First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Ladies. | Enter the Princess, Rosaline, Maria, and Katharine | | LLL V.ii.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Sweet hearts we shall be rich ere we depart, | Sweet hearts, we shall be rich ere we depart | | LLL V.ii.1 | |
If fairings come thus plentifully in. | If fairings come thus plentifully in. | fairing (n.) gift, present | LLL V.ii.2 | |
A Lady wal'd about with Diamonds: | A lady walled about with diamonds! | | LLL V.ii.3 | |
Look you, what I haue from the louing King. | Look you what I have from the loving King. | | LLL V.ii.4 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Madam, came nothing else along with that? | Madam, came nothing else along with that? | | LLL V.ii.5 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Nothing but this: yes as much loue in Rime, | Nothing but this? Yes, as much love in rhyme | | LLL V.ii.6 | |
As would be cram'd vp in a sheet of paper | As would be crammed up in a sheet of paper, | | LLL V.ii.7 | |
Writ on both sides the leafe, margent and all, | Writ o' both sides the leaf, margin and all, | | LLL V.ii.8 | |
That he was faine to seale on Cupids name. | That he was fain to seal on Cupid's name. | seal (v.) put a seal in a particular place | LLL V.ii.9 | |
| | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | | |
| | fain (adj.) obliged, forced, compelled | | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
That was the way to make his god-head wax: | That was the way to make his godhead wax, | wax (v.) grow, increase, enlarge | LLL V.ii.10 | |
For he hath beene fiue thousand yeeres a Boy. | For he hath been five thousand year a boy. | | LLL V.ii.11 | |
Kath. | KATHARINE | | | |
I, and a shrewd vnhappy gallowes too. | Ay, and a shrewd unhappy gallows too. | shrewd (adj.) wily, cunning, mischievous | LLL V.ii.12 | |
| | gallows (n.) someone who deserves to be hanged | | |
| | unhappy (adj.) trouble-causing, bringing misfortune | | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
You'll nere be friends with him, a kild your sister. | You'll ne'er be friends with him; 'a killed your sister. | | LLL V.ii.13 | |
Kath. | KATHARINE | | | |
He made her melancholy, sad, and heauy, | He made her melancholy, sad, and heavy; | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | LLL V.ii.14 | |
| | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | | |
and so she died: had she beene Light like you, | And so she died. Had she been light, like you, | light (adj.) joyful, merry, light-hearted | LLL V.ii.15 | |
of such a merrie nimble stirring spirit, | Of such a merry, nimble, stirring spirit, | | LLL V.ii.16 | |
she might a bin a Grandam ere she died. | She might ha' been a grandam ere she died. | grandam (n.) grandmother | LLL V.ii.17 | |
And so may you: For a light heart liues long. | And so may you, for a light heart lives long. | | LLL V.ii.18 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
What's your darke meaning mouse, of this light word? | What's your dark meaning, mouse, of this light word? | light (adj.) facile, frivolous, of no consequence | LLL V.ii.19 | |
| | word (n.) remark, speech, utterance | | |
| | dark (adj.) undivulged, secret, unrevealed | | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
A light condition in a beauty darke. | A light condition in a beauty dark. | light (adj.) promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton | LLL V.ii.20 | |
| | condition (n.) disposition, temper, mood, character | | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
We need more light to finde your meaning out. | We need more light to find your meaning out. | | LLL V.ii.21 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
You'll marre the light by taking it in snuffe: | You'll mar the light by taking it in snuff; | snuff (n.) resentment, huff, pique | LLL V.ii.22 | |
Therefore Ile darkely end the argument. | Therefore, I'll darkly end the argument. | darkly (adv.) obscurely, cryptically, enigmatically | LLL V.ii.23 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Look what you doe, you doe it stil i'th darke. | Look what you do, you do it still i'th' dark. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | LLL V.ii.24 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
So do not you, for you are a light Wench. | So do not you, for you are a light wench. | | LLL V.ii.25 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Indeed I waigh not you, and therefore light. | Indeed I weigh not you, and therefore light. | weigh (v.) balance [as in scales], poise, match | LLL V.ii.26 | |
Ka. | KATHARINE | | | |
You waigh me not, O that's you care not for me. | You weigh me not? O, that's you care not for me! | weigh (v.) consider, take into account | LLL V.ii.27 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Great reason: for past care, is still past cure. | Great reason, for past cure is still past care. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | LLL V.ii.28 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Well bandied both, a set of Wit well played. | Well bandied both! A set of wit well played. | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.29 | |
| | set (n.) [cards, tennis] series of games | | |
| | bandy (v.) exchange, swap, send to and fro | | |
But Rosaline, you haue a Fauour too? | But, Rosaline, you have a favour too – | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | LLL V.ii.30 | |
Who sent it? and what is it? | Who sent it? And what is it? | | LLL V.ii.31.1 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
I would you knew. | I would you knew. | | LLL V.ii.31.2 | |
And if my face were but as faire as yours, | An if my face were but as fair as yours, | an if (conj.) if | LLL V.ii.32 | |
My Fauour were as great, be witnesse this. | My favour were as great. Be witness this – | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | LLL V.ii.33 | |
Nay, I haue Verses too, I thanke Berowne, | Nay, I have verses too, I thank Berowne; | | LLL V.ii.34 | |
The numbers true, and were the numbring too, | The numbers true, and, were the numbering too, | number (n.) (plural) verses, lines | LLL V.ii.35 | |
| | numbering (n.) estimation, evaluation, assessment | | |
| | true (adj.) correct, accurate, exact | | |
I were the fairest goddesse on the ground. | I were the fairest goddess on the ground. | | LLL V.ii.36 | |
I am compar'd to twenty thousand fairs. | I am compared to twenty thousand fairs. | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | LLL V.ii.37 | |
O he hath drawne my picture in his letter. | O, he hath drawn my picture in his letter! | | LLL V.ii.38 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Any thing like? | Anything like? | | LLL V.ii.39 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Much in the letters, nothing in the praise. | Much in the letters, nothing in the praise. | letter (n.) lettering, written form | LLL V.ii.40 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Beauteous as Incke: a good conclusion. | Beauteous as ink – a good conclusion. | | LLL V.ii.41 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
Faire as a text B. in a Coppie booke. | Fair as a text B in a copy-book. | text (n.) text-hand style [of handwriting] | LLL V.ii.42 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Ware pensals. How? Let me not die your debtor, | 'Ware pencils, ho! Let me not die your debtor, | pencil (n.) finely-pointed paint-brush | LLL V.ii.43 | |
My red Dominicall, my golden letter. | My red dominical, my golden letter. | dominical (n.) [liturgy] letter printed prominently so as to identify the Sundays in the church year | LLL V.ii.44 | |
O that your face were full of Oes. | O that your face were not so full of O's! | O (n.) spot, pimple | LLL V.ii.45 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
A Pox of that iest, and I beshrew all Shrowes: | A pox of that jest, and I beshrew all shrews. | shrew (n.) vexatious person, troublesome individual [of either sex] | LLL V.ii.46 | |
| | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | | |
| | beshrew, 'shrew (v.) blame, censure, take to task, wish mischief on | | |
But Katherine, what was sent to you / From faire Dumaine? | But, Katharine, what was sent to you from fair Dumaine? | | LLL V.ii.47 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
Madame, this Gloue. | Madam, this glove. | | LLL V.ii.48.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Did he not send you twaine? | Did he not send you twain? | | LLL V.ii.48.2 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
Yes Madame: and moreouer, | Yes, madam; and, moreover, | | LLL V.ii.49 | |
Some thousand Verses of a faithfull Louer. | Some thousand verses of a faithful lover; | | LLL V.ii.50 | |
A huge translation of hypocrisie, | A huge translation of hypocrisy, | translation (n.) expression, rendering, communication | LLL V.ii.51 | |
Vildly compiled, profound simplicitie. | Vilely compiled, profound simplicity. | profound (adj.) complete, utter, total | LLL V.ii.52 | |
| | simplicity (n.) naivety, foolishness, artlessness | | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
This, and these Pearls, to me sent Longauile. | This, and these pearls, to me sent Longaville. | | LLL V.ii.53 | |
The Letter is too long by halfe a mile. | The letter is too long by half a mile. | | LLL V.ii.54 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
I thinke no lesse: Dost thou wish in heart | I think no less. Dost thou not wish in heart | | LLL V.ii.55 | |
The Chaine were longer, and the Letter short. | The chain were longer and the letter short? | | LLL V.ii.56 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
I, or I would these hands might neuer part. | Ay, or I would these hands might never part. | | LLL V.ii.57 | |
Quee. | PRINCESS | | | |
We are wise girles to mocke our Louers so. | We are wise girls to mock our lovers so. | | LLL V.ii.58 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
They are worse fooles to purchase mocking so. | They are worse fools to purchase mocking so. | purchase (v.) deserve, earn, merit | LLL V.ii.59 | |
That same Berowne ile torture ere I goe. | That same Berowne I'll torture ere I go. | | LLL V.ii.60 | |
O that I knew he were but in by th'weeke, | O that I knew he were but in by th' week! | week, in by the hopelessly caught, trapped | LLL V.ii.61 | |
How I would make him fawne, and begge, and seeke, | How I would make him fawn, and beg, and seek, | | LLL V.ii.62 | |
And wait the season, and obserue the times, | And wait the season, and observe the times, | time (n.) right moment, favourable opportunity | LLL V.ii.63 | |
| | season (n.) opportunity, favourable moment | | |
And spend his prodigall wits in booteles rimes. | And spend his prodigal wits in bootless rhymes, | prodigal (adj.) wastefully lavish, foolishly extravagant | LLL V.ii.64 | |
| | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | | |
| | bootless (adj.) useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing | | |
And shape his seruice wholly to my deuice, | And shape his service wholly to my hests, | hest (n.) command, behest, order | LLL V.ii.65 | |
And make him proud to make me proud that iests. | And make him proud to make me proud that jests! | | LLL V.ii.66 | |
So pertaunt like would I o'resway his state, | So pair-taunt-like would I o'ersway his state | oversway (v.) prevail upon, override, overturn | LLL V.ii.67 | |
| | pair-taunt-like (adv.) like a winning hand in the card game ‘post and pair’ | | |
That he shold be my foole, and I his fate. | That he should be my fool, and I his fate. | | LLL V.ii.68 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
None are so surely caught, when they are catcht, | None are so surely caught, when they are catched, | | LLL V.ii.69 | |
As Wit turn'd foole, follie in Wisedome hatch'd: | As wit turned fool. Folly, in wisdom hatched, | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | LLL V.ii.70 | |
Hath wisedoms warrant, and the helpe of Schoole, | Hath wisdom's warrant and the help of school | school (n.) schooling, learning, study | LLL V.ii.71 | |
And Wits owne grace to grace a learned Foole? | And wit's own grace to grace a learned fool. | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | LLL V.ii.72 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
The bloud of youth burns not with such excesse, | The blood of youth burns not with such excess | | LLL V.ii.73 | |
As grauities reuolt to wantons be. | As gravity's revolt to wantonness. | wantonness (n.) lust, lasciviousness, promiscuity | LLL V.ii.74 | |
| | revolt (n.) betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness | | |
| | gravity (n.) respectability, authority, dignified position | | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Follie in Fooles beares not so strong a note, | Folly in fools bears not so strong a note | note (n.) reproach, stigma, mark of disgrace | LLL V.ii.75 | |
As fool'ry in the Wise, when Wit doth dote: | As foolery in the wise when wit doth dote, | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | LLL V.ii.76 | |
| | dote (v.) become deranged, behave foolishly | | |
Since all the power thereof it doth apply, | Since all the power thereof it doth apply | power (n.) force, strength, might | LLL V.ii.77 | |
To proue by Wit, worth in simplicitie. | To prove, by wit, worth in simplicity. | simplicity (n.) naivety, foolishness, artlessness | LLL V.ii.78 | |
| | wit (n.) reasoning, thinking, deliberation | | |
Enter Boyet. | Enter Boyet | | LLL V.ii.79 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Heere comes Boyet, and mirth in his face. | Here comes Boyet, and mirth is in his face. | | LLL V.ii.79 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
O I am stab'd with laughter, Wher's her Grace? | O, I am stabbed with laughter! Where's her grace? | | LLL V.ii.80 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Thy newes Boyet? | Thy news Boyet? | | LLL V.ii.81.1 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Prepare Madame, prepare. | Prepare, madam, prepare! | | LLL V.ii.81.2 | |
Arme Wenches arme, incounters mounted are, | Arm, wenches, arm! Encounters mounted are | encounter (n.) skirmish, assault, engagement | LLL V.ii.82 | |
Against your Peace, Loue doth approach, disguis'd: | Against your peace. Love doth approach disguised, | | LLL V.ii.83 | |
Armed in arguments, you'll be surpriz'd. | Armed in arguments. You'll be surprised. | surprise (v.) take off guard | LLL V.ii.84 | |
| | argument (n.) discussion, debate, dialogue | | |
Muster your Wits, stand in your owne defence, | Muster your wits, stand in your own defence, | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | LLL V.ii.85 | |
Or hide your heads like Cowards, and flie hence. | Or hide your heads like cowards and fly hence. | | LLL V.ii.86 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Saint Dennis to S. Cupid: What are they, | Saint Denis to Saint Cupid! What are they | Denis, Saint in Christian tradition, the first apostle of France, 3rd-c | LLL V.ii.87 | |
That charge their breath against vs? Say scout say. | That charge their breath against us? Say, scout, say. | charge (v.) attack, assail, storm | LLL V.ii.88 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Vnder the coole shade of a Siccamore, | Under the cool shade of a sycamore | sycamore (n.) variety of fig tree [a Mediterranean species] | LLL V.ii.89 | |
I thought to close mine eyes some halfe an houre: | I thought to close mine eyes some half an hour, | | LLL V.ii.90 | |
When lo to interrupt my purpos'd rest, | When, lo, to interrupt my purposed rest, | purposed (adj.) proposed, intended, contemplated | LLL V.ii.91 | |
Toward that shade I might behold addrest, | Toward that shade I might behold addressed | address (v.) direct, apply, turn | LLL V.ii.92 | |
The King and his companions: warely | The King and his companions! Warily | | LLL V.ii.93 | |
I stole into a neighbour thicket by, | I stole into a neighbour thicket by, | neighbour (adj.) neighbouring, nearby, adjacent | LLL V.ii.94 | |
| | by (adv.) near by, close at hand | | |
And ouer-heard, what you shall ouer-heare: | And overheard what you shall overhear – | overhear (v.) hear told over, hear again | LLL V.ii.95 | |
That by and by disguis'd they will be heere. | That, by and by, disguised they will be here. | | LLL V.ii.96 | |
Their Herald is a pretty knauish Page: | Their herald is a pretty knavish page | knavish (adj.) rascally, mischievous, roguish | LLL V.ii.97 | |
That well by heart hath con'd his embassage, | That well by heart hath conned his embassage. | embassage, ambassage (n.) message, errand, business, mission | LLL V.ii.98 | |
| | con (v.) learn by heart, commit to memory | | |
Action and accent did they teach him there. | Action and accent did they teach him there: | | LLL V.ii.99 | |
Thus must thou speake, and thus thy body beare. | ‘ Thus must thou speak ’ and ‘ thus thy body bear.’ | | LLL V.ii.100 | |
And euer and anon they made a doubt, | And ever and anon they made a doubt | doubt (n.) suspicion, apprehension | LLL V.ii.101 | |
| | anon, ever and every now and then, at regular intervals | | |
Presence maiesticall would put him out: | Presence majestical would put him out; | put out (v.) disconcert, distract, make one forget one's lines | LLL V.ii.102 | |
| | majestical (adj.) majestic, regal, kingly | | |
For quoth the King, an Angell shalt thou see: | ‘ For,’ quoth the King, ‘ an angel shalt thou see; | quoth (v.) said | LLL V.ii.103 | |
Yet feare not thou, but speake audaciously. | Yet fear not thou, but speak audaciously.’ | audaciously (adv.) boldly, fearlessly, confidently | LLL V.ii.104 | |
The Boy reply'd, An Angell is not euill: | The boy replied ‘ An angel is not evil; | | LLL V.ii.105 | |
I should haue fear'd her, had she beene a deuill. | I should have feared her had she been a devil.’ | | LLL V.ii.106 | |
With that all laugh'd, and clap'd him on the shoulder, | With that all laughed and clapped him on the shoulder, | | LLL V.ii.107 | |
Making the bold wagg by their praises bolder. | Making the bold wag by their praises bolder. | | LLL V.ii.108 | |
One rub'd his elboe thus, and fleer'd, and swore, | One rubbed his elbow thus, and fleered, and swore | fleer (v.) jeer, grin scornfully, laugh mockingly | LLL V.ii.109 | |
A better speech was neuer spoke before. | A better speech was never spoke before. | | LLL V.ii.110 | |
Another with his finger and his thumb, | Another, with his finger and his thumb, | | LLL V.ii.111 | |
Cry'd via, we will doo't, come what will come. | Cried, ‘ Via, we will do't, come what will come!’ | via, fia (int.) forward, onward | LLL V.ii.112 | |
The third he caper'd and cried, All goes well. | The third he capered and cried ‘ All goes well!’ | caper (v.) dance with joy, leap with delight | LLL V.ii.113 | |
The fourth turn'd on the toe, and downe he fell: | The fourth turned on the toe, and down he fell. | turn on the toe pirouette | LLL V.ii.114 | |
With that they all did tumble on the ground, | With that they all did tumble on the ground, | | LLL V.ii.115 | |
With such a zelous laughter so profound, | With such a zealous laughter, so profound, | | LLL V.ii.116 | |
That in this spleene ridiculous appeares, | That in this spleen ridiculous appears, | spleen (n.) amusement, delight, merriment | LLL V.ii.117 | |
To checke their folly passions solemne teares. | To check their folly, passion's solemn tears. | passion (n.) powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] | LLL V.ii.118 | |
| | solemn (adj.) sorrowful, mournful, melancholic | | |
Quee. | PRINCESS | | | |
But what, but what, come they to visit vs? | But what, but what? Come they to visit us? | | LLL V.ii.119 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
They do, they do; and are apparel'd thus, | They do, they do, and are apparelled thus, | apparel (v.) clothe, dress up, trick out | LLL V.ii.120 | |
Like Muscouites, or Russians, as I gesse. | Like Muscovites or Russians, as I guess. | | LLL V.ii.121 | |
Their purpose is to parlee, to court, and dance, | Their purpose is to parley, court, and dance, | parle, parley (v.) talk, discuss, enter into conversation | LLL V.ii.122 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
And euery one his Loue-feat will aduance, | And every one his love-suit will advance | love-feat (n.) act of courtship, exploit prompted by love | LLL V.ii.123 | |
Vnto his seuerall Mistresse: which they'll know | Unto his several mistress, which they'll know | several (adj.) various, sundry, respective, individual | LLL V.ii.124 | |
By fauours seuerall, which they did bestow. | By favours several which they did bestow. | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | LLL V.ii.125 | |
Queen. | PRINCESS | | | |
And will they so? the Gallants shall be taskt: | And will they so? The gallants shall be tasked; | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | LLL V.ii.126 | |
| | task (v.) test, try out, challenge | | |
For Ladies; we will euery one be maskt, | For, ladies, we shall every one be masked, | | LLL V.ii.127 | |
And not a man of them shall haue the grace | And not a man of them shall have the grace, | | LLL V.ii.128 | |
Despight of sute, to see a Ladies face. | Despite of suit, to see a lady's face. | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | LLL V.ii.129 | |
Hold Rosaline, this Fauour thou shalt weare, | Hold, Rosaline, this favour thou shalt wear, | | LLL V.ii.130 | |
And then the King will court thee for his Deare: | And then the King will court thee for his dear. | | LLL V.ii.131 | |
Hold, take thou this my sweet, and giue me thine, | Hold, take thou this, my sweet, and give me thine; | | LLL V.ii.132 | |
So shall Berowne take me for Rosaline. | So shall Berowne take me for Rosaline. | | LLL V.ii.133 | |
And change your Fauours too, so shall your Loues | And change your favours too; so shall your loves | change (v.) exchange, trade | LLL V.ii.134 | |
Woo contrary, deceiu'd by these remoues. | Woo contrary, deceived by these removes. | remove (n.) exchange, switch, substitution | LLL V.ii.135 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Come on then, weare the fauours most in sight. | Come on, then, wear the favours most in sight. | sight, in visibly, conspicuously | LLL V.ii.136 | |
Kath. | KATHARINE | | | |
But in this changing, What is your intent? | But in this changing what is your intent? | | LLL V.ii.137 | |
Queen. | PRINCESS | | | |
The effect of my intent is to crosse theirs: | The effect of my intent is to cross theirs. | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | LLL V.ii.138 | |
| | cross (v.) prevent, thwart, forestall | | |
They doe it but in mocking merriment, | They do it but in mockery merriment, | mockery (adj.) mocking, derisive | LLL V.ii.139 | |
And mocke for mocke is onely my intent. | And mock for mock is only my intent. | mock (n.) act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony | LLL V.ii.140 | |
Their seuerall counsels they vnbosome shall, | Their several counsels they unbosom shall | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | LLL V.ii.141 | |
| | unbosom (v.) disclose, reveal, express from the heart | | |
To Loues mistooke, and so be mockt withall. | To loves mistook, and so be mocked withal | | LLL V.ii.142 | |
Vpon the next occasion that we meete, | Upon the next occasion that we meet, | | LLL V.ii.143 | |
With Visages displayd to talke and greete. | With visages displayed, to talk and greet. | visage (n.) face, countenance | LLL V.ii.144 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
But shall we dance, if they desire vs too't? | But shall we dance if they desire to't? | desire (v.) request, wish, ask [for] | LLL V.ii.145 | |
Quee. | PRINCESS | | | |
No, to the death we will not moue a foot, | No, to the death we will not move a foot; | | LLL V.ii.146 | |
Nor to their pen'd speech render we no grace: | Nor to their penned speech render we no grace, | penned (adj.) specially composed, set down in writing | LLL V.ii.147 | |
But while 'tis spoke, each turne away his face. | But while 'tis spoke each turn away her face. | | LLL V.ii.148 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Why that contempt will kill the keepers heart, | Why, that contempt will kill the speaker's heart, | | LLL V.ii.149 | |
And quite diuorce his memory from his part. | And quite divorce his memory from his part. | | LLL V.ii.150 | |
Quee. | PRINCESS | | | |
Therefore I doe it, and I make no doubt, | Therefore I do it, and I make no doubt | | LLL V.ii.151 | |
The rest will ere come in, if he be out. | The rest will ne'er come in, if he be out | out (adv.) at a loss, put out, nonplussed; unable to remember one's lines | LLL V.ii.152 | |
Theres no such sport, as sport by sport orethrowne: | There's no such sport as sport by sport o'erthrown, | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | LLL V.ii.153 | |
To make theirs ours, and ours none but our owne. | To make theirs ours, and ours none but our own. | | LLL V.ii.154 | |
So shall we stay mocking entended game, | So shall we stay, mocking intended game, | | LLL V.ii.155 | |
And they well mockt, depart away with shame. | And they, well mocked, depart away with shame. | | LLL V.ii.156 | |
Sound. | A trumpet sounds | | LLL V.ii.157 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
The Trompet sounds, be maskt, the maskers come. | The trumpet sounds. Be masked – the masquers come. | | LLL V.ii.157 | |
Enter Black moores with musicke, the Boy with a speech, | Enter blackamoors with music, Mote with a speech, | blackamoor (n.) dark-skinned African | LLL V.ii.158.1 | |
and the rest of the Lords disguised. | and the King and the rest of the lords disguised like | | LLL V.ii.158.2 | |
| Russians and visored | visored (adj.) masked | LLL V.ii.158.3 | |
Page. | MOTE | | | |
All haile, the richest Beauties on the earth. | All hail, the richest beauties on the earth! | | LLL V.ii.158 | |
Ber. | BOYET | | | |
Beauties no richer then rich Taffata. | Beauties no richer than rich taffeta. | | LLL V.ii.159 | |
Pag. | MOTE | | | |
A holy parcell of the fairest dames | A holy parcel of the fairest dames | parcel (n.) small group, company, party | LLL V.ii.160 | |
The Ladies turne their backes | (The ladies turn their backs | | LLL V.ii.161.1 | |
to him. | to him) | | LLL V.ii.161.2 | |
that euer turn'd their backes to mortall viewes. | That ever turned their – backs – to mortal views! | | LLL V.ii.161 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Their eyes villaine, their eyes. | ‘ Their eyes ’, villain, ‘ their eyes ’! | | LLL V.ii.162 | |
Pag. | MOTE | | | |
That euer turn'd their eyes to mortall viewes. | That ever turned their eyes to mortal views! | | LLL V.ii.163 | |
Out | Out – | | LLL V.ii.164 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
True, out indeed. | True! ‘ Out ’ indeed. | | LLL V.ii.165 | |
Pag. | MOTE | | | |
Out of your fauours heauenly spirits vouchsafe | Out of your favours, heavenly spirits, vouchsafe | | LLL V.ii.166 | |
Not to beholde. | Not to behold – | | LLL V.ii.167 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Once to behold, rogue. | ‘ Once to behold ’, rogue! | | LLL V.ii.168 | |
Pag. | MOTE | | | |
Once to behold with your Sunne beamed eyes, | Once to behold with your sun-beamed eyes – | | LLL V.ii.169 | |
With your Sunne beamed eyes. | With your sun-beamed eyes – | | LLL V.ii.170 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
They will not answer to that Epythite, | They will not answer to that epithet. | epithet (n.) turn of phrase, expression | LLL V.ii.171 | |
You were best call it Daughter beamed eyes. | You were best call it ‘ daughter-beamed eyes.’ | | LLL V.ii.172 | |
Pag. | MOTE | | | |
They do not marke me, and that brings me out. | They do not mark me, and that brings me out. | out (adv.) at a loss, put out, nonplussed; unable to remember one's lines | LLL V.ii.173 | |
| | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | | |
Bero. | BEROWNE | | | |
Is this your perfectnesse? be gon you rogue. | Is this your perfectness? Be gone, you rogue! | perfectness (n.) state of being word-perfect | LLL V.ii.174 | |
| Exit Mote | | LLL V.ii.174 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
What would these strangers? / Know their mindes Boyet. | What would these strangers? Know their minds, Boyet. | | LLL V.ii.175 | |
If they doe speake our language, 'tis our will | If they do speak our language, 'tis our will | | LLL V.ii.176 | |
That some plaine man recount their purposes. | That some plain man recount their purposes. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | LLL V.ii.177 | |
| | plain (adj.) honest, open, free from deceit | | |
Know what they would? | Know what they would. | | LLL V.ii.178.1 | |
Boyet. | BOYET | | | |
What would you with the Princes? | What would you with the Princess? | | LLL V.ii.178.2 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Nothing but peace, and gentle visitation. | Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | LLL V.ii.179 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
What would they, say they? | What would they, say they? | | LLL V.ii.180 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Nothing but peace, and gentle visitation. | Nothing but peace and gentle visitation. | | LLL V.ii.181 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Why that they haue, and bid them so be gon. | Why, that they have, and bid them so be gone. | | LLL V.ii.182 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
She saies you haue it, and you may be gon. | She says you have it and you may be gone. | | LLL V.ii.183 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Say to her we haue measur'd many miles, | Say to her, we have measured many miles | | LLL V.ii.184 | |
To tread a Measure with you on the grasse. | To tread a measure with her on this grass. | | LLL V.ii.185 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
They say that they haue measur'd many a mile, | They say that they have measured many a mile | measure (v.) pass through, travel over, traverse | LLL V.ii.186 | |
To tread a Measure with you on this grasse. | To tread a measure with you on this grass. | measure (n.) slow stately dance, graceful movement | LLL V.ii.187 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
It is not so. Aske them how many inches | It is not so. Ask them how many inches | | LLL V.ii.188 | |
Is in one mile? If they haue measur'd manie, | Is in one mile. If they have measured many, | | LLL V.ii.189 | |
The measure then of one is easlie told. | The measure then of one is easily told. | | LLL V.ii.190 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
If to come hither, you haue measur'd miles, | If to come hither you have measured miles, | | LLL V.ii.191 | |
And many miles: the Princesse bids you tell, | And many miles, the Princess bids you tell | | LLL V.ii.192 | |
How many inches doth fill vp one mile? | How many inches doth fill up one mile. | fill up (v.) equal, measure, make the sum of | LLL V.ii.193 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Tell her we measure them by weary steps. | Tell her we measure them by weary steps. | | LLL V.ii.194 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
She heares her selfe. | She hears herself. | | LLL V.ii.195.1 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
How manie wearie steps, | How many weary steps, | | LLL V.ii.195.2 | |
Of many wearie miles you haue ore-gone, | Of many weary miles you have o'ergone, | overgo (v.) travel through, pass over, traverse | LLL V.ii.196 | |
Are numbred in the trauell of one mile? | Are numbered in the travel of one mile? | | LLL V.ii.197 | |
Bero. | BEROWNE | | | |
We number nothing that we spend for you, | We number nothing that we spend for you. | | LLL V.ii.198 | |
Our dutie is so rich, so infinite, | Our duty is so rich, so infinite, | | LLL V.ii.199 | |
That we may doe it still without accompt. | That we may do it still without account. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | LLL V.ii.200 | |
| | account, accompt (n.) reckoning, judgement [especially by God] | | |
Vouchsafe to shew the sunshine of your face, | Vouchsafe to show the sunshine of your face, | | LLL V.ii.201 | |
That we (like sauages) may worship it. | That we like savages may worship it. | | LLL V.ii.202 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
My face is but a Moone and clouded too. | My face is but a moon, and clouded too. | | LLL V.ii.203 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Blessed are clouds, to doe as such clouds do. | Blessed are clouds, to do as such clouds do. | | LLL V.ii.204 | |
Vouchsafe bright Moone, and these thy stars to shine, | Vouchsafe, bright moon, and these thy stars, to shine – | | LLL V.ii.205 | |
(Those clouds remooued) vpon our waterie eyne. | Those clouds removed – upon our watery eyne. | eyne (n.) [archaism] eyes | LLL V.ii.206 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
O vaine peticioner, beg a greater matter, | O vain petitioner, beg a greater matter! | | LLL V.ii.207 | |
Thou now requests but Mooneshine in the water. | Thou now requests but moonshine in the water. | moonshine in the water nothing, a thing of nought | LLL V.ii.208 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Then in our measure, vouchsafe but one change. | Then in our measure vouchsafe but one change. | change (n.) [dancing] round, turn | LLL V.ii.209 | |
Thou bidst me begge, this begging is not strange. | Thou biddest me beg; this begging is not strange. | | LLL V.ii.210 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Play musicke then: nay you must doe it soone. | Play music then! Nay, you must do it soon. | | LLL V.ii.211 | |
Not yet no dance: thus change I like the Moone. | Not yet? No dance! Thus change I like the moon. | | LLL V.ii.212 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Will you not dance? How come you thus estranged? | Will you not dance? How come you thus estranged? | | LLL V.ii.213 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
You tooke the Moone at full, but now shee's changed? | You took the moon at full, but now she's changed. | | LLL V.ii.214 | |
| Instruments strike up | | LLL V.ii.215 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Yet still she is the Moone, and I the Man. | Yet still she is the moon, and I the man. | | LLL V.ii.215 | |
The musick playes, vouchsafe some motion to it. | The music plays; vouchsafe some motion to it. | motion (n.) act of moving, movement, stirring | LLL V.ii.216 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Our eares vouchsafe it. | Our ears vouchsafe it. | | LLL V.ii.217.1 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
But your legges should doe it. | But your legs should do it. | | LLL V.ii.217.2 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Since you are strangers, & come here by chance, | Since you are strangers and come here by chance, | | LLL V.ii.218 | |
Wee'll not be nice, take hands, we will not dance. | We'll not be nice. Take hands. We will not dance. | nice (adj.) fastidious, particular, fussy, overscrupulous | LLL V.ii.219 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Why take you hands then? | Why take we hands then? | | LLL V.ii.220.1 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Onelie to part friends. | Only to part friends. | | LLL V.ii.220.2 | |
Curtsie sweet hearts, and so the Measure ends. | Curtsy, sweet hearts. And so the measure ends. | | LLL V.ii.221 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
More measure of this measure, be not nice. | More measure of this measure! Be not nice. | measure (n.) slow stately dance, graceful movement | LLL V.ii.222 | |
| | measure (n.) extent, size, amount, quantity, mass | | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
We can afford no more at such a price. | We can afford no more at such a price. | | LLL V.ii.223 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Prise your selues: What buyes your companie? | Prize you yourselves. What buys your company? | | LLL V.ii.224 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Your absence onelie. | Your absence only. | | LLL V.ii.225.1 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
That can neuer be. | That can never be. | | LLL V.ii.225.2 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Then cannot we be bought: and so adue, | Then cannot we be bought; and so adieu – | | LLL V.ii.226 | |
Twice to your Visore, and halfe once to you. | Twice to your visor, and half once to you! | visor (n.) mask | LLL V.ii.227 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
If you denie to dance, let's hold more chat. | If you deny to dance, let's hold more chat. | deny (v.) refuse, decline, scorn | LLL V.ii.228 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
In priuate then. | In private then. | | LLL V.ii.229.1 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
I am best pleas'd with that. | I am best pleased with that. | | LLL V.ii.229.2 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.230 | |
Be. | BEROWNE | | | |
White handed Mistris, one sweet word with thee. | White-handed mistress, one sweet word with thee. | | LLL V.ii.230 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Hony, and Milke, and Suger: there is three. | Honey, and milk, and sugar – there is three. | | LLL V.ii.231 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Nay then two treyes, an if you grow so nice | Nay then, two treys, an if you grow so nice, | nice (adj.) fine, precise, particular, subtle | LLL V.ii.232 | |
| | trey (n.) [gambling] three | | |
| | an if (conj.) if | | |
Methegline, Wort, and Malmsey; well runne dice: | Metheglin, wort, and malmsey. Well run, dice! | metheglin (n.) [mi'theglin] strong spiced Welsh mead | LLL V.ii.233 | |
| | malmsey (n.) variety of strong sweet red wine | | |
| | wort (n.) sweet unfermented beer | | |
There's halfe a dozen sweets. | There's half a dozen sweets. | | LLL V.ii.234.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Seuenth sweet adue, | Seventh sweet, adieu. | | LLL V.ii.234.2 | |
since you can cogg, / Ile play no more with you. | Since you can cog, I'll play no more with you. | cog (v.) cheat, swindle, hoodwink, wheedle | LLL V.ii.235 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
One word in secret. | One word in secret. | | LLL V.ii.236.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Let it not be sweet. | Let it not be sweet. | | LLL V.ii.236.2 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Thou greeu'st my gall. | Thou grievest my gall. | gall (n.) bile [reputed for its bitterness] | LLL V.ii.237.1 | |
| | gall (n.) sore, pain, painful spot | | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Gall, bitter. | Gall? Bitter. | | LLL V.ii.237.2 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Therefore meete. | Therefore meet. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | LLL V.ii.237.3 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.238.1 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
Will you vouchsafe with me to change a word? | Will you vouchsafe with me to change a word? | change (v.) exchange, trade | LLL V.ii.238 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Name it. | Name it. | | LLL V.ii.239.1 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Faire Ladie: | Fair lady – | | LLL V.ii.239.2 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Say you so? Faire Lord: | Say you so? Fair lord! | | LLL V.ii.239.3 | |
Take you that for your faire Lady. | Take that for your ‘ fair lady.’ | | LLL V.ii.240.1 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
Please it you, | Please it you, | | LLL V.ii.240.2 | |
As much in priuate, and Ile bid adieu. | As much in private, and I'll bid adieu. | | LLL V.ii.241 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.242.1 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
What, was your vizard made without a tong? | What, was your visor made without a tongue? | | LLL V.ii.242 | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
I know the reason Ladie why you aske. | I know the reason, lady, why you ask. | | LLL V.ii.243 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
O for your reason, quickly sir, I long. | O for your reason! Quickly, sir; I long. | | LLL V.ii.244 | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
You haue a double tongue within your mask. | You have a double tongue within your mask, | double (adj.) forked, divided | LLL V.ii.245 | |
And would affoord my speechlesse vizard halfe. | And would afford my speechless visor half. | | LLL V.ii.246 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
Veale quoth the Dutch-man: is not Veale a Calfe? | ‘ Veal ’, quoth the Dutchman. Is not ‘ veal ’ a calf? | quoth (v.) said | LLL V.ii.247 | |
| | veal (n.) [unclear usage] Dutch pronunciation of ‘well’; or: version of Dutch ‘viel’ = plenty | | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
A Calfe faire Ladie? | A calf, fair lady! | | LLL V.ii.248.1 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
No, a faire Lord Calfe. | No, a fair lord calf. | | LLL V.ii.248.2 | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
Let's part the word. | Let's part the word. | part (v.) divide, share, split up | LLL V.ii.249.1 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
No, Ile not be your halfe: | No, I'll not be your half. | | LLL V.ii.249.2 | |
Take all and weane it, it may proue an Oxe. | Take all and wean it; it may prove an ox. | wean (v.) bring up, train | LLL V.ii.250 | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
Looke how you but your selfe in these sharpe mockes. | Look how you butt yourself in these sharp mocks. | | LLL V.ii.251 | |
Will you giue hornes chast Ladie? Do not so. | Will you give horns, chaste lady? Do not so. | | LLL V.ii.252 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
Then die a Calfe before your horns do grow. | Then die a calf before your horns do grow. | | LLL V.ii.253 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
One word in priuate with you ere I die. | One word in private with you ere I die. | | LLL V.ii.254 | |
Mar. | KATHARINE | | | |
Bleat softly then, the Butcher heares you cry. | Bleat softly then. The butcher hears you cry. | | LLL V.ii.255 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.256 | |
Boyet. | BOYET | | | |
The tongues of mocking wenches are as keen | The tongues of mocking wenches are as keen | | LLL V.ii.256 | |
As is the Razors edge, inuisible: | As is the razor's edge invisible, | | LLL V.ii.257 | |
Cutting a smaller haire then may be seene, | Cutting a smaller hair than may be seen; | | LLL V.ii.258 | |
Aboue the sense of sence so sensible: | Above the sense of sense, so sensible | sensible (adj.) endowed with good sense, perceptive, responsible | LLL V.ii.259 | |
| | sense (n.) perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation | | |
Seemeth their conference, their conceits haue wings, | Seemeth their conference. Their conceits have wings | conceit (n.) imagination, fancy, wit | LLL V.ii.260 | |
| | conference (n.) conversation, talk, discourse | | |
Fleeter then arrows, bullets wind, thoght, swifter things | Fleeter than arrows, bullets, wind, thought, swifter things. | fleet (adj.) swift, nimble, active | LLL V.ii.261 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Not one word more my maides, breake off, breake off. | Not one word more, my maids; break off, break off! | | LLL V.ii.262 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
By heauen, all drie beaten with pure scoffe. | By heaven, all dry-beaten with pure scoff! | dry-beaten (adj.) bruised, soundly beaten | LLL V.ii.263 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Farewell madde Wenches, you haue simple wits. | Farewell, mad wenches. You have simple wits. | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | LLL V.ii.264 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt the King, lords, | | LLL V.ii.264.1 | |
Qu. | and blackamoors | | LLL V.ii.264.2 | |
Twentie adieus my frozen Muscouits. | Twenty adieus, my frozen Muscovits. | | LLL V.ii.265 | |
Are these the breed of wits so wondred at? | Are these the breed of wits so wondered at? | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | LLL V.ii.266 | |
| | breed (n.) sort, kind, type | | |
Boyet. | BOYET | | | |
Tapers they are, with your sweete breathes puft out. | Tapers they are, with your sweet breaths puffed out. | taper (n.) candle | LLL V.ii.267 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Wel-liking wits they haue, grosse, grosse, fat, fat. | Well-liking wits they have; gross, gross; fat, fat. | gross (adj.) large, big, huge | LLL V.ii.268 | |
| | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | | |
| | well-liking (adj.) thriving, healthy, in good condition | | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
O pouertie in wit, Kingly poore flout. | O poverty in wit, kingly-poor flout! | flout (n.) insult, jibe, taunt | LLL V.ii.269 | |
| | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | | |
Will they not (thinke you) hang themselues to night? | Will they not, think you, hang themselves tonight? | | LLL V.ii.270 | |
Or euer but in vizards shew their faces: | Or ever but in visors show their faces? | | LLL V.ii.271 | |
This pert Berowne was out of count'nance quite. | This pert Berowne was out of countenance quite. | countenance, out of disconcerted, abashed | LLL V.ii.272 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
They were all in lamentable cases. | They were all in lamentable cases. | case (n.) mask, disguise, covering | LLL V.ii.273 | |
The King was weeping ripe for a good word. | The King was weeping-ripe for a good word. | good (adj.) kind, friendly, sympathetic | LLL V.ii.274 | |
| | weeping-ripe (adj.) ready to weep, on the point of tears | | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Berowne did sweare himselfe out of all suite. | Berowne did swear himself out of all suit. | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | LLL V.ii.275 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Dumaine was at my seruice, and his sword: | Dumaine was at my service, and his sword. | | LLL V.ii.276 | |
No point (quoth I:) my seruant straight was mute. | ‘ Non point ’, quoth I; my servant straight was mute. | quoth (v.) said | LLL V.ii.277 | |
| | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | | |
| | servant (n.) devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover | | |
Ka. | KATHARINE | | | |
Lord Longauill said I came ore his hart: | Lord Longaville said I came o'er his heart; | | LLL V.ii.278 | |
And trow you what he call'd me? | And trow you what he called me? | trow (v.) know, guess, imagine | LLL V.ii.279.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Qualme perhaps. | Qualm, perhaps. | qualm (n.) sudden sickness, feeling of nausea, fainting attack | LLL V.ii.279.2 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
Yes in good faith. | Yes, in good faith. | | LLL V.ii.280.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Go sicknesse as thou art. | Go, sickness as thou art! | | LLL V.ii.280.2 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Well, better wits haue worne plain statute caps, | Well, better wits have worn plain statute-caps. | statute-cap (n.) woollen cap ordered (by an Act of 1571) to be worn on Sundays and holy days by all below a certain social rank | LLL V.ii.281 | |
| | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | | |
But will you heare; the King is my loue sworne. | But will you hear? The King is my love sworn. | | LLL V.ii.282 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
And quicke Berowne hath plighted faith to me. | And quick Berowne hath plighted faith to me. | | LLL V.ii.283 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
And Longauill was for my seruice borne. | And Longaville was for my service born. | | LLL V.ii.284 | |
Mar. | MARIA | | | |
Dumaine is mine as sure as barke on tree. | Dumaine is mine as sure as bark on tree. | sure (adj.) betrothed, joined, bound | LLL V.ii.285 | |
Boyet. | BOYET | | | |
Madam, and prettie mistresses giue eare, | Madam, and pretty mistresses, give ear: | | LLL V.ii.286 | |
Immediately they will againe be heere | Immediately they will again be here | | LLL V.ii.287 | |
In their owne shapes: for it can neuer be, | In their own shapes, for it can never be | shape (n.) appearance, aspect, visible form | LLL V.ii.288 | |
They will digest this harsh indignitie. | They will digest this harsh indignity. | digest, disgest (v.) endure, brook, put up with | LLL V.ii.289 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Will they returne? | Will they return? | | LLL V.ii.290.1 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
They will they will, God knowes, | They will, they will, God knows; | | LLL V.ii.290.2 | |
And leape for ioy, though they are lame with blowes: | And leap for joy though they are lame with blows. | | LLL V.ii.291 | |
Therefore change Fauours, and when they repaire, | Therefore change favours, and, when they repair, | repair (v.) come, go, make one's way | LLL V.ii.292 | |
| | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | | |
Blow like sweet Roses, in this summer aire. | Blow like sweet roses in this summer air. | blow (v.) blossom, bloom, flower | LLL V.ii.293 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
How blow? how blow? Speake to bee vnderstood. | How ‘ blow ’? How ‘ blow ’? Speak to be understood. | | LLL V.ii.294 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Faire Ladies maskt, are Roses in their bud: | Fair ladies masked are roses in their bud; | | LLL V.ii.295 | |
Dismaskt, their damaske sweet commixture showne, | Dismasked, their damask sweet commixture shown, | dismasked (adj.) unmasked, with mask removed | LLL V.ii.296 | |
| | damask (adj./n.) light-red, pink [colour of the damask rose] | | |
| | commixture (n.) complexion, mingling of colour | | |
Are Angels vailing clouds, or Roses blowne. | Are angels vailing clouds, or roses blown. | vail (v.) let fall, yield, surrender | LLL V.ii.297 | |
| | blown (adj.) in full flower, in its bloom | | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Auant perplexitie: What shall we do, | Avaunt, perplexity! What shall we do | perplexity (n.) riddler, source of confusion | LLL V.ii.298 | |
| | avaunt (int.) be gone, go away, be off | | |
If they returne in their owne shapes to wo? | If they return in their own shapes to woo? | | LLL V.ii.299 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Good Madam, if by me you'l be aduis'd, | Good madam, if by me you'll be advised, | | LLL V.ii.300 | |
Let's mocke them still as well knowne as disguis'd: | Let's mock them still, as well known as disguised. | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | LLL V.ii.301 | |
Let vs complaine to them what fooles were heare, | Let us complain to them what fools were here, | | LLL V.ii.302 | |
Disguis'd like Muscouites in shapelesse geare: | Disguised like Muscovites in shapeless gear; | shapeless (adj.) unshapely, ugly, unsightly | LLL V.ii.303 | |
| | gear (n.) attire, dress, clothes | | |
And wonder what they were, and to what end | And wonder what they were, and to what end | | LLL V.ii.304 | |
Their shallow showes, and Prologue vildely pen'd: | Their shallow shows and prologue vilely penned, | show (n.) spectacle, display, ceremony | LLL V.ii.305 | |
| | shallow (adj.) naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character | | |
And their rough carriage so ridiculous, | And their rough carriage so ridiculous, | rough (adj.) inadequate, dull, lacking grace | LLL V.ii.306 | |
| | carriage (n.) bearing, demeanour, manner of behaviour | | |
Should be presented at our Tent to vs. | Should be presented at our tent to us. | | LLL V.ii.307 | |
Boyet. | BOYET | | | |
Ladies, withdraw: the gallants are at hand. | Ladies, withdraw. The gallants are at hand. | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | LLL V.ii.308 | |
Quee. | PRINCESS | | | |
Whip to our Tents, as Roes runnes ore Land. | Whip to our tents, as roes runs o'er the land. | land (n.) lawn, soil, ground | LLL V.ii.309 | |
| | whip (v.) dash, hurry, hasten | | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Princess and ladies | | LLL V.ii.309 | |
Enter the King and the rest. | Enter the King, Berowne, Longaville, and Dumaine, | | LLL V.ii.310.1 | |
| having shed their disguises | | LLL V.ii.310.2 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Faire sir, God saue you. Wher's the Princesse? | Fair sir, God save you. Where's the Princess? | | LLL V.ii.310 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Gone to her Tent. / Please it your Maiestie | Gone to her tent. Please it your majesty | | LLL V.ii.311 | |
command me any seruice to her? | Command me any service to her thither? | | LLL V.ii.312 | |
King. | KING | | | |
That she vouchsafe me audience for one word. | That she vouchsafe me audience for one word. | audience (n.) hearing, attention, reception | LLL V.ii.313 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
I will, and so will she, I know my Lord. | I will; and so will she, I know, my lord. | | LLL V.ii.314 | |
Exit. | Exit | | LLL V.ii.314 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
This fellow pickes vp wit as Pigeons pease, | This fellow pecks up wit, as pigeons peas, | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.315 | |
And vtters it againe, when Ioue doth please. | And utters it again when God doth please. | utter (v.) offer for sale, dispense, make available | LLL V.ii.316 | |
He is Wits Pedler, and retailes his Wares, | He is wit's pedlar, and retails his wares | | LLL V.ii.317 | |
At Wakes, and Wassels, Meetings, Markets, Faires. | At wakes and wassails, meetings, markets, fairs; | wassail (n.) drinking-party, carousal, revels | LLL V.ii.318 | |
| | wake (n.) festival, revel, fete | | |
And we that sell by grosse, the Lord doth know, | And we that sell by gross, the Lord doth know, | gross, by / by the in large quantities, wholesale | LLL V.ii.319 | |
Haue not the grace to grace it with such show. | Have not the grace to grace it with such show. | grace (n.) favour, good will | LLL V.ii.320 | |
| | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | | |
This Gallant pins the Wenches on his sleeue. | This gallant pins the wenches on his sleeve. | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | LLL V.ii.321 | |
Had he bin Adam, he had tempted Eue. | Had he been Adam, he had tempted Eve. | Adam (n.) in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God | LLL V.ii.322 | |
| | Eve (n.) in the Bible, wife of the first human being | | |
He can carue too, and lispe: Why this is he, | 'A can carve too, and lisp. Why, this is he | lisp (v.) talk in an affected way, speak with affectation | LLL V.ii.323 | |
| | carve (v.) be a generous hostess; or: speak in a charmingly affected way | | |
That kist away his hand in courtesie. | That kissed his hand away in courtesy. | | LLL V.ii.324 | |
This is the Ape of Forme, Monsieur the nice, | This is the ape of form, Monsieur the Nice, | form (n.) way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct | LLL V.ii.325 | |
| | ape (n.) mimic, imitator, impersonator | | |
That when he plaies at Tables, chides the Dice | That, when he plays at tables, chides the dice | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | LLL V.ii.326 | |
| | table (n.) (plural) backgammon | | |
In honorable tearmes: Nay he can sing | In honourable terms. Nay, he can sing | | LLL V.ii.327 | |
A meane most meanly, and in Vshering | A mean most meanly; and in ushering | mean (n.) middle-part singer, tenor, alto | LLL V.ii.328 | |
| | meanly (adv.) tolerably, moderately well, well enough | | |
| | ushering (n.) organization of ceremony | | |
Mend him who can: the Ladies call him sweete. | Mend him who can. The ladies call him sweet. | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | LLL V.ii.329 | |
The staires as he treads on them kisse his feete. | The stairs, as he treads on them, kiss his feet. | | LLL V.ii.330 | |
This is the flower that smiles on euerie one, | This is the flower that smiles on everyone, | | LLL V.ii.331 | |
To shew his teeth as white as Whales bone. | To show his teeth as white as whale's bone; | | LLL V.ii.332 | |
And consciences that wil not die in debt, | And consciences that will not die in debt | | LLL V.ii.333 | |
Pay him the dutie of honie-tongued Boyet. | Pay him the due of ‘ honey-tongued Boyet.’ | | LLL V.ii.334 | |
King. | KING | | | |
A blister on his sweet tongue with my hart, | A blister on his sweet tongue, with my heart, | | LLL V.ii.335 | |
That put Armathoes Page out of his part. | That put Armado's page out of his part! | | LLL V.ii.336 | |
Enter the Ladies. | Enter the Princess, Rosaline, Maria, and Katharine, | | LLL V.ii.337.1 | |
| having unmasked and exchanged favours, with | | LLL V.ii.337.2 | |
| Boyet | | LLL V.ii.337.3 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
See where it comes. Behauiour what wer't thou, | See where it comes! Behaviour, what wert thou | behaviour (n.) courtly behaviour, fine manners, etiquette | LLL V.ii.337 | |
Till this madman shew'd thee? And what art thou now? | Till this man showed thee, and what art thou now? | | LLL V.ii.338 | |
King. | KING | | | |
All haile sweet Madame, and faire time of day. | All hail, sweet madam, and fair time of day. | | LLL V.ii.339 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Faire in all Haile is foule, as I conceiue. | ‘ Fair ’ in ‘ all hail ’ is foul, as I conceive. | | LLL V.ii.340 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Construe my speeches better, if you may. | Construe my speeches better, if you may. | construe (v.) interpret, take, understand | LLL V.ii.341 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Then wish me better, I wil giue you leaue. | Then wish me better; I will give you leave. | | LLL V.ii.342 | |
King. | KING | | | |
We came to visit you, and purpose now | We came to visit you, and purpose now | purpose (v.) intend, plan | LLL V.ii.343 | |
To leade you to our Court, vouchsafe it then. | To lead you to our court. Vouchsafe it then. | | LLL V.ii.344 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
This field shal hold me, and so hold your vow: | This field shall hold me, and so hold your vow. | hold (v.) keep, maintain, observe | LLL V.ii.345 | |
| | field (n.) wasteland, wilderness | | |
Nor God, nor I, delights in periur'd men. | Nor God nor I delights in perjured men. | | LLL V.ii.346 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Rebuke me not for that which you prouoke: | Rebuke me not for that which you provoke. | | LLL V.ii.347 | |
The vertue of your eie must breake my oth. | The virtue of your eye must break my oath. | virtue (n.) power, capability, efficacy, property | LLL V.ii.348 | |
Q. | PRINCESS | | | |
You nickname vertue: vice you should haue spoke: | You nickname virtue – ‘ vice ’ you should have spoke; | nickname (v.) invent names for, misname | LLL V.ii.349 | |
For vertues office neuer breakes men troth. | For virtue's office never breaks men's troth. | troth (n.) truth, good faith | LLL V.ii.350 | |
| | office (n.) role, position, place, function | | |
Now by my maiden honor, yet as pure | Now, by my maiden honour, yet as pure | | LLL V.ii.351 | |
As the vnsallied Lilly, I protest, | As the unsullied lily, I protest, | | LLL V.ii.352 | |
A world of torments though I should endure, | A world of torments though I should endure, | | LLL V.ii.353 | |
I would not yeeld to be your houses guest: | I would not yield to be your house's guest, | | LLL V.ii.354 | |
So much I hate a breaking cause to be | So much I hate a breaking cause to be | | LLL V.ii.355 | |
Of heauenly oaths, vow'd with integritie. | Of heavenly oaths, vowed with integrity. | | LLL V.ii.356 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
O you haue liu'd in desolation heere, | O, you have lived in desolation here, | | LLL V.ii.357 | |
Vnseene, vnuisited, much to our shame. | Unseen, unvisited, much to our shame. | | LLL V.ii.358 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Not so my Lord, it is not so I sweare, | Not so, my lord. It is not so, I swear. | | LLL V.ii.359 | |
We haue had pastimes heere, and pleasant game, | We have had pastimes here and pleasant game: | | LLL V.ii.360 | |
A messe of Russians left vs but of late. | A mess of Russians left us but of late. | mess (n.) company, group, gang of four | LLL V.ii.361 | |
| | late, of recently, a little while ago | | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
How Madam? Russians? | How, madam? Russians? | | LLL V.ii.362.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
I in truth, my Lord. | Ay, in truth, my lord; | | LLL V.ii.362.2 | |
Trim gallants, full of Courtship and of state. | Trim gallants, full of courtship and of state. | trim (adj.) fine, excellent, smart | LLL V.ii.363 | |
| | gallant (n.) fine gentleman, man of fashion | | |
| | state (n.) splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity | | |
| | courtship (n.) court life, courtliness; also: wooing, courting | | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Madam speake true. It is not so my Lord: | Madam, speak true! It is not so, my lord. | true (adv.) truthfully, honestly | LLL V.ii.364 | |
My Ladie (to the manner of the daies) | My lady, to the manner of the days, | manner (n.) fashion, usage, custom | LLL V.ii.365 | |
In curtesie giues vndeseruing praise. | In courtesy gives undeserving praise. | | LLL V.ii.366 | |
We foure indeed confronted were with foure | We four indeed confronted were with four | | LLL V.ii.367 | |
In Russia habit: Heere they stayed an houre, | In Russian habit. Here they stayed an hour | | LLL V.ii.368 | |
And talk'd apace: and in that houre (my Lord) | And talked apace; and in that hour, my lord, | | LLL V.ii.369 | |
They did not blesse vs with one happy word. | They did not bless us with one happy word. | happy (adj.) well-chosen, felicitous, fitting | LLL V.ii.370 | |
I dare not call them fooles; but this I thinke, | I dare not call them fools, but this I think, | | LLL V.ii.371 | |
When they are thirstie, fooles would faine haue drinke. | When they are thirsty, fools would fain have drink. | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | LLL V.ii.372 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
This iest is drie to me. Gentle sweete, | This jest is dry to me. My gentle sweet, | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | LLL V.ii.373 | |
| | dry (adj.) barren, arid, yielding no result | | |
Your wits makes wise things foolish when we greete | Your wit makes wise things foolish. When we greet, | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.374 | |
With eies best seeing, heauens fierie eie: | With eyes' best seeing, heaven's fiery eye, | | LLL V.ii.375 | |
By light we loose light; your capacitie | By light we lose light. Your capacity | | LLL V.ii.376 | |
Is of that nature, that to your huge stoore, | Is of that nature that to your huge store | | LLL V.ii.377 | |
Wise things seeme foolish, and rich things but poore. | Wise things seem foolish and rich things but poor. | | LLL V.ii.378 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
This proues you wise and rich: for in my eie | This proves you wise and rich, for in my eye – | | LLL V.ii.379 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
I am a foole, and full of pouertie. | I am a fool, and full of poverty. | | LLL V.ii.380 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
But that you take what doth to you belong, | But that you take what doth to you belong, | | LLL V.ii.381 | |
It were a fault to snatch words from my tongue. | It were a fault to snatch words from my tongue. | | LLL V.ii.382 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
O, I am yours, and all that I possesse. | O, I am yours, and all that I possess. | | LLL V.ii.383 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
All the foole mine. | All the fool mine? | | LLL V.ii.384.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
I cannot giue you lesse. | I cannot give you less. | | LLL V.ii.384.2 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Which of the Vizards what it that you wore? | Which of the visors was it that you wore? | | LLL V.ii.385 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Where? when? What Vizard? / Why demand you this? | Where, when, what visor? Why demand you this? | | LLL V.ii.386 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
There, then, that vizard, that superfluous case, | There, then, that visor: that superfluous case | case (n.) mask, disguise, covering | LLL V.ii.387 | |
That hid the worse, and shew'd the better face. | That hid the worse and showed the better face. | | LLL V.ii.388 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
We are discried, / They'l mocke vs now downeright. | We are descried. They'll mock us now downright. | downright (adv.) outright, totally, utterly | LLL V.ii.389 | |
| | descry (v.) find out, detect, discover | | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
Let vs confesse, and turne it to a iest. | Let us confess, and turn it to a jest. | | LLL V.ii.390 | |
Que. | PRINCESS | | | |
Amaz'd my Lord? Why lookes your Highnes sadde? | Amazed, my lord? Why looks your highness sad? | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | LLL V.ii.391 | |
| | amazed (adj.) dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed | | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Helpe hold his browes, hee'l sound: why looke you pale? | Help! Hold his brows! He'll swoon. Why look you pale? | swoon (v.) faint | LLL V.ii.392 | |
| | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | | |
Sea-sicke I thinke comming from Muscouie. | Sea-sick, I think, coming from Muscovy! | | LLL V.ii.393 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Thus poure the stars down plagues for periury. | Thus pour the stars down plagues for perjury. | | LLL V.ii.394 | |
Can any face of brasse hold longer out? | Can any face of brass hold longer out? | face (n.) appearance, outward show, look | LLL V.ii.395 | |
| | brass (n.) brazenness, effrontery, impudence | | |
Heere stand I, Ladie dart thy skill at me, | Here stand I, lady; dart thy skill at me. | dart (v.) hurl like an arrow | LLL V.ii.396 | |
Bruise me with scorne, confound me with a flout. | Bruise me with scorn, confound me with a flout, | flout (n.) insult, jibe, taunt | LLL V.ii.397 | |
| | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | | |
Thrust thy sharpe wit quite through my ignorance. | Thrust thy sharp wit quite through my ignorance, | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.398 | |
Cut me to peeces with thy keene conceit: | Cut me to pieces with thy keen conceit, | conceit (n.) understanding, intelligence, apprehension | LLL V.ii.399 | |
And I will wish thee neuer more to dance, | And I will wish thee never more to dance, | wish (v.) entreat, invite | LLL V.ii.400 | |
Nor neuer more in Russian habit waite. | Nor never more in Russian habit wait. | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | LLL V.ii.401 | |
| | wait (v.) be in attendance, do service | | |
O! neuer will I trust to speeches pen'd, | O, never will I trust to speeches penned, | | LLL V.ii.402 | |
Nor to the motion of a Schoole-boies tongue. | Nor to the motion of a schoolboy's tongue, | | LLL V.ii.403 | |
Nor neuer come in vizard to my friend, | Nor never come in visor to my friend, | friend (n.) lover, sweetheart, suitor | LLL V.ii.404 | |
| | visor (n.) mask | | |
Nor woo in rime like a blind-harpers songue, | Nor woo in rhyme, like a blind harper's song. | harper (n.) harpist, minstrel | LLL V.ii.405 | |
Taffata phrases, silken tearmes precise, | Taffeta phrases, silken terms precise, | | LLL V.ii.406 | |
Three-pil'd Hyperboles, spruce affection; | Three-piled hyperboles, spruce affection, | spruce (adj.) over-elegant, smart | LLL V.ii.407 | |
| | three-piled (adj.) triple-thickness, three-threaded [i.e. very expensive or ornate] | | |
| | affection (n.) affectation, posing, artificiality | | |
Figures pedanticall, these summer flies, | Figures pedantical – these summer flies | pedantical (adj.) pedantic, exaggerated, artificial | LLL V.ii.408 | |
| | figure (n.) figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric | | |
Haue blowne me full of maggot ostentation. | Have blown me full of maggot ostentation. | ostentation (n.) pretentiousness, false show, showing off | LLL V.ii.409 | |
| | blow (v.) deposit eggs [in], pollute, contaminate | | |
I do forsweare them, and I heere protest, | I do forswear them; and I here protest | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | LLL V.ii.410 | |
By this white Gloue (how white the hand God knows) | By this white glove – how white the hand, God knows! – | | LLL V.ii.411 | |
Henceforth my woing minde shall be exprest | Henceforth my wooing mind shall be expressed | | LLL V.ii.412 | |
In russet yeas, and honest kersie noes. | In russet yeas and honest kersey noes. | russet (adj.) rustic, homely, simple | LLL V.ii.413 | |
| | kersey (adj.) plain, simple, ordinary | | |
And to begin Wench, so God helpe me law, | And, to begin: wench – so God help me, law! – | law (int.) indeed | LLL V.ii.414 | |
My loue to thee is sound, sans cracke or flaw. | My love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw. | sans (prep.) without | LLL V.ii.415 | |
| | crack (n.) flaw, defect, deficiency | | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
Sans, sans, I pray you. | Sans ‘ sans ’, I pray you. | | LLL V.ii.416.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Yet I haue a tricke | Yet I have a trick | trick (n.) habit, characteristic, typical behaviour | LLL V.ii.416.2 | |
Of the old rage: beare with me, I am sicke. | Of the old rage. Bear with me, I am sick; | rage (n.) folly, rashness, mad jest | LLL V.ii.417 | |
Ile leaue it by degrees: soft, let vs see, | I'll leave it by degrees. Soft, let us see: | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | LLL V.ii.418 | |
Write Lord haue mercie on vs, on those three, | Write ‘ Lord have mercy on us ’ on those three. | | LLL V.ii.419 | |
They are infected, in their hearts it lies: | They are infected; in their hearts it lies; | | LLL V.ii.420 | |
They haue the plague, and caught it of your eyes: | They have the plague, and caught it of your eyes. | | LLL V.ii.421 | |
These Lords are visited, you are not free: | These lords are visited; you are not free, | visit (v.) afflict with sickness, strike down with disease | LLL V.ii.422 | |
For the Lords tokens on you do I see. | For the Lord's tokens on you do I see. | token (n.) keepsake, present, memento | LLL V.ii.423 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
No, they are free that gaue these tokens to vs. | No, they are free that gave these tokens to us. | free (adj.) liberal, lavish, generous | LLL V.ii.424 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Our states are forfeit, seeke not to vndo vs. | Our states are forfeit. Seek not to undo us. | state (n.) status, rank, position | LLL V.ii.425 | |
| | undo (v.) ruin, destroy, wipe out | | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
It is not so; for how can this be true, | It is not so; for how can this be true, | | LLL V.ii.426 | |
That you stand forfeit, being those that sue. | That you stand forfeit, being those that sue? | sue (v.) beg, plead, beseech | LLL V.ii.427 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Peace, for I will not haue to do with you. | Peace! for I will not have to do with you. | | LLL V.ii.428 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Nor shall not, if I do as I intend. | Nor shall not if I do as I intend. | | LLL V.ii.429 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Speake for your selues, my wit is at an end. | Speak for yourselves. My wit is at an end. | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.430 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Teach vs sweete Madame, for our rude transgression, | Teach us, sweet madam, for our rude transgression | | LLL V.ii.431 | |
some faire excuse. | Some fair excuse. | | LLL V.ii.432.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
The fairest is confession. | The fairest is confession. | | LLL V.ii.432.2 | |
Were you not heere but euen now, disguis'd? | Were not you here but even now disguised? | | LLL V.ii.433 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Madam, I was. | Madam, I was. | | LLL V.ii.434.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
And were you well aduis'd? | And were you well advised? | well advised, well-advised (adv.) in one's right mind, sane, rational | LLL V.ii.434.2 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
I was faire Madam. | I was, fair madam. | | LLL V.ii.435.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
When you then were heere, | When you then were here, | | LLL V.ii.435.2 | |
What did you whisper in your Ladies eare? | What did you whisper in your lady's ear? | | LLL V.ii.436 | |
King. | KING | | | |
That more then all the world I did respect her | That more than all the world I did respect her. | | LLL V.ii.437 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
When shee shall challenge this, you will reiect her. | When she shall challenge this, you will reject her. | challenge (v.) demand as a right, claim, call for, insist on | LLL V.ii.438 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Vpon mine Honor no. | Upon mine honour, no. | | LLL V.ii.439.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Peace, peace, forbeare: | Peace, peace, forbear! | forbear (v.) stop, cease, desist | LLL V.ii.439.2 | |
your oath once broke, you force not to forsweare. | Your oath once broke, you force not to forswear. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | LLL V.ii.440 | |
| | force (v.) hesitate, scruple, care for | | |
King. | KING | | | |
Despise me when I breake this oath of mine. | Despise me when I break this oath of mine. | | LLL V.ii.441 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
I will, and therefore keepe it. Rosaline, | I will; and therefore keep it. Rosaline, | | LLL V.ii.442 | |
What did the Russian whisper in your eare? | What did the Russian whisper in your ear? | | LLL V.ii.443 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Madam, he swore that he did hold me deare | Madam, he swore that he did hold me dear | | LLL V.ii.444 | |
As precious eye-sight, and did value me | As precious eyesight, and did value me | | LLL V.ii.445 | |
Aboue this World: adding thereto moreouer, | Above this world; adding thereto, moreover, | | LLL V.ii.446 | |
That he would Wed me, or else die my Louer. | That he would wed me or else die my lover. | | LLL V.ii.447 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
God giue thee ioy of him: the Noble Lord | God give thee joy of him. The noble lord | | LLL V.ii.448 | |
Most honorably doth vphold his word. | Most honourably doth uphold his word. | | LLL V.ii.449 | |
King. | KING | | | |
What meane you Madame? / By my life, my troth | What mean you, madam? By my life, my troth, | troth, good troth (n.) exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed | LLL V.ii.450 | |
I neuer swore this Ladie such an oth. | I never swore this lady such an oath. | | LLL V.ii.451 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
By heauen you did; and to confirme it plaine, | By heaven you did! And, to confirm it plain, | | LLL V.ii.452 | |
you gaue me this: But take it sir againe. | You gave me this; but take it, sir, again. | | LLL V.ii.453 | |
King. | KING | | | |
My faith and this, the Princesse I did giue, | My faith and this the Princess I did give. | | LLL V.ii.454 | |
I knew her by this Iewell on her sleeue. | I knew her by this jewel on her sleeve. | | LLL V.ii.455 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Pardon me sir, this Iewell did she weare, | Pardon me, sir, this jewel did she wear, | | LLL V.ii.456 | |
And Lord Berowne (I thanke him) is my deare. | And Lord Berowne, I thank him, is my dear. | | LLL V.ii.457 | |
What? Will you haue me, or your Pearle againe? | What! Will you have me, or your pearl again? | | LLL V.ii.458 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Neither of either, I remit both twaine. | Neither of either; I remit both twain. | remit (v.) give up, resign, surrender | LLL V.ii.459 | |
I see the tricke on't: Heere was a consent, | I see the trick on't. Here was a consent, | consent (n.) agreement, accord, unanimity, compact | LLL V.ii.460 | |
Knowing aforehand of our merriment, | Knowing aforehand of our merriment, | | LLL V.ii.461 | |
To dash it like a Christmas Comedie. | To dash it like a Christmas comedy. | dash (v.) frustrate, spoil, ruin | LLL V.ii.462 | |
| | Christmas (n.) in Christian tradition, the feast of the birth of Christ, 25 December | | |
Some carry-tale, some please-man, some slight Zanie, | Some carry-tale, some please-man, some slight zany, | please-man (n.) yes-man, sycophant, toady | LLL V.ii.463 | |
| | slight (adj.) worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing | | |
| | zany (n.) stooge, clown's assistant, mimic | | |
| | carry-tale (n.) tell-tale, tale-bearer | | |
Some mumble-newes, some trencher-knight, som Dick | Some mumble-news, some trencher-knight, some Dick, | Dick (n.) low fellow, jack-in-office | LLL V.ii.464 | |
| | mumble-news (n.) tale-bearer, tattler, gossip | | |
| | trencher-knight (n.) hero of the dinner-table, valiant eater | | |
That smiles his cheeke in yeares, and knowes the trick | That smiles his cheek in years, and knows the trick | trick (n.) way, knack, skill | LLL V.ii.465 | |
| | smile (v.) make something happen by smiling | | |
| | years (n.) age | | |
To make my Lady laugh, when she's dispos'd; | To make my lady laugh when she's disposed, | disposed (adj.) inclined to be merry, feeling playful | LLL V.ii.466 | |
Told our intents before: which once disclos'd, | Told our intents before; which once disclosed, | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | LLL V.ii.467 | |
| | before (adv.) ahead, in advance | | |
The Ladies did change Fauours; and then we | The ladies did change favours, and then we, | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | LLL V.ii.468 | |
Following the signes, woo'd but the signe of she. | Following the signs, wooed but the sign of she. | sign (n.) outward appearance, external demeanour | LLL V.ii.469 | |
Now to our periurie, to adde more terror, | Now, to our perjury to add more terror, | | LLL V.ii.470 | |
We are againe forsworne in will and error. | We are again forsworn, in will and error. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | LLL V.ii.471 | |
| (To Boyet) | | LLL V.ii.472.1 | |
Much vpon this tis: and might not you | Much upon this 'tis. (To Boyet) And might not you | much (adv.) very largely, to a great extent | LLL V.ii.472 | |
Forestall our sport, to make vs thus vntrue? | Forestall our sport, to make us thus untrue? | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | LLL V.ii.473 | |
| | forestall (v.) prevent, stop, intercept, waylay | | |
Do not you know my Ladies foot by'th squier? | Do not you know my lady's foot by the square, | square, by the accurately, exactly, with great precision | LLL V.ii.474 | |
And laugh vpon the apple of her eie? | And laugh upon the apple of her eye? | apple (n.) pupil, centre | LLL V.ii.475 | |
And stand betweene her backe sir, and the fire, | And stand between her back, sir, and the fire, | | LLL V.ii.476 | |
Holding a trencher, iesting merrilie? | Holding a trencher, jesting merrily? | trencher (n.) plate, platter, serving dish | LLL V.ii.477 | |
You put our Page out: go, you are alowd. | You put our page out – go, you are allowed; | put out (v.) disconcert, distract, make one forget one's lines | LLL V.ii.478 | |
| | allowed (adj.) licensed, authorized, permitted | | |
Die when you will, a smocke shall be your shrowd. | Die when you will, a smock shall be your shroud. | | LLL V.ii.479 | |
You leere vpon me, do you? There's an eie | You leer upon me, do you? There's an eye | leer (v.) look sideways, cast a side glance, smile disarmingly | LLL V.ii.480 | |
Wounds like a Leaden sword. | Wounds like a leaden sword. | | LLL V.ii.481.1 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Full merrily | Full merrily | | LLL V.ii.481.2 | |
hath this braue manager, this carreere bene run. | Hath this brave manage, this career, been run. | manage (n.) gallop at full speed | LLL V.ii.482 | |
| | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | | |
| | career (n.) [of a horse in a combat] charge, gallop, course | | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Loe, he is tilting straight. Peace, I haue don. | Lo, he is tilting straight. Peace! I have done. | tilt (v.) joust, fight [with lances], thrust | LLL V.ii.483 | |
Enter Clowne. | Enter Costard | | LLL V.ii.484.1 | |
Welcome pure wit, thou part'st a faire fray. | Welcome, pure wit! Thou partest a fair fray. | | LLL V.ii.484 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
O Lord sir, they would kno, | O Lord, sir, they would know | | LLL V.ii.485 | |
Whether the three worthies shall come in, or no. | Whether the three Worthies shall come in or no. | | LLL V.ii.486 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
What, are there but three? | What, are there but three? | | LLL V.ii.487.1 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
No sir, but it is vara fine, | No, sir; but it is vara fine, | vara (adv.) dialect form of ‘very’ | LLL V.ii.487.2 | |
For euerie one pursents three. | For every one pursents three. | pursent (v.) dialect form of ‘present’ | LLL V.ii.488.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
And three times thrice is nine. | And three times thrice is nine. | | LLL V.ii.488.2 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Not so sir, vnder correction sir, I hope it is not so. | Not so, sir – under correction, sir – I hope it is not so. | | LLL V.ii.489 | |
You cannot beg vs sir, I can assure you sir, we know what we know: | You cannot beg us, sir, I can assure you, sir; we know what we know. | beg (v.) plead to put in care; treat as a fool | LLL V.ii.490 | |
I hope sir three times thrice sir. | I hope, sir, three times thrice, sir – | | LLL V.ii.491.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Is not nine. | Is not nine? | | LLL V.ii.491.2 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Vnder correction sir, wee know where-vntill it | Under correction, sir, we know whereuntil it | | LLL V.ii.492 | |
doth amount. | doth amount. | | LLL V.ii.493 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
By Ioue, I alwaies tooke three threes for nine. | By Jove, I always took three threes for nine. | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | LLL V.ii.494 | |
Clow. | COSTARD | | | |
O Lord sir, it were pittie you should get your | O Lord, sir, it were pity you should get your | pity (n.) bad thing, sad fate, calamity [for] | LLL V.ii.495 | |
liuing by reckning sir. | living by reck'ning, sir. | reckoning (n.) counting up, enumeration, calculation | LLL V.ii.496 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
How much is it? | How much is it? | | LLL V.ii.497 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
O Lord sir, the parties themselues, the actors | O Lord, sir, the parties themselves, the actors, | | LLL V.ii.498 | |
sir will shew where-vntill it doth amount: for mine | sir, will show whereuntil it doth amount. For mine | | LLL V.ii.499 | |
owne part, I am (as they say, but to perfect one man in | own part, I am, as they say, but to parfect one man in | parfect (v.) malapropism probably for ‘perform’ or ‘present’ | LLL V.ii.500 | |
one poore man) Pompion the great sir. | one poor man – Pompion the Great, sir. | Pompion (n.) [= pumpkin] malapropism for ‘Pompey’ | LLL V.ii.501 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Art thou one of the Worthies? | Art thou one of the Worthies? | | LLL V.ii.502 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
It pleased them to thinke me worthie of Pompey | It pleased them to think me worthy of Pompey | | LLL V.ii.503 | |
the great: for mine owne part, I know not the degree | the Great. For mine own part, I know not the degree | degree (n.) rank, station, standing | LLL V.ii.504 | |
of the Worthie, but I am to stand for him. | of the Worthy, but I am to stand for him. | stand (v.) stand in, impersonate, represent | LLL V.ii.505 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Go, bid them prepare. | Go bid them prepare. | | LLL V.ii.506 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
We will turne it finely off sir, we wil take some | We will turn it finely off, sir; we will take some | turn off (v.) perform with skill, accomplish | LLL V.ii.507 | |
care. | care. | | LLL V.ii.508 | |
Exit. | Exit | | LLL V.ii.508 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Berowne, they will shame vs: / Let them not approach. | Berowne, they will shame us. Let them not approach. | | LLL V.ii.509 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
We are shame-proofe my Lord: and 'tis some policie, | We are shame-proof, my lord; and 'tis some policy | policy (n.) stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft | LLL V.ii.510 | |
to haue one shew worse then the Kings and his companie. | To have one show worse than the King's and his company. | | LLL V.ii.511 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
I say they shall not come. | I say they shall not come. | | LLL V.ii.512 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Nay my good Lord, let me ore-rule you now; | Nay, my good lord, let me o'errule you now. | | LLL V.ii.513 | |
That sport best pleases, that doth least know how. | That sport best pleases that doth least know how – | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | LLL V.ii.514 | |
Where Zeale striues to content, and the contents | Where zeal strives to content, and the contents | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | LLL V.ii.515 | |
| | content (n.) substance, matter, meaning | | |
Dies in the Zeale of that which it presents: | Dies in the zeal of that which it presents; | | LLL V.ii.516 | |
Their forme confounded, makes most forme in mirth, | Their form confounded makes most form in mirth, | form (n.) pattern, shaping, outcome, order | LLL V.ii.517 | |
| | form (n.) formal procedure, due process, formality | | |
| | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | | |
When great things labouring perish in their birth. | When great things labouring perish in their birth. | | LLL V.ii.518 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
A right description of our sport my Lord. | A right description of our sport, my lord. | | LLL V.ii.519 | |
Enter Braggart. | Enter Armado | | LLL V.ii.520 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Annointed, I implore so much expence of thy | Anointed, I implore so much expense of thy | | LLL V.ii.520 | |
royall sweet breath, as will vtter a brace of words. | royal sweet breath as will utter a brace of words. | brace (n.) group of two, couple, pair | LLL V.ii.521 | |
| Armado and the King | | LLL V.ii.522.1 | |
| converse apart | | LLL V.ii.522.2 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Doth this man serue God? | Doth this man serve God? | | LLL V.ii.522 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Why aske you? | Why ask you? | | LLL V.ii.523 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
He speak's not like a man of God's making. | 'A speaks not like a man of God his making. | | LLL V.ii.524 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
That's all one my faire sweet honie Monarch: | That is all one, my fair sweet honey monarch; | | LLL V.ii.525 | |
For I protest, the Schoolmaster is exceeding fantasticall: | for, I protest, the schoolmaster is exceeding fantastical; | fantastical (adj.) fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas | LLL V.ii.526 | |
Too too vaine, too too vaine. But we wil put it (as they | too, too vain; too, too vain; but we will put it, as they | | LLL V.ii.527 | |
say) to Fortuna delaguar, | say, to fortuna de la guerra. | fortuna... the fortunes of war | LLL V.ii.528 | |
| He gives the King a paper | | LLL V.ii.529.1 | |
I wish you the peace of minde most royall cupplement. | I wish you the peace of mind, most royal couplement! | couplement (n.) couple, pair | LLL V.ii.529 | |
| Exit | | LLL V.ii.529 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Here is like to be a good presence of Worthies; | Here is like to be a good presence of Worthies. (Consulting | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | LLL V.ii.530 | |
| | Nine Worthies three pagans (Hector of Troy, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar), three Jews (Joshua, David, Judas Maccabaeus), three Christians (Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon or Guy of Warwick); Hercules and Pompey the Great are included in LLL V.ii | | |
He presents Hector of Troy, the Swaine | the paper) He presents Hector of Troy; the swain, | swain (n.) [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow | LLL V.ii.531 | |
Pompey ye great, the Parish Curate Alexander, | Pompey the Great; the parish curate, Alexander; | Pompey the Great (n.) Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC | LLL V.ii.532 | |
| | Alexander (n.) Alexander the Great; Macedonian king in 4th-c BC, known for his extensive empire | | |
Armadoes Page Hercules, the Pedant Iudas Machabeus: | Armado's page, Hercules; the pedant, Judas Maccabaeus. | pedant (n.) teacher, schoolmaster | LLL V.ii.533 | |
| | Judas Maccabaeus [maka'bayus] in the Bible, leader of a Jewish revolt, 2nd-c BC | | |
| | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | | |
| (reading) | | LLL V.ii.534 | |
And if these foure Worthies in their first shew thriue, | And if these four Worthies in their first show thrive, | | LLL V.ii.534 | |
these foure will change habites, and present the other fiue. | These four will change habits and present the other five. | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | LLL V.ii.535 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
There is fiue in the first shew. | There is five in the first show. | | LLL V.ii.536 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
You are deceiued, tis not so. | You are deceived. 'Tis not so. | | LLL V.ii.537 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
The Pedant, the Braggart, the Hedge-Priest, the | The pedant, the braggart, the hedge-priest, the | hedge-priest (n.) [contemptuous] roadside cleric, uneducated priest | LLL V.ii.538 | |
Foole, and the Boy, | fool, and the boy. | | LLL V.ii.539 | |
Abate throw at Novum, and the whole world againe, | Abate throw at novum, and the whole world again | novum (n.) game of dice in which throws of nine and five were significant | LLL V.ii.540 | |
| | abate (v.) set aside, except, bar | | |
Cannot pricke out fiue such, take each one in's vaine. | Cannot pick out five such, take each one in his vein. | | LLL V.ii.541 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
The ship is vnder saile, and here she coms amain. | The ship is under sail, and here she comes amain. | amain (adv.) in all haste, at full speed | LLL V.ii.542 | |
Enter Pompey. | Enter Costard as Pompey | | LLL V.ii.543 | |
Clo. | COSTARD as Pompey | | | |
I Pompey am. | I Pompey am – | | LLL V.ii.543.1 | |
Ber. | BOYET | | | |
You lie, you are not he. | You lie! You are not he. | | LLL V.ii.543.2 | |
Clo. | COSTARD as Pompey | | | |
I Pompey am. | I Pompey am – | | LLL V.ii.544.1 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
With Libbards head on knee. | With leopard's head on knee. | libbard (n.) leopard | LLL V.ii.544.2 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Well said old mocker, / I must needs be friends with thee. | Well said, old mocker. I must needs be friends with thee. | | LLL V.ii.545 | |
Clo. | COSTARD as Pompey | | | |
I Pompey am, Pompey surnam'd the big. | I Pompey am, Pompey surnamed the Big – | | LLL V.ii.546 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
The great. | The ‘ Great.’ | | LLL V.ii.547 | |
Clo. | COSTARD as Pompey | | | |
It is great sir: / Pompey surnam'd the great: | It is ‘ Great ’, sir – Pompey surnamed the Great, | | LLL V.ii.548 | |
That oft in field, with Targe and Shield, / did make my foe to sweat: | That oft in field, with targe and shield, did make my foe to sweat; | oft (adv.) often | LLL V.ii.549 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
| | targe (n.) shield | | |
And trauailing along this coast, I heere am come by chance, | And travelling along this coast, I here am come by chance, | | LLL V.ii.550 | |
And lay my Armes before the legs of this sweet Lasse of France. | And lay my arms before the legs of this sweet lass of France. | | LLL V.ii.551 | |
If your Ladiship would say thankes Pompey, I had | If your ladyship would say ‘ Thanks, Pompey ’, I had | | LLL V.ii.552 | |
done. | done. | | LLL V.ii.553 | |
La. | PRINCESS | | | |
Great thankes great Pompey. | Great thanks, great Pompey. | | LLL V.ii.554 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Tis not so much worth: but I hope I was | 'Tis not so much worth, but I hope I was | | LLL V.ii.555 | |
perfect. I made a little fault in great. | perfect. I made a little fault in ‘ Great.’ | perfect (adj.) word-perfect, perfectly accurate | LLL V.ii.556 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
My hat to a halfe-penie, Pompey prooues the | My hat to a halfpenny, Pompey proves the | | LLL V.ii.557 | |
best Worthie. | best Worthy. | | LLL V.ii.558 | |
Enter Curate for Alexander. | Enter Nathaniel as Alexander | | LLL V.ii.559 | |
Curat. | NATHANIEL as Alexander | | | |
When in the world I liu'd, I was the worldes Commander: | When in the world I lived, I was the world's commander; | | LLL V.ii.559 | |
By East, West, North, & South, I spred my conquering might | By east, west, north, and south, I spread my conquering might; | | LLL V.ii.560 | |
My Scutcheon plaine declares that I am Alisander. | My scutcheon plain declares that I am Alisander. | scutcheon (n.) escutcheon, painted shield | LLL V.ii.561 | |
| | Alisander (n.) an old form of Alexander | | |
Boiet. | BOYET | | | |
Your nose saies no, you are not: / For it stands too right. | Your nose says no, you are not; for it stands too right. | right (adj.) straight, not bent to one side | LLL V.ii.562 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Your nose smels no, in this most tender smelling Knight. | Your nose smells ‘ no ’ in this, most tender-smelling knight. | tender-smelling (adj.) with a sensitive sense of smell | LLL V.ii.563 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
The Conqueror is dismaid: / Proceede good Alexander. | The conqueror is dismayed. Proceed, good Alexander. | | LLL V.ii.564 | |
Cur. | NATHANIEL as Alexander | | | |
When in the world I liued, I was the worldes Commander. | When in the world I lived, I was the world's commander – | | LLL V.ii.565 | |
Boiet. | BOYET | | | |
Most true, 'tis right: you were so Alisander. | Most true, 'tis right – you were so, Alisander. | | LLL V.ii.566 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Pompey the great. | Pompey the Great – | | LLL V.ii.567 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
your seruant and Costard. | Your servant, and Costard. | | LLL V.ii.568 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Take away the Conqueror, take away | Take away the conqueror; take away | | LLL V.ii.569 | |
Alisander | Alisander. | | LLL V.ii.570 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
| (to Nathaniel) | | LLL V.ii.571 | |
O sir, you haue ouerthrowne | O, sir, you have overthrown | | LLL V.ii.571 | |
Alisander the conqueror: you will be scrap'd out of | Alisander the conqueror. You will be scraped out of | | LLL V.ii.572 | |
the painted cloth for this: your Lion that holds his | the painted cloth for this. Your lion, that holds his | | LLL V.ii.573 | |
Pollax sitting on a close stoole, will be giuen to Aiax. | pole-axe sitting on a close-stool, will be given to Ajax. | pole-axe, poleaxe (n.) battle-axe | LLL V.ii.574 | |
| | Ajax (n.) [pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength | | |
| | close-stool (n.) chamber-pot enclosed in a stool, privy | | |
He will be the ninth worthie. A Conqueror, and affraid | He will be the ninth Worthy. A conqueror, and afeard | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | LLL V.ii.575 | |
to speake? Runne away for shame Alisander. | to speak? Run away for shame, Alisander. | | LLL V.ii.576 | |
| Nathaniel retires | | LLL V.ii.577.1 | |
There an't shall please you: a foolish milde man, an | There, an't shall please you, a foolish mild man; an | and, an (conj.) if, whether | LLL V.ii.577 | |
honest man, looke you, & soon dasht. He is a maruellous | honest man, look you, and soon dashed. He is a marvellous | dash (v.) cast down, daunt, dishearten | LLL V.ii.578 | |
good neighbour insooth, and a verie good Bowler: | good neighbour, faith, and a very good bowler; | | LLL V.ii.579 | |
but for Alisander, alas you see, how 'tis a little | but for Alisander, alas, you see how 'tis – a little | | LLL V.ii.580 | |
ore-parted. But there are Worthies a comming, will speake | o'erparted. But there are Worthies a-coming will speak | overparted (adj.) unequal to the part, having too difficult a part to play | LLL V.ii.581 | |
their minde in some other sort. Exit Cu. | their mind in some other sort. | sort (n.) way, manner | LLL V.ii.582 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Stand aside good Pompey. | Stand aside, good Pompey. | | LLL V.ii.583 | |
Enter Pedant for Iudas, and the Boy for Hercules. | Enter Holofernes as Judas and Mote as Hercules | | LLL V.ii.584.1 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES as presenter | | | |
Great Hercules is presented by this Impe, | Great Hercules is presented by this imp, | imp (n.) child, scion, son | LLL V.ii.584 | |
Whose Club kil'd Cerberus that three-headed Canus, | Whose club killed Cerberus, that three-headed canus, | Cerberus (n.) ['sairberus] three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the Underworld, originally 50-headed; charmed to sleep by Orpheus during his quest to rescue Euridice | LLL V.ii.585 | |
And when he was a babe, a childe, a shrimpe, | And when he was a babe, a child, a shrimp, | | LLL V.ii.586 | |
Thus did he strangle Serpents in his Manus: | Thus did he strangle serpents in his manus. | | LLL V.ii.587 | |
Quoniam, he seemeth in minoritie, | Quoniam he seemeth in minority, | | LLL V.ii.588 | |
Ergo, I come with this Apologie. | Ergo I come with this apology. | ergo (adv.) therefore | LLL V.ii.589 | |
Keepe some state in thy exit, and vanish. | Keep some state in thy exit, and retire. | retire (v.) withdraw, take oneself away | LLL V.ii.590 | |
| | state (n.) splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity | | |
Exit Boy | Mote retires | | LLL V.ii.591.1 | |
Ped. | Holofernes speaks as Judas | | LLL V.ii.591.2 | |
Iudas I am. | Judas I am – | | LLL V.ii.591 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
A Iudas? | A Judas! | Judas (n.) in the Bible, Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Christ | LLL V.ii.592 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
Not Iscariot sir. | Not Iscariot, sir. | | LLL V.ii.593 | |
| (as Judas) | | LLL V.ii.594.1 | |
Iudas I am, ycliped Machabeus. | Judas I am, yclept Maccabaeus. | Judas Maccabaeus [maka'bayus] in the Bible, leader of a Jewish revolt, 2nd-c BC | LLL V.ii.594 | |
| | yclept (v.) [archaism] called | | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Iudas Machabeus clipt, is plaine Iudas. | Judas Maccabaeus clipped is plain Judas. | clip (v.) cut short, abbreviate, curtail | LLL V.ii.595 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
A kissing traitor. How art thou prou'd | A kissing traitor. How art thou proved | | LLL V.ii.596 | |
Iudas? | Judas? | | LLL V.ii.597 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES as Judas | | | |
Iudas I am. | Judas I am, – | | LLL V.ii.598 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
The more shame for you Iudas. | The more shame for you, Judas. | | LLL V.ii.599 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
What meane you sir? | What mean you, sir? | | LLL V.ii.600 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
To make Iudas hang himselfe. | To make Judas hang himself. | | LLL V.ii.601 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
Begin sir, you are my elder. | Begin, sir; you are my elder. | elder (n.) senior, superior | LLL V.ii.602 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Well follow'd, Iudas was hang'd on an Elder. | Well followed: Judas was hanged on an elder. | | LLL V.ii.603 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
I will not be put out of countenance. | I will not be put out of countenance. | countenance, out of into a disconcerted state | LLL V.ii.604 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Because thou hast no face. | Because thou hast no face. | | LLL V.ii.605 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
What is this? | What is this? | | LLL V.ii.606 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
A Citterne head. | A cittern-head. | cittern-head (n.) [term of abuse] cittern [type of guitar] with a grotesquely carved head | LLL V.ii.607 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
The head of a bodkin. | The head of a bodkin. | bodkin (n.) hair-pin, pin-shaped ornament | LLL V.ii.608 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
A deaths face in a ring. | A death's face in a ring. | face (n.) representation, image; skull | LLL V.ii.609 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
The face of an old Roman coine, scarce | The face of an old Roman coin, scarce | | LLL V.ii.610 | |
seene. | seen. | | LLL V.ii.611 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
The pummell of Casars Faulchion. | The pommel of Caesar's falchion. | pommel (n.) ornamental knob | LLL V.ii.612 | |
| | falchion (n.) curved broadsword | | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
The caru'd-bone face on a Flaske. | The carved bone face on a flask. | flask (n.) powder-flask, case for carrying gunpowder | LLL V.ii.613 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
S. Georges halfe cheeke in a brooch. | Saint George's half-cheek in a brooch. | half-cheek (n.) profile, side-view | LLL V.ii.614 | |
| | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | | |
| | brooch (n.) jewel, ornament | | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
I, and in a brooch of Lead. | Ay, in a brooch of lead. | | LLL V.ii.615 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
I, and worne in the cap of a Tooth-drawer. And | Ay, and worn in the cap of a toothdrawer. And | toothdrawer (n.) tooth-extractor, dentist | LLL V.ii.616 | |
now forward, for we haue put thee in countenance | now forward, for we have put thee in countenance. | countenance, put in make one feel comfortable, encourage | LLL V.ii.617 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
You haue put me out of countenance. | You have put me out of countenance. | countenance, out of into a disconcerted state | LLL V.ii.618 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
False, we haue giuen thee faces. | False! We have given thee faces. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | LLL V.ii.619 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
But you haue out-fac'd them all. | But you have outfaced them all. | outface (v.) put down, overcome, put to shame | LLL V.ii.620 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
And thou wer't a Lion, we would do so. | An thou wert a lion, we would do so. | and, an (conj.) if, even if | LLL V.ii.621 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Therefore as he is, an Asse, let him go: | Therefore, as he is an ass, let him go. | | LLL V.ii.622 | |
And so adieu sweet Iude. Nay, why dost thou stay? | And so adieu, sweet Jude. Nay, why dost thou stay? | | LLL V.ii.623 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
For the latter end of his name. | For the latter end of his name. | | LLL V.ii.624 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
For the Asse to the Iude: giue it him. Iud-as away. | For the ass to the Jude. Give it him. Jude-as, away! | | LLL V.ii.625 | |
Ped. | HOLOFERNES | | | |
This is not generous, not gentle, not humble. | This is not generous, not gentle, not humble. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | LLL V.ii.626 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
A light for monsieur Iudas, it growes darke, he may stumble. | A light for Monsieur Judas! It grows dark; he may stumble. | | LLL V.ii.627 | |
| Holofernes retires | | LLL V.ii.628 | |
Que. | PRINCESS | | | |
Alas poore Machabeus, how hath hee beene | Alas, poor Maccabaeus, how hath he been | | LLL V.ii.628 | |
baited. | baited! | bait (v.) harass, persecute, torment | LLL V.ii.629 | |
Enter Braggart. | Enter Armado as Hector | | LLL V.ii.630.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Hide thy head Achilles, heere comes Hector in | Hide thy head, Achilles! Here comes Hector in | Achilles (n.) [pron: a'kileez] son of Peleus and Thetis; only his spear could heal the wounds it made | LLL V.ii.630 | |
Armes. | arms. | | LLL V.ii.631 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Though my mockes come home by me, I will | Though my mocks come home by me, I will | mock (n.) act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony | LLL V.ii.632 | |
| | come home rebound, come back [on] | | |
now be merrie. | now be merry. | | LLL V.ii.633 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Hector was but a Troyan in respect of this. | Hector was but a Trojan in respect of this. | Troyan, Trojan (n.) fellow, knave | LLL V.ii.634 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
But is this Hector? | But is this Hector? | | LLL V.ii.635 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
I thinke Hector was not so cleane timber'd. | I think Hector was not so clean-timbered. | clean-timbered (adj.) well-built, clean-limbed | LLL V.ii.636 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
His legge is too big for Hector. | His leg is too big for Hector's. | | LLL V.ii.637 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
More Calfe certaine. | More calf, certain. | | LLL V.ii.638 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
No, he is best indued in the small. | No; he is best indued in the small. | indue, endue (v.) endow, furnish, provide | LLL V.ii.639 | |
| | small (n.) lower leg | | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
This cannot be Hector. | This cannot be Hector. | | LLL V.ii.640 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
He's a God or a Painter, for he makes faces. | He's a god or a painter; for he makes faces. | | LLL V.ii.641 | |
Brag. | ARMADO as Hector | | | |
The Armipotent Mars, of Launces the almighty, | The armipotent Mars, of lances the almighty, | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | LLL V.ii.642 | |
| | armipotent (adj.) mighty in arms, powerful in arms | | |
gaue Hector a gift. | Gave Hector a gift – | | LLL V.ii.643 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
A gilt Nutmegge. | A gilt nutmeg. | gilt (adj.) coated, glazed | LLL V.ii.644 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
A Lemmon. | A lemon. | | LLL V.ii.645 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
Stucke with Cloues. | Stuck with cloves. | | LLL V.ii.646 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
No clouen. | No, cloven. | | LLL V.ii.647 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
| Peace! | | LLL V.ii.648 | |
| (as Hector) | | LLL V.ii.649 | |
The Armipotent Mars of Launces the almighty, | The armipotent Mars, of lances the almighty, | | LLL V.ii.649 | |
Gaue Hector a gift, the heire of Illion; | Gave Hector a gift, the heir of Ilion; | Ilion, Ilium (n.) poetic names for the city of Troy | LLL V.ii.650 | |
A man so breathed, that certaine he would fight: yea | A man so breathed that certain he would fight, yea, | breathed (adj.) strong-winded, well-exercised | LLL V.ii.651 | |
From morne till night, out of his Pauillion. | From morn till night, out of his pavilion. | morn (n.) morning, dawn | LLL V.ii.652 | |
| | pavilion (n.) ceremonial tent | | |
I am that Flower. | I am that flower – | | LLL V.ii.653.1 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
That Mint. | That mint! | | LLL V.ii.653.2 | |
Long. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
That Cullambine. | That columbine! | | LLL V.ii.653.3 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Sweet Lord Longauill reine thy tongue. | Sweet Lord Longaville, rein thy tongue. | | LLL V.ii.654 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
I must rather giue it the reine: for it runnes | I must rather give it the rein, for it runs | | LLL V.ii.655 | |
against Hector. | against Hector. | | LLL V.ii.656 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
I, and Hector's a Grey-hound. | Ay, and Hector's a greyhound. | | LLL V.ii.657 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
The sweet War-man is dead and rotten, / Sweet | The sweet war-man is dead and rotten. Sweet | | LLL V.ii.658 | |
chuckes, beat not the bones of the buried: | chucks, beat not the bones of the buried. When he | chuck (n.) chicken, chick [usually as a term of endearment] | LLL V.ii.659 | |
But I will forward with my | breathed, he was a man. But I will forward with my | | LLL V.ii.660 | |
deuice; / Sweet Royaltie bestow on me the sence of | device. Sweet royalty, bestow on me the sense of | device (n.) show, performance, production | LLL V.ii.661 | |
hearing. | hearing. | | LLL V.ii.662 | |
Berowne steppes forth. | Berowne steps forth and whispers to Costard | | LLL V.ii.663.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Speake braue Hector, we are much delighted. | Speak, brave Hector; we are much delighted. | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | LLL V.ii.663 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
I do adore thy sweet Graces slipper. | I do adore thy sweet grace's slipper. | | LLL V.ii.664 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
Loues her by the foot. | Loves her by the foot. | | LLL V.ii.665 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
He may not by the yard. | He may not by the yard. | yard (n.) yard measure | LLL V.ii.666 | |
Brag. | ARMADO as Hector | | | |
This Hector farre surmounted Hanniball. | This Hector far surmounted Hannibal; | surmount (v.) excel, surpass, outshine | LLL V.ii.667 | |
| | Hannibal (n.) Carthaginian general, 3rd-c BC | | |
The partie is gone.. | The party is gone – | party (n.) person, fellow | LLL V.ii.668 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Fellow Hector, she is gone; she is two moneths | Fellow Hector, she is gone! She is two months | gone (adj.) lost, ruined, brought down | LLL V.ii.669 | |
on her way. | on her way. | way, on one's pregnant, with child | LLL V.ii.670 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
What meanest thou? | What meanest thou? | | LLL V.ii.671 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Faith vnlesse you play the honest Troyan, the | Faith, unless you play the honest Trojan, the | honest (adj.) honourable, respectable, upright | LLL V.ii.672 | |
| | Troyan, Trojan (n.) merry fellow, good companion | | |
poore Wench is cast away: she's quick, the child brags | poor wench is cast away. She's quick; the child brags | quick (adj.) pregnant, with child | LLL V.ii.673 | |
in her belly alreadie: tis yours. | in her belly already. 'Tis yours. | | LLL V.ii.674 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Dost thou infamonize me among Potentates? | Dost thou infamonize me among potentates? | infamonize (v.) brand with infamy, defame | LLL V.ii.675 | |
Thou shalt die. | Thou shalt die! | | LLL V.ii.676 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Then shall Hector be whipt for Iaquenetta | Then shall Hector be whipped for Jaquenetta | | LLL V.ii.677 | |
that is quicke by him, and hang'd for Pompey, that is | that is quick by him, and hanged for Pompey that is | quick (adj.) pregnant, with child | LLL V.ii.678 | |
dead by him. | dead by him. | | LLL V.ii.679 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Most rare Pompey. | Most rare Pompey! | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | LLL V.ii.680 | |
Boi. | BOYET | | | |
Renowned Pompey. | Renowned Pompey! | | LLL V.ii.681 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Greater then great, great, great, great | Greater than ‘ Great ’! Great, great, great | | LLL V.ii.682 | |
Pompey: Pompey the huge. | Pompey! Pompey the Huge! | | LLL V.ii.683 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Hector trembles. | Hector trembles. | | LLL V.ii.684 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Pompey is moued, more Atees more Atees stirre | Pompey is moved. More Ates, more Ates! Stir | Ates (n.) [pron: 'ahteez] discord, strife, destruction | LLL V.ii.685 | |
them, or stirre them on. | them on, stir them on! | | LLL V.ii.686 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Hector will challenge him. | Hector will challenge him. | | LLL V.ii.687 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
I, if a'haue no more mans blood in's belly, | Ay, if 'a have no more man's blood in his belly | | LLL V.ii.688 | |
then will sup a Flea. | than will sup a flea. | sup (v.) provide supper for | LLL V.ii.689 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
By the North-pole I do challenge thee. | By the north pole, I do challenge thee. | | LLL V.ii.690 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
I wil not fight with a pole like a Northern man; | I will not fight with a pole like a northern man. | | LLL V.ii.691 | |
Ile slash, Ile do it by the sword: I pray you let mee | I'll slash; I'll do it by the sword. I bepray you, let me | bepray (v.) pray | LLL V.ii.692 | |
borrow my Armes againe. | borrow my arms again. | | LLL V.ii.693 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Roome for the incensed Worthies. | Room for the incensed Worthies. | incensed (adj.) inflamed, angered, enraged | LLL V.ii.694 | |
Clo. | COSTARD | | | |
Ile do it in my shirt. | I'll do it in my shirt. | | LLL V.ii.695 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Most resolute Pompey. | Most resolute Pompey! | | LLL V.ii.696 | |
Page. | MOTE | | | |
Master, let me take you a button hole lower: / Do you | Master, let me take you a buttonhole lower. Do you | | LLL V.ii.697 | |
not see Pompey is vncasing for the combat: what | not see, Pompey is uncasing for the combat. What | uncase (v.) take off outer garments, undress | LLL V.ii.698 | |
meane you? you will lose your reputation. | mean you? You will lose your reputation. | | LLL V.ii.699 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Gentlemen and Souldiers pardon me, I will not | Gentlemen and soldiers, pardon me. I will not | | LLL V.ii.700 | |
combat in my shirt. | combat in my shirt. | | LLL V.ii.701 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
You may not denie it, Pompey hath made the | You may not deny it. Pompey hath made the | | LLL V.ii.702 | |
challenge. | challenge. | | LLL V.ii.703 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Sweet bloods, I both may, and will. | Sweet bloods, I both may and will. | blood (n.) man of fire, hot-blooded fellow, spirited youth | LLL V.ii.704 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
What reason haue you for't? | What reason have you for't? | | LLL V.ii.705 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
The naked truth of it is, I haue no shirt, / I go | The naked truth of it is, I have no shirt. I go | | LLL V.ii.706 | |
woolward for penance. | woolward for penance. | woolward (adj.) wearing wool next to the skin | LLL V.ii.707 | |
Boy. | BOYET | | | |
True, and it was inioyned him in Rome for want of | True, and it was enjoined him in Rome for want of | | LLL V.ii.708 | |
Linnen: since when, Ile be sworne he wore none, but a | linen. Since when, I'll be sworn, he wore none but a | | LLL V.ii.709 | |
dishclout of Iaquenettas, and that hee weares next his | dishclout of Jaquenetta's, and that 'a wears next his | dishclout (n.) dishcloth, rag | LLL V.ii.710 | |
heart for a fauour. | heart for a favour. | | LLL V.ii.711 | |
Enter a Messenger, Monsieur Marcade. | Enter a messenger, Monsieur Marcade | | LLL V.ii.712 | |
Mar. | MARCADE | | | |
God saue you Madame. | God save you, madam. | | LLL V.ii.712.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Welcome Marcade, | Welcome, Marcade, | | LLL V.ii.712.2 | |
but that thou interruptest our merriment. | But that thou interruptest our merriment. | | LLL V.ii.713 | |
Marc. | MARCADE | | | |
I am sorrie Madam, for the newes I bring | I am sorry, madam, for the news I bring | | LLL V.ii.714 | |
is heauie in my tongue. The King your father | Is heavy in my tongue. The King your father – | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | LLL V.ii.715 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Dead for my life. | Dead, for my life! | | LLL V.ii.716.1 | |
Mar. | MARCADE | | | |
Euen so: My tale is told. | Even so; my tale is told. | | LLL V.ii.716.2 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Worthies away, the Scene begins to cloud. | Worthies, away! The scene begins to cloud. | | LLL V.ii.717 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
For mine owne part, I breath free breath: I haue | For mine own part, I breathe free breath. I have | | LLL V.ii.718 | |
seene the day of wrong, through the little hole of discretion, | seen the day of wrong through the little hole of discretion, | | LLL V.ii.719 | |
and I will right my selfe like a Souldier. | and I will right myself like a soldier. | | LLL V.ii.720 | |
Exeunt Worthies | Exeunt Worthies | | LLL V.ii.720 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
How fare's your Maiestie? | How fares your majesty? | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | LLL V.ii.721 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Boyet prepare, I will away to night. | Boyet, prepare. I will away tonight. | | LLL V.ii.722 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Madame not so, I do beseech you stay. | Madam, not so. I do beseech you, stay. | | LLL V.ii.723 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Prepare I say. I thanke you gracious Lords | Prepare, I say. I thank you, gracious lords, | | LLL V.ii.724 | |
For all your faire endeuours and entreats: | For all your fair endeavours, and entreat, | | LLL V.ii.725 | |
Out of a new sad-soule, that you vouchsafe, | Out of a new-sad soul, that you vouchsafe | | LLL V.ii.726 | |
In your rich wisedome to excuse, or hide, | In your rich wisdom to excuse or hide | hide (v.) disregard, overlook, put out of sight | LLL V.ii.727 | |
The liberall opposition of our spirits, | The liberal opposition of our spirits, | opposition (n.) presenting for combat, contesting, encounter | LLL V.ii.728 | |
| | liberal (adj.) free-and-easy, unrestrained | | |
If ouer-boldly we haue borne our selues, | If overboldly we have borne ourselves | | LLL V.ii.729 | |
In the conuerse of breath (your gentlenesse | In the converse of breath. Your gentleness | converse (n.) conversation, discourse, interaction | LLL V.ii.730 | |
| | gentleness (n.) nobility, good breeding, courtesy | | |
| | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | | |
Was guiltie of it.) Farewell worthie Lord: | Was guilty of it. Farewell, worthy lord! | | LLL V.ii.731 | |
A heauie heart beares not a humble tongue. | A heavy heart bears not a humble tongue. | humble (adj.) polite, well-mannered, civil | LLL V.ii.732 | |
| | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | | |
Excuse me so, comming so short of thankes, | Excuse me so, coming too short of thanks | | LLL V.ii.733 | |
For my great suite, so easily obtain'd. | For my great suit so easily obtained. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | LLL V.ii.734 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
The extreme parts of time, extremelie formes | The extreme parts of time extremely forms | part (n.) action, conduct, behaviour | LLL V.ii.735 | |
All causes to the purpose of his speed: | All causes to the purpose of his speed, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | LLL V.ii.736 | |
And often at his verie loose decides | And often at his very loose decides | loose (n.) [archery] moment of release, crucial point | LLL V.ii.737 | |
That, which long processe could not arbitrate. | That which long process could not arbitrate. | process (n.) proceedings, dealings | LLL V.ii.738 | |
And though the mourning brow of progenie | And though the mourning brow of progeny | progeny (n.) child | LLL V.ii.739 | |
| | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | | |
Forbid the smiling curtesie of Loue: | Forbid the smiling courtesy of love | | LLL V.ii.740 | |
The holy suite which faine it would conuince, | The holy suit which fain it would convince, | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | LLL V.ii.741 | |
| | convince (v.) establish, prove, demonstrate | | |
Yet since loues argument was first on foote, | Yet, since love's argument was first on foot, | argument (n.) subject, point, theme, target | LLL V.ii.742 | |
Let not the cloud of sorrow iustle it | Let not the cloud of sorrow jostle it | | LLL V.ii.743 | |
From what it purpos'd: since to waile friends lost, | From what it purposed; since to wail friends lost | wail (v.) bewail, lament, grieve [for] | LLL V.ii.744 | |
Is not by much so wholsome profitable, | Is not by much so wholesome-profitable | wholesome-profitable (adj.) beneficial to well-being | LLL V.ii.745 | |
As to reioyce at friends but newly found. | As to rejoice at friends but newly found. | | LLL V.ii.746 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
I vnderstand you not, my greefes are double. | I understand you not. My griefs are double. | | LLL V.ii.747 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Honest plain words, best pierce the ears of griefe | Honest plain words best pierce the ear of grief; | | LLL V.ii.748 | |
And by these badges vnderstand the King, | And by these badges understand the King. | badge (n.) outward sign, symbol, mark | LLL V.ii.749 | |
For your faire sakes haue we neglected time, | For your fair sakes have we neglected time, | neglect (v.) cause to be neglected | LLL V.ii.750 | |
Plaid foule play with our oaths: your beautie Ladies | Played foul play with our oaths. Your beauty, ladies, | | LLL V.ii.751 | |
Hath much deformed vs, fashioning our humors | Hath much deformed us, fashioning our humours | humour (n.) fancy, whim, inclination, caprice | LLL V.ii.752 | |
Euen to the opposed end of our intents. | Even to the opposed end of our intents; | end (n.) purpose, aim, design | LLL V.ii.753 | |
| | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | | |
And what in vs hath seem'd ridiculous: | And what in us hath seemed ridiculous – | | LLL V.ii.754 | |
As Loue is full of vnbefitting straines, | As love is full of unbefitting strains, | strain (n.) trait, feature, tendency | LLL V.ii.755 | |
All wanton as a childe, skipping and vaine. | All wanton as a child, skipping and vain, | wanton (adj.) carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful | LLL V.ii.756 | |
| | skipping (adj.) frivolous, flighty, frolicsome | | |
| | vain (adj.) foolish, silly, stupid | | |
Form'd by the eie, and therefore like the eie. | Formed by the eye and therefore, like the eye, | | LLL V.ii.757 | |
Full of straying shapes, of habits, and of formes | Full of straying shapes, of habits, and of forms, | habit (n.) behaviour, bearing, demeanour | LLL V.ii.758 | |
| | form (n.) image, likeness, shape | | |
| | straying (adj.) winding, twisting, rambling | | |
Varying in subiects as the eie doth roule, | Varying in subjects as the eye doth roll | | LLL V.ii.759 | |
To euerie varied obiect in his glance: | To every varied object in his glance; | | LLL V.ii.760 | |
Which partie-coated presence of loose loue | Which parti-coated presence of loose love | presence (n.) appearance, bearing, demeanour | LLL V.ii.761 | |
| | parti-coated (adj.) motley, of many forms | | |
| | loose (adj.) flirtatious, unconstrained, uninhibited | | |
Put on by vs, if in your heauenly eies, | Put on by us, if, in your heavenly eyes, | | LLL V.ii.762 | |
Haue misbecom'd our oathes and grauities. | Have misbecomed our oaths and gravities, | misbecome (v.) appear unbecoming to, be unseemly to | LLL V.ii.763 | |
| | gravity (n.) respectability, authority, dignified position | | |
Those heauenlie eies that looke into these faults, | Those heavenly eyes, that look into these faults, | | LLL V.ii.764 | |
Suggested vs to make: therefore Ladies | Suggested us to make. Therefore, ladies, | suggest (v.) tempt, prompt, incite | LLL V.ii.765 | |
Our loue being yours, the error that Loue makes | Our love being yours, the error that love makes | | LLL V.ii.766 | |
Is likewise yonrs. We to our selues proue false, | Is likewise yours. We to ourselves prove false | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | LLL V.ii.767 | |
By being once false, for euer to be true | By being once false for ever to be true | | LLL V.ii.768 | |
To those that make vs both, faire Ladies you. | To those that make us both – fair ladies, you. | | LLL V.ii.769 | |
And euen that falshood in it selfe a sinne, | And even that falsehood, in itself a sin, | | LLL V.ii.770 | |
Thus purifies it selfe, and turnes to grace. | Thus purifies itself and turns to grace. | | LLL V.ii.771 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
We haue receiu'd your Letters, full of Loue: | We have received your letters, full of love; | | LLL V.ii.772 | |
Your Fauours, the Ambassadors of Loue. | Your favours, the ambassadors of love; | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | LLL V.ii.773 | |
And in our maiden counsaile rated them, | And, in our maiden counsel rated them | rate (v.) reckon, estimate, appraise | LLL V.ii.774 | |
At courtship, pleasant iest, and curtesie, | At courtship, pleasant jest, and courtesy, | | LLL V.ii.775 | |
As bumbast and as lining to the time: | As bombast and as lining to the time. | bombast, bumbast (n.) wool padding, stuffing; also: high-flown language, empty words | LLL V.ii.776 | |
But more deuout then these are our respects | But more devout than this in our respects | devout (adj.) serious, devoted, committed | LLL V.ii.777 | |
| | respect (n.) attention, heed, deliberation | | |
Haue we not bene, and therefore met your loues | Have we not been; and therefore met your loves | | LLL V.ii.778 | |
In their owne fashion, like a merriment. | In their own fashion, like a merriment. | | LLL V.ii.779 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
Our letters Madam, shew'd much more then iest. | Our letters, madam, showed much more than jest. | | LLL V.ii.780 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
So did our lookes. | So did our looks. | | LLL V.ii.781.1 | |
Rosa. | ROSALINE | | | |
We did not coat them so. | We did not quote them so. | quote (v.) regard, consider, interpret | LLL V.ii.781.2 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Now at the latest minute of the houre, | Now, at the latest minute of the hour, | | LLL V.ii.782 | |
Grant vs your loues. | Grant us your loves. | | LLL V.ii.783.1 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
A time me thinkes too short, | A time, methinks, too short | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | LLL V.ii.783.2 | |
To make a world-without-end bargaine in; | To make a world-without-end bargain in. | | LLL V.ii.784 | |
No, no my Lord, your Grace is periur'd much, | No, no, my lord, your grace is perjured much, | | LLL V.ii.785 | |
Full of deare guiltinesse, and therefore this: | Full of dear guiltiness; and therefore this: | dear (adj.) dire, grievous, hard | LLL V.ii.786 | |
If for my Loue (as there is no such cause) | If for my love – as there is no such cause – | cause (n.) affair, business, subject | LLL V.ii.787 | |
You will do ought, this shall you do for me. | You will do aught, this shall you do for me: | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | LLL V.ii.788 | |
Your oth I will not trust: but go with speed | Your oath I will not trust; but go with speed | | LLL V.ii.789 | |
To some forlorne and naked Hermitage, | To some forlorn and naked hermitage, | naked (adj.) bare, austere, unfurnished | LLL V.ii.790 | |
Remote from all the pleasures of the world: | Remote from all the pleasures of the world; | | LLL V.ii.791 | |
There stay, vntill the twelue Celestiall Signes | There stay until the twelve celestial signs | | LLL V.ii.792 | |
Haue brought about their annuall reckoning. | Have brought about the annual reckoning. | reckoning (n.) counting up, enumeration, calculation | LLL V.ii.793 | |
If this austere insociable life, | If this austere insociable life | insociable (adj.) unsociable, lacking the benefits of society | LLL V.ii.794 | |
Change not your offer made in heate of blood: | Change not your offer made in heat of blood; | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | LLL V.ii.795 | |
If frosts, and fasts, hard lodging, and thin weeds | If frosts and fasts, hard lodging and thin weeds, | thin (adj.) flimsy, threadbare, insufficient | LLL V.ii.796 | |
| | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | | |
Nip not the gaudie blossomes of your Loue, | Nip not the gaudy blossoms of your love, | gaudy (adj.) bright, brilliant, shining | LLL V.ii.797 | |
But that it beare this triall, and last loue: | But that it bear this trial, and last love; | last (v.) remain, stay, persist as | LLL V.ii.798 | |
Then at the expiration of the yeare, | Then, at the expiration of the year, | | LLL V.ii.799 | |
Come challenge me, challenge me by these deserts, | Come challenge me, challenge by these deserts, | challenge (v.) demand as a right, claim, call for, insist on | LLL V.ii.800 | |
| | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | | |
And by this Virgin palme, now kissing thine, | And, by this virgin palm now kissing thine, | | LLL V.ii.801 | |
I will be thine: and till that instant shut | I will be thine; and, till that instance, shut | instance (n.) moment, point in time | LLL V.ii.802 | |
My wofull selfe vp in a mourning house, | My woeful self up in a mourning house, | | LLL V.ii.803 | |
Raining the teares of lamentation, | Raining the tears of lamentation | | LLL V.ii.804 | |
For the remembrance of my Fathers death. | For the remembrance of my father's death. | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | LLL V.ii.805 | |
If this thou do denie, let our hands part, | If this thou do deny, let our hands part, | | LLL V.ii.806 | |
Neither intitled in the others hart. | Neither entitled in the other's heart. | entitle, intitle (v.) have a rightful claim [to] | LLL V.ii.807 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
If this, or more then this, I would denie, | If this, or more than this, I would deny, | | LLL V.ii.808 | |
To flatter vp these powers of mine with rest, | To flatter up these powers of mine with rest, | power (n.) faculty, function, ability | LLL V.ii.809 | |
| | flatter up (v.) pamper, indulge, mollycoddle | | |
The sodaine hand of death close vp mine eie. | The sudden hand of death close up mine eye! | | LLL V.ii.810 | |
Hence euer then, my heart is in thy brest. / Ber. And what to me my Loue? and what to me? / Ros. You must be purged too, your sins are rack'd. / You are attaint with faults and periurie: / Therefore if you my fauor meane to get, / A tweluemonth shall you spend, and neuer rest, / But seeke the wearie beds of people sicke. | | purge (v.) cleanse, purify, get rid of impurities [in] | LLL V.ii.811 | |
| | rack (v.) stretch on the rack | | |
| | attaint (v.) taint [by treason], corrupt | | |
| The King and the Princess converse apart | | LLL V.ii.812 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
But what to me my loue? but what to me? | But what to me, my love? But what to me? | | LLL V.ii.812 | |
A wife? | A wife? | | LLL V.ii.813.1 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
a beard, faire health, and honestie, | A beard, fair health, and honesty; | | LLL V.ii.813.2 | |
With three-fold loue, I wish you all these three. | With threefold love I wish you all these three. | | LLL V.ii.814 | |
Du. | DUMAINE | | | |
O shall I say, I thanke you gentle wife? | O, shall I say ‘ I thank you, gentle wife ’? | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | LLL V.ii.815 | |
Kat. | KATHARINE | | | |
Not so my Lord, a tweluemonth and a day, | Not so, my lord. A twelvemonth and a day | | LLL V.ii.816 | |
Ile marke no words that smoothfac'd wooers say. | I'll mark no words that smooth-faced wooers say. | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | LLL V.ii.817 | |
| | smooth-faced (adj.) plausible, bland, glib, deceitful | | |
Come when the King doth to my Ladie come: | Come when the King doth to my lady come; | | LLL V.ii.818 | |
Then if I haue much loue, Ile giue you some. | Then, if I have much love, I'll give you some. | | LLL V.ii.819 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
Ile serue thee true and faithfully till then. | I'll serve thee true and faithfully till then. | | LLL V.ii.820 | |
Kath. | KATHARINE | | | |
Yet sweare not, least ye be forsworne agen. | Yet swear not, lest ye be forsworn again. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | LLL V.ii.821 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.822 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
What saies Maria? | What says Maria? | | LLL V.ii.822.1 | |
Mari. | MARIA | | | |
At the tweluemonths end, | At the twelvemonth's end | | LLL V.ii.822.2 | |
Ile change my blacke Gowne, for a faithfull friend. | I'll change my black gown for a faithful friend. | friend (n.) lover, sweetheart, suitor | LLL V.ii.823 | |
Lon. | LONGAVILLE | | | |
Ile stay with patience: but the time is long. | I'll stay with patience, but the time is long. | stay (v.) linger, tarry, delay | LLL V.ii.824 | |
Mari. | MARIA | | | |
The liker you, few taller are so yong. | The liker you; few taller are so young. | | LLL V.ii.825 | |
| They converse apart | | LLL V.ii.826.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Studies my Ladie? Mistresse, looke on me, | Studies my lady? Mistress, look on me, | study (v.) deliberate, meditate, reflect [on] | LLL V.ii.826 | |
Behold the window of my heart, mine eie: | Behold the window of my heart, mine eye, | | LLL V.ii.827 | |
What humble suite attends thy answer there, | What humble suit attends thy answer there. | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | LLL V.ii.828 | |
| | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | | |
Impose some seruice on me for my loue. | Impose some service on me for thy love. | | LLL V.ii.829 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Oft haue I heard of you my Lord Berowne, | Oft have I heard of you, my lord Berowne, | oft (adv.) often | LLL V.ii.830 | |
Before I saw you: and the worlds large tongue | Before I saw you, and the world's large tongue | | LLL V.ii.831 | |
Proclaimes you for a man repleate with mockes, | Proclaims you for a man replete with mocks, | mock (n.) act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony | LLL V.ii.832 | |
Full of comparisons, and wounding floutes: | Full of comparisons and wounding flouts, | flout (n.) insult, jibe, taunt | LLL V.ii.833 | |
| | comparison (n.) jibing allusion, scoffing analogy | | |
Which you on all estates will execute, | Which you on all estates will execute | execute (v.) carry out, fulfil, perform | LLL V.ii.834 | |
| | estate (n.) degree of rank, place in life, type of person | | |
That lie within the mercie of your wit. | That lie within the mercy of your wit. | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | LLL V.ii.835 | |
To weed this Wormewood from your fruitfull braine, | To weed this wormwood from your fruitful brain, | wormwood (n.) bitter substance, bitterness | LLL V.ii.836 | |
And therewithall to win me, if you please, | And therewithal to win me, if you please, | | LLL V.ii.837 | |
Without the which I am not to be won: | Without the which I am not to be won, | | LLL V.ii.838 | |
You shall this tweluemonth terme from day to day, | You shall this twelvemonth term from day to day | | LLL V.ii.839 | |
Visite the speechlesse sicke, and still conuerse | Visit the speechless sick, and still converse | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | LLL V.ii.840 | |
| | converse (v.) associate, keep company | | |
With groaning wretches: and your taske shall be, | With groaning wretches; and your task shall be | | LLL V.ii.841 | |
With all the fierce endeuour of your wit, | With all the fierce endeavour of your wit | fierce (adj.) ardent, active, vigorous | LLL V.ii.842 | |
To enforce the pained impotent to smile. | To enforce the pained impotent to smile. | impotent (adj.) helpless, powerless, decrepit | LLL V.ii.843 | |
| | pained (adj.) tormented, distressed, persecuted | | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
To moue wilde laughter in the throate of death? | To move wild laughter in the throat of death? | move (v.) encourage, instigate, prompt | LLL V.ii.844 | |
It cannot be, it is impossible. | It cannot be; it is impossible; | | LLL V.ii.845 | |
Mirth cannot moue a soule in agonie. | Mirth cannot move a soul in agony. | | LLL V.ii.846 | |
Ros. | ROSALINE | | | |
Why that's the way to choke a gibing spirit, | Why, that's the way to choke a gibing spirit, | gibing (adj.) scoffing, taunting, jeering | LLL V.ii.847 | |
Whose influence is begot of that loose grace, | Whose influence is begot of that loose grace | loose (adj.) casual, lax, careless | LLL V.ii.848 | |
| | grace (n.) gracefulness, charm, elegance | | |
Which shallow laughing hearers giue to fooles: | Which shallow laughing hearers give to fools. | shallow (adj.) naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character | LLL V.ii.849 | |
A iests prosperitie, lies in the eare | A jest's prosperity lies in the ear | | LLL V.ii.850 | |
Of him that heares it, neuer in the tongue | Of him that hears it, never in the tongue | | LLL V.ii.851 | |
Of him that makes it: then, if sickly eares, | Of him that makes it. Then, if sickly ears, | | LLL V.ii.852 | |
Deaft with the clamors of their owne deare grones, | Deafed with the clamours of their own dear groans, | deaf (v.) deafen | LLL V.ii.853 | |
| | dear (adj.) heartfelt, earnest, zealous | | |
Will heare your idle scornes; continue then, | Will hear your idle scorns, continue then, | idle (adj.) foolish, stupid, empty-headed | LLL V.ii.854 | |
| | scorn (n.) mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision | | |
And I will haue you, and that fault withall. | And I will have you and that fault withal; | | LLL V.ii.855 | |
But if they will not, throw away that spirit, | But if they will not, throw away that spirit, | | LLL V.ii.856 | |
And I shal finde you emptie of that fault, | And I shall find you empty of that fault, | | LLL V.ii.857 | |
Right ioyfull of your reformation. | Right joyful of your reformation. | | LLL V.ii.858 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
A tweluemonth? Well: befall what will befall, | A twelvemonth? Well, befall what will befall, | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen, occur, take place, turn out | LLL V.ii.859 | |
Ile iest a tweluemonth in an Hospitall. | I'll jest a twelvemonth in an hospital. | | LLL V.ii.860 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
| (to the King) | | LLL V.ii.861 | |
I sweet my Lord, and so I take my leaue. | Ay, sweet my lord, and so I take my leave. | | LLL V.ii.861 | |
King. | KING | | | |
No Madam, we will bring you on your way. | No, madam, we will bring you on your way. | bring (v.) accompany, conduct, escort | LLL V.ii.862 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
Our woing doth not end like an old Play: | Our wooing doth not end like an old play; | | LLL V.ii.863 | |
Iacke hath not Gill: these Ladies courtesie | Jack hath not Jill. These ladies' courtesy | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners | LLL V.ii.864 | |
Might wel haue made our sport a Comedie. | Might well have made our sport a comedy. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | LLL V.ii.865 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Come sir, it wants a tweluemonth and a day, | Come, sir, it wants a twelvemonth and a day, | want (v.) require, demand, need | LLL V.ii.866 | |
And then 'twil end. | And then 'twill end. | | LLL V.ii.867.1 | |
Ber. | BEROWNE | | | |
That's too long for a play. | That's too long for a play. | | LLL V.ii.867.2 | |
Enter Braggart. | Enter Armado | | LLL V.ii.868 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Sweet Maiesty vouchsafe me. | Sweet majesty, vouchsafe me – | | LLL V.ii.868 | |
Qu. | PRINCESS | | | |
Was not that Hector? | Was not that Hector? | | LLL V.ii.869 | |
Dum. | DUMAINE | | | |
The worthie Knight of Troy. | The worthy knight of Troy. | | LLL V.ii.870 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
I wil kisse thy royal finger, and take leaue. I am | I will kiss thy royal finger, and take leave. I am | | LLL V.ii.871 | |
a Votarie, I haue vow'd to Iaquenetta to holde the Plough | a votary; I have vowed to Jaquenetta to hold the plough | votary (n.) someone bound by a special vow | LLL V.ii.872 | |
for her sweet loue three yeares. But most esteemed | for her sweet love three year. But, most esteemed | | LLL V.ii.873 | |
greatnesse, wil you heare the Dialogue that the two | greatness, will you hear the dialogue that the two | | LLL V.ii.874 | |
Learned men haue compiled, in praise of the Owle and the | learned men have compiled in praise of the owl and the | | LLL V.ii.875 | |
Cuckow? It should haue followed in the end of our | cuckoo? It should have followed in the end of our | | LLL V.ii.876 | |
shew. | show. | | LLL V.ii.877 | |
Kin. | KING | | | |
Call them forth quickely, we will do so. | Call them forth quickly; we will do so. | | LLL V.ii.878 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
Holla, Approach. | Holla! Approach. | | LLL V.ii.879 | |
Enter all. | Enter all | | LLL V.ii.880.1 | |
This side is Hiems, Winter. / This Ver, the Spring: the | This side is Hiems, winter; this Ver, the spring; the | Ver (n.) [personification of] spring, springtime | LLL V.ii.880 | |
| | Hiems (n.) [pron: 'hiyemz] winter [personified] | | |
one maintained by the Owle, / Th'other by the Cuckow. | one maintained by the owl, th' other by the cuckoo. | maintain (v.) defend, justify, support | LLL V.ii.881 | |
Ver, begin. | Ver, begin. | | LLL V.ii.882 | |
The Song. | VER | | | |
When Dasies pied, and Violets blew, | When daisies pied and violets blue | pied (adj.) of different colours, multi-coloured | LLL V.ii.883 | |
And Cuckow-buds of yellow hew: | And lady-smocks all silver-white | lady-smock (n.) cuckoo-flower | LLL V.ii.884 | |
And Ladie-smockes all siluer white, | And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue | cuckoo-bud (n.) [unclear meaning] type of flower, perhaps chosen because its name resembles 'cuckold'; or: buttercup | LLL V.ii.885 | |
Do paint the Medowes with delight. | Do paint the meadows with delight, | | LLL V.ii.886 | |
The Cuckow then on euerie tree, | The cuckoo then, on every tree, | | LLL V.ii.887 | |
Mockes married men, for thus sings he, | Mocks married men; for thus sings he: | | LLL V.ii.888 | |
Cuckow. | ‘ Cuckoo! | | LLL V.ii.889 | |
Cuckow, Cuckow: O word of feare, | Cuckoo, cuckoo!’ O, word of fear, | | LLL V.ii.890 | |
Vnpleasing to a married eare. | Unpleasing to a married ear! | | LLL V.ii.891 | |
When Shepheards pipe on Oaten strawes, | When shepherds pipe on oaten straws, | | LLL V.ii.892 | |
And merrie Larkes are Ploughmens clockes: | And merry larks are ploughmen's clocks, | | LLL V.ii.893 | |
When Turtles tread, and Rookes and Dawes, | When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, | turtle (n.) turtle-dove, lover | LLL V.ii.894 | |
| | tread (v.) mate, pair up | | |
| | daw (n.) jackdaw [without any implication] | | |
And Maidens bleach their summer smockes: | And maidens bleach their summer smocks, | | LLL V.ii.895 | |
The Cuckow then on euerie tree | The cuckoo then, on every tree, | | LLL V.ii.896 | |
Mockes married men; for thus sings he, | Mocks married men; for thus sings he: | | LLL V.ii.897 | |
Cuckow. | ‘Cuckoo! | | LLL V.ii.898 | |
Cuckow, Cuckow: O word of feare, | Cuckoo, cuckoo!' O, word of fear, | | LLL V.ii.899 | |
Vnpleasing to a married eare. | Unpleasing to a married ear! | | LLL V.ii.900 | |
Winter. | HIEMS | | | |
When Isicles hang by the wall, | When icicles hang by the wall, | | LLL V.ii.901 | |
And Dicke the Sphepheard blowes his naile; | And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, | blow one's nail / nails twiddle one's thumbs, wait patiently | LLL V.ii.902 | |
And Tom beares Logges into the hall, | And Tom bears logs into the hall, | | LLL V.ii.903 | |
And Milke comes frozen home in paile: | And milk comes frozen home in pail, | | LLL V.ii.904 | |
When blood is nipt, and waies be fowle, | When blood is nipped, and ways be foul, | | LLL V.ii.905 | |
Then nightly sings the staring Owle | Then nightly sings the staring owl: | | LLL V.ii.906 | |
Tu-whit | ‘ Tu-whit | | LLL V.ii.907 | |
to-who. / A merrie note, | Tu-who!’ – a merry note, | | LLL V.ii.908 | |
While greasie Ione doth keele the pot. | While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. | keel (v.) cool | LLL V.ii.909 | |
When all aloud the winde doth blow, | When all aloud the wind doth blow, | | LLL V.ii.910 | |
And coffing drownes the Parsons saw: | And coughing drowns the parson's saw, | saw (n.) wise saying, platitude, maxim | LLL V.ii.911 | |
And birds sit brooding in the snow, | And birds sit brooding in the snow, | | LLL V.ii.912 | |
And Marrians nose lookes red and raw: | And Marian's nose looks red and raw, | | LLL V.ii.913 | |
When roasted Crabs hisse in the bowle, | When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, | crab (n.) crab-apple, sour apple | LLL V.ii.914 | |
Then nightly sings the staring Owle, | Then nightly sings the staring owl: | | LLL V.ii.915 | |
Tu-whit | ‘Tu-whit | | LLL V.ii.916 | |
to who: / A merrie note, | Tu-who!' – a merry note, | | LLL V.ii.917 | |
While greasie Ione doth keele the pot. | While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. | | LLL V.ii.918 | |
Brag. | ARMADO | | | |
The Words of Mercurie, / Are harsh after the songs | The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs | Mercury (n.) messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce | LLL V.ii.919 | |
of Apollo: You that way; we this way. | of Apollo. You that way; we this way. | Apollo (n.) Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing | LLL V.ii.920 | |
Exeunt omnes. | Exeunt | | LLL V.ii.920 | |