First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Leontes, Lords, Officers: Hermione (as to her Triall)Ladies: Cleomines, Dion. | Enter Leontes, Lords, and Officers | | WT I.i.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
This Sessions (to our great griefe we pronounce) | This sessions, to our great grief we pronounce, | session, sessions (n.) judicial assembly, trial, court | WT III.ii.1 | |
Euen pushes 'gainst our heart. The partie try'd, | Even pushes 'gainst our heart: the party tried | push (v.) strike, press hard, thrust | WT III.ii.2 | |
The Daughter of a King, our Wife, and one | The daughter of a king, our wife, and one | | WT III.ii.3 | |
Of vs too much belou'd. Let vs be clear'd | Of us too much beloved. Let us be cleared | | WT III.ii.4 | |
Of being tyrannous, since we so openly | Of being tyrannous, since we so openly | | WT III.ii.5 | |
Proceed in Iustice, which shall haue due course, | Proceed in justice, which shall have due course, | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | WT III.ii.6 | |
Euen to the Guilt, or the Purgation: | Even to the guilt or the purgation. | purgation (n.) acquittal, clearing away of guilt | WT III.ii.7 | |
Produce the Prisoner. | Produce the prisoner. | | WT III.ii.8 | |
Officer. | OFFICER | | | |
It is his Highnesse pleasure, that the Queene | It is his highness' pleasure that the Queen | | WT III.ii.9 | |
Appeare in person, here in Court. | Appear in person here in court. | | WT III.ii.10.1 | |
| Enter Hermione, guarded, Paulina, and Ladies | | WT III.ii.10.1 | |
| attending | | WT III.ii.10.2 | |
Silence. | Silence! | | WT III.ii.10.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Reade the Indictment. | Read the indictment. | | WT III.ii.11 | |
Officer. | OFFICER | | | |
| (reads) | | WT III.ii.12 | |
Hermione, Queene to the worthy Leontes, | Hermione, Queen to the worthy Leontes, | | WT III.ii.12 | |
King of Sicilia, thou art here accused and arraigned of High | King of Sicilia, thou art here accused and arraigned of high | | WT III.ii.13 | |
Treason, in committing Adultery with Polixenes King of | treason, in committing adultery with Polixenes, King of | | WT III.ii.14 | |
Bohemia, and conspiring with Camillo to take away the | Bohemia, and conspiring with Camillo to take away the | | WT III.ii.15 | |
Life of our Soueraigne Lord the King, thy Royall Husband: | life of our sovereign lord the King, thy royal husband; | | WT III.ii.16 | |
the pretence whereof being by circumstances partly layd | the pretence whereof being by circumstances partly laid | pretence (n.) plan, design, intention, purpose | WT III.ii.17 | |
| | circumstance (n.) detail(s), particular(s), specifics | | |
open, thou (Hermione) contrary to theFaith and Allegeance | open, thou, Hermione, contrary to the faith and allegiance | | WT III.ii.18 | |
of a true Subiect, didst counsaile and ayde them, for their | of a true subject, didst counsel and aid them, for their | | WT III.ii.19 | |
better safetie, to flye away by Night. | better safety, to fly away by night. | | WT III.ii.20 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Since what I am to say, must be but that | Since what I am to say must be but that | | WT III.ii.21 | |
Which contradicts my Accusation, and | Which contradicts my accusation, and | | WT III.ii.22 | |
The testimonie on my part, no other | The testimony on my part no other | | WT III.ii.23 | |
But what comes from my selfe, it shall scarce boot me | But what comes from myself, it shall scarce boot me | boot (v.) help, serve, benefit, be useful [to] | WT III.ii.24 | |
To say, Not guiltie: mine Integritie | To say ‘ Not guilty:’ mine integrity | | WT III.ii.25 | |
Being counted Falsehood, shall (as I expresse it) | Being counted falsehood, shall, as I express it, | | WT III.ii.26 | |
Be so receiu'd. But thus, if Powres Diuine | Be so received. But thus: if powers divine | | WT III.ii.27 | |
Behold our humane Actions (as they doe) | Behold our human actions – as they do – | | WT III.ii.28 | |
I doubt not then, but Innocence shall make | I doubt not then but innocence shall make | | WT III.ii.29 | |
False Accusation blush, and Tyrannie | False accusation blush, and tyranny | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | WT III.ii.30 | |
Tremble at Patience. You (my Lord) best know | Tremble at patience. You, my lord, best know – | | WT III.ii.31 | |
(Whom least will seeme to doe so) my past life | Who least will seem to do so – my past life | | WT III.ii.32 | |
Hath beene as continent, as chaste, as true, | Hath been as continent, as chaste, as true, | continent (adj.) chaste, temperate, restrained | WT III.ii.33 | |
As I am now vnhappy; which is more | As I am now unhappy; which is more | | WT III.ii.34 | |
Then Historie can patterne, though deuis'd, | Than history can pattern, though devised | pattern (v.) parallel, match, equal | WT III.ii.35 | |
| | history (n.) history play, chronicle, stage drama | | |
And play'd, to take Spectators. For behold me, | And played to take spectators. For behold me, | take (v.) captivate, delight, enrapture | WT III.ii.36 | |
A Fellow of the Royall Bed, which owe | A fellow of the royal bed, which owe | owe (v.) own, possess, have | WT III.ii.37 | |
A Moitie of the Throne: a great Kings Daughter, | A moiety of the throne, a great king's daughter, | moiety (n.) half, equal share | WT III.ii.38 | |
The Mother to a hopefull Prince, here standing | The mother to a hopeful prince, here standing | | WT III.ii.39 | |
To prate and talke for Life, and Honor, fore | To prate and talk for life and honour 'fore | prate (v.) prattle, chatter, blather | WT III.ii.40 | |
Who please to come, and heare. For Life, I prize it | Who please to come and hear. For life, I prize it | | WT III.ii.41 | |
As I weigh Griefe (which I would spare:) For Honor, | As I weigh grief, which I would spare; for honour, | spare (v.) avoid, shun, keep away from | WT III.ii.42 | |
| | weigh (v.) consider, take into account | | |
'Tis a deriuatiue from me to mine, | 'Tis a derivative from me to mine, | derivative (n.) thing proceeding, heritage, inheritance | WT III.ii.43 | |
And onely that I stand for. I appeale | And only that I stand for. I appeal | stand for (v.) defend, uphold, protect, support | WT III.ii.44 | |
To your owne Conscience (Sir) before Polixenes | To your own conscience, sir, before Polixenes | conscience (n.) internal reflection, inner voice, inmost thought | WT III.ii.45 | |
Came to your Court, how I was in your grace, | Came to your court, how I was in your grace, | grace (n.) honour, favour, recognition, respect | WT III.ii.46 | |
How merited to be so: Since he came, | How merited to be so; since he came, | | WT III.ii.47 | |
With what encounter so vncurrant, I | With what encounter so uncurrent I | encounter (n.) behaviour, conduct, manner of meeting | WT III.ii.48 | |
| | uncurrent (adj.) exceptional, aberrant, out of the ordinary | | |
Haue strayn'd t' appeare thus; if one iot beyond | Have strained t' appear thus: if one jot beyond | strain (v.) transgress, go beyond, exceed | WT III.ii.49 | |
The bound of Honor, or in act, or will | The bound of honour, or in act or will | | WT III.ii.50 | |
That way enclining, hardned be the hearts | That way inclining, hardened be the hearts | | WT III.ii.51 | |
Of all that heare me, and my neer'st of Kin | Of all that hear me, and my near'st of kin | | WT III.ii.52 | |
Cry fie vpon my Graue. | Cry fie upon my grave! | | WT III.ii.53.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
I ne're heard yet, | I ne'er heard yet | | WT III.ii.53.2 | |
That any of these bolder Vices wanted | That any of these bolder vices wanted | want (v.) require, demand, need | WT III.ii.54 | |
Lesse Impudence to gaine-say what they did, | Less impudence to gainsay what they did | gainsay (v.) deny, renounce, disown | WT III.ii.55 | |
Then to performe it first. | Than to perform it first. | | WT III.ii.56.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
That's true enough, | That's true enough, | | WT III.ii.56.2 | |
Though 'tis a saying (Sir) not due to me. | Though 'tis a saying, sir, not due to me. | due (adj.) appropriate, proper, fitting | WT III.ii.57 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You will not owne it. | You will not own it. | | WT III.ii.58.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
More then Mistresse of, | More than mistress of | | WT III.ii.58.2 | |
Which comes to me in name of Fault, I must not | Which comes to me in name of fault I must not | | WT III.ii.59 | |
At all acknowledge. For Polixenes | At all acknowledge. For Polixenes, | | WT III.ii.60 | |
(With whom I am accus'd) I doe confesse | With whom I am accused, I do confess | | WT III.ii.61 | |
I lou'd him, as in Honor he requir'd: | I loved him as in honour he required: | require (v.) deserve, merit, justify | WT III.ii.62 | |
With such a kind of Loue, as might become | With such a kind of love as might become | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | WT III.ii.63 | |
A Lady like me; with a Loue, euen such, | A lady like me; with a love even such, | | WT III.ii.64 | |
So, and no other, as your selfe commanded: | So and no other, as yourself commanded; | | WT III.ii.65 | |
Which, not to haue done, I thinke had been in me | Which not to have done I think had been in me | | WT III.ii.66 | |
Both Disobedience, and Ingratitude | Both disobedience and ingratitude | | WT III.ii.67 | |
To you, and toward your Friend, whose Loue had spoke, | To you and toward your friend, whose love had spoke | | WT III.ii.68 | |
Euen since it could speake, from an Infant, freely, | Even since it could speak, from an infant, freely | | WT III.ii.69 | |
That it was yours. Now for Conspiracie, | That it was yours. Now, for conspiracy, | | WT III.ii.70 | |
I know not how it tastes, though it be dish'd | I know not how it tastes, though it be dished | dish (v.) present on a dish, put in front of one | WT III.ii.71 | |
For me to try how: All I know of it, | For me to try how. All I know of it | | WT III.ii.72 | |
Is, that Camillo was an honest man; | Is that Camillo was an honest man; | | WT III.ii.73 | |
And why he left your Court, the Gods themselues | And why he left your court the gods themselves, | | WT III.ii.74 | |
(Wotting no more then I) are ignorant. | Wotting no more than I, are ignorant. | wot (v.) learn, know, be told | WT III.ii.75 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You knew of his departure, as you know | You knew of his departure, as you know | | WT III.ii.76 | |
What you haue vnderta'ne to doe in's absence. | What you have underta'en to do in's absence. | | WT III.ii.77 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Sir, | Sir, | | WT III.ii.78 | |
You speake a Language that I vnderstand not: | You speak a language that I understand not. | | WT III.ii.79 | |
My Life stands in the leuell of your Dreames, | My life stands in the level of your dreams, | level (n.) [archery] direct aim, target, range | WT III.ii.80 | |
Which Ile lay downe. | Which I'll lay down. | | WT III.ii.81.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Your Actions are my Dreames. | Your actions are my dreams. | | WT III.ii.81.2 | |
You had a Bastard by Polixenes, | You had a bastard by Polixenes, | | WT III.ii.82 | |
And I but dream'd it: As you were past all shame, | And I but dreamed it. As you were past all shame – | | WT III.ii.83 | |
(Those of your Fact are so) so past all truth; | Those of your fact are so – so past all truth; | fact (n.) evil deed, wicked act, crime | WT III.ii.84 | |
Which to deny, concernes more then auailes: for as | Which to deny concerns more than avails; for as | | WT III.ii.85 | |
Thy Brat hath been cast out, like to it selfe, | Thy brat hath been cast out, like to itself, | | WT III.ii.86 | |
No Father owning it (which is indeed | No father owning it – which is indeed | | WT III.ii.87 | |
More criminall in thee, then it) so thou | More criminal in thee than it – so thou | | WT III.ii.88 | |
Shalt feele our Iustice; in whose easiest passage, | Shalt feel our justice, in whose easiest passage | passage (n.) incident, occurrence, event, happening | WT III.ii.89 | |
Looke for no lesse then death. | Look for no less than death. | | WT III.ii.90.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Sir, spare your Threats: | Sir, spare your threats! | | WT III.ii.90.2 | |
The Bugge which you would fright me with, I seeke: | The bug which you would fright me with I seek. | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | WT III.ii.91 | |
| | bug (n.) bogey, bugbear, imaginary terror | | |
To me can Life be no commoditie; | To me can life be no commodity: | commodity (n.) asset, advantage, benefit | WT III.ii.92 | |
The crowne and comfort of my Life (your Fauor) | The crown and comfort of my life, your favour, | | WT III.ii.93 | |
I doe giue lost, for I doe feele it gone, | I do give lost, for I do feel it gone, | give (v.) consider, account, hold [in mind] | WT III.ii.94 | |
But know not how it went. My second Ioy, | But know not how it went. My second joy, | | WT III.ii.95 | |
And first Fruits of my body, from his presence | And first-fruits of my body, from his presence | | WT III.ii.96 | |
I am bar'd, like one infectious. My third comfort | I am barred, like one infectious. My third comfort, | | WT III.ii.97 | |
(Star'd most vnluckily) is from my breast | Starred most unluckily, is from my breast – | starred (adj.) born under a star | WT III.ii.98 | |
(The innocent milke in it most innocent mouth) | The innocent milk in its most innocent mouth – | | WT III.ii.99 | |
Hal'd out to murther. My selfe on euery Post | Haled out to murder. Myself on every post | hale (v.) drag, pull, haul | WT III.ii.100 | |
Proclaym'd a Strumpet: With immodest hatred | Proclaimed a strumpet; with immodest hatred | immodest (adj.) improper, immoderate, inordinate | WT III.ii.101 | |
| | strumpet (n.) harlot, prostitute, whore | | |
The Child-bed priuiledge deny'd, which longs | The childbed privilege denied, which 'longs | childbed (adj.) of being in labour, belonging to confinement | WT III.ii.102 | |
To Women of all fashion. Lastly, hurried | To women of all fashion; lastly, hurried | fashion (n.) sort, kind, type | WT III.ii.103 | |
Here, to this place, i'th' open ayre, before | Here to this place, i'th' open air, before | | WT III.ii.104 | |
I haue got strength of limit. Now (my Liege) | I have got strength of limit. Now, my liege, | limit (n.) prescribed time, fixed period | WT III.ii.105 | |
| | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | | |
Tell me what blessings I haue here aliue, | Tell me what blessings I have here alive | | WT III.ii.106 | |
That I should feare to die? Therefore proceed: | That I should fear to die. Therefore proceed. | | WT III.ii.107 | |
But yet heare this: mistake me not: no Life, | But yet hear this – mistake me not: no life, | | WT III.ii.108 | |
(I prize it not a straw) but for mine Honor, | I prize it not a straw; but for mine honour, | straw (n.) trivial matter, trifle | WT III.ii.109 | |
Which I would free: if I shall be condemn'd | Which I would free – if I shall be condemned | | WT III.ii.110 | |
Vpon surmizes (all proofes sleeping else, | Upon surmises, all proofs sleeping else | | WT III.ii.111 | |
But what your Iealousies awake) I tell you | But what your jealousies awake, I tell you | | WT III.ii.112 | |
'Tis Rigor, and not Law. Your Honors all, | 'Tis rigour and not law. Your honours all, | | WT III.ii.113 | |
I doe referre me to the Oracle: | I do refer me to the oracle: | refer (v.) entrust, commit, commend | WT III.ii.114 | |
Apollo be my Iudge. | Apollo be my judge! | Apollo (n.) Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing | WT III.ii.115.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
This your request | This your request | | WT III.ii.115.2 | |
Is altogether iust: therefore bring forth | Is altogether just. Therefore bring forth, | | WT III.ii.116 | |
(And in Apollo's Name) his Oracle. | And in Apollo's name, his oracle. | | WT III.ii.117 | |
| Exeunt certain Officers | | WT III.ii.117.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
The Emperor of Russia was my Father. | The Emperor of Russia was my father. | | WT III.ii.118 | |
Oh that he were aliue, and here beholding | O that he were alive, and here beholding | | WT III.ii.119 | |
His Daughters Tryall: that he did but see | His daughter's trial! That he did but see | | WT III.ii.120 | |
The flatnesse of my miserie; yet with eyes | The flatness of my misery; yet with eyes | flatness (n.) completeness, absoluteness, limitless nature | WT III.ii.121 | |
Of Pitty, not Reuenge. | Of pity, not revenge! | | WT III.ii.122 | |
| Enter Officers, with Cleomenes and Dion | | WT III.ii.123 | |
Officer. | OFFICER | | | |
You here shal sweare vpon this Sword of Iustice, | You here shall swear upon this sword of justice | | WT III.ii.123 | |
That you (Cleomines and Dion) haue | That you, Cleomenes and Dion, have | | WT III.ii.124 | |
Been both at Delphos, and from thence haue brought | Been both at Delphos, and from thence have brought | Delphos (n.) island of Delphi, C Greece, famous for its oracle | WT III.ii.125 | |
This seal'd-vp Oracle, by the Hand deliuer'd | This sealed-up oracle, by the hand delivered | | WT III.ii.126 | |
Of great Apollo's Priest; and that since then, | Of great Apollo's priest; and that since then | | WT III.ii.127 | |
You haue not dar'd to breake the holy Seale, | You have not dared to break the holy seal, | | WT III.ii.128 | |
Nor read the Secrets in't. | Nor read the secrets in't. | | WT III.ii.129.1 | |
Cleo. Dio. | CLEOMENES and DION | | | |
All this we sweare. | All this we swear. | | WT III.ii.129.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Breake vp the Seales, and read. | Break up the seals and read. | break up (v.) break, open [a seal] | WT III.ii.130 | |
Officer. | OFFICER | | | |
| (reads) | | WT III.ii.131 | |
Hermione is chast, Polixenes blamelesse, | Hermione is chaste; Polixenes blameless; | | WT III.ii.131 | |
Camillo a true Subiect, Leontes a iealous Tyrant, his | Camillo a true subject; Leontes a jealous tyrant; his | | WT III.ii.132 | |
innocent Babe truly begotten, and the King shall liue without | innocent babe truly begotten; and the King shall live without | | WT III.ii.133 | |
an Heire, if that which is lost, be not found. | an heir, if that which is lost be not found. | | WT III.ii.134 | |
Lords. | LORDS | | | |
Now blessed be the great Apollo. | Now blessed be the great Apollo! | | WT III.ii.135.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Praysed. | Praised! | | WT III.ii.135.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Hast thou read truth? | Hast thou read truth? | | WT III.ii.136.1 | |
Offic. | OFFICER | | | |
I (my Lord) euen so | Ay, my lord, even so | | WT III.ii.136.2 | |
as it is here set downe. | As it is here set down. | | WT III.ii.137 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
There is no truth at all i'th' Oracle: | There is no truth at all i'th' oracle! | | WT III.ii.138 | |
The Sessions shall proceed: this is meere falsehood. | The sessions shall proceed: this is mere falsehood. | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | WT III.ii.139 | |
| Enter Servant | | WT III.ii.140 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
My Lord the King: the King? | My lord the King, the King! | | WT III.ii.140.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
What is the businesse? | What is the business? | | WT III.ii.140.2 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
O Sir, I shall be hated to report it. | O sir, I shall be hated to report it: | | WT III.ii.141 | |
The Prince your Sonne, with meere conceit, and feare | The Prince your son, with mere conceit and fear | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | WT III.ii.142 | |
| | conceit (n.) imagining, brooding, fanciful thought | | |
Of the Queenes speed, is gone. | Of the Queen's speed, is gone. | speed (n.) fate, lot, fortune | WT III.ii.143.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
How? gone? | How! Gone? | | WT III.ii.143.2 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
Is dead. | Is dead. | | WT III.ii.143.3 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Apollo's angry, and the Heauens themselues | Apollo's angry, and the heavens themselves | | WT III.ii.144 | |
Doe strike at my Iniustice. | Do strike at my injustice. | | WT III.ii.145.1 | |
| Hermione faints | | WT III.ii.145 | |
How now there? | How now there! | | WT III.ii.145.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
This newes is mortall to the Queene: Look downe | This news is mortal to the Queen: look down | mortal (adj.) fatal, deadly, lethal | WT III.ii.146 | |
And see what Death is doing. | And see what death is doing. | | WT III.ii.147.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Take her hence: | Take her hence. | | WT III.ii.147.2 | |
Her heart is but o're-charg'd: she will recouer. | Her heart is but o'ercharged; she will recover. | overcharged (adj.) overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought | WT III.ii.148 | |
I haue too much beleeu'd mine owne suspition: | I have too much believed mine own suspicion. | | WT III.ii.149 | |
'Beseech you tenderly apply to her | Beseech you, tenderly apply to her | | WT III.ii.150 | |
Some remedies for life. | Some remedies for life. | | WT III.ii.151.1 | |
| Exeunt Paulina and Ladies, bearing Hermione | | WT III.ii.151 | |
Apollo pardon | Apollo, pardon | | WT III.ii.151.2 | |
My great prophanenesse 'gainst thine Oracle. | My great profaneness 'gainst thine oracle! | | WT III.ii.152 | |
Ile reconcile me to Polixenes, | I'll reconcile me to Polixenes; | | WT III.ii.153 | |
New woe my Queene, recall the good Camillo | New woo my queen; recall the good Camillo – | | WT III.ii.154 | |
(Whom I proclaime a man of Truth, of Mercy:) | Whom I proclaim a man of truth, of mercy: | | WT III.ii.155 | |
For being transported by my Iealousies | For, being transported by my jealousies | | WT III.ii.156 | |
To bloody thoughts, and to reuenge, I chose | To bloody thoughts and to revenge, I chose | | WT III.ii.157 | |
Camillo for the minister, to poyson | Camillo for the minister to poison | | WT III.ii.158 | |
My friend Polixenes: which had been done, | My friend Polixenes; which had been done, | | WT III.ii.159 | |
But that the good mind of Camillo tardied | But that the good mind of Camillo tardied | tardy (v.) delay, retard, hold back | WT III.ii.160 | |
My swift command: though I with Death, and with | My swift command, though I with death and with | | WT III.ii.161 | |
Reward, did threaten and encourage him, | Reward did threaten and encourage him, | | WT III.ii.162 | |
Not doing it, and being done: he (most humane, | Not doing it and being done. He, most humane, | | WT III.ii.163 | |
And fill'd with Honor) to my Kingly Guest | And filled with honour, to my kingly guest | | WT III.ii.164 | |
Vnclasp'd my practise, quit his fortunes here | Unclasped my practice, quit his fortunes here – | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | WT III.ii.165 | |
| | unclasp (v.) reveal, display, divulge | | |
(Which you knew great) and to the hazard | Which you knew great – and to the hazard | | WT III.ii.166 | |
Of all Incertainties, himselfe commended, | Of all incertainties himself commended, | incertainty (n.) uncertainty | WT III.ii.167 | |
| | commend (v.) commit, entrust, hand over | | |
No richer then his Honor: How he glisters | No richer than his honour. How he glisters | glister (v.) glitter, sparkle, gleam | WT III.ii.168 | |
Through my Rust? and how his Pietie | Through my rust! And how his piety | | WT III.ii.169 | |
Do's my deeds make the blacker? | Does my deeds make the blacker! | | WT III.ii.170.1 | |
| Enter Paulina | | WT III.ii.170 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Woe the while: | Woe the while! | | WT III.ii.170.2 | |
O cut my Lace, least my heart (cracking it) | O cut my lace, lest my heart, cracking it, | lace (n.) lacing of stays, bodice-string | WT III.ii.171 | |
Breake too. | Break too! | | WT III.ii.172.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
What fit is this? good Lady? | What fit is this, good lady? | | WT III.ii.172.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
What studied torments (Tyrant) hast for me? | What studied torments, tyrant, hast for me? | studied (adj.) deliberate, carefully planned, intentional | WT III.ii.173 | |
What Wheeles? Racks? Fires? What flaying? boyling? | What wheels? Racks? Fires? What flaying? Boiling | | WT III.ii.174 | |
In Leads, or Oyles? What old, or newer Torture | In leads or oils? What old or newer torture | oil (n.) [vat of] boiling oil | WT III.ii.175 | |
| | lead (n.) cauldron [of molten lead] | | |
Must I receiue? whose euery word deserues | Must I receive, whose every word deserves | | WT III.ii.176 | |
To taste of thy most worst. Thy Tyranny | To taste of thy most worst? Thy tyranny, | | WT III.ii.177 | |
(Together working with thy Iealousies, | Together working with thy jealousies – | | WT III.ii.178 | |
Fancies too weake for Boyes, too greene and idle | Fancies too weak for boys, too green and idle | idle (adj.) foolish, stupid, empty-headed | WT III.ii.179 | |
| | green (adj.) weak, undeveloped | | |
| | fancy (n.) imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought | | |
For Girles of Nine) O thinke what they haue done, | For girls of nine – O think what they have done, | | WT III.ii.180 | |
And then run mad indeed: starke-mad: for all | And then run mad indeed, stark mad! For all | | WT III.ii.181 | |
Thy by-gone fooleries were but spices of it. | Thy bygone fooleries were but spices of it. | spice (n.) touch, trace, dash | WT III.ii.182 | |
That thou betrayed'st Polixenes, 'twas nothing, | That thou betrayedst Polixenes 'twas nothing: | | WT III.ii.183 | |
(That did but shew thee, of a Foole, inconstant, | That did but show thee of a fool inconstant, | | WT III.ii.184 | |
And damnable ingratefull:) Nor was't much. | And damnable ingrateful. Nor was't much | ingrateful (adj.) ungrateful, unappreciative | WT III.ii.185 | |
Thou would'st haue poyson'd good Camillo's Honor, | Thou wouldst have poisoned good Camillo's honour | | WT III.ii.186 | |
To haue him kill a King: poore Trespasses, | To have him kill a king – poor trespasses, | | WT III.ii.187 | |
More monstrous standing by: whereof I reckon | More monstrous standing by: whereof I reckon | | WT III.ii.188 | |
The casting forth to Crowes, thy Baby-daughter, | The casting forth to crows thy baby daughter | | WT III.ii.189 | |
To be or none, or little; though a Deuill | To be or none or little, though a devil | | WT III.ii.190 | |
Would haue shed water out of fire, ere don't; | Would have shed water out of fire ere done't; | | WT III.ii.191 | |
Nor is't directly layd to thee, the death | Nor is't directly laid to thee, the death | | WT III.ii.192 | |
Of the young Prince, whose honorable thoughts | Of the young Prince, whose honourable thoughts – | | WT III.ii.193 | |
(Thoughts high for one so tender) cleft the heart | Thoughts high for one so tender – cleft the heart | | WT III.ii.194 | |
That could conceiue a grosse and foolish Sire | That could conceive a gross and foolish sire | conceive (v.) imagine, fancy | WT III.ii.195 | |
Blemish'd his gracious Dam: this is not, no, | Blemished his gracious dam. This is not, no, | | WT III.ii.196 | |
Layd to thy answere: but the last: O Lords, | Laid to thy answer. But the last – O lords, | | WT III.ii.197 | |
When I haue said, cry woe: the Queene, the Queene, | When I have said, cry woe! The Queen, the Queen, | said, I / you have finished speaking, had one's say | WT III.ii.198 | |
The sweet'st, deer'st creature's dead: & vengeance for't | The sweet'st, dear'st creature's dead! And vengeance for't | | WT III.ii.199 | |
Not drop'd downe yet. | Not dropped down yet. | | WT III.ii.200.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
The higher powres forbid. | The higher powers forbid! | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | WT III.ii.200.2 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
I say she's dead: Ile swear't. If word, nor oath | I say she's dead; I'll swear't. If word nor oath | | WT III.ii.201 | |
Preuaile not, go and see: if you can bring | Prevail not, go and see. If you can bring | | WT III.ii.202 | |
Tincture, or lustre in her lip, her eye | Tincture or lustre in her lip, her eye, | tincture (n.) colour, glow, brightness | WT III.ii.203 | |
Heate outwardly, or breath within, Ile serue you | Heat outwardly or breath within, I'll serve you | | WT III.ii.204 | |
As I would do the Gods. But, O thou Tyrant, | As I would do the gods. But, O thou tyrant, | | WT III.ii.205 | |
Do not repent these things, for they are heauier | Do not repent these things, for they are heavier | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | WT III.ii.206 | |
Then all thy woes can stirre: therefore betake thee | Than all thy woes can stir. Therefore betake thee | betake (v.) go, take oneself off, make one's way | WT III.ii.207 | |
To nothing but dispaire. A thousand knees, | To nothing but despair. A thousand knees, | | WT III.ii.208 | |
Ten thousand yeares together, naked, fasting, | Ten thousand years together, naked, fasting, | | WT III.ii.209 | |
Vpon a barren Mountaine, and still Winter | Upon a barren mountain, and still winter | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | WT III.ii.210 | |
In storme perpetuall, could not moue the Gods | In storm perpetual, could not move the gods | | WT III.ii.211 | |
To looke that way thou wer't. | To look that way thou wert. | | WT III.ii.212.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Go on, go on: | Go on, go on: | | WT III.ii.212.2 | |
Thou canst not speake too much, I haue deseru'd | Thou canst not speak too much; I have deserved | | WT III.ii.213 | |
All tongues to talke their bittrest. | All tongues to talk their bitt'rest. | | WT III.ii.214.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Say no more; | Say no more. | | WT III.ii.214.2 | |
How ere the businesse goes, you haue made fault | Howe'er the business goes, you have made fault | | WT III.ii.215 | |
I'th boldnesse of your speech. | I'th' boldness of your speech. | | WT III.ii.216.1 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
I am sorry for't; | I am sorry for't. | | WT III.ii.216.2 | |
All faults I make, when I shall come to know them, | All faults I make, when I shall come to know them, | | WT III.ii.217 | |
I do repent: Alas, I haue shew'd too much | I do repent. Alas, I have showed too much | | WT III.ii.218 | |
The rashnesse of a woman: he is toucht | The rashness of a woman! He is touched | | WT III.ii.219 | |
To th' Noble heart. What's gone, and what's past helpe | To th' noble heart. What's gone and what's past help | | WT III.ii.220 | |
Should be past greefe: Do not receiue affliction | Should be past grief. Do not receive affliction | | WT III.ii.221 | |
At my petition; I beseech you, rather | At my petition, I beseech you; rather | | WT III.ii.222 | |
Let me be punish'd, that haue minded you | Let me be punished, that have minded you | mind (v.) put in mind, remind | WT III.ii.223 | |
Of what you should forget. Now (good my Liege) | Of what you should forget. Now, good my liege, | | WT III.ii.224 | |
Sir, Royall Sir, forgiue a foolish woman: | Sir, royal sir, forgive a foolish woman. | | WT III.ii.225 | |
The loue I bore your Queene (Lo, foole againe) | The love I bore your queen – lo, fool again! | | WT III.ii.226 | |
Ile speake of her no more, nor of your Children: | I'll speak of her no more, nor of your children; | | WT III.ii.227 | |
Ile not remember you of my owne Lord, | I'll not remember you of my own lord, | remember (v.) remind, bring to someone's mind | WT III.ii.228 | |
(Who is lost too:) take your patience to you, | Who is lost too. Take your patience to you, | | WT III.ii.229 | |
And Ile say nothing. | And I'll say nothing. | | WT III.ii.230.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Thou didst speake but well, | Thou didst speak but well | | WT III.ii.230.2 | |
When most the truth: which I receyue much better, | When most the truth; which I receive much better | | WT III.ii.231 | |
Then to be pittied of thee. Prethee bring me | Than to be pitied of thee. Prithee, bring me | | WT III.ii.232 | |
To the dead bodies of my Queene, and Sonne, | To the dead bodies of my queen and son. | | WT III.ii.233 | |
One graue shall be for both: Vpon them shall | One grave shall be for both: upon them shall | | WT III.ii.234 | |
The causes of their death appeare (vnto | The causes of their death appear, unto | | WT III.ii.235 | |
Our shame perpetuall) once a day, Ile visit | Our shame perpetual. Once a day I'll visit | | WT III.ii.236 | |
The Chappell where they lye, and teares shed there | The chapel where they lie, and tears shed there | | WT III.ii.237 | |
Shall be my recreation. So long as Nature | Shall be my recreation. So long as nature | recreation (n.) refreshment, pastime, diversion | WT III.ii.238 | |
Will beare vp with this exercise, so long | Will bear up with this exercise, so long | exercise (n.) religious practice, spiritual observance | WT III.ii.239 | |
I dayly vow to vse it. Come, | I daily vow to use it. Come, | | WT III.ii.240 | |
and leade me / To these sorrowes. | And lead me to these sorrows. | | WT III.ii.241 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | WT III.ii.241 | |