Henry IV Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

They take up the King and lay him on a bed 2H4 IV.v.1.1
Let there be no noyse made (my gentle friends) Let there be no noise made, my gentle friends,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
2H4 IV.v.1
Vnlesse some dull and fauourable hand Unless some dull and favourable handdull (adj.)
[unclear meaning] sleep-inducing, soothing, producing drowsiness
2H4 IV.v.2
Will whisper Musicke to my wearie Spirit. Will whisper music to my weary spirit. 2H4 IV.v.3
Call for the Musicke in the other Roome. Call for the music in the other room. 2H4 IV.v.4
Set me the Crowne vpon my Pillow here. Set me the crown upon my pillow here. 2H4 IV.v.5
His eye is hollow, and hee changes much. His eye is hollow, and he changes much.change (v.)
change countenance, turn pale
2H4 IV.v.6
Lesse noyse, lesse noyse. Less noise, less noise! 2H4 IV.v.7
Enter Prince Henry.Enter Prince Henry 2H4 IV.v.8
Who saw the Duke of Clarence? Who saw the Duke of Clarence? 2H4 IV.v.8
I am here (Brother) full of heauinesse. I am here, brother, full of heaviness.heaviness (n.)

old form: heauinesse
sadness, grief, sorrow
2H4 IV.v.9
How now? Raine within doores, and none How now, rain within doors, and none 2H4 IV.v.10
abroad? How doth the King? abroad? How doth the King? 2H4 IV.v.11
Exceeding ill. Exceeding ill. 2H4 IV.v.12
Heard hee the good newes yet? Tell it him. Heard he the good news yet? Tell it him. 2H4 IV.v.13
Hee alter'd much, vpon the hearing it. He altered much upon hearing it. 2H4 IV.v.14
If hee be sicke with Ioy, / Hee'le recouer If he be sick with joy, he'll recover 2H4 IV.v.15
without Physicke. without physic.physic (n.)

old form: Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment
2H4 IV.v.16
Not so much noyse (my Lords) Sweet Prince speake lowe, Not so much noise, my lords. Sweet Prince, speak low; 2H4 IV.v.17
The King, your Father, is dispos'd to sleepe. The King your father is disposed to sleep. 2H4 IV.v.18
Let vs with-draw into the other Roome. Let us withdraw into the other room. 2H4 IV.v.19
Wil't please your Grace to goe along with vs? Will't please your grace to go along with us? 2H4 IV.v.20
No: I will sit, and watch here, by the King. No, I will sit and watch here by the King. 2H4 IV.v.21
Exeunt all but Prince Henry 2H4 IV.v.21
Why doth the Crowne lye there, vpon his Pillow, Why doth the crown lie there upon his pillow, 2H4 IV.v.22
Being so troublesome a Bed-fellow? Being so troublesome a bedfellow? 2H4 IV.v.23
O pollish'd Perturbation! Golden Care! O polished perturbation! Golden care! 2H4 IV.v.24
That keep'st the Ports of Slumber open wide, That keepest the ports of slumber open wideport (n.)
portal, entrance, gateway
2H4 IV.v.25
To many a watchfull Night: sleepe with it now, To many a watchful night! Sleep with it now!watchful (adj.)

old form: watchfull
wakeful, unsleeping, vigilant
2H4 IV.v.26
Yet not so sound, and halfe so deepely sweete, Yet not so sound, and half so deeply sweet, 2H4 IV.v.27
As hee whose Brow (with homely Biggen bound) As he whose brow with homely biggen boundbrow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
2H4 IV.v.28
biggen (n.)
Snores out the Watch of Night. O Maiestie! Snores out the watch of night. O majesty!watch (n.)
time interval, period of time
2H4 IV.v.29
When thou do'st pinch thy Bearer, thou do'st sit When thou dost pinch thy bearer, thou dost sitpinch (v.)
torment, pain, torture
2H4 IV.v.30
bearer (n.)
possessor, owner, holder
Like a rich Armor, worne in heat of day, Like a rich armour worn in heat of day, 2H4 IV.v.31
That scald'st with safetie: by his Gates of breath, That scaldest with safety. By his gates of breath 2H4 IV.v.32
There lyes a dowlney feather, which stirres not: There lies a downy feather which stirs not;downy (adj.)

old form: dowlney
fluffy, soft
2H4 IV.v.33
Did hee suspire, that light and weightlesse dowlne Did he suspire, that light and weightless downsuspire (v.)
2H4 IV.v.34
Perforce must moue. My gracious Lord, my Father, Perforce must move. My gracious lord! My father!perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
2H4 IV.v.35
This sleepe is sound indeede: this is a sleepe, This sleep is sound indeed; this is a sleep 2H4 IV.v.36
That from this Golden Rigoll hath diuorc'd That from this golden rigol hath divorcedrigol (n.)

old form: Rigoll
circle, ring
2H4 IV.v.37
So many English Kings. Thy due, from me, So many English kings. Thy due from me 2H4 IV.v.38
Is Teares, and heauie Sorrowes of the Blood, Is tears and heavy sorrows of the blood,heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
grave, serious, weighty
2H4 IV.v.39
Which Nature, Loue, and filiall tendernesse, Which nature, love, and filial tenderness 2H4 IV.v.40
Shall (O deare Father) pay thee plenteously. Shall, O dear father, pay thee plenteously. 2H4 IV.v.41
My due, from thee, is this Imperiall Crowne, My due from thee is this imperial crown, 2H4 IV.v.42
Which (as immediate from thy Place, and Blood) Which, as immediate from thy place and blood,immediate (adj.)
close in succession, proximate, direct
2H4 IV.v.43
place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Deriues it selfe to me. Derives itself to me.derive (v.)
2H4 IV.v.44.1
He puts the crown on his head 2H4 IV.v.44
Loe, heere it sits, Lo where it sits, 2H4 IV.v.44.2
Which Heauen shall guard: And put the worlds whole strength Which God shall guard, and put the world's whole strength 2H4 IV.v.45
into one gyant Arme, / It shall not force Into one giant arm, it shall not force 2H4 IV.v.46
this Lineall Honor from me. / This, from thee, This lineal honour from me. This from theelineal (adj.)

old form: Lineall
lineally descended, in the direct line, hereditary
2H4 IV.v.47
will I to mine leaue, / As 'tis left to me. Will I to mine leave, as 'tis left to me. 2H4 IV.v.48
Exit.Exit 2H4 IV.v.48
Warwicke, Gloucester, Clarence. Warwick! Gloucester! Clarence! 2H4 IV.v.49
Enter Warwicke, Gloucester, Clarence.Enter Warwick, Gloucester, Clarence, and attendant 2H4 IV.v.50.1
lords 2H4 IV.v.50.2
Doth the King call? Doth the King call? 2H4 IV.v.50.1
What would your Maiestie? how fares your Grace? What would your majesty? 2H4 IV.v.50.2
Why did you leaue me here alone (my Lords?) Why did you leave me here alone, my lords? 2H4 IV.v.51
We left the Prince (my Brother) here (my Liege) We left the Prince my brother here, my liege,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
2H4 IV.v.52
Who vndertooke to sit and watch by you. Who undertook to sit and watch by you. 2H4 IV.v.53
The Prince of Wales? where is hee? The Prince of Wales? Where is he? 2H4 IV.v.54
let mee see him. Let me see him. He is not here. 2H4 IV.v.55
This doore is open, hee is gone this way. This door is open; he is gone this way. 2H4 IV.v.56
Hee came not through the Chamber where wee stayd. He came not through the chamber where we stayed. 2H4 IV.v.57
Where is the Crowne? who tooke it from Where is the crown? Who took it from 2H4 IV.v.58
my Pillow? my pillow? 2H4 IV.v.59
When wee with-drew (my Liege) wee left it heere. When we withdrew, my liege, we left it here. 2H4 IV.v.60
The Prince hath ta'ne it hence: / Goe seeke him out. The Prince hath ta'en it hence. Go, seek him out. 2H4 IV.v.61
Is hee so hastie, that hee doth suppose Is he so hasty that he doth suppose 2H4 IV.v.62
My sleepe, my death? My sleep my death? 2H4 IV.v.63
Finde him (my Lord of Warwick) / Chide him hither: Find him, my lord of Warwick; chide him hither.chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
2H4 IV.v.64
Exit Warwick 2H4 IV.v.64
this part of his conioynes / With my disease, This part of his conjoins with my disease,part (n.)
action, conduct, behaviour
2H4 IV.v.65
conjoin (v.)

old form: conioynes
unite, join together
and helpes to end me. / See Sonnes, what things you are: And helps to end me. See, sons, what things you are. 2H4 IV.v.66
How quickly Nature falls into reuolt, How quickly nature falls into revolt 2H4 IV.v.67
When Gold becomes her Obiect? When gold becomes her object! 2H4 IV.v.68
For this, the foolish ouer-carefull Fathers For this the foolish overcareful fathers 2H4 IV.v.69
Haue broke their sleepes with thoughts, Have broke their sleep with thoughts,thought (n.)
melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry
2H4 IV.v.70
break (v.)
interrupt, break in on, cut in on
Their braines with care, their bones with industry. Their brains with care, their bones with industry; 2H4 IV.v.71
For this, they haue ingrossed and pyl'd vp For this they have engrossed and pilled upengross (v.)

old form: ingrossed
get together, collect, gather, seize
2H4 IV.v.72
pill up (v.)

old form: pyl'd vp
[unclear meaning] plunder, rob; pile up, accumulate
The canker'd heapes of strange-atchieued Gold: The cankered heaps of strange-achieved gold;strange-achieved (adj.)

old form: atchieued
[unclear meaning] specially obtained; procured abroad
2H4 IV.v.73
cankered (adj.)

old form: canker'd
rusted, corroded, tarnished
For this, they haue beene thoughtfull, to inuest For this they have been thoughtful to invest 2H4 IV.v.74
Their Sonnes with Arts, and Martiall Exercises: Their sons with arts and martial exercises;exercise (n.)
manly sport, martial practice
2H4 IV.v.75
When, like the Bee, culling from euery flower When, like the bee tolling from every flower,toll (v.)
levy a toll, exact a payment
2H4 IV.v.76
The vertuous Sweetes, our Thighes packt with Wax, / Our Mouthes withHoney, Our thighs packed with wax, our mouths with honey,pack (v.)

old form: packt
load up, load with goods
2H4 IV.v.77
virtuous (adj.)
showing fine qualities, praiseworthy
wee bring it to the Hiue; And like the Bees, We bring it to the hive; and like the bees 2H4 IV.v.78
are murthered for our paines. / This bitter taste Are murdered for our pains. This bitter taste 2H4 IV.v.79
yeelds his engrossements, / To the ending Father. Yields his engrossments to the ending father.engrossment (n.)

old form: engrossements
stockpiling, accumulation, collecting activity
2H4 IV.v.80
ending (adj.)
dying, near one's end
Enter Warwicke.Enter Warwick 2H4 IV.v.81
Now, where is hee, that will not stay so long, Now where is he that will not stay so long 2H4 IV.v.81
Till his Friend Sicknesse hath determin'd me? Till his friend sickness hath determined me?determine (v.)

old form: determin'd
put an end to, do away with, terminate
2H4 IV.v.82
My Lord, I found the Prince in the next Roome, My lord, I found the Prince in the next room, 2H4 IV.v.83
Washing with kindly Teares his gentle Cheekes, Washing with kindly tears his gentle cheeks,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
2H4 IV.v.84
kindly (adj.)
natural, proper
With such a deepe demeanure, in great sorrow, With such a deep demeanour in great sorrow, 2H4 IV.v.85
That Tyranny, which neuer quafft but blood, That tyranny, which never quaffed but blood,tyranny (n.)
cruelty, barbarity, unmerciful violence
2H4 IV.v.86
quaff (v.)

old form: quafft
drink down, take a long draught of
Would (by beholding him) haue wash'd his Knife Would, by beholding him, have washed his knife 2H4 IV.v.87
With gentle eye-drops. Hee is comming hither. With gentle eye-drops. He is coming hither.gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
2H4 IV.v.88
But wherefore did hee take away the Crowne? But wherefore did he take away the crown? 2H4 IV.v.89
Enter Prince Henry.Enter Prince Henry 2H4 IV.v.90
Loe, where hee comes. Come hither to me (Harry.) Lo, where he comes. Come hither to me, Harry. –  2H4 IV.v.90
Depart the Chamber, leaue vs heere alone. Depart the chamber, leave us here alone. 2H4 IV.v.91
Exit.Exeunt all except King Henry IV and Prince Henry 2H4 IV.v.91
I neuer thought to heare you speake againe. I never thought to hear you speak again. 2H4 IV.v.92
Thy wish was Father (Harry) to that thought: Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought. 2H4 IV.v.93
I stay too long by thee, I wearie thee. I stay too long by thee, I weary thee. 2H4 IV.v.94
Do'st thou so hunger for my emptie Chayre, Dost thou so hunger for mine empty chairchair (n.)

old form: Chayre
2H4 IV.v.95
That thou wilt needes inuest thee with mine Honors, That thou wilt needs invest thee with my honours 2H4 IV.v.96
Before thy howre be ripe? O foolish Youth! Before thy hour be ripe? O foolish youth! 2H4 IV.v.97
Thou seek'st the Greatnesse, that will ouer-whelme thee. Thou seekest the greatness that will overwhelm thee. 2H4 IV.v.98
Stay but a little: for my Cloud of Dignitie Stay but a little, for my cloud of dignitydignity (n.)

old form: Dignitie
official position, high office, rule
2H4 IV.v.99
Is held from falling, with so weake a winde, Is held from falling with so weak a wind 2H4 IV.v.100
That it will quickly drop: my Day is dimme. That it will quickly drop; my day is dim. 2H4 IV.v.101
Thou hast stolne that, which after some few howres Thou hast stolen that which after some few hours 2H4 IV.v.102
Were thine, without offence: and at my death Were thine without offence, and at my death 2H4 IV.v.103
Thou hast seal'd vp my expectation. Thou hast sealed up my expectation.seal up (v.)

old form: seal'd vp
confirm, ratify, put beyond doubt
2H4 IV.v.104
Thy Life did manifest, thou lou'dst me not, Thy life did manifest thou lovedst me not, 2H4 IV.v.105
And thou wilt haue me dye assur'd of it. And thou wilt have me die assured of it. 2H4 IV.v.106
Thou hid'st a thousand Daggers in thy thoughts, Thou hidest a thousand daggers in thy thoughts, 2H4 IV.v.107
Which thou hast whetted on thy stonie heart, Which thou hast whetted on thy stony heart, 2H4 IV.v.108
To stab at halfe an howre of my Life. To stab at half an hour of my life. 2H4 IV.v.109
What? canst thou not forbeare me halfe an howre? What, canst thou not forbear me half an hour?forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
control oneself, have patience [for]
2H4 IV.v.110
Then get thee gone, and digge my graue thy selfe, Then get thee gone, and dig my grave thyself, 2H4 IV.v.111
And bid the merry Bels ring to thy eare And bid the merry bells ring to thine ear 2H4 IV.v.112
That thou art Crowned, not that I am dead. That thou art crowned, not that I am dead. 2H4 IV.v.113
Let all the Teares, that should bedew my Hearse Let all the tears that should bedew my hearsebedew (v.)
moisten with drops, wet with tears
2H4 IV.v.114
Be drops of Balme, to sanctifie thy head: Be drops of balm to sanctify thy head;balm (n.)

old form: Balme
fragrant oil used for anointing, consecrated oil
2H4 IV.v.115
Onely compound me with forgotten dust. Only compound me with forgotten dust.compound (v.)
mix, mingle, combine
2H4 IV.v.116
Giue that, which gaue thee life, vnto the Wormes: Give that which gave thee life unto the worms. 2H4 IV.v.117
Plucke downe my Officers, breake my Decrees; Pluck down my officers, break my decrees; 2H4 IV.v.118
For now a time is come, to mocke at Forme. For now a time is come to mock at formform (n.)

old form: Forme
formal procedure, due process, formality
2H4 IV.v.119
Henry the fift is Crown'd: Vp Vanity, Harry the Fifth is crowned! Up, vanity!vanity (n.)
worthlessness, futility, unprofitable way of life
2H4 IV.v.120
Downe Royall State: All you sage Counsailors, hence: Down, royal state! All you sage counsellors, hence! 2H4 IV.v.121
And to the English Court, assemble now And to the English court assemble now, 2H4 IV.v.122
From eu'ry Region, Apes of Idlenesse. From every region, apes of idleness!ape (n.)
fool, idiot, jackass
2H4 IV.v.123
Now neighbor-Confines, purge you of your Scum: Now, neighbour confines, purge you of your scum!purge (v.)
cleanse, purify, get rid of impurities [in]
2H4 IV.v.124
confine (n.)
territory, region, domain
Haue you a Ruffian that will sweare? drinke? dance? Have you a ruffian that will swear, drink, dance, 2H4 IV.v.125
Reuell the night? Rob? Murder? and commit Revel the night, rob, murder, and commit 2H4 IV.v.126
The oldest sinnes, the newest kinde of wayes? The oldest sins the newest kind of ways? 2H4 IV.v.127
Be happy, he will trouble you no more: Be happy, he will trouble you no more. 2H4 IV.v.128
England, shall double gill'd, his trebble guilt. England shall double gild his treble guilt; 2H4 IV.v.129
England, shall giue him Office, Honor, Might: England shall give him office, honour, might;office (n.)
role, position, place, function
2H4 IV.v.130
For the Fift Harry, from curb'd License pluckes For the fifth Harry from curbed licence plucks 2H4 IV.v.131
The muzzle of Restraint; and the wilde Dogge The muzzle of restraint, and the wild dog 2H4 IV.v.132
Shall flesh his tooth in euery Innocent. Shall flesh his tooth on every innocent.flesh (v.)
[give a piece of the kill to a hound to stimulate its desire to hunt further] reward, stimulate, excite
2H4 IV.v.133
O my poore Kingdome (sicke, with ciuill blowes) O my poor kingdom, sick with civil blows!civil (adj.)

old form: ciuill
of civil war
2H4 IV.v.134
When that my Care could not with-hold thy Ryots, When that my care could not withhold thy riots, 2H4 IV.v.135
What wilt thou do, when Ryot is thy Care? What wilt thou do when riot is thy care?care (n.)
responsibility, duty, matter of concern
2H4 IV.v.136
O, thou wilt be a Wildernesse againe, O, thou wilt be a wilderness again, 2H4 IV.v.137
Peopled with Wolues (thy old Inhabitants.) Peopled with wolves, thy old inhabitants! 2H4 IV.v.138
(kneels) 2H4 IV.v.139
O pardon me (my Liege) / But for my Teares, O, pardon me, my liege! But for my tears, 2H4 IV.v.139
The most Impediments vnto my Speech, The moist impediments unto my speech, 2H4 IV.v.140
I had fore-stall'd this deere, and deepe Rebuke, I had forestalled this dear and deep rebukedear (adj.)

old form: deere
dire, grievous, hard
2H4 IV.v.141
Ere you (with greefe) had spoke, and I had heard Ere you with grief had spoke and I had heard 2H4 IV.v.142
The course of it so farre. There is your Crowne, The course of it so far. There is your crown,course (n.)
gist, scope, tenor
2H4 IV.v.143
And he that weares the Crowne immortally, And He that wears the crown immortally 2H4 IV.v.144
Long guard it yours. If I affect it more, Long guard it yours! If I affect it moreaffect (v.)
incline to, like, favour, be drawn to
2H4 IV.v.145
Then as your Honour, and as your Renowne, Than as your honour and as your renown, 2H4 IV.v.146
Let me no more from this Obedience rise, Let me no more from this obedience rise,obedience (n.)
obeisance, act of submission
2H4 IV.v.147
Which my most true, and inward duteous Spirit Which my most inward true and duteous spirit 2H4 IV.v.148
Teacheth this prostrate, and exteriour bending. Teacheth this prostrate and exterior bending. 2H4 IV.v.149
Heauen witnesse with me, when I heere came in, God witness with me, when I here came in 2H4 IV.v.150
And found no course of breath within your Maiestie, And found no course of breath within your majesty, 2H4 IV.v.151
How cold it strooke my heart. If I do faine, How cold it struck my heart! If I do feign, 2H4 IV.v.152
O let me, in my present wildenesse, dye, O, let me in my present wildness die, 2H4 IV.v.153
And neuer liue, to shew th' incredulous World, And never live to show th' incredulous world 2H4 IV.v.154
The Noble change that I haue purposed. The noble change that I have purposed!purpose (v.)
intend, plan
2H4 IV.v.155
Comming to looke on you, thinking you dead, Coming to look on you, thinking you dead, 2H4 IV.v.156
(And dead almost (my Liege) to thinke you were) And dead almost, my liege, to think you were, 2H4 IV.v.157
I spake vnto the Crowne (as hauing sense) I spake unto this crown as having sense,sense (n.)
ability to respond to sensation, physical perception
2H4 IV.v.158
And thus vpbraided it. The Care on thee depending, And thus upbraided it: ‘ The care on thee depending 2H4 IV.v.159
Hath fed vpon the body of my Father, Hath fed upon the body of my father; 2H4 IV.v.160
Therefore, thou best of Gold, art worst of Gold. Therefore thou best of gold art worst of gold. 2H4 IV.v.161
Other, lesse fine in Charract, is more precious, Other, less fine in carat, is more precious,carat (n.)

old form: Charract
worth, value, quality
2H4 IV.v.162
Preseruing life, in Med'cine potable: Preserving life in medicine potable;medicine potable

old form: Med'cine
elixir believed to be of special efficacy because derived from gold
2H4 IV.v.163
But thou, most Fine, most Honour'd, most Renown'd, But thou, most fine, most honoured, most renowned, 2H4 IV.v.164
Hast eate the Bearer vp. / Thus (my Royall Liege) Hast eat thy bearer up.’ Thus, my most royal liege, 2H4 IV.v.165
Accusing it, I put it on my Head, Accusing it, I put it on my head, 2H4 IV.v.166
To try with it (as with an Enemie, To try with it, as with an enemytry (v.)
contest, decide, fight out
2H4 IV.v.167
That had before my face murdred my Father) That had before my face murdered my father, 2H4 IV.v.168
The Quarrell of a true Inheritor. The quarrel of a true inheritor.quarrel (n.)

old form: Quarrell
cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim
2H4 IV.v.169
But if it did infect my blood with Ioy, But if it did infect my blood with joy 2H4 IV.v.170
Or swell my Thoughts, to any straine of Pride, Or swell my thoughts to any strain of pride,strain (n.)

old form: straine
quality, character, disposition
2H4 IV.v.171
If any Rebell, or vaine spirit of mine, If any rebel or vain spirit of mine 2H4 IV.v.172
Did, with the least Affection of a Welcome, Did with the least affection of a welcomeaffection (n.)
emotion, feeling
2H4 IV.v.173
Giue entertainment to the might of it, Give entertainment to the might of it,entertainment (n.)
pleasant reception, favourable welcome
2H4 IV.v.174
Let heauen, for euer, keepe it from my head, Let God for ever keep it from my head, 2H4 IV.v.175
And make me, as the poorest Vassaile is, And make me as the poorest vassal isvassal (n.)

old form: Vassaile
servant, slave, subject
2H4 IV.v.176
That doth with awe, and terror kneele to it. That doth with awe and terror kneel to it! 2H4 IV.v.177
O my Sonne! / Heauen put it in thy minde to take it hence, God put it in thy mind to take it hence, 2H4 IV.v.178
That thou might'st ioyne the more, thy Fathers loue, That thou mightst win the more thy father's love, 2H4 IV.v.179
Pleading so wisely, in excuse of it. Pleading so wisely in excuse of it! 2H4 IV.v.180
Come hither Harrie, sit thou by my bedde, Come hither, Harry; sit thou by my bed, 2H4 IV.v.181
And heare (I thinke, the very latest Counsell And hear, I think, the very latest counsellatest (adj.)
last, final
2H4 IV.v.182
That euer I shall breath: Heauen knowes, my Sonne) That ever I shall breathe. God knows, my son, 2H4 IV.v.183
By what by-pathes, and indirect crook'd-wayes By what by-paths and indirect crooked wayscrooked (adj.)

old form: crook'd
malignant, perverse, contrary, devious
2H4 IV.v.184
I met this Crowne: and I my selfe know well I met this crown, and I myself know well 2H4 IV.v.185
How troublesome it sate vpon my head. How troublesome it sat upon my head. 2H4 IV.v.186
To thee, it shall descend with better Quiet, To thee it shall descend with better quiet, 2H4 IV.v.187
Better Opinion, better Confirmation: Better opinion, better confirmation,opinion (n.)
reputation, character, honour
2H4 IV.v.188
For all the soyle of the Atchieuement goes For all the soil of the achievement goessoil (n.)

old form: soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish
2H4 IV.v.189
achievement (n.)

old form: Atchieuement
feat, accomplishment, successful action
With me, into the Earth. It seem'd in mee, With me into the earth. It seemed in me 2H4 IV.v.190
But as an Honour snatch'd with boyst'rous hand, But as an honour snatched with boisterous hand,boisterous (adj.)

old form: boyst'rous
tumultuous, violent, tempestuous
2H4 IV.v.191
And I had many liuing, to vpbraide And I had many living to upbraid 2H4 IV.v.192
My gaine of it, by their Assistances, My gain of it by their assistances, 2H4 IV.v.193
Which dayly grew to Quarrell, and to Blood-shed, Which daily grew to quarrel and to bloodshed, 2H4 IV.v.194
Wounding supposed Peace. / All these bold Feares, Wounding supposed peace. All these bold fearsfear (n.)

old form: Feares
object of dread, thing to be feared
2H4 IV.v.195
Thou seest (with perill) I haue answered: Thou seest with peril I have answered,answer (v.)
cope with, face, encounter
2H4 IV.v.196
For all my Reigne, hath beene but as a Scene For all my reign hath been but as a scene 2H4 IV.v.197
Acting that argument. And now my death Acting that argument. And now my deathargument (n.)
story, subject, plot
2H4 IV.v.198
Changes the Moode: For what in me, was purchas'd, Changes the mood, for what in me was purchasedmood (n.)

old form: Moode
mode, tune, key
2H4 IV.v.199
purchase (v.)

old form: purchas'd
acquire, obtain, win
Falles vpon thee, in a more Fayrer sort. Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort,sort (n.)
way, manner
2H4 IV.v.200
So thou, the Garland wear'st successiuely. So thou the garland wearest successively.successively (adv.)

old form: successiuely
by right of succession, through inheritance
2H4 IV.v.201
garland (n.)
wreath of victory
Yet, though thou stand'st more sure, then I could do, Yet though thou standest more sure than I could do, 2H4 IV.v.202
Thou art not firme enough, since greefes are greene: Thou art not firm enough, since griefs are green;green (adj.)

old form: greene
fresh, recent, new
2H4 IV.v.203
grief (n.)

old form: greefes
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
And all thy Friends, which thou must make thy Friends And all my friends, which thou must make thy friends, 2H4 IV.v.204
Haue but their stings, and teeth, newly tak'n out, Have but their stings and teeth newly ta'en out, 2H4 IV.v.205
By whose fell working, I was first aduanc'd, By whose fell working I was first advanced,fell (adj.)
mighty, terrible
2H4 IV.v.206
And by whose power, I well might lodge a Feare And by whose power I well might lodge a fearlodge (v.)
harbour, entertain, foster
2H4 IV.v.207
To be againe displac'd. Which to auoyd, To be again displaced; which to avoid, 2H4 IV.v.208
I cut them off: and had a purpose now I cut them off, and had a purpose nowpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
2H4 IV.v.209
To leade out many to the Holy Land; To lead out many to the Holy Land, 2H4 IV.v.210
Least rest, and lying still, might make them looke Lest rest and lying still might make them look 2H4 IV.v.211
Too neere vnto my State. / Therefore (my Harrie) Too near unto my state. Therefore, my Harry,near (adj.)

old form: neere
close to the throne [in order of succession], near relation
2H4 IV.v.212
Be it thy course to busie giddy Mindes Be it thy course to busy giddy mindsgiddy (adj.)
frivolous, flighty, fickle, irresponsible
2H4 IV.v.213
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
With Forraigne Quarrels: that Action hence borne out, With foreign quarrels, that action hence borne outbear out (v.)
undertake, carry on, conduct
2H4 IV.v.214
May waste the memory of the former dayes. May waste the memory of the former days.waste (v.)
efface, wipe out, destroy
2H4 IV.v.215
More would I, but my Lungs are wasted so, More would I, but my lungs are wasted sowaste (v.)
lay waste, ravage, devastate
2H4 IV.v.216
That strength of Speech it vtterly deni'de mee. That strength of speech is utterly denied me. 2H4 IV.v.217
How I came by the Crowne, O heauen forgiue: How I came by the crown, O God forgive, 2H4 IV.v.218
And grant it may, with thee, in true peace liue. And grant it may with thee in true peace live! 2H4 IV.v.219
My gracious Liege: / You wonne it, wore it: kept it, gaue it me, You won it, wore it, kept it, gave it me; 2H4 IV.v.220
Then plaine and right must my possession be; Then plain and right must my possession be, 2H4 IV.v.221
Which I, with more, then with a Common paine, Which I with more than with a common pain 2H4 IV.v.222
'Gainst all the World, will rightfully maintaine. 'Gainst all the world will rightfully maintain. 2H4 IV.v.223
Enter Lord Iohn of Lancaster, and WarwickeEnter Prince John of Lancaster, Warwick, and 2H4 IV.v.224.1
attendant lords 2H4 IV.v.224.2
Looke, looke, / Heere comes my Iohn of Lancaster: Look, look, here comes my John of Lancaster. 2H4 IV.v.224
Health, Peace, and Happinesse, / To my Royall Father. Health, peace, and happiness to my royal father! 2H4 IV.v.225
Thou bring'st me happinesse and Peace / (Sonne Iohn:) Thou bringest me happiness and peace, son John, 2H4 IV.v.226
But health (alacke) with youthfull wings is flowne But health, alack, with youthful wings is flown 2H4 IV.v.227
From this bare, wither'd Trunke. Vpon thy sight From this bare withered trunk. Upon thy sight 2H4 IV.v.228
My worldly business makes a period.period (n.)
full stop, end, ending, conclusion
2H4 IV.v.229
Where is my Lord of Warwicke? Where is my lord of Warwick? 2H4 IV.v.230.1
My Lord of Warwicke. My lord of Warwick! 2H4 IV.v.230.2
Doth any name particular, belong Doth any name particular belong 2H4 IV.v.231
Vnto the Lodging, where I first did swoon'd? Unto the lodging where I first did swoon?swoon (v.)

old form: swoon'd
2H4 IV.v.232
'Tis call'd Ierusalem, my Noble Lord. 'Tis called Jerusalem, my noble lord. 2H4 IV.v.233
Laud be to heauen: / Euen there my life must end. Laud be to God! Even there my life must end.laud (n.)
praise, homage, honour
2H4 IV.v.234
It hath beene prophesi'de to me many yeares, It hath been prophesied to me, many years, 2H4 IV.v.235
I should not dye, but in Ierusalem: I should not die but in Jerusalem, 2H4 IV.v.236
Which (vainly) I suppos'd the Holy-Land. Which vainly I supposed the Holy Land. 2H4 IV.v.237
But beare me to that Chamber, there Ile lye: But bear me to that chamber; there I'll lie; 2H4 IV.v.238
In that Ierusalem, shall Harry dye. In that Jerusalem shall Harry die. 2H4 IV.v.239
ExeuntExeunt 2H4 IV.v.239
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