First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Clowne and Fabian. | Enter Feste and Fabian | | TN V.i.1 | |
Fab. | FABIAN | | | |
Now as thou lou'st me, let me see his Letter. | Now, as thou lov'st me, let me see his letter. | | TN V.i.1 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Good M. Fabian, grant me another request. | Good Master Fabian, grant me another request. | | TN V.i.2 | |
Fab. | FABIAN | | | |
Any thing. | Anything! | | TN V.i.3 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Do not desire to see this Letter. | Do not desire to see this letter. | | TN V.i.4 | |
Fab. | FABIAN | | | |
This is to giue a dogge, and in recompence desire | This is to give a dog, and in recompense desire | | TN V.i.5 | |
my dogge againe. | my dog again. | | TN V.i.6 | |
Enter Duke, Viola, Curio, and Lords. | Enter Orsino, Viola, Curio, and lords | | TN V.i.7 | |
Duke. | ORSINO | | | |
Belong you to the Lady Oliuia, friends? | Belong you to the Lady Olivia, friends? | | TN V.i.7 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
I sir, we are some of her trappings. | Ay, sir, we are some of her trappings. | trappings (n.) ornaments, embellishments, bits and pieces | TN V.i.8 | |
Duke. | ORSINO | | | |
I know thee well: how doest thou my good | I know thee well. How dost thou, my good | | TN V.i.9 | |
Fellow? | fellow? | | TN V.i.10 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Truely sir, the better for my foes, and the worse for | Truly, sir, the better for my foes, and the worse for | | TN V.i.11 | |
my friends. | my friends. | | TN V.i.12 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Iust the contrary: the better for thy friends. | Just the contrary: the better for thy friends. | | TN V.i.13 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
No sir, the worse. | No, sir: the worse. | | TN V.i.14 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
How can that be? | How can that be? | | TN V.i.15 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Marry sir, they praise me, and make an asse of me, | Marry, sir, they praise me – and make an ass of me. | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | TN V.i.16 | |
now my foes tell me plainly, I am an Asse: so that by my | Now my foes tell me plainly, I am an ass; so that by my | | TN V.i.17 | |
foes sir, I profit in the knowledge of my selfe, and by my | foes, sir, I profit in the knowledge of myself, and by my | | TN V.i.18 | |
friends I am abused: so that conclusions to be as | friends I am abused. So that, conclusions to be as | abuse (v.) deceive, mislead, fool, cheat | TN V.i.19 | |
kisses, if your foure negatiues make your two affirmatiues, | kisses, if your four negatives make your two affirmatives, | | TN V.i.20 | |
why then the worse for my friends, and the better | why then, the worse for my friends and the better | | TN V.i.21 | |
for my foes. | for my foes. | | TN V.i.22 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Why this is excellent. | Why, this is excellent. | | TN V.i.23 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
By my troth sir, no: though it please you to be | By my troth, sir, no – though it please you to be | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | TN V.i.24 | |
one of my friends. | one of my friends. | | TN V.i.25 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Thou shalt not be the worse for me, there's gold. | Thou shalt not be the worse for me: there's gold. | | TN V.i.26 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
But that it would be double dealing sir, I would | But that it would be double-dealing, sir, I would | | TN V.i.27 | |
you could make it another. | you could make it another. | | TN V.i.28 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
O you giue me ill counsell. | O, you give me ill counsel! | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | TN V.i.29 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Put your grace in your pocket sir, for this once, | Put your grace in your pocket, sir, for this once, | | TN V.i.30 | |
and let your flesh and blood obey it. | and let your flesh and blood obey it. | | TN V.i.31 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Well, I will be so much a sinner to be a double dealer: | Well, I will be so much a sinner to be a double-dealer; | | TN V.i.32 | |
there's another. | there's another. | | TN V.i.33 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Primo, secundo, tertio, is a good play, and the olde | Primo, secundo, tertio, is a good play; and the old | | TN V.i.34 | |
saying is, the third payes for all: the triplex sir, is a good | saying is, the third pays for all; the triplex, sir, is a good | triplex (n.) [music] triple time | TN V.i.35 | |
tripping measure, or the belles of S. Bennet sir, may | tripping measure; or the bells of Saint Bennet, sir, may | tripping (adj.) light-footed, nimble | TN V.i.36 | |
| | Bennet, Saint medieval name of Benedict; [in TN V.i.36) a church name | | |
put you in minde, one, two, three. | put you in mind – one, two, three! | | TN V.i.37 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
You can foole no more money out of mee at this | You can fool no more money out of me at this | | TN V.i.38 | |
throw: if you will let your Lady know I am here to speak | throw. If you will let your lady know I am here to speak | | TN V.i.39 | |
with her, and bring her along with you, it may awake my | with her, and bring her along with you, it may awake my | | TN V.i.40 | |
bounty further. | bounty further. | | TN V.i.41 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Marry sir, lullaby to your bountie till I come | Marry, sir, lullaby to your bounty till I come | | TN V.i.42 | |
agen. I go sir, but I would not haue you to thinke, that | again. I go, sir, but I would not have you to think that | | TN V.i.43 | |
my desire of hauing is the sinne of couetousnesse: but as | my desire of having is the sin of covetousness. But as | | TN V.i.44 | |
you say sir, let your bounty take a nappe, I will awake it | you say, sir, let your bounty take a nap – I will awake it | | TN V.i.45 | |
anon. | anon. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | TN V.i.46 | |
Exit | Exit | | TN V.i.46 | |
Enter Anthonio and Officers. | Enter Antonio and Officers | | TN V.i.47 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Here comes the man sir, that did rescue mee. | Here comes the man, sir, that did rescue me. | | TN V.i.47 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
That face of his I do remember well, | That face of his I do remember well. | | TN V.i.48 | |
yet when I saw it last, it was besmear'd | Yet when I saw it last, it was besmeared | besmear (v.) smear over, bedaub | TN V.i.49 | |
As blacke as Vulcan, in the smoake of warre: | As black as Vulcan in the smoke of war. | Vulcan (n.) Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell | TN V.i.50 | |
A bawbling Vessell was he Captaine of, | A baubling vessel was he captain of, | baubling, bawbling (adj.) contemptible, trifling, piddling | TN V.i.51 | |
For shallow draught and bulke vnprizable, | For shallow draught and bulk, unprizable; | unprizable (adj.) worthless, of little value | TN V.i.52 | |
With which such scathfull grapple did he make, | With which, such scatheful grapple did he make | scatheful (adj.) harmful, damaging, injurious | TN V.i.53 | |
With the most noble bottome of our Fleete, | With the most noble bottom of our fleet, | bottom (n.) [nautical: keel, hull] ship, vessel | TN V.i.54 | |
That very enuy, and the tongue of losse | That very envy and the tongue of loss | envy (n.) malice, ill-will, enmity | TN V.i.55 | |
| | loss (n.) losing, defeat, overthrow | | |
| | very (adj.) [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute | | |
Cride fame and honor on him: What's the matter? | Cried fame and honour on him. What's the matter? | | TN V.i.56 | |
1. Offi. | FIRST OFFICER | | | |
Orsino, this is that Anthonio | Orsino, this is that Antonio | | TN V.i.57 | |
That tooke the Phoenix, and her fraught from Candy, | That took the Phoenix, and her fraught from Candy; | fraught (n.) freight, cargo, goods | TN V.i.58 | |
| | Candy (n.) Candia (modern Heraklion), port in Crete | | |
And this is he that did the Tiger boord, | And this is he that did the Tiger board | | TN V.i.59 | |
When your yong Nephew Titus lost his legge; | When your young nephew Titus lost his leg. | | TN V.i.60 | |
Heere in the streets, desperate of shame and state, | Here in the streets, desperate of shame and state, | shame (n.) disgrace, dishonour, affront | TN V.i.61 | |
| | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | | |
| | desperate (adj.) disregarding, careless, reckless | | |
In priuate brabble did we apprehend him. | In private brabble did we apprehend him. | brabble (n.) brawl, noisy quarrel, fracas | TN V.i.62 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
He did me kindnesse sir, drew on my side, | He did me kindness, sir, drew on my side, | | TN V.i.63 | |
But in conclusion put strange speech vpon me, | But in conclusion put strange speech upon me. | | TN V.i.64 | |
I know not what 'twas, but distraction. | I know not what 'twas, but distraction. | distraction (n.) madness, derangement, insanity | TN V.i.65 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Notable Pyrate, thou salt-water Theefe, | Notable pirate, thou salt-water thief, | | TN V.i.66 | |
What foolish boldnesse brought thee to their mercies, | What foolish boldness brought thee to their mercies | | TN V.i.67 | |
Whom thou in termes so bloudie, and so deere | Whom thou, in terms so bloody and so dear, | term (n.) state, condition, circumstance | TN V.i.68 | |
| | dear (adj.) dire, grievous, hard | | |
| | bloody (adj.) bloodthirsty, warlike, ferocious | | |
Hast made thine enemies? | Hast made thine enemies? | | TN V.i.69 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
Orsino: Noble sir, | Orsino, noble sir, | | TN V.i.70 | |
Be pleas'd that I shake off these names you giue mee: | Be pleased that I shake off these names you give me. | | TN V.i.71 | |
Anthonio neuer yet was Theefe, or Pyrate, | Antonio never yet was thief or pirate; | | TN V.i.72 | |
Though I confesse, on base and ground enough | Though, I confess, on base and ground enough, | ground (n.) reason, cause, source | TN V.i.73 | |
| | base (n.) basis, foundation, cause | | |
Orsino's enemie. A witchcraft drew me hither: | Orsino's enemy. A witchcraft drew me hither. | | TN V.i.74 | |
That most ingratefull boy there by your side, | That most ingrateful boy there by your side | ingrateful (adj.) ungrateful, unappreciative | TN V.i.75 | |
From the rude seas enrag'd and foamy mouth | From the rude sea's enraged and foamy mouth | rude (adj.) [of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh | TN V.i.76 | |
Did I redeeme: a wracke past hope he was: | Did I redeem; a wrack past hope he was. | wrack (n.) wreck, loss, shipwreck | TN V.i.77 | |
His life I gaue him, and did thereto adde | His life I gave him, and did thereto add | | TN V.i.78 | |
My loue without retention, or restraint, | My love without retention or restraint, | retention (n.) limit, restriction, holding back | TN V.i.79 | |
All his in dedication. For his sake, | All his in dedication. For his sake | | TN V.i.80 | |
Did I expose my selfe (pure for his loue) | Did I expose myself – pure for his love – | pure (adv.) purely, solely, only | TN V.i.81 | |
Into the danger of this aduerse Towne, | Into the danger of this adverse town; | | TN V.i.82 | |
Drew to defend him, when he was beset: | Drew to defend him when he was beset; | | TN V.i.83 | |
Where being apprehended, his false cunning | Where, being apprehended, his false cunning – | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | TN V.i.84 | |
| | apprehend (v.) seize, arrest, lay hold of | | |
(Not meaning to partake with me in danger) | Not meaning to partake with me in danger – | | TN V.i.85 | |
Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance, | Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance, | face (v.) exclude, expel; or: deny [to one's face] | TN V.i.86 | |
And grew a twentie yeeres remoued thing | And grew a twenty years' removed thing | removed (adj.) estranged, remote, alienated | TN V.i.87 | |
While one would winke: denide me mine owne purse, | While one would wink; denied me mine own purse | wink (v.) blink | TN V.i.88 | |
Which I had recommended to his vse, | Which I had recommended to his use | recommend (v.) commit, commend, consign | TN V.i.89 | |
Not halfe an houre before. | Not half an hour before. | | TN V.i.90.1 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
How can this be? | How can this be? | | TN V.i.90.2 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
When came he to this Towne? | When came he to this town? | | TN V.i.91 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
To day my Lord: and for three months before, | Today, my lord; and for three months before | | TN V.i.92 | |
No intrim, not a minutes vacancie, | No interim, not a minute's vacancy, | | TN V.i.93 | |
Both day and night did we keepe companie. | Both day and night, did we keep company. | | TN V.i.94 | |
Enter Oliuia and attendants. | Enter Olivia and attendants | | TN V.i.95 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Heere comes the Countesse, now heauen walkes on earth: | Here comes the Countess; now heaven walks on earth! | | TN V.i.95 | |
But for thee fellow, fellow thy words are madnesse, | But for thee, fellow – fellow, thy words are madness. | | TN V.i.96 | |
Three monthes this youth hath tended vpon mee, | Three months this youth hath tended upon me. | | TN V.i.97 | |
But more of that anon. Take him aside. | But more of that anon. Take him aside. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | TN V.i.98 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What would my Lord, but that he may not haue, | What would my lord – but that he may not have – | | TN V.i.99 | |
Wherein Oliuia may seeme seruiceable? | Wherein Olivia may seem serviceable? | | TN V.i.100 | |
Cesario, you do not keepe promise with me. | Cesario, you do not keep promise with me. | | TN V.i.101 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Madam: | Madam? | | TN V.i.102 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Gracious Oliuia. | Gracious Olivia – | | TN V.i.103 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What do you say Cesario? Good my Lord. | What do you say, Cesario? (To Orsino) Good, my lord. | | TN V.i.104 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
My Lord would speake, my dutie hushes me. | My lord would speak; my duty hushes me. | | TN V.i.105 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
If it be ought to the old tune my Lord, | If it be aught to the old tune, my lord, | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | TN V.i.106 | |
It is as fat and fulsome to mine eare | It is as fat and fulsome to mine ear | fat (adj.) gross, heavy, dull | TN V.i.107 | |
| | fulsome (adj.) distasteful, nauseating, repulsive | | |
As howling after Musicke. | As howling after music. | | TN V.i.108 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Still so cruell? | Still so cruel? | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TN V.i.109.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Still so constant Lord. | Still so constant, lord. | | TN V.i.109.2 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
What to peruersenesse? you vnciuill Ladie | What, to perverseness? You uncivil lady, | uncivil (adj.) uncivilized, barbarous, unrefined | TN V.i.110 | |
To whose ingrate, and vnauspicious Altars | To whose ingrate and unauspicious altars | ingrate (adj.) ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative | TN V.i.111 | |
| | unauspicious (adj.) inauspicious, discouraging, unpromising | | |
My soule the faithfull'st offrings haue breath'd out | My soul the faithfull'st offerings hath breathed out | | TN V.i.112 | |
That ere deuotion tender'd. What shall I do? | That e'er devotion tendered! What shall I do? | | TN V.i.113 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Euen what it please my Lord, that shal becom him | Even what it please my lord, that shall become him. | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | TN V.i.114 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Why should I not, (had I the heart to do it) | Why should I not – had I the heart to do it – | | TN V.i.115 | |
Like to th'Egyptian theefe, at point of death | Like to th' Egyptian thief at point of death | | TN V.i.116 | |
Kill what I loue: (a sauage iealousie, | Kill what I love – a savage jealousy | | TN V.i.117 | |
That sometime sauours nobly) but heare me this: | That sometime savours nobly? But hear me this: | | TN V.i.118 | |
Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, | Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, | non-regardance (n.) failure to respect, contempt, disdain | TN V.i.119 | |
And that I partly know the instrument | And that I partly know the instrument | | TN V.i.120 | |
That screwes me from my true place in your fauour: | That screws me from my true place in your favour, | screw (v.) wrench, force, wrest | TN V.i.121 | |
Liue you the Marble-brested Tirant still. | Live you the marble-breasted tyrant still. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TN V.i.122 | |
But this your Minion, whom I know you loue, | But this your minion, whom I know you love, | minion (n.) darling, favourite, select one | TN V.i.123 | |
And whom, by heauen I sweare, I tender deerely, | And whom, by heaven, I swear, I tender dearly, | tender (v.) feel concern for, hold dear, care for | TN V.i.124 | |
Him will I teare out of that cruell eye, | Him will I tear out of that cruel eye | | TN V.i.125 | |
Where he sits crowned in his masters spight. | Where he sits crowned in his master's spite. | spite (n.) annoyance, vexation, irritation | TN V.i.126 | |
Come boy with me, my thoughts are ripe in mischiefe: | Come, boy, with me, my thoughts are ripe in mischief. | | TN V.i.127 | |
Ile sacrifice the Lambe that I do loue, | I'll sacrifice the lamb that I do love | | TN V.i.128 | |
To spight a Rauens heart within a Doue. | To spite a raven's heart within a dove. | | TN V.i.129 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
And I most iocund, apt, and willinglie, | And I, most jocund, apt, and willingly | jocund (adj.) merry, joyful, cheerful | TN V.i.130 | |
| | apt (adj.) fit, ready, prepared | | |
To do you rest, a thousand deaths would dye. | To do you rest, a thousand deaths would die. | | TN V.i.131 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Where goes Cesario? | Where goes Cesario? | | TN V.i.132.1 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
After him I loue, | After him I love | | TN V.i.132.2 | |
More then I loue these eyes, more then my life, | More than I love these eyes, more than my life, | | TN V.i.133 | |
More by all mores, then ere I shall loue wife. | More by all mores than e'er I shall love wife. | more (n.) additional amount, extra quantity | TN V.i.134 | |
| | wife (n.) woman | | |
If I do feigne, you witnesses aboue | If I do feign, you witnesses above, | | TN V.i.135 | |
Punish my life, for tainting of my loue. | Punish my life, for tainting of my love! | taint (v.) disparage, denigrate, belittle | TN V.i.136 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Aye me detested, how am I beguil'd? | Ay me, detested! How am I beguiled! | detest (v.) renounce, repudiate; or: hate, abhor | TN V.i.137 | |
| | beguile (v.) cheat, deceive, trick | | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Who does beguile you? who does do you wrong? | Who does beguile you? Who does do you wrong? | | TN V.i.138 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Hast thou forgot thy selfe? Is it so long? | Hast thou forgot thyself? Is it so long? | | TN V.i.139 | |
Call forth the holy Father. | Call forth the holy father! | | TN V.i.140.1 | |
| Exit an attendant | | TN V.i.140 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Come, away. | Come, away! | | TN V.i.140.2 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Whether my Lord? Cesario, Husband, stay. | Whither, my lord? Cesario, husband, stay! | | TN V.i.141 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Husband? | Husband? | | TN V.i.142.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
I Husband. Can he that deny? | Ay, husband. Can he that deny? | | TN V.i.142.2 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Her husband, sirrah? | Her husband, sirrah? | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | TN V.i.143.1 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
No my Lord, not I. | No, my lord, not I. | | TN V.i.143.2 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Alas, it is the basenesse of thy feare, | Alas, it is the baseness of thy fear | baseness (n.) cowardice, degenerateness, degradation | TN V.i.144 | |
That makes thee strangle thy propriety: | That makes thee strangle thy propriety. | propriety (n.) proper character, real identity | TN V.i.145 | |
| | strangle (v.) quench, eclipse, stifle | | |
Feare not Cesario, take thy fortunes vp, | Fear not, Cesario, take thy fortunes up. | | TN V.i.146 | |
Be that thou know'st thou art, and then thou art | Be that thou know'st thou art, and then thou art | | TN V.i.147 | |
As great as that thou fear'st. | As great as that thou fear'st. | | TN V.i.148.1 | |
Enter Priest. | Enter Priest | | TN V.i.148 | |
O welcome Father: | O, welcome, Father. | | TN V.i.148.2 | |
Father, I charge thee by thy reuerence | Father, I charge thee, by thy reverence, | | TN V.i.149 | |
Heere to vnfold, though lately we intended | Here to unfold – though lately we intended | lately (adv.) recently, of late | TN V.i.150 | |
To keepe in darkenesse, what occasion now | To keep in darkness what occasion now | occasion (n.) need, want, requirement | TN V.i.151 | |
Reueales before 'tis ripe: what thou dost know | Reveals before 'tis ripe – what thou dost know | | TN V.i.152 | |
Hath newly past, betweene this youth, and me. | Hath newly passed between this youth and me. | | TN V.i.153 | |
Priest. | PRIEST | | | |
A Contract of eternall bond of loue, | A contract of eternal bond of love, | | TN V.i.154 | |
Confirm'd by mutuall ioynder of your hands, | Confirmed by mutual joinder of your hands, | joinder (n.) joining, union, uniting | TN V.i.155 | |
Attested by the holy close of lippes, | Attested by the holy close of lips, | attest (v.) vouch for, be evidence of, testify to | TN V.i.156 | |
| | close (n.) union, uniting | | |
Strengthned by enterchangement of your rings, | Strengthened by interchangement of your rings, | interchangement (n.) interchange, exchange | TN V.i.157 | |
And all the Ceremonie of this compact | And all the ceremony of this compact | | TN V.i.158 | |
Seal'd in my function, by my testimony: | Sealed in my function, by my testimony; | function (n.) office, occupation, calling | TN V.i.159 | |
Since when, my watch hath told me, toward my graue | Since when, my watch hath told me, toward my grave | | TN V.i.160 | |
I haue trauail'd but two houres. | I have travelled but two hours. | | TN V.i.161 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
O thou dissembling Cub: what wilt thou be | O thou dissembling cub! What wilt thou be | dissembling (adj.) deceitful, hypocritical, false | TN V.i.162 | |
When time hath sow'd a grizzle on thy case? | When time hath sowed a grizzle on thy case? | grizzle (n.) sprinkling of grey hairs | TN V.i.163 | |
| | case (n.) outer covering, surface appearance | | |
Or will not else thy craft so quickely grow, | Or will not else thy craft so quickly grow | | TN V.i.164 | |
That thine owne trip shall be thine ouerthrow: | That thine own trip shall be thine overthrow? | trip (n.) [wrestling] foot movement which causes an opponent to fall | TN V.i.165 | |
Farewell, and take her, but direct thy feete, | Farewell, and take her; but direct thy feet | | TN V.i.166 | |
Where thou, and I (henceforth) may neuer meet. | Where thou and I henceforth may never meet. | | TN V.i.167 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
My Lord, I do protest. | My lord, I do protest – | | TN V.i.168.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
O do not sweare, | O, do not swear! | | TN V.i.168.2 | |
Hold little faith, though thou hast too much feare. | Hold little faith, though thou hast too much fear. | | TN V.i.169 | |
Enter Sir Andrew. | Enter Sir Andrew | | TN V.i.170 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
For the loue of God a Surgeon, send one | For the love of God, a surgeon! Send one | | TN V.i.170 | |
presently to sir Toby. | presently to Sir Toby. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | TN V.i.171 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
What's the matter? | What's the matter? | | TN V.i.172 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
H'as broke my head a-crosse, and has giuen | He's broke my head across, and he's given | across (adv.) from side to side, all the way across | TN V.i.173 | |
Sir Toby a bloody Coxcombe too: for the loue of God | Sir Toby a bloody coxcomb too. For the love of God, | coxcomb (n.) head | TN V.i.174 | |
your helpe, I had rather then forty pound I were at home. | your help! I had rather than forty pound I were at home. | | TN V.i.175 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Who has done this sir Andrew? | Who has done this, Sir Andrew? | | TN V.i.176 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
The Counts Gentleman, one Cesario: we | The Count's gentleman, one Cesario. We | | TN V.i.177 | |
tooke him for a Coward, but hee's the verie diuell, | took him for a coward, but he's the very devil | | TN V.i.178 | |
incardinate. | incardinate. | incardinate (adj.) malapropism for ‘incarnate’ | TN V.i.179 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
My Gentleman Cesario? | My gentleman, Cesario? | | TN V.i.180 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
Odd's lifelings heere he is: you broke my | 'Od's lifelings, here he is! You broke my | lifelings (n.) dear life | TN V.i.181 | |
| | 'Od [in emphatic expressions] shortened form of 'God' | | |
head for nothing, and that that I did, I was set on to do't | head for nothing; and that that I did, I was set on to do't | | TN V.i.182 | |
by sir Toby. | by Sir Toby. | | TN V.i.183 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Why do you speake to me, I neuer hurt you: | Why do you speak to me? I never hurt you. | | TN V.i.184 | |
you drew your sword vpon me without cause, | You drew your sword upon me without cause, | | TN V.i.185 | |
But I bespake you faire, and hurt you not. | But I bespake you fair, and hurt you not. | fair (adv.) kindly, encouragingly, courteously | TN V.i.186 | |
| | bespeak (v.), past forms bespake, bespoke address, speak to | | |
Enter Toby and Clowne. | Enter Sir Toby and Feste | | TN V.i.187 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
If a bloody coxcombe be a hurt, you haue | If a bloody coxcomb be a hurt, you have | | TN V.i.187 | |
hurt me: I thinke you set nothing by a bloody Coxecombe. | hurt me. I think you set nothing by a bloody coxcomb. | set (v.) value, rate, esteem | TN V.i.188 | |
Heere comes sir Toby halting, you shall heare more: but | Here comes Sir Toby halting, you shall hear more; but | halt (v.) limp, proceed lamely | TN V.i.189 | |
if he had not beene in drinke, hee would haue tickel'd you | if he had not been in drink, he would have tickled you | tickle (v.) beat, flog, rain blows on | TN V.i.190 | |
other gates then he did. | othergates than he did. | othergates (adv.) otherwise, differently, in another way | TN V.i.191 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
How now Gentleman? how ist with you? | How now, gentleman? How is't with you? | | TN V.i.192 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
That's all one, has hurt me, and there's th' | That's all one; he's hurt me, and there's the | | TN V.i.193 | |
end on't: Sot, didst see Dicke Surgeon, sot? | end on't. (To Feste) Sot, didst see Dick Surgeon, sot? | sot (n.) blockhead, idiot, dolt | TN V.i.194 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
O he's drunke sir Toby an houre agone: his eyes | O, he's drunk, Sir Toby, an hour agone. His eyes | agone (adv.) ago, past | TN V.i.195 | |
were set at eight i'th morning. | were set at eight i'the morning. | set (adj.) fixed, rigid, closed | TN V.i.196 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
Then he's a Rogue, and a passy measures panyn: | Then he's a rogue and a passy-measures pavin. | passy-measures (adj.) dancing with slow pace | TN V.i.197 | |
| | pavin (n.) type of stately dance, pavane | | |
I hate a drunken rogue. | I hate a drunken rogue. | | TN V.i.198 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Away with him? Who hath made this hauocke with | Away with him! Who hath made this havoc with | | TN V.i.199 | |
them? | them? | | TN V.i.200 | |
And. | SIR ANDREW | | | |
Ile helpe you sir Toby, because we'll be | I'll help you, Sir Toby, because we'll be | | TN V.i.201 | |
drest to-gether. | dressed together. | dress (v.) [of wounds] treat, minister to, care for | TN V.i.202 | |
To. | SIR TOBY | | | |
Will you helpe an Asse-head, and a coxcombe, | Will you help? An asshead, and a coxcomb, | coxcomb (n.) fool's head, fool, simpleton | TN V.i.203 | |
& a knaue: a thin fac'd knaue, a gull? | and a knave – a thin-faced knave, a gull! | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | TN V.i.204 | |
| | gull (n.) dupe, fool, simpleton | | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Get him to bed, and let his hurt be look'd too. | Get him to bed, and let his hurt be looked to. | | TN V.i.205 | |
| Exeunt Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, | | TN V.i.205.1 | |
| helped by Feste and Fabian | | TN V.i.205.2 | |
Enter Sebastian. | Enter Sebastian | | TN V.i.206 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
I am sorry Madam I haue hurt your kinsman: | I am sorry, madam, I have hurt your kinsman. | | TN V.i.206 | |
But had it beene the brother of my blood, | But had it been the brother of my blood | blood (n.) blood relationship, kinship | TN V.i.207 | |
I must haue done no lesse with wit and safety. | I must have done no less, with wit and safety. | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | TN V.i.208 | |
You throw a strange regard vpon me, and by that | You throw a strange regard upon me; and by that | strange (adj.) aloof, distant, reserved | TN V.i.209 | |
| | regard (n.) look, glance, gaze | | |
I do perceiue it hath offended you: | I do perceive it hath offended you. | | TN V.i.210 | |
Pardon me (sweet one) euen for the vowes | Pardon me, sweet one, even for the vows | | TN V.i.211 | |
We made each other, but so late ago. | We made each other but so late ago. | | TN V.i.212 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons, | One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons! | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | TN V.i.213 | |
| | habit (n.) behaviour, bearing, demeanour | | |
A naturall Perspectiue, that is, and is not. | A natural perspective, that is and is not. | perspective (n.) picture in which perspective is altered so as to appear distorted unless seen from a particular angle | TN V.i.214 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
Anthonio: O my deere Anthonio, | Antonio! O, my dear Antonio! | | TN V.i.215 | |
How haue the houres rack'd, and tortur'd me, | How have the hours racked and tortured me | | TN V.i.216 | |
Since I haue lost thee? | Since I have lost thee! | | TN V.i.217 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
Sebastian are you? | Sebastian, are you? | | TN V.i.218.1 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
Fear'st thou that Anthonio? | Fear'st thou that, Antonio? | fear (v.) doubt, mistrust | TN V.i.218.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
How haue you made diuision of your selfe, | How have you made division of yourself? | | TN V.i.219 | |
An apple cleft in two, is not more twin | An apple cleft in two is not more twin | | TN V.i.220 | |
Then these two creatures. Which is Sebastian? | Than these two creatures. Which is Sebastian? | | TN V.i.221 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Most wonderfull. | Most wonderful! | | TN V.i.222 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
Do I stand there? I neuer had a brother: | Do I stand there? I never had a brother; | | TN V.i.223 | |
Nor can there be that Deity in my nature | Nor can there be that deity in my nature | | TN V.i.224 | |
Of heere, and euery where. I had a sister, | Of here and everywhere. I had a sister | | TN V.i.225 | |
Whom the blinde waues and surges haue deuour'd: | Whom the blind waves and surges have devoured. | blind (adj.) heedless, reckless, headstrong | TN V.i.226 | |
Of charity, what kinne are you to me? | Of charity, what kin are you to me? | | TN V.i.227 | |
What Countreyman? What name? What Parentage? | What countryman? What name? What parentage? | | TN V.i.228 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
Of Messaline: Sebastian was my Father, | Of Messaline. Sebastian was my father. | Messaline (n.) [pron: 'mesaleen] probably Marseilles, S France | TN V.i.229 | |
Such a Sebastian was my brother too: | Such a Sebastian was my brother too. | | TN V.i.230 | |
So went he suited to his watery tombe: | So went he suited to his watery tomb. | suit (v.) dress, clothe, equip | TN V.i.231 | |
If spirits can assume both forme and suite, | If spirits can assume both form and suit | suit (n.) clothing, dress, garb | TN V.i.232 | |
| | form (n.) physical appearance, outward appearance | | |
You come to fright vs. | You come to fright us. | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | TN V.i.233.1 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
A spirit I am indeed, | A spirit I am indeed, | | TN V.i.233.2 | |
But am in that dimension grossely clad, | But am in that dimension grossly clad | grossly (adv.) materially, physically, with substance | TN V.i.234 | |
| | dimension (n.) bodily form, physical frame | | |
Which from the wombe I did participate. | Which from the womb I did participate. | participate (v.) take, receive, share in | TN V.i.235 | |
Were you a woman, as the rest goes euen, | Were you a woman, as the rest goes even, | even (adj.) equal, alike, same | TN V.i.236 | |
I should my teares let fall vpon your cheeke, | I should my tears let fall upon your cheek, | | TN V.i.237 | |
And say, thrice welcome drowned Viola. | And say, ‘ Thrice welcome, drowned Viola.’ | | TN V.i.238 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
My father had a moale vpon his brow. | My father had a mole upon his brow. | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | TN V.i.239 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
And so had mine. | And so had mine. | | TN V.i.240 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
And dide that day when Viola from her birth | And died that day when Viola from her birth | | TN V.i.241 | |
Had numbred thirteene yeares. | Had numbered thirteen years. | | TN V.i.242 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
O that record is liuely in my soule, | O, that record is lively in my soul. | record (n.) recollection, memory | TN V.i.243 | |
He finished indeed his mortall acte | He finished indeed his mortal act | | TN V.i.244 | |
That day that made my sister thirteene yeares. | That day that made my sister thirteen years. | | TN V.i.245 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
If nothing lets to make vs happie both, | If nothing lets to make us happy both | let (v.) hinder, prevent, stand in the way | TN V.i.246 | |
But this my masculine vsurp'd attyre: | But this my masculine usurped attire, | usurped (adj.) false, counterfeit, disguising | TN V.i.247 | |
Do not embrace me, till each circumstance, | Do not embrace me, till each circumstance | | TN V.i.248 | |
Of place, time, fortune, do co-here and iumpe | Of place, time, fortune, do cohere and jump | jump (v.) agree, coincide, tally | TN V.i.249 | |
| | cohere (v.) agree, accord, hold together | | |
That I am Viola, which to confirme, | That I am Viola; which to confirm, | | TN V.i.250 | |
Ile bring you to a Captaine in this Towne, | I'll bring you to a captain in this town | | TN V.i.251 | |
Where lye my maiden weeds: by whose gentle helpe, | Where lie my maiden weeds; by whose gentle help | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | TN V.i.252 | |
I was preseru'd to serue this Noble Count: | I was preserved to serve this noble Count. | | TN V.i.253 | |
All the occurrence of my fortune since | All the occurrence of my fortune since | | TN V.i.254 | |
Hath beene betweene this Lady, and this Lord. | Hath been between this lady and this lord. | | TN V.i.255 | |
Seb. | SEBASTIAN | | | |
| (to Olivia) | | TN V.i.256 | |
So comes it Lady, you haue beene mistooke: | So comes it, lady, you have been mistook. | | TN V.i.256 | |
But Nature to her bias drew in that. | But nature to her bias drew in that. | bias (n.) [weighting in a bowl causing it to run obliquely] inclination, tendency, leaning | TN V.i.257 | |
You would haue bin contracted to a Maid, | You would have been contracted to a maid. | | TN V.i.258 | |
Nor are you therein (by my life) deceiu'd, | Nor are you therein, by my life, deceived: | | TN V.i.259 | |
You are betroth'd both to a maid and man. | You are betrothed both to a maid and man. | maid (n.) virgin, unmarried woman | TN V.i.260 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Be not amaz'd, right noble is his blood: | Be not amazed; right noble is his blood. | | TN V.i.261 | |
If this be so, as yet the glasse seemes true, | If this be so, as yet the glass seems true, | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | TN V.i.262 | |
I shall haue share in this most happy wracke, | I shall have share in this most happy wrack. | wrack (n.) wreck, loss, shipwreck | TN V.i.263 | |
Boy, thou hast saide to me a thousand times, | (To Viola) Boy, thou hast said to me a thousand times | | TN V.i.264 | |
Thou neuer should'st loue woman like to me. | Thou never shouldst love woman like to me. | | TN V.i.265 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
And all those sayings, will I ouer sweare, | And all those sayings will I overswear | overswear (v.) swear over again | TN V.i.266 | |
And all those swearings keepe as true in soule, | And those swearings keep as true in soul | swearing (n.) act of swearing, moment of oath-taking | TN V.i.267 | |
As doth that Orbed Continent, the fire, | As doth that orbed continent the fire | orbed (adj.) rounded, orb-like, spherical | TN V.i.268 | |
| | continent (n.) globe, mass | | |
That seuers day from night. | That severs day from night. | | TN V.i.269.1 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Giue me thy hand, | Give me thy hand, | | TN V.i.269.2 | |
And let me see thee in thy womans weedes. | And let me see thee in thy woman's weeds. | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | TN V.i.270 | |
Vio. | VIOLA | | | |
The Captaine that did bring me first on shore | The Captain that did bring me first on shore | | TN V.i.271 | |
Hath my Maides garments: he vpon some Action | Hath my maid's garments. He, upon some action, | | TN V.i.272 | |
Is now in durance, at Maluolio's suite, | Is now in durance at Malvolio's suit, | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | TN V.i.273 | |
| | durance (n.) confinement, imprisonment, incarceration | | |
A Gentleman, and follower of my Ladies. | A gentleman and follower of my lady's. | | TN V.i.274 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
He shall inlarge him: fetch Maluolio hither, | He shall enlarge him; fetch Malvolio hither. | enlarge (v.) release, set at large, discharge | TN V.i.275 | |
And yet alas, now I remember me, | And yet, alas, now I remember me, | remember (v.) remind, bring to someone's mind | TN V.i.276 | |
They say poore Gentleman, he's much distract. | They say, poor gentleman, he's much distract. | distract (adj.) deranged, mad, mentally disturbed | TN V.i.277 | |
Enter Clowne with a Letter, and Fabian. | Enter Feste with a letter, and Fabian | | TN V.i.278.1 | |
A most extracting frensie of mine owne | A most extracting frenzy of mine own | extracting (adj.) distracting, preoccupying, disconcerting | TN V.i.278 | |
| | frenzy (n.) distraction, agitation, delirium | | |
From my remembrance, clearly banisht his. | From my remembrance clearly banished his. | remembrance (n.) notice, paying attention | TN V.i.279 | |
| | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | | |
How does he sirrah? | (To Feste) How does he, sirrah? | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | TN V.i.280 | |
Cl. | FESTE | | | |
Truely Madam, he holds Belzebub at the staues | Truly, madam, he holds Beelzebub at the stave's | stave (n.) staff, rod | TN V.i.281 | |
| | Beelzebub, Belzebub (n.) [pron: bee'elzebub, 'belzebub] in Christian tradition, the Devil; or, a principal devil | | |
end as well as a man in his case may do: has heere writ a | end as well as a man in his case may do. He's here writ a | | TN V.i.282 | |
letter to you, I should haue giuen't you to day morning. | letter to you. I should have given it you today morning. | | TN V.i.283 | |
But as a madmans Epistles are no Gospels, so it skilles not | But as a madman's epistles are no gospels, so it skills not | skill (v.) matter, make a difference, be of importance | TN V.i.284 | |
much when they are deliuer'd. | much when they are delivered. | | TN V.i.285 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Open't, and read it. | Open it, and read it. | | TN V.i.286 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Looke then to be well edified, when the Foole | Look, then, to be well edified when the fool | | TN V.i.287 | |
deliuers the Madman. | delivers the madman. | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | TN V.i.288 | |
| He reads frantically | | TN V.i.289 | |
By the Lord Madam. | By the Lord, madam – | | TN V.i.289 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
How now, art thou mad? | How now, art thou mad? | | TN V.i.290 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
No Madam, I do but reade madnesse: and your | No, madam; I do but read madness. An your | | TN V.i.291 | |
Ladyship will haue it as it ought to bee, you must allow | ladyship will have it as it ought to be, you must allow | | TN V.i.292 | |
Vox. | vox. | vox (n.) proper voice, right manner of speaking | TN V.i.293 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Prethee reade i'thy right wits. | Prithee, read i' thy right wits. | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | TN V.i.294 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
So I do Madona: but to reade his right wits, is to | So I do, madonna; but to read his right wits, is to | | TN V.i.295 | |
reade thus: therefore, perpend my Princesse, and giue | read thus. Therefore, perpend, my princess, and give | perpend (v.) consider, ponder, reflect | TN V.i.296 | |
eare. | ear. | | TN V.i.297 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Read | (snatching the letter and giving it to Fabian) Read | | TN V.i.298 | |
it you, sirrah. | it you, sirrah. | | TN V.i.299 | |
Fab. | FABIAN | | | |
Reads. | (reads) | | TN V.i.300 | |
By the Lord Madam, you wrong me, and the world shall | By the Lord, madam, you wrong me, and the world shall | | TN V.i.300 | |
know it: Though you haue put mee into darkenesse, and giuen | know it. Though you have put me into darkness and given | | TN V.i.301 | |
your drunken Cosine rule ouer me, yet haue I the benefit of | your drunken cousin rule over me, yet have I the benefit of | | TN V.i.302 | |
my senses as well as your Ladieship. I haue your owne letter, | my senses as well as your ladyship. I have your own letter | | TN V.i.303 | |
that induced mee to the semblance I put on; with the which | that induced me to the semblance I put on; with the which | semblance (n.) appearance, outward show | TN V.i.304 | |
I doubt not, but to do my selfe much right, or you much | I doubt not but to do myself much right, or you much | | TN V.i.305 | |
shame: thinke of me as you please. I leaue my duty a little | shame. Think of me as you please, I leave my duty a little | | TN V.i.306 | |
vnthought of, and speake out of my iniury. The madly vs'd | unthought-of, and speak out of my injury. The madly-used | | TN V.i.307 | |
Maluolio. | Malvolio. | | TN V.i.308 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Did he write this? | Did he write this? | | TN V.i.309 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
I Madame. | Ay, madam. | | TN V.i.310 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
This sauours not much of distraction. | This savours not much of distraction. | distraction (n.) madness, derangement, insanity | TN V.i.311 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
See him deliuer'd Fabian, bring him hither: | See him delivered, Fabian, bring him hither. | deliver (v.) free, release, liberate | TN V.i.312 | |
| Exit Fabian | | TN V.i.312 | |
My Lord, so please you, these things further thought on, | My lord, so please you, these things further thought on, | | TN V.i.313 | |
To thinke me as well a sister, as a wife, | To think me as well a sister as a wife, | | TN V.i.314 | |
One day shall crowne th'alliance on't, so please you, | One day shall crown th' alliance on't, so please you, | | TN V.i.315 | |
Heere at my house, and at my proper cost. | Here at my house, and at my proper cost. | proper (adj.) personal, private, individual | TN V.i.316 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Madam, I am most apt t'embrace your offer: | Madam, I am most apt t' embrace your offer. | apt (adj.) fit, ready, prepared | TN V.i.317 | |
Your Master quits you: and for your seruice done him, | (To Viola) Your master quits you; and for your service done him | quit (v.) release from service, let go | TN V.i.318 | |
So much against the mettle of your sex, | So much against the mettle of your sex, | | TN V.i.319 | |
So farre beneath your soft and tender breeding, | So far beneath your soft and tender breeding, | | TN V.i.320 | |
And since you call'd me Master, for so long: | And since you called me master for so long, | | TN V.i.321 | |
Heere is my hand, you shall from this time bee | Here is my hand; you shall from this time be | | TN V.i.322 | |
Your Masters Mistris. | Your master's mistress. | | TN V.i.323.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
A sister, you are she. | A sister, you are she. | | TN V.i.323.2 | |
Enter Maluolio. | Enter Malvolio and Fabian | | TN V.i.324 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Is this the Madman? | Is this the madman? | | TN V.i.324.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
I my Lord, this same: | Ay, my lord, this same. | | TN V.i.324.2 | |
How now Maluolio? | How now, Malvolio? | | TN V.i.325 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Madam, you haue done me wrong, | Madam, you have done me wrong; | | TN V.i.326 | |
Notorious wrong. | Notorious wrong. | | TN V.i.327.1 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Haue I Maluolio? No. | Have I, Malvolio? No! | | TN V.i.327.2 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Lady you haue, pray you peruse that Letter. | Lady, you have; pray you, peruse that letter. | | TN V.i.328 | |
You must not now denie it is your hand, | You must not now deny it is your hand. | | TN V.i.329 | |
Write from it if you can, in hand, or phrase, | Write from it if you can, in hand or phrase, | | TN V.i.330 | |
Or say, tis not your seale, not your inuention: | Or say 'tis not your seal, nor your invention; | invention (n.) composition, written exposition | TN V.i.331 | |
You can say none of this. Well, grant it then, | You can say none of this. Well, grant it then, | | TN V.i.332 | |
And tell me in the modestie of honor, | And tell me in the modesty of honour, | modesty (n.) propriety, protocol, seemly behaviour | TN V.i.333 | |
| | honour (n.) credit, good name, reputation | | |
Why you haue giuen me such cleare lights of fauour, | Why you have given me such clear lights of favour? | light (n.) sign, signal, indication | TN V.i.334 | |
Bad me come smiling, and crosse-garter'd to you, | Bade me come smiling and cross-gartered to you, | | TN V.i.335 | |
To put on yellow stockings, and to frowne | To put on yellow stockings, and to frown | | TN V.i.336 | |
Vpon sir Toby, and the lighter people: | Upon Sir Toby and the lighter people? | light (adj.) facile, frivolous, of no consequence | TN V.i.337 | |
And acting this in an obedient hope, | And, acting this in an obedient hope, | | TN V.i.338 | |
Why haue you suffer'd me to be imprison'd, | Why have you suffered me to be imprisoned, | | TN V.i.339 | |
Kept in a darke house, visited by the Priest, | Kept in a dark house, visited by the priest, | | TN V.i.340 | |
And made the most notorious gecke and gull, | And made the most notorious geck and gull | geck (n.) dupe, sucker, fool | TN V.i.341 | |
| | gull (n.) dupe, fool, simpleton | | |
That ere inuention plaid on? Tell me why? | That e'er invention played on? Tell me why? | invention (n.) plan, scheme, stratagem | TN V.i.342 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Alas Maluolio, this is not my writing, | Alas, Malvolio, this is not my writing, | | TN V.i.343 | |
Though I confesse much like the Charracter: | Though, I confess, much like the character. | character (n.) handwriting, style of writing, lettering | TN V.i.344 | |
But out of question, tis Marias hand. | But out of question 'tis Maria's hand. | | TN V.i.345 | |
And now I do bethinke me, it was shee | And now I do bethink me, it was she | bethink (v.), past form bethought call to mind, think about, consider, reflect | TN V.i.346 | |
First told me thou wast mad; then cam'st in smiling, | First told me thou wast mad; then, camest in smiling, | | TN V.i.347 | |
And in such formes, which heere were presuppos'd | And in such forms which here were presupposed | presuppose (v.) suggest earlier, previously lay down | TN V.i.348 | |
Vpon thee in the Letter: prethee be content, | Upon thee in the letter. Prithee, be content. | content (adj.) contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed | TN V.i.349 | |
This practice hath most shrewdly past vpon thee: | This practice hath most shrewdly passed upon thee; | practice (n.) trickery, treachery | TN V.i.350 | |
| | shrewdly (adv.) maliciously, wickedly, mischievously | | |
But when we know the grounds, and authors of it, | But when we know the grounds and authors of it, | | TN V.i.351 | |
Thou shalt be both the Plaintiffe and the Iudge | Thou shalt be both the plaintiff and the judge | | TN V.i.352 | |
Of thine owne cause. | Of thine own cause. | | TN V.i.353.1 | |
Fab. | FABIAN | | | |
Good Madam heare me speake, | Good madam, hear me speak; | | TN V.i.353.2 | |
And let no quarrell, nor no braule to come, | And let no quarrel, nor no brawl to come, | | TN V.i.354 | |
Taint the condition of this present houre, | Taint the condition of this present hour, | taint (v.) impair, harm, injure | TN V.i.355 | |
| | condition (n.) nature, state, circumstances | | |
Which I haue wondred at. In hope it shall not, | Which I have wondered at. In hope it shall not, | wonder (v.) marvel [at], be astonished [at] | TN V.i.356 | |
Most freely I confesse my selfe, and Toby | Most freely I confess, myself and Toby | | TN V.i.357 | |
Set this deuice against Maluolio heere, | Set this device against Malvolio here, | device (n.) plot, stratagem, trick | TN V.i.358 | |
Vpon some stubborne and vncourteous parts | Upon some stubborn and uncourteous parts | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | TN V.i.359 | |
| | stubborn (adj.) uncompromising, unyielding, obstinate | | |
| | uncourteous (adj.) discourteous, unfriendly | | |
We had conceiu'd against him. Maria writ | We had conceived against him. Maria writ | conceive (v.) imagine, fancy | TN V.i.360 | |
The Letter, at sir Tobyes great importance, | The letter at Sir Toby's great importance, | importance (n.) urgent request, urging, encouragement | TN V.i.361 | |
In recompence whereof, he hath married her: | In recompense whereof, he hath married her. | | TN V.i.362 | |
How with a sportfull malice it was follow'd, | How with a sportful malice it was followed | sportful (adj.) playful, frolicsome, wanton | TN V.i.363 | |
May rather plucke on laughter then reuenge, | May rather pluck on laughter than revenge, | | TN V.i.364 | |
If that the iniuries be iustly weigh'd, | If that the injuries be justly weighed | | TN V.i.365 | |
That haue on both sides past. | That have on both sides passed. | | TN V.i.366 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
Alas poore Foole, how haue they baffel'd thee? | Alas, poor fool! How have they baffled thee! | baffle (v.) treat shamefully, expose to ridicule | TN V.i.367 | |
Clo. | FESTE | | | |
Why some are borne great, some atchieue greatnesse, | Why, ‘ Some are born great, some achieve greatness, | | TN V.i.368 | |
and some haue greatnesse throwne vpon them. I | and some have greatness thrown upon them.’ I | | TN V.i.369 | |
was one sir, in this Enterlude, one sir Topas sir, but | was one, sir, in this interlude, one Sir Topas, sir – but | interlude, enterlude (n.) short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval] | TN V.i.370 | |
that's all one: By the Lotd Foole, I am not mad: but do | that's all one. ‘ By the Lord, fool, I am not mad!’ But do | | TN V.i.371 | |
you remember, Madam, why laugh you at such a | you remember: ‘ Madam, why laugh you at such a | | TN V.i.372 | |
barren rascall, and you smile not he's gag'd: and thus | barren rascal, an you smile not, he's gagged ’? And thus | and, an (conj.) if, whether | TN V.i.373 | |
the whirlegigge of time, brings in his reuenges. | the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. | whirligig (n.) spinning-top, roundabout | TN V.i.374 | |
Mal. | MALVOLIO | | | |
Ile be reueng'd on the whole packe of you? | I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you! | | TN V.i.375 | |
| Exit | | TN V.i.375 | |
Ol. | OLIVIA | | | |
He hath bene most notoriously abus'd. | He hath been most notoriously abused. | abuse (v.) misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong | TN V.i.376 | |
Du. | ORSINO | | | |
Pursue him, and entreate him to a peace: | Pursue him and entreat him to a peace. | | TN V.i.377 | |
He hath not told vs of the Captaine yet, | He hath not told us of the Captain yet. | | TN V.i.378 | |
When that is knowne, and golden time conuents | When that is known, and golden time convents, | convent (v.) summon, call to appear, send for | TN V.i.379 | |
A solemne Combination shall be made | A solemn combination shall be made | combination (n.) alliance, league, treaty | TN V.i.380 | |
Of our deere soules. Meane time sweet sister, | Of our dear souls. Meantime, sweet sister, | | TN V.i.381 | |
We will not part from hence. Cesario come | We will not part from hence. Cesario, come; | | TN V.i.382 | |
(For so you shall be while you are a man:) | For so you shall be, while you are a man. | | TN V.i.383 | |
But when in other habites you are seene, | But when in other habits you are seen – | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | TN V.i.384 | |
Orsino's Mistris, and his fancies Queene. | Orsino's mistress, and his fancy's queen! | fancy (n.) love, amorousness, infatuation | TN V.i.385 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt all but Feste | | TN V.i.385 | |
Clowne | FESTE | | | |
sings. | (sings) | | TN V.i.386 | |
When that I was and a little tine boy, | When that I was and a little tiny boy, | | TN V.i.386 | |
with hey, ho, the winde and the raine: | With hey-ho, the wind and the rain; | | TN V.i.387 | |
A foolish thing was but a toy, | A foolish thing was but a toy, | toy (n.) trinket, trifle, trivial ornament | TN V.i.388 | |
for the raine it raineth euery day. | For the rain it raineth every day. | | TN V.i.389 | |
But when I came to mans estate, | But when I came to man's estate, | | TN V.i.390 | |
with hey ho, &c. | With hey-ho, the wind and the rain; | | TN V.i.391 | |
Gainst Knaues and Theeues men shut their gate, | 'Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate, | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | TN V.i.392 | |
for the raine, &c. | For the rain it raineth every day. | | TN V.i.393 | |
But when I came alas to wiue, | But when I came, alas, to wive, | | TN V.i.394 | |
with hey ho, &c. | With hey-ho, the wind and the rain; | | TN V.i.395 | |
By swaggering could I neuer thriue, | By swaggering could I never thrive, | swaggering (n.) blustering, bullying, quarrelling | TN V.i.396 | |
for the raine, &c. | For the rain it raineth every day. | | TN V.i.397 | |
But when I came vnto my beds, | But when I came unto my beds, | | TN V.i.398 | |
with hey ho, &c. | With hey-ho, the wind and the rain; | | TN V.i.399 | |
With tospottes still had drunken beades, | With tosspots still had drunken heads, | tosspot (n.) drunkard, sot, tippler | TN V.i.400 | |
for the raine, &c. | For the rain it raineth every day. | | TN V.i.401 | |
A great while ago the world begon, | A great while ago the world began, | | TN V.i.402 | |
hey ho, &c. | With hey-ho, the wind and the rain; | | TN V.i.403 | |
But that's all one, our Play is done, | But that's all one, our play is done, | | TN V.i.404 | |
and wee'l striue to please you euery day. | And we'll strive to please you every day. | | TN V.i.405 | |
| Exit | | TN V.i.405 | |