This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
Alphabetical headword definitions for Pericles
absolute (adj.)certain, definite, positive
absolute (adj.)perfect, complete, incomparable
abuse (v.)demean, do wrong to, dishonour
action (n.)performance, acting, theatre presentation
address (v.)dress, array, attire
adventurous (adj.)risk-taking, imprudently bold, rashly daring
affright (v.)frighten, terrify, scare
afore, 'fore (prep.)before, in front of
after-nourishment (n.)later sustenance
a-land (adv.)on shore, on land
a-land (adv.)on shore, on land
amaze (v.)alarm, dismay, scare
amazement (n.)alarm, apprehension, fear
an if (conj.)if
and, an (conj.)if, even if
and, an (conj.)if, whether
and, an (conj.)if, whether
Antiochus the Great[pron: an'tiyokus] Antiochus III; Syrian king in 2nd-c BC
apothecary, pothecary (n.)one who prepares and sells medicinal drugs
apparel (v.)clothe, dress up, trick out
appear (v.)present oneself as, have the character of
appearer (n.)one who arrives on the scene
approbation (n.)expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
approve (v.)endorse, support, accept as true
aptly (adv.)easily, readily
argentine (adj.)clothed in silver
art (n.)knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
artificial (adj.)skilful, accomplished, capable
ask (v.)request, suggest, propose
aspire (v.)rise up, tower, be tall
assay (v.)attempt, try, venture
assume (v.)undertake, enter, choose
attend (v.)see to, look after, apply oneself to
attend (v.)accompany, follow closely, go with
attend (v.)listen [to], pay attention [to]
attend (v.)listen [to], pay attention [to]
attend (v.)await, wait for, expect
attend (v.)regard, consider
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
attent (adj.)attentive, heedful, intent
attribute (n.)reputation, credit, honour
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
author (n.)authority, source, informant
avaunt (int.)be gone, go away, be off
awful (adj.)awe-inspiring, worthy of respect
awkward (adj.)unfavourable, contrary, adverse
aye (adv.)always, ever, for eternity
balm (v.)embalmed, anointed with fragrant oil
bark, barque (n.)ship, vessel
base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy
base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy
base (n.)[plural] type of knee-length skirt worn by a knight on horseback
bate (v.)[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct
battery (n.)breach, entry
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawdy-house (n.)brothel
bay (n.)leaf of the bay-tree [used as a herb; symbol of triumph]
be (v.)be alive, live
bearing (adj.)child-bearing, of labour
become (v.)put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
beholding (adj.)beholden, obliged, indebted
beholding (n.)sight
belching (adj.)spouting, spurting
bend (v.)aim, direct, level, turn
benison (n.)blessing, benediction
bent (adj.)determined, intent, resolved
betake (v.)go, take oneself off, make one's way
bethink (v.), past form bethoughtcall to mind, think about, consider, reflect
bethink (v.), past form bethoughtremember, recollect
better (v.)excel, outstrip, have an advantage over
birth-child (n.)native, local inhabitant
bitumed (adj.)smeared with pitch [bitumen]
bitumed (adj.)smeared with pitch [bitumen]
bleak (adj.)exposed, windswept, desolate
blessed, blest (adj.)curative, therapeutic, endowed with healing properties
blithe (adj.)merry, happy, joyful
block (n.)blockhead
blown (adj.)swollen; or: wind-driven
blurt at (v.)treat with contempt, scorn, look down on
blusterous (adj.)blustery, rough, stormy
body (n.)corporate body, collective mass [of people]
bolin (n.)[nautical] bow-line, rope for steadying a sail
boon (n.)petition, entreaty, request
boot (v.)help, serve, benefit, be useful [to]
bootless (adj.)useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing
borrowed (adj.)assumed, pretended, feigned
bots (n.)stomach worm affecting horses
bounty (n.)act of kindness, good turn
bourn (n.)frontier, destination, boundary
bow (v.)make to bend, cause to bend
brace (n.)armoured covering for the arms; or: coat of armour
braid (v.)upbraid, reproach, disparage
breath (n.)life, spirit, living and breathing existence
breathing (n.)exercise, exertion, active employment
brief (adv.)in short, briefly, in sum
briefly (adv.)quickly, soon, in a moment
briefly (adv.)quickly, soon, in a moment
briefness (n.)speedy action, promptness
brow (n.)appearance, aspect, countenance
brow (n.)forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
building (n.)position, fixed place, location
buxom (adj.)lively, cheerful, bright
call (v.)speak out, give voice
calling (n.)vocation, profession, high station in life
cambric (n.)fine linen from Cambray, Flanders
cancel of (v.)[unclear word-class] put an end to, wipe out
canvas-climber (n.)mariner climbing to trim the sails, sailor
caper, cut aperform a leap in which the feet are kicked together in the air
capital (adj.)worthy of the death penalty, punishable by death
care (n.)attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence
care (n.)anxiety, worry, solicitude [about]
care (v.)feel concern, be anxious, trouble oneself
careful (adj.)protecting; watchful, acting as a safeguard
carpet (n.)tapestry, piece of embroidered fabric
cased (adj.)enclosed in a case, in a setting
cast (v.)cast up, throw up, regurgitate
casualty (n.)chance occurrence, uncertainty, precariousness
cates (n.)(plural) delicacies, choice foodstuffs
cavalleria (n.)body of fine gentlemen, society of knights
censure (n.)assessment, opinion, judgement, criticism
city (n.)citizens, city community
clasp (v.)cling, hold tight, hang on
clear (adj.)innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty
clear (adj.)innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty
clerk (n.)scholar, sage, man of learning
clime (n.)land, region, realm
cockle (n.)cockle shell, mussel-shell
coffer (n.)box, chest
coign (n.)corner [of the earth]
command (n.)position of authority, superior role
commend (n.)commendation, support, praise
commend (v.)declare, offer, direct
commend (v.)present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
commend (v.)show well, set off to advantage
commend (v.)praise, admire, extol
commend (v.)praise, admire, extol
commission (n.)warrant, authority [to act]
commodity (n.)profit, gain, proceeds
common (adj.)public, open, outdoor
compass (v.)accomplish, fulfil, achieve, bring about
complexion (n.)constitution, physical make-up, outward appearance
conceit (n.)understanding, intelligence, apprehension
conclusion (n.)riddle, enigma, conundrum
condition (n.)state, way of life
condolement (n.)[unclear meaning] share-out, tangible expression of thanks
confound (v.)make as nothing, do away with
conjure (v.)engage in magic, cast spells, invoke supernatural aid
consist (v.)be disposed [for], be set, insist
contend (v.)argue, object, protest
contend (v.)compete, vie, rival
contend (v.)compete, vie, rival
content (n.)contentment, peace of mind
content (n.)acceptance, acquiescence
conveniently (adv.)fittingly, suitably, appropriately
conversation (n.)way of life, behaviour, manners, conduct
convince (v.)disprove, confute
cope (n.)sky, heavens, firmament
copped (adj.)humped, peaked, heaped up in a mound
correct (v.)punish, chastise, reprimand
corse (n.)corpse, dead body
cost (n.)abundance, richness, costly appearance
couch (v.)crouch, lie in ambush, lurk
countervail (v.)counterbalance, match, be equal to
course (n.)flowing stream, tributary, watercourse
course (n.)habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
courser (n.)swift horse, sprinter, charger
coward (adj.)cowardly
cower (v.)bend, crouch, squat
crave (v.)need, demand, require
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
craver (n.)beggar, asker, supplicant
creature (n.)created being
credit (n.)reputation, name, standing, honour
credit (n.)credibility, believing, belief
crop (v.)cut down, remove, hack off
cross (v.)contradict, challenge, go against
cross (v.)contradict, challenge, go against
crown of the sunFrench gold crown
cry (v.)offer for sale, advertise
cunning (n.)skill, ability, expertise
Cupid (n.)[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
curious (adj.)finely made, skilfully wrought, elaborate
curious (adj.)exquisite, excellent, fine
custrel (n.)scoundrel, rogue, low fellow
Cynthia (n.)Roman goddess of the moon; one of the identities of Diana
dangerous (adj.)threatening, severe, menacing
dark (v.)eclipse, obscure, cloud
darken (v.)obscure, eclipse, deprive of fame
dart (n.)arrow; or: light spear
date (n.)lifetime, term of existence
deal (v.)have dealings, have to do
dear (adj.)noble, honourable, worthy
deathlike (adj.)mortal, deadly, fatal
deep (adj.)learned, profound, erudite
defile (v.)make filthy, pollute, dirty
defy (v.)reject, despise, disdain, renounce
dejected (adj.)cast down, abased, humbled
delightful (adj.)full of delight, experiencing great pleasure
deliver (v.)present, show, display
deliver (v.)express one's mind, disburden in speech
deliver (v.)report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
deliver (v.)report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
derivation (n.)descent, family origins
dern, dearn, dearne (adj.)dreary, dark, wild
descending (n.)descent, family, lineage
descry (v.)catch sight of, make out, espy, discover
descry (v.)catch sight of, make out, espy, discover
device (n.)heraldic design, emblematic figure, armorial
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
difference (n.)variety, range, assortment
dig (v.)dig down, lessen by digging, excavate
direct (v.)delegate, assign, hand over
discourse (v.)relate, talk about, recount
discover (v.)reveal, show, make known
disdain (v.)despise, scorn, show contempt
disfurnish (v.)deprive, strip, dispossess
dispatch, despatch (v.)dismiss, get rid of, send away
dispatch, despatch (v.)kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
dispose (v.)direct, make arrangements for
dissemble (v.)disguise, cloak, give a deceptive appearance to
distain (v.)cast a shadow over, outshine, eclipse
distemperature (n.)ailment, disorder, malady
doit (n.)[small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle
dole (n.)grief, sorrow, sadness
doom (n.)judgement, sentence, decision
doom (n.)judgement, sentence, decision
door-keeper (n.)procurer, pander, whoremaster
door-keeper (n.)procurer, pander, whoremaster
doubt (n.)danger, risk, fear
doubt (v.)suspect, have suspicions about, fear
doubt (v.)fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
dread (adj.)revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
dropping (adj.)dripping-wet, soaked, drenched
drouth (n.)dry situation, lack of moisture
dumb (v.)make inaudible, reduce to silence
earnest (n.)pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
effectless (adj.)ineffective, fruitless, useless
eftsoons (adv.)later on, afterwards
eche (v.)add to, increase, supplement
ember-eve (n.)evening before ember-days [church quarterly 3-day period of fasting and prayer]
embracement (n.)embrace, clasping, hug
entertain (n.)entertainment, reception, treatment
entertain (v.)receive, admit, let in
entertainment (n.)treatment, attitude, disposition
entrance (n.)arrival, coming in
entranced (adj.)unconscious, insensible, thrown into a trance
envy (n.)admiration, desire [to be like], jealousy
envy (n.)malice, ill-will, enmity
Ephesus (n.)[pron: 'efesus] former port on W coast of Asia Minor; site of Diana's temple
Ephesus (n.)[pron: 'efesus] former port on W coast of Asia Minor; site of Diana's temple
Ephesus (n.)[pron: 'efesus] former port on W coast of Asia Minor; site of Diana's temple
Ephesus (n.)[pron: 'efesus] former port on W coast of Asia Minor; site of Diana's temple
erst (adv.)formerly, once, before
espy (v.)catch sight of, discern, see
estate (n.)piece of property
estate (n.)high rank, standing, status
et...and the older a good thing is, the better
Ethiop, Ethiope (adj./n.)Ethiopian, African, person with a dark countenance
event (n.)outcome, issue, consequence
ever (adv.)constantly, continually, at all times
exceed (v.)outdo, surpass, excel, be superior
exercise (n.)habitual activity, usual occupation, employment
expend (v.)spend, use up, squander
eyne (n.)[archaism] eyes
fact (n.)evil deed, wicked act, crime
false (n.)false person, deceiver
fame (n.)report, account, description
fame (n.)report, account, description
fancy (n.)imagination, creativity, inventiveness
fancy (n.)imagination, creativity, inventiveness
fare (v.)get on, manage, do, cope
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
Fates (n.)trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’)
fault (n.)misfortune, mischance, bad luck
favour (n.)[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
favour (n.)[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
feat (n.)achievement, skill, accomplishment
feathered (adj.)winged, fleet, swift
fell (adj.)cruel, fierce, savage
fell (adj.)cruel, fierce, savage
fence (v.)protect, shield, defend
finny (adj.)provided with fins
first (adv.)already, before, previously
fisher (n.)fisherman
fisting (n.)punching, knock, boxing
fit (v.)suit, befit, be suitable [for]
fitly (adv.)justly, fittingly, aptly
fitment (n.)fitting action, duty, what is called for
flaw (n.)gust, squall, blast
flesh (n.)meat
flood (n.)sea voyage
forbear (v.)withdraw, leave, give way
foreshow (v.)display, indicate, show forth
forthy (adv.)[archaism] therefore, for this reason
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
foul (adj.)false, hypocritical, shameful
frame (v.)direct one's steps, shape a course, betake oneself
frame (v.)adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate
frame (v.)fashion, make, form, create
frame (v.)fashion, make, form, create
friend (n.)relative, relation, kinsman
fright (v.), past form frightedfrighten, scare, terrify
full (adj.)unrestrained, unlimited, copious
furnished (adj.)equipped, fitted out, outfitted
furtherance (n.)aid, assistance, help
gall (v.)chafe, rub, make sore
gamester (n.)one drawn to amorous sport, one who plays the game, prostitute
'gan, can (v.)began
generation (n.)posterity, procreation, humankind
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)peaceful, calm, free from violence
gentle (adj.)peaceful, calm, free from violence
gentle (adj.)soft, tender, kind
gentle (adj.)soft, tender, kind
gentle (adj.)soft, tender, kind
get (v.)beget, conceive, breed
get (v.)make money, get wealth, earn a living
give over (v.)retire, give up a trade, abandon a way of life
give over (v.)retire, give up a trade, abandon a way of life
give over (v.)cease, finish, leave off
glad (n.)gladness, joy, delight
glad (v.)gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice
glad (v.)gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice
glad (v.)gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice
glad (v.)make a gladness of
glance (v.)touch, have an impact
glass (n.)mirror, looking-glass
glass (n.)mirror, looking-glass
glorious (adj.)seeking glory, eager for renown
gloze (v.)speak fair words, flatter, talk plausibly
go (v.)go off, set about, proceed
go through (v.)haggle at length, carry out a piece of bargaining
go to itcopulate, have sexual intercourse
good (n.)good fellow
goodly (adj.)splendid, excellent, fine
goodly (adj.)splendid, excellent, fine
goodly (adj.)good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
goodly (adj.)good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
gosling (n.)beginner, greenhorn, novice
gown (n.)loose upper garment worn by men
gown (n.)loose upper garment worn by men
grace (n.)gracefulness, charm, elegance
graciously (adv.)through divine grace, in all holiness
graff (n.)grafted plant
gratify (v.)reward, repay, show gratitude for
green (n.)grass-covered land, grassy mound
green-sickness (n.)sexual squeamishness, sickly naivety
greet (v.)please, gratify, satisfy
greet (v.)please, gratify, satisfy
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
grieve (v.)vex, hurt, trouble
gripe (v.)clutch, grasp, seize
grisled (adj.)grisly, frightening, horrible
groom (n.)fellow, character, creature
ground (n.)reason, cause, source
habit (n.)dress, clothing, costume
hale (v.)drag, pull, haul
half-part (n.)half each, fair shares
hams (n.)thighs, legs
hap (v.)happen, take place, come to pass
happily (adv.)perhaps, by chance, maybe
harbourage (n.)shelter, refuge, haven
harpy (n.)mythical rapacious bird, half woman, half vulture [symbolizing divine retribution]
hatched (adv.)with the upper half closed
haunt (v.)pursue, afflict, beset
haven (n.)harbour, port
heavy (adj.)sorrowful, sad, gloomy
heavy (adj.)sorrowful, sad, gloomy
heavy (adj.)pressing, weighty, overpowering
herb-woman (n.)woman who sells herbs
Hesperides (n.)[pron: hes'perideez] daughters of the evening star (Hesper), who guard the garden of the gods where the golden apples grow
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
hight (v.)[archaism] is called
hold (v.)keep, preserve, conserve
honest (adj.)chaste, pure, virtuous
honour (n.)credit, good name, reputation
how (adv.)how much?, at what rate?
humming (adj.)murmuring
husbandry (n.)industriousness, diligence, eagerness to work
husht (int.)be quiet
Hymen (n.)[pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute
chamber (n.)bedchamber, bedroom
chance (v.)come by chance, happen to arrive
chance (v.)happen [to], transpire, come about
chance (v.)happen [to], transpire, come about
change (v.)exchange, trade
character (n.)handwriting, style of writing, lettering
character (n.)handwriting, style of writing, lettering
character (n.)letter, letter-shape, graphic symbol
charge (n.)task, responsibility, duty
cheapen (v.)bargain for, bid for, settle the price of
chequin (n.)type of gold coin [of Italy and Turkey]
chiding (adj.)noisy, brawling, tumultuous
chivalry (n.)knightly rank [as displayed on a coat-of-arms: a twisted band encircling a helmet]
choleric (adj.)irritable, angry, enraged
chosen (adj.)choice, outstanding, special
ill (adj.)evil, wicked, immoral
ill (adj.)bad, adverse, unfavourable
ill (n.)trouble, affliction, misfortune
ill (n.)trouble, affliction, misfortune
ill (n.)wrong, injury, harm, evil
ill (n.)wrong, injury, harm, evil
impious (adj.)lacking reverence towards God, wicked, irreligious
imposture (n.)impostor, fraud
in this hope I live
incensed (adj.)inflamed, angered, enraged
indenture (n.)contract, agreement
indenture (n.)contract, agreement
indurance, endurance (n.)distressing delay, hardship
inflict (v.)afflict, trouble, plague
infusion (n.)natural characteristic, tincture, liquid extract
iniquity (n.)piece of wickedness, little devil
inkle (n.)kind of linen tape, yarn
inquire (n.)inquiry, enquiry
intend (v.)be determined to make, plan to take
intent (n.)intention, purpose, aim
intent (n.)intention, purpose, aim
intent (n.)intention, purpose, aim
intreasured, entreasured (adj.)safely stored up, kept as in a treasury
invention (n.)novelty, fresh creation, innovation
issue (n.)child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
iwis (adv.)[archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly
jet (v.)strut, swagger, parade
jewel (n.)fine ornament, costly adornment
Jove (n.)[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Jove (n.)[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
joy (v.)add joy to, enjoy, gladden, brighten
joy (v.)feel joy, be happy, rejoice
Juno (n.)Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
Juno (n.)Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
just (adj.)proper, true
justify (v.)affirm, acknowledge, corroborate
justly (adv.)exactly, precisely, closely
keep (v.)continue, carry on, remain
keep (v.)lodge, live, dwell
kind (adj.)gracious, full of courtesy
kind (n.)breed, lineage, stock, family
kindness (n.)kind nature, natural courtesy, natural affection
kindness (n.)kind act, fond display
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
laboured (adj.)carefully fashioned, produced with great skill
ladder-tackle (n.)rope-ladder in the rigging
lading (n.)cargo, freight, merchandise
large, atat length, in full, thoroughly
large, atat length, in full, thoroughly
late (adv.)recently, a little while ago / before
law (int.)indeed
lay (n.)song
length (n.)range, reach, scope
letter (n.)(plural) study, learning, knowledge
level at (v.)aim for, have as a target
level at (v.)aim for, have as a target
levy (v.)[unclear meaning] level, purpose, intend
liberty (n.)(plural) rights, prerogatives, privileges
liege (n.)lord, sovereign
light (v.)alight, descend, fall, come to rest
like (adj.)same, similar, alike, equal
like (adv.)likely, probable / probably
like (adv.)likely, probable / probably
like (adv.)likely, probable / probably
liking (n.)lustful affection, sexual attraction
list (n.)(usually plural) combat arena at a tournament
list (v.)listen
litigious (adj.)quarrelsome, contentious, marred by disputes
livery (n.)uniform, costume, special clothing
livery (n.)uniform, costume, special clothing
livery (n.)uniform, costume, special clothing
long (v.)belong to, be part of
lop (v.)remove, eliminate, get rid of
lown, loon (n.)rogue, sluggard; worthless idiot
Lucina (n.)[lu'seena] Roman goddess of childbirth
Lucina (n.)[lu'seena] Roman goddess of childbirth
lux...thy light is life to me
malign (v.)deal maliciously with, be hostile to
malkin (n.)wench, drab, slut
manage (n.)management, handling, control [especially of a horse, as a result of training]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
mart (n.)market
me...the honour of the contest led me on
mean (adj.)lowly, humble, poor
measure (n.)slow stately dance, graceful movement
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
mere (adj.)sole, personal, particular
mind (v.)intend, have a mind
mirth (n.)merry-making, pleasure-seeking
misdread (n.)dread of evil, fear of harm
mischief (n.)catastrophe, calamity, misfortune
moan (n.)plaintiveness, mournfulness, melancholy
morn (n.)morning, dawn
morrow (n.)morning
morrow (n.)morning
mortal (adj.)fatal, deadly, lethal
mortal (adj.)human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
mortally (adv.)of human origin
mortally (adv.)grievously, bitterly, intensely
mote (n.)speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle
move (v.)move to anger, provoke, exasperate
move (v.)move to anger, provoke, exasperate
mundane (adj.)worldly, earthly
Mytilene (n.)[pron: 'mitilen] city in Lesbos, Greece
name (n.)reputation, fame, renown
narrowly (adv.)carefully, with close attention
nature (n.)human nature
ne (conj.)[archaism] nor
near (adv.)closely, intimately, seriously
needy (adj.)needed, necessary
neele (n.)needle
neglection (n.)negligence, neglect, disregard
NeptuneRoman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
NeptuneRoman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
NeptuneRoman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
nicely (adv.)scrupulously, punctiliously, meticulously, fastidiously
night-bird (n.)nightingale, bird that sings at night
night-oblations (n.)evening devotions
nill (v.)will not
nip (v.)press, enforce, compel
nobleness (n.)nobility, aristocratic rank
now (adv.)just now
nuzzle up (v.)rear, bring up, nurture
offer (v.)attempt, start, try, make a move
office (n.)task, service, duty, responsibility
office (n.)role, position, place, function
oft (adv.)often
oft (adv.)often
oft (adv.)often
ope (v.)open
open (v.)reveal, uncover, disclose
open (v.)reveal, uncover, disclose
opinion (n.)public opinion, popular judgement
opposing (adj.)opposite, antipodal
orb (n.)sphere, orbit, circle
ostent (n.)display, show, manifestation
overbear (v.)overwhelm, overcome, overpower
overlook (v.)inspect, superintend, oversee
overpressed (adj.)overpowered, overwhelmed, overcome
owe (v.)own, possess, have
pace (n.)way of walking, gait
pace (v.)[horse-training] break in, teach one paces, properly train
pain (n.)effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
pain (n.)effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
pained (adj.)tormented, distressed, persecuted
painful (adj.)painstaking, diligent, laborious
Paphos (n.)[pron: 'pafos] Cyprus; favourite abode of Venus, goddess of love
part (n.)quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
part (v.)depart [from], leave, quit
partake (v.)make known, impart, communicate
passion (n.)emotional state, mental condition
passion (n.)suffering, torment, deep grief
passport (n.)document providing details
pay (v.)repay, requite, recompense
peer (n.)mate, companion; wife
peevish (adj.)obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’]
pelf (n.)possessions, property, goods
Pentapolis (n.)[pron: pen'tapolis] city region on N African coast, modern Libya
peremptory (adj.)overbearing, imperious, dictatorial
perfect (adj.)complete, flawless, unblemished
perfect (v.)inform fully, instruct completely
perch (n.)measure of land [c.5.5 yards / c.5 m]; distance
persever (v.)persevere, persist, keep at it
physic (n.)medicine, healing, treatment
physic (n.)medicine, healing, treatment
physic (n.)medicine, healing, treatment
physic (n.)medicine, healing, treatment
piece (n.)specimen, masterpiece
piece (n.)[of virtue] model, picture, paragon
place (n.)position, post, office, rank
place (n.)position, post, office, rank
plain (v.)make plain, explain, give utterance to
pledge (v.)drink a toast to, drink to
pompous (adj.)glorious, magnificent, splendid
poop (v.)make a fool of; or: do away with [through venereal disease]
port (n.)portal, entrance, gateway
portage (n.)[unclear meaning] life's voyage, journey through life
portly (adj.)stately, majestic, dignified
post (adv.)in haste, with speed
power (n.)(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
power (n.)(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
power (n.)force, strength, might
pox (n.)venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
practice (n.)doings, proceedings, dealings
practise (v.)engage in, carry on, take up
prefer (v.)promote, advance, recommend
pregnant (adj.)well-disposed, ready, inclined, receptive
presence (n.)appearance, bearing, demeanour
present (n.)object presented
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
prest (adj.)engaged, made ready, hired
prevent (v.)forestall, anticipate
Priapus (n.)[priy'aypus] Greek god of human and plant fertility
priest (n.)priestess
prime (adj.)first, original, initial
principal (n.)main rafter, joist
principal (n.)mistress, superior, manager
proportion (n.)part, portion, amount
prorogue (v.)prolong, draw out, lengthen
prosperous (adj.)profitable, beneficial, leading to a successful outcome
prosperous (adj.)profitable, beneficial, leading to a successful outcome
prove (v.)demonstrate, establish, show to be true
pudding (n.)type of large savoury dish; dumpling, pasty
pure (adj.)sheer, utter, total
purchase (n.)beneficial result, benefit, advantage
purchase (n.)acquisition, prize, spoil
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (v.)intend, plan
put (v.)bestow, grant, place officially
put off (v.)keep away, avert, evade
quaintly (adv.)subtly, skilfully, ingeniously
quality (n.)accomplishment, capacity, ability
question (v.)enquire about, discuss, deliberate
questionless (adv.)unquestionably, undoubtedly, most certainly
qui...who feeds me extinguishes me
quick (adj.)fresh, invigorating, sharp
quit (v.)make compensation for, requite
quoth a, quotha (int.)did he say?, indeed!
rapture (n.)seizure, plundering, carrying away
rare (adj.)unusual, striking, exceptional
rare (adj.)unusual, striking, exceptional
rare (adj.)marvellous, splendid, excellent
rare (adj.)marvellous, splendid, excellent
rarely (adv.)exceptionally, outstandingly, unbelievably
ravish (v.)entrance, enrapture, carry away with joy
raw (adj.)unrefined, unskilled, unpolished
raze, raze outerase, obliterate, wipe out
reave (v.), past form reftrob, deprive
rebuke (v.)repress, put down, check
receive (v.)understand, take in, comprehend
receptacle (n.)repository, storehouse, receiving chamber
recollect (v.)gather up, collect, amass
record (v.)sing, warble, chant
recover (v.)revive, restore to health
regent (n.)ruler, governor, sovereign
relation (n.)report, account, narration
relish (v.)have a flavour [of], taste, savour
remember (v.)commemorate, acknowledge, reward, recognize
remembrance (n.)memory, bringing to mind, recollection
renown (n.)reputation, good name, honour
repair (v.)restore, renew, revive
repeat (v.)mention, speak of, utter
report (v.)give an account [of], describe in words
requite (v.), past forms requit, requitedreward, repay, recompense
reserve (v.)preserve, retain, keep
resist (v.)revolt, repel, fill with distaste
resolve (v.)satisfy, free from doubt
resolve (v.)satisfy, free from doubt
resolve (v.)answer, respond to
resolve (v.)answer, respond to
resolve (v.)answer, respond to
resort (n.)visits, visitings, approaches
resorter (n.)regular, frequenter, customer
respect (n.)regard, admiration, favour, opinion
respect (v.)value, have regard for, prize
rest (n.)residence, lodging, stay
restorative (n.)healing power, medicinal cordial
return (v.)answer, report, say in reply [to]
reverend (adj.)revered, worthy, respected
rid (v.)lie at anchor
riot (n.)dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance
ripe (adj.)mature, sophisticated, refined
roguing (adj.)living like rogues, villainous, rascally
rosemary (n.)aromatic shrub, associated with remembering
rout (n.)band, company, crowd
rudely (adj.)violent, rough, harsh
ruff (n.)frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck
rutting (n.)fornication, promiscuity
sable (adj.)black
sad (adj.)serious, grave, solemn
sad (adj.)downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
said, wellwell done
sail (n.)fleet, squadron, flotilla
salute (v.)greet, welcome, address
savour (v.)smell, reek, stink
scan (v.)judge, assess, criticize
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scene (n.)play, drama, performance
scene (n.)play, drama, performance
scorn (v.)mock, jeer, express disdain [at]
sea-margent (n.)seashore, edge of the sea
sea-room (n.)space at sea to manoeuvre a ship
secret (adj.)hidden, obscure, abstruse
seem (v.)arrange, contrive, try speciously
seem (v.)have the look [of], give the appearance [of]
seem (v.)have the look [of], give the appearance [of]
semblance (n.)appearance, outward show
semblance (n.)appearance, outward show
sense (n.)senses, sensation, organs of sense
several (adj.)various, sundry, respective, individual
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
shadow (n.)shelter, roof
shake (n.)shaking, shock, blow
shew (v.)eschew, avoid, shirk
shine (n.)shining quality, radiance
shore (n.)waterside dump, sewage channel
short (adj.)wanting, insufficient, inadequate
show (n.)appearance, exhibition, display
show (n.)spectacle, display, ceremony
show (n.)pretence, fabrication, deception
scholar (n.)pupil, student
scholar (n.)pupil, student
sic...thus is faithfulness to be tested
sight (n.)outward appearance, external show
sight (n.)eye
sink (v.)be ruined, give up, perish
sit (v.)sit in conference, meet for a discussion
slack (v.)reduce to inactivity, quieten down
sleded, sleided (adj.)finely divided, filamented
small (adj.)slender, slim
smile (v.)make something happen by smiling
smooth (v.)adopt a flattering manner, make a plausible show, conciliate
sodden (adj.)diseased, rotten, limp
soft (int.)[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
soft (int.)[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
softly (adv.)slowly, gently
sojourner (n.)guest, lodger, visitor
soldier (n.)dedicated person, committed individual
some (n.)someone, a person, one
something (adv.)a little, to some extent
sometime (adv.)formerly, at one time, once
sometimes (adv.)formerly, once, at one time, previously
soon (adv.)quickly, in a short time
sooth (n.)flattery, sycophant, sweet-talk
sooth (n.)truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
sooth (n.)truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
sore (adj.)severe, harsh, heavy
sort (n.)class, level, social rank
sound (v.)cry out, declare, proclaim
Sparta (n.)city of Peloponnesia, S Greece
speeding (n.)success, good fortune
speken (v.)[archaism] speak
sphere (n.)star, planet
split (v.)break up, split in two
sport (n.)recreation, amusement, entertainment
square (adj.)broad, wide
staff (n.)(plural ‘staves’) spear, lance
standing-bowl (n.)bowl standing on a pedestal
starve (v.)destroy, wither, waste away
state (n.)splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity
stature (n.)height
stay (v.)linger, tarry, delay
stead (v.)help, assist, benefit
stead (v.)help, assist, benefit
stem (n.)prow, bows
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
stint (v.)cease, stop short
stomach (n.)appetite, desire [for food]
stored (adj.)well supplied, rich, plentifully provided
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
stretch (v.)strain to the utmost, maximally exert
strict (adj.)harsh, cruel, unrelenting
strong (adj.)certain, convincing, persuasive
strong (adj.)forceful, persuasive, influential
subject (n.)subjects, people [of a state]
subscribe to (v.)sign, endorse, put one's name to
subtlety (n.)cunning, crafty stratagem
succeed (v.)proceed, result, issue naturally
succeed (v.)follow on, ensue, come after
suffer (v.)perish, be destroyed, collapse
suffer (v.)be wronged, be abused
suffrage (n.)vote, approval, consent
suit (n.)formal request, entreaty, petition
sum (n.)summary, gist, essence
superfluous (adj.)extravagant, wasteful, immoderate
supposing (n.)imagination, creative thinking
sure (adj.)harmless, innocuous, unable to cause damage
surge (n.)heavy wave, violent sea
surgeon (n.)doctor, physician
surprise (n.)alarm, terror [caused by a fearful event]
take (v.)captivate, delight, enrapture
take to (v.)have recourse to, take oneself off to
taper-light (n.)candle-light
target (n.)light round shield
target (n.)light round shield
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
Tarsus (n.)ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey
tell (v.)disclose, reveal, explain
Tellus (n.)Roman goddess of the earth
Thetis (n.)[pron: 'theetis] sea-nymph married to Peleus, destined to bear a son (Achilles) greater than his father
thought (n.)intention, purpose, design
thoughten (adj.)assured, of a mind, thinking
throng (v.)crush, overwhelm
throng up (v.)cram, fill, burden
thwart (v.)cross, traverse, go over
Tib (n.)[type name for] strumpet, harlot, whore
tilt (v.)joust, fight [with lances], thrust
tire (n.)fittings, furnishings, trappings
tonight (adv.)last night, this past night
top (v.)prune, lop, cut back
touchstone (n.)type of stone used for testing the quality of a gold or silver alloy
tourney (v.)take part in a tournament
tourney (v.)take part in a tournament
trade (n.)regular line of work, recognized business
travail, travel (n.)labour, pain of childbirth
travail, travel (n.)labour, pain of childbirth
treason (n.)treachery, betrayal, deceitfulness
trim (v.)dress, attire, make [oneself] ready
trip (v.)dance, step lightly
triumph (n.)public festivity, pageant, display of celebration, tournament
triumph (n.)public festivity, pageant, display of celebration, tournament
troth, by myby my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
two or threea few, several
undo (v.)ruin, destroy, wipe out
undo (v.)ruin, destroy, wipe out
undo (v.)unravel, solve, explain
unlaid openot laid open, undisclosed, unrevealed
unlicensed (adj.)without permission, lacking the assent
unwholesome (adj.)corrupted, infected, diseased
used (adj.)customary, usual, accustomed
usurp on / upontake wrongful possession of, misappropriate
vail (n.)[textiles: remnant of cloth, leftover of material] tip, gratuity, perk
vail (v.)lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission]
vail (v.)do homage, pay respect, show devotion
vast (n.)great expanse, immense space, waste
vegetive (n.)plant, vegetable
vestal (adj.)as a virgin priestess
vestal (n.)woman vowed to chastity, virgin, priestess
viand (n.)(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff
vie (v.)offer in competition, display in rivalry
viol (n.)type of stringed instrument played with a bow
viol (n.)type of stringed instrument played with a bow
virginal (adj.)typical of a virgin
virtue (n.)quality, accomplishment, ability
visor (n.)mask
votaress (n.)woman under vow, votary, devotee [of an order]
wage (v.)compete, be a rival to, measure up to
wanion, with awith a vengeance, with a plague
want (v.)require, demand, need
want (v.)require, demand, need
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
warrant (n.)licence, sanction, authorization
warrant (v.)tell, assure, give good grounds to
warrant (v.)assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
warrant (v.)assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
warrant (v.)assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
waste (v.)pass, spend, while away
water (n.)lustre, sheen, quality
wayward (adj.)hostile, contrary, antagonistic
wayward (adj.)changeable, capricious, erratic
weed (n.)garment, piece of clothing
well-a-day (int.)exclamation of grief, sorrow, upset, etc
well-a-day (n.)lamentation, grief, sorrowing
well-a-near (int.)alas, alack
well-favoured (adj.)good-looking, attractive in appearance
wench (n.)girl, lass
wenchless (adj.)lacking in women
whip the goslingconfound the little goose
whipstock (n.)whip-handle
whir (v.)whirl, rush along, carry
wholesome (adj.)sound, firm, in good condition
wight (n.)[archaism] person, human being
wild (adj.)delirious, ecstatic, passionately elated
will (n.)wilfulness, self-will, determination
will (n.)desire, wish, liking, inclination
wit (n.)intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
wit (v.)know, be aware, realize
wonderingly (adv.)with wonder, with amazement
word (n.)maxim, saying, adage, motto
work (v.), past form wroughtrun, toss about, rage
wrack (n.)destruction, ruin
wrack (v.)wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
writ (n.)[archaism] gospel, holy scripture
yield (v.)bring forth, produce

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