such wealsmen as you are – I cannot callwealsman (n.)

old form: Weales men
public servant, one devoted to the well-being of the state
Cor II.i.51
you Licurgusses,) if the drinke you giue me, touch myyou Lycurguses – if the drink you give me touch myLycurgus (n.)
[liy'kurgus] Spartan legislator, 7th-c BC, legendary for wisdom
Cor II.i.52
Palat aduersly, I make a crooked face at it, I can palate adversely, I make a crooked face at it. I cannotcrooked (adj.)
curling, twisting
Cor II.i.53
say, your Worshippes haue deliuer'd the matter well, whensay your worships have delivered the matter well, whendeliver (v.)

old form: deliuer'd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
Cor II.i.54
I finde the Asse in compound, with the Maior part of your I find the ass in compound with the major part of yourcompound (n.)
union, combination, association
Cor II.i.55
syllables. And though I must be content to beare withsyllables. And though I must be content to bear withcontent (adj.)
contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed
Cor II.i.56
those, that say you are reuerend graue men, yet they lyethose that say you are reverend grave men, yet they liegrave (adj.)

old form: graue
important, dignified, serious
Cor II.i.57
deadly, that tell you haue good faces, if you see this in thedeadly that tell you have good faces. If you see this in thetell (v.)
say, assert, put it about
Cor II.i.58
good (adj.)
honest, virtuous, honourable
deadly (adv.)
extremely, implacably, to the death
Map of my Microcosme, followes it that I am knowne wellmap of my microcosm, follows it that I am known wellmicrocosm (n.)

old form: Microcosme
little world
Cor II.i.59
enough too? What harme can your beesome Conspectuitiesenough too? What harm can your bisson conspectuitiesbisson (adj.)

old form: beesome
blear-eyed, half-blind
Cor II.i.60
conspectuity (n.)
faculty of sight, insight, vision
gleane out of this Charracter, if I be knowne well enough too.glean out of this character, if I be known well enough too?character (n.)

old form: Charracter
personality sketch, personal description
Cor II.i.61
Come sir come, we know you well enough.Come, sir, come, we know you well enough. Cor II.i.62
You know neither mee, your selues, nor anyYou know neither me, yourselves, nor any Cor II.i.63
thing: you are ambitious, for poore knaues cappes and legges:thing. You are ambitious for poor knaves' caps and legs.knave (n.)

old form: knaues
boy, lad, fellow
Cor II.i.64
leg (n.)

old form: legges
bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance
cap (n.)

old form: cappes
removal of a cap, respectful salutation
you weare out a good wholesome Forenoone, in hearing aYou wear out a good wholesome forenoon in hearing awholesome (adj.)
profitable, valuable, promoting well-being
Cor II.i.65
forenoon (n.)

old form: Forenoone
part of the day before noon
cause betweene an Orendge wife, and a Forfet-seller, andcause between an orange-wife and a faucet-seller, andorange-wife (n.)

old form: Orendge wife
woman who sells oranges
Cor II.i.66
faucet-seller (n.)
seller of taps for wine-barrels
cause (n.)
court case, legal action, matter before the court
then reiourne the Controuersie of three-pence to a secondthen rejourn the controversy of threepence to a secondrejourn (v.)

old form: reiourne
put off, postpone, adjourn
Cor II.i.67
day of Audience. When you are hearing a matter betweeneday of audience. When you are hearing a matter betweenaudience (n.)
hearing, attention, reception
Cor II.i.68
party and party, if you chaunce to bee pinch'd with theparty and party, if you chance to be pinched with theparty (n.)
litigant, disputant, side
Cor II.i.69
Collicke, you make faces like Mummers, set vp the bloodiecolic, you make faces like mummers, set up the bloodymummer (n.)
actor in a dumb-show
Cor II.i.70
bloody (adj.)

old form: bloodie
portending bloodshed; or: blood-red, scarlet
Flagge against all Patience, and in roaring for a Chamber-pot,flag against all patience, and, in roaring for a chamber-pot,flag, set up the bloodydeclare war, engage in battleCor II.i.71
dismisse the Controuersie bleeding, the more intangleddismiss the controversy bleeding, the more entangledbleeding (adj.)
unhealed, uncured, undecided
Cor II.i.72
by your hearing: All the peace you make in theirby your hearing. All the peace you make in their Cor II.i.73
Cause, is calling both the parties Knaues. You are a payre of cause is calling both the parties knaves. You are a pair ofknave (n.)

old form: Knaues
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Cor II.i.74
cause (n.)
court case, legal action, matter before the court
strange ones.strange ones. Cor II.i.75
Come, come, you are well vnderstood to bee a perfecterCome, come, you are well understood to be a perfecter Cor II.i.76
gyber for the Table, then a necessary Bencher in thegiber for the table than a necessary bencher in thetable (n.)
dinner table, dinner party
Cor II.i.77
giber (n.)

old form: gyber
joker, wit, comedian
necessary (adj.)
providing a useful service, indispensable
bencher (n.)
jurist, magistrate, statesman
Capitoll.Capitol.Capitol (n.)
geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Cor II.i.78
Our very Priests must become Mockers, if theyOur very priests must become mockers, if they Cor II.i.79
shall encounter such ridiculous Subiects as you are,shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you are.subject (n.)

old form: Subiects
object, thing, creature
Cor II.i.80
when you speake best vnto the purpose. It is not woorthWhen you speak best unto the purpose, it is not worthpurpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
Cor II.i.81
the wagging of your Beards, and your Beards deserue not the wagging of your beards; and your beards deserve not Cor II.i.82
so honourable a graue, as to stuffe a Botchers Cushion, or toso honourable a grave as to stuff a botcher's cushion or tobotcher (n.)
mender of old clothes, tailor who does repairs, patcher-up
Cor II.i.83
be intomb'd in an Asses Packe-saddle; yet you must beebe entombed in an ass's pack-saddle. Yet you must be Cor II.i.84
saying, Martius is proud: who in a cheape estimation, issaying Martius is proud; who, in a cheap estimation, is Cor II.i.85
worth all your predecessors, since Deucalion, thoughworth all your predecessors since Deucalion, thoughDeucalion (n.)
son of Prometheus, who survived with his wife Pyrrha in an ark when Zeus flooded the world; restored humanity by throwing stones over their shoulders, which turned into people
Cor II.i.86
peraduenture some of the best of 'em were hereditarieperadventure some of the best of 'em were hereditaryperadventure (adv.)

old form: peraduenture
perhaps, maybe, very likely
Cor II.i.87
hangmen. Godden to your Worships, more of yourhangmen. Good-e'en to your worships. More of your Cor II.i.88
conuersation would infect my Braine, being the Heardsmenconversation would infect my brain, being the herdsmenconversation (n.)

old form: conuersation
social interaction, society, dealings
Cor II.i.89
of the Beastly Plebeans. I will be bold to take my leaueof the beastly plebeians. I will be bold to take my leave Cor II.i.90
of you.of you. Cor II.i.91
Bru. and Scic. Aside.Brutus and Sicinius stand aside Cor II.i.92.1
Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Valeria.Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Valeria Cor II.i.92.2
How now (my as faire as Noble) Ladyes, and the MooneHow now, my as fair as noble ladies – and the moon, Cor II.i.92
were shee Earthly, no Nobler; whither doe you follow yourwere she earthly, no nobler – whither do you follow your Cor II.i.93
Eyes so fast?eyes so fast? Cor II.i.94
Honorable Menenius, my Boy Martius Honourable Menenius, my boy Martius Cor II.i.95
approches: for the loue of Iuno let's goe.approaches. For the love of Juno, let's go.Juno (n.)
Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
Cor II.i.96
Ha? Martius comming home?Ha? Martius coming home? Cor II.i.97
I, worthy Menenius, and with most prosperousAy, worthy Menenius, and with most prosperousprosperous (adj.)
favourable, happy, showing success
Cor II.i.98
approbation.approbation.approbation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
Cor II.i.99
Take my Cappe Iupiter, and I thanke thee: hoo, Take my cap, Jupiter, and I thank thee. Hoo!Jupiter, Jove (n.)
Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno
Cor II.i.100
Martius comming home?Martius coming home? Cor II.i.101
2. Ladies. VIRGILIA and VALERIA 
Nay, 'tis true.Nay, 'tis true. Cor II.i.102
Looke, here's a Letter from him, the State hathLook, here's a letter from him. The state hath Cor II.i.103
another, his Wife another, and (I thinke) there's one at homeanother, his wife another, and I think there's one at home Cor II.i.104
for you.for you. Cor II.i.105
I will make my very house reele to night: AI will make my very house reel tonight. A Cor II.i.106
Letter for me?letter for me? Cor II.i.107
Yes certaine, there's a Letter for you, I saw't.Yes, certain, there's a letter for you, I saw't. Cor II.i.108
A Letter for me? it giues me an Estate of seuenA letter for me! It gives me an estate of sevenestate (n.)
endowment, bestowal
Cor II.i.109
yeeres health; in which time, I will make a Lippe at the Physician:years' health, in which time I will make a lip at the physician.lip, make a

old form: Lippe
curl a lip, mock, sneer
Cor II.i.110
The most soueraigne Prescription in Galen, is butThe most sovereign prescription in Galen is butsovereign (adj.)

old form: soueraigne
excellent, excelling, superlative
Cor II.i.111
Galen (n.)
[pron: 'gaylen] Greek physician, 2nd-c
Emperickqutique; and to this Preseruatiue, of no better reportempiricutic and, to this preservative, of no better reportempiricutic (n./adj.)

old form: Emperickqutique
quackery, imposture; quackish, fraudulent
Cor II.i.112
then a Horse-drench. Is he not wounded? he was wontthan a horse-drench. Is he not wounded? He was wonthorse-drench (n.)
dose of horse medicine
Cor II.i.113
to come home wounded?to come home wounded. Cor II.i.114
Oh no, no, no.O, no, no, no. Cor II.i.115
Oh, he is wounded, I thanke the Gods for't.O, he is wounded, I thank the gods for't. Cor II.i.116
So doe I too, if it be not too much: brings aSo do I too – if it be not too much. Brings 'a Cor II.i.117
Victorie in his Pocket? the wounds become him.victory in his pocket, the wounds become him.become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
Cor II.i.118
On's Browes: Menenius, hee comes the thirdOn's brows, Menenius. He comes the thirdbrow (n.)

old form: Browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
Cor II.i.119
time home with the Oaken Garland.time home with the oaken garland. Cor II.i.120
Ha's he disciplin'd Auffidius soundly?Has he disciplined Aufidius soundly?discipline (v.)

old form: disciplin'd
thrash, trounce, beat
Cor II.i.121
Titus Lartius writes, they fought together,Titus Lartius writes they fought together, Cor II.i.122
but Auffidius got off.but Aufidius got off. Cor II.i.123
And 'twas time for him too, Ile warrant himAnd 'twas time for him too, I'll warrant him Cor II.i.124
that: and he had stay'd by him, I would not haue been sothat. An he had stayed by him, I would not have been soand, an (conj.)
if, whether
Cor II.i.125
fiddious'd, for all the Chests in Carioles, and the Gold that'sfidiused for all the chests in Corioles and the gold that'sfidiuse (v.)

old form: fiddious'd
[jocular form of ‘Aufidius’] treated as Aufidius was treated
Cor II.i.126
in them. Is the Senate possest of this?in them. Is the Senate possessed of this?possess (v.)

old form: possest
notify, inform, acquaint
Cor II.i.127
Good Ladies let's goe. Yes, yes, yes: TheGood ladies, let's go. Yes, yes, yes! The Cor II.i.128
Senate ha's Letters from the Generall, wherein hee giuesSenate has letters from the general, wherein he gives Cor II.i.129
my Sonne the whole Name of the Warre: he hath in thismy son the whole name of the war. He hath in thisname (n.)
honour, credit, glory
Cor II.i.130
action out-done his former deeds doubly.action outdone his former deeds doubly. Cor II.i.131
In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him.In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him.troth, good troth (n.)
exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed
Cor II.i.132
Wondrous: I, I warrant you, and not withoutWondrous? Ay, I warrant you, and not without Cor II.i.133
his true purchasing.his true purchasing.purchase (v.)
acquire, obtain, win
Cor II.i.134
The Gods graunt them true.The gods grant them true. Cor II.i.135
True? pow waw.True? Pow waw! Cor II.i.136
True? Ile be sworne they are true: where isTrue? I'll be sworn they are true. Where is Cor II.i.137
hee wounded, God saue your goodhe wounded? (To the Tribunes) God save your good Cor II.i.138
Worships? Martius is comming home: hee ha's more causeworships! Martius is coming home. He has more cause  Cor II.i.139
to be prowd: where is he wounded?to be proud. – Where is he wounded? Cor II.i.140
Ith' Shoulder, and ith' left Arme: there will beI'th' shoulder and i'th' left arm. There will be Cor II.i.141
large Cicatrices to shew the People, when hee shall standlarge cicatrices to show the people, when he shall standcicatrice (n.)
scar, scar-like mark
Cor II.i.142
for his place: he receiued in the repulse of Tarquin for his place. He received in the repulse of Tarquinplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Cor II.i.143
Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece
seuen hurts ith' hurts i'th' body. Cor II.i.144
One ith' Neck, and two ith' Thigh, there's nineOne i'th' neck, and two i'th' thigh – there's nine Cor II.i.145
that I know.that I know. Cor II.i.146
Hee had, before this last Expedition, twentie fiueHe had before this last expedition twenty-five Cor II.i.147
Wounds vpon him.wounds upon him. Cor II.i.148
Now it's twentie seuen; euery gash was anNow it's twenty-seven. Every gash was an Cor II.i.149
Enemies Graue. Hearke, the Trumpets. A showt, and flourish.enemy's grave. (A shout and flourish) Hark, the trumpets. Cor II.i.150
These are the Vshers of Martius: / Before him,These are the ushers of Martius. Before him Cor II.i.151
hee carryes Noyse; / And behinde him, hee leaues Teares:he carries noise, and behind him he leaves tears. Cor II.i.152
Death, that darke Spirit, in's neruie Arme doth lye,Death, that dark spirit, in's nervy arm doth lie,nervy (adj.)

old form: neruie
muscular, sinewy, vigorous
Cor II.i.153
Which being aduanc'd, declines, and then men dye.Which, being advanced, declines, and then men die.decline (v.)
fall, descend, come down
Cor II.i.154
advance (v.)

old form: aduanc'd
raise, lift up, upraise
A Sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter Cominius the A sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter Cominius the Cor II.i.155.1
Generall, and Titus Latius: betweene them Coriolanus, General, and Titus Lartius; between them, Coriolanus, Cor II.i.155.2
crown'd with an Oaken Garland, with Captaines and crowned with an oaken garland; with Captains and Cor II.i.155.3
Souldiers, and a Herauld.Soldiers and a Herald Cor II.i.155.4
Herauld. HERALD 
Know Rome, that all alone Martius did fightKnow, Rome, that all alone Martius did fight Cor II.i.155
Within Corioles Gates: where he hath wonne,Within Corioles gates, where he hath won, Cor II.i.156
With Fame, a Name to Martius Caius: / TheseWith fame, a name to Caius Martius; these Cor II.i.157
in honor followes Martius Caius Coriolanus.In honour follows ‘ Coriolanus.’ Cor II.i.158
Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus.Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus! Cor II.i.159
Sound. Flourish.(Sound flourish) Cor II.i.160
All. ALL 
Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus.Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus! Cor II.i.160
No more of this, it does offend my heart:No more of this; it does offend my heart. Cor II.i.161
pray now no more.Pray now, no more. Cor II.i.162.1
Looke, Sir, your Mother.Look, sir, your mother! Cor II.i.162.2
Oh!O, Cor II.i.162.3
you haue, I know, petition'd all the GodsYou have, I know, petitioned all the gods Cor II.i.163
for my prosperitie. For my prosperity!prosperity (n.)

old form: prosperitie
success, good fortune
Cor II.i.164.1
Kneeles.He kneels Cor II.i.
Nay, my good Souldier, vp:Nay, my good soldier, up, Cor II.i.164.2
My gentle Martius, worthy Caius, / AndMy gentle Martius, worthy Caius, andgentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Cor II.i.165
by deed-atchieuing Honor newly nam'd,By deed-achieving honour newly named – deed-achieving (adj.)achieved by deeds, won by actionsCor II.i.166
What is it (Coriolanus) must I call thee?What is it? – Coriolanus must I call thee? –  Cor II.i.167
But oh, thy Wife.But, O, thy wife! Cor II.i.168.1
My gracious silence, hayle:My gracious silence, hail!gracious (adj.)
delightful, lovely, charming
Cor II.i.168.2
Would'st thou haue laugh'd, had I come Coffin'd home,Wouldst thou have laughed had I come coffined home, Cor II.i.169
That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah my deare,That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah, my dear,triumph (v.)
exult, gloat, glory
Cor II.i.170
Such eyes the Widowes in Carioles were,Such eyes the widows in Corioles wear, Cor II.i.171
And Mothers that lacke Sonnes.And mothers that lack sons. Cor II.i.172.1
Now the Gods Crowne thee.Now the gods crown thee! Cor II.i.172.2
And liue you yet? Oh my sweet Lady, pardon.And live you yet? (To Valeria) O my sweet lady, pardon. Cor II.i.173
I know not where to turne. / Oh welcome home:I know not where to turn. O, welcome home. Cor II.i.174
and welcome Generall, / And y'are welcome all.And welcome, general, and y'are welcome all. Cor II.i.175
A hundred thousand Welcomes: / I could weepe,A hundred thousand welcomes. I could weep Cor II.i.176
and I could laugh, / I am light, and heauie; welcome:And I could laugh, I am light and heavy. Welcome.light (adj.)
joyful, merry, light-hearted
Cor II.i.177
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
A Curse begin at very root on's heart,A curse begnaw at very root on's heartroot (n.)
bottom [of one's heart]
Cor II.i.178
begnaw (v.)
gnaw away, eat away, chew
That is not glad to see thee. / Yon are three,That is not glad to see thee. You are three Cor II.i.179
that Rome should dote on: / Yet by the faith of men,That Rome should dote on. Yet, by the faith of men, Cor II.i.180
we haue / Some old Crab-trees here at home, / That will notWe have some old crab-trees here at home that will notcrab-tree (n./adj.)
crab-apple tree
Cor II.i.181
be grafted to your Rallish. / Yet welcome Warriors:Be grafted to your relish. Yet welcome, warriors.relish (n.)

old form: Rallish
liking, taste, inclination
Cor II.i.182
Wee call a Nettle, but a Nettle; / AndWe call a nettle but a nettle and Cor II.i.183
the faults of fooles, but folly.The faults of fools but folly. Cor II.i.184.1
Euer right.Ever right. Cor II.i.184.2
Menenius, euer, euer.Menenius ever, ever. Cor II.i.185
Herauld. HERALD 
Giue way there, and goe on.Give way there, and go on. Cor II.i.186.1
(to Volumnia and Virgilia) Cor II.i.186
Your Hand, and yours?Your hand, and yours: Cor II.i.186.2
Ere in our owne house I doe shade my Head,Ere in our own house I do shade my head, Cor II.i.187
The good Patricians must be visited,The good patricians must be visited, Cor II.i.188
From whom I haue receiu'd not onely greetings,From whom I have received not only greetings, Cor II.i.189
But with them, change of Honors.But with them change of honours.honour (n.)

old form: Honors
noble rank, position of dignity, title of renown
Cor II.i.190.1
I haue liued,I have lived Cor II.i.190.2
To see inherited my very Wishes,To see inherited my very wishesinherit (v.)
realize, come to fruition
Cor II.i.191
And the Buildings of my Fancie: / OnelyAnd the buildings of my fancy. Onlyfancy (n.)

old form: Fancie
imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought
Cor II.i.192
building (n.)

old form: Buildings
edifice, construction
there's one thing wanting, / Which (I doubt not) butThere's one thing wanting, which I doubt not but Cor II.i.193
our Rome / Will cast vpon thee.Our Rome will cast upon thee. Cor II.i.194.1
Know, good Mother,Know, good mother, Cor II.i.194.2
I had rather be their seruant in my way,I had rather be their servant in my way Cor II.i.195
Then sway with them in theirs.Than sway with them in theirs.sway (v.)
control, rule, direct, govern
Cor II.i.196.1
On, to the Capitall.On, to the Capitol. Cor II.i.196.2
Flourish. Cornets. Exeunt in State, as before. Flourish. Cornets. Exeunt in state, as before. Cor II.i.196
Enter Brutus and Scicinius.Brutus and Sicinius come forward Cor II.i.197.1
All tongues speake of him, and the bleared sightsAll tongues speak of him and the bleared sightssight (n.)
Cor II.i.197
bleared (adj.)
blear-eyed, tear-dimmed
Are spectacled to see him. Your pratling NurseAre spectacled to see him. Your prattling nursespectacle (v.)
fit with spectacles, give glasses
Cor II.i.198
Into a rapture lets her Baby crie,Into a rapture lets her baby cryrapture (n.)
fit, seizure, convulsion
Cor II.i.199
While she chats him: the Kitchin Malkin pinnesWhile she chats him. The kitchen malkin pinschat (v.)
go on about, gossip about, talk of
Cor II.i.200
malkin (n.)
wench, drab, slut
Her richest Lockram 'bout her reechie necke,Her richest lockram 'bout her reechy neck,reechy (adj.)

old form: reechie
dirty, filthy, squalid
Cor II.i.201
lockram (n.)
type of Breton linen fabric
Clambring the Walls to eye him: / Stalls, Bulkes, Windowes,Clambering the walls to eye him. Stalls, bulks, windowsstall (n.)
stand in front of a shop displaying goods for sale
Cor II.i.202
bulk (n.)

old form: Bulkes
projecting part of a building, structure for displaying goods at the front of a shop
are smother'd vp, / Leades fill'd, and Ridges hors'dAre smothered up, leads filled, and ridges horsedsmother up (v.)

old form: smother'd vp
conceal, hide, cover up
Cor II.i.203
ridge (n.)
roof ridge, rooftop
horse (v.)

old form: hors'd
sit astride [as on a horse], straddle
lead (n.)

old form: Leades
(plural) lead-covered flat roofs
With variable Complexions; all agreeingWith variable complexions, all agreeingvariable (adj.)
varied, diverse, different
Cor II.i.204
complexion (n.)
constitution, physical make-up, outward appearance
In earnestnesse to see him: seld-showne FlaminsIn earnestness to see him. Seld-shown flamensseld-shown (adj.)

old form: seld-showne
seldom-seen, rarely in the public eye
Cor II.i.205
flamen (n.)

old form: Flamins
priest serving a particular deity
Doe presse among the popular Throngs, and puffeDo press among the popular throngs and puff Cor II.i.206
To winne a vulgar station: our veyl'd DamesTo win a vulgar station. Our veiled damesstation (n.)
place to stand in, spot to see from
Cor II.i.207
vulgar (adj.)
public, general, common
Commit the Warre of White and Damaske / InCommit the war of white and damask indamask (adj./n.)

old form: Damaske
light-red, pink [colour of the damask rose]
Cor II.i.208
their nicely gawded Cheekes, to th'wanton spoyleTheir nicely gawded cheeks to th' wanton spoilnicely (adv.)
carefully, skilfully, ingeniously
Cor II.i.209
spoil (n.)

old form: spoyle
plundering, pillaging, despoiling
gawded (adj.)
made-up, prepared with cosmetics, adorned
wanton (adj.)
unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled
Of Phoebus burning Kisses: such a poother,Of Phoebus' burning kisses. Such a potherpother (n.)

old form: poother
fuss, uproar, commotion
Cor II.i.210
Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo
As if that whatsoeuer God, who leades him, As if that whatsoever god who leads him Cor II.i.211
Were slyly crept into his humane powers,Were slily crept into his human powerspower (n.)
(plural) physical faculties, bodily strength
Cor II.i.212
And gaue him gracefull posture.And gave him graceful posture.posture (n.)
bearing, demeanour, presence
Cor II.i.213.1
On the suddaine,On the suddensudden, of / on / upon a / the

old form: suddaine
soon, at an early date
Cor II.i.213.2
I warrant him Consull.I warrant him consul. Cor II.i.214.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
Then our Office may,Then our office mayoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
Cor II.i.214.2
during his power, goe sleepe.During his power go sleep.power (n.)
authority, government
Cor II.i.215
He cannot temp'rately transport his Honors,He cannot temperately transport his honourstemperately (adv.)

old form: temp'rately
steadily, calmly, moderately
Cor II.i.216
transport (v.)
carry off, move along
From where he should begin, and end, but willFrom where he should begin and end, but will Cor II.i.217
Lose those he hath wonne.Lose those he hath won. Cor II.i.218.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
In that there's comfort.In that there's comfort. Cor II.i.218.2
Doubt not,Doubt not Cor II.i.218.3
The Commoners, for whom we stand, but theyThe commoners, for whom we stand, but theystand for (v.)
represent, serve, uphold
Cor II.i.219
Vpon their ancient mallice, will forgetUpon their ancient malice will forgetmalice (n.)

old form: mallice
hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity
Cor II.i.220
upon (prep.)

old form: Vpon
owing to
ancient, aunchient (adj.)
long-established, long-standing
With the least cause, these his new Honors, / WhichWith the least cause these his new honours, which Cor II.i.221
that he will giue them, make I as little question,That he will give them make I as little question Cor II.i.222
As he is prowd to doo't.As he is proud to do't. Cor II.i.223.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
I heard him sweare,I heard him swear, Cor II.i.223.2
Were he to stand for Consull, neuer would heWere he to stand for consul, never would he Cor II.i.224
Appeare i'th' Market place, nor on him putAppear i'th' market-place nor on him put Cor II.i.225
The Naples Vesture of Humilitie,The napless vesture of humility,napless (adj.)

old form: Naples
threadbare, worn, frayed
Cor II.i.226
vesture (n.)

old form: Vesture
garment, clothing, garb, costume
Nor shewing (as the manner is) his WoundsNor showing, as the manner is, his wounds Cor II.i.227
To th' People, begge their stinking Breaths.To th' people, beg their stinking breaths. Cor II.i.228.1
'Tis right.'Tis right. Cor II.i.228.2
Brutus. BRUTUS 
It was his word: / Oh he would misse it, ratherIt was his word. O, he would miss it rathermiss (v.)

old form: misse
forgo, do without, go without
Cor II.i.229
then carry it, / But by the suite of the Gentry to him,Than carry it but by the suit of the gentry to himsuit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
Cor II.i.230
carry (v.)
secure, obtain, gain
And the desire of the Nobles.And the desire of the nobles. Cor II.i.231.1
I wish no better,I wish no better Cor II.i.231.2
then haue him hold that purpose, and to put itThan have him hold that purpose and to put itpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Cor II.i.232
in execution.In execution. Cor II.i.233.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
'Tis most like he will.'Tis most like he (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cor II.i.233.2
It shall be to him then, as our good wills;It shall be to him then as our good wills,will (v.), past form would
require, demand, need
Cor II.i.234
good (n.)
interest, advantage, benefit
a sure destruction.A sure destruction. Cor II.i.235.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
So it must fall outSo it must fall out Cor II.i.235.2
To him, or our Authorities, for an end.To him, or our authority's for an end. Cor II.i.236
We must suggest the People, in what hatredWe must suggest the people in what hatredsuggest (v.)
[of an idea] insinuate [to], make hints [to]
Cor II.i.237
He still hath held them: that to's power he wouldHe still hath held them; that to's power he wouldstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cor II.i.238
power (n.)
authority, government
Haue made them Mules, silenc'd their Pleaders, / AndHave made them mules, silenced their pleaders and Cor II.i.239
dispropertied their Freedomes; holding them,Dispropertied their freedoms, holding themdisproperty (v.)
dispossess, deprive, strip [someone of]
Cor II.i.240
In humane Action, and Capacitie,In human action and capacity Cor II.i.241
Of no more Soule, nor fitnesse for the World,Of no more soul nor fitness for the world Cor II.i.242
Then Cammels in their Warre, who haue their ProuandThan camels in the war, who have their provandprovand (n.)

old form: Prouand
provender, provisions, food
Cor II.i.243
Onely for bearing Burthens, and sore blowesOnly for bearing burdens, and sore blows Cor II.i.244
For sinking vnder them.For sinking under them. Cor II.i.245.1
This (as you say) suggested,This, as you say, suggestedsuggest (v.)
[of an idea] insinuate [to], make hints [to]
Cor II.i.245.2
At some time, when his soaring InsolenceAt some time when his soaring insolence Cor II.i.246
Shall teach the People, which time shall not want,Shall touch the people – which time shall not want,teach (v.)
give direction to, lecture
Cor II.i.247
touch (v.)
affect, move, stir
If he be put vpon't, and that's as easie,If he be put upon't, and that's as easyput on (v.)
instigate, provoke, incite
Cor II.i.248
put upon (v.)

old form: vpon
provoke into doing, encourage into
As to set Dogges on Sheepe, will be his fireAs to set dogs on sheep – will be his fire Cor II.i.249
To kindle their dry Stubble: and their BlazeTo kindle their dry stubble; and their blaze Cor II.i.250
Shall darken him for euer.Shall darken him for ever.darken (v.)
obscure, eclipse, deprive of fame
Cor II.i.251.1
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger Cor II.i.251
Brutus. BRUTUS 
What's the matter?What's the matter? Cor II.i.251.2
You are sent for to the Capitoll: / 'Tis thought,You are sent for to the Capitol. 'Tis thought Cor II.i.252
that Martius shall be Consull:That Martius shall be consul. Cor II.i.253
I haue seene the dumbe men throng to see him, / AndI have seen the dumb men throng to see him and Cor II.i.254
the blind to heare him speak: Matrons flong Gloues,The blind to hear him speak. Matrons flung gloves,matron (n.)
married woman
Cor II.i.255
Ladies and Maids their Scarffes, and Handkerchers,Ladies and maids their scarfs and handkerchers,handkercher (n.)
Cor II.i.256
Vpon him as he pass'd: the Nobles bendedUpon him as he passed. The nobles bended Cor II.i.257
As to Ioues Statue, and the Commons madeAs to Jove's statue, and the commons madeJove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Cor II.i.258
A Shower, and Thunder, with their Caps, and Showts:A shower and thunder with their caps and shouts. Cor II.i.259
I neuer saw the like.I never saw the like. Cor II.i.260.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
Let's to the Capitoll,Let's to the Capitol, Cor II.i.260.2
And carry with vs Eares and Eyes for th' time,And carry with us ears and eyes for th' time, Cor II.i.261
But Hearts for the euent.But hearts for the event.event (n.)
outcome, issue, consequence
Cor II.i.262.1
Haue with you. Have with you. Cor II.i.262.2
Exeunt. Exeunt Cor II.i.262
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