Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Priam, Hector, Troylus, Paris and Helenus.Enter Priam, Hector, Troilus, Paris, and Helenus TC II.ii.1
After so many houres, liues, speeches spent,After so many hours, lives, speeches spent, TC II.ii.1
Thus once againe sayes Nestor from the Greekes,Thus once again says Nestor from the Greeks: TC II.ii.2
Deliuer Helen, and all damage elseDeliver Helen, and all damage else – deliver (v.)

old form: Deliuer
hand over, convey, commit to the keeping [of someone]
TC II.ii.3
(As honour, losse of time, trauaile, expence,As honour, loss of time, travail, expense,travail, travel (n.)

old form: trauaile
labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel']
TC II.ii.4
Wounds, friends, and what els deere that is consum'dWounds, friends, and what else dear that is consumed TC II.ii.5
In hot digestion of this comorant Warre)In hot digestion of this cormorant war – cormorant (adj.)

old form: comorant
greedy, insatiable, all-devouring
TC II.ii.6
Shall be stroke off. Hector, what say you too't.Shall be struck off.’ Hector, what say you to't?strike off / away (v.)

old form: stroke
cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove
TC II.ii.7
Though no man lesser feares the Greeks then I,Though no man lesser fears the Greeks than I TC II.ii.8
As farre as touches my particular:As far as toucheth my particular,particular (n.)
individual person, self
TC II.ii.9
yet dread Priam,Yet, dread Priam,dread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
TC II.ii.10
There is no Lady of more softer bowels,There is no lady of more softer bowels,soft (adj.)
tender, compassionate, kind
TC II.ii.11
bowels (n.)
feelings, sensitivity, heart
More spungie, to sucke in the sense of Feare,More spongy to suck in the sense of fear, TC II.ii.12
More ready to cry out, who knowes what followesMore ready to cry out ‘ Who knows what follows?’ TC II.ii.13
Then Hector is: the wound of peace is surety,Than Hector is. The wound of peace is surety,surety (n.)
security, confidence, stability
TC II.ii.14
Surety secure: but modest Doubt is cal'dSurety secure; but modest doubt is calledsecure (adj.)
over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident
TC II.ii.15
The Beacon of the wise: the tent that searchesThe beacon of the wise, the tent that searchessearch (v.)
probe, explore, examine
TC II.ii.16
tent (n.)
probe, insert [for exploring wounds]
To'th'bottome of the worst. Let Helen go,To th' bottom of the worst. Let Helen go: TC II.ii.17
Since the first sword was drawne about this question,Since the first sword was drawn about this question, TC II.ii.18
Euery tythe soule 'mongst many thousand dismes,Every tithe soul 'mongst many thousand dismesdisme (n.)
[pron: diym] tenth person killed
TC II.ii.19
tithe (adj.)

old form: tythe
Hath bin as deere as Helen: I meane of ours:Hath been as dear as Helen – I mean, of ours. TC II.ii.20
If we haue lost so many tenths of oursIf we have lost so many tenths of ours, TC II.ii.21
To guard a thing not ours, nor worth to vsTo guard a thing not ours nor worth to us –  TC II.ii.22
(Had it our name) the valew of one ten;Had it our name – the value of one ten, TC II.ii.23
What merit's in that reason which deniesWhat merit's in that reason which deniesreason (n.)
reasoning, argument
TC II.ii.24
The yeelding of her vp.The yielding of her up? TC II.ii.25.1
Fie, fie, my Brother;Fie, fie, my brother! TC II.ii.25.2
Weigh you the worth and honour of a KingWeigh you the worth and honour of a king TC II.ii.26
(So great as our dread Father) in a ScaleSo great as our dread father in a scaledread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
TC II.ii.27
Of common Ounces? Wil you with Counters summeOf common ounces? Will you with counters sumcounter, compter (n.)
round piece of metal used for counting
TC II.ii.28
The past proportion of his infinite,The past-proportion of his infinite,infinite (n.)
immensity, magnitude, vastness
TC II.ii.29
past-proportion (n.)immeasurableness, quantity beyond compare
And buckle in a waste most fathomlesse,And buckle in a waist most fathomless TC II.ii.30
With spannes and inches so diminutiue,With spans and inches so diminutivespan (n.)

old form: spannes
hand breadth [from tip of thumb to tip of little finger, when the hand is extended]
TC II.ii.31
As feares and reasons? Fie for godly shame?As fears and reasons? Fie, for godly shame! TC II.ii.32
No maruel though you bite so sharp at reasons,No marvel though you bite so sharp at reasons,bite (v.)
speak bitterly, inveigh, carp
TC II.ii.33
You are so empty of them, should not our FatherYou are so empty of them. Should not our father TC II.ii.34
Beare the great sway of his affayres with reasons,Bear the great sway of his affairs with reasons, TC II.ii.35
Because your speech hath none that tels him so.Because your speech hath none that tells him so? TC II.ii.36
You are for dreames & slumbers brother PriestYou are for dreams and slumbers, brother priest; TC II.ii.37
You furre your gloues with reason: here are your reasonsYou fur your gloves with reason. Here are your reasons:reason (n.)
reasoning, argument
TC II.ii.38
You know an enemy intends you harme,You know an enemy intends you harm; TC II.ii.39
You know, a sword imploy'd is perillous,You know a sword employed is perilous, TC II.ii.40
And reason flyes the obiect of all harme.And reason flies the object of all harm.object (n.)

old form: obiect
spectacle, sight, object of attention
TC II.ii.41
Who maruels then when Helenus beholdsWho marvels, then, when Helenus beholds TC II.ii.42
A Grecian and his sword, if he do setA Grecian and his sword, if he do set TC II.ii.43
The very wings of reason to his heeles:The very wings of reason to his heels, TC II.ii.44
And flye like chidden Mercurie from Ioue,And fly like chidden Mercury from Jove,chidden (adj.)
scolded, reproved, rebuked
TC II.ii.45
Mercury (n.)
messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Or like a Starre disorb'd. Nay, if we talke of Reason,Or like a star disorbed? Nay, if we talk of reason,disorbed (adj.)

old form: disorb'd
removed from its sphere, knocked out of its orbit
TC II.ii.46
Let's shut our gates and sleepe: Manhood and HonorLet's shut our gates and sleep. Manhood and honour TC II.ii.47
Should haue hard hearts, wold they but fat their thoghtsShould have hare-hearts, would they but fat their thoughtshare-heart (n.)
heart as timid as a hare
TC II.ii.48
fat (v.)
fatten, feed up, nourish
With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect,With this crammed reason; reason and respectcrammed (adj.)

old form: cramm'd
overfed, stuffed to excess
TC II.ii.49
respect (n.)
attention, heed, deliberation
Makes Liuers pale, and lustyhood deiect.Make livers pale and lustihood deject.deject (adj.)

old form: deiect
dejected, downcast, cast down
TC II.ii.50
lustihood (n.)

old form: lustyhood
lustiness, youthful vigour, robustness
liver (n.)

old form: Liuers
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
Brother, Brother, TC II.ii.51
she is not worth / What she doth cost the holding.She is not worth what she doth cost the holding. TC II.ii.52
What's aught, but as 'tis valew'd?What's aught but as 'tis valued?aught (n.)
anything, [with negative word] nothing
TC II.ii.53
But value dwels not in particular will,But value dwells not in particular will;particular (adj.)
personal, special, private
TC II.ii.54
will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
It holds his estimate and dignitieIt holds his estimate and dignityestimate (n.)
value, esteem, estimation
TC II.ii.55
dignity (n.)

old form: dignitie
worth, nobleness, excellence
As well, wherein 'tis precious of it selfe,As well wherein 'tis precious of itself TC II.ii.56
As in the prizer: 'Tis made Idolatrie,As in the prizer. 'Tis mad idolatry TC II.ii.57
To make the seruice greater then the God,To make the service greater than the god; TC II.ii.58
And the will dotes that is inclineableAnd the will dotes that is inclinabledote (v.)
become deranged, behave foolishly
TC II.ii.59
attributive (adj.)
[Q variant] attaching excellence, ascribing worth
To what infectiously it selfe affects,To what infectiously itself affects,affect (v.)
incline to, like, favour, be drawn to
TC II.ii.60
Without some image of th'affected merit.Without some image of th' affected merit. TC II.ii.61
I take to day a Wife, and my electionI take today a wife, and my electionelection (n.)
choice, preference
TC II.ii.62
Is led on in the conduct of my Will;Is led on in the conduct of my will, TC II.ii.63
My Will enkindled by mine eyes and eares,My will enkindled by mine eyes and ears, TC II.ii.64
Two traded Pylots 'twixt the dangerous shoresTwo traded pilots 'twixt the dangerous shorestraded (adj.)
practised, expert, experienced
TC II.ii.65
Of Will, and Iudgement. How may I auoydeOf will and judgement: how may I avoid,will (n.)
lust, sexual desire, passion
TC II.ii.66
avoid (v.)

old form: auoyde
repudiate, deny, reject
(Although my will distaste what it elected)Although my will distaste what it elected,distaste (v.)
dislike, not relish, be averse to
TC II.ii.67
The Wife I chose, there can be no euasionThe wife I chose? There can be no evasion TC II.ii.68
To blench from this, and to stand firme by honour.To blench from this, and to stand firm by honour.blench (v.)
flinch, start, shrink
TC II.ii.69
We turne not backe the Silkes vpon the MerchantWe turn not back the silks upon the merchant TC II.ii.70
When we haue spoyl'd them; nor the remainder ViandsWhen we have soiled them; nor the remainder viandsremainder (adj.)
left-over, remaining, uneaten
TC II.ii.71
viand (n.)
(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff
We do not throw in vnrespectiue same,We do not throw in unrespective sievesieve (n.)
basket, hold-all, container [especially for market produce]
TC II.ii.72
unrespective (adj.)

old form: vnrespectiue
undiscriminating, making no distinction, all-inclusive
Because we now are full. It was thought meeteBecause we now are full. It was thought meetmeet (adj.)

old form: meete
fit, suitable, right, proper
TC II.ii.73
Paris should do some vengeance on the Greekes;Paris should do some vengeance on the Greeks: TC II.ii.74
Your breath of full consent bellied his Sailes,Your breath of full consent bellied his sails;breath (n.)
utterance, speech, voice
TC II.ii.75
The Seas and Windes (old Wranglers) tooke a Truce,The seas and winds, old wranglers, took a truce,wrangler (n.)
quarreller, arguer; also: opponent, disputant
TC II.ii.76
And did him seruice; he touch'd the Ports desir'd,And did him service; he touched the ports desired;touch (v.)

old form: touch'd
land at, arrive at, visit
TC II.ii.77
And for an old Aunt whom the Greekes held Captiue,And for an old aunt whom the Greeks held captive TC II.ii.78
He brought a Grecian Queen, whose youth & freshnesseHe brought a Grecian queen, whose youth and freshness TC II.ii.79
Wrinkles Apolloes, and makes stale the morning.Wrinkles Apollo's, and makes stale the morning.Apollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing
TC II.ii.80
Why keepe we her? the Grecians keepe our Aunt:Why keep we her? – The Grecians keep our aunt: TC II.ii.81
Is she worth keeping? Why she is a Pearle,Is she worth keeping? – Why, she is a pearl TC II.ii.82
Whose price hath launch'd aboue a thousand Ships,Whose price hath launched above a thousand ships,price (n.)
value, worth, importance
TC II.ii.83
And turn'd Crown'd Kings to Merchants.And turned crowned kings to merchants. TC II.ii.84
If you'l auouch, 'twas wisedome Paris went,If you'll avouch 'twas wisdom Paris went – avouch (v.)

old form: auouch
declare, assert, affirm
TC II.ii.85
(As you must needs, for you all cride, Go, go:)As you must needs, for you all cried ‘ Go, go!’; TC II.ii.86
If you'l confesse, he brought home Noble prize,If you'll confess he brought home noble prize –  TC II.ii.87
(As you must needs) for you all clapt your hands,As you must needs, for you all clapped your hands TC II.ii.88
And cride inestimable; why do you nowAnd cried ‘ Inestimable!’ – why do you now TC II.ii.89
The issue of your proper Wisedomes rate,The issue of your proper wisdoms rate,issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
TC II.ii.90
proper (adj.)
very, own
rate (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold
And do a deed that Fortune neuer did?And do a deed that fortune never did –  TC II.ii.91
Begger the estimation which you priz'd,Beggar the estimation which you prizedestimation (n.)
valued object, treasure
TC II.ii.92
beggar (v.)

old form: Begger
rate as worthless, esteem to be of no value
Richer then Sea and Land? O Theft most base!Richer than sea and land? O, theft most base,base (adj.)
non-precious, worthless, of low value
TC II.ii.93
That we haue stolne what we do feare to keepe.That we have stolen what we do fear to keep! TC II.ii.94
But Theeues vnworthy of a thing so stolne,But thieves unworthy of a thing so stolen, TC II.ii.95
That in their Country did them that disgrace,That in their country did them that disgrace TC II.ii.96
We feare to warrant in our Natiue place.We fear to warrant in our native place!warrant (v.)
justify, defend, stand up for
TC II.ii.97
(within) TC II.ii.98.0
Cry Troyans, cry.Cry, Trojans, cry! TC II.ii.98.1
Priam. PRIAM 
What noyse? what shreeke is this?What noise? What shriek is this?shrike (n./v.)

old form: shreeke
[Q variant] alternative spelling of 'shriek'
TC II.ii.98.2
'Tis our mad sister, I do know her voyce.'Tis our mad sister. I do know her voice. TC II.ii.99
(within) TC II.ii.100
Cry Troyans.Cry, Trojans! TC II.ii.100
It is Cassandra.It is Cassandra. TC II.ii.101
Enter Cassandra with her haire about her Enter Cassandra, raving, with her hair about her TC II.ii.102.1
eares.ears TC II.ii.102.2
Cry Troyans cry; lend me ten thousand eyes,Cry, Trojans, cry! Lend me ten thousand eyes, TC II.ii.102
And I will fill them with Propheticke teares.And I will fill them with prophetic tears. TC II.ii.103
Peace sister, peace.Peace, sister, peace! TC II.ii.104
Virgins, and Boyes; mid-age & wrinkled old,Virgins and boys, mid-age and wrinkled old,old (n.)
old people, elders
TC II.ii.105
Soft infancie, that nothing can but cry,Soft infancy, that nothing can but cry, TC II.ii.106
Adde to my clamour: let vs pay betimesAdd to my clamour! Let us pay betimesbetimes (adv.)
speedily, soon, in a short time
TC II.ii.107
A moity of that masse of moane to come.A moiety of that mass of moan to come.moiety (n.)

old form: moity
share, portion, part
TC II.ii.108
Cry Troyans cry, practise your eyes with teares,Cry, Trojans, cry! Practise your eyes with tears!practise (v.)
put to use, employ
TC II.ii.109
Troy must not be, nor goodly Illion stand,Troy must not be, nor goodly Ilium stand;Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy
TC II.ii.110
Our fire-brand Brother Paris burnes vs all.Our firebrand brother Paris burns us all. TC II.ii.111
Cry Troyans cry, a Helen and a woe;Cry, Trojans, cry! A Helen and a woe! TC II.ii.112
Cry, cry, Troy burnes, or else let Helen goe. Cry, cry! Troy burns, or else let Helen go. TC II.ii.113
Exit.Exit TC II.ii.113
Now youthfull Troylus, do not these hie strainsNow, youthful Troilus, do not these high strainsstrain (n.)
vocal effusion, lyrical outpouring
TC II.ii.114
Of diuination in our Sister, workeOf divination in our sister work TC II.ii.115
Some touches of remorse? Or is your bloudSome touches of remorse? Or is your bloodremorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
TC II.ii.116
blood (n.)

old form: bloud
anger, temper, passion
So madly hot, that no discourse of reason,So madly hot that no discourse of reason,reason (n.)
reasoning, argument
TC II.ii.117
discourse (n.)
conversation, talk, chat
Nor feare of bad successe in a bad cause,Nor fear of bad success in a bad cause,success (n.)

old form: successe
result, outcome, issue
TC II.ii.118
Can qualifie the same?Can qualify the same?qualify (v.)

old form: qualifie
moderate, weaken, diminish
TC II.ii.119.1
Why Brother Hector,Why, brother Hector, TC II.ii.119.2
We may not thinke the iustnesse of each acteWe may not think the justness of each act TC II.ii.120
Such, and no other then euent doth forme it,Such and no other than event doth form it,event (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
TC II.ii.121
Nor once deiect the courage of our mindes;Nor once deject the courage of our minds,deject (v.)

old form: deiect
lower, reduce, lessen
TC II.ii.122
Because Cassandra's mad, her brainsicke rapturesBecause Cassandra's mad. Her brain-sick raptures TC II.ii.123
Cannot distaste the goodnesse of a quarrell,Cannot distaste the goodness of a quarreldistaste (v.)
make distasteful, destroy the relish of
TC II.ii.124
Which hath our seuerall Honours all engag'dWhich hath our several honours all engagedseveral (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
TC II.ii.125
To make it gracious. For my priuate part,To make it gracious. For my private part,gracious (adj.)
acceptable, righteous, full of favour
TC II.ii.126
I am no more touch'd, then all Priams sonnes,I am no more touched than all Priam's sons;touch (v.)

old form: touch'd
affect, concern, regard, relate to
TC II.ii.127
And Ioue forbid there should be done among'st vsAnd Jove forbid there should be done amongst us TC II.ii.128
Such things as might offend the weakest spleene,Such things as might offend the weakest spleenspleen (n.)

old form: spleene
temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions]
TC II.ii.129
To fight for, and maintaine.To fight for and maintain. TC II.ii.130
Else might the world conuince of leuitie,Else might the world convince of levityconvince (v.)

old form: conuince
convict, prove guilty
TC II.ii.131
As well my vnder-takings as your counsels:As well my undertakings as your counsels; TC II.ii.132
But I attest the gods, your full consentBut I attest the gods, your full consentattest (v.)
call as witnesses
TC II.ii.133
Gaue wings to my propension, and cut offGave wings to my propension, and cut offpropension (n.)
propensity, inclination, cast of mind
TC II.ii.134
All feares attending on so dire a proiect.All fears attending on so dire a project.attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
TC II.ii.135
For what (alas) can these my single armes?For what, alas, can these my single arms? TC II.ii.136
What propugnation is in one mans valourWhat propugnation is in one man's valourpropugnation (n.)
defence, justification, vindication
TC II.ii.137
To stand the push and enmity of thoseTo stand the push and enmity of thosepush (n.)
attack, assault, thrust
TC II.ii.138
This quarrell would excite? Yet I protest,This quarrel would excite? Yet I protest, TC II.ii.139
Were I alone to passe the difficulties,Were I alone to pass the difficulties,pass (v.)

old form: passe
endure, undergo, experience
TC II.ii.140
And had as ample power, as I haue will,And had as ample power as I have will, TC II.ii.141
Paris should ne're retract what he hath done,Paris should ne'er retract what he hath done, TC II.ii.142
Nor faint in the pursuite.Nor faint in the pursuit.faint (v.)
lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright
TC II.ii.143.1
Paris, you speakeParis, you speak TC II.ii.143.2
Like one be-sotted on your sweet delights;Like one besotted on your sweet delights. TC II.ii.144
You haue the Hony still, but these the Gall,You have the honey still, but these the gall;still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TC II.ii.145
gall (n.)
bile [reputed for its bitterness]
So to be valiant, is no praise at all.So to be valiant is no praise at all.praise (n.)
praiseworthiness, merit, virtue
TC II.ii.146
Sir, I propose not meerely to my selfe,Sir, I propose not merely to myselfmerely (adv.)
purely, for no other reason than
TC II.ii.147
propose (v.)
bring up for consideration, set before the mind
The pleasures such a beauty brings with it:The pleasures such a beauty brings with it; TC II.ii.148
But I would haue the soyle of her faire RapeBut I would have the soil of her fair rapesoil (n.)

old form: soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish
TC II.ii.149
rape (n.)
abduction, violent seizure
Wip'd off in honourable keeping her.Wiped off in honourable keeping her. TC II.ii.150
What Treason were it to the ransack'd Queene,What treason were it to the ransacked queen,ransacked (adj.)

old form: ransack'd
violated, ravished, plundered
TC II.ii.151
Disgrace to your great worths, and shame to me,Disgrace to your great worths, and shame to me, TC II.ii.152
Now to deliuer her possession vpNow to deliver her possession up TC II.ii.153
On termes of base compulsion? Can it be,On terms of base compulsion! Can it bebase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
TC II.ii.154
That so degenerate a straine as this,That so degenerate a strain as thisstrain (n.)

old form: straine
quality, character, disposition
TC II.ii.155
Should once set footing in your generous bosomes?Should once set footing in your generous bosoms?generous (adj.)
well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded
TC II.ii.156
footing, set
set foot
There's not the meanest spirit on our partie,There's not the meanest spirit on our partyparty (n.)

old form: partie
side, faction, camp
TC II.ii.157
Without a heart to dare, or sword to draw,Without a heart to dare, or sword to draw, TC II.ii.158
When Helen is defended: nor none so Noble,When Helen is defended; nor none so noble TC II.ii.159
Whose life were ill bestow'd, or death vnfam'd,Whose life were ill bestowed, or death unfamed,ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
TC II.ii.160
Where Helen is the subiect. Then (I say)Where Helen is the subject. Then, I say, TC II.ii.161
Well may we fight for her, whom we know well,Well may we fight for her whom, we know well, TC II.ii.162
The worlds large spaces cannot paralell.The world's large spaces cannot parallel. TC II.ii.163
Paris and Troylus, you haue both said well:Paris and Troilus, you have both said well, TC II.ii.164
And on the cause and question now in hand,And on the cause and question now in hand TC II.ii.165
Haue gloz'd, but superficially; not muchHave glozed, but superficially – not muchgloze (v.)

old form: gloz'd
expound, comment on, give a commentary
TC II.ii.166
Vnlike young men, whom Aristotle thoughtUnlike young men whom Aristotle thoughtAristotle (n.)
[pron: 'aristotl] Greek philosopher, 4th-c BC
TC II.ii.167
Vnfit to heare Morall Philosophie.Unfit to hear moral philosophy. TC II.ii.168
The Reasons you alledge, do more conduceThe reasons you allege do more conduceconduce (v.)
lead, tend, contribute
TC II.ii.169
To the hot passion of distemp'red blood,To the hot passion of distempered bloodpassion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
TC II.ii.170
distempered (adj.)

old form: distemp'red
disordered, disturbed, diseased
Then to make vp a free determinationThan to make up a free determination TC II.ii.171
'Twixt right and wrong: For pleasure, and reuenge,'Twixt right and wrong; for pleasure and revenge TC II.ii.172
Haue eares more deafe then Adders, to the voyceHave ears more deaf than adders to the voice TC II.ii.173
Of any true decision. Nature crauesOf any true decision. Nature cravescrave (v.)

old form: craues
need, demand, require
TC II.ii.174
All dues be rendred to their Owners: nowAll dues be rendered to their owners: now, TC II.ii.175
What neerer debt in all humanity,What nearer debt in all humanity TC II.ii.176
Then Wife is to the Husband? If this lawThan wife is to the husband? If this law TC II.ii.177
Of Nature be corrupted through affection,Of nature be corrupted through affection,affection (n.)
desire, passion, lustful feeling
TC II.ii.178
And that great mindes of partiall indulgence,And that great minds, of partial indulgencepartial (adj.)

old form: partiall
biased, prejudiced, self-interested
TC II.ii.179
To their benummed wills resist the same,To their benumbed wills, resist the same,will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
TC II.ii.180
benumbed (adj.)

old form: benummed
paralysed, deprived of strength
There is a Law in each well-ordred Nation,There is a law in each well-ordered nation TC II.ii.181
To curbe those raging appetites that areTo curb those raging appetites that areraging (adj.)
roving, wanton, riotous
TC II.ii.182
appetite (n.)
sexual desire, passion
Most disobedient and refracturie.Most disobedient and refractory.refractory (adj.)

old form: refracturie
rebellious, obstinate, umanageable
TC II.ii.183
If Helen then be wife to Sparta's KingIf Helen then be wife to Sparta's king,Sparta (n.)
city of Peloponnesia, S Greece
TC II.ii.184
(As it is knowne she is) these Morall LawesAs it is known she is, these moral laws TC II.ii.185
Of Nature, and of Nation, speake alowdOf nature and of nations speak aloud TC II.ii.186
To haue her backe return'd. Thus to persistTo have her back returned; thus to persist TC II.ii.187
In doing wrong, extenuates not wrong,In doing wrong extenuates not wrong,extenuate (v.)
mitigate, lessen, tone down
TC II.ii.188
But makes it much more heauie. Hectors opinionBut makes it much more heavy. Hector's opinionheavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
grave, serious, weighty
TC II.ii.189
Is this in way of truth: yet nere the lesse,Is this in way of truth; yet ne'ertheless,truth (n.)
abstract principle, general rule
TC II.ii.190
way of, in (prep.)
of the nature of, as a point of
My spritely brethren, I propend to youMy spritely brethren, I propend to youpropend (v.)
incline, be disposed, have a propensity
TC II.ii.191
sprightly, spritely (adj.)
cheerful, light-hearted, bright
In resolution to keepe Helen still;In resolution to keep Helen still;still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TC II.ii.192
For 'tis a cause that hath no meane dependance,For 'tis a cause that hath no mean dependencemean (adj.)

old form: meane
unworthy, insignificant, unimportant
TC II.ii.193
Vpon our ioynt and seuerall dignities.Upon our joint and several dignities.several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
TC II.ii.194
Why? there you toucht the life of our designe:Why, there you touched the life of our design:touch (v.)

old form: toucht
refer to, treat of, deal with
TC II.ii.195
design (n.)

old form: designe
undertaking, purpose, enterprise
Were it not glory that we more affected,Were it not glory that we more affectedaffect (v.)
incline to, like, favour, be drawn to
TC II.ii.196
Then the performance of our heauing spleenes,Than the performance of our heaving spleens,performance (n.)
discharge, fulfilment, manifestation
TC II.ii.197
spleen (n.)

old form: spleenes
irritability, malice, bad temper
heaving (adj.)

old form: heauing
swelling, aroused, agitated
I would not wish a drop of Troian blood,I would not wish a drop of Trojan blood TC II.ii.198
Spent more in her defence. But worthy Hector,Spent more in her defence. But, worthy Hector, TC II.ii.199
She is a theame of honour and renowne,She is a theme of honour and renown,theme (n.)

old form: theame
reason for acting, ground of belief
TC II.ii.200
A spurre to valiant and magnanimous deeds,A spur to valiant and magnanimous deeds, TC II.ii.201
Whose present courage may beate downe our foes,Whose present courage may beat down our foes, TC II.ii.202
And fame in time to come canonize vs.And fame in time to come canonize us.canonize (v.)
glorify, immortalize, exalt
TC II.ii.203
For I presume braue Hector would not looseFor I presume brave Hector would not losebrave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
TC II.ii.204
So rich aduantage of a promis'd glory,So rich advantage of a promised gloryadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity
TC II.ii.205
As smiles vpon the fore-head of this action,As smiles upon the forehead of this action TC II.ii.206
For the wide worlds reuenew.For the wide world's revenue. TC II.ii.207.1
I am yours,I am yours, TC II.ii.207.2
You valiant off-spring of great Priamus,You valiant offspring of great Priamus. TC II.ii.208
I haue a roisting challenge sent among'stI have a roisting challenge sent amongstroisting (adj.)
roistering, swaggering, vaunting
TC II.ii.209
The dull and factious nobles of the Greekes,The dull and factious nobles of the Greeksfactious (adj.)
sectarian, partisan, arising from factions
TC II.ii.210
dull (adj.)
dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive
Will strike amazement to their drowsie spirits,Will strike amazement to their drowsy spirits.amazement (n.)
alarm, apprehension, fear
TC II.ii.211
I was aduertiz'd, their Great generall slept,I was advertised their great general slept,advertise, advertize (v.)

old form: aduertiz'd
make aware, inform, notify; warn
TC II.ii.212
Whil'st emulation in the armie crept:Whilst emulation in the army crept;emulation (n.)
ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict
TC II.ii.213
This I presume will wake him. This, I presume, will wake him. TC II.ii.214
Exeunt.Exeunt TC II.ii.214
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