Julius Caesar
This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
Alphabetical headword definitions for Julius Caesar
abide (v.)pay the penalty for, suffer for, take the consequences of
abide (v.)pay the penalty for, suffer for, take the consequences of
about (adv.)about your business, into action
abridge (v.)shorten, cut short
abuse (n.)corrupt practice, wicked way
accent (n.)language, tongue
accouter, accoutre (v.)attire, equip, array
across (adv.)folded, crossed
action (n.)movement, demeanour, gesture
address (v.)prepare, make ready, poise to act
advantage (v.)benefit, help, aid
Aeneas (n.)[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
afeard (adj.)afraid, frightened, scared
affection (n.)emotion, feeling
affection (n.)love, devotion
against, 'gainst (prep.)in front of, close to
age (n.)mature years, old age
ague (n.)fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever]
aim (n.)guess, conjecture, surmise
alive (adv.)with the living, of present concern
along (adv.)at full length, stretched out, prostrate
amaze (v.)appal, overwhelm, terrify
amazed (adj.)dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed
and, an (conj.)if, whether
and, an (conj.)if, whether
angel (n.)ministering spirit, person who can perform a helpful office
annoy (v.)harm, molest, hurt, injure
annoy (v.)harm, molest, hurt, injure
answer (n.)accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty
answer (v.)respond, react
answer (v.)respond, react
answer (v.)suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for]
answer (v.)cope with, face, encounter
Antony, MarkRoman leader in 1st-c BC
apace (adv.)quickly, speedily, at a great rate
apparel (n.)clothes, clothing, dress
apparent (adj.)plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious
appertain (v.)pertain, relate
applause (n.)acclamation, shout of approval
apply (v.)interpret, expound
appoint (v.)grant, provide, assign
apprehensive (adj.)quick-learning, perceptive, ever alert
apt (adj.)impressionable, susceptible
apt (adj.)likely, inclined, prone
apt (adj.)fit, ready, prepared
arrive (v.)reach, arrive at
art (n.)knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
art (n.)artifice, artificial conduct; or: wile, trick
astonish, 'stonish (v.)fill with wonder, amaze, astound
Ate (n.)[pron: 'ahtee] Greek goddess of discord and vengeance
attempt (n.)exploit, undertaking, enterprise
attempt (v.)undertake, perform, carry out
audience (n.)hearing, attention, reception
audience (n.)hearing, attention, reception
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
aught (n.)anything, [with negative word] nothing
augurer (n.)Roman religious official who interpreted and foretold events
awe (n.)subjection, restraint, dread
aweary, a-weary (adj.)weary, tired
bait (v.)harass, persecute, torment
bang (n.)knock, blow, thump
bank (n.)river bank
bar (n.)obstruction, barrier, obstacle
bark, barque (n.)ship, vessel
barren-spirited (adj.)dull-minded, lacking the spirit to respond
base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy
base (adj.)low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.)low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.)low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.)poor, wretched, of low quality
base (adj.)poor, wretched, of low quality
base (n.)pedestal
basis (n.)pedestal
bastard (n.)low-born person
bastardy (n.)condition of illegitimacy
battle (n.)army, fighting force, battalion
battle (n.)army, fighting force, battalion
battle (n.)army, fighting force, battalion
bay (v.)bring to bay, drive to a last stand
bay (v.)bark at, howl at
bay about (v.)bring to bay, surround
bead (n.)drop of liquid, tear-drop
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornetolerate, endure, put up with
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornesustain, carry through, keep going
bear back (v.)move back, go back
bear hardbear ill will towards, feel resentment against
bear hardbear ill will towards, feel resentment against
bear hardbear ill will towards, feel resentment against
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befellhappen, occur, take place, turn out
before (adv.)ahead, in advance
beholding (adj.)beholden, obliged, indebted
belike (adv.)probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
bend (n.)glance, gaze, turning in a particular direction
bend (v.)give way, bow, submit
bend (v.)aim, direct, level, turn
bend (v.)aim, direct, level, turn
bent (n.)direction, turning, inclination
besmear (v.)smear over, bedaub
best, thou wert / you wereyou are best advised
bestow (v.)give out, distribute, deliver
bestow (v.)spend, employ, devote [to]
bestride (v.)straddle, stand over with legs astride
bethink (v.), past form bethoughtresolve, decide, have a mind
betimes (adv.)at once, forthwith, right now
betimes (adv.)early in the morning, at an early hour
bid (v.), past form badecommand, order, enjoin, tell
bid (v.), past form badecommand, order, enjoin, tell
big (adj.)pregnant [with], swollen
bill (n.)notice, label, proclamation, placard
bill (n.)dispatch, written order
black (adj.)deadly, doom-laden, of death
bleeding (adj.)bloody, blood-soaked, bloodstained
blood (n.)passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
blood (n.)man of fire, hot-blooded fellow, spirited youth
blood (n.)disposition, temper, mood
blood (n.)disposition, temper, mood
bloody (adj.)portending bloodshed; or: blood-red, scarlet
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
bondman (n.)bondsman, serf, slave
book (n.)writing tablet
bootless (adv.)fruitlessly, uselessly, unsuccessfully, in vain
bosom (n.)inward thoughts, personal counsel
bosom (n.)heart, inner person
bound (v.)contain, enclose, confine
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
brave (v.)challenge, defy, confront, provoke
break (v.)broach a matter, speak
breed (n.)lineage, inheritance, stock
bring (v.)accompany, conduct, escort
brook (v.)endure, tolerate, put up with
brow (n.)appearance, aspect, countenance
brow (n.)eyebrow
brow (n.)forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
brow (n.)forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
Brutus, LuciusLucius Junius Brutus, founder of the Roman republic in 509 BC
Brutus, MarcusMarcus Junius Brutus; 1st-c BC Roman politician, involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar
budge, bodge (v.)give way, retreat
buffet (v.)beat back, contend with
bury (v.)abandon forever, consign to oblivion, eliminate
business (n.)deed, action, affair, task
bustling (adj.)confused, agitated, excited
but (adv.)merely, only
by (prep.)at the house of
by and by (adv.)shortly, soon, before long
by and by (adv.)shortly, soon, before long
calculate (v.)perform calculations, make estimates
cancel (v.)end, terminate
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Capitol (n.)geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
care (n.)anxiety, worry, solicitude [about]
carrion (adj.)lean as carrion, skeleton-like; or: putrefying
carrion (n.)carcass, wretch, worthless beast
carve (v.)cut up, prepare
Cassius (n.)Gaius Cassius Longinus, Roman senator, 1st-c BC, a leader of the plot to kill Julius Caesar
Cato the Younger[pron: 'kaytoh] 1st-c BC Roman politician, and opponent of Caesar
Cato the Younger[pron: 'kaytoh] 1st-c BC Roman politician, and opponent of Caesar
cause (n.)affair, business, subject
cause (n.)reason, motive, ground
cautelous (adj.)cautious, wary, circumspect
censure (v.)judge, think of, give an opinion of [not involving blame]
ceremony (n.)symbol of state, external sign of pomp
ceremony (n.)omen, portent, prognostication
ceremony (n.)omen, portent, prognostication
ceremony (n.)observance, courtesy, regard
clean (adv.)totally, absolutely, utterly
climate (n.)region, country [without reference to climatic conditions]
close (adj.)secret, concealed, hidden
close (v.)agree, come to terms, compromise
closet (n.)private chamber, study, own room
closet (n.)private chamber, study, own room
closet (n.)private repository for valuables, cabinet
cobbler (n.)bungler, botcher, clumsy workman
cognizance (n.)badge, sign, token
cold (adj.)calm, cool, deliberate
cold (adj.)hopeless, apathetic, miserable
Colossus (n.)huge bronze statue of Apollo, which bestrode the harbour entrance to the port of Rhodes
colour (n.)good ground, convincing reason, excuse
commend (v.)praise, admire, extol
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
comment (n.)criticism, objection, carping remark
common (adj.)public, open, outdoor
common (n.)public property, common land, open pasture
commons (n.)common people, ordinary citizens
commonweal, commonwealth (n.)state, nation, community, body politic
compact (n.)agreement, contract, covenant
companion (n.)rogue, rascal, fellow
compass (n.)revolution, circuit of time
compass (n.)range, reach, limit, scope
complexion (n.)appearance, look, colouring
con (v.)learn by heart, commit to memory
concave (adj.)hollowed out, overhanging
conceit (v.)conceive an idea [of], think, imagine
conceit (v.)conceive an idea [of], think, imagine
conception (n.)imagining, supposition, fanciful thought
conclude (v.)decide, resolve, settle
condemn (v.)blame, criticize, censure
condition (n.)matter, affair, concern
condition (n.)provision, stipulation, proviso
condition (n.)disposition, temper, mood, character
conference (n.)conversation, talk, discourse
conference (n.)debate, argument, discussion
confidence (n.)over-confidence, over-assurance, presumption
confine (n.)territory, region, domain
confound (v.)amaze, dumbfound, stun
conjointly (adv.)together, in unison, in conjunction
conjure (v.)engage in magic, cast spells, invoke supernatural aid
conjure up (v.)bring about [as if by magic], cause to appear
consort (v.)accompany, attend, go with
constancy (n.)consistency, agreement, uniformity
constancy (n.)fortitude, self-control, steadfastness
constant (adj.)unmoving, unchanging, fixed
constant (adj.)settled, resolved, decided
constantly (adv.)resolutely, steadfastly, steadily
construe (v.)explain, expound
construe (v.)interpret, take, understand
construe (v.)interpret, take, understand
contagion (n.)contagious quality, infecting influence
content (adj.)satisfied, calm, easy in mind
content (adj.)satisfied, calm, easy in mind
content (adj.)agreeable, willing, ready
contribution (n.)military levy, aid, supplies
contrive (v.)scheme, plot, conspire
contriver (n.)intriguer, schemer, plotter
controversy (n.)struggle, contending, competitive dispute
coronet (n.)small crown [inferior to one worn by the sovereign]
corporal (adj.)bodily, physical
corse (n.)corpse, dead body
corse (n.)corpse, dead body
couching (n.)bowing, prostration, stooping
council (n.)intense debate, dispute, altercation
countenance (n.)favourable appearance, support
counter, compter (n.)[contemptuous] coin, bit of change
course (n.)Roman festive chase [held to mark Lupercalia]
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)curtsy, bow, gesture of respect
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)curtsy, bow, gesture of respect
covert (adj.)secret, hidden, concealed
crave (v.)need, demand, require
credit (n.)credibility, believing, belief
crest (n.)[on an animal head or neck] ridge of feathers, ridge of hairs; hackles
cross (adj.)forked, zigzag
cross (v.)contradict, challenge, go against
cross (v.)contradict, challenge, go against
crouch (v.)bend low, bow down, cringe
cull out (v.)pick out, choose, decide on
cumber (v.)distress, trouble, burden
custom (n.)habit, usual practice, customary use
cut off (v.)remove, take away, reduce
cynic (n.)critic, fault-finder
danger (n.)damage, harm, mischief
dart (n.)arrow; or: light spear
deal (n.)amount, quantity
dear (adj.)of great worth, valuable, precious
dear (adv.)sorely, keenly, bitterly
deceive (v.)delude, mislead, take in
deep (n.)depths, middle
defence (n.)fencing, swordsmanship, skill of self-defence
degree (n.)step, stage, rung
deliver (v.)report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
derive (v.)descend
difference (n.)quarrel, disagreement, dispute
digest, disgest (v.)digest, swallow
digest, disgest (v.)digest, swallow
dignity (n.)official position, high office, rule
dine (v.)have lunch
dint (n.)impression, force, mark
directly (adv.)straightforwardly, rightly, without evasion
directly (adv.)straightforwardly, rightly, without evasion
discomfort (v.)discourage, dishearten, dispirit
discourse (v.)relate, talk about, recount
discover (v.)recognize, distinguish, discern
discover (v.)expose, uncover, give away
discover (v.)reveal, show, make known
dishonour (n.)indignity, insulting treatment
disjoin (v.)disengage, separate [oneself]
distract (adj.)deranged, mad, mentally disturbed
divers (adj.)different, various, several
domestic (adj.)internal, to do with home affairs, local
doubletman's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
drachma (n.)Greek silver coin of varying but significant value
drachma (n.)Greek silver coin of varying but significant value
draw (v.)bring together, draw in, gather
draw out (v.)extend, prolong, protract
dull (adj.)obtuse, stupid
earn (v.)yearn, mourn, grieve
effect (n.)sign, mark, token, manifestation
elder (n.)senior, superior
element (n.)air, sky, heavens
element (n.)(plural) substances from which all material things are made [believed to be earth, water, air, fire]
else (adv.)otherwise
empty (adj.)unburdened, idle, unoccupied
emulation (n.)ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict
end (n.)outcome, result, issue
enforce (v.)emphasize, urge, lay stress upon
enforce (v.)act upon by force
enforced (adj.)forced, constrained, affected
enfranchisement (n.)freedom, liberation, release
enfranchisement (n.)freedom, liberation, release
engage (v.)pledge, give the guarantee of
enlarge (v.)release, set at large, discharge
enrol (v.)record, register, legally enter
ensign (n.)standard, banner, flag
ensign (n.)standard-bearer
entertain (v.)hire, employ, maintain, take into service
envious (adj.)malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
envious (adj.)malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
envy (n.)malice, ill-will, enmity
envy (n.)malice, ill-will, enmity
Epicurus (n.)[pron: epi'kyoorus] Greek philosopher, 4th-c BC
Erebus (n.)'darkness', son of Chaos, the place where Shades passed on their way to Hades
eruption (n.)disturbance, outbreak of calamity, turbulence
et tu...and thou, Brutus?
even (adj.)level, horizontal, flat
even (adj.)steady, steadfast, unwavering
evil (n.)affliction, misfortune, hardship
exalt (v.)lift up, upraise
except, except against (v.)object to, take exception to
exhalation (n.)meteor, shooting star
exigent (n.)time of necessity, critical moment
exorcist (n.)one who calls up spirits
expectation (n.)anticipation, hopefulness
expedition (n.)warlike enterprise, setting out for war
extenuate (v.)mitigate, lessen, tone down
extremity (n.)utmost severity, extreme intensity, hardship
face (n.)appearance, outward show, look
factious (adj.)ready to form a faction
faculty (n.)function, power, capability
fain (adv.)gladly, willingly
fall (v.)work out, happen, turn out
fall (v.)work out, happen, turn out
fall (v.)drop, descend, let fall
fall (v.)happen, occur, come to pass
false (adj.)wrong, mistaken
false (adj.)[of an instrument or voice] out of tune, discordant
famed (adj.)reputed, celebrated, renowned
familiar (adj.)friendly, congenial, welcoming
fantasy (n.)imagination, mind, thought
fantasy (n.)imagining, delusion, hallucination
fantasy (n.)imagining, delusion, hallucination
far (adj.)farther, more distant
far (adj.)farther, more distant
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fashion (n.)observance, style, latest practice
fashion (n.)manner, way, mode, appearance
fashion (n.)manner, way, mode, appearance
fashion (v.)arrange, contrive, manage
fashion (v.)mould, transform, change the fashion of
fasten (v.)fix the idea, establish, inculcate
fatal (adj.)ominous, full of foreboding, doom-laden
Fates (n.)trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’)
fault (n.)failing, weakness
favour (n.)[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
favour (n.)[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
favour (n.)appearance, look, aspect
fearful (adj.)causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
fearful (adj.)causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
fell (adj.)cruel, fierce, savage
ferret (adj.)ferret-like, red, blazing
fetch (v.)escort, accompany, conduct
fetch (v.)escort, accompany, conduct
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
figure (n.)fancy, imagining, phantasm
find out (v.)discover, find, come upon
fleering (adj.)sneering, jeering, scornfully laughing
flood (n.)river, stream, rushing water
flood (n.)time of flowing in, influx
follow (v.)act as a follower, be an attendant [on]
fond (adj.)foolish, stupid, mad
fool (n.)simpleton, born idiot, insane person
force, ofnecessarily, of necessity, whether one will or not
forced (adj.)enforced, imposed, constrained
form (n.)bench
form (n.)orderly manner, good arrangement
form (n.)way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct
form (n.)way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct
formal (adj.)external, outward, surface
former (adj.)forward, advance, foremost
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
free (adj.)on the loose, unconfined, unrestricted
freedom (n.)concession, privilege, permission
fret (v.)adorn elaborately, decorate ornately [as a carved ceiling]
fright (v.), past form frightedfrighten, scare, terrify
fright (v.), past form frightedfrighten, scare, terrify
from (prep.)contrary to
furnish (v.)provide, supply, possess
gait (n.)manner of walking, bearing, movement
gallant (adj.)fine, splendid, grand
gamesome (adj.)sportive, merry, playful
general (adj.)common, of everyone, public
general (n.)ordinary people, general public, populace
genius (n.)attendant spirit, guardian spirit
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentleness (n.)nobility, good breeding, courtesy
gently (adv.)like a gentleman, honourably, with dignity
ghastly (adj.)full of fear, frightened
given (adj.)disposed, inclined, minded
glance at (v.)allude to, refer to, mention in passing
glass (n.)mirror, looking-glass
glass (n.)mirror, looking-glass
glaze (v.)stare, glare, gaze
go up (v.)be sheathed, be put away
gown (n.)dressing-gown, nightgown
grace (n.)honour, favour, recognition, respect
grace (v.)favour, add merit to, do honour to
grace (v.)favour, add merit to, do honour to
grace (v.)favour, add merit to, do honour to
gravity (n.)respectability, authority, dignified position
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
grievously (adv.)seriously, greatly
grow (v.)approach, move, draw
guess (n.)conjecture, opinion, view
half (n.)other half, wife
hand (n.)handwriting
hand, atat the start of a race
happy (adj.)opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable
havoc (n.)[in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation
hazard (n.)[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice]
head (n.)fighting force, army, body of troops
health (n.)well-being, safety
healthful (adj.)healthy, wholesome, fit [in health]
heap (n.)company, host, multitude
heavy (adj.)weary, exhausted, worn out
heavy (adj.)sorrowful, sad, gloomy
hedge in (v.)restrict, confine, limit
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
hie (v.)hasten, hurry, speed
high (adj.)important, major, special
high-sighted (adj.)high-flying, soaring beyond view
hind (n.)female deer
hold (v.)withhold, hold back
hold (v.)stop, cease, hold on
hold (v.)stand firm, continue, carry on
hole (n.)large pit in the ground
hollow (adj.)empty, false, insincere
honest (adj.)honourable, respectable, upright
honesty (n.)honour, integrity, uprightness
horse (n.)cavalry, horse soldiers
hot (adj.)enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen
hot (adj.)fast, hasty
humour (n.)dampness, vapour, moisture
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
humour (n.)mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
humour (n.)mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
humour (v.)like the mood of, find enjoyable, indulge
hurtle (v.)sound violently, resound harshly
Hybla (n.)[pron: 'hiybla] town in Sicily, famed for the honey from its nearby hills
chafe (v.)fret, rage, seethe
chair (n.)place of authority
chance (v.)happen [to], transpire, come about
chance (v.)happen [to], transpire, come about
change (n.)change of fortune, new circumstances
change (n.)change of mind, changeableness, caprice
change (v.)change countenance, turn pale
charactery (n.)writing, letters, expression
charge (n.)company, command
charge (n.)expense, cost, outlay
charge (v.)overload, overburden, weigh down
charm (v.)entreat, implore, conjure
chase (n.)pursuit, sequence, hunt
check (v.)rebuke, scold, reprimand
chew upon (v.)consider, ponder, reflect upon
chidden (adj.)scolded, reproved, rebuked
chide (v.), past form chidscold, rebuke, reprove
chide (v.), past form chidscold, rebuke, reprove
choice (adj.)chosen, specially worthy, excellent
choler (n.)anger, rage, wrath
choleric (adj.)irritable, angry, enraged
choleric (adj.)inclined to anger, hot-tempered, irascible
chopped, chopt (adj.)chapped, chafed, roughened
ides (n.)[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month
ides (n.)[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month
ides (n.)[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month
ides (n.)[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month
ides (n.)[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month
ill (adj.)evil, wicked, immoral
ill (adj.)poor, inadequate, miserable
ill (adj.)bad, adverse, unfavourable
ill (adj.)bad, adverse, unfavourable
ill (adv.)badly, adversely, unfavourably
ill-tempered (adj.)unbalanced, with elements of mood [humours] badly mixed
image (n.)effigy, statue, sculpture
image (n.)effigy, statue, sculpture
image (n.)effigy, statue, sculpture
imitation (n.)artificiality, unoriginal notion
improve (v.)employ to advantage, make good use of
incertain (adj.)uncertain, doubtful, dubious
incorporate (adj.)united in one body, combined in one entity
incorporate (v.)make one body [of], unite
indifferently (adv.)impartially, equally, alike
indirection (n.)devious means, malpractice
ingrafted, engrafted (adj.)deep-rooted, firmly implanted
instrument (n.)organ, faculty, functioning part
insuppressive (adj.)insuppressible, irrepressible, indomitable
intermit (v.)withhold, suspend, keep back
issue (n.)child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
issue (n.)action, deed, proceeding
itching palmavaricious disposition, desire for personal gain
jade (n.)worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
jealous (adj.)suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful
jealous (adj.)doubtful, uncertain, apprehensive
jigging (adj.)moving in the manner of a jig
just (adj.)honourable, loyal, faithful
just (adv.)quite so, correct
keep (v.)keep up, maintain, carry on
kerchief (n.)cloth head-covering, scarf
kind (n.)nature, reality, character, disposition
kind (n.)nature, reality, character, disposition
kite (n.)bird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse]
knave (n.)boy, lad, fellow
knave (n.)boy, lad, fellow
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knot (n.)company, band, assembly
know (v.)recognize
large (adj.)high, great, extensive
last (n.)last part, end
laughter (n.)laughing-stock, object of scorn
leaden (adj.)burdensome, heavy, cumbersome
leaden (adj.)heavy, dull, spiritless
learn (v.)be edified, receive instruction [from]
lend (v.)give, grant, bestow [on]
let bloodslaughter, kill, massacre
lethe (n.)[pron: 'leethee] death, oblivion, life-blood
liable (adj.)subject, legally bound
lie (v.)live, dwell, reside, lodge
lief, had asshould like just as much
light (v.)dismount, descend, alight
like (adv.)likely, probable / probably
like (adv.)likely, probable / probably
like (n.)identity, equivalent, counterpart
like to / unto (conj./prep.)similar to, comparable with
like, thethe same
limitation (n.)allotted time, appointed period
list (v.)listen to, pay attention to
listen (v.)listen to, pay attention to, hear
load (n.)burden, imputation
lottery (n.)chance, turn of events
lover (n.)companion, comrade, dear friend
lover (n.)companion, comrade, dear friend
lover (n.)companion, comrade, dear friend
lover (n.)companion, comrade, dear friend
low-crooked (adj.)low-bending, profound
lowliness (n.)appearance of humility, apparent meekness
Lupercal (n.)in the Roman calendar, 15 February, the purification feast in honour of Lupercus, god of shepherds
Lupercal (n.)in the Roman calendar, 15 February, the purification feast in honour of Lupercus, god of shepherds
lusty (adj.)vigorous, strong, robust, eager
main (adj.)firm, strong, solid
make (v.)raise, acquire, procure
make (v.)draw up, arrange, agree to
make forth (v.)advance, come forward
make to (v.)move towards, go in the direction of
make to (v.)move towards, go in the direction of
mantle (n.)loose sleeveless cloak
mar (v.)ruin, harm, injure, damage
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
mart (v.)sell, market, traffic in
mean (n.)(plural) capacity, capability, potential
mean (n.)means, way, method
measure (n.)extent, size, amount, quantity, mass
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
meet (adj.)fit, suitable, right, proper
mechanical (n.)manual worker, craftsman, menial
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
merely (adv.)completely, totally, entirely
merry (adj.)in good spirits, well
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
mettle, mettell (n.)spirit, temperament, disposition
mettle, mettell (n.)spirit, temperament, disposition
mettle, mettell (n.)spirit, temperament, disposition
mettle, mettell (n.)spirit, temperament, disposition
mettle, mettell (n.)spirit, vigour, zest
mind (n.)feeling, presentiment, misgiving
mind (n.)inclination, desire, wish
mischief (n.)wicked action, evil deed, harmful scheme
mischievous (adj.)harmful, damaging, injurious
mo, moe (adj.)more [in number]
mock (n.)act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony
modestly (adv.)without exaggeration, in due measure
modesty (n.)moderation, restraint, discipline
monstrous (adj.)unnatural, outlandish, aberrant
monstrous (adj.)unnatural, outlandish, aberrant
morrow (n.)morning
morrow (n.)morning
morrow (n.)morning
morrow (n.)morning
mortal (adj.)human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
mortified (adj.)deadened, dead to feeling, numbed
motion (n.)inner movement, inward prompting, natural impulse, imagining
move (v.)appeal to, urge, exhort
move (v.)move to anger, provoke, exasperate
mutiny (n.)riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
mutiny (n.)riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
mutiny (n.)riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
napkin (n.)handkerchief
nature (n.)personality, innate disposition, character
naughty (adj.)wicked, evil, vile
neat (n.)ox, cow, cattle
Nervii (n.)[pron: 'nairveeiy] Belgian tribe, defeated by Caesar in 57 BC
new-added (adj.)reinforced, supplemented, augmented
new-fired (adj.)rekindled, inflamed anew
nice (adj.)trivial, unimportant, slight
niggard (v.)put off, fob off, stint
nightgown, night-gown (n.)dressing-gown
northern star (n.)pole-star
note (n.)attention, notice, regard
note (v.)observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of]
note (v.)observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of]
note (v.)brand with disgrace, stigmatize, publicly discredit
notice (n.)information, intelligence, notification
object (n.)spectacle, sight, object of attention
observe (v.)humour, gratify, indulge
occupation (n.)handicraft, trade, employment
of (prep.)from
offal (n.)dross, waste, refuse
offence (n.)offensive matter, object of annoyance
offence (n.)damage, injury, harm
office (n.)role, position, place, function
office (n.)role, position, place, function
oft (adv.)often
oft (adv.)often
oft, many a time andvery often, with great frequency
Olympus (n.)mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods
Olympus (n.)mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods
omit (v.)neglect, disregard, forget about
once (adv.)one day, some time
only (adv.)alone, solely, exclusively
ope (v.)open
ope (v.)open
opinion (n.)reputation, character, honour
opinion (n.)reputation, character, honour
opinion (n.)judgement, conviction, belief
or ... or (conj.)either ... or
order (n.)arrangement, disposition, direction
order (n.)arrangement, disposition, direction
order (v.)dispose, deal with, treat
ordinance (n.)appointed place in nature
orchard (n.)garden
orchard (n.)garden
out (adv.)angry, out of sorts
out (adv.)out at heels, with worn shoes
outward (adj.)external, surface, superficial
overread, over-read (v.)read over, read through
overshoot (v.)[miss a target by shooting too high] go astray in aim, wide of the mark
oversway (v.)prevail upon, override, overturn
overswell , over-swell (v.)flood, inundate, overflow
overwatched (adj.)wearied from too much watching, exhausted from lack of sleep
paint (v.)adorn, beautify, enhance
palm (n.)palm leaf as a symbol of victory
palter (v.)prevaricate, deal evasively [with], quibble
parle, parley (n.)negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]
part (n.)action, conduct, behaviour
part (v.)divide, share, split up
part (v.)divide, share, split up
partly (adv.)slightly, in some measure, a little
pass (v.)advance, move on, proceed
pass (v.)pass through, traverse
passion (n.)emotional state, mental condition
passion (n.)powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
passion (n.)suffering, torment, deep grief
path (v.)pursue one's course, go on one's way
peep about (v.)emerge into view, look around
peevish (adj.)silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive
phantasma (n.)illusion, bad dream, nightmare
Philippi (n.)battle site in Thrace, Asia Minor, a victory for Mark Antony
physical (adj.)medicinal, therapeutic, restorative
piece out (v.)augment, increase, supplement
pit (n.)hole prepared for hunted animals
pitch (n.)height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping]
pitiful (adj.)compassionate, merciful, tender
place (n.)position, post, office, rank
place (n.)position, post, office, rank
place (n.)precedence, proper place
place (n.)way, room
place (n.)way, room
place (n.)way, room
pleasure (n.)pleasure ground, park
pleasure (n.)wish, desire, will
pluck (v.)draw down, bring down
pluck down (v.)tear loose, pull apart
Pluto (n.)one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld
Pompey the Great (n.)Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
Pompey the Great (n.)Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
Pompey the Great (n.)Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
Pompey the Great (n.)Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
Pompey the Great (n.)Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
portentous (adj.)ominous, threatening, full of foreboding
post (v.)hasten, speed, ride fast
posture (n.)position, condition, nature
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
practise on / upon (v.)work upon, act craftily with, make to operate
praetor (n.)annually elected chief magistrate
praetor (n.)annually elected chief magistrate
prefer (v.)promote, advance, recommend
prefer (v.)promote, advance, recommend
pre-formed (adj.)previously formed, naturally endowed, innate
pre-ordinance (n.)pre-ordained law, previously established ordinance
presage (v.)predict, forecast
present (n.)present time, immediate moment, matter in hand
presently (adv.)after a short time, soon, before long
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
press (n.)crowd, throng
press (v.)push forward, thrust, come / go boldly
press (v.)push forward, thrust, come / go boldly
prevent (v.)forestall, anticipate
prevent (v.)forestall, anticipate
prevent (v.)forestall, anticipate
prevent (v.)take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action
prevention (n.)forestalling action, preventive measure
prevention (n.)forestalling action, preventive measure
prick (v.)urge, incite, motivate
prick down, prick (v.)mark (down), put on a list, record in writing
prick down, prick (v.)mark (down), put on a list, record in writing
private (adj.)personal, individual, particular
proceeding (n.)career, advancement, onward course
prodigious (adj.)ominous, portentous, promising evil
prodigy (n.)omen, portent, sign
prodigy (n.)omen, portent, sign
profess (v.)profess friendship, declare attachment
progress (n.)course, movement, changing position
promise forthhave an engagement elsewhere
proof (n.)evidence, demonstration, testimony
proof (n.)experience, actual practice, tried knowledge
proof (n.)test, trial
proper (adj.)good-looking, handsome, comely
proper (adj.)very, own
proper (adj.)special, particular, specific
proscription (n.)condemnation
proscription (n.)condemnation
protest (v.)make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim
protester (n.)declarer of friendship, affirmer of affection
prove (v.)prove to be true, turn out to be the truth
providence (n.)direction, fate, destiny
puissant (adj.)powerful, mighty, strong
pulpit (n.)public speaking place, platform, rostrum
pulpit (n.)public speaking place, platform, rostrum
pulpit (n.)public speaking place, platform, rostrum
pulpit (n.)public speaking place, platform, rostrum
purger (n.)healer, cleanser, purifier
purpled (adj.)reddened with blood, bloodstained
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)point at issue, matter in hand
purpose (v.)decide, resolve, determine
push (n.)attack, assault, thrust
put by (v.)thrust aside, reject, set aside
put on (v.)show, manifest, exhibit
put on (v.)show, manifest, exhibit
putting-by (n.)refusal, rejection, thrusting aside
quality (n.)nature, disposition, character
quality (n.)nature, disposition, character
quarrel (n.)cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim
quarter (v.)cut to pieces, hack, mutilate
question (n.)source [of strife], cause, issue
question, call indiscuss, deliberate upon
quick (adj.)lively, animated, vivacious
quick (adj.)lively, animated, vivacious
rabblement (n.)rabble
raise (v.)rouse, wake up
range (v.)wander freely, roam, rove
rank (adj.)foul, festering, diseased
rank (n.)position, place
rascal (adj.)worthless, good-for-nothing
rash (adj.)sudden, quickly acting, operating immediately
rate (v.)berate, reproach, rebuke, scold
reason (n.)power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’]
reason (n.)power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’]
reason (v.)argue rationally [about], debate the pros and cons [of]
rebel (adj.)rebellious, uncontrollable, recalcitrant
recover (v.)revive, restore to health
recreate (v.)refresh, restore, enjoy
reek (v.)steam, smoke, give off vapour
regard (n.)consideration, respect, factor
regard (n.)respect, repute, esteem
regard (v.)esteem, repute, respect
regard (v.)gaze upon, look down on, observe
relic (n.)memory, trace, recollection
remain (n.)remainder, rest
remorse (n.)pity, compassion, tenderness
repair (v.)come, go, make one's way
repeal (n.)recall, return from banishment
repealing (n.)recall, return from banishment
replication (n.)reverberation, echo
resolve (v.)satisfy, free from doubt
resolve (v.)satisfy, free from doubt
respect (n.)esteem, status, honour
respect (n.)regard, admiration, favour, opinion
respect (n.)regard, admiration, favour, opinion
respect (v.)pay attention to, heed
respect of, in (prep.)in comparison with
resting (adj.)stationary, unchanging, stable
retentive (adj.)confining, constraining, imprisoning
reverence, dopay homage, worship, show respect [to]
rheumy (adj.)moist, wet, damp
right (adj.)typical, true, classic
right onstraight out, without art
ripe (adj.)matured, ready for action
rive (v.)split, rend, cleave
rive (v.)split, rend, cleave
room (n.)place, space
round (n.)rung
rout (n.)rabble, mob, disorderly crowd
royal (adj.)generous, munificent, bountiful
royal (adj.)generous, munificent, bountiful
rubbish (n.)litter, debris, waste matter
rude (adj.)uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
rudeness (n.)rough manner, uncouth behaviour
ruffle up (v.)stir to anger, enrage
rule (n.)principle, order, regulation
rumour (n.)tumult, din, confusion
sad (adj.)downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
sad (adj.)serious, grave, solemn
sad (adj.)serious, grave, solemn
sad (adj.)serious, grave, solemn
Sardis (n.)[pron: 'sahrdis] capital of Lydia, Asia Minor; once the political centre
Sardis (n.)[pron: 'sahrdis] capital of Lydia, Asia Minor; once the political centre
Sardis (n.)[pron: 'sahrdis] capital of Lydia, Asia Minor; once the political centre
satisfy (v.)provide with information, reassure, convince
satisfy (v.)provide with information, reassure, convince
saucy (adj.)insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
saucy (adj.)insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
saucy (adj.)insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
save (v.)spare, allow to live
scandal (v.)revile, scorn, denigrate
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scolding (adj.)clamouring, brawling, chiding
scope (n.)opportunity, liberty, free course of action
search (v.)probe, explore, examine
security (n.)over-confidence, carelessness
semblance (n.)appearance, outward show
sense (n.)mind, power of reason, wits
senseless (adj.)lacking human sensation, incapable of feeling
sensible (adj.)sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
serve (v.)provide opportunity [to], be favourable [to], favour
set (v.)rate, stake, gamble
set on (v.)go forward, advance, proceed
set on (v.)go forward, advance, proceed
set on (v.)go forward, advance, proceed
set on (v.)go forward, advance, proceed
set on (v.)go forward, advance, proceed
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
severally (adv.)separately, individually
shadow (n.)reflection, reflected image
shape (v.)create, fashion, bring about
shop (n.)workshop, workroom
shore (n.)bank, edge
shore (n.)bank, edge
shore (n.)bank, edge
show (n.)appearance, exhibition, display
shrewd (adj.)wily, cunning, mischievous
shrewdly (adv.)seriously, mightily, very much
schedule (n.)document, paper, scroll
sick (adj.)ailing, needing cure
sickly (adj.)weak, feeble, dying
sign (n.)banner, standard, ensign
sign (v.)mark distinctively, bear a signature
sinew (n.)strength, force, power
sink (v.)fail, fall down, give way
sirrah (n.)sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
sirrah (n.)sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
sirrah (n.)sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
slight (adj.)worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing
slight (adj.)worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing
slight off (v.)dismiss with contempt, put off disdainfully
slip, letlet go, allow to leave, unleash
smatch (n.)taste, relish, smack
sober (adj.)sedate, staid, demure, grave
soft (int.)[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
soft (int.)[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
softly (adv.)slowly, gently
soil (n.)blemish, stain, tarnish
sometime (adv.)sometimes, now and then
sooth (n.)truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
soothsayer (n.)foreteller of events, prophet
sort (n.)assigned portion, allotted measure
sort (n.)way, manner
sort (n.)class, level, social rank
sound (v.)sound out, question, examine
sound (v.)pronounce, articulate, enunciate
sound (v.)cry out, declare, proclaim
soundless (adj.)noiseless, without sound
spaniel (adj.)obsequious, slavish, submissive
spare (adj.)lean, thin, gaunt
speed (v.)meet with success, prosper, flourish
spirit (n.)disposition, temperament, frame of mind
spirit (n.)disposition, temperament, frame of mind
spleen (n.)irritability, malice, bad temper
split (v.)break up, split in two
spoil (n.)slaughter, destruction, ruination
spoil (n.)slaughter, destruction, ruination
sport (n.)recreation, amusement, entertainment
sport (n.)recreation, amusement, entertainment
spot (n.)mark
spur, on theat a gallop
spurn (v.)kick, strike, stamp [on], dash
spurn against / at (v.)kick out at, treat with contempt
squadron (n.)army detachment, body of soldiers
stain (n.)object stained with blood [as of a martyr]
stake, at the[bear-baiting] under attack; or [gambling]: at risk
stale (v.)make stale, wear out
stale (v.)make stale, wear out
stand (v.)continue, remain, wait, stay put
stand (v.)waste time, delay, wait
stand (v.)make a stand [against], fight, resist
stand on (v.)insist on, demand, call for
stand up (v.)confront boldly, make a stand
stand upon (v.)make an issue of, insist upon, bother about
stare (v.)glare, glower, look madly
stare (v.)stand on end
start (n.)advantage, edge, upper hand
start (v.)raise up, call up
state (n.)government, ruling body, administration
state (n.)condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
state (n.)condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
stay (v.)detain, confine, keep
stay (v.)dissuade, stop, prevent
stay (v.)wait (for), await
stay (v.)linger, tarry, delay
stay for (v.)wait for, await
stay for (v.)wait for, await
steel (n.)weapon of steel, sword
stem (v.)cut through, make headway against
still (adj.)at rest, in repose
still (adj.)silent, quiet
still (adj.)silent, quiet
still (adj.)silent, quiet
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still as (conj.)whenever
stir (n.)acting, stirring, activity
stomach (n.)wish, inclination, desire
stomach (n.)wish, inclination, desire
store (n.)abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
strain (n.)quality, character, disposition
strange (adj.)aloof, distant, reserved
strange-disposed (adj.)given over to unusual happenings
stretch (v.)strain to the utmost, maximally exert
suburbs (n.)(plural) parts of a city lying outside the walls [reputed for lawlessness]
success (n.)result, outcome, issue
sudden (adj.)swift, rapid, prompt
sufferance (n.)distress, suffering, hardship
sufferance (n.)endurance, forbearance, patience
suffering (adj.)long-suffering, patient, submissive
suit (n.)formal request, entreaty, petition
suit (n.)formal request, entreaty, petition
suit (n.)formal request, entreaty, petition
suit (n.)formal request, entreaty, petition
suitor (n.)petitioner, supplicant, entreater
suitor (n.)petitioner, supplicant, entreater
suitor (n.)petitioner, supplicant, entreater
sup (v.)have supper
sure (adv.)securely, safely, well
sure (adv.)securely, safely, well
surly (adj.)imperious, haughty, arrogant
sway (n.)power, dominion, rule
sway (v.)control, rule, direct, govern
swim (v.)float, sail
swoon (v.)faint
tag-rag (adj.)raggedly dressed; riff-raff, rabble
taper (n.)candle
taper (n.)candle
taper (n.)candle
taper (n.)candle
tardy (adj.)dull, slow-witted, reluctant
TarquinTarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece
tarry (v.)stay, remain, linger
taste (n.)measure, degree, slight way
temper (n.)frame of mind, temperament, disposition
temper (n.)frame of mind, temperament, disposition
tempt (v.)try, test, make trial of
tempt (v.)try, test, make trial of
tempt (v.)try, test, make trial of
tempt (v.)try, test, make trial of
tend (v.)relate, refer, be relevant
tend (v.)relate, refer, be relevant
tenor, tenour (n.)substance, content, matter, drift
tent (n.)(plural) encampment
testament (n.)will, last will and testament
testy (adj.)irritable, peevish, short-tempered
Thasos (n.)Thassos; island near Philippi, N Greece
thews (n.)muscles, sinews, bodily strength
thick (adj.)dull, dim, poor
this, byby this time
thorough (prep.)through
thought (n.)melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry
threat (v.)threaten
thunder-stone (n.)thunderbolt
Tiber (n.)[pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome
Tiber (n.)[pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome
Tiber (n.)[pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome
tide (n.)course, stream, passage
time (n.)allotted limit, prescribed term
time (n.)past time, history
time (n.)times, present day, present state of affairs
tincture (n.)token infused with blood [as of a martyr]
to (prep.)as
toil (n.)net, snare, trap
token (n.)omen, portent, prodigy
tonight (adv.)last night, this past night
tonight (adv.)last night, this past night
touch (v.)finger, sound, play on
touch (v.)threaten, endanger, imperil
touch (v.)refer to, treat of, deal with
touching (adj.)affecting, moving, grievous
train (n.)retinue, following, entourage
trash (n.)dirty money
trash (n.)dirty money
trash (n.)rubbish, stuff, paraphernalia
trial (n.)action of testing, putting to the proof
tributary (n.)ruler who pays tribute
triumph (n.)triumphal procession into Rome
triumph (n.)triumphal procession into Rome
trophy (n.)token of victory, evidence of valour
Troy (n.)ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion
true (adj.)legitimate, rightful, honourable
true-fixed (adj.)firmly established, immovable, unwavering
try (v.)prove, ascertain, find out
try (v.)put to the test, test the goodness [of]
turn (v.)direct, point, refer
turn (v.)send, drive, dispatch
turn back (v.)go back, return alive
unaccustomed (adj.)unusual, strange, unfamiliar
unbraced (adj.)unfastened, not laced up, loose
unbraced (adj.)unfastened, not laced up, loose
undergo (v.)undertake, carry out, perform
unfirm (adj.)weak, feeble, lacking in strength
ungentle (adj.)unmannerly, discourteous, impolite
ungently (adv.)unkindly, roughly, rudely
unkindly (adv.)cruelly, harshly; also: unnaturally
unkindness (n.)offence, ill-will, umbrage
unluckily (adv.)ominously, inauspiciously
unmeritable (adj.)unworthy, undeserving, lacking in merit
unnumbered (adj.)innumerable, countless, uncountable
unpurged (adj.)not cleansed, unpurified [by the sun]
untrod (adj.)unprecedented, untraversed
upmost (adj.)uppermost, topmost
upon (prep.)as a result of
upon (prep.)towards
upward (adj.)upturned, looking upwards
urge (v.)entreat with, plead with
urge (v.)provoke, incite, impel
urge (v.)press, insist on, state emphatically
use (n.)usual practice, habit, custom
use (n.)usual practice, habit, custom
use (v.)treat, deal with, manage
utmost (adj.)maximum, largest number of
utter (v.)emit, exhale, discharge
uttermost (n.)latest time, last moment
vaunting (n.)boasting, bragging
veil (v.)conceal, hide, disguise
venture (n.)cargo, consignment, goods
vessel (n.)body, frame
vesture (n.)garment, clothing, garb, costume
vex (v.)afflict, trouble, torment
view (n.)sight, range of vision
vile, vild (adj.)despicable, disgusting, abhorrent
vile, vild (adj.)shameful, contemptible, wretched
vile, vild (adj.)shameful, contemptible, wretched
vilely, vildly (adv.)shamefully, wretchedly, meanly
visage (n.)face, countenance
voice (n.)vote, official support
voice (n.)vote, official support
voice (n.)support, approval, good word
void (adj.)uncrowded, unfrequented, roomy
vouchsafe (v.)be pleased to accept, graciously receive
vouchsafe (v.)allow, permit, grant
vulgar (n.)common people, ordinary folk
wafture (n.)waving, gesture, flourish
walk (n.)garden path, walkway
want (v.)lack, need, be without
warn (v.)challenge, confront, defy
waste (v.)consume, use up
watch (n.)watchmen, officers, street patrol
watch (v.)be on the watch for, look out for
watchful (adj.)wakeful, unsleeping, vigilant
way (n.)entrance, access, path
weigh (v.)consider, take into account
wench (n.)girl, lass
where (conj.)whether
while (n.)times, age
whit, nonot at all, not in the least
whole (adj.)healthy, well, in sound condition
wind (v.)[horsemanship] make wheel about
window (n.)shutter
wit (n.)mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
wit (n.)mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
wonder (n.)feeling of wonder, astonishment, marvelling
wonderful (adj.)amazing, astonishing, extraordinary
wont (v.)be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
word, at awithout more ado, at once, forthwith
work (v.), past form wroughtwork on, manipulate
work (v.), past form wroughtpersuade, urge
world (n.)times, life, state of affairs
worth (n.)rank, standing, dignity
worthless (adj.)unworthy, contemptible, ignoble
worthy (adj.)of worth, of value, deserving
worthy (adj.)deserved, justified, warranted
yawn (v.)open wide, gape
yesternight (n.)last night
yield (v.)render, make, cause to be
yoke (n.)servitude, state of subjection

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