This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated
instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
abhorred (adj.) | horrifying, disgusting, abominable |
abortive (n.) | abortion of nature, abnormality |
about (adv.) | indirectly, irregularly |
Absey book (n.) | [pron: 'absee, = aybee'see] ABC, child's primer |
abstract (n.) | epitome, embodiment, personification |
accent (n.) | talk, speech, utterance, words |
accent (n.) | sound, voice quality, way of talking |
account, accompt (v.) | reckon, judge, consider |
accoutrement (n.) | formal embellishment, special trappings |
act (n.) | activity, action, performance |
action (n.) | campaign, military action, strategy |
action (n.) | movement, demeanour, gesture |
adjunct (adj.) | attendant [upon], inevitable result [of] |
admit (v.) | permit, allow, grant |
adulterate (v.) | commit adultery, fornicate |
advance (v.) | raise, lift up, upraise |
advantage (n.) | right moment, favourable opportunity |
advantage (n.) | right moment, favourable opportunity |
advantage (n.) | interest, bonus, addition |
advantage (n.) | benefit, gain, advancement, profit |
advantage (n.) | benefit, gain, advancement, profit |
advantage (n.) | advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority |
advantage (n.) | advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority |
advantage (n.) | advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority |
adventure (n.) | venture, enterprise, issue, hazard |
adverse (adj.) | hostile, belligerent, antagonistic |
advice (n.) | consideration, reflection, deliberation |
advised, avised (adj.) | calculated, premeditated, intentional |
aery (n.) | brood [of a bird of prey], nestful |
afeard (adj.) | afraid, frightened, scared |
affect (v.) | imitate, copy, mimic |
affection (n.) | emotion, feeling |
affliction (n.) | afflicted one, someone in great distress |
affright (v.) | frighten, terrify, scare |
against, 'gainst (prep.) | exposed to |
ague (n.) | fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] |
aim, cry | [archery] show applause, shout approval [of] |
Alcides (n.) | [pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus |
aloft (prep.) | above, over |
alone (adv.) | only, solely, uniquely |
amaze (v.) | confuse, perplex, bewilder |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amazed (adj.) | dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed |
amazement (n.) | bewilderment, perplexity, distraction |
Amazon, Amazonian (n.) | one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war |
ample (adj.) | full, complete, absolute |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
an if (conj.) | if |
anatomy (n.) | body, skeleton, skin and bones |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
and, an (conj.) | if, whether |
angel (n.) | gold coin [with the angel Michael depicted], value between a third and half of a pound |
angerly (adv.) | angrily, grouchily, testily |
Angiers | [pron: on'zheeay] Angers, NW France; capital of the former province of Anjou |
Angiers | [pron: on'zheeay] Angers, NW France; capital of the former province of Anjou |
annoyance (n.) | injury, harmfulness, danger |
annoyance (n.) | discomfort, irritation, hurt |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon (adv.) | soon, shortly, presently |
anon, still and | continually |
answer (v.) | account for, justify, defend |
answer (v.) | engage with, encounter, meet [in fight] |
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) | ancient, olden, former |
apace (adv.) | quickly, speedily, at a great rate |
apparent (adj.) | plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious |
appointment (n.) | order, direction, arrangement |
approach (n.) | advance, attack, offensive |
apt (adj.) | fit, ready, prepared |
argument (n.) | quarrel, dispute, point of contention |
argument (n.) | discussion, debate, dialogue |
armado (n.) | armada, fleet, navy |
armed (adj.) | armoured, mail-clad, furnished with defences |
arras (n.) | tapestry hanging |
article (n.) | item, particular, point of substance |
artificer (n.) | workman, artisan, craftsman |
aspect (n.) | [of a human face] look, appearance, expression |
aspect (n.) | [of a human face] look, appearance, expression |
aspect (n.) | [of objects] sight, appearance |
assurance (n.) | claim, title, securing [of] |
assured (adj.) | betrothed, engaged |
assured (adj.) | certain, definite, sure |
Ate (n.) | [pron: 'ahtee] Greek goddess of discord and vengeance |
attempt (n.) | exploit, undertaking, enterprise |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attend (v.) | accompany, follow closely, go with |
attend (v.) | listen [to], pay attention [to] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
attend (v.) | serve, follow, wait [on/upon] |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
aught (n.) | anything, [with negative word] nothing |
avaunt (int.) | be gone, go away, be off |
aweless (adj.) | fearless, unintimidated |
bake (v.) | harden, make solid |
bank (v.) | [unclear meaning] put in a bank, win; pass by [as in a boat] |
base (adj.) | dishonourable, low, unworthy |
base (adj.) | dishonourable, low, unworthy |
Basilisco (n.) | [pron: basi'liskoh] knight character in a contemporary play, Solyman and Perseda |
bastinado (n.) | cudgelling, beating with a stick [esp. on the soles of the feet] |
bated (adj.) | abated, lowered, diminished |
battery (n.) | assault, bombardment, blitz |
battle (n.) | army, fighting force, battalion |
bawd (n.) | pimp, procurer, pander, go-between |
bawd (n.) | pimp, procurer, pander, go-between |
bawd (n.) | pimp, procurer, pander, go-between |
bead (n.) | drop of liquid, tear-drop |
beadle (n.) | punisher, chastiser, castigator |
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne | carry on, manage, conduct [an affair] |
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne | behave, look, conduct [oneself] |
bear out (v.) | support, authorize, sanction |
beat (v.) | drive, force, impel |
beck (v.) | beckon, nod, call |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
become (v.) | grace, honour, dignify |
bedlam (n.) | mad beggar, madman/woman, lunatic |
beforehand (adv.) | in advance, at an earlier point |
beget (v.), past form begot | give birth to, father, conceive |
beget (v.), past form begot | give birth to, father, conceive |
beget (v.), past form begot | give birth to, father, conceive |
beget (v.), past form begot | give birth to, father, conceive |
behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of) | advantage, interest, benefit |
behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of) | respect, aspect, consideration |
behaviour (n.) | person, embodiment, personification |
beholding (adj.) | beholden, obliged, indebted |
beldam, beldame (n.) | old woman, crone |
belie (v.) | slander, tell lies about |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
bend (v.) | aim, direct, level, turn |
bend (v.) | [of brows] knit, wrinkle, frown |
bent (adj.) | determined, intent, resolved |
bent (adj.) | inclined, willing, ready |
bequeath (v.) | resign, give up, assign, hand over |
beseem (v.) | befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
beshrew, 'shrew (v.) | curse, devil take, evil befall |
besmear (v.) | smear over, bedaub |
bestained (adj.) | stained all over, marked with stains |
bestow (v.) | carry, bear, acquit, conduct |
bethink (v.), past form bethought | call to mind, think about, consider, reflect |
bethump (v.) | thump soundly, pound, lambaste |
betime (adv.) | at once, immediately |
bias (n.) | [weighting in a bowl causing it to run obliquely] inclination, tendency, leaning |
birth (n.) | royal birth, noble ancestry |
bleak (adj.) | cold, chill, icy |
bleeding (adj.) | bloody, blood-soaked, bloodstained |
blood (n.) | man of fire, hot-blooded fellow, spirited youth |
blood (n.) | nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage |
blood (n.) | nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage |
blood (n.) | passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] |
blood (n.) | life-blood, spirit |
blood (n.) | blood relationship, kinship |
bloody (adj.) | blood-containing |
blot (n.) | stain, disgrace, blemish |
blot (n.) | stain, disgrace, blemish |
blot (v.) | slander, defile, blacken |
blunt (adj.) | plain-spoken, unceremonious, forthright |
blustering (adj.) | turbulent, buffeted, tempestuous |
body (n.) | length and breadth, extent |
boisterous (adj.) | irritable, painful, irritating |
boisterous (adv.) | violently, fiercely, forcefully |
boisterously (adv.) | forcefully, violently, roughly |
bone (n.) | (plural) man, person |
borrowed (adj.) | assumed, pretended, feigned |
bosom (n.) | heart, inner person |
bosom (n.) | heart, inner person |
bosom (n.) | heart, inner person |
bosom (n.) | inward thoughts, personal counsel |
bosom (n.) | surface |
bosom (n.) | depths |
bottom (n.) | [nautical: keel, hull] ship, vessel |
bounce (n.) | explosion, detonation, gun-shot |
bound (n.) | limit, boundary, confine, barrier |
bound (n.) | limit, boundary, confine, barrier |
bound (n.) | limit, boundary, confine, barrier |
bound (v.) | contain, enclose, confine |
bound (v.) | contain, enclose, confine |
bounden (adj.) | indebted, obliged, grateful |
brabbler (n.) | braggart, brawler, quarreller |
brace (n.) | group of two, couple, pair |
braced (adj.) | with tightened skin, stretched |
bragging (adj.) | threatening, menacing, challenging |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | noble, worthy, excellent |
brave (adj.) | fine, excellent, splendid, impressive |
brave (n.) | boast, bravado, blustering threat |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
brave (v.) | challenge, defy, confront, provoke |
bravely (adv.) | showily, with great display, with a fine flourish |
brawl down (v.) | destroy with uproar, force down with clamour |
breach (n.) | tear, gap, hole |
break (v.) | broach a matter, speak |
break out (v.) | rush out, come out |
break out (v.) | rush out, come out |
break-vow (n.) | breaker of promises |
breath (n.) | breathing-space, respite |
breath (n.) | utterance, speech, voice |
breathe (v.) | speak, utter, talk |
breathe (v.) | catch breath, pause, rest |
breathing (adj.) | living, active, lively |
brief (adj.) | [unclear meaning] rife, widespread; pressing, urgent |
brief (n.) | epitome, embodiment |
Brittaine, Britaine, Brittayne (n.) | Brittany, NW France |
broker, broker-between (n.) | go-between, intermediary, agent |
broker, broker-between (n.) | go-between, intermediary, agent |
brooded (adj.) | [unclear meaning] full of brooding |
brook (v.) | endure, tolerate, put up with |
brow (n.) | appearance, aspect, countenance |
brow (n.) | bold front, confidence, effrontery |
brow (n.) | eyebrow |
brow (n.) | eyebrow |
brow (n.) | height, peak, pinnacle |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
brow (n.) | forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] |
bullet (n.) | cannon-ball |
bullet (n.) | cannon-ball |
burden, burthen (n.) | birth, state of pregnancy |
buss (v.) | kiss wantonly, smack against |
buy and sell, past form bought and sold | betray, exploit, treat treacherously |
buy out (v.) | get rid of, cancel by making a payment |
by (adv.) | aside, out of the way |
Cain (n.) | [pron: kayn] in the Bible, son of Adam and Eve, killer of his brother Abel |
call (n.) | decoy, lure, enticement |
canker (n./adj.) | cancer, ulcer, blight, corruption |
cankered (adj.) | malignant, malicious, bad-tempered |
canker-sorrow (n.) | gnawing grief, all-consuming sorrow |
capable of | appreciative of, able to take in |
capable of | open to, subject to, susceptible to |
care (n.) | attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence |
carriage (n.) | wagon, gun-carriage |
cased (adj.) | caged; or: living |
cast away (v.) | destroy, ruin |
catechize (v.) | ask questions of |
catch (v.) | seize, get hold of, capture |
cause (n.) | explanation |
cause (n.) | reason, motive, ground |
ceinture (n.) | belt, girdle |
censure (v.) | judge critically, flaw, find fault with |
certain (adj.) | secure, safe |
circle (n.) | compass, confines, bounds |
circle (n.) | crown, coronet, diadem |
circumstance (n.) | detail(s), particular(s), specifics |
claim (n.) | demand for service |
clap (v.) | [bowls] fix, stick, set |
clap up (v.) | seal, settle hastily, complete suddenly |
clearly (adv.) | without interference, unobstructedly |
climate (n.) | part of the sky |
clip about (v.) | embrace, clasp, hug |
clock-setter (n.) | clock-keeper, clock-regulator |
cloddy (adj.) | full of clods, clay-filled |
close (adj.) | secretive, tight-lipped, uncommunicative |
closely (adv.) | secretly, covertly, privately |
closet (n.) | private chamber, study, own room |
clout (n.) | piece of cloth, rag; handkerchief |
clutch (v.) | clench, close |
coal (n.) | ember, smouldering fuel |
cockered (adj.) | spoiled, indulged, pampered |
coil (n.) | turmoil, disturbance, fuss |
Colbrand (n.) | medieval Danish champion giant, killed by Sir Guy of Warwick at Winchester |
cold (adj.) | indifferent, unenthusiastic, uninterested |
coldly (adv.) | calmly, coolly, objectively, rationally |
coldly (adv.) | lightly, with indifference, unenthusiastically |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
colours (n.) | battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners |
come in (v.) | submit, reconcile, yield |
come off (v.) | leave the field of combat, disengage |
comfort (n.) | happiness, joy, cheerfulness |
commander (n.) | victor, champion, conqueror |
commandment, commandement (n.) | control, authority, sovereignty [over] |
commend (v.) | commit, entrust, hand over |
commend (v.) | convey greetings, present kind regards |
commodity (n.) | self-interest, desire for gain, expediency |
commodity (n.) | self-interest, desire for gain, expediency |
complete, compleat (adj.) | fully equipped, with everything present |
compliment, complement (n.) | ceremony, etiquette, protocol |
compliment, complement (n.) | ceremony, etiquette, protocol |
composition (n.) | settlement, truce, coming to terms |
composition (n.) | constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body] |
compound (v.) | agree, settle |
comprimise (v.) | variant form of ‘compromise’ |
concealed (adj.) | hidden, secret, offering a hiding-place |
conceit (n.) | notion, idea, thought |
conclude (v.) | prove the truth, settle the matter |
condition (n.) | quality, behaviour, attribute, habit |
conduct (n.) | escort, attendant, guide |
conduct (n.) | leadership, command |
confess (v.) | be honest, be frank |
confine (n.) | territory, region, domain |
confound (v.) | destroy, overthrow, ruin |
confound (v.) | mar, corrupt, spoil |
confounded (adj.) | destroyed, ruined, wrecked |
confusion (n.) | calamity, disaster, catastrophe |
confusion (n.) | destruction, overthrow, ruin |
conjointly (adv.) | together, in unison, in conjunction |
conjunction (n.) | union, uniting, joining together |
conjunction (n.) | union, uniting, joining together |
conjure (v.) | ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech |
consent (v.) | agree, concur, acquiesce |
consequently (adv.) | subsequently, later, then |
consideration (n.) | moody contemplation, deep reflection |
consume away (v.) | waste away, disintegrate, perish |
consummate (v.) | accomplish, complete, bring to a conclusion |
contagious (adj.) | pestilential, harmful, noxious |
contemned (adj.) | despised, contemptible, despicable |
content (adj.) | contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed |
content (v.) | calm [down], settle, relax |
contrary (adj.) | wrong, incorrect, erroneous |
control (n.) | compulsion, constraint, mastery |
controlment (n.) | control, restraint, check |
conversant (adj.) | occupied, concerned, having to do |
conversion (n.) | newly honoured person, ennobled fellow |
convertite (n.) | convert, penitent |
convicted (adj.) | defeated, vanquished, conquered |
coop (v.) | enclose, bind in, protect |
copy (n.) | example, model, pattern |
correct (v.) | punish, chastise, reprimand |
corruptibly (adv.) | in a corruptible way, causing decomposition |
counsel (n.) | advice, guidance, direction |
counterfeit (n.) | false imitation, spurious image |
countercheck (n.) | countering manoeuvre, rebuke |
course (n.) | course of action, way of proceeding |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
course (n.) | habit, custom, practise, normal procedure |
cracker (n.) | boaster, braggart, windbag |
crafty (adj.) | cunning, devious, wily |
crave (v.) | beg, entreat, request |
creature (n.) | object, instrument, thing |
crest (n.) | [on an animal head or neck] ridge of feathers, ridge of hairs; hackles |
crest (n.) | [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece |
crest (n.) | heraldic device placed above the shield and helmet in a coat-of-arms |
crier (n.) | officer who makes announcements in a court of law |
crooked (adj.) | malignant, perverse, contrary, devious |
cross (v.) | prevent, thwart, forestall |
crouch (v.) | duck down, lie hidden |
crow (n.) | cockerel |
cull (v.) | select, pick out, choose |
cull (v.) | select, pick out, choose |
cull forth (v.) | select, pick out, choose |
cunning (n.) | deviousness, deceit, craftiness, artfulness |
customed (adj.) | customary, ordinary, usual |
cut off (v.) | interrupt, break off |
dam (n.) | mother |
darkly (adv.) | obscurely, cryptically, enigmatically |
date (n.) | duration, period of existence |
dauphin, dolphin (n.) | title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] |
dauphin, dolphin (n.) | title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] |
day (n.) | day of battle, contest |
day (n.) | day of battle, contest |
day (n.) | day of battle, contest |
day (n.) | day of battle, contest |
day (n.) | day of battle, contest |
dead (adj.) | deadly, dire, grave |
deaf (v.) | deafen |
deal (v.) | proceed, behave, conduct oneself |
death (n.) | skull, memento mori |
decay (n.) | destruction, downfall, ending |
decay (n.) | destruction, downfall, ending |
defence (n.) | fencing, swordsmanship, skill of self-defence |
deliver (v.) | free, release, liberate |
denounce (v.) | declare, proclaim, announce |
denounce (v.) | declare, proclaim, announce |
deny (v.) | refuse, decline, scorn |
depart with (v.) | part with, give away |
desire (v.) | require, command |
device (n.) | heraldic design, emblematic figure, armorial |
difference (n.) | quarrel, disagreement, dispute |
difference (n.) | quarrel, disagreement, dispute |
difference (n.) | choice, alternative, option |
different (adj.) | distinct, individual, separate |
diffidence (n.) | distrust, misgiving, lack of confidence |
dim (adj.) | dull, pale-coloured, lacking lustre |
disallow of (v.) | reject, deny, refuse to admit |
discipline (n.) | military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war |
discipline (n.) | military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war |
discipline (n.) | military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war |
disclaim (v.) | disown, repudiate, renounce [connection with] |
dishabit (v.) | dislodge, remove from the foundations |
disjoin (v.) | disengage, separate [oneself] |
disjoin (v.) | disengage, separate [oneself] |
disjoin (v.) | disengage, separate [oneself] |
dispatch, despatch (v.) | send away, send off |
dispatch, despatch (v.) | kill, put to death, make away with, finish off |
dispiteous (adj.) | pitiless, merciless |
displayed (adj.) | [if of the troops] deployed, drawn up; [if of the banners] arrayed, unfurled |
dispose (n.) | disposal, control, discretion |
dispose (v.) | carry out, manage, handle |
disposing (n.) | disposal, management, control |
dispossess (v.) | cause to lose possession |
dissever (v.) | divide, split up, separate |
distempered (adj.) | troubled, disturbed, inclement |
distempered (adj.) | vexed, troubled, ill-humoured |
distrust (n.) | lack of confidence, doubt |
divers (adj.) | different, various, several |
divided (adj.) | incomplete, imperfect, defective |
divinely (adv.) | piously, spiritually, in a religious manner |
doff (v.) | throw off, get rid of, do away with |
dogged (adj.) | fierce, cruel, ferocious |
dogged (adj.) | fierce, cruel, ferocious |
domination (n.) | possession, dominion, sovereign territory |
doom (n.) | final destiny, deciding fate, death and destruction |
doom (v.) | condemn, pronounce judgement against |
door, out of (adv.) | out of doors, out of the house |
doubt (v.) | suspect, have suspicions about, fear |
doubt (v.) | fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] |
doubt (v.) | fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] |
doubtful (adj.) | fearful, worried, apprehensive |
doubtless (adj.) | without fear, free from apprehension |
downtrodden (adj.) | oppressed, crushed by tyranny |
draw (v.) | picture, represent, frame |
draw (v.) | demand, call forth, extract |
draw (v.) | bring together, draw in, gather |
draw (v.) | bring together, draw in, gather |
draw (v.) | write out, draw up, present |
drift (n.) | shower, deluge, load |
dull (adj.) | bored, uninterested, inattentive |
dust (n.) | speck of dust, particle, iota |
dust (n.) | speck of dust, particle, iota |
earthy (adj.) | earthly, dwelling in this world |
easy (adj.) | effortless, straightforward, uncomplicated |
easy (adj.) | slight, petty, insignificant |
effect (n.) | purpose, end, intended deed |
effusion (n.) | spilling, shedding |
else (adv.) | suchlike, others besides |
embassy (n.) | ambassadorial role, function as ambassador |
embassy (n.) | ambassadorial role, function as ambassador |
embassy (n.) | message [especially via an ambassador] |
embassy (n.) | message [especially via an ambassador] |
embattailed (adj.) | in battle positions, marshalled for fight |
embound | enclose, contain, confine |
employment (n.) | task, service, commission |
endamagement (n.) | damage, injury, harm |
endless (adj.) | boundless, universal, impenetrable |
enfranchisement (n.) | freedom, liberation, release |
enjoy (v.) | possess, have, own |
envenom (v.) | poison, taint, destroy |
envy, envy at (v.) | begrudge, resent, object to |
equity (n.) | right, just demand |
espy (v.) | catch sight of, discern, see |
estate (n.) | state, situation, circumstances |
even (adj.) | level, horizontal, flat |
even (adj.) | level, horizontal, flat |
even, e'en (adv.) | just [now] |
even, e'en (adv.) | equably, evenly, steadily |
evil (n.) | malady, illness, disease |
example (n.) | precedent, parallel case |
example (v.) | exemplify, illustrate |
exclamation (n.) | loud reproach, outcry, clamorous complaint |
exercise (n.) | manly sport, martial practice |
exhalation (n.) | meteor, shooting star |
expedient (adj.) | speedy, rapid, expeditious |
expedient (adj.) | speedy, rapid, expeditious |
expedient (adj.) | speedy, rapid, expeditious |
expeditious (adj.) | speedy, sudden, quickly needed |
expire (v.) | end, conclude, terminate |
express (adj.) | explicit, specific, clear |
extend (v.) | show, offer, permit |
exteriorly (adv.) | on the outside, superficially |
eye (n.) | [bowls] hollow in the side of a bowl |
face (n.) | appearance, outward show, look |
faint (adj.) | faint-hearted, timorous, fearful |
faintly (adv.) | timidly, half-heartedly, without conviction |
fair (adj.) | legitimate, lawful, proper |
fair (adv.) | fully, quite, wholly |
fair (adv.) | well, in a good hand, elegantly [like a clerk] |
fair (n.) | fortune, happiness, favour |
fair-faced (adj.) | attractive, appealing, presenting a good prospect |
fair-play (adj.) | chivalrous, courtly, full of honour |
fair-play (n.) | chivalrous action, honourable conduct |
faith (n.) | constancy, fidelity, loyalty |
fall (v.) | befall, fall on, come to |
fall from (v.) | desert, forsake, renounce |
fall off (v.) | become estranged, withdraw from allegiance |
fall over (v.) | defect, revolt, go over |
false (adj.) | wrong, mistaken |
false (adj.) | wrong, mistaken |
false (adj.) | wrong, mistaken |
false (adj.) | sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial |
false (adj.) | treacherous, traitorous, perfidious |
false (adj.) | treacherous, traitorous, perfidious |
false (adv.) | unfaithfully, disloyally, inconstantly |
fantasied (adj.) | full of strange fancies |
fantasy (n.) | whim, caprice, fancy |
fare (n.) | food, provision |
fare (v.) | get on, manage, do, cope |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fare ... well (int.) | goodbye [to an individual] |
fault (n.) | mistake, error, blunder |
favour (n.) | appearance, look, aspect |
fearful (adj.) | timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear |
fearful (adj.) | timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear |
feature (n.) | physical appearance, bodily shape, looks |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fell (adj.) | cruel, fierce, savage |
fence (n.) | fencing ability, skill at swordplay |
fetch about (v.) | change tack, move in a roundabout way |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
field (n.) | field of battle, battleground, field of combat |
fift (adj) | variant spelling of ‘fifth’ |
figure (n.) | form, design, shape, conception |
figure over (v.) | cover with a pattern, embellish, ornament |
fill up (v.) | satisfy, fulfil, meet |
fine (n.) | ending, termination |
fine (n.) | punishment, penalty, retribution |
fit (n.) | fever, attack, seizure |
fit (v.) | adapt, conform, accommodate |
fit (v.) | suit, befit, be suitable [for] |
fleet (v.) | [of souls] leave, pass away, fly off |
flesh (v.) | initiate, introduce [to bloodshed] |
fleshly (adj.) | made of flesh, mortal |
flinty (adj.) | hard, harsh, tough |
flood (n.) | river, stream, rushing water |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
flood (n.) | sea, deep, waves, rushing water |
fond (adj.) | obsessed [with] |
fondly (adv.) | foolishly, stupidly, madly |
foot (n.) | step, degree, foothold |
foot, on | in employment, taking place, under way |
footing (n.) | support, surface, foundation, foothold |
footsteps (n.) | footpath, pathway, steps |
forage (v.) | range abroad, go out and about |
force perforce | with violent compulsion |
foreknow (v.) | know in advance, have previous knowledge |
foresaid (adj.) | aforesaid |
forethink (v.) | anticipate, foresee, predict |
form (n.) | orderly manner, good arrangement |
form (n.) | pattern, shaping, outcome, order |
form (n.) | pattern, shaping, outcome, order |
form (n.) | way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct |
form (n.) | physical appearance, outward appearance |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore | swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word |
fortune (n.) | good fortune, success |
Fortune (n.) | Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind |
forwearied (adj.) | worn out, exhausted |
foster up (v.) | bring up, nurse, nourish |
frenzy (n.) | distraction, agitation, delirium |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
fright (v.), past form frighted | frighten, scare, terrify |
front (n.) | forehead, face |
full (adv.) | fully, completely, properly |
fulsome (adj.) | distasteful, nauseating, repulsive |
gall (v.) | injure, harm, wound |
gaud (n.) | gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket |
gauntlet (n.) | armoured glove protecting the hand and wrist |
general (adj.) | all-embracing, universal, comprehensive |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | peaceful, calm, free from violence |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | soft, tender, kind |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | well-born, honourable, noble |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
gentle (adj.) | courteous, friendly, kind |
George, Saint | in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
get (v.) | beget, conceive, breed |
giddy (adj.) | foolish, stupid, ill-considered |
giddy (adj.) | bewildered, confused, nonplussed |
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded | enrich, adorn, beautify |
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded | cover, coat, smear |
give (v.) | give up, renounce |
give off (v.) | give up, yield, relinquish |
glister (v.) | glitter, sparkle, gleam |
glorify (v.) | add glory to, increase the splendour of |
glory (n.) | boastful spirit, vaingloriousness |
gossiping (n.) | merry-making, joyful meeting |
grace (v.) | give credit to, lend plausibility to |
grace (v.) | favour, add merit to, do honour to |
graceless (adj.) | wicked, ungodly, immoral |
gracious (adj.) | filled with divine grace, godly, devout |
gracious (adj.) | filled with divine grace, godly, devout |
grandam (n.) | grandmother |
grandam (n.) | grandmother |
grandam (n.) | grandmother |
grapple (v.) | join, fasten, bind |
green (adj.) | youthful, inexperienced, immature |
green (adj.) | youthful, inexperienced, immature |
green (n.) | grass-covered land, grassy mound |
grief (n.) | pain, torment, distress |
grief (n.) | grievance, complaint, hurt, injury |
grievously (adv.) | seriously, greatly |
gripe (v.) | clutch, grasp, seize |
groat (n.) | fourpenny piece |
grossly (adv.) | openly, blatantly, brazenly |
grossly (adv.) | stupidly, senselessly, foolishly |
grovelling (adj.) | prone, prostrate, lying flat |
guard (v.) | adorn, ornament, deck out |
habit (n.) | dress, clothing, costume |
half-blown (adj.) | half-blossomed |
half-face (n.) | profile, side-view |
half-faced (adj.) | [of a coin] showing a monarch's profile; also: clipped, imperfect |
halting (adj.) | wavering, dilatory, shifting |
hand (n.) | signature, written authorization |
hand (n.) | agency, means, aid |
handkercher (n.) | handkerchief |
happily (adv.) | opportunely, propitiously, with good fortune |
happy (adj.) | opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable |
harbourage (n.) | shelter, refuge, haven |
hardly (adv.) | with great difficulty, only with difficulty |
harm (n.) | misfortune, affliction, trouble |
harnessed (adj.) | armoured, armed |
hateful (adj.) | repulsive, obnoxious, incompatible [with] |
hatch (n.) | lower part of a door, half-door, gate |
hatch (n.) | lower part of a door, half-door, gate |
havoc (n.) | [in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation |
hazard (n.) | [gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] |
hazards, upon all | against any odds |
head (n.) | fighting force, army, body of troops |
head (n.) | power, strength, scope |
heavy (adj.) | slow-moving, sluggish, laggard |
heavy (adj.) | pressing, weighty, overpowering |
heavy (adj.) | sorrowful, sad, gloomy |
heavy (adj.) | grave, serious, weighty |
heavy (adj.) | brutal, oppressive, wicked |
heighth (n.) | variant spelling of ‘height’ |
heinous (adj.) | calamitous, terrible, severe |
heinous (adj.) | calamitous, terrible, severe |
hie (v.) | hasten, hurry, speed |
hold (n.) | stronghold, castle, fortress |
hold (v.) | withhold, hold back |
hold hands with | be equal to, be comparable to |
hold up (v.) | support, uphold, sustain |
holding (n.) | leasehold, tenure, grant of occupation |
hot (adj.) | active, vigorous |
hot (adj.) | hot-tempered, angry, passionate |
hot (adj.) | hot-tempered, angry, passionate |
hourly (adj.) | constantly, hour by hour |
hug (v.) | bed down, curl up, lie close |
humorous (adj.) | capricious, moody, temperamental |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | fancy, whim, inclination, caprice |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
humour (n.) | mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] |
hurly (n.) | commotion, uproar, turmoil |
chafed (adj.) | enraged, irritated, angered |
channel (n.) | course, bed, route |
chaps, chops (n.) | jaws |
charge (n.) | command, order, injunction, instruction |
charge (n.) | expense, cost, outlay |
charge (v.) | order, command, enjoin |
chase (n.) | pursuit, sequence, hunt |
check (n.) | repulse, reverse, resistance |
check (v.) | take the reins of, control, manage |
check (v.) | take the reins of, control, manage |
cherish (v.) | nourish, cause to grow |
chide (v.), past form chid | brusquely command, drive [away] with harsh words |
choice (n.) | picked company, select band |
churlish (adj.) | violent, rough, harsh |
churlish (adj.) | violent, rough, harsh |
churlish (adj.) | rude, blunt, ungracious |
idiot (n.) | jester, clown, fool |
idle (adj.) | mad, crazy, lunatic |
idly (adv.) | without paying attention, casually |
idly (adv.) | foolishly, crazily, frivolously |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | bad, adverse, unfavourable |
ill (adj.) | evil, wicked, immoral |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (adv.) | badly, adversely, unfavourably |
ill (n.) | wrong, injury, harm, evil |
ill-tuned (adj.) | harsh-sounding, unmelodious |
impatience (n.) | anger, rage, fury |
impeach (v.) | accuse, charge, challenge |
import (v.) | signify, mean, suggest |
importance (n.) | urgent request, urging, encouragement |
incensed (adj.) | inflamed, angered, enraged |
incensed (adj.) | inflamed, angered, enraged |
inconsiderate (adj.) | thoughtless, precipitate, reckless |
indenture (n.) | contract, agreement |
indifferency (n.) | impartiality, moderation, equity |
indigest (n.) | shapeless mass, confused situation |
indirection (n.) | devious means, malpractice |
indirectly (adv.) | wrongfully, unjustly, illegitimately |
indue, endue (v.) | endow, furnish, provide |
industrious (adj.) | ingenious, skilful, clever |
infect (v.) | affect, influence, stir |
infixed (adj.) | captured, caught, firmly held |
inflamed (adj.) | engulfed with fire |
infortunate (adj.) | unfortunate |
inglorious (adj.) | shameful, humiliating, ignominious |
ingrate (adj.) | ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative |
ingrateful (adj.) | ungrateful, unappreciative |
injury (n.) | grievance, wrong, complaint |
injury (n.) | taunting, injuring, injuriousness |
innocency (n.) | innocence |
intelligence (n.) | source of information, secret service |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
intent (n.) | intention, purpose, aim |
interest (n.) | valid claim [on], rights of possession [to] |
interrogatory (n.) | interrogation, questioning, inquisition |
interruption | resistance, hindrance, obstruction |
inundation (n.) | outpouring, overflowing, flood |
inundation (n.) | outpouring, overflowing, flood |
inveterate (adj.) | long-standing, deep-rooted |
invocation (n.) | entreaty, supplication |
iron age | age of cruelty, time of wickedness |
irregular (adj.) | lawless, disorderly, unruly |
issue (n.) | outcome, result, consequence(s) |
issue (n.) | outcome, result, consequence(s) |
issue (n.) | child(ren), offspring, family, descendant |
issue (n.) | child(ren), offspring, family, descendant |
jade (n.) | [contemptuous] wretch, worthless individual |
joy (v.) | feel joy, be happy, rejoice |
juggling (adj.) | deceiving, cheating, full of trickery |
keeper (n.) | gaoler, warden, custodian |
kind (adj.) | loving, affectionate, fond |
knave (n.) | scoundrel, rascal, rogue |
knit (v.) | unite, join, make one |
knit (v.) | unite, join, make one |
knit, knit up (v.) | tie, fasten [by means of a knot] |
laboured (adj.) | hard-worked, exhausted by toil |
lamentable (adj.) | sorrowful, mournful, sad |
large (adj.) | general, broad; or: powerfully built, robust |
large (n.) | full-grown version |
late (adj.) | recent, not long past |
lay (v.) | set up, arrange, devise |
lay on / upon (v.) | inflict blows, beat soundly |
lead (v.) | govern, dominate, direct |
league (n.) | compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship |
league (n.) | compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship |
league (n.) | compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship |
legitimation (n.) | legitimacy |
leisure (n.) | opportunity, moment, available time |
lend (v.) | give, grant, bestow [on] |
liable (adj.) | fitting, apt, suitable |
liable (adj.) | subject, legally bound |
liable (adj.) | subject, legally bound |
liege (n.) | lord, sovereign |
liege (n.) | lord, sovereign |
liege (n.) | lord, sovereign |
lieu whereof, in | in recompense for this |
light (n.) | inkling, foresight, glimmering |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adj.) | same, similar, alike, equal |
like (adv.) | likely, probable / probably |
like (v.) | please, suit |
limited (adj.) | appointed, designated, nominated |
lineal (adj.) | lineally descended, in the direct line, hereditary |
lineal (adj.) | lineally descended, in the direct line, hereditary |
list (v.) | listen |
litter (n.) | [transportable] bed, couch |
litter (n.) | animal straw, rushes, bedding |
loose (adj.) | immoral, improper, contemptible |
loud (adj.) | hectic, noisy, clamorous |
love (n.) | act of kindness, affectionate deed |
Lucifer (n.) | in the Bible, the name of a principal devil; or, the Devil |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
lusty (adj.) | vigorous, strong, robust, eager |
madcap (n.) | mad-brained fellow, lunatic |
maiden (adj.) | unblemished, unstained, not put to use |
main (n.) | open sea, ocean |
make up (v.) | advance to the front, move forward, press on |
make up (v.) | create, cause the formation of |
make up (v.) | agree, conclude, make good |
make whole | put right, bring to agreement |
malicious (adj.) | violent, hostile, wrathful |
manage (n.) | government, rulers |
manner (n.) | (plural) proper behaviour, good conduct, forms of politeness |
mark (n.) | accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
mark (v.) | note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
marry (int.) | [exclamation] by Mary |
masque (n.) | masquerade, pageant, show |
match (n.) | matching, equality |
matter (n.) | pus, discharge, fluid [from a wound] |
matter (n.) | stuff, soul, substance |
matter (n.) | reason, cause, ground |
matter (n.) | reason, cause, ground |
maw (n.) | belly, stomach; throat, gullet |
meagre (adj.) | barren, poor-quality, unproductive |
measure (n.) | accompaniment, background melody |
measure (n.) | extent, size, amount, quantity, mass |
measure (v.) | pass through, travel over, traverse |
meet (adj.) | fit, suitable, right, proper |
melancholy (n.) | ill-temper, sullenness [thought to be the result of too much ‘black bile’ in the blood] |
Mercury (n.) | messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce |
mess (n.) | dining company, banqueting table |
meteor (n.) | aurora, luminous emanation, atmospheric effect |
meteor (n.) | aurora, luminous emanation, atmospheric effect |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) | it seems / seemed to me |
mew up (v.) | coop up, confine, shut up |
minion (n.) | darling, favourite, select one |
miscarry (v.) | go wrong, fail, be unsuccessful |
misspeak (v.) | speak inaccurately, express badly |
mistempered (adj.) | disordered, diseased, deranged |
modern (adj.) | ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday |
module (n.) | image, pattern, model, empty pretence |
more (adj.) | greater |
morrow (n.) | morning |
mortal (adj.) | fatal, deadly, lethal |
mortality (n.) | mortal nature, human life |
mote (n.) | speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle |
motion (n.) | emotion, inclination, desire, impulse |
motion (n.) | emotion, inclination, desire, impulse |
mounting (adj.) | ambitious, aspiring, rising |
mouse (v.) | tear, bite, rend |
move (v.) | arouse, affect, stir [by emotion] |
muse (v.) | wonder, be surprised |
mutine (n.) | mutineer, rebel |
naked (adj.) | defenceless, undefended, unarmed |
name (n.) | rightful claimant, legitimate authority |
native (adj.) | natural, habitual, normal |
native (adj.) | natural, habitual, normal |
near (adj.) | close to the throne [in order of succession], near relation |
needless (adj.) | not needed, unused, superfluous |
Neptune | Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather |
Nero (n.) | [pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty |
new (adv.) | immediately, just |
new-enkindled (adj.) | freshly lit |
nice (adj.) | fastidious, particular, fussy, overscrupulous |
night (n.) | darkness, blackness |
Nob (n.) | familiar form of Robert |
north (n.) | north wind |
noted (adj.) | recognizable, well-known, familiar |
observation (n.) | observance, rite, customary practice |
occasion (n.) | need, want, requirement |
occasion (n.) | course of events, state of affairs |
occasion (n.) | circumstance, opportunity |
odoriferous (adj.) | odorous, sweet-smelling, fragrant |
of (prep.) | with |
offence (n.) | opposition, hostility, antagonism |
offer (n.) | offering, proposal, invitation, inducement |
offer (v.) | dare, presume, venture |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | task, service, duty, responsibility |
office (n.) | role, position, place, function |
oft (adv.) | often |
oft (adv.) | often |
oftentimes (adv.) | often, frequently, on many occasions |
once (adv.) | once and for all, in a word |
onset (n.) | attack, assault |
ope (adj.) | open |
ope (v.) | open |
opposite (adj.) | opposed, hostile, adverse, antagonistic [to] |
order (n.) | agreement, arrangement, entente |
order (n.) | arrangement, disposition, direction |
order (n.) | arrangement, disposition, direction |
ordering (n.) | management, direction, regulation |
ordinary (adj.) | everyday, commonplace, regularly experienced |
ordnance, ordinance (n.) | cannon, artillery |
orchard (n.) | garden |
outface (v.) | defy, intimidate, overcome by confronting |
outface (v.) | defy, intimidate, overcome by confronting |
outlook (v.) | outstare, overcome by facing up to |
overbear (v.) | overrule, overcome, put down |
overbear (v.) | overwhelm, overcome, overpower |
overlook (v.) | overflow, rise above, exceed |
overmaster (v.) | usurp, take by force, hold in one's power |
overstain (v.) | cover with stains, smear over |
overswell , over-swell (v.) | flood, inundate, overflow |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
owe (v.) | own, possess, have |
painfully (adv.) | diligently, taking great pains |
painted (adj.) | feigned, counterfeit, disguised |
pale-visaged (adj.) | pale-faced |
parle, parley (n.) | negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] |
parle, parley (n.) | negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] |
parle, parley (n.) | negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] |
parle, parley (v.) | discuss terms, treat, negotiate with |
parle, parley (v.) | talk, discuss, enter into conversation |
part (n.) | side, camp, party |
part (n.) | side, camp, party |
part (n.) | side, camp, party |
part (n.) | quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] |
part (v.) | cleave, break, tear |
party (n.) | side, faction, camp |
party (n.) | side, faction, camp |
party (n.) | side, faction, camp |
pass (v.) | pass over, ignore, disregard |
passage (n.) | passing, progress, moving on |
passion (n.) | emotional state, mental condition |
passion (n.) | powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
passion (n.) | passionate outburst, emotional passage |
passionate (adj.) | impassioned, vehement, excessively emotional |
pate (n.) | head, skull |
patch (v.) | blotch, mark, cover over |
pattern (n.) | precedent, previous example |
pawn (n.) | pledge, surety, forfeit |
pay (v.) | repay, requite, recompense |
peer (v.) | flow, rise, pour |
peevish (adj.) | obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’] |
peise (v.) | poise, balance, keep in equilibrium |
pencil (n.) | finely-pointed paint-brush |
peradventure (adv.) | perhaps, maybe, very likely |
peremptory (adj.) | determined, resolved, absolutely decided |
perfect (adj.) | certain, definite, positive |
perforce (adv.) | forcibly, by force, violently |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perchance (adv.) | perhaps, maybe |
perplexed (adj.) | bewildered, distracted, disoriented |
persever (v.) | proceed, carry on |
physic (n.) | medicine, healing, treatment |
picked (adj.) | fastidious, neat, foppish |
plague (n.) | calamity, affliction, scourge |
plank (n.) | planking, floor |
play upon (v.) | play guns on, aim at; also: torment |
please (v.) | requite, satisfy, appease |
plot (n.) | position, situation, site |
plot (n.) | plan, scheme, stratagem |
pluck away (v.) | disregard, reject, throw out |
pluck on (v.) | draw on, pull in, drag in |
pocket up (v.) | put up with, endure, swallow |
poison, sweet | flattery |
policy (n.) | stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft |
Pomfret (n.) | Pontefract, West Yorkshire; site of a castle in which Richard II was imprisoned; later, a Lancastrian stronghold |
pomp (n.) | greatness, nobility, high rank |
pomp (n.) | pageant, ceremony, procession |
pomp (n.) | pageant, ceremony, procession |
pomp (n.) | pageant, ceremony, procession |
pomp (n.) | pageant, ceremony, procession |
pop out | [informal] disinherit, turn from |
possess (v.) | fill, imbue |
possess (v.) | notify, inform, acquaint |
post (v.) | hasten, speed, ride fast |
posterity (n.) | family, line of descendants, succession |
potent (n.) | potentate, ruler |
powder (n.) | gunpowder |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
power (n.) | armed force, troops, host, army |
practice (n.) | scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue |
practise (v.) | plot, scheme, conspire |
practise (v.) | plot, scheme, conspire |
prate (n.) | prattle, chatter, blather |
precedent (n.) | original text from which a copy is made |
precious-princely (adv.) | like the precious character of a prince |
preparation (n.) | expedition, military proceeding |
presage (n.) | sign, indication, portent |
presage (n.) | sign, indication, portent |
presence (n.) | gracious self, dignity as a person, personal position |
presence (n.) | gracious self, dignity as a person, personal position |
presence (n.) | majesty |
presence (n.) | royal assembly, eminent company |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
presently (adv.) | immediately, instantly, at once |
prince (n.) | person of royal blood [of either sex], noble |
prisonment (n.) | imprisonment, detention, captivity |
private (n.) | private communication, confidential message |
privilege (n.) | sanctuary, immunity, asylum |
prodigious (adj.) | abnormal, monstrous, unnatural |
prodigiously (adv.) | with monstrous outcome, with unnatural birth |
prodigy (n.) | omen, portent, sign |
profound (adj.) | weighty, important |
promotion (n.) | advancement in life, social betterment |
property (v.) | make a property of, treat as an object, exploit |
proud (adj.) | courageous, valiant, brave |
proud (adj.) | swollen, high, in flood |
provoke (v.) | incite, rouse, urge on |
puissance (n.) | power, might, force |
pure (adj.) | clear, lucid |
purge (v.) | expel, get rid of, flush out |
purge (v.) | cleanse, purify, get rid of impurities [in] |
purpled (adj.) | reddened with blood, bloodstained |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
purpose (n.) | intention, aim, plan |
put over (v.) | refer, hand over, direct |
Pyrenean (n.) | [pron: pire'neean Pyrenees, mountain range between France and Spain |
qualify (v.) | appease, pacify, calm down |
quantity (n.) | fragment, little piece, tiny amount |
quarrel with (v.) | object to, take exception to, refuse to practise |
quarter (n.) | period of watch |
quartered (adj.) | cut into four pieces |
quote (v.) | closely observe, note, examine |
race (n.) | course, passage |
rage (n.) | warlike ardour, martial spirit |
rage (v.) | rave, show signs of madness |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
rail (v.) | rant, rave, be abusive [about] |
ramping (adj.) | rampant, rearing up |
ranked (adj.) | drawn up in battle order |
rankness (n.) | excessive growth, rebelliousness |
rated (adj.) | assessed, exposed, evaluated |
read (v.) | interpret, discern, make something of |
reason (n.) | reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion |
reason (n.) | reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion |
rebuke (v.) | repress, put down, check |
recreant (adj.) | cowardly, faint-hearted, craven |
redeem (v.) | free, liberate, extricate |
redress (n.) | relief, assistance, help, comfort |
regreet (n.) | fresh greeting, return of salutation |
religiously (adv.) | solemnly, with all due ceremony |
remember (v.) | remind, bring to someone's mind |
remembrance (n.) | memory, bringing to mind, recollection |
remembrance (n.) | memory, bringing to mind, recollection |
remorse (n.) | pity, compassion, tenderness |
remorse (n.) | pity, compassion, tenderness |
remorse (n.) | pity, compassion, tenderness |
remove (v.) | go, move off, depart |
removed (adj.) | degree separated in line of succession |
repair (n.) | restoration, renewal, recovery |
repair (v.) | come, go, make one's way |
repetition (n.) | recital, narration, relating |
report (v.) | give an account [of], describe in words |
reputed (adj.) | acknowledged, recognized, accounted |
requital (n.) | recompense, reward, repayment |
resolve (v.) | remove, dispel, clear away |
resolve (v.) | melt, dissolve, transform |
resolved (adj.) | determined, settled, decided |
resolved (adj.) | determined, settled, decided |
respect (n.) | attention, heed, deliberation |
respect (n.) | esteem, status, honour |
respect (n.) | regard, admiration, favour, opinion |
respect (n.) | consideration, factor, circumstance |
respective (adj.) | careful, attentive, considerate |
rest (n.) | [period of] peace, calm, repose |
restraint (n.) | captivity, imprisonment, confinement |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retire (n.) | retreat, withdrawal |
retire (v.) | retreat, pull back, withdraw |
retired (adj.) | retreating, receded, subsiding |
revel (n.) | revelry, festivity, courtly entertainment |
revolt (n.) | rebel, revolutionary, malcontent |
revolt (n.) | rebel, revolutionary, malcontent |
revolting (adj.) | rebellious, mutinous, insurgent |
rheum (n.) | watery discharge, seepage [especially of the eyes] |
rheum (n.) | tears |
rheum (n.) | tears |
riding-rod (n.) | cane used in riding, switch |
right (adv.) | clearly, unmistakeably, assuredly |
right (n.) | just claim, rights, title |
right (n.) | just claim, rights, title |
right (n.) | just claim, rights, title |
right, do one | support one's cause, take one's part |
ripe (v.) | ripen, mature |
room (n.) | place, space |
room (n.) | opportunity, scope, chance |
round (v.) | whisper, murmur, speak privately |
roundure (n.) | roundness, rounded form |
royalty (n.) | right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative |
royalty (n.) | majesty, royal highness |
royalty (n.) | emblem of royalty, symbol of sovereignty |
rub (n.) | [bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance |
rude (adj.) | violent, harsh, unkind |
rude (adj.) | violent, harsh, unkind |
rude (adj.) | rough, wild, harsh-looking |
rude (adj.) | rough, wild, harsh-looking |
rude (adj.) | rough, wild, harsh-looking |
rude (adj.) | uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined |
rude (adj.) | cacophonous, raucous, barbarous |
rumour (n.) | tumult, din, confusion |
run (v.) | follow a course, behave |
sacred (adj.) | consecrated, hallowed, sanctified |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
sad (adj.) | serious, grave, solemn |
safety (n.) | prudent course of action, best safeguard |
safety (n.) | safe keeping, custody |
sail (n.) | ship, vessel |
Saint Edmundsbury | Bury St Edmunds, market town in Suffolk; site of the shrine of St Edmund and a place of pilgrimage |
Saint Edmundsbury | Bury St Edmunds, market town in Suffolk; site of the shrine of St Edmund and a place of pilgrimage |
salute (v.) | approach, greet, make contact with |
salute (v.) | greet, welcome, address |
sans (prep.) | without |
sauciness (n.) | insolence, rudeness, impertinence |
saucy (adj.) | insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant |
saving (prep.) | except |
savour (n.) | smell, stench, stink |
say (v.) | finish speaking, speak one's mind, make one's point |
scamble (v.) | scramble, struggle, make shift |
scape, 'scape (v.) | escape, avoid |
scath, scathe (n.) | harm, hurt, damage |
scold (n.) | abusive woman, quarreller |
scope (n.) | circumstance, course |
scope (n.) | range, reach, extent |
scorn (v.) | mock, jeer, express disdain [at] |
scroyle (n.) | scoundrel, ruffian, wretch |
secondary (n.) | deputy, agent, second-in-command |
securely (adv.) | confidently, without misgiving, fearlessly |
seizure (n.) | grasping of hands, clasp, hold |
semblance (n.) | appearance, outward show |
sensible (adj.) | sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling |
sequence (n.) | proper lineal order, order of succession |
set (n.) | [cards, tennis] series of games |
set (v.) | close, shut |
set apart (v.) | discard, abandon, cast aside |
set forward (v.) | go forward, set out, go forth |
several (adj.) | separate, different, distinct |
shadow (n.) | reflection, reflected image |
shadow (v.) | shelter, give protection to |
shame (n.) | disgrace, dishonour, affront |
shift (n.) | stratagem, tactics, way |
shock (v.) | repel with force, throw into confusion |
shot (n.) | cannon-fire, firing, salvoes |
shrewd (adj.) | harsh, hard, severe |
shroud (n.) | sail-rope |
sightless (adj.) | unsightly, ugly, offensive |
sightly (adv.) | appropriately, handsomely, pleasingly |
sign (v.) | mark distinctively, bear a signature |
silverly (adv.) | with a silvery appearance |
sinew (n.) | strength, force, power |
sing (v.) | declaim in verse |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
sirrah (n.) | sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] |
skin-coat (n.) | coat made of skin, hide |
slanderous (adj.) | disgraceful, shameful, discreditable |
smack (v.) | have an air, have a flavour |
smack (v.) | show the characteristics, savour the taste |
smack (v.) | show the characteristics, savour the taste |
smoke (v.) | disinfect, sanitize; beat, thrash |
smoke (v.) | spread like mist, grow misty |
smooth-faced (adj.) | plausible, bland, glib, deceitful |
snatch (n.) | snap, bite |
sojourn (v.) | pause, reside, stay for a while |
sole (adj.) | unique, unrivalled, singular |
solemnity (n.) | celebration, jubilation, festivity |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
sooth (n.) | truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] |
soothe up (v.) | flatter, humour, play up to |
soul (n.) | conscience, heart, inner being |
soul-fearing (adj.) | terrifying, petrifying |
sound (adj.) | wholesome, beneficial |
sound (adj.) | healthy, robust, uninfected |
souse (v.) | swoop down on, beat away |
sparkle (v.) | send out sparks |
speak (v.) | give an account of, report, describe |
speed (v.) | fare, manage, get on |
sphere (n.) | celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit |
spite of spite, in | despite everything, against all odds |
spite of, in spite of (prep.) | in defiance of |
spleen (n.) | irritability, malice, bad temper |
spleen (n.) | irritability, malice, bad temper |
spleen (n.) | eagerness, spirits, impetuosity |
spleen (n.) | eagerness, spirits, impetuosity |
spoil (n.) | plunder, booty |
sport (n.) | recreation, amusement, entertainment |
spot (n.) | stain, blemish, blot |
spot (n.) | stain, blemish, blot |
sprightful, spriteful (adj.) | spirited, animated, lively |
spurn (v.) | kick, strike, stamp [on], dash |
spurn (v.) | reject, scorn, despise, treat with contempt |
staff (n.) | (plural ‘staves’) spear, lance |
stain (v.) | corrupt, spoil, taint |
stained (adj.) | bloodstained, discoloured with dirt |
stand (v.) | continue, remain, wait, stay put |
state (n.) | throne, chair of state |
state (n.) | government, ruling body, administration |
state (n.) | government, ruling body, administration |
state (n.) | kingship, majesty, sovereignty |
state (n.) | kingship, majesty, sovereignty |
state (n.) | kingship, majesty, sovereignty |
state (n.) | ruler, sovereign, monarch |
stay (n.) | setback, obstacle, delay |
stay (n.) | support, prop |
stay (v.) | stop, halt, come to a standstill |
stay (v.) | wait (for), await |
stay (v.) | hold, support, prop [up] |
stay (v.) | hold, support, prop [up] |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | constantly, always, continually |
still (adv.) | ever, now [as before] |
stop (n.) | pause, hesitation, breaking off |
stop (v.) | block, hinder, impede, obstruct |
stop (v.) | stop up, close (up), shut |
stop (v.) | silence, put a stop to |
stored (adj.) | well supplied, rich, plentifully provided |
stout (adj.) | firm, bold, determined |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
straight (adv.) | straightaway, immediately, at once |
strain (v.) | constrain, force, press |
strait (adj.) | mean, niggardly, stingy |
stranger (adj.) | foreign, alien |
stranger (n.) | foreigner, alien, outsider |
straw (n.) | trivial matter, trifle |
strength (n.) | troops, forces, resources, followers |
strew (v.) | scatter, be spread over |
strumpet (n.) | harlot, prostitute, whore |
study (n.) | effort, endeavour |
subjection (n.) | duty as a subject, obedience |
sudden (adj.) | swift, rapid, prompt |
sudden (adj.) | unexpected, unpredictable, unlooked for |
suffer (v.) | allow, permit, let |
suffice (v.) | satisfy, nourish, provide for |
suggestion (n.) | temptation, instigation, prompting towards evil |
suggestion (n.) | temptation, instigation, prompting towards evil |
suit (n.) | wooing, courtship |
suit (n.) | formal request, entreaty, petition |
sullen (adj.) | gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful |
supernal (adj.) | celestial, heavenly, divine |
supply (n.) | reinforcement(s), support, relief |
supply (n.) | reinforcement(s), support, relief |
surety (n.) | guarantee, ratification, warrant |
surety (n.) | security, confidence, stability |
suspire (v.) | breathe |
swart, swarth (adj.) | swarthy, dusky, of dark complexion |
sway (n.) | controlling influence, guiding power, direction |
sway (v.) | control, rule, direct, govern |
sway (v.) | control, rule, direct, govern |
swinge (v.) | beat, thrash, flog |
swound (v.) | faint, swoon |
table (n.) | tablet, surface, paintbook |
tackle (n.) | [of a ship] rigging and sails |
take (v.) | swear, take an oath |
take head from | rebel against, rush away from |
tame (adj.) | submissive, resigned, habituated |
taper-light (n.) | candle-light |
tarre (v.) | incite, provoke, arouse |
task (v.) | test, try out, challenge |
taste (v.) | try out, test, put to the proof |
taste (v.) | act as taster, make trial [as if by taste] |
temper (n.) | frame of mind, temperament, disposition |
temperate (adj.) | calm, moderate, composed |
temporize (v.) | negotiate, come to terms, effect a compromise |
tempt (v.) | try, test, make trial of |
tender (n.) | offer, offering |
territory (n.) | dependency, dominion |
thrill (v.) | shiver, tremble, feel a pang of emotion |
tickle (v.) | tingle, run in a thrilling way |
tickling (adj.) | flattering, alluring, diverting |
tide (n.) | season, date, time [of year] |
time (n.) | time to come, future days |
time (n.) | times, present day, present state of affairs |
time (n.) | circumstance, particular occasion |
tithe (v.) | levy a tax, collect church revenue |
title (n.) | [legal] right, claim, entitlement |
title (n.) | possession, lordship, dominion |
to (prep.) | in addition to |
token (n.) | sign, evidence, mark |
toll (v.) | levy a toll, exact a payment |
tongue (n.) | spokesman, voice |
tongue (n.) | speech, expression, language, words, voice |
tonight (adv.) | last night, this past night |
tonight (adv.) | last night, this past night |
tooth (n.) | appetite, taste, hunger |
topfull, topful (adj.) | brimful, overfull |
tottering (adj.) | tattered, ragged, frayed |
touch (v.) | threaten, endanger, imperil |
touch (v.) | test the quality [of], put to the test |
touch (v.) | affect, concern, regard, relate to |
tower (v.) | [falconry] mount up to a great height, circle, soar |
tower (v.) | [falconry] mount up to a great height, circle, soar |
toy (n.) | trinket, trifle, trivial ornament |
traded (adj.) | practised, expert, experienced |
train (v.) | lure, entice, decoy |
tread down (v.) | trample on, crush, repress |
tread down (v.) | trample on, crush, repress |
treaty (n.) | entreaty, proposal for agreement, proposition |
trick (n.) | peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinguishing trait |
troth, by my | by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] |
troth, by my | by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] |
troublesome (adj.) | annoying, irritating, vexatious |
truce, take | come to terms, negotiate |
true (adj.) | legitimate, rightful, honourable |
true (adj.) | [unclear meaning] skilful, of high quality; honest, justified |
true (adj.) | loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance |
true (adj.) | constant, faithful in love |
true (adv.) | legitimately, honourably, rightfully |
trumpet (n.) | trumpeter; herald, announcer |
truth (n.) | loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness |
try (v.) | put to the test, test the goodness [of] |
tune (n.) | state of mind, mood |
unacquainted (adj.) | unfamiliar, strange, unusual |
unacquainted (adj.) | unfamiliar, strange, unusual |
unadvised (adj.) | rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered |
unadvised (adj.) | rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered |
unadvised (adv.) | unadvisedly, without proper deliberation |
unattempted (adj.) | untempted, unseduced, unapproached |
unbruised (adj.) | unmarked, uncrushed, undamaged |
uncleanly (adj.) | offensive, foul |
uncleanly (adj.) | offensive, foul |
unconstant (adj.) | changeable, fickle, unpredictable |
underbear (v.) | endure, suffer, put up with |
underprop (v.) | prop up, support, uphold |
underwork (v.) | undermine, seek to overthrow |
undetermined (adj.) | unresolved, undecided, unsettled |
undoubted (adj.) | put beyond doubt, not in question |
unfenced (adj.) | with walls removed, unprotected |
unhaired (adj.) | beardless, youthful |
unlooked-for (adj.) | unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen |
unlooked-for (adj.) | unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen |
unowed (adj.) | unowned, vacant |
unprepared (adj.) | unplanned, introduced without special preparation |
unreverend (adj.) | irreverent, impertinent, impudent |
unruly (adj.) | disorderly, violent, unscrupulous |
unseasonable (adj.) | unsuitable, inappropriate, unwelcome |
unsettled (adj.) | discontented, dissatisfied, restless |
unstained (adj.) | unmitigated, unaffected, no longer stained with hatred |
unsured (adj.) | insecure, uncertain, doubtful |
untoward (adj.) | unmannerly, improper, unseemly |
untread (v.) | retrace, go back upon |
untrimmed (adj.) | [unclear meaning] unbedded, virgin |
untrue (adj.) | false, deceptive, deceiving |
unvexed (adj.) | untroubled, unmolested, unimpeded |
unyoke (v.) | separate, disjoin, unlink |
uphold (v.) | maintain, sustain, keep intact |
urge (v.) | solicit, force, press forward |
urge (v.) | entreat with, plead with |
use (n.) | activity, practice, enterprise |
vanity (n.) | foolishness, absurdity, inanity |
vantage (n.) | advantage, benefit, advancement, profit |
vast (adj.) | boundless, extensive, widespread |
vaulty (adj.) | resembling a vault, arched, domed |
vaulty (adj.) | empty, cavernous, sepulchral |
vexed (adj.) | troubled, distressed, grieved |
vile, vild (adj.) | despicable, disgusting, abhorrent |
vile-drawing (adj.) | attracting towards evil |
virtue (n.) | power, capability, efficacy, property |
visit (v.) | punish, deal with |
Volquessen (n.) | [vol'kesen] Vexin, district around Rouen, NW France |
voluntary (n.) | volunteer |
vouchsafe (v.) | allow, permit, grant |
vouchsafe (v.) | allow, permit, grant |
vulgar (adj.) | public, general, common |
waft over (v.) | carry across, transport |
wage (v.) | risk, venture upon, engage in |
waist (n.) | belt, girdle |
wait on / upon (v.) | follow in escort, attend |
wall-eyed | with glaring eyes |
want (n.) | lack, shortage, dearth |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | lack, need, be without |
want (v.) | fall short [of], be deficient [in] |
want (v.) | fall short [of], be deficient [in] |
want (v.) | fall short [of], be deficient [in] |
wanton (adj.) | gay, lively, cheerful |
wanton (n.) | spoilt child, pampered baby, weakling |
wantonness (n.) | foolish behaviour, caprice, whims |
warn (v.) | summon, send for, officially call |
warrant (n.) | licence, sanction, authorization |
warrant (v.) | assure, promise, guarantee, confirm |
Washes (n.) | the Wash; shallow inlet of the North Sea on E coast of England |
water (n.) | tears |
watch (v.) | stay awake, keep vigil |
weal (n.) | welfare, well-being, prosperity |
weather (n.) | tempest, storm |
welkin (n.) | sky, firmament, heavens |
welkin (n.) | sky, firmament, heavens |
well-advised (adj.) | prudent, sensible, thoughtful |
well-known (adj.) | certain, clear, apparent |
well-sinewed (adj.) | well-strengthened, strongly prepared |
what though | what of it, never mind |
whet on (v.) | encourage, incite, egg on |
wife (n.) | woman |
wild (adj.) | daring, irregular, audacious |
wilful-opposite (adj.) | stubbornly hostile, at fault for being too antagonistic |
will (n.) | desire, wish, liking, inclination |
will (n.) | desire, wish, liking, inclination |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
will (v.), past form would | desire, wish, want |
win (v.) | gain advantage [over], get the better [of] |
winch (v.) | wince, flinch, recoil |
winking (adj.) | closed, shut |
winking (n.) | shutting the eyes |
wit (n.) | mind, brain, thoughts |
woman-post (n.) | female carrier of dispatches |
wondrous (adj.) | unbelievable, bizarre, strange |
work (n.) | deed, doing, action |
work (v.), past form wrought | embroider, make, sew |
worship (n.) | honour, distinction, repute |
wound (n.) | incision, most painful part |
wrack (n.) | wreck, loss, shipwreck |
wrack (v.) | wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea |
wrastle (v.) | variant form of ‘wrestle’ |
wrested (adj.) | seized, snatched away, taken by force |
wrong (n.) | wrong-doing, wrongful gain, unjust claim |
years (n.) | age |
yielded (adj.) | surrendered, conceded |
yielding (n.) | consent, compliance, agreement |
zealous (adj.) | earnest, fervent, ardent |
zealous (adj.) | earnest, fervent, ardent |
zounds (int.) | God's wounds |