A Midsummer Night's Dream

Act I
scene III
Act II
scene III
Act IV
scene III
Act V
scene I
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Queene of Fairies, and Clowne, and Fairies, and the King Enter Titania, and Bottom, and Fairies; and Oberon MND IV.i.1.1
behinde them.behind them MND IV.i.1.2
Come, sit thee downe vpon this flowry bed,Come, sit thee down upon this flowery bed MND IV.i.1
While I thy amiable cheekes doe coy,While I thy amiable cheeks do coy,amiable (adj.)
beloved, desirable, lovable
MND IV.i.2
coy (v.)
caress, stroke, pet
And sticke muske roses in thy sleeke smoothe head,And stick muskroses in thy sleek, smooth head, MND IV.i.3
And kisse thy faire large eares, my gentle ioy.And kiss thy fair large ears, my gentle joy.gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MND IV.i.4
Where's Peaseblossome?Where's Peaseblossom? MND IV.i.5
Ready.Ready. MND IV.i.6
Scratch my head, Pease-blossome. Wher'sScratch my head, Peaseblossom. Where's MND IV.i.7
Mounsieuer Cobweb.Monsieur Cobweb? MND IV.i.8
Ready.Ready. MND IV.i.9
Clowne. BOTTOM 
Mounsieur Cobweb, good Mounsier get yourMonsieur Cobweb, good Monsieur, get you your MND IV.i.10
weapons in your hand, & kill me a red hipt humble-weapons in your hand and kill me a red-hipped humble MND IV.i.11
Bee, on the top of a thistle; and good Mounsieur bringbee on the top of a thistle; and, good Monsieur, bring MND IV.i.12
mee the hony bag. Doe not fret your selfe too much in theme the honey bag. Do not fret yourself too much in the MND IV.i.13
action, Mounsieur; and good Mounsieur haue a care theaction, Monsieur; and, good Monsieur, have a care the MND IV.i.14
hony bag breake not, I would be loth to haue yon ouer-flownehoney bag break not, I would be loath to have you overflown MND IV.i.15
with a hony-bag signiour. Where's Mounsieurwith a honey bag, signor. Where's Monsieur MND IV.i.16
Mustardseed?Mustardseed? MND IV.i.17
Ready.Ready. MND IV.i.18
Giue me your neafe, Mounsieur Mustardseed.Give me your neaf, Monsieur Mustardseed.neaf (n.)

old form: neafe
fist, clenched hand
MND IV.i.19
Pray you leaue your courtesie good Mounsieur.Pray you, leave your courtesy, good Monsieur.courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)

old form: courtesie
courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners
MND IV.i.20
What's your will?What's your will? MND IV.i.21
Nothing good Mounsieur, but to help CaualeryNothing, good Monsieur, but to help CavaleryCavalery (n.)

old form: Caualery
cavalier, courtly gentleman
MND IV.i.22
Cobweb to scratch. I must to the Barbers Mounsieur,Cobweb to scratch. I must to the barber's, Monsieur, MND IV.i.23
for me-thinkes I am maruellous hairy about the face. Andfor methinks I am marvellous hairy about the face. Andmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me-thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
MND IV.i.24
marvellous (adv.)

old form: maruellous
very, extremely, exceedingly
I am such a tender asse, if my haire do but tickle me, II am such a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I MND IV.i.25
must scratch.must scratch. MND IV.i.26
What, wilt thou heare some musicke, my sweet loue.What, wilt thou hear some music, my sweet love? MND IV.i.27
I haue a reasonable good eare in musicke. Let vs haueI have a reasonable good ear in music. Let's have MND IV.i.28
the tongs and the bones. Musicke Tongs, Rurall Musicke.the tongs and the bones.tongs (n.)
type of simple metal musical instrument
MND IV.i.29
bone (n.)
(plural) pieces of bone [used as a musical instrument]
Or say sweete Loue, what thou desirest to eat.Or say, sweet love, what thou desirest to eat. MND IV.i.30
Clowne. BOTTOM 
Truly a pecke of Prouender; I could munch yourTruly, a peck of provender. I could munch yourpeck (n.)

old form: pecke
heap, quantity, measure [a quarter of a bushel]
MND IV.i.31
good dry Oates. Me-thinkes I haue a great desire to a bottlegood dry oats. Methinks I have a great desire to a bottlemethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me-thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
MND IV.i.32
bottle (n.)
bundle, truss [of hay]
of hay: good hay, sweete hay hath no fellow. of hay. Good hay, sweet hay, hath no fellow. MND IV.i.33
I haue a venturous Fairy, / That shall seekeI have a venturous fairy that shall seek MND IV.i.34
the Squirrels hoard, / And fetch thee new Nuts.The squirrel's hoard, and fetch thee new nuts. MND IV.i.35
Clown. BOTTOM 
I had rather haue a handfull or two of dried pease.I had rather have a handful or two of dried pease.pease (n.)
MND IV.i.36
But I pray you let none of your people stirre me, I haueBut, I pray you, let none of your people stir me. I have MND IV.i.37
an exposition of sleepe come vpon me.an exposition of sleep come upon me.exposition (n.)
malapropism for ‘disposition’ [= inclination]
MND IV.i.38
Sleepe thou, and I will winde thee in my arms,Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. MND IV.i.39
Fairies be gone, and be alwaies away.Fairies be gone, and be all ways away. MND IV.i.40
Exeunt Fairies MND IV.i.40
So doth the woodbine, the sweet Honisuckle,So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysucklewoodbine (n.)
bindweed, convolvulus
MND IV.i.41
Gently entwist; the female Iuy soGently entwist; the female ivy soentwist (v.)
clasp with a twist, entwine, wreathe around
MND IV.i.42
Enrings the barky fingers of the Elme.Enrings the barky fingers of the elm.enring (v.)
form a ring round, encircle, surround
MND IV.i.43
barky (adj.)
O how I loue thee! how I dote on thee!O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee! MND IV.i.44
Enter Robin goodfellow and Oberon.They sleep. Enter Puck MND IV.i.44
(comes forward) MND IV.i.45
Welcome good Robin: / Seest thou this sweet sight?Welcome, good Robin. Seest thou this sweet sight? MND IV.i.45
Her dotage now I doe begin to pitty.Her dotage now I do begin to pity.dotage (n.)
doting, infatuation, excessive affection
MND IV.i.46
For meeting her of late behinde the wood,For, meeting her of late behind the wood MND IV.i.47
Seeking sweet sauors for this hatefull foole,Seeking sweet favours from this hateful fool,favour (n.)
mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token]
MND IV.i.48
I did vpbraid her, and fall out with her.I did upbraid her and fall out with her, MND IV.i.49
For she his hairy temples then had rounded,For she his hairy temples then had roundedround (v.)
ring, encircle, surround
MND IV.i.50
With coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers.With a coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers.coronet (n.)
garland, wreath, circlet [of flowers, etc]
MND IV.i.51
And that same dew which somtime on the buds,And that same dew which sometime on the budssometime (adv.)
formerly, at one time, once
MND IV.i.52
Was wont to swell like round and orient pearles;Was wont to swell, like round and orient pearls,orient (adj.)
lustrous, brilliant, bright
MND IV.i.53
wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
Stood now within the pretty flouriets eyes,Stood now within the pretty flowerets' eyesfloweret (n.)

old form: flouriets
small flower
MND IV.i.54
Like teares that did their owne disgrace bewaile.Like tears that did their own disgrace bewail. MND IV.i.55
When I had at my pleasure taunted her,When I had at my pleasure taunted her, MND IV.i.56
And she in milde termes beg'd my patience,And she in mild terms begged my patience, MND IV.i.57
I then did aske of her, her changeling childe,I then did ask of her her changeling child,changeling (n./adj.)
child taken by fairies, stolen child
MND IV.i.58
Which straight she gaue me, and her Fairy sentWhich straight she gave me, and her fairy sentstraight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
MND IV.i.59
To beare him to my Bower in Fairy Land.To bear him to my bower in Fairyland. MND IV.i.60
And now I haue the Boy, I will vndoeAnd now I have the boy I will undo MND IV.i.61
This hatefull imperfection of her eyes.This hateful imperfection of her eyes. MND IV.i.62
And gentle Pucke, take this transformed scalpe,And, gentle Puck, take this transformed scalp MND IV.i.63
From off the head of this Athenian swaine;From off the head of this Athenian swain,swain (n.)

old form: swaine
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow
MND IV.i.64
That he awaking when the other doe,That, he awaking when the other do, MND IV.i.65
May all to Athens backe againe repaire,May all to Athens back again repairrepair (v.)

old form: repaire
come, go, make one's way
MND IV.i.66
And thinke no more of this nights accidents,And think no more of this night's accidentsaccident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
MND IV.i.67
But as the fierce vexation of a dreame.But as the fierce vexation of a dream.fierce (adj.)
wild, lively, violent
MND IV.i.68
vexation (n.)
agitation, disturbance, turmoil
But first I will release the Fairy Queene.But first I will release the Fairy Queen. MND IV.i.69
(to Titania) MND IV.i.69
Be thou as thou wast wont to be;Be as thou wast wont to be;wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
MND IV.i.70
See as thou wast wont to see.See as thou wast wont to see. MND IV.i.71
Dians bud, or Cupids flower,Dian's bud o'er Cupid's flowerCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
MND IV.i.72
Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Dian's bud
[unclear meaning] herb associated with chastity
Cupid's flower
Hath such force and blessed power.Hath such force and blessed power. MND IV.i.73
Now my Titania wake you my sweet Queene.Now, my Titania, wake you, my sweet Queen! MND IV.i.74
(wakes) MND IV.i.75
My Oberon, what visions haue I seene!My Oberon, what visions have I seen! MND IV.i.75
Me-thought I was enamoured of an Asse.Methought I was enamoured of an ass.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me-thought
it seems / seemed to me
MND IV.i.76
There lies your loue.There lies your love. MND IV.i.77.1
How came these things to passe?How came these things to pass? MND IV.i.77.2
Oh, how mine eyes doth loath this visage now!O, how mine eyes do loathe his visage now!visage (n.)
face, countenance
MND IV.i.78
Silence a while. Robin take off his head:Silence awhile! Robin, take off this head. MND IV.i.79
Titania, musick call, and strike more deadTitania, music call, and strike more dead MND IV.i.80
Then common sleepe; of all these, fine the sense.Than common sleep of all these five the sense. MND IV.i.81
Musicke, ho musicke, such as charmeth sleepe. Musick still. Music, ho! Music such as charmeth sleep.charm (v.)
produce, bring, cause [as by magic]
MND IV.i.82
Rob. PUCK  
(to Bottom, removing the ass's head) MND IV.i.83
When thou wak'st, with thine owne fooles eies peepe Now when thou wakest with thine own fool's eyes peep. MND IV.i.83
Sound musick; come my Queen, take hands with me.Sound, music! (Music) Come, my Queen, take hands with me, MND IV.i.84
And rocke the ground whereon these sleepers be.And rock the ground whereon these sleepers be. MND IV.i.85
They dance MND IV.i.86
Now thou and I new in amity,Now thou and I are new in amity, MND IV.i.86
And will to morrow midnight, solemnlyAnd will tomorrow midnight solemnlysolemnly (adv.)
ceremoniously, with ritual celebration
MND IV.i.87
Dance in Duke Theseus house triumphantly,Dance in Duke Theseus' house triumphantly,triumphantly (adv.)
as in a festive pageant, with great celebration
MND IV.i.88
And blesse it to all faire posterity.And bless it to all fair prosperity. MND IV.i.89
There shall the paires of faithfull Louers beThere shall the pairs of faithful lovers be MND IV.i.90
Wedded, with Theseus, all in iollity.Wedded with Theseus all in jollity. MND IV.i.91
Rob. PUCK 
Faire King attend, and marke,Fairy king, attend, and mark:mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MND IV.i.92
attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
I doe heare the morning Larke.I do hear the morning lark. MND IV.i.93
Then my Queene in silence sad,Then, my queen, in silence sad,sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
MND IV.i.94
Trip we after the nights shade;Trip we after night's shade. MND IV.i.95
We the Globe can compasse soone,We the globe can compass soon,compass (v.)

old form: compasse
go around, orbit, make a circuit of
MND IV.i.96
Swifter then the wandering Moone.Swifter than the wandering moon.wandering (adj.)
[astrology] having its own motion
MND IV.i.97
Come my Lord, and in our flight,Come, my lord, and in our flight MND IV.i.98
Tell me how it came this night,Tell me how it came this night MND IV.i.99
That I sleeping heere was found, Sleepers Lye still. That I sleeping here was found MND IV.i.100
With these mortals on the ground. With these mortals on the ground. MND IV.i.101
Exeunt.Exeunt Oberon, Titania, and Puck MND IV.i.101
Winde Hornes. Enter Theseus, Egeus, Hippolita Horns sound. Enter Theseus with Hippolyta, Egeus, MND IV.i.102.1
and all his traine.and all his train MND IV.i.102.2
Goe one of you, finde out the Forrester,Go, one of you; find out the forester; MND IV.i.102
For now our obseruation is perform'd;For now our observation is performed.observation (n.)

old form: obseruation
observance, rite, customary practice
MND IV.i.103
And since we haue the vaward of the day,And since we have the vaward of the day,vaward (n.)
foremost part, front line, vanguard
MND IV.i.104
My Loue shall heare the musicke of my hounds.My love shall hear the music of my hounds. MND IV.i.105
Vncouple in the Westerne valley, let them goe;Uncouple in the western valley; let them go.uncouple (v.)

old form: Vncouple
release pairs of hunting dogs for the chase
MND IV.i.106
Dispatch I say, and finde the Forrester.Dispatch, I say, and find the forester.dispatch, despatch (v.)
hurry up, be quick
MND IV.i.107
Exit an Attendant MND IV.i.107
We will faire Queene, vp to the Mountaines top,We will, fair Queen, up to the mountain's top, MND IV.i.108
And marke the musicall confusionAnd mark the musical confusionmark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MND IV.i.109
Of hounds and eccho in coniunction.Of hounds and echo in conjunction.conjunction (n.)
union, uniting, joining together
MND IV.i.110
I was with Hercules and Cadmus once.I was with Hercules and Cadmus once,Cadmus (n.)
[pron: 'kadmus] son of Agenor, King of Tyre; he set off in pursuit of his sister Europa, arrived in Greece, and founded Thebes
MND IV.i.111
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
When in a wood of Creete they bayed the BeareWhen in a wood of Crete they bayed the bearCrete (n.)
Mediterranean island, known for its dogs
MND IV.i.112
bay (v.)
bring to bay, drive to a last stand
With hounds of Sparta; neuer did I heareWith hounds of Sparta. Never did I hearSparta (n.)
city of Peloponnesia, S Greece
MND IV.i.113
Such gallant chiding. For besides the groues,Such gallant chiding, for besides the groves,chiding (n.)
barking, brawling, angry noise
MND IV.i.114
The skies, the fountaines, euery region neere,The skies, the fountains, every region near MND IV.i.115
Seeme all one mutuall cry. I neuer heardSeemed all one mutual cry. I never heardmutual (adj.)

old form: mutuall
common, general, omnipresent
MND IV.i.116
So musicall a discord, such sweet thunder.So musical a discord, such sweet thunder. MND IV.i.117
My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kinde,My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind;kind (n.)

old form: kinde
breed, lineage, stock, family
MND IV.i.118
So flew'd, so sanded, and their heads are hungSo flewed, so sanded; and their heads are hungsanded (adj.)
MND IV.i.119
flewed (adj.)

old form: flew'd
with large cheek folds [flews], chapped
With eares that sweepe away the morning dew,With ears that sweep away the morning dew; MND IV.i.120
Crooke kneed, and dew-lapt, like Thessalian Buls,Crook-kneed, and dewlapped like Thessalian bulls;Thessalian (adj.)
[pron: the'saylian] of Thessaly, ancient region of NE Greece
MND IV.i.121
dewlapped (adj.)

old form: dew-lapt
with folds of loose skin around the throat
Slow in pursuit, but match'd in mouth like bels,Slow in pursuit, but matched in mouth like bells, MND IV.i.122
Each vnder each. A cry more tuneableEach under each. A cry more tuneabletuneable (adj.)
tuneful, musical, melodious
MND IV.i.123
cry (n.)
company, pack [as of hounds]
Was neuer hallowed to, nor cheer'd with horne,Was never hallooed to nor cheered with horncheer (v.)

old form: cheer'd
encourage, urge on, galvanize
MND IV.i.124
In Creete, in Sparta, nor in Thessaly;In Crete, in Sparta, nor in Thessaly.Thessaly (n.)
['thesalee] ancient region of NE Greece
MND IV.i.125
Iudge when you heare.Judge when you hear. MND IV.i.126.1
He sees the sleepers MND IV.i.126
But soft, what nimphs are these?But soft, what nymphs are these?nymph (n.)
beauty, damsel, siren
MND IV.i.126.2
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Egeus. EGEUS 
My Lord, this is my daughter heere asleepe,My lord, this is my daughter here asleep, MND IV.i.127
And this Lysander, this Demetrius is,And this Lysander; this Demetrius is, MND IV.i.128
This Helena, olde Nedars Helena,This Helena – old Nedar's Helena. MND IV.i.129
I wonder of this being heere together.I wonder of their being here together. MND IV.i.130
No doubt they rose vp early, to obserueNo doubt they rose up early to observe MND IV.i.131
The right of May; and hearing our intent,The rite of May, and hearing our intentintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
MND IV.i.132
Came heere in grace of our solemnity.Came here in grace of our solemnity.solemnity (n.)
celebration, jubilation, festivity
MND IV.i.133
grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
But speake Egeus, is not this the dayBut speak, Egeus: is not this the day MND IV.i.134
That Hermia should giue answer of her choice?That Hermia should give answer of her choice? MND IV.i.135
Egeus. EGEUS 
It is, my Lord.It is, my lord. MND IV.i.136
Goe bid the hunts-men wake them with their hornes.Go, bid the huntsmen wake them with their horns. MND IV.i.137
Hornes and they wake. Shout within, Horns sound; the lovers wake; shout within; the MND IV.i.138.1
they all start vp.lovers start up MND IV.i.138.2
Good morrow friends: Saint Valentine is past,Good morrow, friends – Saint Valentine is past!morrow (n.)
MND IV.i.138
Begin these wood birds but to couple now?Begin these woodbirds but to couple now? MND IV.i.139
Pardon my Lord.Pardon, my lord. MND IV.i.140.1
I pray you all stand vp.I pray you all, stand up. MND IV.i.140.2
I know you two are Riuall enemies.I know you two are rival enemies. MND IV.i.141
How comes this gentle concord in the world,How comes this gentle concord in the world,gentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
MND IV.i.142
That hatred is is so farre from iealousie,That hatred is so far from jealousyjealousy (n.)

old form: iealousie
suspicion, mistrust, apprehension
MND IV.i.143
To sleepe by hate, and feare no enmity.To sleep by hate, and fear no enmity? MND IV.i.144
My Lord, I shall reply amazedly,My lord, I shall reply amazedly, MND IV.i.145
Halfe sleepe, halfe waking. But as yet, I sweare,Half sleep, half waking. But as yet, I swear, MND IV.i.146
I cannot truly say how I came heere.I cannot truly say how I came here. MND IV.i.147
But as I thinke (for truly would I speake)But as I think – for truly would I speak –  MND IV.i.148
And now I doe bethinke me, so it is;And now do I bethink me, so it is:bethink (v.), past form bethought

old form: bethinke
call to mind, think about, consider, reflect
MND IV.i.149
I came with Hermia hither. Our intentI came with Hermia hither. Our intent MND IV.i.150
Was to be gone from Athens, where we might beWas to be gone from Athens where we might MND IV.i.151
Without the perill of the Athenian Law.Without the peril of the Athenian law... MND IV.i.152
Enough, enough, my Lord: you haue enough;Enough, enough – my lord, you have enough! MND IV.i.153
I beg the Law, the Law, vpon his head:I beg the law, the law upon his head. MND IV.i.154
They would have stolne away, they would Demetrius,They would have stolen away, they would, Demetrius, MND IV.i.155
Thereby to haue defeated you and me:Thereby to have defeated you and me – defeat (v.)
frustrate, bring to nought
MND IV.i.156
You of your wife, and me of my consent;You of your wife, and me of my consent –  MND IV.i.157
Of my consent, that she should be your wife.Of my consent that she should be your wife. MND IV.i.158
My Lord, faire Helen told me of their stealth,My lord, fair Helen told me of their stealth, MND IV.i.159
Of this their purpose hither, to this wood,Of this their purpose hither to this wood,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
MND IV.i.160
And I in furie hither followed them;And I in fury hither followed them, MND IV.i.161
Faire Helena, in fancy followed me.Fair Helena in fancy following me.fancy (n.)
love, amorousness, infatuation
MND IV.i.162
But my good Lord, I wot not by what power,But, my good lord – I wot not by what power,wot (v.)
learn, know, be told
MND IV.i.163
(But by some power it is) my loue / To Hermia But by some power it is – my love to Hermia, MND IV.i.164
(melted as the snow) / Seems to me nowMelted as the snow, seems to me now MND IV.i.165
as the remembrance of an idle gaude,As the remembrance of an idle gaudidle (adj.)
useless, barren, worthless
MND IV.i.166
remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
gaud (n.)

old form: gaude
gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket
Which in my childehood I did doat vpon:Which in my childhood I did dote upon; MND IV.i.167
And all the faith, the vertue of my heart,And all the faith, the virtue of my heart,virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
essence, heart, soul
MND IV.i.168
The obiect and the pleasure of mine eye,The object and the pleasure of mine eye, MND IV.i.169
Is onely Helena. To her, my Lord,Is only Helena. To her, my lord, MND IV.i.170
Was I betroth'd, ere I see Hermia,Was I betrothed ere I saw Hermia; MND IV.i.171
But like a sickenesse did I loath this food,But like in sickness did I loathe this food. MND IV.i.172
But as in health, come to my naturall taste,But, as in health come to my natural taste, MND IV.i.173
Now doe I wish it, loue it, long for it,Now I do wish it, love it, long for it, MND IV.i.174
And will for euermore be true to it.And will for evermore be true to it. MND IV.i.175
Faire Louers, you are fortunately met;Fair lovers, you are fortunately met. MND IV.i.176
Of this discourse we shall heare more anon.Of this discourse we more will hear anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
MND IV.i.177
Egeus, I will ouer-beare your will;Egeus, I will overbear your will;overbear (v.)

old form: ouer-beare
overrule, overcome, put down
MND IV.i.178
For in the Temple, by and by with vs,For in the temple by and by with us MND IV.i.179
These couples shall eternally be knit.These couples shall eternally be knit. MND IV.i.180
And for the morning now is something worne,And – for the morning now is something worn – something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
MND IV.i.181
Our purpos'd hunting shall be set aside.Our purposed hunting shall be set aside. MND IV.i.182
Away, with vs to Athens; three and three,Away with us to Athens. Three and three, MND IV.i.183
Wee'll hold a feast in great solemnitie.We'll hold a feast in great solemnity.solemnity (n.)

old form: solemnitie
celebration, jubilation, festivity
MND IV.i.184
Come Hippolita. Come, Hippolyta. MND IV.i.185
Exit Duke and Lords.Exit Theseus with Hippolyta, Egeus, and his train MND IV.i.185
These things seeme small & vndistinguishable,These things seem small and undistinguishable,undistinguishable (adj.)unrecognizable, undetectable, impossible to pick outMND IV.i.186
Like farre off mountaines turned into Clouds.Like far-off mountains turned into clouds. MND IV.i.187
Me-thinks I see these things with parted eye,Methinks I see these things with parted eye,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me-thinks
it seems / seemed to me
MND IV.i.188
parted (adj.)
divided, unfocused, indistinct
When euery things seemes double.When everything seems double. MND IV.i.189.1
So me-thinkes:So methinks, MND IV.i.189.2
And I haue found Demetrius, like a iewell,And I have found Demetrius, like a jewel, MND IV.i.190
Mine owne, and not mine owne.Mine own and not mine own. MND IV.i.191.1
Are you sure MND IV.i.191.2
It seemes to mee,That we are awake? It seems to me MND IV.i.192
That yet we sleepe, we dreame. Do not you thinke,That yet we sleep, we dream. Do not you think MND IV.i.193
The Duke was heere, and bid vs follow him?The Duke was here, and bid us follow him? MND IV.i.194
Yea, and my Father.Yea, and my father. MND IV.i.195.1
And Hippolita.And Hippolyta. MND IV.i.195.2
And he bid vs follow to the Temple.And he did bid us follow to the temple. MND IV.i.196
Why then we are awake; lets follow him, Why, then, we are awake. Let's follow him, MND IV.i.197
and / by the way let vs recount our dreames.And by the way let's recount our dreams. MND IV.i.198
Exit Louers.Exeunt Demetrius, Helena, Lysander, and Hermia MND IV.i.198
Bottome wakes.Bottom wakes MND IV.i.199
When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer. MND IV.i.199
My next is, most faire Piramus. Hey ho. Peter My next is ‘ Most fair Pyramus.’ Heigh ho! Peter MND IV.i.200
Quince? Flute the bellowes-mender? Snout the tinker? Quince! Flute the bellows-mender! Snout the tinker! MND IV.i.201
Starueling? Gods my life! Stolne hence, and left meStarveling! God's my life – stolen hence and left me MND IV.i.202
asleepe: I haue had a most rare vision. I had aasleep! – I have had a most rare vision. I have had a MND IV.i.203
dreame, past the wit of man, to say, what dreame it was. Mandream past the wit of man to say what dream it was. Manwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
MND IV.i.204
is but an Asse, if he goe about to expound this dreame. Me-thoughtis but an ass if he go about to expound this dream. Methoughtgo about (v.)

old form: goe
endeavour, set to work, start trying
MND IV.i.205
I was, there is no man can tell what. Me-thoughtI was – there is no man can tell what. Methoughtmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me-thought
it seems / seemed to me
MND IV.i.206
I was, and me-thought I had. But man is but a patch'dI was – and methought I had – but man is but a patchedpatched (adj.)

old form: patch'd
wearing a patchwork costume, multi-coloured
MND IV.i.207
foole, if he will offer to say, what me-thought I had. Thefool if he will offer to say what methought I had. Thefool (n.)

old form: foole
[professional] clown, jester
MND IV.i.208
eye of man hath not heard, the eare of man hath not seen,eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, MND IV.i.209
mans hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceiue,man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive,conceive (v.)

old form: conceiue
understand, comprehend, follow
MND IV.i.210
nor his heart to report, what my dreame was. I will get nor his heart to report what my dream was! I will get MND IV.i.211
PeterQuince to write a ballet of this dreame, it shall bePeter Quince to write a ballad of this dream. It shall be MND IV.i.212
called Bottomes Dreame, because it hath no bottome; andcalled ‘ Bottom's Dream ’, because it hath no bottom; and MND IV.i.213
I will sing it in the latter end of a play, before the Duke.I will sing it in the latter end of a play before the Duke. MND IV.i.214
Peraduenture, to make it the more gracious, I shall singPeradventure, to make it the more gracious, I shall singperadventure (adv.)

old form: Peraduenture
perhaps, maybe, very likely
MND IV.i.215
gracious (adj.)
delightful, lovely, charming
it at her death. it at her death. MND IV.i.216
Exit.Exit MND IV.i.216
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