This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated
instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
a (prep.) | variant form of 'in' |
a (prep.) | variant form of 'in' |
a (prep.) | variant form of 'at' |
abandon (v.) | banish, exile, keep away |
abate (v.) | lessen, lower, diminish |
abjure (v.) | swear to abandon, solemnly reject |
abode (n.) | dwelling-place, lodging, residence |
abroad (adv.) | away from home, out of the house |
abuse (v.) | misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong |
accomplish (v.) | perform, do, carry out |
accord (n.) | harmony, agreement |
accoutrements, accoustrements (n.) | clothes, outfit, attire |
acquaintance (n.) | friends, companions, associates |
action (n.) | law-suit, legal proceeding, litigation |
action (n.) | movement, demeanour, gesture |
action (n.) | movement, demeanour, gesture |
admire (v.) | revere, marvel at, respect |
Adonis (n.) | [pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus |
advice (n.) | consideration, reflection, deliberation |
advise, avise (v.) | warn, counsel, caution |
advise, avise (v.) | inform, be aware, apprise |
Aeacides (n.) | [pron: ee'asideez] alternative name for Ajax |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
affect (v.) | love, like, be fond of |
affect (v.) | incline to, like, favour, be drawn to |
affected (adj.) | disposed, inclined, minded |
affection (n.) | fancy, inclination, desire |
affection (n.) | love, devotion |
affection (n.) | love, devotion |
afford (v.) | have to offer, be capable of supplying |
afford (v.) | have to offer, be capable of supplying |
afford (v.) | fulfil naturally, offer routinely |
affy (v.) | engage, betrothe, espouse |
again (adv.) | in return, back [in response] |
again (adv.) | back [to a former position] |
Agenor (n.) | [pron: a'jenor] king of Tyre; father of daughter Europa and sons Cadmus, Phoenix, and Cilix |
aglet-baby (n.) | [unclear meaning] small ornamental figure forming the tag of a lace |
agree (v.) | become harmonious, be reconciled |
achieve (v.) | gain, obtain, procure |
achieve (v.) | gain, obtain, procure |
achieve (v.) | gain, obtain, procure |
Ajax (n.) | [pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength |
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) | disturbance, turbulence, trouble, loud noise |
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) | disturbance, turbulence, trouble, loud noise |
Alcides (n.) | [pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus |
ale-wife (n.) | ale-house keeper, barmaid |
all (adv.) | [intensifying use] quite, so |
all-amazed (adj.) | completely dumbfounded |
amaze (v.) | confuse, perplex, bewilder |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amendment (n.) | recovery, recuperation, improvement |
amends (n.) | recovery, cure, improvement in health |
amort (adj.) | dispirited, spiritless, dejected |
ancient, aunchient (adj.) | long-established, long-standing |
ancient, aunchient (adj.) | former, earlier, past |
ancient, aunchient (adj.) | aged, very old, venerable |
ancient, aunchient (adj.) | aged, very old, venerable |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
angel (n.) | ministering spirit, person who can perform a helpful office |
Anna (n.) | sister of Dido, to whom Dido confides her love for Aeneas |
annoy (v.) | harm, molest, hurt, injure |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
answerable (adj.) | corresponding, commensurate, proportionate |
antic, antick(e), antique (n.) | grotesque figure, grinning jester, buffoon |
apace (adv.) | quickly, speedily, at a great rate |
apace (adv.) | quickly, speedily, at a great rate |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparel (v.) | clothe, dress up, trick out |
appendix (n.) | appendage, accompaniment, hanger-on |
apply (v.) | pursue, practise, devote oneself to |
appoint (v.) | direct, order, instruct |
approve (v.) | put to the proof, test, try |
approved (adj.) | tested, tried, established, proven |
apt (adj.) | fit, ready, prepared |
argosy (n.) | large merchant ship |
Aristotle (n.) | [pron: 'aristotl] Greek philosopher, 4th-c BC |
arras (adj.) | made of Arras tapestry fabric |
array (n.) | attire, clothes, clothing, dress |
art (n.) | knowledge, learning, scholarship, science |
as (conj.) | if |
ask (v.) | demand, require, call for |
askance, askaunce (adv.) | with disdain, maliciously, scornfully |
assurance (n.) | confirmation, pledge, guarantee |
assurance (n.) | confirmation, pledge, guarantee |
assurance (n.) | confirmation, pledge, guarantee |
assurance (n.) | confirmation, pledge, guarantee |
assurance (n.) | confirmation, pledge, guarantee |
assurance (n.) | security, certainty, confidence |
assure (v.) | settle, convey, leave [to] |
assure (v.) | settle, convey, leave [to] |
assured (adj.) | certain, definite, sure |
attend (v.) | await, wait for, expect |
attend (v.) | await, wait for, expect |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
awful (adj.) | awe-inspiring, worthy of respect |
baccare, backare (v.) | [mock Latin] back, stand back, give place |
bag (n.) | money-bag, purse |
baggage (n.) | good-for-nothing woman, harlot |
balk, baulk (v.) | argue over, quibble about |
balm (v.) | soothe, relieve, heal |
bandy (v.) | exchange, swap, send to and fro |
banquet, banket (n.) | refreshments, light meal, dessert |
banquet, banket (n.) | refreshments, light meal, dessert |
bar (n.) | objection, impediment |
bar (v.) | prevent, obstruct, block |
base (adj.) | dishonourable, low, unworthy |
bate (v.) | [falconry] beat the wings, flutter |
bauble (n.) | piece of rubbish, worthless trifle |
bauble (n.) | piece of rubbish, worthless trifle |
bay (n.) | [hunting] last stand, point of capture |
bear in hand | abuse, take advantage of, delude, deceive |
bearherd, bear-herd, bearard, bearward, berrord (n.) | bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting] |
beastly (adv.) | like an animal, in a beastly manner |
beat (v.) | drive, force, impel |
beat (v.) | drive, force, impel |
beat (v.) | [falconry] beat the wings, flap wildly |
because (conj.) | so that, in order that |
beck (n.) | beckoning, command, call |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
bedazzle (v.) | confuse by dazzling |
beer / ale, small | weak beer, beer of poor quality |
beer / ale, small | weak beer, beer of poor quality |
beetle-headed (adj.) | thick-headed, doltish |
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell | happen to, come to |
before (adv.) | ahead, in advance |
before (adv.) | in the front |
beget (v.), past form begot | produce, engender, give rise to |
begnaw (v.) | gnaw away, eat away, chew |
beguile (v.) | cheat, deceive, trick |
beguile (v.) | cheat, deceive, trick |
beguile (v.) | cheat, deceive, trick |
beholding (adj.) | beholden, obliged, indebted |
beholding (adj.) | beholden, obliged, indebted |
being (n.) | physical existence, life |
belike (adv.) | probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems |
belike (adv.) | probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems |
belike (adv.) | probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems |
belike (adv.) | probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems |
bemete, be-mete (v.) | measure; also: mete out punishment |
bemoil (v.) | cover with dirt, bemire |
ben venuto (n.) | warm welcome |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
beseem (v.) | befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] |
bespeak (v.), past forms bespake, bespoke | ask for, order, request |
bestow (v.) | give in marriage, match |
bestow (v.) | give, provide, grant |
bestraught (adj.) | bereft of wits, mad, out of one's mind |
bestrew (v.) | strew, scatter, sprinkle |
bestrew (v.) | strew, scatter, sprinkle |
bethink (v.), past form bethought | call to mind, think about, consider, reflect |
bias (n.) | [weighting in a bowl causing it to run obliquely] inclination, tendency, leaning |
bid (v.), past form bade | command, order, enjoin, tell |
big (adv.) | threateningly, violently, menacingly |
bill (n.) | note, document, memorandum |
bird (n.) | object of prey, quarry |
bitter (adj.) | sharp, shrewd, keen |
blame, to | to be blamed, blameworthy |
blear (v.) | deceive, delude, fool |
blot (n.) | stain, disgrace, blemish |
blow one's nail / nails | twiddle one's thumbs, wait patiently |
board (v.) | accost, address, approach, tackle |
bode (v.) | forebode, portend, predict, augur |
body (n.) | person, individual |
bondmaid (n.) | slave girl |
bonny (adj.) | fine, beautiful, splendid |
boot (n.) | good, advantage, profit |
boot-hose (n.) | over-stocking covering the whole of the lower leg |
bossed (adj.) | ornamented, studded |
bots (n.) | stomach worm affecting horses |
bottom (n.) | bobbin, ball |
bow (v.) | make to bend, cause to bend |
boy (n.) | servant, slave, menial |
brach (n.) | hound [which hunts by scent], bitch |
brave (adj.) | fine, excellent, splendid, impressive |
brave (n.) | boast, bravado, blustering threat |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
brave (v.) | make splendid, adorn, brighten up |
bravely (adv.) | in fine clothes, splendidly dressed |
bravely (adv.) | in fine clothes, splendidly dressed |
bravery (n.) | finery, fine clothes, rich dress |
brawl (v.) | quarrel, squabble, contend |
break (v.) | graze, bruise, cut open |
break (v.) | train, discipline, mould |
breathe (v.) | catch breath, pause, rest |
breathe (v.) | allow to breathe, rest |
breathed (adj.) | strong-winded, well-exercised |
breeching (adj.) | subject to be flogged; novice, beginner |
bride (v.) | play the bride |
brief (adj.) | quick, speedy, swift, expeditious |
broach (v.) | raise, introduce into conversation |
brook (v.) | allow, permit, bear |
brow (n.) | appearance, aspect, countenance |
buckler (v.) | shield, protect, defend |
bug (n.) | bogey, bugbear, imaginary terror |
burden, burthen (n.) | bass accompaniment [in a song] |
burden, burthen (v.) | charge, accuse, lay on |
burst (adj.) | broken, shattered, rent in two |
burst (v.) | break, smash |
but (adv.) | just |
butt (n.) | buttock, bottom |
buttery (n.) | store-room [for provisions], liquor-store |
buzz (n.) | rumour, whisper, report |
buzzard (n.) | ignoramus, stupid person; also: inferior kind of hawk |
buzzard (n.) | [unclear meaning] night-flying insect; cockchafer |
candle-case (n.) | container for candles |
canopy (n.) | covering above a bed |
caparisoned (adj.) | dressed, decked out, arrayed |
cardmaker (n.) | instrument for combing wool |
careless (adj.) | carefree, unconcerned, untroubled |
carouse (n.) | toast, long draught, cup filled to the brim to be downed in one go |
carouse (v.) | drink at length, imbibe long draughts |
carouse (v.) | drink at length, imbibe long draughts |
cart (v.) | drive around in a cart [usual punishment for a prostitute] |
carve (v.) | design, make up, shape artistically |
cates (n.) | (plural) delicacies, choice foodstuffs |
cause (n.) | affair, business, subject |
cause (n.) | reason, motive, ground |
cavil (n.) | quibble, hair-splitting objection |
censer (n.) | perfuming vessel with a perforated and ornamented lid |
circumstance (n.) | circumlocution, verbiage, unnecessary detail |
clap up (v.) | seal, settle hastily, complete suddenly |
clear (adj.) | serene, cheerful, unclouded |
close (adv.) | safely, secretly, out of sight |
close up (v.) | finally satisfy, put the finishing touches to |
closely (adv.) | securely, in strict confinement |
cock (n.) | softened variant of 'God' |
cockle (n.) | cockle shell, mussel-shell |
colour (v.) | dye, stain a new colour |
come (v.) | speak, talk, express oneself |
come by (v.) | find, acquire, come across |
come of (v.) | descend from |
commanded (adj.) | forced, feigned, contrived |
commend (v.) | praise, admire, extol |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
common (adj.) | average, usual, general, ordinary |
commune (v.) | talk, converse, discourse |
comonty, commonty (n.) | malapropism for ‘comedy’ |
compassed (adj.) | curved, rounded, arched |
compound (v.) | agree, settle |
compound (v.) | agree, settle |
conceit (n.) | notion, idea, thought |
conceive (v.) | understand, comprehend, follow |
conceive (v.) | understand, comprehend, follow |
condition (n.) | disposition, temper, mood, character |
confer (v.) | chat, talk together, gossip |
conference (n.) | conversation, talk, discourse |
conformable (adj.) | compliant, submissive, tractable |
confound (v.) | destroy, overthrow, ruin |
conserve (n.) | (plural) confections, sweetmeats, candied fruits |
conserve (n.) | (plural) preserve, store |
consolation (n.) | comfort, good cheer, contentment |
construe (v.) | explain, expound |
construe (v.) | explain, expound |
contain (v.) | restrain, keep under control |
contending (adj.) | struggling, antagonistic, opposed |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (v.) | please, gratify, delight, satisfy |
content (v.) | please, gratify, delight, satisfy |
content (v.) | please, gratify, delight, satisfy |
content (v.) | calm [down], settle, relax |
content (v.) | calm [down], settle, relax |
content (v.) | calm [down], settle, relax |
content (v.) | take pleasure in, enjoy |
contented (adj.) | not disposed to complain, amenable |
contented (adj.) | willing, ready, agreeable |
continency (n.) | moderation, self-restraint, patience |
contrive (v.) | pass the time, spend, while away |
cony-catch (v.) | rabbit-catch; trick, dupe |
cony-catching (n.) | rabbit-catching; trickery, evasion, knavery |
copatain hat | high-crowned hat in the form of a sugar-loaf |
countenance (n.) | appearance, aspect, look |
countenance (n.) | appearance, aspect, look |
countenance (n.) | demeanour, bearing, manner |
countenance (n.) | demeanour, bearing, manner |
countenance (n.) | demeanour, bearing, manner |
countenance (v.) | honour, grace, pay respect to |
counterfeit (adj.) | pretended, feigned, sham |
counterfeit (adj.) | pretended, feigned, sham |
counterpoint (n.) | counterpane, quilted bed-covering |
couple (v.) | leash together |
course (v.) | hunt hares [or other game] with hounds by sight |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | curtsy, bow, gesture of respect |
covenant (n.) | contract, legal agreement, compact |
coxcomb (n.) | fool's head, fool, simpleton |
coy (adj.) | unresponsive, distant, standoffish, disdainful |
cozen (v.) | cheat, dupe, trick, deceive |
cozen (v.) | cheat, dupe, trick, deceive |
crab (n.) | crab-apple, sour apple |
crack-hemp (n.) | rogue who deserves to be hanged, gallows-bird |
crave (v.) | need, demand, require |
crave (v.) | beg, entreat, request |
crave (v.) | beg, entreat, request |
craven (n.) | [cock-fighting] cock that shows no fighting spirit |
credit (n.) | reputation, name, standing, honour |
credit (v.) | do credit to, grace, give esteem to |
crest (n.) | heraldic device placed above the shield and helmet in a coat-of-arms |
cross (adj.) | perverse, contrarious, contradictory |
cross (v.) | afflict, plague, go against |
cross (v.) | contradict, challenge, go against |
cross (v.) | contradict, challenge, go against |
cross (v.) | interrupt, cut in on |
crown (n.) | coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings |
crown (n.) | coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings |
crown (n.) | coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings |
crown (n.) | coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings |
crupper (n.) | leather saddle-strap on a horse |
crupper (n.) | leather saddle-strap on a horse |
cry (v.) | give tongue, cry out |
cullion (n.) | wretch, rascal, rogue |
cum... | by special licence with the sole right to print |
cunning (adj.) | knowledgeable, skilful, clever |
cunning (adj.) | knowledgeable, skilful, clever |
cunning (adj.) | knowledgeable, skilful, clever |
cunning (adj.) | knowledgeable, skilful, clever |
cunning (n.) | skill, ability, expertise |
cunning (n.) | deviousness, deceit, craftiness, artfulness |
curious (adj.) | particular, difficult to satisfy, hard to please |
curiously (adv.) | skilfully, carefully, proficiently |
currish (adj.) | mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
curst (adj.) | bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross |
custard-coffin (n.) | crust surrounding a custard tart |
cut (n.) | ornamental gap in a dress to show the colour underneath |
Cytherea (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
dainty (n.) | delicacy, choice foodstuff |
dally (v.) | delay, linger, loiter |
dam (n.) | mother |
dam (n.) | mother |
dame (n.) | woman, girl |
Daphne (n.) | nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree |
deceitful (adj.) | sham, false, bogus |
deceiving (adj.) | sham, false, bogus |
deck (v.) | cover, adorn, decorate |
declining (adj.) | hanging, bowing, drooping |
deeply (adv.) | profoundly, thoroughly, sincerely |
deeply (adv.) | loudly, sonorously, resoundingly |
demi-cannon (n.) | type of large gun |
denier (n.) | tenth of a penny [trivial sum, paltry amount] |
deny (v.) | refuse, decline, scorn |
deny (v.) | refuse, decline, scorn |
descry (v.) | catch sight of, make out, espy, discover |
desperate (adj.) | risky, dangerous, hazardous |
despite, in | no matter what else happens |
device (n.) | plan, scheme, intention |
device (n.) | plot, stratagem, trick |
devote (adj.) | devoted, dedicated, addicted |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
diaper (n.) | towel, napkin, cloth |
digress (v.) | deviate, diverge, depart |
diligent (adj.) | attentive, heedful, ready to respond |
discipline (n.) | learning, schooling, course of instruction |
discomfit (v.) | discourage, disconcert, deject |
disease (n.) | mental illness, disturbance of mind |
dispatch, despatch (v.) | deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly |
disquiet (adj.) | upset, disturbed, troubled |
dissemble (v.) | disguise, cloak, give a deceptive appearance to |
dissemble (v.) | deceive, disguise the truth, pretend |
distilled (adj.) | fragrant, scented, aromatic |
doff (v.) | throw off, get rid of, do away with |
dog-weary (adj.) | dog-tired, exhausted |
dole, happy man be his | destiny, fate, lot |
domineer (v.) | feast riotously, raise the roof |
dotard (n.) | old fool, senile idiot |
doublet | man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt |
doublet | man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt |
doubtful (adj.) | fearful, worried, apprehensive |
dower (n.) | dowry, property or wealth given with a wife |
dower (n.) | dowry, property or wealth given with a wife |
dower (n.) | dowry, property or wealth given with a wife |
draw (v.) | write out, draw up, present |
dress (v.) | prepare, make ready |
dresser (n.) | serving-table, kitchen table |
drudge (n.) | slave, serf, lackey |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
dulcet (adj.) | sweet, mild, pleasant, agreeable |
dull (adj.) | dim, not sharp, lacking keenness |
dump (n.) | (plural) low spirits, feeling of melancholy |
duty (n.) | due, desert, deserving |
duty (n.) | reverence, due respect, proper attitude |
duty (n.) | reverence, due respect, proper attitude |
ease (n.) | comfort, relief, solace |
edge (n.) | ardour, keen desire |
effect (v.) | cause, produce, bring about |
effectual (adj.) | effective, efficient |
eleven and twenty long | just right, perfect [a winning hand in the card game of Thirty-one] |
embossed (adj.) | driven to such extremes, made mad with exhaustion |
embracement (n.) | embrace, clasping, hug |
encounter (n.) | accosting, address, approach |
endure (v.) | let, allow, permit |
engender (v.) | produce, develop, generate |
entertain (v.) | welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to |
entertain (v.) | welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to |
entertainment (n.) | pleasant reception, favourable welcome |
entertainment (n.) | treatment, hospitality, reception |
entire (adj.) | sincere, genuine, earnest |
entrance (n.) | admission, right of entering, entrance-fee |
envious (adj.) | malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity |
envy, envy at (v.) | show malice [towards], hate, regard with ill will |
ergo (adv.) | therefore |
estate (n.) | degree of rank, place in life, type of person |
esteem (n.) | reputation, regard, respectability |
esteem (v.) | regard, think, consider |
event (n.) | outcome, issue, consequence |
ewer (n.) | pitcher containing water for washing hands |
ewer (n.) | pitcher containing water for washing hands |
excuse (n.) | pardon, dispensation, exoneration |
execute (v.) | carry out, fulfil, perform |
express (v.) | show, reveal, display |
extempore (adj./adv.) | without preparation, improvised, for the occasion |
eyne (n.) | [archaism] eyes |
face (v.) | trim with braid, adorn |
face (v.) | confront impudently, defy |
face (v.) | confront impudently, defy |
face (v.) | brazen out, carry through shamelessly |
face out (v.) | brazen out, carry through shamelessly |
fain (adv.) | gladly, willingly |
fair (adj.) | handsome, good-looking, beautiful |
fair (adj.) | clean, unsoiled, not dirty |
fair (adv.) | kindly, encouragingly, courteously |
fair (adv.) | fully, quite, wholly |
fair (n.) | fortune, happiness, favour |
fairly (adv.) | neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully |
fairly (adv.) | neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully |
fairly (adv.) | cordially, warmly, becomingly |
fall to (v.) | begin to do, abandon oneself to |
false (adj.) | treacherous, traitorous, perfidious |
fame (n.) | reputation, renown, character |
fancy (n.) | imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought |
fancy (n.) | whim, inclination, caprice |
fancy (v.) | like, love, admire |
fancy (v.) | like, love, admire |
fare (v.) | get on, manage, do, cope |
fare (v.) | get on, manage, do, cope |
farrer (adv.) | farther, further |
farthingale (n.) | long skirt extended at the back by a framework of hoops |
fashion (n.) | (plural) horse disease affecting the nose and mouth [farcy] |
fast out (v.) | pass a period of abstinence |
father (n.) | old man, venerable sir |
fault (n.) | [hunting] break in a line of scent, loss of scent |
fay (n.) | faith |
fear (v.) | frighten, scare, terrify, daunt |
fear (v.) | fear for, worry about, be anxious about |
fellow (n.) | fellow-servant, colleague |
fellow (n.) | companion, associate |
few, in (a) | in few words, in short, in brief |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
figure (n.) | figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric |
filthy (adj.) | nasty, contemptible, disgusting |
fine (adj.) | finely clothed, smartly dressed |
fine (adj.) | finely clothed, smartly dressed |
finely (adv.) | nicely, delicately, subtly |
first (n.) | beginning, outset, start |
fit (v.) | suit, befit, be suitable [for] |
fives (n.) | (plural) horse disease affecting the parotid glands [the strangles] |
flap-eared (adj.) | with long hanging ears |
flat (adj.) | downright, plain, basic |
flatly (adv.) | plainly, straight, bluntly |
fleet (adj.) | swift, nimble, active |
fleet (adj.) | swift, nimble, active |
Florentine (n.) | someone from Florence, Italy |
Florentius (n.) | knight in Gower's 'Confessio Amantis' who married an ugly woman in return for the answer to a riddle on which his life depended |
flout (v.) | insult, abuse, mock |
fondly (adv.) | foolishly, stupidly, madly |
fool (n.) | [term of endearment or pity] dear, darling, innocent creature |
footboy (n.) | boy attendant, page-boy, servant on foot [accompanying a rider] |
for (conj.) | because |
for (prep.) | by |
for why, forwhy (adv.) | for which reason, because of this |
forbear (v.) | stop, cease, desist |
forget (v.) | lose one's sense of identity |
formal (adj.) | punctilious, stiff, standing on ceremony |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | abandon, renounce, reject, give up |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | abandon, renounce, reject, give up |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | deny, repudiate, refuse to admit |
forthcoming (adj.) | producable in court, available as evidence / as a witness |
fortune (n.) | good fortune, success |
fortune (n.) | chance, fate, [one's ] lot |
fortune (n.) | chance, fate, [one's ] lot |
forward (adj.) | insistent, demanding, eager |
foul (adj.) | false, hypocritical, shameful |
foul (adj.) | plain-looking, unattractive, ugly |
foul (adj.) | dirty, miry, muddy |
foul (adj.) | dirty, miry, muddy |
foul (adj.) | detestable, vile, loathsome |
frame (v.) | adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate |
frantic (adj.) | mad, insane, frenzied, out of one's senses |
frenzy (n.) | distraction, agitation, delirium |
fresh (adj.) | young, lovely, blooming |
fret (n.) | ridge for guiding the fingers on the neck of a lute [or similar instrument] |
fret (n.) | irritation, annoyance, vexation |
fret (v.) | wear out, eat away, erode |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
frivolous (adj.) | silly, paltry, trivial |
frolic (v.) | be joyful, make merry |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
froward (adj.) | perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable |
full (adv.) | fully, completely, properly |
full-gorged (adj.) | allowed to eat her fill |
fume (v.) | be in a rage, show anger |
furniture (n.) | outfit, dress, costume |
fustian (n.) | type of coarse cloth [of cotton and flax] |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gall (v.) | graze, scratch |
gallant (n.) | fine gentleman, man of fashion |
gallant (n.) | fine gentleman, man of fashion |
galliass (n.) | heavily built warship using sails and oars [larger than a galley] |
gambold (n.) | frolic, entertainment, pastime |
gamesome (adj.) | sportive, merry, playful |
gamester (n.) | gambler, adventurer |
gamut (n.) | musical scale |
gaud (n.) | gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (n.) | (plural) gentlemen |
gentlewoman (n.) | woman of good breeding, well-born lady |
gentlewoman (n.) | woman of good breeding, well-born lady |
gentlewoman (n.) | woman of good breeding, well-born lady |
George, Saint | in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
gift (n.) | quality, accomplishment, talent |
gird (n.) | taunt, gibe, dig |
give over (v.) | desert, leave, abandon |
give thanks | say grace before meals |
glance away (v.) | bounce off, ricochet off |
glanders (n.) | horse disease affecting the nostrils and jaws |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
go forward (v.) | carry on, keep it up |
God-a-mercy | exclamation of thanks, applause, surprise, etc [God have mercy] |
gog (n.) | softened form of 'God' |
good (adj.) | amenable, tractable, manageable |
goodly (adj.) | splendid, excellent, fine |
goodly (adj.) | splendid, excellent, fine |
goodman (adj.) | husband |
grace (n.) | favour, good will |
grace (n.) | gracefulness, charm, elegance |
graceless (adj.) | wicked, ungodly, immoral |
gramercy, gramercies (int.) | great thanks |
gramercy, gramercies (int.) | great thanks |
grandsire (n.) | old man, aged person |
grateful (adj.) | pleasing, agreeable, gratifying |
gratify (v.) | reward, repay, show gratitude for |
great (adj.) | full of emotion |
green (adj.) | fresh, recent, new |
green (adj.) | fresh, recent, new |
grieve (v.) | vex, hurt, trouble |
Grissel (n.) | Griselda, model of wifely patience in Chaucer's 'Clerk’s Tale' |
groom (n.) | serving-man, servant, male attendant |
groom (n.) | bridegroom |
groom (n.) | fellow, character, creature |
ground (n.) | foundation, basis, root |
habiliment, abiliment (n.) | (usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
haggard (n.) | [falconry] wild hawk |
haggard (n.) | [falconry] wild hawk |
hale (v.) | molest, drag about, push around |
half, be one's | go half-shares with one, share the stake with one |
half-cheeked (adj.) | [horse-riding] with broken side-rings [cheeks]; or: halfway up the cheeks |
halt (v.) | limp, proceed lamely |
halt (v.) | limp, proceed lamely |
hand, at / in any | in any case, at any rate |
hand, at / in any | in any case, at any rate |
hap (n.) | fortune, lot, fate |
hap (v.) | happen, take place, come to pass |
haply (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck |
haply (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck |
haply (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck |
haply (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck |
happily (adv.) | perhaps, by chance, maybe |
happily (adv.) | opportunely, propitiously, with good fortune |
happily (adv.) | opportunely, propitiously, with good fortune |
happy (adj.) | opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable |
hard (adv.) | badly, poorly, ill |
hasty-witted (adj.) | quick-witted, quick-thinking |
have at (v.) | [said at the start of a fencing attack or other confrontation] I come at, let me at [a person] |
have to | I'll move forward to, I'll go onwards to |
have to't | let's go at it, let's renew the fight |
he (n.) | man, person |
head (n.) | power, strength, scope |
headstall (n.) | part of a horse's bridle that goes over the head |
hearing (n.) | news, report, spectacle |
hearken (v.) | be on the lookout, await an opportunity |
hearken for (v.) | desire, be attracted to |
heart (n.) | courage, spirit, valour |
heart (n.) | courage, spirit, valour |
heart, for my | for my life |
heavy (adj.) | sorrowful, sad, gloomy |
heedless (adj.) | careless, slack, inattentive |
hic ibat... | Here ran the SImois; here is the Sigeian land; here stood the lofty palace of old Priam |
hie (v.) | hasten, hurry, speed |
high-cross (n.) | cross in a town centre |
hilding (n.) | good-for-nothing, worthless individual |
hipped (adj.) | with an injured hip, lame |
history (n.) | story, tale, narrative |
hold (n.) | guard, custody, confinement |
hold (v.) | bear, tolerate, endure |
hold (v.) | stay unbroken, hold out [in a fight] |
hold (v.) | wager, offer as a bet |
holidam / holidame, by my | what I hold holy; or: Our Lady |
honest (adj.) | honourable, respectable, upright |
hose (n.) | [pair of] breeches |
hot (adj.) | hot-tempered, angry, passionate |
hot (adj.) | hot-tempered, angry, passionate |
hour (n.) | (plural) fixed time, timetable |
house (n.) | inn, tavern |
household (adj.) | domesticated, house-trained |
humble (adj.) | lowly, ignoble, low |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
hungerly (adj.) | sparse, meagre |
hurly (n.) | commotion, uproar, turmoil |
husband (n.) | housekeeper, steward, domestic manager |
husband (v.) | manage, handle, look after |
husht (int.) | be quiet |
chafe (v.) | enrage, irritate, anger |
chafe (v.) | enrage, irritate, anger |
chance (n.) | event, occurrence, situation [especially, bad] |
change (v.) | exchange, trade |
change (v.) | substitute, replace, supplant |
chapeless (adj.) | without a sheath |
charge (n.) | expense, cost, outlay |
charge (v.) | entreat, exhort, enjoin |
charm (v.) | overcome, subdue, take over [as if by a charm] |
charm (v.) | bind, order, tell |
check (n.) | restraint, control, counsel of moderation |
cheer (n.) | entertainment, fare, food and drink |
cheer (n.) | entertainment, fare, food and drink |
cheer (n.) | entertainment, fare, food and drink |
cheer (n.) | entertainment, fare, food and drink |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chider (n.) | quarreller, abusive person |
choice (adj.) | chosen, specially worthy, excellent |
choke (v.) | silence, quieten, still |
choler (n.) | anger, rage, wrath |
choleric (adj.) | inclined to anger, hot-tempered, irascible |
choleric (adj.) | giving rise to anger, causing bad temper |
choose, cannot | have no alternative, cannot do otherwise |
Christmas (n.) | in Christian tradition, the feast of the birth of Christ, 25 December |
idle (adj.) | mad, crazy, lunatic |
idle (adj.) | mad, crazy, lunatic |
ill-favoured (adj.) | ugly, unattractive, unsightly |
ill-seeming (adj.) | of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at |
image (n.) | embodiment, instance, form |
impatient (adj.) | angry, irate, incensed |
import (n.) | importance, significance, consequence |
importune (v.) | beg [for], ask persistently [for] |
imprimis (adv.) | in the first place |
imprimis (adv.) | in the first place |
indifferent (adj.) | not different, identical, same |
indifferent (adv.) | equally, alike, correspondingly |
induction (n.) | opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation |
infuse (v.) | fill, imbue, pervade |
ingenious (adj.) | intellectual, refined, in liberal arts |
ingrate (adj.) | ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative |
insolence (n.) | overbearing pride, haughtiness, presumptuous arrogance |
institute (v.) | begin, introduce, set up |
intend (v.) | pretend, convey, purport, profess |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intolerable (adv.) | excessively, exceedingly, extremely |
invention (n.) | novelty, fresh creation, innovation |
invention (n.) | plan, scheme, stratagem |
Io (n.) | [pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera |
iwis (adv.) | [archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly |
Jack (n.) | jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave |
Jack (n.) | jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave |
Jack (n.) | serving-man |
jade (n.) | [contemptuous] wretch, worthless individual |
jade (n.) | worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag |
jade (n.) | worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag |
jar (v.) | grate, sound discordantly |
jealous (adj.) | suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful |
jerkin (n.) | male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather] |
Jeronimy, Saint | [in TS Induction.i.7] a variant of Jerome, confused with Hieronimo from Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy |
jest, break a | play a practical joke |
Jill (n.) | serving-maid |
jog (v.) | move on, go off, be away |
joint-stool, join-stool, joined-stool (n.) | well-made stool [by a joiner] [also used in phrases of ridicule] |
jointure (n.) | marriage settlement, part of a husband's estate due to his widow |
jolly (adj.) | [intensifier] very, extremely; or: arrogant, overbearing |
jolthead, jolt-head (n.) | blockhead, dolt, numskull |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
jump (v.) | agree, coincide, tally |
junket (n.) | delicacy, sweetmeat, confection |
keep (n.) | keeping, custody, care |
keep (v.) | look after, watch over, maintain |
keep (v.) | look after, watch over, maintain |
kennel (n.) | street drain, gutter |
kersey (n./adj.) | coarsely woven plain woollen cloth |
kill (v.) | put down, outdo, master |
kind (adj.) | loving, affectionate, fond |
kindly (adv.) | naturally, spontaneously, convincingly |
kindly, and | by all means, in any case |
kindness (n.) | feeling of kinship |
kindred (n.) | matching character, resemblance [to one another] |
kite (n.) | bird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse] |
knack (n.) | trifle, knick-knack, ornament |
knave (n.) | servant, menial, lackey |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | boy, lad, fellow |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knavery (n.) | showy adornment, trumpery, ornamentation |
knit (n.) | style, pattern, type |
lackey (n.) | footman, minion, flunky |
lampass (n.) | horse disease affecting the mouth |
largess (n.) | free gift, generous present |
lave (v.) | wash, bathe, soak |
law, by | in court, with legal proceedings |
lay (v.) | wager, stake, bet |
lecture (n.) | classroom lesson |
lecture (n.) | classroom lesson |
lecture (n.) | classroom lesson |
Leda (n.) | [pron: 'leeda] daughter of Thestius; loved by Jove, who turned himself into a swan to seduce her |
leet (n.) | local court of justice, manorial court |
'lege (v.) | allege |
leisure (n.) | opportunity, moment, available time |
leisure (n.) | opportunity, moment, available time |
lewd (adj.) | improper, unseemly |
lie (v.) | live, dwell, reside, lodge |
lief, had as | should like just as much |
light (adj.) | joyful, merry, light-hearted |
light on (v.) | come across, meet with, chance upon |
light on (v.) | come across, meet with, chance upon |
light on (v.) | come across, meet with, chance upon |
lightness (n.) | irresponsibility, levity, frivolity, fickleness |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (v.) | please, suit |
like (v.) | please, suit |
like (v.) | love |
like, the | the same |
like, the | the same |
link (n.) | blacking [from a burnt torch] |
list (n.) | cloth edging, border material |
list (v.) | care, choose, desire |
list (v.) | listen |
list (v.) | wish, like, please |
list (v.) | wish, like, please |
loggerheaded (adj.) | thick-headed, stupid, doltish |
long (v.) | belong, pertain, relate |
longly (adv.) | for a long time, constantly, persistently |
look for (v.) | expect, hope for, anticipate |
look for (v.) | expect, hope for, anticipate |
look unto (v.) | attend to, take care of |
look upon (v.) | take notice of, turn towards |
look what (conj.) | whatever |
loose-bodied (adj.) | loose-fitting |
lovely (adj.) | loving, amorous |
low (adj.) | gentle, mild, not shrill |
lowly (adj.) | humble, modest, submissive |
Lucrece, Lucretia (n.) | [lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin |
lunatic (adj.) | hallucinating, suffering from delusions |
lure (n.) | [falconry] baited apparatus for recalling a hawk |
lustful (adj.) | lust-arousing |
lusty (adj.) | merry, cheerful, lively |
madcap (adj.) | reckless, impulsive, wildly behaved |
maidenhead (n.) | virginity |
maintain (v.) | afford, stand the cost of |
make (v.) | become, form, make up |
make good | perform well, succeed in carrying out |
make good | perform well, succeed in carrying out |
malthorse, malt-horse (n./adj.) | heavy brewer's horse; so: drudge, idiot |
man (n.) | servant, attendant, lackey |
man (v.) | [falconry] tame, make tractable |
mar (v.) | ruin, harm, injure, damage |
mar (v.) | ruin, harm, injure, damage |
marcantant (n.) | malapropism of Italian ‘mercatante’, merchant |
mark (n.) | accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
mart (n.) | bargaining, buying and selling, trading |
marvel (adj.) | strange, remarkable |
marvellous (adv.) | very, extremely, exceedingly |
masquing (adj.) | elaborate, grotesque, suitable for use in a masque |
master (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
master (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
mate (n.) | fellow, individual |
match (n.) | bargain, contract, agreement |
match (v.) | join in marriage, make a match |
matter (n.) | subject-matter, content, substance |
maze (n.) | chance wandering about, labyrinthine business |
meacock (adj.) | spiritless, languid, docile |
mead (n.) | meadow |
mean (adj.) | lowly, humble, poor |
mean (adj.) | lowly, humble, poor |
mean (adj.) | lowly, humble, poor |
mean (adj.) | lowly, humble, poor |
mean (adj.) | lowly, humble, poor |
mean (adj.) | unworthy, insignificant, unimportant |
mean (adj.) | average, moderate, middling |
mean-apparelled (adj.) | humbly dressed, in poor clothes |
measure (n.) | [of drink] vessel-full, tot |
meat (n.) | food, nourishment |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
mend (v.) | supplement, augment |
mend (v.) | amend, improve, make better, put right |
mend (v.) | amend, improve, make better, put right |
mend (v.) | amend, improve, make better, put right |
merry (adj.) | hilarious, uproarious, hysterical |
merry (adj.) | facetious, droll, jocular |
mess (n.) | serving of food, dish |
mete-yard (n.) | measuring rod, yardstick |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
mew up (v.) | coop up, confine, shut up |
mew up (v.) | coop up, confine, shut up |
mighty (adj.) | influential, important, leading |
milch-kine (n.) | dairy-milk cows |
mind (n.) | inclination, desire, wish |
mind (n.) | intention, purpose, intent |
mind (v.) | pay attention to, take notice of |
Minerva (n.) | Roman goddess of wisdom, the arts, and trades |
minion (n.) | hussy, jade, minx |
modest (adj.) | moderate, reasonable, mild, limited |
modesty (n.) | moderation, restraint, discipline |
modesty (n.) | moderation, restraint, discipline |
monument (n.) | portent, warning, sign |
moralise, moralize (v.) | explain, interpret |
morn (n.) | morning, dawn |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
mose in the chine | [unclear meaning] be in the final stages of the glanders |
mother-wit | natural intelligence |
motion (n.) | proposal, proposition, suggestion, offer |
mould (n.) | nature, frame, character |
mould (v.) | model, shape, fashion |
move (v.) | shake one's resolve, alter one's position |
move (v.) | arouse, affect, stir [by emotion] |
moved (adj.) | in a bad temper, angered, exasperated |
mum (int.) | be quiet, shush |
mum (int.) | be quiet, shush |
muscadel (n.) | type of strong sweet wine |
nail (n.) | [measure of cloth] sixteenth of a yard [c.6 cm] |
narrowly (adv.) | carefully, with close attention |
narrow-prying (adj.) | inquisitive, snooping, meddlesome |
near-legged (adj.) | knock-kneed |
neat (n.) | ox, cow, cattle |
nice (adj.) | whimsical, capricious, temperamental |
nill (v.) | will not |
nit (n.) | little fellow; shrimp, gnat |
note (n.) | list, record, roll |
note (n.) | memorandum |
note (v.) | observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of] |
nurse (n.) | nourisher, feeder |
obeisance (n.) | bow, curtsy, respectful salutation |
occasion (n.) | circumstance, opportunity |
occasion (n.) | course of events, state of affairs |
odd (adj.) | eccentric, peculiar, unusual |
odd (adj.) | eccentric, peculiar, unusual |
odds (n. plural) | superiority, advantage, edge |
offer (v.) | dare, presume, venture |
offer (v.) | make, opt for, declare |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
officer (n.) | constable |
oft (adv.) | often |
oftentimes (adv.) | often, frequently, on many occasions |
only (adv.) | alone, solely, exclusively |
ordain (v.) | appoint, establish, institute |
order (n.) | arrangement, disposition, direction |
order (n.) | manner, process, method |
orderly (adv.) | according to the rules, properly, in the prescribed way |
ordnance, ordinance (n.) | cannon, artillery |
orchard (n.) | garden |
out-vie (v.) | outbid, outdo, better |
overblow (v.) | blow over, pass away, abate |
overeye, over-eye (v.) | watch, observe; or: look too much at |
overleather (n.) | leather in the upper part of a shoe |
overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught | outwit, outdo, cheat |
overrun (v.) | flow over, stream down |
Ovid, Ovidius (n.) | [pron: 'ovid] Latin poet; exiled to live among the Goths in AD 8 |
pack (v.) | take [oneself] off, be off, depart |
packing (n.) | plotting, contriving, underhand dealing |
packthread, pack-thread (n.) | twine used for tying up bundles, string |
pain (n.) | effort, endeavour, exertion, labour |
pain (n.) | effort, endeavour, exertion, labour |
painful (adj.) | painstaking, diligent, laborious |
painted (adj.) | colourful, multi-coloured |
pantaloon (n.) | old man, dotard [i.e. one wearing pantaloons = breeches] |
pantaloon (n.) | old man, dotard [i.e. one wearing pantaloons = breeches] |
parle, parley (n.) | negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
pass (n.) | predicament, juncture, critical point |
pass (v.) | surpass, go beyond, outdo |
pass (v.) | confirm, ratify, affirm |
pass (v.) | confirm, ratify, affirm |
pass (v.) | transact, complete, carry through |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passing (adv.) | very, exceedingly, extremely |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
pate (n.) | head, skull |
pate (n.) | head, skull |
patrimony (n.) | estate, inheritance, property |
paucas pallabris (phrase) | few words, be brief [an approximation to Spanish pocas palabras] |
peasant (adj.) | base, low, villainous |
peat (n.) | pet, spoilt darling |
pedant (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
pedant (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
pedant (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
pedant (n.) | teacher, schoolmaster |
pedascule (n.) | little pedant |
peer (v.) | appear, come into sight |
Pegasus (n.) | winged horse which sprang from the body of Medusa after her death; he brought thunderbolts to Zeus |
peremptory (adj.) | determined, resolved, absolutely decided |
petticoat (n.) | long skirt |
pheeze, feeze (v.) | do for, settle the hash of, fix |
piece (v.) | mend, repair, make whole |
piercing (adj.) | moving, touching, poignant |
pinch (v.) | cause trouble, bring into difficulties |
pip (n.) | mark on a playing card [as used in the game of ‘one-and-thirty’] |
pith (n.) | essence, central point, main purpose |
pittance (n.) | meal, fare, provision |
place where, in | in a suitable place |
place, in | present, attending, at hand |
plash (n.) | pool, puddle, pond |
plate (n.) | special tableware, household utensils of value |
pleasant (adj.) | facetious, joking, droll |
pleasant (adj.) | facetious, joking, droll |
pleasant (adj.) | merry, festive, jolly |
pleasant (adj.) | merry, festive, jolly |
pleasant (adj.) | merry, festive, jolly |
pleasure (n.) | wish, desire, will |
pleasure (n.) | wish, desire, will |
pledge (n.) | guarantor, surety |
pluck (v.) | tug, yank, pull sharply |
plucking (n.) | pulling off, removal |
ply one's book | study, work at, apply oneself to |
point (n.) | (usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet] |
policy (n.) | stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft |
politicly (adv.) | in a politic manner, strategically, shrewdly |
porringer (n.) | pudding basin, pot [for puddings, soup, etc] |
port (n.) | style of living, way of life |
port (n.) | station, position, dignity |
portion (n.) | dowry, marriage gift, settlement |
possession (n.) | actual holding, real ownership, immediate possession |
practice (n.) | occupation, profession, line of work |
practise on / upon (v.) | work upon, act craftily with, make to operate |
prating (adj.) | prattling, chattering, blathering |
prefer (v.) | present, put forward, introduce |
preferment (n.) | advancement, promotion |
preposterous (adj.) | contrary to the natural order, monstrous, perverted |
prerogative (n.) | precedence, prior place |
present (v.) | put forward [for immediate action] |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
prevent (v.) | take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action |
Priam (n.) | [pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy |
prick (v.) | urge, incite, motivate |
prick (v.) | pin, fix, stick |
proceeder (n.) | worker, scholar, student |
prodigy (n.) | omen, portent, sign |
profess (v.) | practise, pursue, claim knowledge of |
proof (n.) | tested strength, proven power of resistance, impenetrability |
proof (n.) | result, outcome, upshot |
proper (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, comely |
proud (adj.) | bulging, swelling |
prove (v.) | test, try out, make trial [of] |
quaff (v.) | drink down, take a long draught of |
quaff off (v.) | drain a cup in a long draught |
quaint (adj.) | pretty, attractive, lovely |
quaint (adj.) | artful, cunning |
qualified (adj.) | endowed with good qualities, accomplished |
quantity (n.) | fragment, little piece, tiny amount |
quick (adj.) | sharp, keen, alert |
quicken (v.) | revive, rejuvenate, give life [to] |
quiet (n.) | calmness, peace of mind, serenity |
quit (v.) | avenge, requite, take vengeance [on] |
quoth (v.) | said |
quoth (v.) | said |
quoth (v.) | said |
rag (n.) | worthless wretch, good-for-nothing creature, beggar |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
raiment (n.) | clothing, clothes, dress |
raiment (n.) | clothing, clothes, dress |
range (v.) | wander freely, roam, rove |
rate (v.) | berate, reproach, rebuke, scold |
rate (v.) | berate, reproach, rebuke, scold |
ray (v.) | disfigure, stain, blemish |
ray (v.) | dirty, soil, make filthy |
ready (adj.) | easy, quick, convenient |
rebuse (v.) | malapropism for ‘abuse’ |
reckon up (v.) | list, enumerate |
redime... | free yourself from captivity at the lowest ransom |
regard (n.) | consideration, concern, thought, heed |
rehearse (v.) | relate, recount, give an account of |
remember (v.) | recollect, recall, call to mind |
repute (v.) | consider, think, reckon |
resolution (n.) | determination, courage, firmness of purpose |
resolve (v.) | answer, respond to |
rest (v.) | remain [to be done], be left |
rest, let | so much for, think no further of [someone / something] |
restrain (v.) | draw tightly, pull taut |
reverence (n.) | bow, obeisance, salutation |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
right (adj.) | correct [in opinion], right-minded |
road (n.) | harbour, anchorage, roadstead |
room (n.) | place, seat |
rope-trick (n.) | [unclear meaning] possibly a malapropism of ‘rhetoric’ or ‘rope-rhetoric’ [i.e. bombastic rhetoric] |
rough (adj.) | difficult to manage, not thoroughly trained |
roundly (adv.) | bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly |
roundly (adv.) | plainly, to the point, straight out |
roundly (adv.) | plainly, to the point, straight out |
roundly (adv.) | plainly, to the point, straight out |
rout (n.) | band, company, crowd |
rudesby (n.) | ruffian, piece of insolence, unmannerly fellow |
ruff (n.) | frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck |
ruffling (adj.) | frilled, lace-adorned; also: embellishing, gay |
rule (n.) | principle, order, regulation |
rush-candle (n.) | candle made of a rush dipped in tallow-wax [giving poor light] |
sack (n.) | [type of] white wine |
sacred (adj.) | revered, respected [as if a holy thing] |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sadness, in / in good | in earnest, seriously |
safe (adj.) | safely out of the way |
satisfy (v.) | provide with information, reassure, convince |
saving (prep.) | with all respect to, without offence to |
savour (n.) | scent, fragrance, smell |
scape, 'scape (n.) | escape |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
science (n.) | area of knowledge, field of learning |
scold (n.) | abusive woman, quarreller |
score (n.) | reckoning, account, debt |
score (v.) | mark up, chalk up, add to the tally |
scrivener (n.) | professional scribe, clerk, notary |
sealed (adj.) | certified, authenticated [through a wax seal] |
sedge (n.) | variety of grassy plant, rush |
see (v.) | see to, manage, attend to |
seen, well | well-versed, with good qualifications |
Semiramis (n.) | [pron: se'miramis] semi-legendary Assyrian queen renowned for promiscuity, 9th-c BC |
senseless (adj.) | lacking in sense, stupid, foolish |
sensible (adj.) | endowed with good sense, perceptive, responsible |
sensible (adj.) | sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling |
serve (v.) | provide opportunity [to], be favourable [to], favour |
serve in (v.) | supply, provide, deal out |
serve one's turn | meet one's need, answer one's requirements |
serviceable (adj.) | diligent, subservient, ready to do anything |
sessa, sesey, sese (int.) | [cry of encouragement used in hunting, fencing] be off, off you go |
severally (adv.) | separately, individually |
sharp (adj.) | [falconry] famished, hungry, starving |
sheathing (n.) | being fitted with a sheath |
sheer (adj.) | taken alone, unaccompanied by food |
shift (n.) | stratagem, contriving, trick |
shipping (n.) | voyage, sailing, passage |
shortness (n.) | directness, straightforwardness, brevity |
shoulder-shotten (adj.) | with a dislocated shoulder |
show (n.) | spectacle, display, ceremony |
shrewd (adj.) | shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult |
shrewd (adj.) | shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult |
shrewd (adj.) | shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult |
shrewd (adj.) | shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult |
scholar (n.) | pupil, student |
school (v.) | instruct how to act, teach a part to |
Sibyl, Sybilla (n.) | priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand |
Simois (n.) | [pron: 'simohees] river flowing from Mt Ida to the plain of Troy, W Turkey |
simple (adj.) | foolish, silly, stupid |
simple (adj.) | common, ordinary, average, humble |
since for (conj.) | because of |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sith (conj.) | since |
skill (v.) | matter, make a difference, be of importance |
skipper (n.) | light-brain, frivolous wretch |
slack (adj.) | less attentive, remiss, lax |
slender (adj.) | slight, trifling, insignificant |
slickly (adv.) | smoothly, sleekly, neatly |
slip (v.) | let go of, allow to leave, unleash |
slow (adj.) | not readily moved, easy-going |
sober (adj.) | subdued in colour, sombre |
Socrates (n.) | [pron: 'sokrateez] Greek philosopher, 5th-c BC |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
softly (adv.) | slowly, gently |
solely (adv.) | alone, by oneself |
solemn (adj.) | formal, ceremonious, stately |
sol-fa (v.) | sing a scale, make a tune |
something (adv.) | a little, to some extent |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
sooth (n.) | truth |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sop (n.) | piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten] |
sort (n.) | way, manner |
sort (v.) | turn out, fall out, come about |
sound (v.) | cry out, declare, proclaim |
spangle (v.) | adorn brightly, add glitter to |
spavin (n.) | swelling of a horse's leg-joint |
specialty (n.) | sealed contract, special agreement |
speed (n.) | fate, lot, fortune |
speed (v.) | meet with success, prosper, flourish |
speed (v.) | deal with, bring to an end, defeat |
speed (v.) | deal with, bring to an end, defeat |
speed (v.) | fare, manage, get on |
speeding (n.) | success, good fortune |
spirit (n.) | disposition, temperament, frame of mind |
spite (v.) | irritate, mortify, vex |
spleen (n.) | temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions] |
spleen (n.) | impulse, caprice, whim |
spoil (v.) | ruin, destroy, bring to an end |
spoil (v.) | devastate, ravage, impoverish |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sportful (adj.) | playful, frolicsome, wanton |
spruce (adj.) | brisk, lively, smart |
staggers (n.) | horse disease marked by a staggering movement |
stale (n.) | dupe, sap, laughing-stock |
stale (n.) | [falconry] decoy, lure, stalking-horse |
stand (v.) | withstand, endure, stand up to |
stand (v.) | act as, be, hold good as |
stand (v.) | act as, be, hold good as |
stand (v.) | continue, remain, wait, stay put |
stand (v.) | be, appear |
stand for (v.) | be acceptable as, be valid as |
state (n.) | estate, property, wealth, means |
state (n.) | condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs |
stay (v.) | detain, confine, keep |
stay (v.) | detain, confine, keep |
stay (v.) | dissuade, stop, prevent |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | stop, prevent, end |
stay (v.) | stay away, delay, be absent |
stead (v.) | help, assist, benefit |
steal (v.) | hide furtively, conceal stealthily |
step (n.) | action, movement, coming and going |
step in (v.) | move forward, go along |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
stock (n.) | senseless person, stupid individual |
stock (n.) | stocking |
stoic (n.) | pleasure-despiser, over-rigorous person |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stomach (n.) | pride, obstinacy, stubbornness |
stomach (n.) | appetite, desire [for food] |
stomach (n.) | appetite, desire [for food] |
stoop (v.) | [falconry] swoop, descend swiftly |
store (n.) | abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
strand, strond (n.) | shore, land, region |
strange (adj.) | remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural |
strange (adj.) | aloof, distant, reserved |
struck (adj.) | marked, provided, beset |
stud (v.) | adorn with studs, emboss |
study (v.) | learn by heart, commit to memory |
stuff (n.) | rubbish, nonsense |
stuff (n.) | substance, composition, quality, essence |
subscribe to (v.) | concur with, give assent to |
sudden, of / on / upon a / the | suddenly |
suffer (v.) | put up with, tolerate, do nothing about |
suffice (v.) | satisfy, content, be enough [for] |
sufficient (adj.) | able, capable, competent |
suits, in all | in all respects |
sup (v.) | give the last daily feed to |
super-dainty (adj.) | supremely excellent |
suppose (n.) | supposition, belief, impression |
supposed (adj.) | pretended, false, counterfeit |
surely (adv.) | certainly, doubtless, assuredly |
swain (n.) | [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow |
swain (n.) | [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow |
sway (n.) | controlling influence, guiding power, direction |
swayed (adj.) | [of horses] strained, with a spinal depression |
sweet (adj.) | perfumed, scented, fragrant |
sweeting (n.) | sweetheart, darling, dearest |
swift (adj.) | quick-witted, sharp, ready |
swinge (v.) | beat, thrash, flog |
take (v.) | make use of, seize on |
take (v.) | strike, hit, catch |
take on (v.) | behave, act; or: rage, rant |
take upon (v.) | profess, pretend, affect [oneself] |
tale (n.) | false rumour, story, tittle-tattle |
tale (n.) | remark, statement, utterance |
tall (adj.) | good, fine, capable |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
temperate (adj.) | self-restrained, abstemious, gentle-natured |
tender (v.) | look after, take care of |
tent (n.) | fabric hung over and around a bed |
thick (adj.) | foul, nasty, dirty |
think (v.) | expect, anticipate, look |
think (v.) | intend, mean, propose |
think for (v.) | imagine, expect, suppose |
think on (v.) | think better of, think twice about |
thirdborough | parish officer, town constable |
thrall (v.) | enslave, make captive |
throat, lie in one's | be an outrageous liar |
throughly (adv.) | thoroughly, fully, completely |
tie (v.) | oblige, constrain, force |
tight (adj.) | water-tight, seaworthy, shipshape |
time (n.) | times, present day, present state of affairs |
time (n.) | times, present day, present state of affairs |
time, for the | for the time being, at present |
time, in good | indeed |
touch (v.) | finger, sound, play on |
touch (v.) | affect, concern, regard, relate to |
toward (adj.) | docile, compliant, obliging |
toward (adv.) | impending, forthcoming, in preparation |
toward (adv.) | impending, forthcoming, in preparation |
toy (n.) | piece of nonsense, foolish affair |
toy (n.) | piece of nonsense, foolish affair |
traffic (n.) | trade, commerce, business, merchandise |
train (n.) | retinue, following, entourage |
transmutation (n.) | change of condition |
trapped (adj.) | adorned with trappings, decked out |
trencher (n.) | plate, platter, serving dish |
trick (n.) | bauble, trifle, whim |
trick (n.) | way, knack, skill |
trim up, trim (v.) | decorate, array, deck out |
trot (n.) | old woman, hag |
trow (v.) | think, expect, believe |
trow (v.) | know, guess, imagine |
true (adj.) | loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance |
trunk (adj.) | full, puffed, wide |
trust (v.) | believe, accept, give credence to |
try (v.) | prove, ascertain, find out |
try (v.) | put to the test, test the goodness [of] |
tumbling-trick (n.) | acrobatic feat |
turn (n.) | need, requirement, purpose [especially in the phrase ‘serve one's turn’ = meet one's need] |
turn (n.) | need, requirement, purpose [especially in the phrase ‘serve one's turn’ = meet one's need] |
turn (n.) | need, requirement, purpose [especially in the phrase ‘serve one's turn’ = meet one's need] |
turn (n.) | need, requirement, purpose [especially in the phrase ‘serve one's turn’ = meet one's need] |
turtle (n.) | turtle-dove, lover |
twangling (adj.) | twanging, resounding, jingling |
twink (n.) | twinkling, winking of an eye |
unable (adj.) | weak, feeble, impotent |
unapt (adj.) | unfit, not suited |
uncase (v.) | take off outer garments, undress |
undertake (v.) | assume, take on, feign |
undone (adj.) | ruined, destroyed, brought down |
undone (adj.) | ruined, destroyed, brought down |
undone (adj.) | ruined, destroyed, brought down |
unexperienced (adj.) | in ignorance, lacking in knowledge |
unhappy (adj.) | objectionable, harsh, bad-tempered |
unkind (adj.) | hostile, cruel, harsh |
unkindness (n.) | offence, ill-will, umbrage |
unmannered (adj.) | ill-mannered, rude, insolent |
unpinked (adj.) | unadorned, lacking ornamentation |
unprovided (adj.) | unprepared, not properly dressed |
unreverent (adj.) | irreverent, disrespectful, unseemly |
untoward (adj.) | stubborn, difficult, perverse |
use (v.) | treat, deal with, manage |
use (v.) | treat, deal with, manage |
usurp (v.) | assume, take on, adopt |
ut (n.) | [musical scale] doh |
vail (v.) | lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission] |
valance (n.) | drapery making up the border of a bed canopy |
vantage (n.) | right moment, suitable opportunity |
velure (n.) | velvet |
vent (v.) | utter, express, air, proclaim |
very (adj.) | [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute |
very (adj.) | [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute |
very (adj.) | [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute |
vie (v.) | [cards] raise the stakes, add to a total |
villain (n.) | scoundrel, rogue, rascal |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
wanton (adj.) | gay, lively, cheerful |
wanton (v.) | play, sport, frolic |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
watch (v.) | keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout |
watch (v.) | stay awake, keep vigil |
watch (v.) | stay awake, keep vigil |
watch (v.) | [falconry, in taming a hawk] prevent from sleeping, keep awake |
watch (v.) | be on the watch for, look out for |
way (n.) | path, track, trail |
ways, go thy / your | carry on, go ahead |
ways, go thy / your | well done |
ways, go thy / your | well done |
wear (v.) | pass, waste, run out |
welkin (n.) | sky, firmament, heavens |
well (adj.) | fine, all right, satisfactory |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
whiles (n.) | meantime, meanwhile |
white (n.) | [archery] white ring at the centre of a target |
whoreson (adj.) | [abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile |
whoreson (adj.) | [abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile |
widowhood (n.) | estate settled upon a widow, widow's rights |
wind (v.) | sound, blow |
windgall (n.) | soft tumour on a horse's leg |
wish (v.) | commend, recommend |
wish (v.) | commend, recommend |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
withal (adv.) | nevertheless, notwithstanding |
witless (adj.) | stupid, foolish, crazy |
witness, with a | without a doubt, and no mistake |
wits, also five wits | faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) |
wonder (n.) | surprise, astonishment, amazement |
wonder (n.) | miracle, prodigy, marvel |
wonder (n.) | miracle, prodigy, marvel |
wonderful (adj.) | amazing, astonishing, extraordinary |
wonderful (adv.) | wonderfully, remarkably, incredibly |
wondrous (adj.) | unbelievable, bizarre, strange |
woodcock (n.) | type of game bird, thought to be easily tricked or snared; simpleton |
workmanly (adv.) | skilfully, with great artistry |
world, it is a | it's a marvel, it's a great thing |
wrangling (adj.) | quarrelsome, disputatious, argumentative |
wrong (n.) | insult, offence, slight |
Xanthippe (n.) | [pron: zan'tipee] wife of Socrates, 5th-c BC |
yard (n.) | yard measure |
yellow (n.) | (plural) jaundice [as found in horses] |
young (adj.) | immature, inexperienced, raw |
young (adj.) | in good condition, strong |
youngling (n.) | stripling, youngster, beginner |