This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated
instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
abide (v.) | stay, remain, stop [in a position] |
abject (adj.) | mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible |
abject (adj.) | mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible |
abroad (adv.) | away from home, out of the house |
abruption (n.) | breaking-off, interruption, hesitation |
accent (n.) | sound, voice quality, way of talking |
accepted (adj.) | acceptable |
accord (n.) | agreement, assent, consent |
accosting (n.) | [unclear meaning] making of advances, coming on |
action (n.) | engagement, combat, fighting |
adamant (n.) | legendary substance of great hardness and magnetism |
addition (n.) | title, name |
addition (n.) | title, name |
addition (n.) | attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms] |
addition (n.) | attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms] |
addle (adj.) | addled, rotten, putrid |
address (v.) | prepare, make ready, poise to act |
address (v.) | prepare, make ready, poise to act |
admit (v.) | be compatible with, be capable of |
admonishment (n.) | warning, caution |
advanced (adj.) | raised up, held high, uplifted |
advantage (n.) | right moment, favourable opportunity |
advantage (n.) | right moment, favourable opportunity |
advantageous (adj.) | providing advantage, opportune, timely |
adversity (n.) | piece of perversity, quibbler |
advertise, advertize (v.) | make aware, inform, notify; warn |
Aeneas (n.) | [pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans |
affect (v.) | incline to, like, favour, be drawn to |
affect (v.) | incline to, like, favour, be drawn to |
affect (v.) | assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way |
affection (n.) | desire, passion, lustful feeling |
affection (n.) | emotion, feeling |
affined (adj.) | related, connected, affiliated |
affront (v.) | equal, put in balance, set face to face |
afield, a-field (adv.) | on the field of battle |
afield, a-field (adv.) | on the field of battle |
afoot (adv.) | on foot |
Afric (adj.) | African |
Agamemnon (n.) | [pron: aga'memnon] commander of the Greek forces at Troy, married to Clytemnestra |
ague (n.) | fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] |
achievement (n.) | feat, accomplishment, successful action |
Achilles (n.) | [pron: a'kileez] son of Peleus and Thetis; only his spear could heal the wounds it made |
airy (adj.) | carried by the wind, widely acknowledged |
Ajax (n.) | [pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength |
all is one; that's / it's all one | it makes no difference, it's one and the same, it doesn't matter |
allayment (n.) | modifying agent, countermeasure, mitigation |
allow (v.) | acknowledge, commend, receive [with praise] |
allowance (n.) | acknowledgement, admission, confirmation |
allowance (n.) | regard, respect, reputation |
alone (adj.) | unique, matchless, having no equal |
amain (adv.) | forcefully, with all one's might |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amazement (n.) | alarm, apprehension, fear |
amazement (n.) | alarm, apprehension, fear |
amazement (n.) | bewilderment, perplexity, distraction |
ample (adj.) | full, complete, absolute |
and, an (conj.) | as if |
and, an (conj.) | as if |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, even if |
and, an (conj.) | if, even if |
Anchises (n.) | [an'kiyseez] father of Aeneas, who saves him from blazing Troy by carrying him out of the city on his shoulders |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
answer (v.) | engage with, encounter, meet [in fight] |
answer (v.) | live up to, correspond to, be equal to |
answer (v.) | act along with, sustain, respond to |
answer (v.) | respond, react |
antic, antick(e), antique (n.) | grotesque figure, grinning jester, buffoon |
antiquary (adj.) | ancient, olden, former |
Apollo (n.) | Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing |
Apollo (n.) | Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing |
appal (v.) | turn pale, terrify, dismay |
appertainments (n.) | appurtenances, trappings, prerogatives |
appetite (n.) | desire, longing, inclination, fancy |
appetite (n.) | desire, longing, inclination, fancy |
appetite (n.) | desire, longing, inclination, fancy |
appetite (n.) | sexual desire, passion |
appointment (n.) | equipment, effects, weaponry |
apprehend (v.) | be apprehensive about, fear |
apprehend (v.) | perceive the significance, discern, grasp the matter [of] |
apprehension (n.) | conception, grasping by the mind, awareness |
approbation (n.) | expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning |
approve (v.) | prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate |
apt (adj.) | fit, ready, prepared |
Aquilon (n.) | north wind |
arbitrator (n.) | one who brings to a conclusion, resolver |
argument (n.) | quarrel, dispute, point of contention |
argument (n.) | quarrel, dispute, point of contention |
argument (n.) | story, subject, plot |
argument (n.) | cause, reason [for a dispute] |
argument (n.) | cause, reason [for a dispute] |
argument (n.) | subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic |
Argus (n.) | hundred-eyed guard of Io, a heifer; Hermes killed him to rescue Io, and Hera then transferred his many eyes to the peacock’s tail |
Ariachne (n.) | [pron: ari'aknee] weaver from Lydia, who challenged Athene to a contest; when Ariachne’s work was seen to be superior, Athene destroyed it, and Ariachne hanged herself; Athene saved her, but changed her into a spider; also known as Arachne |
Aristotle (n.) | [pron: 'aristotl] Greek philosopher, 4th-c BC |
arms (n.) | weapons, armaments |
artist (n.) | scholar, intellectual, learned man |
aspect (n.) | [astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment |
assinico, asinico, assenego (n.) | [pron: asi'neekoh] little ass, donkey, dolt |
assubjugate (v.) | reduce to subjugation, demean, debase |
astronomer (n.) | astrologer |
attach (v.) | seize, take hold of, grip |
attachment (n.) | seizure, arrest, confinement |
attaint (n.) | disgrace, dishonour, corruption |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attest (n.) | evidence, witness, testimony |
attest (v.) | call as witnesses |
attribute (n.) | reputation, credit, honour |
attributive (adj.) | [Q variant] attaching excellence, ascribing worth |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
authentic (adj.) | valid, authoritative, credible |
authentic (adj.) | valid, authoritative, credible |
author (n.) | creator, originator, instigator |
avoid (v.) | repudiate, deny, reject |
avouch (v.) | declare, assert, affirm |
aweary, a-weary (adj.) | weary, tired |
axletree, axle-tree (n.) | pivot, spindle, axis [around which the heavenly bodies revolve] |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
aye (adv.) | always, ever, for eternity |
bait (n.) | morsel, snack, titbit |
balm (n.) | soothing ointment, salve; soothing treatment |
bane (n.) | ruin, woe, destruction |
bark, barque (n.) | ship, vessel |
bark, barque (n.) | ship, vessel |
bark, barque (n.) | ship, vessel |
base (adj.) | dishonourable, low, unworthy |
base (adj.) | non-precious, worthless, of low value |
base (n.) | foundation, supporting structure |
basis (n.) | base, foot, foundation |
bauble (adj.) | like a toy, paltry, insignificant |
bawd (n.) | pimp, procurer, pander, go-between |
bawd (n.) | pimp, procurer, pander, go-between |
beam (n.) | large wooden staff, lance, club |
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne | be endowed with, have, possess |
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne | escort, accompany, go along with |
bearer (n.) | possessor, owner, holder |
beastly (adv.) | like an animal, in a beastly manner |
beaver (n.) | visor of a helmet, face-guard |
become (v.) | put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to |
become (v.) | put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to |
beef-witted (adj.) | beef-brained, thick-headed, brainless |
beggar (v.) | rate as worthless, esteem to be of no value |
beguile (v.) | deprive by deception, cheat out of |
behold (v.) | observe, regard, maintain |
beholding (n.) | regard, attention, contemplation |
belching (adj.) | spouting, spurting |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
bend (v.) | give way, bow, submit |
bending (adj.) | bowing, reverential, respectful |
bent (n.) | direction, turning, inclination |
bent (n.) | direction, turning, inclination |
benumbed (adj.) | paralysed, deprived of strength |
bereave (v.) | take away [from], deprive, deny, rob |
beseech (n.) | beseeching, entreaty, petition |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
bestow (v.) | give as a gift [to], present [with] |
bestowing (n.) | use, function, employment |
betimes (adv.) | speedily, soon, in a short time |
bias (adj.) | swollen like the biased side of a bowl |
bias (adv.) | awry, wrong, amiss |
bias-drawing (n.) | turning away from the truth, crooked dealing |
bid (v.), past form bade | command, order, enjoin, tell |
bid (v.), past form bade | pray, entreat, beg, ask |
bifold, by-fold (adj.) | twofold, double |
billing (n.) | kissing, caressing [as doves] |
bite (v.) | speak bitterly, inveigh, carp |
blab (v.) | talk indiscreetly, betray secrets |
blackamoor (n.) | dark-skinned African |
bladder (n.) | cavity, vessel [of the body] |
blank charter, blank (n.) | promissory document with the amount to pay left open |
blench (v.) | flinch, start, shrink |
blench (v.) | flinch, start, shrink |
blind (adj.) | dark, black |
blockish (adj.) | thick, obtuse, stupid |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | anger, temper, passion |
blood (n.) | anger, temper, passion |
blood (n.) | nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage |
blood (n.) | nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage |
bloody (adj.) | bloodthirsty, warlike, ferocious |
blow (v.) | puff up, swell, inflate |
bob (v.) | punch, strike, buffet |
bob (v.) | swindle, cheat, get by deception |
bode (v.) | promise, predict, forecast |
bodement (n.) | omen, portent, augury |
bolting (n.) | [of flour] sifting |
bone (n.) | body, physique, bodily frame |
bone-ache (n.), Neapolitan bone-ache | [pain in the bones from Naples] syphilis, venereal disease |
bone-ache (n.), Neapolitan bone-ache | [pain in the bones from Naples] syphilis, venereal disease |
book, without | off by heart, by rote |
boot (n.) | additional element, something added to the bargain |
boot, to | in addition, as well |
Boreas (n.) | [pron: 'borias] Greek god of the north wind |
borne (adj.) | behaved, conducted, mannered |
bosom (n.) | surface |
botch (n.) | tumour, boil, ulcer |
botchy (adj.) | enveloped in sores [botches], tumour-covered |
bound (v.) | contain, enclose, confine |
bounded (adj.) | confined, enclosed, operating within limits |
bounty (n.) | great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence |
bounty (n.) | great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence |
bourn (n.) | frontier, destination, boundary |
bowels (n.) | feelings, sensitivity, heart |
bowels (n.) | feelings, sensitivity, heart |
brace (n.) | group of two, couple, pair |
bragless (adj.) | without vain boast, without gloating |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | fine, excellent, splendid, impressive |
brave (n.) | boast, bravado, blustering threat |
bravely (adv.) | splendidly, worthily, excellently |
bravely (adv.) | showily, with great display, with a fine flourish |
brawn (n.) | muscular arm, sturdy limb |
breach (n.) | tear, gap, hole |
break (on, upon) (v.) | [of jokes] crack, make |
break (v.) | interrupt, break in on, cut in on |
break out (v.) | rush out, come out |
breath (n.) | breathing-space, respite |
breath (n.) | breather, exercising, breath of fresh air |
breath (n.) | breather, exercising, breath of fresh air |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breese, breeze (n.) | gadfly |
brew (v.) | dilute, water down |
Briareus (n.) | [bri'arius] son of Uranus and Gaea; legendary monster with 100 arms and 50 heads who fought and defeated the Titans for Zeus |
bring forth (v.) | express, utter, voice |
bring off (v.) | rescue, save, deliver |
broad (adj.) | high and mighty, arrogant |
broil (n.) | turmoil, confused fighting, battle |
broil (v.) | bask, glow, warm [from] |
broken (adj.) | arranged for different groups of instruments |
broken (adj.) | disjointed, fragmentary, disconnected |
broker, broker-between (n.) | go-between, intermediary, agent |
broker-lackey (n.) | abject go-between, pander [sic] |
brooch (n.) | jewel, ornament |
brotherhood (n.) | guild, fraternity, society |
brown (adj.) | of dark complexion, sunburnt, burnished |
bruit (n.) | news, rumour, tidings |
brush (n.) | hostile meeting, collision, forceful encounter |
bugbear (n.) | hobgoblin, bogeyman |
building (n.) | edifice, construction |
bulk (n.) | body, trunk, frame |
bur, burr (n.) | clinger, person difficult to shake off |
burden, burthen (n.) | capacity, load, weight |
buss (v.) | kiss wantonly, smack against |
butt (n.) | large cask, barrel |
buy and sell, past form bought and sold | betray, exploit, treat treacherously |
by and by (adv.) | shortly, soon, before long |
caduceus (n.) | [pron: ka'dyoosius] heraldic wand [in the case of Mercury, entwined with two serpents] |
calumniate (v.) | deal with slanders, handle defamation |
calumniating (adj.) | slandering, defaming, reviling |
Cancer (n.) | fourth sign of the zodiac, associated with heat |
canonize (v.) | glorify, immortalize, exalt |
capable (adj.) | sensitive, receptive, responsive |
capocchia (n.) | simpleton, dolt, fool |
captain-general (n.) | commander-in-chief |
care (n.) | attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence |
care (n.) | attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence |
care (v.) | feel concern, be anxious, trouble oneself |
careless (adj.) | casual, informal, free and easy |
carriage (n.) | conduct, management, course of action |
carrion (adj.) | loathsome, vile, disgusting, corrupting |
carry (v.) | secure, obtain, gain |
carry it (away) | [from a falconry term ‘to fly away with the game’] win the day, have the advantage, succeed |
carry it (away) | [from a falconry term ‘to fly away with the game’] win the day, have the advantage, succeed |
case (v.) | hide, conceal, cover up |
casque, caske (n.) | helmet |
catling (n.) | catgut string |
centre (n.) | centre of the earth, axis |
centre (n.) | earth [seen as centre of the Ptolemaic universe] |
Cerberus (n.) | ['sairberus] three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the Underworld, originally 50-headed; charmed to sleep by Orpheus during his quest to rescue Euridice |
circumstance (n.) | special argument, detailed explanation |
circumvention (n.) | craft, outwitting, getting the better of [someone] |
clapper-claw (v.) | beat up, thrash, scratch |
close (v.) | embrace, cuddle, hug |
closet-war (n.) | armchair strategy |
clotpoll, clotpole, clatpole (n.) | blockhead, dolt, numskull |
co-act (v.) | behave together, carry on |
coasting (adj.) | [unclear meaning] approachable, ready, friendly |
cobloaf (n.) | small round lumpish loaf |
cogging (adj.) | deceiving, cheating, double-crossing |
cold (adj.) | chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion |
colossus-wise (adv.) | like a colossus, with legs astride |
combat (n.) | duel, trial by duel |
come upon (v.) | approach, descend on |
comer (n.) | newcomer, arrival, new visitor |
commend (v.) | praise, admire, extol |
commend (v.) | praise, admire, extol |
commend (v.) | praise, admire, extol |
commend (v.) | present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] |
commend (v.) | present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commerce (n.) | dealings, transactions, intercourse |
commission (n.) | warrant, authority [to act] |
commixion, commixtion (n.) | commixture, make-up, physical blending |
commodious (adj.) | accommodating, compliant, obliging |
commotion (n.) | perturbation, agitation, disturbed excitement |
compare (n.) | comparison, simile, analogy |
compass (v.) | embrace, enfold |
compassed (adj.) | curved, rounded, arched |
complete, compleat (adj.) | fully equipped, with everything present |
complete, compleat (adj.) | accomplished, consummate, thorough |
complimental (adj.) | ceremonial, courteous, full of compliments |
compose (v.) | make up, produce, fashion |
composure (n.) | combination, bond, coming together |
composure (n.) | character, temperament, make-up |
con (v.) | learn by heart, commit to memory |
conceit (n.) | imagination, fancy, wit |
conception (n.) | design, plan, notion |
conclude (v.) | decide, resolve, settle |
concupy (n.) | concubine, mistress; or: concupiscence, lust |
condition (n.) | provision, stipulation, proviso |
condition (n.) | accepted rule, agreed procedure |
condition (n.) | position, social rank, station |
condition (n.) | nature, state, circumstances |
conduce (v.) | go on, carry on, take place |
conduce (v.) | lead, tend, contribute |
confession (n.) | acknowledgement, avowal |
conflux (n.) | confluence, conjunction, flowing together |
confound (v.) | destroy, overthrow, ruin |
confound (v.) | destroy, overthrow, ruin |
conjecture (n.) | forecast, prediction, prognostication |
conjure (v.) | engage in magic, cast spells, invoke supernatural aid |
conjure (v.) | bring about [as if by magic], cause to appear |
consanguinity (n.) | kinship, blood relationship |
consent (v.) | agree, concur, acquiesce |
consigned (adj.) | entrusted, committed, delivered |
conspire (v.) | practise, contrive, plot |
constantly (adv.) | assuredly, firmly, certainly, confidently |
constringe (v.) | compress, squeeze, draw together |
content (n.) | pleasure, satisfaction, happiness |
contention (n.) | quarrel, dispute, strife |
convenience (n.) | advantage, desirable feature, point of agreement |
convince (v.) | convict, prove guilty |
convive (v.) | feast together, enjoy a banquet |
cope, cope with (v.) | be a match for, stand up to |
cope, cope with (v.) | encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with] |
copper (adj.) | copper-coloured |
core (n.) | enclosed body, contained corpse |
cormorant (adj.) | greedy, insatiable, all-devouring |
correct (v.) | punish, chastise, reprimand |
correction (n.) | punishment, retribution, rebuke |
corresponsive (adj.) | corresponding, equivalent, analogous |
corrival, co-rival (v.) | vie with, compete with, be a rival of |
corrupt (v.) | bribe, grease the palms of |
couch (v.) | conceal, hide, lie hidden |
countenance (n.) | expression, look, face |
counter, compter (n.) | round piece of metal used for counting |
counterfeit (n.) | false imitation, spurious image |
course (n.) | course of action, way of proceeding |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) | curtsy, bow, gesture of respect |
cousin-german (n.) | first cousin |
craft (n.) | cunning, deceit, guile |
craft (n.) | cunning, deceit, guile |
crafty-swearing (adj.) | making devious vows |
cram up (v.) | force into a small space, stuff in |
crammed (adj.) | overfed, stuffed to excess |
crave (v.) | need, demand, require |
credence (n.) | faith, confidence, trust |
Cressid, Cressida | fickle daughter of Calchas, a priest of Troy; beloved by Troilus, a Trojan prince, she deserted him for Diomed; character in Troilus and Cressida |
crest (n.) | [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece |
crest (n.) | [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece |
crown (n.) | coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings |
crown up (v.) | add regal status to, dignify |
crownet (n.) | coronet, crown |
cry (n.) | acclaim, shout of approval |
cry on (v.) | shout out, call out about |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cuckold (n.) | [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife |
cull (v.) | select, pick out, choose |
cunning (adj.) | knowledgeable, skilful, clever |
cunning (n.) | skill, ability, expertise |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
Cupid (n.) | [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows |
curious (adj.) | hidden, subtle, minute |
dainty (adj.) | fastidious, scrupulous, refined, particular |
dainty (adj.) | delicately pretty, of tender beauty |
Daphne (n.) | nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree |
Dardan, Dardania (n.) | region in W Turkey in which Troy was the capital |
darking (n.) | darkening, setting |
daw (n.) | jackdaw [as noted for its stupidity]; dolt, fool |
days, by | every day, day by day |
deadly (adv.) | mortally, fatally |
dear (adj.) | noble, honourable, worthy |
dear (adj.) | of great worth, valuable, precious |
dear (adj.) | heartfelt, earnest, zealous |
death-token | fatal symptom, death-like sign |
debonair (adj.) | gracious, courtly, of gentle disposition |
deceive (v.) | delude, mislead, take in |
deceptious (adj.) | deceptive, misleading, deceiving |
decline (v.) | go systematically through, recite in order |
decline (v.) | fall, descend, come down |
declined (n.) | vanquished person, someone brought down |
declined (n.) | vanquished person, someone brought down |
deedless (adj.) | performing no deeds, inactive |
deem (n.) | thought, notion, opinion |
deep-drawing (adj.) | displacing great depth of water, heavily-laden |
degree (n.) | respect, way, manner |
degree (n.) | rank, station, standing |
degree (n.) | rank, station, standing |
degree (n.) | rank, station, standing |
deject (adj.) | dejected, downcast, cast down |
deject (v.) | lower, reduce, lessen |
deliver (v.) | hand over, convey, commit to the keeping [of someone] |
demand (n.) | question, enquiry, request |
demand (n.) | question, enquiry, request |
deny (v.) | disown, disavow, renounce |
depend (v.) | have consequences for, menace, hover over |
depend on / upon (v.) | serve, wait on, be a dependant of |
depravation (n.) | depravity, corruption, moral degeneracy |
deputation (n.) | position, office, appointment |
deracinate (v.) | uproot, pluck up, eradicate |
derive (v.) | explain, justify, give the basis of |
desert, desart (n.) | worth, merit, deserving |
desert, desart (n.) | worthy deed, meritorious action |
design (n.) | undertaking, purpose, enterprise |
design (n.) | undertaking, purpose, enterprise |
desire (v.) | request, wish, ask [for] |
desire (v.) | request, wish, ask [for] |
desire (v.) | invite, welcome, request the presence of |
despiteful (adj.) | cruel, spiteful, malicious |
destiny (n.) | divine power, fate [one of the three Fates] |
device (n.) | plot, stratagem, trick |
dexter (adj.) | [heraldry] of the right side |
Diana, Dian (n.) | Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting |
dignity (n.) | worth, nobleness, excellence |
dilated (adj.) | ample, extensive, diffuse |
diminutive (n.) | undersized person, very small being |
Diomed, Diomede (n.) | Greek hero in the Trojan War; lover of Cressida |
directive (adj.) | subject to direction, under the control [of] |
discipline (n.) | learning, schooling, course of instruction |
discipline (v.) | teach, train, instruct |
discomfort (v.) | discourage, dishearten, dispirit |
discourse (n.) | course, process, manner |
discourse (n.) | conversation, talk, chat |
discourse (n.) | conversation, talk, chat |
discourse (n.) | rationality, faculty of understanding |
discover (v.) | reveal, show, make known |
discover (v.) | expose, uncover, give away |
discovery (n.) | disclosure, admission, revelation |
disdain (n.) | vexation, frustration, wounded feeling |
discharge (n.) | performance, fulfilment, execution |
discharge (v.) | fulfil, execute, perform |
dislike (n.) | discord, disagreement, dissension |
disme (n.) | [pron: diym] tenth person killed |
disorbed (adj.) | removed from its sphere, knocked out of its orbit |
dispose (n.) | disposition, manner, bearing |
disposed (adj.) | arranged, placed, distributed |
disposer (n.) | [unclear meaning] one who makes arrangements, one who can handle [a person] |
disposition (n.) | control, direction, management |
disprise, disprize (v.) | undervalue, disparage, hold in contempt |
dissembling (adj.) | deceitful, hypocritical, false |
dissembling (adj.) | deceitful, hypocritical, false |
dissolve (v.) | loosen, release, set free |
distain (v.) | dishonour, defile, corrupt |
distaste (v.) | dislike, not relish, be averse to |
distaste (v.) | make distasteful, destroy the relish of |
distaste (v.) | make distasteful, destroy the relish of |
distempered (adj.) | disordered, disturbed, diseased |
distinction (n.) | act of distinguishing, discrimination, differentiation |
distinction (n.) | act of distinguishing, discrimination, differentiation |
distracted (adj.) | perplexed, confused, agitated |
distraction (n.) | perturbation, agitation, frenzied state |
dividable (adj.) | in a divided state, separated |
divine (adj.) | godlike, sacred, blessed |
dizzy (v.) | make dizzy, confuse, bewilder |
do (v.) | perform, play one's part, act |
do (v.) | go on, carry on |
doff (v.) | throw off, get rid of, do away with |
dog (v.) | follow closely, pursue like a dog |
dog (v.) | follow closely, pursue like a dog |
dolour (n.) | sorrow, grief, lamentation |
dote (v.) | become deranged, behave foolishly |
doubt (v.) | fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] |
drab (n.) | harlot, slut, whore |
drab (n.) | harlot, slut, whore |
drab (n.) | harlot, slut, whore |
draught (n.) | privy, cesspool, sewer |
drave (v.) | drove [past form of 'drive'] |
draw (v.) | carry a burden, drag a load |
draw (v.) | proceed, move, progress |
draw (v.) | bring together, draw in, gather |
drayman (n.) | man who drives a cart without wheels [a dray] |
dread (adj.) | revered, deeply honoured, held in awe |
dread (adj.) | revered, deeply honoured, held in awe |
dreadful (adj.) | inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting |
dreadful (adj.) | inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting |
dreadful (adj.) | inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting |
dreg (n.) | impurity, corruption, defiling matter |
dress (v.) | prepare, make ready |
drift (n.) | direction, progress, course |
dross (n.) | impure matter, tainted substance, rubbish |
dry (adj.) | dried, withered, shrivelled |
dry (adj.) | barren, arid, yielding no result |
dull (adj.) | dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive |
dumb-discoursive (adj.) | silently persuasive, with compelling silent arguments |
ease (n.) | comfort, relief, solace |
effect (n.) | result, end, outcome, fulfilment |
effect (n.) | purpose, end, intended deed |
effeminate (adj.) | feeble, soft, unmanly |
election (n.) | choice, preference |
election (n.) | choice, preference |
element (n.) | (plural) substances from which all material things are made [believed to be earth, water, air, fire] |
else (adv.) | otherwise |
embassy (n.) | ambassadorial role, function as ambassador |
embracement (n.) | embrace, clasping, hug |
embrasure (n.) | embrace, clasping |
eminence (n.) | superiority, mastery, advantage |
emulation (n.) | ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict |
emulation (n.) | ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict |
emulation (n.) | ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict |
emulation (n.) | ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict |
emulous (adj.) | rivalling, competing, emulating |
emulous (adj.) | envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise |
emulous (adj.) | envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise |
emulous (adj.) | envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise |
encounterer (n.) | flirt, coquette, tease |
enfreed (adj.) | liberated, released |
engage (v.) | enter into combat, make an attack |
engaged (adj.) | pledged, bound, sworn |
engendering (n.) | begetting, breeding, multiplying |
engine (n.) | weapon, instrument of warfare |
engine (n.) | weapon, instrument of warfare |
engineer, enginer (n.) | constructor of military works; plotter, contriver |
enlard (v.) | smear with grease, add fatty juice to |
enrapt (adj.) | enraptured, inspired, carried away |
entertain (v.) | cherish, harbour, welcome |
entertain (v.) | receive, admit, let in |
entreat, intreat (v.) | treat, handle, deal with |
entreat, intreat (v.) | persuade, prevail upon |
entreat, intreat (v.) | persuade, prevail upon |
envious (adj.) | malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity |
envious (adj.) | malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity |
errant (adj.) | wandering, straying, erring |
error (n.) | deceit, falsehood, deception |
esperance (n.) | hope, expectation, optimism |
espy (v.) | catch sight of, discern, see |
estimate (n.) | value, esteem, estimation |
estimation (n.) | valued object, treasure |
even, e'en (adv.) | just, exactly |
event (n.) | outcome, issue, consequence |
exact (adj.) | accomplished, highly skilled, expert |
example (v.) | find an example for, provide a model for |
exasperate (adj.) | enraged, incensed, angered |
excitement (n.) | incentive, encouragement, exhortation |
exclaim (n.) | exclamation, outcry, protest |
execration (n.) | curse, imprecation, denunciation |
execute (v.) | implement, activate, bring into operation |
execution (n.) | action, performance, doing |
execution (n.) | killing, slaying, slaughter |
exercise (n.) | manly sport, martial practice |
expect (n.) | expectation, anticipation |
expectance (n.) | expectant state, watchful anticipation |
expecter (n.) | person awaiting news |
expostulation (n.) | protestation, reproof, remonstration |
exposure (n.) | unprotected state, defensive weakness, vulnerability |
expressure (n.) | expression, picture, image |
extant (adj.) | current, present, immediate |
extend (v.) | [unclear meaning] react to; evaluate; enlarge in scope |
extenuate (v.) | mitigate, lessen, tone down |
eye (v.) | watch carefully, pay attention to |
faction (n.) | forming into a group |
faction (n.) | party, group, set [of people] |
faction (n.) | party, group, set [of people] |
faction (n.) | quarrel, squabble, dissension |
factious (adj.) | sectarian, partisan, arising from factions |
factious (adj.) | sectarian, partisan, arising from factions |
fain (adv.) | gladly, willingly |
fain (adv.) | gladly, willingly |
faint (v.) | lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright |
fair (adj.) | handsome, good-looking, beautiful |
fair (adj.) | handsome, good-looking, beautiful |
fair (adj.) | good, elegant, fine |
fair (adj.) | plausible, flattering, seductive |
fair (adj.) | fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent |
fair (adj.) | fortunate, favoured |
fair (adj.) | appropriate, courteous, pleasing |
fair (adj.) | appropriate, courteous, pleasing |
fair (adj.) | appropriate, courteous, pleasing |
fair (adj.) | virtuous, honourable, upright |
fair (adj.) | virtuous, honourable, upright |
fair (adv.) | in full view |
fair (adv.) | successfully, promisingly, favourably |
fair (adv.) | kindly, encouragingly, courteously |
fair (n.) | fortune, happiness, favour |
fair (n.) | fair face, beauty |
fairly (adv.) | fully, completely, entirely |
fairly (adv.) | neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully |
faith (n.) | constancy, fidelity, loyalty |
faith (n.) | promise, assurance, pledge |
faith (n.) | reliability, dependability, trustworthiness |
fall (v.) | drop, descend, let fall |
falling in (n.) | reconciliation, coming together |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful |
false (adj.) | treacherous, traitorous, perfidious |
false (n.) | false person, deceiver |
fame (n.) | reputation, renown, character |
fame (n.) | reputation, renown, character |
fancy (n.) | love, amorousness, infatuation |
fancy (v.) | like, love, admire |
farce, force (v.) | stuff, cram |
farce, force (v.) | stuff, cram |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fashion in (v.) | frame, work in, introduce |
fat (v.) | fatten, feed up, nourish |
favour (n.) | [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks |
favour (n.) | [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks |
fee-farm (n.) | [legal] state of tenure granted in perpetuity |
fee-simple, fee simple (n.) | private estate [belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever]; permanent lease, full possession |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
feverous (adj.) | feverish, restless |
field (n.) | duelling place |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
figure (n.) | form, design, shape, conception |
figure (n.) | form, design, shape, conception |
fill (n.) | (plural) shafts of a cart |
fillip, fillop (v.) | strike smartly against, tap against, touch |
fine (adj.) | clear, pure |
firstling (n.) | first result, opening event |
fit (n.) | spasm, short burst |
fitchew, fichew, ficho (n.) | polecat, skunk; also: prostitute |
fitness (n.) | state of readiness, being properly prepared |
fixure (n.) | stability, fixed position, settled state |
flaming (adj.) | extravagant, high-flown, vividly elaborate |
flat (adj.) | stale, insipid, unpalatable |
flexure (n.) | bending [the knee or head], bowing |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
flood, in | at its height, in its prime |
foil (v.) | defeat, overcome; throw [in wrestling] |
folly (n.) | wantonness, lewdness |
folly (n.) | wantonness, lewdness |
fond (adj.) | infatuated, doting, passionate |
fool (n.) | plaything, pawn, puppet |
footing (n.) | footfall, footsteps, strides |
footing, set | set foot |
force (n.) | physical strength, might, vigour |
forceless (adj.) | effortless, easy-going, nonchalant |
forehand, fore-hand (n.) | leading power, mainstay, linchpin |
forehead (n.) | commanding countenance, assurance, audacity |
forestall (v.) | prevent, stop, intercept, waylay |
forestall (v.) | prevent, stop, intercept, waylay |
forfeit (n.) | someone defeated and in danger of death |
forked (adj.) | two-horned |
form (n.) | formal procedure, due process, formality |
forsooth (adv.) | in truth, certainly, truly, indeed |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
forthright (n.) | straight path, direct course |
Fortune (n.) | Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind |
fraction (n.) | quarrelling, discord, dissension |
fraction (n.) | fragment, scrap, shred |
fragment (n.) | scrap of food, left-over |
frankly (adv.) | freely, without restraint, unrestrictedly |
frankly (adv.) | freely, without restraint, unrestrictedly |
fraught (adj.) | filled, laden, packed |
fraughtage (n.) | luggage, freight, cargo |
fray (v.) | frighten, terrify, scare [by] |
free (adj.) | [unclear meaning] not in formal marching order; quick |
free (adj.) | noble, honourable, worthy |
free (adj.) | liberal, lavish, generous |
free (adj.) | liberal, lavish, generous |
fresh (adj.) | refreshed, invigorated, renewed |
friend (v.) | befriend, sustain, assist |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
frush (v.) | smash, strike violently |
fry (v.) | burn with lust; or: burn in hell |
fulfilling (adj.) | fitting exactly, well-complementing |
full (adv.) | fully, completely, properly |
full (n.) | fullness, entire range, complete scope |
full, in the | to the full, amply |
furnish (v.) | dress, clothe, equip, fit out |
fusty (adj.) | musty, mouldy, stale-smelling |
fusty (adj.) | musty, mouldy, stale-smelling |
gage (v.) | pledge, bind, commit |
gainsay (v.) | contradict, say the contrary, forbid |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gait (n.) | manner of walking, bearing, movement |
gall (n.) | spirit of anger, venom, ability to be angry |
gall (n.) | bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness |
gall (n.) | bile [reputed for its bitterness] |
gall (n.) | bile [reputed for its bitterness] |
gall (n.) | bile [reputed for its bitterness] |
gallantry (n.) | gallants, nobility, gentry |
galled (adj.) | sore, swollen, inflamed |
game (n.) | quarry, object of the chase |
game (n.) | game of love, amorous play |
gaud (n.) | gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket |
gauntlet (n.) | armoured glove protecting the hand and wrist |
gear (n.) | business, affair, matter |
gear (n.) | equipment, furnishing |
general (adj.) | common, of everyone, public |
general (adj.) | joint, common, communal |
general (n.) | (plural) general points, group features |
general (n.) | ordinary people, general public, populace |
general, in | by everyone |
generation (n.) | genealogy, line of descent |
generous (adj.) | well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded |
genius (n.) | attendant spirit, guardian spirit |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adv.) | courteously, kindly |
gentleness (n.) | nobility, good breeding, courtesy |
gentleness (n.) | nobility, good breeding, courtesy |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
giddy (adj.) | swaying, quaking, dizzying |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
glass (n.) | mirror, looking-glass |
glimpse (n.) | trace, tinge, pinch |
gloze (v.) | expound, comment on, give a commentary |
go (v.) | pass as current, be valued |
God-a-mercy | exclamation of thanks, applause, surprise, etc [God have mercy] |
goer-between (n.) | go-between |
goodly (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely |
gored (adj.) | deeply wounded, bleeding |
gorget (n.) | piece of armour for protecting the throat |
grace (n.) | model of beauty, exquisite being [as one of the Three Graces] |
grace (n.) | means of salvation, divine favour |
grace (n.) | virtue, fine quality |
grace (n.) | virtue, fine quality |
gracious (adj.) | acceptable, righteous, full of favour |
grandam (n.) | grandmother |
grandsire (n.) | grandfather |
grandsire (n.) | grandfather |
grasp (n.) | embrace, clasp |
grasp in (v.) | embrace, clasp in the arms |
grate (v.) | wear away, pulverise, erode through the rubbing away of time |
gravel (n.) | stones, deposits |
great (adj.) | high, full |
Greek, foolish / merry | buffoon, merry person, silly joker |
Greek, foolish / merry | buffoon, merry person, silly joker |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
Greekish (adj.) | Greek, Grecian |
green (adj.) | youthful, inexperienced, immature |
grief (n.) | grievance, complaint, hurt, injury |
grossness (n.) | flagrant nature, obviousness, enormity |
guard (n.) | safeguard, escort, safe conduct |
hair (n.) | jot, iota, trace |
hair / hair's breadth, to a | in every little detail, in full, exactly |
hair, against the | against the grain, contrary to inclination |
hale (v.) | drag, pull, haul |
half-supped (adj.) | with supper interrupted, half-satisfied |
hall (n.) | guild, company, profession |
handsomeness (n.) | graciousness, courtesy, decent behaviour |
hardiment (n.) | display of valour, daring deed |
hare-heart (n.) | heart as timid as a hare |
harness (n.) | armour |
harness (v.) | dress in armour, arm, equip |
hatched (adj.) | inlaid, streaked, ornamented |
hazard (n.) | [gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] |
heaps, on | in a mass, all together |
heaving (adj.) | swelling, aroused, agitated |
heavy (adj.) | sorrowful, sad, gloomy |
heavy (adj.) | sorrowful, sad, gloomy |
heavy (adj.) | grave, serious, weighty |
heavy (adj.) | weighed down, burdened, laden |
hedge (v.) | deviate from a straight path, shift direction |
hedge out (v.) | exclude, keep out, shut out |
height (n.) | maximum, highest amount, utmost degree |
Helen (n.) | woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War |
helm (n.) | helmet |
helm (n.) | helmet |
helm (n.) | helmet |
helm (n.) | helmet |
helm (n.) | helmet |
heroical (adj.) | appropriate to the character of a hero |
heroical (adj.) | appropriate to the character of a hero |
high (adj.) | noble, dignified, aristocratic |
hind (n.) | female deer |
hold (v.) | consider, regard, esteem, value [as] |
hold-door (adj.) | brothel door-keeping |
hollow (adj.) | empty, wanting, insubstantial |
hollow (adj.) | empty, false, insincere |
hollow (adj.) | empty, false, insincere |
honesty (n.) | virtue, chastity |
honour (n.) | credit, good name, reputation |
hot (adj.) | enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen |
hot (adj.) | lecherous, lustful, hot-blooded |
hoyday (int.) | exclamation of contemptuous surprise, impatience |
hulk (n.) | ship, vessel |
hum (v.) | say ‘hum’ [as a sign of displeasure, dissatisfaction, impatience, etc] |
humane (adj.) | polite, courteous, refined |
humble-bee (n.) | bumble-bee |
humorous (adj.) | capricious, moody, temperamental |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
hurricano (n.) | water-spout |
husbandry (n.) | thrift, good economy, careful management |
Hyperion (n.) | [pron: hiy'peerion] Greek god, son of Uranus and Gaia, who fathered the Sun, Moon, and Dawn; often, the Sun itself, with a horse-drawn chariot |
chafe (v.) | enrage, irritate, anger |
chafe (v.) | enrage, irritate, anger |
chafe (v.) | warm, inflame, rouse |
chance (n.) | falling out of events, fortuitous circumstance |
chance (n.) | fortune, lot, destiny |
chance (n.) | misfortune, mischance, mishap |
chance (v.) | happen [to], transpire, come about |
chance (v.) | happen [to], transpire, come about |
change (n.) | change of fortune, new circumstances |
change (n.) | exchange, replacement [for] |
change (v.) | exchange, trade |
change (v.) | exchange, trade |
changeful (adj.) | changing, variable, unreliable |
chapman (n.) | trader, merchant, dealer |
character (n.) | figure, number |
character (n.) | distinctive sign, stamp, trait |
characterless (adj.) | leaving no trace, lacking any distinctive signs |
charge (n.) | task, responsibility, duty |
charge (n.) | command, order, injunction, instruction |
charge (n.) | command, order, injunction, instruction |
charge (n.) | expense, cost, outlay |
charge (v.) | order, command, enjoin |
Charon (n.) | [pron: 'kairon] guardian of the Underworld; ferryman who carried the souls of the dead across the River Acheron |
check (n.) | pause, interruption, stoppage |
check (n.) | repulse, reverse, resistance |
cherubin (n.) | celestial being, heavenly beauty |
chidden (adj.) | scolded, reproved, rebuked |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chide (v.), past form chid | scold, rebuke, reprove |
chiding (adj.) | noisy, brawling, tumultuous |
chivalry (n.) | knightly prowess, warlike distinction |
chivalry (n.) | knighthood, knightly qualities |
churlish (adj.) | violent, rough, harsh |
idle (adj.) | useless, barren, worthless |
ignomy (n.) | ignominy, dishonour, shame |
ignorance (n.) | ignoramus, example of ignorance |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
Ilion, Ilium (n.) | poetic names for the city of Troy |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | imperfectly, poorly, to ill effect |
ill-disposed (adj.) | indisposed, unwell, under the weather |
imbecility (n.) | physical weakness, feebleness, puniness |
immaterial (adj.) | flimsy, slight, of little substance |
imminence (n.) | impending evil, approaching peril |
immure (n.) | wall |
impair (adj.) | [unclear meaning] unworthy, dishonourable; harmful, injurious |
impale, empale (v.) | encircle, enclose, ring |
imperial (adj.) | commanding, authoritative, unquestioned |
imperious, emperious (adj.) | imperial, majestic, sovereign |
import (v.) | be of importance to, concern, matter to |
importless (adj.) | trivial, unimportant, insignificant |
imposthume (n.) | abscess, putrid swelling |
impress (n.) | conscription, enforced service |
impressure (n.) | imprint, impression, indentation, stamp |
impudent (adj.) | shameless, immodest, unblushing |
imputation (n.) | reputation, prestige, estimation |
incontinent (adj.) | unchaste, unable to restrain oneself |
index (n.) | prologue, preface, table of contents |
indifferent (adv.) | moderately, tolerably, reasonably |
indistinguishable (adj.) | shapeless, misshapen, disfigured |
indrenched (adj.) | drowned, immersed, submerged |
infinite (n.) | immensity, magnitude, vastness |
ingratitude (n.) | act of ingratitude, ungrateful response |
inches, by | very gradually, bit by bit, by small degrees |
inches, even to his | every inch of him, from top to toe |
injurious (adj.) | causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust |
injury (n.) | grievance, wrong, complaint |
inseparate (adj.) | undivided, united, conjoined |
insisture (n.) | [unclear meaning] steady continuance, constancy, regularity |
instance (n.) | illustration, example, case |
instance (n.) | illustration, example, case |
instance (n.) | illustration, example, case |
instant (adj.) | immediate, direct |
intelligence (n.) | information, news, communication |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
interview (n.) | face-to-face meeting |
Iris (n.) | Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera |
iron (n.) | iron weapon, steel, sword |
issue (n.) | yield, product, result |
issue (n.) | outcome, result, consequence(s) |
issue (n.) | outcome, result, consequence(s) |
iteration (n.) | cliche, repeated assertion, endless repetition |
Ithaca (n.) | island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars |
jade (n.) | worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag |
jar (n.) | discord, disharmony, disagreement |
jaundice (n.) | sallowness, yellowness [as a sign of envy or jealousy] |
jerkin (n.) | male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather] |
joint (n.) | limb, body part |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
Jove (n.) | [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god |
judgement (n.) | expert, critic, judge |
juggling (adj.) | deceiving, cheating, full of trickery |
juggling (n.) | deceiving, cheating, trickery |
Juno (n.) | Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity |
Jupiter, Jove (n.) | Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno |
Jupiter, Jove (n.) | Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno |
Jupiter, Jove (n.) | Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno |
Jupiter, Jove (n.) | Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno |
just (adj.) | honourable, loyal, faithful |
just (adv.) | exactly, precisely |
keep (v.) | lodge, live, dwell |
keep (v.) | lodge, live, dwell |
keep (v.) | stay within, remain inside |
keep (v.) | stay within, remain inside |
keep (v.) | stay within, remain inside |
ken (v.) | know, be acquainted with |
kind (n.) | mode of action, business, matter |
kind (n.) | manner, way, state |
kindly (adv.) | lovingly, gently, affectionately |
kingdomed (adj.) | constituted as a kingdom |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knave (n.) | boy, lad, fellow |
knavery (n.) | roguish trick, rouguery, trickery |
knock (v.) | strike, beat, hit |
la (int.) | indeed |
labour for (v.) | do the work of, exert oneself on behalf of |
land-fish (n.) | fish living on land; unnatural being |
lard (v.) | mix in, intermix, intermingle |
large (adj.) | high, great, extensive |
large (adj.) | frank, free, unrestrained |
laud (n.) | praise, homage, honour |
lavolt, lavolta (n.) | lively, high-leaping dance |
lay (v.) | allay, reduce, moderate |
lay about (v.) | strike out, fight hard |
lay by (v.) | lay aside, set aside, disregard |
laying on (n.) | vigorous attack, dealing of blows |
lazar (n.) | leper, diseased person |
lazar (n.) | leper, diseased person |
learn (v.) | inform of, tell about |
learn (v.) | inform of, tell about |
leave (v.) | spare, leave alive |
leave (v.) | cease, stop, give up |
leaven (n.) | [baking] fermenting element, infusing mixture, adulteration |
leavening (n.) | process of fermentation in dough |
leer (v.) | look sideways, cast a side glance, smile disarmingly |
let blood | bleed [as a medical treatment] |
lethargy (n.) | unnatural drowsiness, harmful torpor |
lid (n.) | eyelid |
lie under (v.) | be subject to, suffer the consequences of |
lief, had as | should like just as much |
liege (n.) | lord, sovereign |
lifter (n.) | thief |
light (adv.) | lightly, without heavy equipment |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (v.) | please, suit |
like as (conj.) | just as |
like, the | the same |
limekiln (n.) | limestone-like deposit, white lump |
line (n.) | degree, rank, station |
linger (v.) | delay, put off, keep waiting |
lip, hang the | look vexed, pout, sulk |
list (v.) | listen |
liver (n.) | part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire] |
look out (v.) | show, appear, manifest |
loose (adj.) | casual, lax, careless |
loose (adj.) | casual, lax, careless |
lover (n.) | companion, comrade, dear friend |
lubber (n.) | clumsy dolt, blundering lout |
lune (n.) | frenzied fit, tantrum, mad outburst |
lust (n.) | desire, pleasure, delight |
lustihood (n.) | lustiness, youthful vigour, robustness |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
luxurious (adj.) | lustful, lecherous, lascivious |
luxury (n.) | lust, lechery, lasciviousness |
maculation (n.) | stain, sport, defilement |
maiden (adj.) | without bloodshed |
maidenhead (n.) | virginity |
mail (n.) | armour, chain mail, piece of armour |
main (n.) | strength, force, full might |
mainly (adv.) | greatly, very much, mightily |
manage (n.) | management, direction, administration |
mappery (n.) | mere map-making |
mark (n.) | target, goal, aim |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
Mars (n.) | Roman god of war |
marvellous (adv.) | very, extremely, exceedingly |
mask (n.) | barrier worn to protect the complexion against the sun |
massy (adj.) | massive, heavy, colossal |
massy (adj.) | massive, heavy, colossal |
mastic (adj.) | gummy, resinous, sticky |
matter (n.) | affair(s), business, real issue |
matter (n.) | pus, discharge, fluid [from a wound] |
matter (n.) | subject-matter, content, substance |
matter (n.) | subject-matter, content, substance |
matter (n.) | subject-matter, content, substance |
mealy (adj.) | powdery, scaly, grainy |
mean (adj.) | unworthy, insignificant, unimportant |
measure (n.) | course of action, means |
medicinable (adj.) | medicinal, healing, curative, restorative |
medicinable (adj.) | medicinal, healing, curative, restorative |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
member (n.) | limb, piece of a body |
memorial (adj.) | of remembrance, of recollection |
mend (n.) | remedy, way of improving |
mend (v.) | amend, improve, make better, put right |
mend (v.) | amend, improve, make better, put right |
Menelaus (n.) | [pron: mene'layus] king of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, married to Helen of Troy |
Mercury (n.) | messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce |
Mercury (n.) | messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce |
mere (adj.) | complete, total, absolute, utter |
mere (adj.) | complete, total, absolute, utter |
mere (adj.) | complete, total, absolute, utter |
mere (adv.) | exclusively, purely, solely |
merely (adv.) | purely, for no other reason than |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
mettle, mettell (n.) | spirit, vigour, zest |
Milo (n.) | [pron: 'miyloh] Greek athlete, 6th-c BC, who carried an ox around the stadium at Olympia then ate it all in a single day |
minced (adj.) | cut up into little pieces for baking |
mirable (adj.) | wonderful, marvellous |
miscall (v.) | misname, call by a wrong name |
miscarry (v.) | go wrong, fail, be unsuccessful |
mistress (n.) | (bowls) the jack - the smaller bowl at which the players aim |
mock (n.) | act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony |
mock (n.) | act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony |
modestly (adv.) | without exaggeration, in due measure |
modicum (n.) | limited quantity, tiny amount |
moiety (n.) | share, portion, part |
monstruosity (n.) | monstrosity, extraordinary nature |
monumental (adj.) | serving as a monument, providing a memorial |
moral (n.) | hidden meaning, import, significance |
morn (n.) | morning, dawn |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
morrow (n.) | morning |
motive (n.) | instrument, agent, moving organ |
mould (n.) | soil, earth, clay |
move (v.) | arouse, affect, stir [by emotion] |
move (v.) | appeal to, urge, exhort |
move (v.) | raise, bring up, introduce |
moved (adj.) | in a bad temper, angered, exasperated |
moved (adj.) | aroused, provoked, exasperated |
multipotent (adj.) | most powerful |
multitude (n.) | large numbers, great host |
murrain (n.) | plague, pestilence |
mutiny (n.) | riot, civil disturbance, state of discord |
Myrmidons (n.) | [pron: 'mermidonz] band of warriors from Thessaly who went to the Trojan War with Achilles |
Myrmidons (n.) | [pron: 'mermidonz] band of warriors from Thessaly who went to the Trojan War with Achilles |
mystery (n.) | secret matter, inexplicable essence |
nature (n.) | human nature |
naughtily (adv.) | wickedly, immorally |
naughty (adj.) | bad, nasty, horrible |
need (v.) | be necessary, be needful |
needful (adj.) | necessary, needed, indispensable |
negation (n.) | denial, dissent, contradiction |
neglection (n.) | negligence, neglect, disregard |
Neoptolemus (n.) | [niop'tolemus] son of Achilles and Deidamia, but here referring to Achilles himself |
Neptune | Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather |
Neptune | Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather |
nerve (n.) | sinew, ligament, muscle |
Nestor (n.) | Greek leader in the siege of Troy, reputed for his age and wisdom |
new-ta'en (adj.) | [new-taken] freshly caught, just captured |
nice (adj.) | fine, precise, particular, subtle |
Niobe (n.) | [pron: 'niyohbay] heroine of Thebes, daughter of Tantalus, whose sons and daughters were slain by Apollo and Diana; the gods then turned her into a rock, but her eyes continued to weep in the form of a spring |
nod (n.) | fool, simpleton, idiot |
noise (n.) | report, rumour, news |
note (n.) | sign, mark, token |
note (n.) | knowledge, information, intimation |
noted (adj.) | closely observed, taken note of |
number (n.) | (plural) verses, lines |
O (int.) | vocalization used before a direct address [to a person, thing, concept, etc] |
object (n.) | spectacle, sight, object of attention |
object (n.) | spectacle, sight, object of attention |
oblique (adj.) | indirectly resembling |
observance (n.) | proper attention, attentiveness, heed |
observance (n.) | honour, dutiful ceremony, due respect |
observing (adj.) | compliant, deferential, obsequious |
odd (adj.) | singular, unique, individual |
odd (adj.) | alone, single, solitary |
odd (adj.) | eccentric, peculiar, unusual |
odd (adv.) | at odds, at variance |
oddly (adv.) | unequally, unevenly; or: unusually, in a peculiar way |
odds (n. plural) | inequalities, unfavourable circumstances |
offend (v.) | harm, hurt, pain |
offer (v.) | dare, presume, venture |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
old (n.) | old people, elders |
Olympian (n.) | athlete in the Olympic games; or: Olympian god |
Olympus (n.) | mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods |
ominous (adj.) | fateful, portentous |
ope (v.) | open |
open (adj.) | generous, liberal, freely giving |
opinion (n.) | public opinion, popular judgement |
opinion (n.) | arrogance, self-conceit, hubris |
opinion (n.) | reputation, character, honour |
opinion (n.) | reputation, character, honour |
opinion (n.) | reputation, character, honour |
opinion (n.) | reputation, character, honour |
oppose (v.) | place in opposition, set up as resistance |
opposed (adj.) | opposite, facing |
oppugnancy (n.) | opposition, conflict, contention |
order (n.) | arrangement, disposition, direction |
order (n.) | arrangement, disposition, direction |
orgulous (adj.) | proud, haughty, arrogant |
orchard (n.) | garden |
orifex (n.) | orifice, opening, aperture |
ort (n.) | scrap, fragment, fraction |
outward (n.) | outward show, external appearance, demeanour |
overbulk (v.) | outgrow, dominate, tower over |
overdusted, over-dusted (adj.) | covered over with dust |
overeaten, over-eaten (adj.) | eaten away all over, gnawed at on all sides |
overgalled (adj.) | badly swollen, heavily inflamed |
overhold (v.) | overestimate, overvalue, rate too highly |
overtop (v.) | excel, surpass, go beyond the (normal) level of |
overwrested, over-wrested (adj.) | overstrained, overdone, over-the-top |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
oyes, oyez (n.) | hear ye [town crier's ‘Oyez’] |
pageant (n.) | show, scene, spectacle, tableau |
pageant (n.) | show, scene, spectacle, tableau |
pageant (v.) | imitate as if in a play, impersonate, parody |
pain (n.) | effort, endeavour, exertion, labour |
painted (adj.) | colourful, multi-coloured |
palate (v.) | relish, enjoy |
pale (n.) | fence, paling, enclosure |
palm (n.) | praise, honour, esteem |
palm (n.) | praise, honour, esteem |
palsy (adj.) | palsied, trembling, shaking |
palsy (n.) | shaking fit, tremor, paralysis |
palter (v.) | prevaricate, deal evasively [with], quibble |
palter (v.) | prevaricate, deal evasively [with], quibble |
Pandarus (n.) | [pron: 'pandarus] Trojan prince, killed by Diomedes; Cressida's uncle and go-between |
pander, pandar (n.) | pimp, procurer, go-between |
paradox (n.) | statement going against accepted belief, absurdity |
pard (n.) | panther, leopard |
Paris (n.) | youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; he stole Helen away from her Greek husband, Menelaus, causing the Trojan wars; character in Troilus and Cressida |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (n.) | side, camp, party |
part (n.) | side, camp, party |
part (v.) | depart [from], leave, quit |
part (v.) | depart [from], leave, quit |
parted (adj.) | gifted, endowed, accomplished |
partial (adj.) | biased, prejudiced, self-interested |
particular (adj.) | personal, special, private |
particular (adj.) | personal, special, private |
particular (n.) | individual person, self |
partly (adv.) | slightly, in some measure, a little |
party (n.) | side, faction, camp |
pash (v.) | strike, smash, knock |
pashed (adj.) | smashed, battered, crushed |
pass (v.) | endure, undergo, experience |
pass (v.) | surpass, go beyond, outdo |
passage (n.) | incident, occurrence, event, happening |
passion (n.) | powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] |
passion (n.) | powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] |
passion (n.) | powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
past-proportion (n.) | immeasurableness, quantity beyond compare |
patchery (n.) | roguery, knavery, tricks |
patiently (adv.) | calmly, with quiet expectation |
pavement (n.) | paved surface, thoroughfare |
pavilion (n.) | ceremonial tent |
pavilion (n.) | ceremonial tent |
pawn (v.) | stake, pledge, risk |
peculiar (adj.) | particular, private, personal |
peevish (adj.) | silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive |
pelting (adj.) | paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant |
per se | by himself |
perdition (n.) | ruin, destruction, devastation |
perforce (adv.) | of necessity, with no choice in the matter |
performance (n.) | discharge, fulfilment, manifestation |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
Perseus (n) | son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death |
persistive (adj.) | persisting, long-lasting, persevering |
person (n.) | physical appearance, bodily figure |
person (n.) | fine figure, personality |
pertly (adv.) | boldly, audaciously, impudently |
pettish (adj.) | petulant, peevish, bad-humoured |
pheeze, feeze (v.) | do for, settle the hash of, fix |
Phoebus (n.) | [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo |
Phrygia (n.) | [pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated |
Phrygia (n.) | [pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated |
Phrygia (n.) | [pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated |
Phrygia (n.) | [pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated |
physic (v.) | cure, correct, dose with medicine |
pia mater (n.) | [Latin] dutiful mother: membrane covering the brain; brain |
piece (n.) | wine cask, butt of liquor |
piece out (v.) | augment, increase, supplement |
pight (adj.) | pitched, set up |
pin (n.) | trifle, triviality, insignificant amount |
pitiful (adj.) | compassionate, merciful, tender |
place (n.) | precedence, proper place |
place (n.) | position, post, office, rank |
place (n.) | position, post, office, rank |
place (n.) | position, post, office, rank |
place (n.) | position, post, office, rank |
place (n.) | way, room |
placket (n.) | opening in the front of a skirt or petticoat |
plague (v.) | torment, vex, trouble |
plaguy (adv.) | confoundedly, insufferably, pestilently |
plantage (n.) | vegetation, plant-life |
pleasant (adj.) | facetious, joking, droll |
pleasantly (adv.) | gratifyingly, satisfyingly |
plight (n.) | good shape, health, fit condition |
plot (n.) | plan, scheme, stratagem |
pluck down (v.) | pull down, drag down |
Pluto (n.) | one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld |
Pluto (n.) | one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld |
Pluto (n.) | one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld |
point (n.) | summit, apex, highest point |
poise (n.) | forceful impact, heavy blow |
poise (v.) | balance, weigh, make even |
poise (v.) | balance, weigh, make even |
policy (n.) | stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft |
policy (n.) | stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft |
policy (n.) | statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy |
policy (n.) | statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy |
politic (adj.) | prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd |
pop (v.) | arrive unexpectedly, move in suddenly |
porpentine (n.) | porcupine |
port (n.) | portal, entrance, gateway |
port (n.) | portal, entrance, gateway |
portable (adj.) | bearable, supportable, endurable |
portly (adj.) | stately, majestic, dignified |
position (n.) | [in logic] affirmation, assertion, hypothesis |
positive (adj.) | unconditional, absolute, unqualified |
possess (v.) | notify, inform, acquaint |
possession (n.) | property, estate, belongings |
post (v.) | hasten, speed, ride fast |
potency (n.) | power, authority, command |
power (n.) | authority, government |
power (n.) | faculty, function, ability |
power (n.) | faculty, function, ability |
power (n.) | faculty, function, ability |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
practise (v.) | put to use, employ |
praise (n.) | praiseworthiness, merit, virtue |
precious-dear (adj.) | dearly precious |
predominance (n.) | ascendancy, predominant influence, authority |
prefixed (adj.) | fixed, settled, prearranged, decided in advance |
pregnant (adj.) | well-disposed, ready, inclined, receptive |
prenominate (v.) | name beforehand, specify in advance |
preposterous (adj.) | contrary to the natural order, monstrous, perverted |
prescience (n.) | foresight, forethought, planning ahead |
presence (n.) | appearance, bearing, demeanour |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presume on (v.) | take insufficiently into account, rely too readily on |
pretty (adj.) | clever, ingenious, artful |
prevention (n.) | forestalling action, preventive measure |
Priam (n.) | [pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy |
price (n.) | value, worth, importance |
prick (n.) | marker, pointer, indication |
primitive (adj.) | original, classical, typical |
primogenitive (n.) | primogeniture; right of inheritance due to the first-born child |
privileged (adj.) | [of a professional fool] allowed to say anything |
process (n.) | progress, course, path |
prodigal (n.) | waster, squanderer, spendthrift |
prodigious (adj.) | ominous, portentous, promising evil |
profess (v.) | practise, pursue, claim knowledge of |
prompt (adj.) | inclined, disposed, prone |
prompted (adj.) | eagerly ready, urged on to act |
proof (n.) | test, trial |
proof (n.) | test, trial |
proof (n.) | test, trial |
propend (v.) | incline, be disposed, have a propensity |
propension (n.) | propensity, inclination, cast of mind |
proper (adj.) | good-looking, handsome, comely |
proper (adj.) | very, own |
proportion (n.) | natural order, proper relationship |
propose (v.) | bring up for consideration, set before the mind |
proposition (n.) | offer, proposal |
propugnation (n.) | defence, justification, vindication |
Proserpine, Proserpina (n.) | daughter of the corn-goddess Ceres; Hades, king of the Underworld, abducted her and made her his queen |
protest (n.) | protestation, declaration, avowal |
protractive (adj.) | protracted, interminable, long-drawn-out |
prove (v.) | prove to be true, turn out to be the truth |
providence (n.) | foresight, forethought |
puling (n./adj.) | whimpering, whining, complaining |
pun (v.) | pound, hammer, batter |
purblind (adj.) | half-blind, dim-sighted |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | outcome, result, end |
purpose (n.) | point at issue, matter in hand |
purpose (v.) | intend, plan |
push (n.) | attack, assault, thrust |
put back (v.) | repulse, reject, refuse |
put on (v.) | show, manifest, exhibit |
puttock (n.) | kite; greedy scavenger |
Pyrrhus (n.) | [pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam |
quail (n.) | courtesan, prostitute |
qualify (v.) | moderate, weaken, diminish |
qualifying (adj.) | moderating, diluting, weakening |
quality (n.) | accomplishment, capacity, ability |
quality (n.) | occasion, cause |
queller (n.) | destroyer, killer |
question (n.) | debating, discussion, investigation |
question (n.) | point at issue, problem, business |
question (n.) | point at issue, problem, business |
quick (adj.) | lively, animated, vivacious |
quondam (adj.) | former, erstwhile, previous |
quote (v.) | closely observe, note, examine |
quoth (v.) | said |
quoth (v.) | said |
rack (n.) | machine of torture which stretches the limbs |
raging (adj.) | roving, wanton, riotous |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
railing (adj.) | abusive, derisive, haranguing |
rank (adj.) | gross, outlandish, coarse |
rank (adj.) | bloated, swollen, puffed-up |
rank (adj.) | violent, heated, intemperate |
rank (adv.) | densely, thickly, completely |
ransacked (adj.) | violated, ravished, plundered |
rape (n.) | abduction, violent seizure |
rapt (adj.) | absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied |
rash (adj.) | sudden, quickly acting, operating immediately |
rate (v.) | berate, reproach, rebuke, scold |
ravished (adj.) | abducted, carried off by force |
reason (n.) | reasoning, argument |
reason (n.) | reasoning, argument |
reason (n.) | reasoning, argument |
reck (v.) | regard, heed, care [for] |
reckoning (n.) | counting up, enumeration, calculation |
recordation (n.) | committing to memory, solemn recording |
recourse (n.) | repeated flowing, recurrence |
recreant (n.) | coward, faint-hearted individual |
redeem (v.) | free, liberate, extricate |
refractory (adj.) | rebellious, obstinate, umanageable |
regard (n.) | respect, repute, esteem |
regard (n.) | look, glance, gaze |
rejoindure (n.) | reunion, reuniting |
relation (n.) | report, account, narration |
relish (n.) | taste, flavour, savour |
remainder (adj.) | left-over, remaining, uneaten |
remorse (n.) | pity, regret, sorrow |
render (v.) | exchange, give in return |
repining (adj.) | grudging, grumbling |
reproof (n.) | rebuff, rebuke, censure |
requite (v.), past forms requit, requited | reward, repay, recompense |
respect (n.) | regard, admiration, favour, opinion |
respect (n.) | attention, heed, deliberation |
resty (adj.) | lazy, sluggish |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retort (v.) | turn back, return, reflect |
return (v.) | answer, report, say in reply [to] |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
reverend (adj.) | revered, worthy, respected |
reversion (n.) | prospective inheritance, expectation of possession |
revolted (adj.) | faithless, disloyal, inconstant |
revolve (v.) | consider, ponder, meditate |
rheum (n.) | watery discharge, seepage [especially of the eyes] |
ribald (adj.) | raucously abusive, noisily irreverent |
right (adv.) | just, precisely |
rive (v.) | split, rend, cleave |
rive (v.) | split, rend, cleave |
rivelled (adj.) | furrowed, wrinkled |
rivet (n.) | bolt for fastening a piece of armour |
roisting (adj.) | roistering, swaggering, vaunting |
rotten (adj.) | unhealthy, corrupting, unwholesome |
roundly (adv.) | bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly |
rub (v.) | stir up, encourage, stimulate |
rub on (v.) | [bowls] encounter an obstacle which changes the course of a bowl |
rude (adj.) | cacophonous, raucous, barbarous |
rude (adj.) | violent, harsh, unkind |
rude (adj.) | violent, harsh, unkind |
rude (adj.) | amateurish, inexpert, lacking polish |
rude (adj.) | amateurish, inexpert, lacking polish |
rudely (adv.) | violently, roughly, with great force |
rudeness (n.) | rough manner, uncouth behaviour |
rudeness (n.) | violent action, forceful strength |
ruin (n.) | ruination, destruction, devastation |
ruinous (adj.) | ruined, decayed, ravaged |
rule (n.) | proper discipline, good management |
rule (n.) | principle, order, regulation |
ruth (n.) | pity, compassion, sympathy |
ruthful (adj.) | piteous, lamentable, woeful |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
safety (n.) | prudent course of action, best safeguard |
sally (n.) | sudden attack against an enemy, sortie |
salt (adj.) | stinging, bitter, biting |
salute (v.) | greet, welcome, address |
sanctimony (n.) | sanctity, holiness, religious fervour |
sans (prep.) | without |
sarcenet, sarsanet (adj.) | of thin silk, light, flimsy |
sauce (v.) | spice, season, flavour |
saucy (adj.) | insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant |
savage (adj.) | boorish, uncivil, unsociable |
save (v.) | prevent, avoid, avert |
scab (n.) | scurvy fellow, scoundrel, villain |
scaffoldage (n.) | theatre scaffolding, stage platform |
scaled, scaling (adj.) | scaly, covered in scales |
scant (v.) | limit, restrict, constrain |
scantling (n.) | guideline, index, standard of measurement |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scimitar (n.) | short curved sword with a single edge, from the East |
scorn (n.) | mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision |
screech-owl (n.) | barn-owl [thought to be a bird of ill omen] |
scruple (n.) | suspicion, misgiving, doubt |
scruple (n.) | tiny amount, last ounce |
scurril (adj.) | scurrilous, coarse, vulgar |
scurvy (adj.) | contemptible, despicable, wretched |
scurvy (adj.) | contemptible, despicable, wretched |
scurvy-valiant (adj.) | supremely worthless, heartily contemptible |
seam (n.) | grease, fat |
search (v.) | probe, explore, examine |
season (n.) | time, due time, occasion |
seat (n.) | throne |
second (adj.) | using a deputy, surrogate, proxy |
second (v.) | support, assist, reinforce |
secure (adj.) | over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident |
securely (adv.) | over-confidently, carelessly, heedlessly |
see (v.) | meet, see each other |
seeded (adj.) | run to seed, seasoned, matured |
seeming (adj.) | apparent, convincing in appearance |
seeming (n.) | demeanour, outward behaviour |
seethe (v.) | boil with urgency, bubble, be in a ferment |
seizure (n.) | grasping of hands, clasp, hold |
seld (adv.) | seldom, rarely |
self-admission (n.) | self-admiration, self-centredness |
self-affected (adj.) | self-loving, egotistical, conceited |
self-assumption (n.) | self-importance, arrogance, egotism |
sense (n.) | senses, sensation, organs of sense |
sense (n.) | senses, sensation, organs of sense |
sense (n.) | senses, sensation, organs of sense |
sense (n.) | ability to respond to sensation, physical perception |
sense (n.) | ability to respond to sensation, physical perception |
sense (n.) | mind, power of reason, wits |
sense (n.) | interpretation, construction, signification |
sequent (adj.) | following, ensuing, consequent |
sequester (v.) | separate, remove, cut off |
serpigo (n.) | type of spreading skin disease |
servant (n.) | devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover |
serve one's turn | meet one's need, answer one's requirements |
set down (v.) | log, make note, put on record |
several (adj.) | separate, different, distinct |
several (adj.) | separate, different, distinct |
several (n.) | (plural) details, particulars, individual points |
severally (adv.) | separately, individually |
'sfoot (int.) | [oath] God's foot |
shade (n.) | covered place, sheltered spot |
shape (n.) | appearance, aspect, visible form |
share from (v.) | receive at the expense of |
sharp (adj.) | severe, harsh, merciless |
shent (v.) | insult, disgrace, shame |
shiver (n.) | fragment, splinter, piece |
shoeing-horn (n.) | shoe-horn; person used as a tool, hanger-on |
shrewdly (adv.) | seriously, mightily, very much |
shrike (n./v.) | [Q variant] alternative spelling of 'shriek' |
shrink (v.) | shiver, recoil, draw back |
shut up (v.) | embody, sum up, include |
school (n.) | shoal of fish |
school (n.) | university |
sick (adj.) | envious, resentful, malicious |
sieve (n.) | basket, hold-all, container [especially for market produce] |
signify (v.) | report, make known, declare |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | muscle |
sinew (n.) | nerve |
sinew (n.) | strength, force, power |
sinewy (adj.) | muscular, well-developed, brawny |
sing (v.) | make music with; entice, make advances to |
sinister (adj.) | left |
sink (n.) | cesspool, waste pit, sewer |
skittish (adj.) | changeable, fickle, inconstant |
slack (v.) | slacken, reduce, slow down |
slave (n.) | fellow, rascal, rogue, villain |
sleave-silk (n.) | silk thread for embroidery |
sleeveless (adj.) | futile, fruitless, unproductive |
slightly (adv.) | without much attention, neglectfully |
sodden (adj.) | boiled, stewed up |
sodden-witted (adj.) | stew-brained, limp-minded, alcohol-crazed |
soft (adj.) | tender, compassionate, kind |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
soft (int.) | [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet |
soil (n.) | blemish, stain, tarnish |
soil (n.) | blemish, stain, tarnish |
soilure (n.) | soiling, staining, defilement |
Sol (n.) | the sun |
sole (adv.) | uniquely, singularly, incomparably |
sometime (adv.) | sometimes, now and then |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sop (n.) | piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten] |
sore (adv.) | seriously, greatly, very much |
sort (n.) | way, manner |
sort (n.) | way, manner |
sort (n.) | way, manner |
sort (n.) | lot [item drawn from a receptacle in a lottery] |
sort (v.) | suit, be fitting, be appropriate |
soul (n.) | conscience, heart, inner being |
soul (n.) | real nature, essence |
soul (n.) | inner conviction, personal impulse |
span (n.) | hand breadth [from tip of thumb to tip of little finger, when the hand is extended] |
Sparta (n.) | city of Peloponnesia, S Greece |
Sparta (n.) | city of Peloponnesia, S Greece |
specialty (n.) | obligation, bond, requirement |
spectacle (n.) | thing to be seen, sight |
speculation (n.) | power of sight, vision |
speed (v.) | meet with success, prosper, flourish |
spend (v.) | waste, pass unprofitably |
spend one's mouth | [hunting] bark, bay, give tongue |
sphere (v.) | place in the heavens |
sphered (adj.) | puffed out into the shape of a sphere, rounded |
spirit (n.) | life-supporting substance thought to be carried by the blood, animating essence |
spirit (n.) | life-supporting substance thought to be carried by the blood, animating essence |
spleen (n.) | amusement, delight, merriment |
spleen (n.) | irritability, malice, bad temper |
spleen (n.) | temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions] |
spoil (n.) | plunder, booty |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
sport (n.) | subject of sport |
sportful (adj.) | sporting, recreational, not in earnest |
spotted (adj.) | stained, blemished |
spout (n.) | water-spout |
sprightly, spritely (adj.) | cheerful, light-hearted, bright |
sprite, spright (n.) | spirit, ghost, supernatural being |
square (v.) | judge, measure, appraise |
stain (n.) | hint, tinge, dash |
stale (v.) | depreciate, make cheap, lower the dignity of |
stand (n.) | stop, pause, standing still |
stand (v.) | stop, halt |
stand to (v.) | maintain, uphold, be steadfast in |
stander (n.) | supporter, sustainer, prop |
stander-by (n.) | bystander, onlooker, spectator |
start (v.) | startle, alarm, disturb |
starting (adj.) | bounding, eager, energetic |
starve out (v.) | endure in fierce cold |
starved (adj.) | meagre, insubstantial, wanting |
state (n.) | government, ruling body, administration |
state (n.) | government, ruling body, administration |
state (n.) | persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state |
state (n.) | persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state |
state (n.) | condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs |
stay (n.) | support, prop |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay for (v.) | wait for, await |
stepdame, step-dame (n.) | stepmother |
stick (v.) | pierce, stab, wound |
stickler-like (adv.) | like a tournament umpire |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
stint (v.) | limit, hold back, restrain |
stirring (adj.) | busy, bustling, active |
stithy (v.) | forge, hammer out |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stomach (n.) | wish, inclination, desire |
stool (n.) | chamber-pot, commode |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
strain (n.) | quality, character, disposition |
strain (n.) | vocal effusion, lyrical outpouring |
strain at (v.) | have difficulty in accepting, have a problem with |
strained (adj.) | refined, purified, distilled |
strained (adj.) | refined, purified, distilled |
strait (n.) | cramped passage, confined path |
strange (adj.) | aloof, distant, reserved |
strange (adj.) | foreign, alien, from abroad |
strange (adj.) | foreign, alien, from abroad |
strangely (adv.) | like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner |
strangely (adv.) | like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner |
strangeness (n.) | estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness |
strangeness (n.) | estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness |
strawy (adj.) | like straw, worthless as straw |
strength (n.) | validity, forcefulness, cogency |
stretched (adj.) | strained, forced, affected |
stretched-out (adj.) | extended to full length, exceptionally long-lasting |
strike (v.) | beat, sound, strike up |
strike off / away (v.) | cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove |
strike off / away (v.) | cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove |
stubborn (adj.) | resistant, hostile, antagonistic |
Stygian (adj.) | [pron: 'stijian] of the River Styx |
Styx (n.) | the principal mythological river of the underworld |
subduement (n.) | someone overcome in a fight |
subscribe (v.) | submit, yield, give in |
subscribe (v.) | make acknowledgement of, admit to |
substance (n.) | property, wealth, possessions, treasure |
subtle, subtile (adj.) | crafty, cunning, wily |
subtle, subtile (adj.) | fine, thin, slender |
subtle-potent (adj.) | powerfully refined |
subtly, subtilly (adv.) | deceitfully, treacherously, deceptively |
success (n.) | result, outcome, issue |
success (n.) | result, outcome, issue |
suddenly (adv.) | immediately, at once, without delay |
suffer (v.) | allow, permit, let |
suffer (v.) | allow, permit, let |
sufferance (n.) | distress, suffering, hardship |
sufferance (n.) | distress, suffering, hardship |
suffice (v.) | satisfy, content, be enough [for] |
suit (n.) | wooing, courtship |
sunburnt (adj.) | of dark complexion, not fair-skinned [and therefore unattractive] |
sunder (v.) | cut, divide, put an end to |
sup (v.) | have supper |
suppose (n.) | expectation, hope; purpose, intention |
surety (n.) | security, confidence, stability |
surety (n.) | guarantee, ratification, warrant |
surety (n.) | guarantee, ratification, warrant |
surmised (adj.) | imagined, hoped-for, intended |
swagger (v.) | force by blustering language, bully |
swain (n.) | lover, wooer, sweetheart |
swath (n.) | swathe, sweep of a scythe |
sway (n.) | position of authority, powerful office |
sway (v.) | control, rule, direct, govern |
sweat (v.) | use the sweating-tub [as a cure for for venereal disease] |
swerve (v.) | go astray, err, be wrong |
swing (n.) | driving force, thrusting power |
swooning (adj.) | shown by fainting, marked by loss of the senses |
sympathize (v.) | agree, be in accord |
sympathize with (v.) | resemble, be like, have an affinity with |
table (n.) | writing tablet, memo pad, notebook |
taborin, tabourine (n.) | type of drum [narrower and longer than a tabor] |
taint (n.) | disgracing, dishonouring, discrediting |
taint (v.) | sully, infect, stain |
take (v.) | conquer, overthrow, destroy |
take (v.) | take refuge in, go into, enter [for safety] |
take off (v.) | reduce, diminish, lessen |
take upon (v.) | profess, pretend, affect [oneself] |
tame (adj.) | familiar, habitual, customary |
tamed (adj.) | [of a cask] tapped, pierced |
tapster (n.) | inn waiter, drawer of ale |
tarre (v.) | incite, provoke, arouse |
tarry (v.) | stay for, wait for, allow time for |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarry (v.) | stay, remain, linger |
tarrying (n.) | waiting, delaying, lingering |
tassel (n.) | ornamental fringe |
taste (v.) | try out, test, put to the proof |
tax (v.) | order, tell, command |
tax (v.) | censure, blame, take to task, disparage |
tell (v.) | count out, number, itemize |
temper (n.) | frame of mind, temperament, disposition |
temper (v.) | mould, shape, work, bring [to a particular character] |
temperate (adj.) | calm, moderate, composed |
tempered (adj.) | in such a mood, of this disposition |
temporize (v.) | negotiate, come to terms, effect a compromise |
tempt (v.) | risk, venture out to, dare to encounter |
tempt (v.) | try, test, make trial of |
tend (v.) | attend, wait on, serve |
tender (adj.) | pitiable, pathetic, moving |
Tenedos (n.) | [pron: 'tenedos] island near Troy, W Turkey |
tenor, tenour (n.) | substance, content, matter, drift |
tent (n.) | probe, insert [for exploring wounds] |
tercel (n.) | male hawk |
tetchy, teachy (adj.) | irritable, peevish, fretful |
tetter (n.) | scaly eruption of the skin, scurf |
theme (n.) | reason for acting, ground of belief |
theme (n.) | reason for acting, ground of belief |
theme (n.) | subject, subject-matter, topic of discourse |
theme (n.) | subject, subject-matter, topic of discourse |
Thetis (n.) | [pron: 'theetis] sea-nymph married to Peleus, destined to bear a son (Achilles) greater than his father |
thick (adj.) | quick, rapid, fast |
thicket (n.) | densely wooded area |
thievery (n.) | plunder, booty, stolen property |
this, by | by this time |
thought (n.) | melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry |
thrice-famed (adj.) | most famous |
thrice-repured (adj.) | highly purified, extremely refined |
thrifty (adj.) | worthy, estimable; also: stingy, frugal |
through (adv.) | thoroughly |
thunder-darter (n.) | wielder of thunderbolts |
thwart (adv.) | adversely, untowardly, detrimentally |
tickle (v.) | beat, flog, rain blows on |
tickle (v.) | move easily, affect readily |
tickling (adj.) | aroused, titillated, excited |
tide (n.) | season, date, time [of year] |
time (n.) | circumstance, particular occasion |
tisick (n.) | consumptive cough, infection of lungs and throat |
Titan (n.) | one of the titles of the Roman sun-god, Sol |
tithe (adj.) | tenth |
toast (n.) | piece of hot toast, sop |
token (n.) | keepsake, present, memento |
token (n.) | keepsake, present, memento |
topless (adj.) | supreme, paramount |
tortive (adj.) | contorted, tortuous, twisting |
touch (n.) | sense, feeling, intuition, hint |
touch (n.) | trait, quality, feature |
touch (v.) | affect, concern, regard, relate to |
touch (v.) | refer to, treat of, deal with |
touch (v.) | land at, arrive at, visit |
tractable (adj.) | compliant, manageable, governable |
traded (adj.) | practised, expert, experienced |
train (v.) | draw on, induce, tempt |
translate (v.) | explain, interpret |
transportance (n.) | transportation, conveyance |
travail, travel (n.) | labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel'] |
travail, travel (n.) | labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel'] |
trial (n.) | action of testing, putting to the proof |
trim (adj.) | fine, excellent, smart |
trim (v.) | tidy up, make ready, prepare |
tripping (adv.) | light-footedly, with nimble dance-steps |
Troilus (n.) | [pron: 'troylus] youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; killed by Achilles; lover of Cressida |
troth (n.) | truth, good faith |
troth, by my | by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] |
troth, by my | by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] |
troth, good troth (n.) | exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed |
Troy (n.) | ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion |
true (adj.) | reliable, trustworthy, dependable |
true (adj.) | loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance |
true (adj.) | constant, faithful in love |
true (adj.) | constant, faithful in love |
trump (n.) | trumpet |
trumpet (n.) | trumpeter; herald, announcer |
trumpet (n.) | trumpeter; herald, announcer |
truncheon (n.) | military baton, staff of office |
truth (n.) | loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness |
truth (n.) | loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness |
truth (n.) | abstract principle, general rule |
tune (n.) | state of mind, mood |
turpitude (n.) | wickedess, vileness, depravity |
turtle (n.) | turtle-dove, lover |
twain (adv.) | of separate minds, at variance |
Typhon (n.) | giant, half man half animal, who fought against the Olympian gods |
Ulysses (n.) | [pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unarm (v.) | disarm, remove armour |
unawares, at | unexpectedly |
unbodied (adj.) | abstract, conceptual, formless |
unbruised (adj.) | unmarked, uncrushed, undamaged |
unclasp (v.) | reveal, display, divulge |
uncomprehensive (adj.) | fathomless, boundless, immeasurable |
under-honest (adj.) | less than honourable |
undone (adj.) | ruined, destroyed, brought down |
ungently (adv.) | unkindly, roughly, rudely |
ungracious (adj.) | inconsiderate, graceless, unmannerly |
unjust (adj.) | dishonest, untrustworthy, crooked |
unkind (adj.) | unnatural, abnormal, aberrant |
unknown (adj.) | obscure, little-known |
unplausive (adj.) | disapproving, displeased, censurious |
unpractised (adj.) | inexperienced, naive, innocent |
unrespective (adj.) | undiscriminating, making no distinction, all-inclusive |
unsecret (adj.) | lacking in secrecy, unconfidential |
unsquared (adj.) | badly fitting, unsuitable, unbecoming |
untent (v.) | remove from a tent |
untimbered (adj.) | lacking a strong wooden frame; unsound, frail |
untraded (adj.) | unconventional, unaccustomed, unfamiliar |
unwholesome (adj.) | harmful, damaging, noxious |
use (v.) | treat, deal with, manage |
use (v.) | be accustomed, make a habit [of] |
use (v.) | be accustomed, make a habit [of] |
use (v.) | frequent, hang out at, visit regularly |
vail (n.) | setting, going down |
vainglory, vain-glory (n.) | showy event, ostentatious activity |
vantage (n.) | advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority |
vantbrace, vambrace (n.) | armour to protect the fore-arm |
varlet (n.) | manservant, page, attendant |
varlet (n.) | manservant, page, attendant |
varlet (n.) | knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian |
varlet (n.) | knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian |
vassalage (n.) | humble people, low subjects |
vaunt (n.) | beginning, outset, first part |
vein (n.) | state of mind, motive, mood |
venomed (adj.) | poisoned, venomous |
venomous (adj.) | embittered, rancorous, malignant |
vent (n.) | aperture, opening |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
Venus (n.) | Roman goddess of beauty and love |
very (adj.) | [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute |
very (adj.) | mere, alone |
viand (n.) | (usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff |
view (n.) | inspection, examination |
view (n.) | inspection, examination |
view (n.) | sight, range of vision |
villain (n.) | scoundrel, rogue, rascal |
villain (n.) | scoundrel, rogue, rascal |
vindicative (adj.) | vindictive, punitive, revengeful |
vinewed (adj.) | mouldy, rotten, decaying |
violent (v.) | rage with violence, seethe, rampage |
virtue (n.) | virtuous self, honour, excellency |
virtue (n.) | worth, value, excellence |
visage (n.) | face, countenance |
vizard (v.) | cover with a mask; conceal, hide |
voice (n.) | shout of acclamation, cry of applause |
voice (n.) | support, approval, good word |
voice (n.) | authoritative opinion, judgement |
voice (n.) | authoritative opinion, judgement |
voluntary (n.) | volunteer |
Vulcan (n.) | Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell |
Vulcan (n.) | Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell |
waftage (n.) | passage, conveyance by water |
waking (adj.) | awake, wakeful |
wallet (n.) | bag, knapsack |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
wanton (adj.) | sexually hot, passionate, sportive |
wanton (adj.) | sexually hot, passionate, sportive |
wanton (adj.) | sexually hot, passionate, sportive |
wanton (adj.) | casual, gentle |
wantonness (n.) | foolish behaviour, caprice, whims |
ward (n.) | [fencing] defensive posture, parrying movement |
ward (v.) | protect, defend, guard |
ware (adj.) | aware, conscious, sensible |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
warrant (v.) | justify, defend, stand up for |
watery (adj.) | moist, clammy, salivating |
watch (n.) | sleepless state, wakefulness |
way of, in (prep.) | of the nature of, as a point of |
ways, come thy / your | come along |
weather, keep the | keep to the windward side |
wedge (v.) | cleave, split [as with a wedge] |
weed (n.) | (plural) garments, dress, clothes |
weigh (v.) | judge, rate, assess the value of |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wench (n.) | girl, lass |
wenching (adj.) | someone who hangs around with women |
wheel (v.) | turn to face in a new direction, circle round |
whisper (v.) | speak secretly with, talk confidentially to |
whoremasterly (adj.) | lecherous, having the character of a whoremaster |
whoreson (adj.) | [abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile |
whoreson (adj.) | [abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile |
whoreson (adj.) | [abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile |
wide (adj.) | wide of the mark, mistaken |
wight (n.) | [archaism] person, human being |
wild (adj.) | rash, reckless, careless |
will (n.) | desire, wish, liking, inclination |
will (n.) | desire, wish, liking, inclination |
will (n.) | wilfulness, self-will, determination |
will (n.) | wilfulness, self-will, determination |
will (n.) | lust, sexual desire, passion |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
willed (adj.) | [debated reading] self-willed, deliberate, premeditated |
wind (n.) | sighing, lamenting breath |
wind (n.) | breath |
Winchester goose | [contemptuous] groin swelling caused by venereal disease [one Bishop of Winchester licensed brothels in London] |
wit (n.) | reasoning, thinking, deliberation |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
wit (n.) | intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability |
withhold (v.) | restrain, hold back, keep in check |
without (adv.) | externally, on the outside |
witty (adj.) | with all one's wits at the ready |
wonder (n.) | object of fascination, target of astonishment |
woof (n.) | cross-threads in a web; web |
work (n.) | deed, doing, action |
wrangler (n.) | quarreller, arguer; also: opponent, disputant |
wrest (n.) | [music] implement for tuning |
yesternight (n.) | last night |
zeal (n.) | ardour, fervour; or: loyalty, devotion |