Henry IV Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord John 1H4 V.i.1.1
of Lancaster, Earle of Westmerland, Sir Walter Blunt, and Falstaffe. of Lancaster, Sir Walter Blunt, Falstaff 1H4 V.i.1.2
How bloodily the Sunne begins to peere How bloodily the sun begins to peer 1H4 V.i.1
Aboue yon busky hill: the day lookes pale Above yon bulky hill! The day looks palebusky (adj.)
bosky, bushy, shrub-covered
1H4 V.i.2
At his distemperature At his distemperature.distemperature (n.)
disordered condition, inclement state [of weather]
1H4 V.i.3.1
The Southerne winde The southern wind 1H4 V.i.3.2
Doth play the Trumpet to his purposes, Doth play the trumpet to his purposes,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
1H4 V.i.4
And by his hollow whistling in the Leaues, And by his hollow whistling in the leaves 1H4 V.i.5
Fortels a Tempest, and a blust'ring day. Foretells a tempest and a blustering day. 1H4 V.i.6
Then with the losers let it sympathize, Then with the losers let it sympathize,sympathize with (v.)
resemble, be like, have an affinity with
1H4 V.i.7
For nothing can seeme foule to those that win. For nothing can seem foul to those that win. 1H4 V.i.8
The Trumpet sounds.The trumpet sounds 1H4 V.i.9.1
Enter Worcester.Enter Worcester and Vernon 1H4 V.i.9.2
How now my Lord of Worster? 'Tis not well How now, my Lord of Worcester! 'Tis not well 1H4 V.i.9
That you and I should meet vpon such tearmes, That you and I should meet upon such terms 1H4 V.i.10
As now we meet. You haue deceiu'd our trust, As now we meet. You have deceived our trust,deceive (v.)

old form: deceiu'd
delude, mislead, take in
1H4 V.i.11
And made vs doffe our easie Robes of Peace, And made us doff our easy robes of peace 1H4 V.i.12
To crush our old limbes in vngentle Steele: To crush our old limbs in ungentle steel. 1H4 V.i.13
This is not well, my Lord, this is not well. This is not well, my lord, this is not well. 1H4 V.i.14
What say you to it? Will you againe vnknit What say you to it? Will you again unknit 1H4 V.i.15
This churlish knot of all-abhorred Warre? This churlish knot of all-abhorred war,churlish (adj.)
stiff, hard, unyielding
1H4 V.i.16
all-abhorred (adj.)
hated by everyone
And moue in the obedient Orbe againe, And move in that obedient orb againorb (n.)

old form: Orbe
sphere, orbit, circle
1H4 V.i.17
Where you did giue a faire and naturall light, Where you did give a fair and natural light, 1H4 V.i.18
And be no more an exhall'd Meteor, And be no more an exhaled meteor,exhaled (adj.)

old form: exhall'd
dragged from a proper course; also: drawn up as a vapour
1H4 V.i.19
A prodigie of Feare, and a Portent A prodigy of fear, and a portentprodigy (n.)

old form: prodigie
omen, portent, sign
1H4 V.i.20
Of broached Mischeefe, to the vnborne Times? Of broached mischief to the unborn times?broached (adj.)
newly begun, freshly started
1H4 V.i.21
Heare me, my Liege: Hear me, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
1H4 V.i.22
For mine owne part, I could be well content For mine own part I could be well contentcontent (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
1H4 V.i.23
To entertaine the Lagge-end of my life To entertain the lag end of my life 1H4 V.i.24
With quiet houres: For I do protest, With quiet hours. For I protest 1H4 V.i.25
I haue not sought the day of this dislike. I have not sought the day of this dislike.dislike (n.)
discord, disagreement, dissension
1H4 V.i.26
You haue not sought it: how comes it then? You have not sought it? How comes it, then? 1H4 V.i.27
Rebellion lay in his way, and he found it. Rebellion lay in his way, and he found it. 1H4 V.i.28
Peace, Chewet, peace. Peace, chewet, peace!chewet (n.)
jackdaw, chatterer
1H4 V.i.29
It pleas'd your Maiesty, to turne your lookes It pleased your majesty to turn your looks 1H4 V.i.30
Of Fauour, from my Selfe, and all our House; Of favour from myself, and all our house, 1H4 V.i.31
And yet I must remember you my Lord, And yet I must remember you, my lord,remember (v.)
remind, bring to someone's mind
1H4 V.i.32
We were the first, and dearest of your Friends: We were the first and dearest of your friends. 1H4 V.i.33
For you, my staffe of Office did I breake For you my staff of office did I breakoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
1H4 V.i.34
In Richards time, and poasted day and night In Richard's time, and posted day and nightpost (v.)

old form: poasted
hasten, speed, ride fast
1H4 V.i.35
To meete you on the way, and kisse your hand, To meet you on the way, and kiss your hand, 1H4 V.i.36
When yet you were in place, and in account When yet you were in place and in accountplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
1H4 V.i.37
Nothing so strong and fortunate, as I; Nothing so strong and fortunate as I. 1H4 V.i.38
It was my Selfe, my Brother, and his Sonne, It was myself, my brother, and his son, 1H4 V.i.39
That brought you home, and boldly did out-dare That brought you home, and boldly did outdareoutdare (v.)

old form: out-dare
overcome by daring, outbrave
1H4 V.i.40
The danger of the time. You swore to vs, The dangers of the time. You swore to us, 1H4 V.i.41
And you did sweare that Oath at Doncaster, And you did swear that oath at Doncaster, 1H4 V.i.42
That you did nothing of purpose 'gainst the State, That you did nothing purpose 'gainst the state,purpose (v.)
intend, plan
1H4 V.i.43
Nor claime no further, then your new-falne right, Nor claim no further than your new-fallen right,new-fallen (adj.)

old form: new-falne
newly become due, recently acquired
1H4 V.i.44
The seate of Gaunt, Dukedome of Lancaster, The seat of Gaunt, dukedom of Lancaster.seat (n.)

old form: seate
1H4 V.i.45
To this, we sware our aide: But in short space, To this we swore our aid. But in short space 1H4 V.i.46
It rain'd downe Fortune showring on your head, It rained down fortune showering on your head, 1H4 V.i.47
And such a floud of Greatnesse fell on you, And such a flood of greatness fell on you, 1H4 V.i.48
What with our helpe, what with the absent King. What with our help, what with the absent King, 1H4 V.i.49
What with the iniuries of wanton time, What with the injuries of a wanton time,injury (n.)

old form: iniuries
grievance, wrong, complaint
1H4 V.i.50
wanton (adj.)
unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled
The seeming sufferances that you had borne, The seeming sufferances that you had borne,sufferance (n.)
distress, suffering, hardship
1H4 V.i.51
seeming (adj.)
apparent, convincing in appearance
And the contrarious Windes that held the King And the contrarious winds that held the Kingcontrarious (adj.)
adverse, unfavourable, hostile
1H4 V.i.52
So long in the vnlucky Irish Warres, So long in his unlucky Irish wars 1H4 V.i.53
That all in England did repute him dead: That all in England did repute him dead. 1H4 V.i.54
And from this swarme of faire aduantages, And from this swarm of fair advantages 1H4 V.i.55
You tooke occasion to be quickly woo'd, You took occasion to be quickly wooed 1H4 V.i.56
To gripe the generall sway into your hand, To gripe the general sway into your hand,gripe (v.)
clutch, grasp, seize
1H4 V.i.57
sway (n.)
power, dominion, rule
Forgot your Oath to vs at Doncaster, Forget your oath to us at Doncaster, 1H4 V.i.58
And being fed by vs, you vs'd vs so, And being fed by us, you used us so 1H4 V.i.59
As that vngentle gull the Cuckowes Bird, As that ungentle gull the cuckoo's birdgull (n.)
unfledged bird
1H4 V.i.60
bird (n.)
young bird, fledgeling, nestling
Vseth the Sparrow, did oppresse our Nest Useth the sparrow – did oppress our nest, 1H4 V.i.61
Grew by our Feeding, to so great a builke, Grew by our feeding to so great a bulk 1H4 V.i.62
That euen our Loue durst not come neere your sight That even our love durst not come near your sight 1H4 V.i.63
For feare of swallowing: But with nimble wing For fear of swallowing. But with nimble wing 1H4 V.i.64
We were infor'd for safety sake, to flye We were enforced for safety sake to fly 1H4 V.i.65
Out of your sight, and raise this present Head, Out of your sight, and raise this present head,head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
1H4 V.i.66
Whereby we stand opposed by such meanes Whereby we stand opposed by such means 1H4 V.i.67
As you your selfe, haue forg'd against your selfe, As you yourself have forged against yourself, 1H4 V.i.68
By vnkinde vsage, dangerous countenance, By unkind usage, dangerous countenance,dangerous (adj.)
threatening, severe, menacing
1H4 V.i.69
countenance (n.)
demeanour, bearing, manner
And violation of all faith and troth And violation of all faith and troth 1H4 V.i.70
Sworne to vs in yonger enterprize. Sworn to us in your younger enterprise.younger (adj.)

old form: yonger
earlier, former, previous
1H4 V.i.71
These things indeed you haue articulated, These things indeed you have articulate,articulate (v.)
speak about, spell out, express in words
1H4 V.i.72
Proclaim'd at Market Crosses, read in Churches, Proclaimed at market crosses, read in churches, 1H4 V.i.73
To face the Garment of Rebellion To face the garment of rebellionface (v.)
cover over, put a false face on
1H4 V.i.74
With some fine colour, that may please the eye With some fine colour that may please the eye 1H4 V.i.75
Of fickle Changelings, and poore Discontents, Of fickle changelings and poor discontents,changeling (n./adj.)
waverer, turncoat, fickle thing
1H4 V.i.76
discontent (n.)
discontented person, malcontent, agitator
Which gape, and rub the Elbow at the newes Which gape and rub the elbow at the news 1H4 V.i.77
Of hurly burly Innouation: Of hurly-burly innovation.innovation (n.)

old form: Innouation
revolution, disturbance, commotion
1H4 V.i.78
hurly-burly (adj.)

old form: hurly burly
hectic, turbulent, stormy
And neuer yet did Insurrection want And never yet did insurrection wantwant (v.)
lack, need, be without
1H4 V.i.79
Such water-colours, to impaint his cause: Such water-colours to impaint his cause,impaint (v.)
depict, portray, paint a picture of
1H4 V.i.80
Nor moody Beggars, staruing for a time Nor moody beggars starving for a timemoody (adj.)
angry, wrathful, rancorous, sullen
1H4 V.i.81
Of pell-mell hauocke, and confusion. Of pell-mell havoc and confusion. 1H4 V.i.82
In both our Armies, there is many a soule In both your armies there is many a soul 1H4 V.i.83
Shall pay full dearely for this encounter, Shall pay full dearly for this encounter 1H4 V.i.84
If once they ioyne in triall. Tell your Nephew, If once they join in trial. Tell your nephew,join (v.)

old form: ioyne
encounter, come together, meet in conflict
1H4 V.i.85
The Prince of Wales doth ioyne with all the world The Prince of Wales doth join with all the world 1H4 V.i.86
In praise of Henry Percie: By my Hopes, In praise of Henry Percy. By my hopes, 1H4 V.i.87
This present enterprize set off his head, This present enterprise set off his head,set off (v.)
take away, remove, set aside [from]
1H4 V.i.88
I do not thinke a brauer Gentleman, I do not think a braver gentleman,brave (adj.)

old form: brauer
noble, worthy, excellent
1H4 V.i.89
More actiue, valiant, or more valiant yong, More active-valiant or more valiant-young, 1H4 V.i.90
More daring, or more bold, is now aliue, More daring or more bold, is now alive 1H4 V.i.91
To grace this latter Age with Noble deeds. To grace this latter age with noble deeds. 1H4 V.i.92
For my part, I may speake it to my shame, For my part, I may speak it to my shame, 1H4 V.i.93
I haue a Truant beene to Chiualry, I have a truant been to chivalry,chivalry (n.)

old form: Chiualry
knighthood, knightly qualities
1H4 V.i.94
And so I heare, he doth account me too: And so I hear he doth account me too. 1H4 V.i.95
Yet this before my Fathers Maiesty, Yet this before my father's majesty –  1H4 V.i.96
I am content that he shall take the oddes I am content that he shall take the oddscontent (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
1H4 V.i.97
Of his great name and estimation, Of his great name and estimation, 1H4 V.i.98
And will, to saue the blood on either side, And will, to save the blood on either side, 1H4 V.i.99
Try fortune with him, in a Single Fight. Try fortune with him in a single fight. 1H4 V.i.100
And Prince of Wales, so dare we venter thee, And, Prince of Wales, so dare we venture thee, 1H4 V.i.101
Albeit, considerations infinite Albeit considerations infinite 1H4 V.i.102
Do make against it: No good Worster, no, Do make against it. No, good Worcester, no, 1H4 V.i.103
We loue our people well; euen those we loue We love our people well, even those we love 1H4 V.i.104
That are misled vpon your Cousins part: That are misled upon your cousin's part, 1H4 V.i.105
And will they take the offer of our Grace: And will they take the offer of our grace,grace (n.)
pardon, clemency
1H4 V.i.106
Both he, and they, and you; yea euery man Both he, and they, and you, yea, every man 1H4 V.i.107
Shall be my Friend againe, and Ile be his. Shall be my friend again, and I'll be his. 1H4 V.i.108
So tell your Cousin, and bring me word, So tell your cousin, and bring me word 1H4 V.i.109
What he will do. But if he will not yeeld, What he will do. But if he will not yield, 1H4 V.i.110
Rebuke and dread correction waite on vs, Rebuke and dread correction wait on us,dread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
1H4 V.i.111
And they shall do their Office. So bee gone, And they shall do their office. So, be gone;office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
1H4 V.i.112
We will not now be troubled with reply, We will not now be troubled with reply. 1H4 V.i.113
We offer faire, take it aduisedly. We offer fair, take it advisedly. 1H4 V.i.114
Exit Worcester.Exeunt Worcester and Vernon 1H4 V.i.1.114
It will not be accepted, on my life, It will not be accepted, on my life. 1H4 V.i.115
The Dowglas and the Hotspurre both together, The Douglas and the Hotspur both together 1H4 V.i.116
Are confident against the world in Armes. Are confident against the world in arms. 1H4 V.i.117
Hence therefore, euery Leader to his charge, Hence, therefore, every leader to his charge,charge (n.)
company, command
1H4 V.i.118
For on their answer will we set on them; For on their answer will we set on them, 1H4 V.i.119
And God befriend vs, as our cause is iust.And God befriend us as our cause is just! 1H4 V.i.120
Exeunt. Manet Prince and Falstaffe.Exeunt all but the Prince and Falstaff 1H4 V.i.120
Hal, if thou see me downe in the battell, / And Hal, if thou see me down in the battle and 1H4 V.i.121
bestride me, so; 'tis a point of friendship. bestride me, so. 'Tis a point of friendship.bestride (v.)
stand over, protect, safeguard
1H4 V.i.122
Nothing but a Colossus can do thee that Nothing but a Colossus can do thee thatColossus (n.)
huge bronze statue of Apollo, which bestrode the harbour entrance to the port of Rhodes
1H4 V.i.123
frendship / Say thy prayers, and farewell. friendship. Say thy prayers, and farewell. 1H4 V.i.124
I would it were bed time Hal, and all well. I would 'twere bed-time, Hal, and all well. 1H4 V.i.125
Why, thou ow'st heauen a death. Why, thou owest God a death. 1H4 V.i.126
Exit 1H4 V.i.126
'Tis not due yet: I would bee loath to pay him 'Tis not due yet – I would be loath to pay him 1H4 V.i.127
before his day. What neede I bee so forward with him, that before his day. What need I be so forward with him that 1H4 V.i.128
call's not on me? Well, 'tis no matter, Honor prickes calls not on me? Well, 'tis no matter, honour pricksprick on (v.)

old form: prickes
incite, urge on, spur on
1H4 V.i.129
call on / upon (v.)
make a call on, claim repayment of
me on. But how if Honour pricke me off when I me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when Iprick off (v.)

old form: pricke
mark down, pick out, select [for death]
1H4 V.i.130
come on? How then? Can Honour set too a legge? No: or come on, how then? Can honour set to a leg? No. Orset to (v.)

old form: too
set [a broken limb]
1H4 V.i.131
an arme? No: Or take away the greefe of a wound? No. an arm? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No.grief (n.)

old form: greefe
pain, torment, distress
1H4 V.i.132
Honour hath no skill in Surgerie, then? No. What is Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? No. What is 1H4 V.i.133
Honour? A word. What is that word Honour? honour? A word. What is in that word honour? What is 1H4 V.i.134
Ayre: A trim reckoning. Who hath it? He that honour? Air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? Hetrim (adj.)
fine, excellent, smart
1H4 V.i.135
that dy'de a Wednesday. Doth he feele it? No. Doth hee that died a' Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he 1H4 V.i.136
heare it? No. Is it insensible then? yea, to the dead. hear it? No. 'Tis insensible, then? Yea, to the dead.insensible (adj.)
incapable of being perceived by the senses
1H4 V.i.137
But wil it not liue with the liuing? No. Why? Detraction But will it not live with the living? No. Why? Detractiondetraction (n.)
slander, calumny, defamation, disparagement
1H4 V.i.138
wil not suffer it, therfore Ile none of it. Honour will not suffer it. Therefore I'll none of it. Honoursuffer (v.)
put up with, tolerate, do nothing about
1H4 V.i.139
is a meere Scutcheon, and so ends my Catechisme.is a mere scutcheon – and so ends my catechism.mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
1H4 V.i.140
scutcheon (n.)
escutcheon, painted shield
Exit.Exit 1H4 V.i.140
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