This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated
instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
a (prep.) | variant form of 'to' |
abate (v.) | shorten, lessen, reduce |
abide (v.) | endure, undergo, face |
abridgement (n.) | pastime, short entertainment, means of shortening the time |
aby (v.) | suffer for, pay for, atone for |
aby (v.) | suffer for, pay for, atone for |
accident (n.) | occurrence, event, happening |
ace (n.) | one [lowest score on a dice] |
act (n.) | play interval, interlude |
adamant (n.) | legendary substance of great hardness and magnetism |
address (v.) | direct, apply, turn |
address (v.) | prepare, make ready, poise to act |
admirable (adj.) | wondrous, marvellous, extraordinary |
advance (v.) | display, present, promote |
Aegles (n.) | [pron: 'eegleez] daughter of Panopeus of Phocis, loved by Theseus |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
after-supper (n.) | period of time immediately after dessert [eaten after the main course of the evening meal] |
again (adv.) | in return, back [in response] |
aggravate (v.) | intensify; malapropism for ‘moderate’ |
Acheron (n.) | [pron: 'akeron] Underworld abyss and river, which souls of the dead must cross |
air (n.) | melody, tune, strain |
aloof (adv.) | a short distance away, to one side |
Amazon, Amazonian (n.) | one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war |
amiable (adj.) | beloved, desirable, lovable |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
and, an (conj.) | as if |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) | old-fashioned, old-world, antiquated |
Antiopa, Antiope (n.) | [pron: an'tiyopa] Amazon captured or abducted by Theseus |
apace (adv.) | quickly, speedily, at a great rate |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apple (n.) | pupil, centre |
apprehend (v.) | imagine, conceive, invent |
apprehend (v.) | imagine, conceive, invent |
apprehension (n.) | perception, auditory reception |
approve (v.) | prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate |
apricock (n.) | apricot |
argument (n.) | subject, point, theme, target |
Ariadne (n.) | [ari'adnee] daughter of Minos who helped Theseus find his way through the labyrinth, and then fled with him; Theseus abandoned her while she slept at Naxos |
arm (v.) | prepare, get ready |
art (n.) | magic, enchantment, trickery |
artificial (adj.) | showing creative artistry, artistically skilful |
assurance (n.) | security, certainty, confidence |
attend (v.) | listen [to], pay attention [to] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aunt (n.) | old woman, gossip |
avouch (v.) | declare, assert, affirm |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
Bacchanal (n.) | devotee of Bacchus, the god of wine and inspiration |
bait (v.) | harass, persecute, torment |
barky (adj.) | bark-covered |
barm (n.) | froth on the top of fermenting ale |
barren (adj.) | stupid, empty-headed, dull |
base (adj.) | poor, wretched, of low quality |
bate (v.) | except, omit, leave out of consideration |
batty (adj.) | bat-like |
bay (v.) | bring to bay, drive to a last stand |
bead (n.) | tiny thing, smallest of objects |
beached (adj.) | having a beach, shingly, sandy |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell | happen, occur, take place, turn out |
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell | happen, occur, take place, turn out |
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell | happen to, come to |
beguile (v.) | cheat, deceive, trick |
behowl (v.) | howl at, bay, cry out to |
belike (adv.) | probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems |
bent (adj.) | determined, intent, resolved |
Bergomask (n.) | in the manner of the people of Bergamo, N Italy |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
beteem, beteene (v.) | allow, permit, let, grant |
bethink (v.), past form bethought | call to mind, think about, consider, reflect |
bill (n.) | inventory, list, catalogue |
bladed (adj.) | many-bladed, abounding in shoots |
blood (n.) | nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blow (v.) | blossom, bloom, flower |
bob (v.) | knock, bump, bang |
body forth (v.) | make available to the mind, give mental shape to |
bolt (n.) | [short and thick, crossbow] arrow |
bond (n.) | [physical] tie, restraint, constraint |
bond (n.) | deed, contract, pledge |
bone (n.) | (plural) pieces of bone [used as a musical instrument] |
bootless (adj.) | useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing |
bootless (adv.) | fruitlessly, uselessly, unsuccessfully, in vain |
bottle (n.) | bundle, truss [of hay] |
brake (n.) | bush, thicket |
brake (n.) | bush, thicket |
brake (n.) | bush, thicket |
brake (n.) | bush, thicket |
brake (n.) | bush, thicket |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
bravely (adv.) | showily, with great display, with a fine flourish |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breath (n.) | voice, song, sound |
brief (n.) | summary, short account |
brisky (adj.) | brisk, lively, sprightly |
broach (v.) | pierce, impale, spit |
brow (n.) | appearance, aspect, countenance |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
bully (n./adj.) | [especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend |
bully (n./adj.) | [especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend |
bur, burr (n.) | clinger, person difficult to shake off |
buskined (adj.) | wearing high hunting boots [buskins] |
buy (v.) | pay for, suffer the consequences of |
Cadmus (n.) | [pron: 'kadmus] son of Agenor, King of Tyre; he set off in pursuit of his sister Europa, arrived in Greece, and founded Thebes |
canker (n./adj.) | grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite |
canker-blossom (n.) | grub that destroys the blossom [of love] |
capacity (n.) | intelligence, understanding, capability |
car (n.) | carriage, cart, chariot [often of the sun god] |
carol (n.) | song of joy |
carry (v.) | carry out, manage, conduct |
casement (n.) | moveable section of a window, light |
catch (v.) | seize, get hold of, capture |
Cavalery (n.) | cavalier, courtly gentleman |
Centaur (n.) | creature with the upper half of a man and the rear legs of a horse; reputed for bestial behaviour |
centre (n.) | centre of the earth, axis |
certain (adj.) | sure, unerring, accurate |
clear (adj.) | serene, cheerful, unclouded |
clerk (n.) | scholar, sage, man of learning |
close (adj.) | private, secluded, sequestered |
clown (n.) | yokel, rustic, country bumpkin; also: low comic character [in a play] |
coat (n.) | coat-of-arms |
coil (n.) | turmoil, disturbance, fuss |
cold (adj.) | chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion |
collied (adj.) | blackened, darkened, murky |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
compact (adj.) | made up, composed |
companion (n.) | rogue, rascal, fellow |
company (n.) | companion, associate, comrade |
compare (n.) | comparison, simile, analogy |
compare (v.) | vie, rival, compete |
compass (v.) | go around, orbit, make a circuit of |
compose (v.) | make up, produce, fashion |
comprehend (v.) | take in, include, incorporate |
con (v.) | learn by heart, commit to memory |
con (v.) | learn by heart, commit to memory |
conceit (n.) | trinket, fancy article, bauble |
conceive (v.) | understand, comprehend, follow |
concern (v.) | be important to, be the concern of |
concern (v.) | befit, suit with, accord with |
condole (v.) | lament, grieve, express great sorrow |
condoling (adj.) | moving, affecting, poignant |
conference (n.) | conversation, talk, discourse |
conjunction (n.) | union, uniting, joining together |
conjure up (v.) | bring about [as if by magic], cause to appear |
consecrate (adj.) | consecrated, blessed, sanctified |
consort (v.) | accompany, attend, go with |
constancy (n.) | consistency, agreement, uniformity |
contagious (adj.) | pestilential, harmful, noxious |
content (adj.) | satisfied, calm, easy in mind |
content (adj.) | contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed |
continent (n.) | bank, embankment, course |
convenient (adj.) | fitting, suitable, appropriate |
Corin (n.) | traditional name given to a love-sick shepherd |
coronet (n.) | garland, wreath, circlet [of flowers, etc] |
counterfeit (n.) | impostor, pretender, sham |
counterfeit (v.) | pretend, feign, make believe |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners |
coy (v.) | caress, stroke, pet |
crab (n.) | crab-apple, sour apple |
cradle (n.) | place of repose, resting place |
crannied (adj.) | cracked, split, holed |
crazed (adj.) | flawed, unsound, impaired |
crescent (n.) | waxing moon, growing person |
crest (n.) | heraldic device placed above the shield and helmet in a coat-of-arms |
Crete (n.) | Mediterranean island, known for its dogs |
critical (adj.) | censorious, judgemental, fault-finding |
cross (v.) | prevent, thwart, forestall |
crossway (n.) | cross-road |
crown (n.) | head |
cry (n.) | company, pack [as of hounds] |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid's flower | pansy |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
dame (n.) | lady, mistress, woman of rank |
Daphne (n.) | nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree |
dare (v.) | challenge, confront, defy |
darkling (adv.) | in the dark, in darkness |
date (n.) | duration, period of existence |
dead (adj.) | deadly, death-dealing, murderous |
debate (n.) | quarrel, wrangling, strife |
defeat (v.) | frustrate, bring to nought |
defect (n.) | malapropism for ‘effect’ |
derived (adj.) | descended, in lineage |
desire (v.) | request, wish, ask [for] |
desire (v.) | request, wish, ask [for] |
device (n.) | plan, scheme, intention |
device (n.) | show, performance, production |
dew (v.) | bedew, moisten, water |
dewberry (n.) | species of blackberry |
dewlap, dewlop (n.) | folds of loose skin hanging about the neck |
dewlapped (adj.) | with folds of loose skin around the throat |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
Dian's bud | [unclear meaning] herb associated with chastity |
die (n.) | one of a pair of dice |
discourse (v.) | talk, chat, converse |
discourse (v.) | relate, talk about, recount |
discourse (v.) | relate, talk about, recount |
disfigure (v.) | stand for, disguise, alter the appearance of |
discharge (v.) | play, perform, execute |
discharge (v.) | play, perform, execute |
discharge (v.) | play, perform, execute |
dispatch, despatch (v.) | hurry up, be quick |
dissembling (adj.) | deceitful, hypocritical, false |
dissolve (v.) | melt, liquefy |
distemperature (n.) | disordered condition, inclement state [of weather] |
ditty (n.) | song |
do (v.) | perform, play one's part, act |
do (v.) | perform, play one's part, act |
dole (n.) | grief, sorrow, sadness |
dotage (n.) | doting, infatuation, excessive affection |
double (adj.) | forked, divided |
double (adj.) | forked, divided |
downright (adv.) | outright, totally, utterly |
draw (v.) | draw up, draft, frame |
drawn (adj.) | with sword drawn |
dulcet (adj.) | sweet, mild, pleasant, agreeable |
duty (n.) | reverence, due respect, proper attitude |
eglantine (n.) | sweet briar |
eke (adv.) | [archaism] also, moreover, too |
enamelled (adj.) | brightly coloured, multi-coloured, kaleidoscopic |
enforced (adj.) | violated, assaulted, ravished |
engild (v.) | gild, brighten, illuminate |
enring (v.) | form a ring round, encircle, surround |
entwist (v.) | clasp with a twist, entwine, wreathe around |
Ercles (n.) | ['airkleez] comic form of Hercules |
erewhile (adv.) | a short time ago, a while before |
estate (v.) | endow, settle upon, bestow (up)on |
Ethiop, Ethiope (adj./n.) | Ethiopian, African, person with a dark countenance |
excuse (v.) | explain, give reasons [for] |
exposition (n.) | malapropism for ‘disposition’ [= inclination] |
extempore (adj./adv.) | spontaneously, involuntarily, without thinking |
extenuate (v.) | mitigate, lessen, tone down |
extort (v.) | torture, abuse, wring |
eyne (n.) | [archaism] eyes |
eyne (n.) | [archaism] eyes |
eyne (n.) | [archaism] eyes |
eyne (n.) | [archaism] eyes |
faint (adj.) | pale, lightly coloured |
fair (adv.) | kindly, encouragingly, courteously |
fair (n.) | fair face, beauty |
fall (v.) | drop, descend, let fall |
false (adj.) | sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | wrong, mistaken |
false (adj.) | unfair, unjust, double-crossing |
fancy (n.) | love, amorousness, infatuation |
fancy (n.) | love, amorousness, infatuation |
fancy (n.) | imagination, creativity, inventiveness |
fancy-sick (adj.) | lovesick, infatuated, pining |
fantasy (n.) | ardent desire, amorous fancy |
fantasy (n.) | imagining, delusion, hallucination |
fantasy (n.) | imagining, delusion, hallucination |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fashion (v.) | arrange, contrive, manage |
Fates (n.) | trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’) |
Fates (n.) | trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’) |
favour (n.) | mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] |
favour (n.) | mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] |
favour (n.) | [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks |
fee (n.) | payment, reward, recompense |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fierce (adj.) | wild, lively, violent |
figure (v.) | symbolize, represent, portray |
filly (adj.) | female |
fire (n.) | will o' the wisp |
first (n.) | [heraldry] first tincture in a blazon |
flewed (adj.) | with large cheek folds [flews], chapped |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
floweret (n.) | small flower |
fond (adj.) | infatuated, doting, passionate |
fond (adj.) | foolish, stupid, mad |
fond (adj.) | foolish, trifling, frivolous |
fond (adj.) | foolish, trifling, frivolous |
fool (n.) | [professional] clown, jester |
fordone (adj.) | exhausted, tired out, worn out |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | abandon, renounce, reject, give up |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
French crown | baldness caused by syphilis [often punning on the French coin] |
French-crown-colour (adj.) | light yellow coloured [as the French crown coin] |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
frolic (adj.) | frolicsome, merry, frisky |
Furies (n.) | three goddesses, spirits of vengeance, depicted as carrying torches and covered with snakes |
gait (n.) | proceedings, course, doings, steps |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gaud (n.) | gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket |
gaud (n.) | gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (n.) | (plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk |
gentle (n.) | (plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk |
gentleness (n.) | nobility, good breeding, courtesy |
give over (v.) | desert, leave, abandon |
glance at (v.) | pick on, snipe at, cast aspersions on |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
gleek (v.) | make a pointed joke, jest, gibe |
go about (v.) | endeavour, set to work, start trying |
go along | come along, come with me |
gossip (n.) | old woman, gossiping woman |
gossip (v.) | be a close companion, talk together |
governess (n.) | ruler, mistress |
government (n.) | control, charge, management |
grace (n.) | honour, favour, recognition, respect |
grace (n.) | success, favourable outcome, fortune |
gracious (adj.) | delightful, lovely, charming |
green (n.) | greenery, grass, vegetation |
griffin (n.) | fabulous beast, part lion part eagle |
grim-looked (adj.) | grim-looking, forbidding |
grossness (n.) | material nature, bodily form |
guestwise (adv.) | in the manner of a guest, as a visitor |
hang off (v.) | leave hold, stop clinging |
harbinger (n.) | forerunner, herald, precursor |
head, to one's | to one's face, frankly, openly |
heart (n.) | (plural) grand-hearted lads, fine companions |
heavy (adj.) | pressing, weighty, overpowering |
heavy (adj.) | slow-moving, sluggish, laggard |
heavy (adj.) | weary, exhausted, worn out |
Hecat, Hecate (n.) | [pron: 'hekat, 'hekatee] Greek goddess of the underworld; associated with magic, ghosts, witchcraft |
Helen (n.) | woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War |
Helen (n.) | woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War |
hempen (adj.) | in clothing made of hemp, rustically attired |
henchman (n.) | squire, page of honour |
Hercules (n.) | [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements |
Hercules (n.) | [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements |
hie (v.) | hasten, hurry, speed |
Hiems (n.) | [pron: 'hiyemz] winter [personified] |
hight (v.) | [archaism] is called |
hind (n.) | female deer |
Hippolyta (n.) | [pron: hi'polita] queen of the Amazons |
hold (v.) | keep, maintain, observe |
hold (v.) | keep, maintain, observe |
hold up (v.) | continue, keep going, carry on |
homespun (n.) | wearer of home-made clothing, rustic, yokel |
honest (adj.) | honourable, respectable, upright |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
change (v.) | exchange, trade |
changeling (n./adj.) | child taken by fairies, stolen child |
changeling (n./adj.) | child taken by fairies, stolen child |
changeling (n./adj.) | child taken by fairies, stolen child |
chaplet (n.) | garland, wreath |
charm (v.) | produce, bring, cause [as by magic] |
charmed (adj.) | bewitched, enchanted, placed under a spell |
chase (n.) | pursuit, sequence, hunt |
cheer (n.) | face, look, expression |
cheer (n.) | face, look, expression |
cheer (v.) | encourage, urge on, galvanize |
chide (v.), past form chid | brusquely command, drive [away] with harsh words |
chide (v.), past form chid | quarrel, wrangle, fight |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chiding (n.) | barking, brawling, angry noise |
childing (adj.) | fertile, fruitful, teeming |
choir, quire (n.) | company, group, assembly |
chough (n.) | jackdaw |
chronicle (v.) | enter into a chronicle, record in history |
idle (adj.) | useless, barren, worthless |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
illusion (n.) | deception, delusion, deceit |
imbrue, embrue (v.) | pierce, stab, stain with blood |
immediately (adv.) | directly, instantly, without delay |
impeach (v.) | discredit, disparage, call into question |
incorporate (adj.) | united in one body, combined in one entity |
increase (n.) | produce, growth, yield, crop |
injury (n.) | insult, affront, slight |
injury (n.) | insult, affront, slight |
intelligence (n.) | information, news, communication |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
interlude, enterlude (n.) | short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval] |
interlude, enterlude (n.) | short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval] |
issue (n.) | child(ren), offspring, family, descendant |
jealousy (n.) | suspicion, mistrust, apprehension |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
juggler (n.) | trickster, deceiver, fraud |
juvenal (n.) | youth, young man |
keen (adj.) | sharp, cutting, severe |
key (n.) | accord, rapport, mind |
kind (n.) | respect, regard, particular |
kind (n.) | breed, lineage, stock, family |
knack (n.) | trifle, knick-knack, ornament |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knot-grass (n.) | species of creeping weed |
know (v.) | acknowledge, remember, think [of] |
lakin (n.) | variant of 'lady' [Our Lady] |
lanthorn (n.) | lantern |
large, at | at length, in full, thoroughly |
latch (v.) | fasten, secure; or: moisten [leach] |
leathern (adj.) | leather-like |
leviathan (n.) | sea-monster, whale |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
Limander (n.) | malapropism for Leander |
linger (v.) | delay, put off, keep waiting |
little (adj.) | [of voices] small, tiny |
livery (n.) | uniform, costume, special clothing |
livery (n.) | uniform, costume, special clothing |
lob (n.) | clown, country lout, yokel |
lodestar (n.) | guiding star, beacon |
look when (conj.) | whenever, as soon as |
lose (v.) | lose sight of, forget |
love in idleness | pansy |
loveshaft (n.) | love-causing arrow |
made (adj.) | with success assured, with fortune made |
making (n.) | physical appearance, bodily form, build |
mantle (n.) | loose sleeveless cloak |
margent (n.) | margin, edge, border |
mark (n.) | birthmark, discolouration, blemish |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marvellous (adv.) | very, extremely, exceedingly |
marvellous (adv.) | very, extremely, exceedingly |
maze (n.) | arrangement of paths, network of tracks |
mazed (adj.) | bewildered, confused, perplexed |
mead (n.) | meadow |
mean (v.) | lament, mourn, make complaint |
mechanical (n.) | manual worker, craftsman, menial |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
mew (v.) | coop up, confine, shut up |
mimic (n.) | burlesque actor, performer, thespian |
minimus (n.) | tiniest of creatures, insignificant being |
misgraffed (adj.) | badly grafted, ill-matched, unsuited |
misprised (adj.) | mistaken, misguided, erroneous |
misprision (n.) | mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception |
momentany (adj.) | momentary, transitory, fleeting |
monstrous (adv.) | exceedingly, wonderfully, extraordinarily |
mood (n.) | anger, fury, frenzy, fit of temper |
morn (n.) | morning, dawn |
morn (n.) | morning, dawn |
morris, nine men's | area marked out in squares for playing nine men's morris [a type of open-air game using nine ‘men’ on each side] |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
mote (n.) | speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle |
mural (n.) | [disputed reading: mure all] wall |
murrion (adj.) | infected with plague [murrain], diseased |
Muse (n.) | one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon |
mutual (adj.) | common, general, omnipresent |
naught, nought (n.) | wickedness, immorality, sinfulness |
neaf (n.) | fist, clenched hand |
nearly (adv.) | closely, particularly, especially |
neeze (v.) | sneeze |
Neptune | Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather |
Neptune | Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather |
nightly (adj.) | of the night, active at night |
night-rule (n.) | night-time activity, nocturnal diversion |
Ninus (n.) | [pron: 'niynus] founder of the Assyrian city of Nineveh |
nole (n.) | noddle, head |
nothing (n.) | [state of] nothingness, oblivion, extinction |
nymph (n.) | beauty, damsel, siren |
O (n.) | circle, orb, sphere |
obscenely (adv.) | malapropism possibly for ‘seemly’ |
observation (n.) | observance, rite, customary practice |
offence (n.) | damage, injury, harm |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
orange-tawny (adj.) | dull yellowish brown |
orb (n.) | fairy ring, circle |
orient (adj.) | lustrous, brilliant, bright |
original (n.) | point of origin, cause, source |
ounce (n.) | lynx |
ousel, woosel (n./adj.) | blackbird |
outsleep (v.) | sleep beyond [a time], sleep in |
overbear (v.) | overrule, overcome, put down |
overbear (v.) | overwhelm, overcome, overpower |
overcharged (adj.) | overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought |
overlook (v.) | look over, peruse, read through |
overwatch (v.) | stay up late, remain awake |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
pageant (n.) | show, scene, spectacle, tableau |
pain (n.) | effort, endeavour, exertion, labour |
pale (n.) | fenced land, park, enclosure |
palpable-gross (adj.) | obviously clumsy, plainly ignorant |
paramour (n.) | malapropism for ‘paragon’ |
pard (n.) | panther, leopard |
park (n.) | hunting ground |
parlous (adj.) | perilous, dangerous, hazardous |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
parted (adj.) | divided, unfocused, indistinct |
partition (n.) | wall, dividing structure; also: section of a learned book |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
passion (n.) | fit of anger, feeling of rage |
pat (adv.) | precisely, just, exactly |
pat (adv.) | spot on, on the dot, very timely |
patent (n.) | privilege, right, title |
patch (n.) | fool, clown; rogue, knave |
patched (adj.) | wearing a patchwork costume, multi-coloured |
paved (adj.) | with a paved base, pebbled |
pease (n.) | peas |
peck (n.) | heap, quantity, measure [a quarter of a bushel] |
pelting (adj.) | paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant |
pensioner (n.) | gentleman of the royal bodyguard |
peradventure (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, very likely |
perforce (adv.) | forcibly, by force, violently |
perforce (adv.) | of necessity, with no choice in the matter |
perforce (adv.) | of necessity, with no choice in the matter |
perforce (adv.) | of necessity, with no choice in the matter |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
Perigenia (n.) | [pron: peri'jenia] daughter of a robber, Sinnis; loved by Theseus |
period (n.) | rhetorical pause, sentence ending, termination |
persever (v.) | persevere, persist, keep at it |
person (n.) | fine figure, personality |
persuasion (n.) | conviction, principle, opinion |
pert (adj.) | lively, brisk, sprightly |
Phillida (n.) | ['filida] traditional name given to a love-sick shepherdess |
Philomel, Philomela (n.) | [pron: 'filomel] daughter of Pandion, king of Athens; Tereus raped her and cut out her tongue, but she told the tale in her embroidery; the gods turned her into a nightingale after she took her revenge |
Phoebe (n.) | one of the titles of the Roman goddess of the Moon |
Phoebus (n.) | [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo |
pick (v.) | extract, make out, detect |
pity (n.) | bad thing, sad fate, calamity [for] |
plainsong (adj.) | lacking ornament, melodically simple |
point (n.) | summit, apex, highest point |
point (n.) | trifle, triviality, minor matter; punctuation mark |
pomp (n.) | pageant, ceremony, procession |
possessed (adj.) | propertied, affluent, provided for |
potion (n.) | poison, deadly drink |
power (n.) | force, strength, might |
power (n.) | faculty, function, ability |
prefer (v.) | promote, advance, recommend |
preposterously (adv.) | out of the normal course of events, unnaturally, perversely |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
prettily (adv.) | cleverly, ingeniously; or: charmingly |
prevailment (n.) | prevailing action, power, influence |
prey (n.) | preying, violence, devouring |
princess (n.) | paragon, sovereign form, ideal |
Procrus (n.) | [pron: 'prohkrus] mispronunciation of Procris, legendary Greek lover whose love for her husband Cephalus was tragically harmed through his jealousy |
prodigious (adj.) | ominous, portentous, promising evil |
proper (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, comely |
property (n.) | (plural) stage requisites, accessories, props |
proud (adj.) | swollen, high, in flood |
purple-in-grain (adj.) | dyed bright red |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
Pyramus (n.) | lover of Thisbe; kept apart by their parents, they talked through a crack in their dividing wall; arriving at a rendezvous, Pyramus found Thisbe’s cloak stained with blood from a lion’s prey; thinking she had been killed by a lion |
quail (v.) | overpower, destroy, make an end |
quaint (adj.) | pretty, attractive, lovely |
quaint (adj.) | intricate, elaborate |
quantity (n.) | equal amount, same proportion |
quell (v.) | kill, destroy, slay |
quern (n.) | hand-mill for grinding corn |
quick (adj.) | living, vital, full of life |
quill (n.) | musical pipe, voice, note |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rarely (adv.) | splendidly, beautifully, excellently |
rate (n.) | worth, value, merit |
rebuke (v.) | repress, put down, check |
recreant (n.) | coward, faint-hearted individual |
rehearse (v.) | pronounce, speak, utter |
remembrance (n.) | memory, bringing to mind, recollection |
remembrance (n.) | memory, bringing to mind, recollection |
rent (v.) | rend, tear, pull to pieces |
repair (v.) | come, go, make one's way |
reprehend (v.) | reprove, censure, rebuke |
reremouse (n.) | bat |
respect (n.) | regard, admiration, favour, opinion |
respect (n.) | regard, admiration, favour, opinion |
revenue (n.) | income, yield, profit |
rheumatic (adj.) | with symptoms of rheum [watery discharge], catarrhal, cold-like |
rid (v.) | manage, conduct, control |
right (adj.) | typical, true, classic |
right (adv.) | just, precisely |
ringlet (n.) | fairy dance in a ring, circle dance |
ripe (adj.) | ready, fully prepared |
ripe (adj.) | red and full like ripe fruit |
ripe (v.) | ripen, mature |
round (n.) | circle dance, ring |
round (n.) | circle dance, ring |
round (v.) | ring, encircle, surround |
roundel (n.) | dance in a circle |
rude (adj.) | uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined |
rude (adj.) | [of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh |
rude (adj.) | ignorant, unlearned, uneducated |
russet-pated (adj.) | with reddish-brown head; or: grey-headed |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | dismal, morose, sullen |
sanded (adj.) | sandy-coloured |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scene (n.) | stage, performing area |
scrip (n.) | script, text |
seal (n.) | pledge, promise, token, sign |
sealing day (n.) | day for confirming a contract, wedding-day |
sea-maid (n.) | mermaid, sea-nymph |
sensible (adj.) | sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling |
set (v.) | rate, stake, gamble |
set against (v.) | be hostile to, make an attack on |
set on (v.) | encourage, urge, incite |
several (adj.) | separate, different, distinct |
shadow (n.) | spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost |
Shafalus (n.) | mispronunciation of Cephalus, son of Deion |
shaping (adj.) | imaginative, inventive, creative |
sheen (n.) | brightness, shining, radiance |
shivering (adj.) | shattering, splintering |
shrewd (adj.) | shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult |
shrewd (adj.) | wily, cunning, mischievous |
schooling (n.) | admonition, reproof, counsel |
sick (adj.) | full of loathing, full of repugnance |
sight (n.) | eye |
simpleness (n.) | unpretentiousness, unaffected behaviour, unassuming simplicity |
simplicity (n.) | innocence, harmlessness, guilelessness |
simplicity (n.) | sincerity, unpretentiousness, artlessness |
since (adv.) | ago |
sinister (adj.) | left |
Sisters Three | alternative name for the Fates |
skill (n.) | discernment, discrimination, capacity to perceive |
small (adj.) | high-pitched, fluting, thin |
snuff, in | in need of snuffing out; also: in a rage |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
sojourn (v.) | travel, journey, go to stay |
solemnity (n.) | celebration, jubilation, festivity |
solemnity (n.) | celebration, jubilation, festivity |
solemnly (adv.) | ceremoniously, with ritual celebration |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
sometime (adv.) | formerly, at one time, once |
sometime (adv.) | sometimes, now and then |
sometime (adv.) | sometimes, now and then |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sort (n.) | class, level, social rank |
sort (n.) | class, level, social rank |
sort (n.) | pack, crowd, gang |
sort (n.) | pack, crowd, gang |
sort (v.) | suit, be fitting, be appropriate |
sort (v.) | turn out, fall out, come about |
soul (n.) | driving force, animating principle |
spare (v.) | avoid, shun, keep away from |
Sparta (n.) | city of Peloponnesia, S Greece |
spend (v.) | expend, express, give vent to |
sphere (n.) | celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit |
sphere (n.) | celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit |
sphere (n.) | celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit |
sphery (adj.) | star-like, heavenly, celestial |
spinner (n.) | spider, cranefly, daddy-longlegs |
spite (n.) | annoyance, vexation, irritation |
spite (n.) | annoyance, vexation, irritation |
spleen (n.) | temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions] |
spleen (n.) | impulse, caprice, whim |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance |
sport (n.) | subject of sport |
spotted (adj.) | stained, blemished |
spring (n.) | first moment, dawn, break |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
square (v.) | quarrel, fall out, disagree |
squire (n.) | lad, fellow, youngster |
stand (v.) | stand still, stop, cease moving |
stand upon (v.) | depend on, rely upon, hinge on |
stand upon (v.) | make an issue of, insist upon, bother about |
starve (v.) | withhold [from], diet, be sparing with |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stealth (n.) | stealing away, furtive journey, clandestine act |
step (n.) | limit, distance, reach |
stepdame, step-dame (n.) | stepmother |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
stop (n.) | [in managing a horse] pulling-up, sudden checking of a career |
stop (n.) | full-stop, period, full point |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
stranger (n.) | foreigner, alien, outsider |
study (n.) | preparation, learning, memorizing [of a part] |
sucking (adj.) | unweaned, suckling |
sunder (v.) | separate, split up, part |
surgeon (n.) | doctor, physician |
swain (n.) | [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow |
sweet (adj.) | perfumed, scented, fragrant |
sympathy (n.) | accord, agreement, harmony |
take (v.) | take in, comprehend, understand |
take on (v.) | behave, act; or: rage, rant |
tale (n.) | false rumour, story, tittle-tattle |
tall (adj.) | good, fine, capable |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
Tartar (n.) | someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion |
Tartar (n.) | someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion |
Taurus (n.) | [pron: 'tawrus] Turkish mountain range |
tell (v.) | count out, number, itemize |
tender (n.) | offer, offering |
Thebes (n.) | [theebz] city-state in Boeotia, SE Greece; associated with wisdom and learning |
Theseus (n.) | [pron: 'theesius] legendary king of Athens; killer of the Minotaur; he conquered the Amazons and married their queen, Hippolyta |
Thessalian (adj.) | [pron: the'saylian] of Thessaly, ancient region of NE Greece |
Thessaly (n.) | ['thesalee] ancient region of NE Greece |
thickskin, thick-skin (n.) | brutishly built, dullard, blockhead |
Thisbe (n.) | [pron: 'thizbee] lover of Pyramus |
Thracian (adj.) | [pron: 'thraysian] of Thrace; region of ancient NE Greece associated with the worship of Dionysus |
throstle (n.) | thrush |
throw (v.) | throw off, cast, discard |
thrum (n.) | unwoven end of a warp-thread on a loom |
tide (v.) | [= betide] come, befall |
tiring-house (n.) | dressing-room, theatrical green room |
title (n.) | [legal] right, claim, entitlement |
toil (v.) | exhaust, tire out, fatigue |
tongs (n.) | type of simple metal musical instrument |
touch (n.) | act, action, deed |
touch (v.) | achieve, accomplish, attain |
toward (adv.) | impending, forthcoming, in preparation |
toy (n.) | foolish story, old wives' tale |
trace (v.) | range over, pass through, traverse |
trader (n.) | trading ship, merchant vessel |
translate (v.) | change, transform, alter |
translate (v.) | change, transform, alter |
translate (v.) | change, transform, alter |
transported (adj.) | carried off, taken away |
transpose (v.) | change, transform, alter |
trim (adj.) | fine, excellent, smart |
triumph (n.) | public festivity, pageant, display of celebration, tournament |
triumphantly (adv.) | as in a festive pageant, with great celebration |
troth (n.) | truth, good faith |
troth, good troth (n.) | exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed |
true (adj.) | honourable, virtuous, sincere |
tuneable (adj.) | tuneful, musical, melodious |
tuneable (adj.) | tuneful, musical, melodious |
turn (v.) | change, transform, alter |
unbreathed (adj.) | unpractised, inexperienced, inexpert |
uncouple (v.) | release pairs of hunting dogs for the chase |
undistinguishable (adj.) | unrecognizable, undetectable, impossible to pick out |
undistinguishable (adj.) | unrecognizable, undetectable, impossible to pick out |
unfold (v.) | display, reveal, show |
unheedy (adj.) | unheedful, headstrong, reckless |
utter (v.) | emit, exhale, discharge |
vantage (n.) | advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority |
vaward (n.) | foremost part, front line, vanguard |
vein (n.) | style, manner |
Venus (n.) | planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility |
Venus (n.) | planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
vestal (n.) | woman vowed to chastity, virgin, priestess |
vexation (n.) | agitation, disturbance, turmoil |
videlicet (adv.) | [pron: vi'deliset] namely |
villagery (n.) | villages |
virtue (n.) | essence, heart, soul |
virtue (n.) | quality, accomplishment, ability |
virtue (n.) | quality, accomplishment, ability |
virtuous (adj.) | potent, powerful, efficacious |
visage (n.) | face, countenance |
visage (n.) | face, countenance |
voice (n.) | support, approval, good word |
votaress (n.) | woman under vow, votary, devotee [of an order] |
votaress (n.) | woman under vow, votary, devotee [of an order] |
waggish (adj.) | playful, mischievous, impish |
wandering (adj.) | [astrology] having its own motion |
want (n.) | lack, shortage, dearth |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | require, demand, need |
wanton (adj.) | sexually hot, passionate, sportive |
wanton (adj.) | luxuriant, flourishing, lush, profuse in growth |
wanton (n.) | wilful creature, obstinate individual |
warrant (v.) | protect, preserve, keep safe |
wash (v.) | make damp, moisten, wet |
waste (v.) | pass, spend, while away |
wasted (adj.) | spent, consumed, burnt-out |
waxen (v.) | increase, grow |
weak (adj.) | of little worth, wanting, deficient |
weed (n.) | (plural) garments, dress, clothes |
weed (n.) | garment, piece of clothing |
welkin (n.) | sky, firmament, heavens |
whole (adj.) | unbroken, sound, intact |
will (n.) | desire, wish, liking, inclination |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wither out (v.) | cause to dwindle, make less |
withhold (v.) | detain, keep in possession |
witness (v.) | bear witness to, attest, testify to |
witty (adj.) | intelligent, ingenious, sensible |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wonted (adj.) | accustomed, usual, customary |
wonted (adj.) | accustomed, usual, customary |
wood (adj.) | mad, wild, furious |
woodbine (n.) | honeysuckle |
woodbine (n.) | bindweed, convolvulus |
worm (n.) | serpent, snake |
wot (v.) | learn, know, be told |
wot (v.) | learn, know, be told |
wretchedness (n.) | humble people, the poor, the lowly |
wrong (n.) | insult, offence, slight |
yielder (n.) | one who gives up, conceder |