This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated
instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
abode (n.) | delay, procrastination |
Abram (n.) | in the BIble, an earlier name of Abraham |
abridge (v.) | deprive, debar, dispossess |
abroad (adv.) | away from home, out of the house |
accomplish (v.) | equip, provide, furnish |
account, accompt (v.) | reckon, judge, consider |
accouter, accoutre (v.) | attire, equip, array |
acquit (v.) | pay back, requite, settle the score with |
act (n.) | activity, action, performance |
act (n.) | activity, action, performance |
address (v.) | prepare, make ready, poise to act |
ado (n.) | fuss, business, to-do |
advantage (n.) | interest, bonus, addition |
advantage (n.) | benefit, gain, advancement, profit |
adventure (v.) | venture, dare, chance, risk |
advice (n.) | consideration, reflection, deliberation |
advise, avise (v.) | warn, counsel, caution |
advised, avised (adj.) | judicious, wise, prudent |
advisedly (adv.) | deliberately, intentionally, with full awareness |
Aeson (n.) | [pron: 'eeson] father of Jason and half-brother of Pelion; magically restored to youth by Medea |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
affection (n.) | emotion, feeling |
affection (n.) | emotion, feeling |
affection (n.) | emotion, feeling |
affection (n.) | disposition, character, state of mind |
affection (n.) | fancy, inclination, desire |
ague (n.) | fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] |
alablaster (n.) | alabaster [fine white material derived from limestone] |
Alcides (n.) | [pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus |
Alcides (n.) | [pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus |
aleven (adj.) | eleven |
allay (v.) | subside, abate, diminish, quell |
allay (v.) | subside, abate, diminish, quell |
allow (v.) | bestow, legally assign |
aloof (adv.) | a short distance away, to one side |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
and, an (conj.) | if, even if |
and, an (conj.) | as if |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
Andrew (n.) | the Saint Andrew; name of a Spanish galleon captured at Cadiz in 1596 |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
apparel (n.) | clothes, clothing, dress |
apparent (adj.) | plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious |
appropriation (n.) | special attribute, particular feature |
approve (v.) | prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate |
Arabia (n.) | region of SW Asia, thought of as a desert area |
argosy (n.) | large merchant ship |
argosy (n.) | large merchant ship |
argosy (n.) | large merchant ship |
argosy (n.) | large merchant ship |
Argus (n.) | hundred-eyed guard of Io, a heifer; Hermes killed him to rescue Io, and Hera then transferred his many eyes to the peacock’s tail |
Ash Wednesday | in Christian tradition, the first day of Lent |
aspect (n.) | [of a human face] look, appearance, expression |
aspect (n.) | [of a human face] look, appearance, expression |
assume (v.) | acquire, adopt, take on |
assure (v.) | guarantee, make safe against risks |
assured (adj.) | certain, definite, sure |
attempt (v.) | tempt, persuade, win over |
attend (v.) | serve at court, wait on royalty |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attend (v.) | listen [to], pay attention [to] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aweary, a-weary (adj.) | weary, tired |
bait (v.) | tempt, entice, lure |
balance (n.) | scales |
bancrout, bankrout, bankerout (n./adj./v.) | bankrupt |
bane (v.) | poison, kill, put down |
bank (n.) | coast, shore |
bar (n.) | objection, impediment |
bar (n.) | obstruction, barrier, obstacle |
bar (n.) | obstruction, barrier, obstacle |
Barbary (n.) | Barbary coast of N Africa, famous for its horses |
bark, barque (n.) | ship, vessel |
Barrabas (n.) | in the Bible, a robber released instead of Christ at the Passover |
base (adj.) | dishonourable, low, unworthy |
base (adj.) | non-precious, worthless, of low value |
bastard (adj.) | illegitimate, spurious, unauthorized |
bate (v.) | lose weight, diminish in size |
bate (v.) | abate, modify, lessen |
bated (adj.) | abated, lowered, diminished |
bear down (v.) | overwhelm, put down, overcome |
become (v.) | put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to |
become (v.) | be fitting, befit, be appropriate to |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
beefs (n.) | fat cattle, oxen |
before (adv.) | ahead, in advance |
before (adv.) | ahead, in advance |
beget (v.), past form begot | produce, engender, give rise to |
beggar (v.) | reduce to beggary, impoverish, make destitute |
beholding (adj.) | beholden, obliged, indebted |
bechance (v.) | happen to, befall |
bereave (v.) | take away [from], deprive, deny, rob |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
besmear (v.) | defile, sully, tarnish |
bespeak (v.), past forms bespake, bespoke | ask for, order, request |
best-conditioned (adj.) | best-natured, of finest character |
bestow (v.) | stow away, dispose of |
bethink (v.), past form bethought | call to mind, think about, consider, reflect |
bethink (v.), past form bethought | call to mind, think about, consider, reflect |
betimes (adv.) | at once, forthwith, right now |
Black Monday | confusion of the day after Easter Sunday with Ash Wednesday |
blame, to | to be blamed, blameworthy |
bleared (adj.) | blear-eyed, tear-dimmed |
blent (adj.) | blended, mixed, applied [as of painting] |
blessed, blest (adj.) | capable of blessing, full of happiness |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | spirit, vigour, mettle |
blood (n.) | blood relationship, kinship |
bloody (adj.) | bloodthirsty, warlike, ferocious |
bond (n.) | deed, contract, pledge |
bond (n.) | deed, contract, pledge |
bondman (n.) | bondsman, serf, slave |
bonnet (n.) | hat, cap |
bootless (adj.) | useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing |
bosom (adj.) | intimate, confidential, close |
bosom (n.) | heart, inner person |
bottom (n.) | [nautical: keel, hull] ship, vessel |
bounty (n.) | great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence |
branch (n.) | division, section, part [of an argument] |
brassy (adj.) | hard as brass, unfeeling, impenetrable |
brave (adj.) | fine, excellent, splendid, impressive |
brave (adj.) | audacious, daring, bold |
brave (adj.) | audacious, daring, bold |
break (v.) | break one's promise, not keep one's word |
break (v.) | break one's promise, not keep one's word |
break (v.) | fail to keep, default on |
break up (v.) | break, open [a seal] |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breathing (adj.) | verbal, word-of-mouth |
breed (n.) | sort, kind, type |
brow (n.) | appearance, aspect, countenance |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
Brutus, Marcus | Marcus Junius Brutus; 1st-c BC Roman politician, involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar |
burgher (n.) | citizen, inhabitant, denizen |
burial (n.) | grave, tomb, burial chamber |
but (adv.) | just |
caper (v.) | dance with joy, leap with delight |
carrion (adj.) | loathsome, vile, disgusting, corrupting |
carrion (adj.) | loathsome, vile, disgusting, corrupting |
carrion (adj.) | lean as carrion, skeleton-like; or: putrefying |
carrion (adj.) | lean as carrion, skeleton-like; or: putrefying |
carrion (n.) | carcass, wretch, worthless beast |
casement (n.) | window [on hinges and able to be opened] |
cast away (v.) | destroy, ruin |
casualty (n.) | mischance, misfortune, disaster |
cater-cousins (n.) | good friends, people on the best of terms |
Cato the Younger | [pron: 'kaytoh] 1st-c BC Roman politician, and opponent of Caesar |
cerecloth (n.) | waxed winding-sheet, shroud |
ceremony (n.) | sacred token, special symbol |
certain (adj.) | steady, settled, fixed |
certify (v.) | inform, assure, demonstrate to |
circumstance (n.) | circumlocution, verbiage, unnecessary detail |
civil (adj.) | of civil law |
civility (n.) | civilized conduct, courteous behaviour, good manners |
clear (adj.) | pure, spotless, faultless |
clime (n.) | land, region, realm |
close (adj.) | secretive, tight-lipped, uncommunicative |
cold (adj.) | ineffective, unattended to, coldly received |
Colchos (n.) | Colchis, ancient region at the eastern end of the Black Sea; in mythology, home of the Golden Fleece |
colt (n.) | foolish youth, callow ass |
come about (v.) | change direction, veer round |
come near (v.) | enter, come in/into |
coming-in, comings-in (n.) | income, revenue, yield |
commandment, commandement (n.) | command, instruction, order |
commandment, commandement (n.) | command, instruction, order |
commend (n.) | commendation, support, praise |
commend (v.) | present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] |
commend (v.) | praise, admire, extol |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commodity (n.) | asset, advantage, benefit |
commodity (n.) | supply, quantity, stock, consignment |
competency (n.) | sufficiency without excess, modest means |
complexion (n.) | natural trait, disposition, temperament, nature |
complexion (n.) | appearance, look, colouring |
compromise (v.) | reach agreement, come to terms |
conceit (n.) | notion, idea, thought |
conceit (n.) | view, opinion, judgement |
conceit (n.) | understanding, intelligence, apprehension |
condition (n.) | disposition, temper, mood, character |
condition (n.) | disposition, temper, mood, character |
condition (n.) | contract, covenant, agreement |
confound (v.) | destroy, overthrow, ruin |
confusion (n.) | disturbance, distraction, agitation [of the mind] |
confusions, try | malapropism for ‘try conclusions’ [= see what happens] |
constant (adj.) | settled, resolved, decided |
constitution (n.) | disposition, temperament, mood |
contain (v.) | retain, keep in one's possession |
contend (v.) | compete, vie, rival |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | agreeable, willing, ready |
content (adj.) | contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed |
continent (n.) | embodiment, summation, digest |
continuance (n.) | maintaining, keeping up, carrying on |
contrary (adj.) | wrong, incorrect, erroneous |
contrive (v.) | scheme, plot, conspire |
conveniency (n.) | convenience, opportunity, advantage |
conveniently (adv.) | fittingly, suitably, appropriately |
cope, cope with (v.) | give in recompense for |
costly (adj.) | bountiful, lavish, rich |
couch (v.) | lie, sleep, go to bed |
counterfeit (n.) | likeness, portrait, image |
county (n.) | [title of rank] count |
course (n.) | course of action, way of proceeding |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners |
cover (v.) | put on one's hat [after it has been removed to show respect] |
cover (v.) | lay the table |
cozen (v.) | cheat, dupe, trick, deceive |
crave (v.) | need, demand, require |
cream (v.) | form a frothy layer on the surface |
Cressid, Cressida | fickle daughter of Calchas, a priest of Troy; beloved by Troilus, a Trojan prince, she deserted him for Diomed; character in Troilus and Cressida |
crisped (adj.) | stiffly curled |
cross (v.) | prevent, thwart, forestall |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
cur (n.) | dog, mastiff, watch-dog [without a contemptuous sense] |
cureless (adj.) | incurable, fatal, without remedy |
current (n.) | practice, course, way of behaviour |
currish (adj.) | mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome |
currish (adj.) | mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome |
curtsy, curtsey (v.) | bow low, do reverence, pay respect |
dam (n.) | mother |
danger (n.) | damage, harm, mischief |
danger, (with)in one's | within one's power, at one's mercy |
Daniel (n.) | in the Bible, influential Babylonian administrator and visionary |
Dardanian (adj.) | poetic name for someone or something to do with Troy |
dark (adj.) | sad, melancholic, gloomy |
day (n.) | appointed day, fixed date |
day (n.) | appointed day, fixed date |
dear (adj.) | of great worth, valuable, precious |
death (n.) | skull, memento mori |
death's-head (n.) | skull, memento mori |
deface (v.) | [heraldry] efface, obliterate, blot out |
defect (n.) | malapropism for ‘effect’ |
defy (v.) | reject, despise, disdain, renounce |
degree (n.) | rank, station, standing |
deliberate (adj.) | calculating, carefully considering |
deliver (v.) | hand over, convey, commit to the keeping [of someone] |
deliver (v.) | free, release, liberate |
demurely (adv.) | gently, in a subdued way; or: solemnly |
deny (v.) | disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for] |
deny (v.) | refuse, rebuff, reject |
desert, desart (n.) | deserving, due recompense, right |
desire (v.) | request, wish, ask [for] |
determination (n.) | mind, decision, resolution |
determine (v.) | make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about] |
device (n.) | plan, scheme, intention |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
Dido (n.) | [pron: 'diydoh] Queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas when he was shipwrecked on her shores; commanded by Jupiter, Aeneas left without seeing Dido again, and she killed herself on a funeral pyre |
difference (n.) | quarrel, disagreement, dispute |
digest, disgest (v.) | endure, brook, put up with |
dimension (n.) | (plural) parts of the body, organs |
direction (n.) | instruction, guidance, counsel |
directly (adv.) | plainly, clearly, evidently |
directly (adv.) | exactly, rightly, entirely |
disabling (n.) | disparagement, detraction, belittling |
discourse (n.) | conversation, talk, chat |
discover (v.) | reveal, show, make known |
discovery (n.) | disclosure, admission, revelation |
disgrace (v.) | insult, dishonour, deny respect [to] |
discharge (v.) | pay, reimburse, settle with |
dispatch, despatch (v.) | deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly |
divers (adj.) | different, various, several |
divine (n.) | clergyman, priest, parson |
doit (n.) | [small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle |
double (adj.) | worth twice the value of the standard coin |
doublet | man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt |
dram (n.) | tiny amount, small quantity |
draw (v.) | take up, receive, collect |
draw (v.) | draw up, draft, frame |
dread (v.) | fear, anticipate in fear, be anxious about |
drudge (n.) | slave, serf, lackey |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
ducat (n.) | gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries |
due (n.) | debt, liability, amount owing |
dull (adj.) | dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive |
dull-eyed | lacking insight, easily deceived |
dwell (v.) | exist, continue, persist |
eaning (adj.) | lambing |
eanling (n.) | new-born lamb |
egal, egall (adj.) | equal, matched, equivalent |
eke, eke out (v.) | add to, increase, supplement |
election (n.) | choice, preference |
election (n.) | choice, preference |
embraced (adj.) | cherished, joyfully accepted |
enact (v.) | decree, ordain, enter in the records |
engage (v.) | pledge, give the guarantee of |
enow (adv.) | enough |
enow (adv.) | enough |
enrobe (v.) | dress in a robe, put a gown on |
entertain (v.) | maintain, keep up, practise |
entirely (adv.) | sincerely, heartily |
envious (adj.) | malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity |
envy (n.) | malice, ill-will, enmity |
envy (n.) | malice, ill-will, enmity |
equal (adj.) | precise, exact, just |
Erebus (n.) | 'darkness', son of Chaos, the place where Shades passed on their way to Hades |
ergo (adv.) | therefore |
estate (n.) | high rank, standing, status |
estate (n.) | state, situation, circumstances |
estate (n.) | state, situation, circumstances |
estate (n.) | state, situation, circumstances |
estate (n.) | state, situation, circumstances |
estimation (n.) | esteem, respect, reputation |
estimation (n.) | estimated amount, reckoning |
exaction (n.) | exacting, enforcement |
exceeding (adv.) | exceedingly, extremely, very |
exceeding (adv.) | exceedingly, extremely, very |
excess (n.) | usury, interest |
exclaim on / upon (v.) | accuse, blame, denounce [loudly] |
excrement (n.) | outgrowth [of hair] |
execute (v.) | carry out, fulfil, perform |
exhibit (v.) | malapropism for ‘inhibit’; or: manifest, demonstrate |
exchange (n.) | transformation, altered appearance |
expect (v.) | wait for, await |
eye (n.) | sight, view, presence |
faint (adj.) | inadequate, lacking, in short supply |
fall (v.) | drop, descend, let fall |
false (adj.) | sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adv.) | unfaithfully, disloyally, inconstantly |
fancy (n.) | love, amorousness, infatuation |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fashion (v.) | arrange, contrive, manage |
Fates (n.) | trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’) |
father (n.) | old man, venerable sir |
fear (v.) | frighten, scare, terrify, daunt |
fear (v.) | fear for, worry about, be anxious about |
fee (v.) | purchase, procure, secure |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fellow (n.) | companion, associate |
fetch (v.) | take, perform, make |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
fife (n.) | fife-player |
fill up (v.) | satisfy, fulfil, meet |
fill-horse (n.) | draught-horse, horse which goes between shafts |
flat (n.) | shoal, sandbank |
flat (n.) | shoal, sandbank |
fledge (adj.) | grown large enough for flight, ready to fly |
fleet (v.) | [of souls] leave, pass away, fly off |
fleet (v.) | turn, pass, change |
flight (n.) | [of arrows] power of flight, size and weight |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
fond (adj.) | foolish, stupid, mad |
fond (adj.) | foolish, trifling, frivolous |
fool (adj.) | foolish, silly |
fool (adj.) | foolish, silly |
foot (v.) | kick, boot |
footing (n.) | footfall, footsteps, strides |
foppery (n.) | folly, foolishness, stupidity |
forbear (v.) | control oneself, have patience [for] |
force (n.) | [of weather] violence, turbulence, stress |
force, of | necessarily, of necessity, whether one will or not |
force, of | necessarily, of necessity, whether one will or not |
fore-spurrer (n.) | one who has ridden ahead |
forfeiture (n.) | forfeit, penalty |
forfeiture (n.) | forfeit, penalty |
forfeiture (n.) | forfeit, penalty |
forfeiture (n.) | forfeit, penalty |
forfeiture (n.) | forfeit, penalty |
form (n.) | image, likeness, shape |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
fortune (n.) | lucky chance, good luck |
Fortune (n.) | Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind |
Fortune (n.) | Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind |
Fortune (n.) | Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind |
frame (v.) | fashion, make, form, create |
fraught (adj.) | filled, laden, packed |
fret (v.) | chafe, be vexed, worry |
frutify (v.) | malapropism for ‘certify’ |
fulsome (adj.) | randy, lustful, lascivious |
furnish (v.) | provide, supply, possess |
furnish (v.) | provide, supply, possess |
furnish (v.) | provide, supply, possess |
furnish (v.) | provide, supply, possess |
furnish (v.) | provide for, prepare, make ready |
gaberdine (n.) | cloak, cape, loose upper garment |
gage (v.) | pledge, bind, commit |
gaping (adj.) | with mouth open [as on a dish prepared for eating] |
garnish (n.) | outfit, adornment, trimming |
garnish (v.) | provide with a good supply [of words] |
gear (n.) | business, affair, matter |
gear (n.) | business, affair, matter |
geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt | castrate, spay |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (n.) | [polite intimate address] dear one |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
giddy (adj.) | swaying, quaking, dizzying |
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded | supply with money, enrich |
good (adj.) | rich, wealthy, substantial |
goodly (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely |
goodly (adj.) | [in exclamations] good |
Goodwins (n.) | Goodwin Sands; treacherous sands for shipping off the Kent coast |
gossip (n.) | friend, neighbour |
grace (n.) | procedure, attitude, affectation |
gracious (adj.) | delightful, lovely, charming |
gramercy, gramercies (int.) | great thanks |
grandam (n.) | grandmother |
grandsire (n.) | grandfather |
gratify (v.) | reward, repay, show gratitude for |
gratis (adv.) | for nothing, without payment |
gratis (adv.) | for nothing, without payment |
gratis (adv.) | for nothing, without payment |
graved (adj.) | graven, carved, engraved |
gross (adj.) | bad, inferior, poor |
gross (n.) | overall total, whole amount |
grossly (adv.) | coarsely, indelicately, indecently |
grossly (adv.) | materially, physically, with substance |
grossness (n.) | flagrant nature, obviousness, enormity |
grow to (v.) | be an integral part of, become one with |
guard (n.) | protection, keeping, custody |
guarded (adj.) | ornamented, trimmed, tricked out |
gudgeon (n.) | type of fish used as a bait; credulity, gullibility |
guiled (adj.) | treacherous, deceiving, full of guile |
habit (n.) | behaviour, bearing, demeanour |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
Hagar (n.) | [pron: 'haygahr] in the Bible, bondwoman to Sarah, whose child was Ishmael, a 'wild-ass of a man' |
hallowing, hallooing, halloing, holloing (n.) | shouting, hallooing, crying out |
halter (n.) | rope with a noose [for hanging] |
haste (v.) | hurry, speed up, accelerate |
hazard (n.) | [gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] |
hazard (n.) | [gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] |
hazard (v.) | expose to risk, take one's chance [of] |
hazard (v.) | expose to risk, take one's chance [of] |
hazard, come / go to | play dice, gamble |
head (n.) | surface, surge, swell |
hearsed (adj.) | coffined, placed in a hearse |
heaviness (n.) | sadness, grief, sorrow |
heavy (adj.) | sorrowful, sad, gloomy |
Hercules (n.) | [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements |
Hercules (n.) | [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements |
hie (v.) | hasten, hurry, speed |
hie (v.) | hasten, hurry, speed |
high-day (adj.) | befitting a holiday |
hip, on / upon the | [wrestling] at a disadvantage, in an unfavourable position |
hip, on / upon the | [wrestling] at a disadvantage, in an unfavourable position |
honest (adj.) | chaste, pure, virtuous |
hood (n.) | [unclear meaning] head-covering, bonnet, mask |
hot (adj.) | hot-tempered, angry, passionate |
hour (n.) | [time of] appointment, engagement, meeting |
hovel-post (n.) | door-post of a hovel |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
husbandry (n.) | thrift, good economy, careful management |
Hyrcan, Hyrcania (n.) | [pron: 'herkan, her'kaynia] ancient region of Asia Minor, in modern Iran |
chance (n.) | fortune, lot, destiny |
charge (n.) | expense, cost, outlay |
charge (v.) | entreat, exhort, enjoin |
Charybdis (n.) | [pron: ka'ribdis] mythological whirlpool in the Straits of Messina which swallowed ships whole |
chaste (adj.) | celibate, single, unmarried |
cheer (n.) | face, look, expression |
cheer thou / you?, how | how are you feeling |
cherubin (n.) | cherub, angel; or: cherubim, angels |
choir, quire (v.) | sing in a choir, sing in chorus |
choose, cannot | have no alternative, cannot do otherwise |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (n.) | wrong, injury, harm, evil |
imagined (adj.) | all imaginable, as much as can be conceived |
immured (adj.) | walled up, enclosed, confined |
impeach (v.) | discredit, disparage, call into question |
impeach (v.) | discredit, disparage, call into question |
impertinent (adj.) | malapropism for ‘pertinent’ |
importunity (n.) | persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence |
imposition (n.) | order, charge, command |
imposition (n.) | order, charge, command |
incarnation (n.) | malapropism for ‘incarnate’ |
Indian (adj.) | dark-complexioned, dark-haired |
Indies (n.) | the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth |
inexecrable (adj.) | inexorable, unmoveable, relentless; or: execrable, accursed, damnable |
infection (n.) | malapropism for ‘affection’ |
infold (v.) | enfold, wrap up, conceal |
inscroll (v.) | enter on a scroll, inscribe |
insculp (v.) | carve, engrave |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intermission (n.) | respite, pause, rest |
interrogatory (n.) | interrogation, questioning, inquisition |
issue (n.) | child(ren), offspring, family, descendant |
issue (n.) | outcome, result, consequence(s) |
iwis (adv.) | [archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly |
Jack (n.) | jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave |
Jacob (n.) | in the Bible, a Hebrew patriarch, the younger son of Isaac |
Jacob (n.) | in the Bible, a Hebrew patriarch, the younger son of Isaac |
Janus (n.) | [pron: 'jaynus] Roman god who guards gates and doors; shown with two faces, one at the back of his head |
Jason (n.) | son of Aeson, King of Iolcos; sent with the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece, which he obtained with Medea's assistance |
jump (v.) | agree, coincide, tally |
just (adj.) | accurate, exact, precise |
keep (v.) | lodge, live, dwell |
key (n.) | tone, voice, manner of expression |
kind (adj.) | showing natural feeling, acting by nature |
kind (adj.) | friendly, agreeable, pleasant |
kind (n.) | nature, close natural relationship |
knap (v.) | bite into, nibble at, peck at |
knave (n.) | servant, menial, lackey |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
Laban (n.) | [pron: 'layban] in the Bible, uncle of Jacob |
lading (n.) | cargo, freight, merchandise |
leave (v.) | part with, lose, forsake |
leave (v.) | part with, lose, forsake |
level at (v.) | guess correctly, rightly anticipate |
liberal (adj.) | overgenerous, licentious |
liberal (adj.) | overgenerous, licentious |
lie (v.) | sleep, go to bed |
light (v.) | alight, descend, fall, come to rest |
Lichas (n.) | [pron: 'liykas] companion to Hercules, who brought him a poisoned tunic; after wearing it, Hercules in agony threw Lichas into the sky |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
likely (adj.) | promising, hopeful; or: seemly, good-looking |
lineament (n.) | line, feature, characteristic, attribute |
liver (n.) | part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire] |
liver (n.) | part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire] |
livery (n.) | uniform, costume, special clothing |
livery (n.) | uniform, costume, special clothing |
livery (n.) | uniform, costume, special clothing |
livery (n.) | badge, token, recognizable image |
living (n.) | possessions, means of support, livelihood |
living (n.) | possessions, means of support, livelihood |
lodged (adj.) | deep-rooted, inveterate, ingrained |
loose (v.) | revoke, cancel |
losing (adj.) | involving some degree of loss |
love (n.) | very dear friend |
lover (n.) | companion, comrade, dear friend |
low (adj.) | humble, lowly, inferior |
magnifico (n.) | Venetian leader |
main (n.) | open sea, ocean |
main flood | high tide |
make good | justify, vindicate, confirm |
manage (n.) | management, direction, administration |
mantle (v.) | cover with a coating, form a scum |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
mart (n.) | market |
martlet (n.) | house-martin [which often builds its nest in churches] |
master (v.) | own, possess, have at one's disposal |
match (n.) | bargain, contract, agreement |
matter (n.) | significance, import, meaning |
mean (adj.) | average, moderate, middling |
mean (n.) | middle, midway |
measure (n.) | pattern of movement, regular course, routine |
measure (v.) | pass through, travel over, traverse |
Medea (n.) | [pron: me'deea] daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who assisted Jason in obtaining the Golden Fleece |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
mere (adj.) | complete, total, absolute, utter |
merely (adv.) | completely, totally, entirely |
merchant-marring (adj.) | capable of damaging a merchant-ship |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
miscarry (v.) | come to harm, perish, meet death |
miscarry (v.) | come to harm, be lost, be destroyed |
miscarry (v.) | come to harm, be lost, be destroyed |
misconster (v.) | misconstrue, misinterpret, take wrongly |
mislike (v.) | dislike, be displeased with |
mitigate (v.) | moderate, reduce the severity of |
mo, moe (adj.) | more [in number] |
moan (n.) | grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint |
modesty (n.) | moderation, restraint, discipline |
moiety (n.) | share, portion, part |
morrow (n.) | morning |
motion (n.) | inner movement, inward prompting, natural impulse, imagining |
muddy (adj.) | made of clay, resembling mud |
music (n.) | musicians, players |
music (n.) | musicians, players |
mutton (n.) | sheep |
mutual (adj.) | common, general, omnipresent |
naughty (adj.) | wicked, evil, vile |
naughty (adj.) | wicked, evil, vile |
naughty (adj.) | wicked, evil, vile |
neat (n.) | ox, cow, cattle |
needs (adv.) | of necessity, necessarily |
Nestor (n.) | Greek leader in the siege of Troy, reputed for his age and wisdom |
nice (adj.) | fine, precise, particular, subtle |
nominate (v.) | name, specify, designate [as] |
notary (n.) | clerk authorized to draw up contracts |
note (n.) | bill, invoice, account |
obliged (adj.) | contracted, bound by marriage |
occasion (n.) | need, want, requirement |
occasion (n.) | circumstance, opportunity |
offend (v.) | harm, hurt, pain |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft, many a time and | very often, with great frequency |
old (adj.) | plenty of, abundant, more than enough |
ope (v.) | open |
ope (v.) | open |
opinion (n.) | public opinion, popular judgement |
opinion (n.) | public opinion, popular judgement |
oppose (v.) | place in opposition, set up as resistance |
opposed (adj.) | opposite, facing |
orb (n.) | sphere, planet, star, heavenly body |
ostent (n.) | display, show, manifestation |
ostent (n.) | display, show, manifestation |
out (adv.) | fallen out, in a state of unfriendliness |
outbrave (v.) | surpass in bravery, outdo in daring |
outdwell (v.) | stay beyond |
out-night (v.) | outdo in making references to the night |
outswear (v.) | outdo in swearing |
outward (adj.) | external, surface, superficial |
overlook (v.) | bewitch, subject to magic |
overname (v.) | name in succession, read through the list of |
overpeer, over-peer (v.) | look down on, look out over, overlook |
overstare (v.) | outstare, face down |
overtrip (v.) | skip over, pass lightly over |
overweathered (adj.) | weather-worn, storm-damaged |
pack (v.) | take [oneself] off, be off, depart |
pageant (n.) | show, scene, spectacle, tableau |
pain (n.) | effort, endeavour, exertion, labour |
parcel (n.) | small group, company, party |
part (n.) | action, conduct, behaviour |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (v.) | divide, share, split up |
part (v.) | depart [from], leave, quit |
parti-coloured (adj.) | variegated, diverse, multi-coloured |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
paten (n.) | dish on which the bread is placed during the Mass; shining circle |
patch (n.) | fool, clown; rogue, knave |
pawn (v.) | stake, pledge, risk |
peep (v.) | peer through half-closed eyes |
peevish (adj.) | fretful, irritable, ill-tempered |
peise (v.) | weigh down, burden, load |
pennyworth, penn'orth (n.) | amount, quantity, sum |
penthouse, pent-house (n.) | covered way, sloping porch, overhanging roof |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
persuade (v.) | plead, entreat |
Phoebus (n.) | [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo |
picture (n.) | appearance, countenance, visible form |
piece (v.) | prolong, extend, drag out |
pied (adj.) | of different colours, multi-coloured |
pierce (v.) | move, touch, get through to |
pill (v.) | [of bark] peel, strip |
place (n.) | position, post, office, rank |
plea (n.) | claim, argument, issue |
plea (n.) | claim, argument, issue |
port (n.) | style of living, way of life |
port (n.) | station, position, dignity |
Portia (n.) | [pron: 'pawrsha] wife of Brutus, daughter of Cato the Younger |
portly (adj.) | stately, majestic, dignified |
possess (v.) | notify, inform, acquaint |
possess (v.) | notify, inform, acquaint |
post (n.) | express messenger, courier |
post (n.) | express messenger, courier |
posy (n.) | short piece of poetry [often inscribed inside a ring] |
power (n.) | (usually plural) god, deity, divinity |
power (n.) | faculty, function, ability |
power (n.) | authority, government |
power (n.) | authority, government |
power (n.) | authority, government |
praise (n.) | praiseworthiness, merit, virtue |
prating (adj.) | prattling, chattering, blathering |
prefer (v.) | promote, advance, recommend |
preferment (n.) | advancement, promotion |
presage (v.) | predict, forecast |
presage (v.) | signify, indicate |
presence (n.) | appearance, bearing, demeanour |
presently (adv.) | after a short time, soon, before long |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
prest (adj.) | engaged, made ready, hired |
pretty (adj.) | clever, ingenious, artful |
prevent (v.) | forestall, anticipate |
privy (adj.) | private, particular, exclusive |
prodigal (adj.) | wastefully lavish, foolishly extravagant |
prodigal (adj.) | wastefully lavish, foolishly extravagant |
prodigal (n.) | waster, squanderer, spendthrift |
prodigal (n.) | waster, squanderer, spendthrift |
profit (n.) | progress, proficiency, improvement |
prolixity (n.) | long-windedness, tedious exposition |
pronounce (v.) | deliver, speak, declare |
proper (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, comely |
proportion (n.) | weighing up, appropriate measuring |
publican (n.) | tax-collector |
purchase (v.) | acquire, obtain, win |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (v.) | intend, plan |
purpose (v.) | intend, plan |
Pythagoras (n.) | [pron: piy'thagoras] Greek philosopher and mathematician, 6th-c BC |
quaint (adj.) | artful, cunning |
quaintly (adv.) | elaborately, artistically, with skill |
qualify (v.) | moderate, weaken, diminish |
quality (n.) | nature, disposition, character |
quality (n.) | nature, disposition, character |
quarrel (v.) | quibble, dispute, equivocate |
question (n.) | questioning, interrogation, examination |
question (n.) | debating, discussion, investigation |
question (n.) | argument, contention, dispute |
question (v.) | dispute, quarrel [over], call into question |
questionless (adv.) | unquestionably, undoubtedly, most certainly |
quicken (v.) | revive, rejuvenate, give life [to] |
quit (v.) | remit, release from |
race (n.) | herd, host, company |
rack (n.) | machine of torture which stretches the limbs |
rack (v.) | stretch, strain, extend |
rage (n.) | folly, rashness, mad jest |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rank (adj.) | lascivious, lustful, lewd |
rare (adj.) | marvellous, splendid, excellent |
rare (adj.) | marvellous, splendid, excellent |
rate (n.) | mode of life, style of living |
rate (v.) | reckon, estimate, appraise |
rate (v.) | berate, reproach, rebuke, scold |
raw (adj.) | unrefined, unskilled, unpolished |
reason (n.) | power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’] |
reason (n.) | reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion |
reason (v.) | talk, speak, converse |
redoubted (adj.) | feared, dreaded, revered |
reed (adj.) | reedy, squeaking |
regreet (n.) | fresh greeting, return of salutation |
remembrance (n.) | love-token, keepsake, memento |
remorse (n.) | pity, compassion, tenderness |
rend (v.) | tear apart, lay waste, devastate |
render (v.) | give up, surrender, yield |
repair (v.) | restore, renew, revive |
reproach (n.) | malapropism for ‘approach’ |
requite (v.), past forms requit, requited | reward, repay, recompense |
respect (n.) | consideration, factor, circumstance |
respect (n.) | attention, heed, deliberation |
respective (adj.) | careful, attentive, considerate |
reverence, do | pay homage, worship, show respect [to] |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
Rhenish (n.) | Rhineland wine |
Rhenish (n.) | Rhineland wine |
rheum (n.) | spit, spittle, saliva |
Rialto (n.) | [pron: ree'altoh] commercial exchange in Venice, NE Italy; also, bridge spanning the Grand Canal |
Rialto (n.) | [pron: ree'altoh] commercial exchange in Venice, NE Italy; also, bridge spanning the Grand Canal |
rib (v.) | enclose [as if with ribs] |
ripe (adj.) | matured, ready for action |
riping (n.) | ripening, coming to readiness |
road (n.) | pathway, route, course |
road (n.) | harbour, anchorage, roadstead |
road (n.) | harbour, anchorage, roadstead |
round (adj.) | heavy, substantial |
round hose | breeches puffed out at the hips |
royal merchant | merchant prince |
royal merchant | merchant prince |
rude (adj.) | cacophonous, raucous, barbarous |
rude (adj.) | violent, harsh, unkind |
ruin (n.) | [metaphor for] destitute, case of hardship |
rule (n.) | proper discipline, good management |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sand-blind (adj.) | half-blind, dim-sighted |
sand-blind (adj.) | half-blind, dim-sighted |
savage (adj.) | fierce, ferocious, wild |
scant (v.) | neglect, stint, withhold |
scant (v.) | give out sparingly, curtail, withhold [from] |
scant (v.) | limit, restrict, constrain |
scape, 'scape (n.) | escape |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scarce (adv.) | scarcely, hardly, barely, only just |
scarfed (adj.) | [unclear meaning] fully decked out; under full sail; [of the hull] well-jointed |
scimitar (n.) | short curved sword with a single edge, from the East |
scorn (v.) | mock, jeer, express disdain [at] |
scrubbed (adj.) | short, undersized, stubby |
scrubbed (adj.) | short, undersized, stubby |
scruple (n.) | tiny amount, last ounce |
scuse (n.) | excuse |
Scylla (n.) | [pron: 'sila] rock (or sea-monster) in the Straits of Messina, opposite to Charybdis |
seal (v.) | mark by seal, put one's name to, agree |
seal (v.) | mark by seal, put one's name to, agree |
seal under (v.) | become security for, set one's seal to |
season (n.) | opportunity, favourable moment |
season (v.) | gratify, delight, tease |
seat (n.) | estate |
seeming (adj.) | apparent, convincing in appearance |
seize, seize upon (v.) | [legal] take possession of, take hold of |
self (adj.) | same, selfsame, identical, exact |
semblance (n.) | likeness, image, depiction |
sensible (adj.) | evident, perceptible by the senses, affecting the senses |
sensible (adj.) | evident, perceptible by the senses, affecting the senses |
sentence (n.) | maxim, wise saying, precept |
serve (v.) | be a servant, serve God |
serve in (v.) | supply, provide, deal out |
servitor (n.) | servant |
set forth (v.) | praise, commend, extol |
set up one's rest (n.) | [in primero] venture one's final stake, stake all |
several (adj.) | separate, different, distinct |
severed (adj.) | parted, opened |
shadow (n.) | image, likeness, portrait, semblance |
shadow (n.) | image, likeness, portrait, semblance |
shadowed (adj.) | shaded, darkened; also [heraldry]: faintly drawn |
shaft (n.) | [long and slender] arrow |
shift (n.) | expedient, measure, arrangement [especially as 'make shift' = contrive] |
show (n.) | appearance, exhibition, display |
show (n.) | appearance, exhibition, display |
shrewd (adj.) | ominous, telling; or: bitter, vexatious |
shrive (v.) | hear confession, grant absolution, forgive |
schedule (n.) | inventory, list, itemization |
Sibyl, Sybilla (n.) | priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand |
signify (v.) | report, make known, declare |
signify (v.) | report, make known, declare |
signify (v.) | report, make known, declare |
simple (adj.) | common, ordinary, average, humble |
simple (adj.) | basic, minimal, small |
simplicity (n.) | naivety, foolishness, artlessness |
single (adj.) | individual, particular |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
skipping (adj.) | frivolous, flighty, frolicsome |
slightly (adv.) | easily, with little effort |
slip (n.) | seedling, sprig, shoot, cutting |
slubber (v.) | be careless with, rush through |
smack (v.) | have a taste, like the flavour |
smug (adj.) | neat, spruce, trim |
snaky (adj.) | twisting, winding, sinuous; also: deceitful |
sober (adj.) | sedate, staid, demure, grave |
sober (adj.) | sedate, staid, demure, grave |
soft (adj.) | weak, faint, soft-hearted |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
solely (adv.) | wholly, entirely, altogether |
Solyman (n.) | Suleiman, 16th-c sultan who fought against Persia |
something (adv.) | a little, to some extent |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
something (adv.) | somewhat, rather |
sometimes (adv.) | formerly, once, at one time, previously |
sonties (n.) | saints |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
Sophy (n.) | [pron: 'sohfee] shah of Persia, possibly Abbas the Great, 16th-c |
sore (adj.) | serious, grievous, grave |
sort (n.) | kind, variety, type |
sort (n.) | way, manner |
sort (v.) | choose, find, arrange |
speak of (v.) | organize, order, sort out |
speed (v.) | deal with, bring to an end, defeat |
speed (v.) | fare, manage, get on |
spirit (n.) | intuition, perception, discernment |
spoil (n.) | plundering, pillaging, despoiling |
sport (n.) | sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
squander (v.) | scatter, disperse, dissipate |
stamp (n.) | impression, mark, imprint |
stand (n.) | stop, pause, standing still |
stand (v.) | be, appear |
start (n.) | advantage, edge, upper hand |
state (n.) | estate, property, wealth, means |
stay (v.) | dissuade, stop, prevent |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | put up with, endure, abide |
stay (v.) | linger, tarry, delay |
stay for (v.) | wait for, await |
stead (v.) | help, assist, benefit |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
stockish (adj.) | blockish, wooden, stupid |
stomach (n.) | appetite, desire [for food] |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stop (n.) | full-stop, period, full point |
stop (v.) | staunch, close up, prevent from bleeding |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
strain (v.) | constrain, force, press |
strand, strond (n.) | shore, land, region |
strange (adj.) | aloof, distant, reserved |
strange (adj.) | remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural |
strange (adj.) | special, particular, very great |
stranger (n.) | foreigner, alien, outsider |
stranger (n.) | foreigner, alien, outsider |
stratagem (n.) | deed of violence, bloody act |
strumpet (n.) | harlot, prostitute, whore |
stubborn (adj.) | resistant, hostile, antagonistic |
studied (adj.) | prepared, equipped, fitted |
stuff (n.) | substance, composition, quality, essence |
substance (n.) | real thing, genuine article |
substitute (n.) | subordinate, deputy, underling |
suffer (v.) | allow, permit, let |
sufferance (n.) | endurance, forbearance, patience |
sufferance (n.) | endurance, forbearance, patience |
sufficient (adj.) | able, capable, competent |
suit (n.) | clothing, dress, garb |
suit (n.) | clothing, dress, garb |
suit (n.) | wooing, courtship |
suit (n.) | wooing, courtship |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
suit (v.) | dress, clothe, equip |
suited (adj.) | dressed up, set out, adapted |
sunder (v.) | separate, split up, part |
sup (v.) | have supper |
superfluity (n.) | excess, indulgence, immoderate living |
supposition (n.) | doubt, uncertainty, question |
surety (n.) | person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor |
surety (n.) | person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor |
surfeit (v.) | feed to excess, over-indulge, glut |
surfeit (v.) | become sick through having too much |
surgeon (n.) | doctor, physician |
sway (n.) | power, dominion, rule |
sway (v.) | control, rule, direct, govern |
sway (v.) | control, rule, direct, govern |
swelling (adj.) | magnificent, grand, resplendent |
table (n.) | [palmistry] area between various lines on the palm |
tainted (adj.) | infected, diseased |
tainted (adj.) | corrupted, dishonourable, depraved |
tall (adj.) | large, fine, grand |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
Tartar (n.) | someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion |
temper (n.) | frame of mind, temperament, disposition |
temporal (adj.) | secular, civil, worldly |
tenor, tenour (n.) | meaning, purpose, intention |
term (n.) | respect, consideration, form |
Thisbe (n.) | [pron: 'thizbee] lover of Pyramus |
thrift (n.) | profit, advantage, gain |
thrift (n.) | profit, advantage, gain |
throstle (n.) | thrush |
throughfare (n.) | thoroughfare |
throughly (adv.) | thoroughly, fully, completely |
time (n.) | age, years |
tonight (adv.) | last night, this past night |
touch (n.) | fingering, handling, skill in playing |
touch (n.) | fingering, handling, skill in playing |
touch (v.) | affect, move, stir |
trade (v.) | cross, come and go |
trafficker (n.) | trading ship, merchant vessel |
traject (n.) | ferry |
tricksy (adj.) | full of tricks, cleverly playful |
trifle (v.) | waste, squander, spend idly |
Tripolis (n.) | [pron: 'tripolis] Tripoli; seaport capital in N Africa (modern Libya) |
Tripolis (n.) | [pron: 'tripolis] Tripoli; seaport capital in N Africa (modern Libya) |
Tripolis (n.) | [pron: 'tripolis] Tripoli; seaport capital in N Africa (modern Libya) |
Troilus (n.) | [pron: 'troylus] youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; killed by Achilles; lover of Cressida |
troth, by my | by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] |
Troy (n.) | ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion |
Troy (n.) | ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion |
true (adj.) | loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance |
true (adj.) | constant, faithful in love |
try (v.) | refine, purify |
turn (v.) | change, transform, alter |
tyranny (n.) | cruelty, barbarity, unmerciful violence |
unbated (adj.) | unabated, undiminished, fresh |
unburden, unburthen (v.) | reveal, disclose; or: unload |
uncapable (adj.) | incapable, unable [to do something] |
undone (adj.) | ruined, destroyed, brought down |
unforfeited (adj.) | unviolated, unbroken |
unfurnished (adj.) | unfinished, defective |
unchecked (adj.) | uncontradicted, undisputed |
unthrift (adj.) | unthrifty, spendthrift, prodigal |
unthrifty (adj.) | prodigal, profligate, wasteful |
untread (v.) | retrace, go back upon |
urge (v.) | press, insist on, state emphatically |
urge (v.) | bring forward, advocate, represent |
usance (n.) | interest on a loan |
usance (n.) | interest on a loan |
usance (n.) | interest on a loan |
use (n.) | usual practice, habit, custom |
use (n.) | trust, possession, tenure |
vail (v.) | lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission] |
vantage (n.) | right moment, suitable opportunity |
variable (adj.) | varied, diverse, different |
varnished (adj.) | embellished, decked out, adorned |
vasty (adj.) | vast, immense, spacious |
vendible (adj.) | marriageable |
venture (n.) | cargo, consignment, goods |
venture (n.) | cargo, consignment, goods |
venture (n.) | deal, enterprise, business, expedition |
venture (n.) | deal, enterprise, business, expedition |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
very (adj.) | [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute |
vesture (n.) | garment, clothing, garb, costume |
via, fia (int.) | come / go on, hurry up |
viand (n.) | (usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff |
vile, vild (adj.) | degrading, ignominious, worthless |
vilely, vildly (adv.) | shamefully, wretchedly, meanly |
vinegar (adj.) | sour, bitter, crabby |
virtue (n.) | power, capability, efficacy, property |
visage (n.) | face, countenance |
visage (n.) | face, countenance |
visit (v.) | punish, deal with |
voice (n.) | authoritative opinion, judgement |
voice (n.) | authoritative opinion, judgement |
void (v.) | empty, clear out, discharge |
waft (v.) | beckon, wave [at], signal |
wag (v.) | move, stir, rouse |
wand (n.) | rod, staff |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
wanton (adj.) | unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled |
wanton (adj.) | casual, gentle |
want-wit (adj.) | senseless, stupid, ridiculous |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warranty (n.) | authorization, permission, sanction |
waste (v.) | pass, spend, while away |
water (n.) | tears |
watch (v.) | keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout |
wealth (n.) | welfare, well-being, prosperity |
weather, in the | in an exposed situation, open to the elements |
well to live (adj.) | well-to-do, well-off, prosperous |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wether (n.) | sheep, ram |
wild (n.) | wilderness, waste land |
wild (n.) | wilderness, waste land |
wind (n.) | breath |
wind (v.) | insinuate, pursue a devious course |
wit (n.) | reasoning, thinking, deliberation |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit-snapper (n.) | wisecracker, smart aleck |
wonder (v.) | marvel [at], be astonished [at] |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wont (v.) | be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of |
wrack (n.) | wreck, loss, shipwreck |
wrack (v.) | wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea |
wrest (v.) | distort, twist, strain |
wroth (n.) | misfortune, grief, ruin |
wry-necked (n.) | having a crooked neck [of the player] |
younger (n.) | younger son |